path: root/tests/auto/qml/qqmlvaluetypeproviders/data/qtquickValueTypes.qml
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/qml/qqmlvaluetypeproviders/data/qtquickValueTypes.qml')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/qml/qqmlvaluetypeproviders/data/qtquickValueTypes.qml b/tests/auto/qml/qqmlvaluetypeproviders/data/qtquickValueTypes.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f723dc3e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/qml/qqmlvaluetypeproviders/data/qtquickValueTypes.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import QtQuick 2.0
+QtObject {
+ property bool qtqmlTypeSuccess: false
+ property bool qtquickTypeSuccess: false
+ property int i: 10
+ property bool b: true
+ property real r: 5.5
+ property string s: "Hello"
+ property date d: new Date(1999, 8, 8)
+ property rect g: Qt.rect(1, 2, 3, 4)
+ property point p: Qt.point(1, 2)
+ property size z: Qt.size(1, 2)
+ property vector2d v2: Qt.vector2d(1,2)
+ property vector3d v3: Qt.vector3d(1,2,3)
+ property vector4d v4: Qt.vector4d(1,2,3,4)
+ property quaternion q: Qt.quaternion(1,2,3,4)
+ property matrix4x4 m: Qt.matrix4x4(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16)
+ property color c: "red"
+ property color c2: "red"
+ property font f: Qt.font({ family: "Arial", pointSize: 20 })
+ // ensure that group property specification works as expected.
+ property font f2
+ f2.family: "Arial"
+ f2.pointSize: 45
+ f2.italic: true
+ v22.x: 5
+ v22.y: 10
+ property vector2d v22
+ property font f3 // note: cannot specify grouped subproperties inline with property declaration :-/
+ f3 {
+ family: "Arial"
+ pointSize: 45
+ italic: true
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ qtqmlTypeSuccess = true;
+ qtquickTypeSuccess = true;
+ // check base types still work even though we imported QtQuick
+ if (i != 10) qtqmlTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (b != true) qtqmlTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (r != 5.5) qtqmlTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (s != "Hello") qtqmlTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (d.toDateString() != (new Date(1999,8,8)).toDateString()) qtqmlTypeSuccess = false;
+ // check language-provided value types still work.
+ if (g != Qt.rect(1, 2, 3, 4)) qtqmlTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (g.x != 1 || g.y != 2 || g.width != 3 || g.height != 4) qtqmlTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (p != Qt.point(1, 2)) qtqmlTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (p.x != 1 || p.y != 2) qtqmlTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (z != Qt.size(1, 2)) qtqmlTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (z.width != 1 || z.height != 2) qtqmlTypeSuccess = false;
+ // Check that the value type provider for vector3d and other non-QtQml value-types is provided by QtQuick.
+ if (v2.x != 1 || v2.y != 2) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (v2 != Qt.vector2d(1,2)) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (v3.x != 1 || v3.y != 2 || v3.z != 3) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (v3 != Qt.vector3d(1,2,3)) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (v4.x != 1 || v4.y != 2 || v4.z != 3 || v4.w != 4) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (v4 != Qt.vector4d(1,2,3,4)) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (q.scalar != 1 || q.x != 2 || q.y != 3 || q.z != 4) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (q != Qt.quaternion(1,2,3,4)) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (m != Qt.matrix4x4(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16)) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (c != Qt.rgba(1,0,0,1)) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (c != c2) qtquickTypeSuccess = false; // can compare two colors directly.
+ if (f.family != "Arial" || f.pointSize != 20) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (f != Qt.font({ family: "Arial", pointSize: 20 })) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (f2.family != "Arial" || f2.pointSize != 45 || f2.italic != true) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (f2 != f3) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (v22.x != 5 || v22.y != 10) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ // font has some optional parameters.
+ var defaultFont = Qt.font({ family: "Arial", pointSize: 22 }); // normal should be default weight.
+ var lightFont = Qt.font({ family: "Arial", pointSize: 22, weight: Font.Light });
+ var normalFont = Qt.font({ family: "Arial", pointSize: 22, weight: Font.Normal });
+ var demiboldFont = Qt.font({ family: "Arial", pointSize: 22, weight: Font.DemiBold });
+ var boldFont = Qt.font({ family: "Arial", pointSize: 22, weight: Font.Bold });
+ var blackFont = Qt.font({ family: "Arial", pointSize: 22, weight: Font.Black });
+ f = Qt.font({ family: "Arial", pointSize: 22, weight: Font.Light });
+ if (f.family != "Arial" || f.pointSize != 22 || f.weight != lightFont.weight || f.weight == normalFont.weight) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ f = Qt.font({ family: "Arial", pointSize: 22, weight: Font.Normal, italic: true });
+ if (f.family != "Arial" || f.pointSize != 22 || f.weight != normalFont.weight || f.italic != true) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ f = Qt.font({ family: "Arial", pointSize: 22, weight: Font.DemiBold, italic: false });
+ if (f.family != "Arial" || f.pointSize != 22 || f.weight != demiboldFont.weight || f.italic != false) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ f = Qt.font({ family: "Arial", pointSize: 22, weight: Font.Bold }); // italic should be false by default
+ if (f.family != "Arial" || f.pointSize != 22 || f.weight != boldFont.weight || f.italic != false) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ f = Qt.font({ family: "Arial", pointSize: 22, weight: Font.Black }); // italic should be false by default
+ if (f.family != "Arial" || f.pointSize != 22 || f.weight != blackFont.weight || f.italic != false) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ // Check the string conversion codepaths.
+ v2 = "5,6";
+ if (v2 != Qt.vector2d(5,6)) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (v2.toString() != "QVector2D(5, 6)") qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ v3 = "5,6,7";
+ if (v3 != Qt.vector3d(5,6,7)) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (v3.toString() != "QVector3D(5, 6, 7)") qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ v4 = "5,6,7,8";
+ if (v4 != Qt.vector4d(5,6,7,8)) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (v4.toString() != "QVector4D(5, 6, 7, 8)") qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ q = "5,6,7,8";
+ if (q != Qt.quaternion(5,6,7,8)) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (q.toString() != "QQuaternion(5, 6, 7, 8)") qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ m = "4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7";
+ if (m != Qt.matrix4x4(4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7)) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (m.toString() != "QMatrix4x4(4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7)") qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ c = "blue";
+ if (c.toString() != Qt.rgba(0,0,1,0).toString()) qtquickTypeSuccess = false;
+ if (c.toString() != "#0000FF" && c.toString() != "#0000ff") qtquickTypeSuccess = false; // color string converter is special
+ // no string converter for fonts.
+ }