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diff --git a/src/quick/doc/src/guidelines/qtquick-bestpractices.qdoc b/src/quick/doc/src/guidelines/qtquick-bestpractices.qdoc
index f842f1b6aa..7d4f564a6f 100644
--- a/src/quick/doc/src/guidelines/qtquick-bestpractices.qdoc
+++ b/src/quick/doc/src/guidelines/qtquick-bestpractices.qdoc
@@ -188,17 +188,121 @@ The following snippet demonstrates examples of models written in QML:
Use \l {QAbstractItemModel Subclass}{C++} for dynamic data sets that are large
or frequently modified.
-\section2 Interaction Path
-Although Qt enables you to manipulate QML from C++, it is not a recommended
-approach, as debugging such code can be painful. The QML engine works out
-a lot of the details on the fly, so manipulating the QML items from C++ could
-lead to unexpected results. This approach also makes the C++ code rely on the
-QML code to provide certain properties or objects, making it difficult to
-refactor the QML code without breaking the C++ code. Moreover, such C++ code
-cannot reused with other QML code. To avoid all of these hassles and have a
-maintainable application, it is recommended to always use the C++ to QML path
-and not the other way around.
+\section2 Interacting with QML from C++
+Although Qt enables you to manipulate QML from C++, it is not recommended to do
+so. To explain why, let's take a look at a simplified example. Suppose we were
+writing the UI for a settings page:
+ import QtQuick 2.11
+ import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
+ Page {
+ Button {
+ text: qsTr("Restore default settings")
+ }
+ }
+We want the button to do something in C++ when it is clicked. We know objects
+in QML can emit change signals just like they can in C++, so we give the button
+an \l [QML]{QtObject::}{objectName} so that we can find it from C++:
+ Button {
+ objectName: "restoreDefaultsButton"
+ text: qsTr("Restore default settings")
+ }
+Then, in C++, we find that object and connect to its change signal:
+ #include <QGuiApplication>
+ #include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
+ #include <QSettings>
+ class Backend : public QObject
+ {
+ public:
+ Backend() {}
+ public slots:
+ void restoreDefaults() {
+ settings.setValue("loadLastProject", QVariant(false));
+ }
+ private:
+ QSettings settings;
+ };
+ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ {
+ QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
+ QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
+ engine.load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main.qml")));
+ if (engine.rootObjects().isEmpty())
+ return -1;
+ Backend backend;
+ QObject *rootObject = engine.rootObjects().first();
+ QObject *restoreDefaultsButton = rootObject->findChild<QObject*>("restoreDefaultsButton");
+ QObject::connect(restoreDefaultsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ &backend, SLOT(restoreDefaults()));
+ return app.exec();
+ }
+ #include "main.moc"
+The problem with this approach is that the C++ logic layer depends on the QML
+presentation layer. If we were to refactor the QML in such a way that the
+\c objectName changes, or some other change breaks the ability for the C++
+to find the QML object, our workflow becomes much more complicated and tedious.
+Refactoring QML is a lot easier than refactoring C++, so in order to make
+maintenance pain-free, we should strive to keep C++ types unaware of QML as
+much as possible. This can be achieved by exposing the C++ types to QML:
+ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ {
+ QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
+ Backend backend;
+ QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
+ engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("backend", &backend);
+ engine.load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main.qml")));
+ if (engine.rootObjects().isEmpty())
+ return -1;
+ return app.exec();
+ }
+The QML then calls the C++ slot directly:
+ import QtQuick 2.11
+ import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
+ Page {
+ Button {
+ text: qsTr("Restore default settings")
+ onClicked: backend.restoreDefaults()
+ }
+ }
+With this approach, the C++ remains unchanged in the event that the QML needs
+to be refactored in the future.
\section2 Related Information