path: root/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data')
62 files changed, 30760 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/SignalSequenceSpy.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/SignalSequenceSpy.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e536248a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/SignalSequenceSpy.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+QtObject {
+ property QtObject target: null
+ // We could just listen to all signals (try { signal.connect(/*...*/) } catch (e))
+ // if it weren't for the fact the spy is often declared as a property of the control,
+ // which creates a "spyChanged" signal, which leads to an unexpected spyChanged signal
+ // emission. However, we don't know what the property will be called, so the signals
+ // have to be listed explicitly.
+ property var signals: []
+ property var expectedSequence: []
+ property int sequenceIndex: 0
+ property bool sequenceFailure: false
+ readonly property bool success: !sequenceFailure && sequenceIndex === expectedSequence.length
+ function reset() {
+ sequenceIndex = 0
+ sequenceFailure = false
+ }
+ property QtObject __oldTarget: null
+ property var __connections: []
+ onExpectedSequenceChanged: reset()
+ // We may call __setup from onTargetChanged and as we would read the signals property
+ // inside __setup, we may be initializing the binding for signals for the first time, which
+ // will write the value to the property and trigger onSignalsChanged and call __setup
+ // again. One easy way to protect against it is to evaluate those two dependencies upfront
+ onTargetChanged: __setup(target, signals)
+ onSignalsChanged: __setup(target, signals)
+ function __setup(target, signals) {
+ if (__oldTarget) {
+ __connections.forEach(function (cx) {
+ __oldTarget[cx.name].disconnect(cx.method)
+ })
+ __oldTarget = null
+ }
+ __connections = []
+ if (!!target && !!signals && signals.length > 0) {
+ signals.forEach(function (signalName) {
+ var handlerName = "on" + signalName.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + signalName.substr(1)
+ var method = function() { __checkSignal(signalName, arguments) }
+ target[handlerName].connect(method)
+ __connections.push({ "name": handlerName, "method": method })
+ })
+ __oldTarget = target
+ }
+ }
+ function __checkSignal(signalName, signalArgs) {
+ if (sequenceFailure)
+ return;
+ if (sequenceIndex >= expectedSequence.length) {
+ console.warn("SignalSequenceSpy: Received unexpected signal '" + signalName + "' (none expected).")
+ sequenceFailure = true
+ return
+ }
+ var expectedSignal = expectedSequence[sequenceIndex]
+ if (typeof expectedSignal === "string") {
+ if (expectedSignal === signalName) {
+ sequenceIndex++
+ return
+ }
+ } else if (typeof expectedSignal === "object") {
+ var expectedSignalData = expectedSignal
+ expectedSignal = expectedSignalData[0]
+ if (expectedSignal === signalName) {
+ var expectedValues = expectedSignalData[1]
+ for (var p in expectedValues) {
+ if (target[p] != expectedValues[p]) {
+ console.warn("SignalSequenceSpy: Value mismatch for property '" + p + "' after '" + signalName + "' signal." +
+ __mismatchValuesFormat(target[p], expectedValues[p]))
+ sequenceFailure = true
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ sequenceIndex++
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ console.warn("SignalSequenceSpy: Received unexpected signal (is \"" + expectedSignal + "\" listed in the signals array?)" +
+ __mismatchValuesFormat(signalName, expectedSignal))
+ sequenceFailure = true
+ }
+ function __mismatchValuesFormat(actual, expected) {
+ return "\n Actual : " + actual +
+ "\n Expected : " + expected +
+ "\n Sequence index: " + sequenceIndex
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/TestItem.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/TestItem.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c36ddc2f11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/TestItem.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+Item {
+ id: item
+ property var createdCallback
+ property var destroyedCallback
+ Component.onCompleted: if (createdCallback) createdCallback(item)
+ Component.onDestruction: if (destroyedCallback) destroyedCallback(item)
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/TumblerDatePicker.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/TumblerDatePicker.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c1b12e8fbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/TumblerDatePicker.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+Row {
+ id: datePicker
+ readonly property var days: [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
+ property alias dayTumbler: dayTumbler
+ property alias monthTumbler: monthTumbler
+ property alias yearTumbler: yearTumbler
+ Tumbler {
+ id: dayTumbler
+ objectName: "dayTumbler"
+ Component.onCompleted: updateModel()
+ function updateModel() {
+ var previousIndex = dayTumbler.currentIndex;
+ var array = [];
+ var newDays = datePicker.days[monthTumbler.currentIndex];
+ for (var i = 0; i < newDays; ++i) {
+ array.push(i + 1);
+ }
+ dayTumbler.model = array;
+ dayTumbler.currentIndex = Math.min(newDays - 1, previousIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ Tumbler {
+ id: monthTumbler
+ objectName: "monthTumbler"
+ model: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
+ onCurrentIndexChanged: dayTumbler.updateModel()
+ }
+ Tumbler {
+ id: yearTumbler
+ objectName: "yearTumbler"
+ model: ListModel {
+ objectName: "yearTumblerListModel"
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ for (var i = 2000; i < 2100; ++i) {
+ append({value: i.toString()});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/TumblerListView.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/TumblerListView.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a794f255db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/TumblerListView.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+ListView {
+ implicitWidth: 60
+ implicitHeight: 200
+ snapMode: ListView.SnapToItem
+ highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange
+ preferredHighlightBegin: height / 2 - (height / parent.visibleItemCount / 2)
+ preferredHighlightEnd: height / 2 + (height / parent.visibleItemCount / 2)
+ clip: true
+ model: parent.model
+ delegate: Text {
+ objectName: text
+ text: "Custom" + modelData
+ opacity: 1.0 - Math.abs(Tumbler.displacement) / (Tumbler.tumbler.visibleItemCount / 2)
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/TumblerPathView.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/TumblerPathView.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..26de69dab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/TumblerPathView.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+PathView {
+ id: pathView
+ implicitWidth: 60
+ implicitHeight: 200
+ clip: true
+ pathItemCount: parent.visibleItemCount + 1
+ preferredHighlightBegin: 0.5
+ preferredHighlightEnd: 0.5
+ dragMargin: width / 2
+ model: parent.model
+ delegate: Text {
+ objectName: text
+ text: "Custom" + modelData
+ opacity: 1.0 - Math.abs(Tumbler.displacement) / (Tumbler.tumbler.visibleItemCount / 2)
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ }
+ path: Path {
+ startX: pathView.width / 2
+ startY: -pathView.delegateHeight / 2
+ PathLine {
+ x: pathView.width / 2
+ y: pathView.pathItemCount * pathView.delegateHeight - pathView.delegateHeight / 2
+ }
+ }
+ property real delegateHeight: parent.availableHeight / parent.visibleItemCount
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/splitview/fillItemInMiddle.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/splitview/fillItemInMiddle.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1849e66e1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/splitview/fillItemInMiddle.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+SplitView {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "salmon"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 25
+ implicitHeight: 25
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "navajowhite"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 100
+ SplitView.fillWidth: true
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "steelblue"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 200
+ implicitHeight: 200
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/splitview/fillItemOnLeft.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/splitview/fillItemOnLeft.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8307a05951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/splitview/fillItemOnLeft.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+SplitView {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "salmon"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 25
+ implicitHeight: 25
+ SplitView.fillWidth: true
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "navajowhite"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 200
+ implicitHeight: 200
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "steelblue"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 200
+ implicitHeight: 200
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/splitview/fillItemOnTop.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/splitview/fillItemOnTop.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41ce0f386e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/splitview/fillItemOnTop.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+SplitView {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "salmon"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 25
+ implicitHeight: 25
+ SplitView.fillHeight: true
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "navajowhite"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 200
+ implicitHeight: 200
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "steelblue"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 200
+ implicitHeight: 200
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_abstractbutton.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_abstractbutton.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..663b152c70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_abstractbutton.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,971 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "AbstractButton"
+ Component {
+ id: defaultComponent
+ AbstractButton {}
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: button
+ AbstractButton {
+ width: 100
+ height: 50
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: item
+ Item { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: action
+ Action { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(defaultComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_text() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ compare(control.text, "");
+ control.text = "Button";
+ compare(control.text, "Button");
+ control.text = "";
+ compare(control.text, "");
+ }
+ function test_baseline() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {padding: 6})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, 0)
+ control.contentItem = item.createObject(control, {baselineOffset: 12})
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, 18)
+ }
+ function test_implicitSize() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 0)
+ control.contentItem = item.createObject(control, {implicitWidth: 10, implicitHeight: 20})
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 10)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 20)
+ control.background = item.createObject(control, {implicitWidth: 20, implicitHeight: 30})
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 20)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 30)
+ control.padding = 100
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 210)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 220)
+ }
+ function test_pressPoint_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "mouse", mouse: true },
+ { tag: "touch", touch: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_pressPoint(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {width: 100, height: 40})
+ verify(control)
+ var pressXChanges = 0
+ var pressYChanges = 0
+ var pressXSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressXChanged"})
+ verify(pressXSpy.valid)
+ var pressYSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressYChanged"})
+ verify(pressYSpy.valid)
+ compare(control.pressX, 0)
+ compare(control.pressY, 0)
+ var touch = data.touch ? touchEvent(control) : null
+ if (data.touch)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ else
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.pressX, control.width / 2)
+ compare(control.pressY, control.height / 2)
+ compare(pressXSpy.count, ++pressXChanges)
+ compare(pressYSpy.count, ++pressYChanges)
+ if (data.touch)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ else
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.pressX, control.width / 2)
+ compare(control.pressY, control.height / 2)
+ compare(pressXSpy.count, pressXChanges)
+ compare(pressYSpy.count, pressYChanges)
+ if (data.touch)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width / 4, control.height / 4).commit()
+ else
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 4, control.height / 4)
+ compare(control.pressX, control.width / 4)
+ compare(control.pressY, control.height / 4)
+ compare(pressXSpy.count, ++pressXChanges)
+ compare(pressYSpy.count, ++pressYChanges)
+ if (data.touch)
+ touch.move(0, control, 0, 0).commit()
+ else
+ mouseMove(control, 0, 0)
+ compare(control.pressX, 0)
+ compare(control.pressY, 0)
+ compare(pressXSpy.count, ++pressXChanges)
+ compare(pressYSpy.count, ++pressYChanges)
+ if (data.touch)
+ touch.move(0, control, -control.width / 2, -control.height / 2).commit()
+ else
+ mouseMove(control, -control.width / 2, -control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.pressX, -control.width / 2)
+ compare(control.pressY, -control.height / 2)
+ compare(pressXSpy.count, ++pressXChanges)
+ compare(pressYSpy.count, ++pressYChanges)
+ if (data.touch)
+ touch.release(0, control, -control.width / 2, -control.height / 2).commit()
+ else
+ mouseRelease(control, -control.width / 2, -control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.pressX, -control.width / 2)
+ compare(control.pressY, -control.height / 2)
+ compare(pressXSpy.count, pressXChanges)
+ compare(pressYSpy.count, pressYChanges)
+ if (data.touch)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width - 1, control.height - 1).commit()
+ else
+ mousePress(control, control.width - 1, control.height - 1)
+ compare(control.pressX, control.width - 1)
+ compare(control.pressY, control.height - 1)
+ compare(pressXSpy.count, ++pressXChanges)
+ compare(pressYSpy.count, ++pressYChanges)
+ if (data.touch)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width + 1, control.height + 1).commit()
+ else
+ mouseMove(control, control.width + 1, control.height + 1)
+ compare(control.pressX, control.width + 1)
+ compare(control.pressY, control.height + 1)
+ compare(pressXSpy.count, ++pressXChanges)
+ compare(pressYSpy.count, ++pressYChanges)
+ if (data.touch)
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width + 2, control.height + 2).commit()
+ else
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width + 2, control.height + 2)
+ compare(control.pressX, control.width + 2)
+ compare(control.pressY, control.height + 2)
+ compare(pressXSpy.count, ++pressXChanges)
+ compare(pressYSpy.count, ++pressYChanges)
+ }
+ function test_pressAndHold() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {checkable: true})
+ verify(control)
+ var pressAndHoldSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressAndHold"})
+ verify(pressAndHoldSpy.valid)
+ mousePress(control)
+ pressAndHoldSpy.wait()
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: keyCatcher
+ Item {
+ property int lastKeyPress: -1
+ property int lastKeyRelease: -1
+ Keys.onPressed: lastKeyPress = event.key
+ Keys.onReleased: lastKeyRelease = event.key
+ }
+ }
+ function test_keyEvents_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "space", key: Qt.Key_Space, result: -1 },
+ { tag: "backspace", key: Qt.Key_Backspace, result: Qt.Key_Backspace }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_keyEvents(data) {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(keyCatcher, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ var control = button.createObject(container)
+ verify(control)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ keyPress(data.key)
+ compare(container.lastKeyPress, data.result)
+ keyRelease(data.key)
+ compare(container.lastKeyRelease, data.result)
+ }
+ function test_icon() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.icon.name, "")
+ compare(control.icon.source, "")
+ compare(control.icon.width, 0)
+ compare(control.icon.height, 0)
+ compare(control.icon.color, "#00000000")
+ var iconSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "iconChanged"} )
+ verify(iconSpy.valid)
+ control.icon.name = "test-name"
+ compare(control.icon.name, "test-name")
+ compare(iconSpy.count, 1)
+ control.icon.source = "qrc:/test-source"
+ compare(control.icon.source, "qrc:/test-source")
+ compare(iconSpy.count, 2)
+ control.icon.width = 32
+ compare(control.icon.width, 32)
+ compare(iconSpy.count, 3)
+ control.icon.height = 32
+ compare(control.icon.height, 32)
+ compare(iconSpy.count, 4)
+ control.icon.color = "#ff0000"
+ compare(control.icon.color, "#ff0000")
+ compare(iconSpy.count, 5)
+ }
+ function test_action_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "implicit text", property: "text",
+ initButton: undefined, initAction: "Action",
+ assignExpected: "Action", assignChanged: true,
+ resetExpected: "", resetChanged: true },
+ { tag: "explicit text", property: "text",
+ initButton: "Button", initAction: "Action",
+ assignExpected: "Button", assignChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: "Button", resetChanged: false },
+ { tag: "empty button text", property: "text",
+ initButton: "", initAction: "Action",
+ assignExpected: "", assignChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: "", resetChanged: false },
+ { tag: "empty action text", property: "text",
+ initButton: "Button", initAction: "",
+ assignExpected: "Button", assignChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: "Button", resetChanged: false },
+ { tag: "empty both text", property: "text",
+ initButton: undefined, initAction: "",
+ assignExpected: "", assignChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: "", resetChanged: false },
+ { tag: "modify button text", property: "text",
+ initButton: undefined, initAction: "Action",
+ assignExpected: "Action", assignChanged: true,
+ modifyButton: "Button2",
+ modifyButtonExpected: "Button2", modifyButtonChanged: true,
+ resetExpected: "Button2", resetChanged: false },
+ { tag: "modify implicit action text", property: "text",
+ initButton: undefined, initAction: "Action",
+ assignExpected: "Action", assignChanged: true,
+ modifyAction: "Action2",
+ modifyActionExpected: "Action2", modifyActionChanged: true,
+ resetExpected: "", resetChanged: true },
+ { tag: "modify explicit action text", property: "text",
+ initButton: "Button", initAction: "Action",
+ assignExpected: "Button", assignChanged: false,
+ modifyAction: "Action2",
+ modifyActionExpected: "Button", modifyActionChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: "Button", resetChanged: false },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_action(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control[data.property] = data.initButton
+ var act = action.createObject(control)
+ act[data.property] = data.initAction
+ var spy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: data.property + "Changed"})
+ verify(spy.valid)
+ // assign action
+ spy.clear()
+ control.action = act
+ compare(control[data.property], data.assignExpected)
+ compare(spy.count, data.assignChanged ? 1 : 0)
+ // modify button
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty("modifyButton")) {
+ spy.clear()
+ control[data.property] = data.modifyButton
+ compare(control[data.property], data.modifyButtonExpected)
+ compare(spy.count, data.modifyButtonChanged ? 1 : 0)
+ }
+ // modify action
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty("modifyAction")) {
+ spy.clear()
+ act[data.property] = data.modifyAction
+ compare(control[data.property], data.modifyActionExpected)
+ compare(spy.count, data.modifyActionChanged ? 1 : 0)
+ }
+ // reset action
+ spy.clear()
+ control.action = null
+ compare(control[data.property], data.resetExpected)
+ compare(spy.count, data.resetChanged ? 1 : 0)
+ }
+ function test_actionIcon_data() {
+ var data = []
+ // Save duplicating the rows by reusing them with different properties of the same type.
+ // This means that the first loop will test icon.name and the second one will test icon.source.
+ var stringPropertyValueSuffixes = [
+ { propertyName: "name", valueSuffix: "IconName" },
+ { propertyName: "source", valueSuffix: "IconSource" }
+ ]
+ for (var i = 0; i < stringPropertyValueSuffixes.length; ++i) {
+ var propertyName = stringPropertyValueSuffixes[i].propertyName
+ var valueSuffix = stringPropertyValueSuffixes[i].valueSuffix
+ var buttonPropertyValue = "Button" + valueSuffix
+ var buttonPropertyValue2 = "Button" + valueSuffix + "2"
+ var actionPropertyValue = "Action" + valueSuffix
+ var actionPropertyValue2 = "Action" + valueSuffix + "2"
+ data.push({ tag: "implicit " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: undefined, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: actionPropertyValue, assignChanged: true,
+ resetExpected: "", resetChanged: true })
+ data.push({ tag: "explicit " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: buttonPropertyValue, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: buttonPropertyValue, assignChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: buttonPropertyValue, resetChanged: false })
+ data.push({ tag: "empty button " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: "", initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: "", assignChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: "", resetChanged: false })
+ data.push({ tag: "empty action " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: buttonPropertyValue, initAction: "",
+ assignExpected: buttonPropertyValue, assignChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: buttonPropertyValue, resetChanged: false })
+ data.push({ tag: "empty both " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: undefined, initAction: "",
+ assignExpected: "", assignChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: "", resetChanged: false })
+ data.push({ tag: "modify button " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: undefined, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: actionPropertyValue, assignChanged: true,
+ modifyButton: buttonPropertyValue2,
+ modifyButtonExpected: buttonPropertyValue2, modifyButtonChanged: true,
+ resetExpected: buttonPropertyValue2, resetChanged: false })
+ data.push({ tag: "modify implicit action " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: undefined, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: actionPropertyValue, assignChanged: true,
+ modifyAction: actionPropertyValue2,
+ modifyActionExpected: actionPropertyValue2, modifyActionChanged: true,
+ resetExpected: "", resetChanged: true })
+ data.push({ tag: "modify explicit action " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: buttonPropertyValue, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: buttonPropertyValue, assignChanged: false,
+ modifyAction: actionPropertyValue2,
+ modifyActionExpected: buttonPropertyValue, modifyActionChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: buttonPropertyValue, resetChanged: false })
+ }
+ var intPropertyNames = [
+ "width",
+ "height",
+ ]
+ for (i = 0; i < intPropertyNames.length; ++i) {
+ propertyName = intPropertyNames[i]
+ buttonPropertyValue = 20
+ buttonPropertyValue2 = 21
+ actionPropertyValue = 40
+ actionPropertyValue2 = 41
+ var defaultValue = 0
+ data.push({ tag: "implicit " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: undefined, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: actionPropertyValue, assignChanged: true,
+ resetExpected: defaultValue, resetChanged: true })
+ data.push({ tag: "explicit " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: buttonPropertyValue, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: buttonPropertyValue, assignChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: buttonPropertyValue, resetChanged: false })
+ data.push({ tag: "default button " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: defaultValue, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: defaultValue, assignChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: defaultValue, resetChanged: false })
+ data.push({ tag: "default action " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: buttonPropertyValue, initAction: defaultValue,
+ assignExpected: buttonPropertyValue, assignChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: buttonPropertyValue, resetChanged: false })
+ data.push({ tag: "default both " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: undefined, initAction: defaultValue,
+ assignExpected: defaultValue, assignChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: defaultValue, resetChanged: false })
+ data.push({ tag: "modify button " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: undefined, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: actionPropertyValue, assignChanged: true,
+ modifyButton: buttonPropertyValue2,
+ modifyButtonExpected: buttonPropertyValue2, modifyButtonChanged: true,
+ resetExpected: buttonPropertyValue2, resetChanged: false })
+ data.push({ tag: "modify implicit action " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: undefined, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: actionPropertyValue, assignChanged: true,
+ modifyAction: actionPropertyValue2,
+ modifyActionExpected: actionPropertyValue2, modifyActionChanged: true,
+ resetExpected: defaultValue, resetChanged: true })
+ data.push({ tag: "modify explicit action " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: buttonPropertyValue, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: buttonPropertyValue, assignChanged: false,
+ modifyAction: actionPropertyValue2,
+ modifyActionExpected: buttonPropertyValue, modifyActionChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: buttonPropertyValue, resetChanged: false })
+ }
+ propertyName = "color"
+ buttonPropertyValue = "#aa0000"
+ buttonPropertyValue2 = "#ff0000"
+ actionPropertyValue = "#0000aa"
+ actionPropertyValue2 = "#0000ff"
+ defaultValue = "#00000000"
+ data.push({ tag: "implicit " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: undefined, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: actionPropertyValue, assignChanged: true,
+ resetExpected: defaultValue, resetChanged: true })
+ data.push({ tag: "explicit " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: buttonPropertyValue, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: buttonPropertyValue, assignChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: buttonPropertyValue, resetChanged: false })
+ data.push({ tag: "default button " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: defaultValue, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: defaultValue, assignChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: defaultValue, resetChanged: false })
+ data.push({ tag: "default action " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: buttonPropertyValue, initAction: defaultValue,
+ assignExpected: buttonPropertyValue, assignChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: buttonPropertyValue, resetChanged: false })
+ data.push({ tag: "default both " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: undefined, initAction: defaultValue,
+ assignExpected: defaultValue, assignChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: defaultValue, resetChanged: false })
+ data.push({ tag: "modify button " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: undefined, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: actionPropertyValue, assignChanged: true,
+ modifyButton: buttonPropertyValue2,
+ modifyButtonExpected: buttonPropertyValue2, modifyButtonChanged: true,
+ resetExpected: buttonPropertyValue2, resetChanged: false })
+ data.push({ tag: "modify implicit action " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: undefined, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: actionPropertyValue, assignChanged: true,
+ modifyAction: actionPropertyValue2,
+ modifyActionExpected: actionPropertyValue2, modifyActionChanged: true,
+ resetExpected: defaultValue, resetChanged: true })
+ data.push({ tag: "modify explicit action " + propertyName, property: propertyName,
+ initButton: buttonPropertyValue, initAction: actionPropertyValue,
+ assignExpected: buttonPropertyValue, assignChanged: false,
+ modifyAction: actionPropertyValue2,
+ modifyActionExpected: buttonPropertyValue, modifyActionChanged: false,
+ resetExpected: buttonPropertyValue, resetChanged: false })
+ return data;
+ }
+ function test_actionIcon(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.icon[data.property] = data.initButton
+ var act = action.createObject(control)
+ act.icon[data.property] = data.initAction
+ var spy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "iconChanged"})
+ verify(spy.valid)
+ // assign action
+ spy.clear()
+ control.action = act
+ compare(control.icon[data.property], data.assignExpected)
+ compare(spy.count, data.assignChanged ? 1 : 0)
+ // modify button
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty("modifyButton")) {
+ spy.clear()
+ control.icon[data.property] = data.modifyButton
+ compare(control.icon[data.property], data.modifyButtonExpected)
+ compare(spy.count, data.modifyButtonChanged ? 1 : 0)
+ }
+ // modify action
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty("modifyAction")) {
+ spy.clear()
+ act.icon[data.property] = data.modifyAction
+ compare(control.icon[data.property], data.modifyActionExpected)
+ compare(spy.count, data.modifyActionChanged ? 1 : 0)
+ }
+ // reset action
+ spy.clear()
+ control.action = null
+ compare(control.icon[data.property], data.resetExpected)
+ compare(spy.count, data.resetChanged ? 1 : 0)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: actionButton
+ AbstractButton {
+ width: 100
+ height: 50
+ action: Action {
+ text: "Default"
+ icon.name: checked ? "checked" : "unchecked"
+ icon.source: "qrc:/icons/default.png"
+ checkable: true
+ checked: true
+ enabled: false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_actionButton() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(actionButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ // initial values
+ compare(control.text, "Default")
+ compare(control.checkable, true)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.enabled, false)
+ compare(control.icon.name, "checked")
+ var textSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "textChanged" })
+ verify(textSpy.valid)
+ // changes via action
+ control.action.text = "Action"
+ control.action.checkable = false
+ control.action.checked = false
+ control.action.enabled = true
+ compare(control.text, "Action") // propagates
+ compare(control.checkable, false) // propagates
+ compare(control.checked, false) // propagates
+ compare(control.enabled, true) // propagates
+ compare(control.icon.name, "unchecked") // propagates
+ compare(textSpy.count, 1)
+ // changes via button
+ control.text = "Button"
+ control.checkable = true
+ control.checked = true
+ control.enabled = false
+ control.icon.name = "default"
+ compare(control.text, "Button")
+ compare(control.checkable, true)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.enabled, false)
+ compare(control.icon.name, "default")
+ compare(control.action.text, "Action") // does NOT propagate
+ compare(control.action.checkable, true) // propagates
+ compare(control.action.checked, true) // propagates
+ compare(control.action.enabled, true) // does NOT propagate
+ compare(control.action.icon.name, control.action.checked ? "checked" : "unchecked") // does NOT propagate
+ compare(textSpy.count, 2)
+ // remove the action so that only the button's properties are left
+ control.action = null
+ compare(control.text, "Button")
+ compare(control.icon.name, "default")
+ compare(textSpy.count, 2)
+ // setting an action while button has a particular property set
+ // shouldn't cause a change in the button's effective property value
+ var secondAction = createTemporaryObject(action, testCase)
+ verify(secondAction)
+ secondAction.text = "SecondAction"
+ control.action = secondAction
+ compare(control.text, "Button")
+ compare(textSpy.count, 2)
+ // test setting an action whose properties aren't set
+ var thirdAction = createTemporaryObject(action, testCase)
+ verify(thirdAction)
+ control.action = thirdAction
+ compare(control.text, "Button")
+ compare(textSpy.count, 2)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: checkableButton
+ AbstractButton {
+ width: 100
+ height: 50
+ checkable: true
+ action: Action {}
+ }
+ }
+ function test_checkable_button() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(checkableButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.checked = false
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ verify(!control.checked)
+ verify(!control.action.checked)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Space)
+ keyRelease(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(control.action.checked, true)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(control.action.checked, true)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ keyRelease(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(control.action.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ var checkedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.action, signalName: "checkedChanged"})
+ var toggledSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "toggled"})
+ var actionToggledSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.action, signalName: "toggled"})
+ verify(checkedSpy.valid)
+ verify(toggledSpy.valid)
+ verify(actionToggledSpy.valid)
+ mousePress(control)
+ compare(control.action.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ checkedSpy.wait()
+ compare(checkedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(actionToggledSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(toggledSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.action.checked, true)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ mousePress(control)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.action.checked, false)
+ }
+ function test_trigger_data() {
+ return [
+ {tag: "click", click: true, button: true, action: true, clicked: true, triggered: true},
+ {tag: "click disabled button", click: true, button: false, action: true, clicked: false, triggered: false},
+ {tag: "click disabled action", click: true, button: true, action: false, clicked: true, triggered: false},
+ {tag: "trigger", trigger: true, button: true, action: true, clicked: true, triggered: true},
+ {tag: "trigger disabled button", trigger: true, button: false, action: true, clicked: false, triggered: true},
+ {tag: "trigger disabled action", trigger: true, button: true, action: false, clicked: false, triggered: false}
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_trigger(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(actionButton, testCase, {"action.enabled": data.action, "enabled": data.button})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.enabled, data.button)
+ compare(control.action.enabled, data.action)
+ var buttonSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "clicked"})
+ verify(buttonSpy.valid)
+ var actionSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.action, signalName: "triggered"})
+ verify(actionSpy.valid)
+ if (data.click)
+ mouseClick(control)
+ else if (data.trigger)
+ control.action.trigger()
+ compare(buttonSpy.count, data.clicked ? 1 : 0)
+ compare(actionSpy.count, data.triggered ? 1 : 0)
+ }
+ function test_mnemonic() {
+ if (Qt.platform.os === "osx" || Qt.platform.os === "macos")
+ skip("Mnemonics are not used on macOS")
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.text = "&Hello"
+ compare(control.text, "&Hello")
+ var clickSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "clicked"})
+ verify(clickSpy.valid)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_H, Qt.AltModifier)
+ compare(clickSpy.count, 1)
+ control.visible = false
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_H, Qt.AltModifier)
+ compare(clickSpy.count, 1)
+ control.visible = true
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_H, Qt.AltModifier)
+ compare(clickSpy.count, 2)
+ control.text = "Te&st"
+ compare(control.text, "Te&st")
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_H, Qt.AltModifier)
+ compare(clickSpy.count, 2)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_S, Qt.AltModifier)
+ compare(clickSpy.count, 3)
+ control.visible = false
+ control.text = "&Hidden"
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_H, Qt.AltModifier)
+ compare(clickSpy.count, 3)
+ control.visible = true
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_H, Qt.AltModifier)
+ compare(clickSpy.count, 4)
+ control.text = undefined
+ control.action = action.createObject(control, {text: "&Action"})
+ var actionSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.action, signalName: "triggered"})
+ verify(actionSpy.valid)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_A, Qt.AltModifier)
+ compare(actionSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(clickSpy.count, 5)
+ // ungrab on destruction (don't crash)
+ control.Component.onDestruction.connect(function() { control = null })
+ control.destroy()
+ wait(0)
+ verify(!control)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_H, Qt.AltModifier)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: actionGroup
+ ActionGroup {
+ Action { id: action1; checkable: true; checked: true }
+ Action { id: action2; checkable: true }
+ Action { id: action3; checkable: true }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_actionGroup() {
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(actionGroup, testCase)
+ verify(group)
+ var button1 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {action: group.actions[0], width: 10, height: 10})
+ var button2 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {action: group.actions[1], width: 10, height: 10, y: 10})
+ var button3 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {action: group.actions[2], width: 10, height: 10, y: 20})
+ verify(button1)
+ compare(button1.checked, true)
+ compare(button1.action.checked, true)
+ verify(button2)
+ compare(button2.checked, false)
+ compare(button2.action.checked, false)
+ verify(button3)
+ compare(button3.checked, false)
+ compare(button3.action.checked, false)
+ mouseClick(button2)
+ compare(button1.checked, false)
+ compare(button1.action.checked, false)
+ compare(button2.checked, true)
+ compare(button2.action.checked, true)
+ compare(button3.checked, false)
+ compare(button3.action.checked, false)
+ }
+ function test_clickedAfterLongPress() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, { text: "Hello" })
+ verify(control)
+ var clickedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "clicked" })
+ verify(clickedSpy.valid)
+ mousePress(control)
+ // Ensure that clicked is emitted when no handler is defined for the pressAndHold() signal.
+ // Note that even though signal spies aren't considered in QObject::isSignalConnected(),
+ // we can't use one here to check for pressAndHold(), because otherwise clicked() won't be emitted.
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mousePressAndHoldInterval + 100)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 1)
+ }
+ function test_doubleClick() {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, { text: "Hello" })
+ verify(control)
+ let pressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "pressed" })
+ verify(pressedSpy.valid)
+ let releasedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "released" })
+ verify(releasedSpy.valid)
+ let clickedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "clicked" })
+ verify(clickedSpy.valid)
+ let doubleClickedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "doubleClicked" })
+ verify(doubleClickedSpy.valid)
+ mouseDoubleClickSequence(control)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(releasedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(doubleClickedSpy.count, 1)
+ let touch = touchEvent(control)
+ touch.press(0, control)
+ touch.commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(releasedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(doubleClickedSpy.count, 1)
+ touch.release(0, control)
+ touch.commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(releasedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(doubleClickedSpy.count, 1)
+ touch.press(0, control)
+ touch.commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(releasedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(doubleClickedSpy.count, 1)
+ touch.release(0, control)
+ touch.commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(releasedSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(doubleClickedSpy.count, 2)
+ }
+ // It should be possible to quickly click a button whose doubleClicked signal
+ // is not connected to anything.
+ function test_fastClick() {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, { text: "Hello" })
+ verify(control)
+ let pressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "pressed" })
+ verify(pressedSpy.valid)
+ let releasedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "released" })
+ verify(releasedSpy.valid)
+ let clickedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "clicked" })
+ verify(clickedSpy.valid)
+ // Can't listen to doubleClicked because it would cause it to be emitted.
+ // We instead just check that clicked is emitted twice.
+ mouseDoubleClickSequence(control)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(releasedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 2)
+ let touch = touchEvent(control)
+ touch.press(0, control)
+ touch.commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(releasedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 2)
+ touch.release(0, control)
+ touch.commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(releasedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 3)
+ touch.press(0, control)
+ touch.commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(releasedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 3)
+ touch.release(0, control)
+ touch.commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(releasedSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 4)
+ }
+ function test_checkedShouldNotSetCheckable() {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, { checked: true })
+ verify(control)
+ verify(!control.checkable)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_action.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_action.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..845a6507af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_action.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtQuick.Templates as T
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "Action"
+ Component {
+ id: component
+ Action { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ function test_empty() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_enabled() {
+ var action = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase)
+ verify(action)
+ var spy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: action, signalName: "triggered"})
+ verify(spy.valid)
+ action.trigger()
+ compare(spy.count, 1)
+ action.enabled = false
+ action.trigger()
+ compare(spy.count, 1)
+ action.enabled = undefined // reset
+ action.trigger()
+ compare(spy.count, 2)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: buttonAndMenu
+ Item {
+ property alias button: button
+ property alias menu: menu
+ property alias menuItem: menuItem
+ property alias action: sharedAction
+ property var lastSource
+ Action {
+ id: sharedAction
+ text: "Shared"
+ shortcut: "Ctrl+B"
+ onTriggered: (source) => lastSource = source
+ }
+ Button {
+ id: button
+ action: sharedAction
+ Menu {
+ id: menu
+ MenuItem {
+ id: menuItem
+ action: sharedAction
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_shared() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(buttonAndMenu, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_B, Qt.ControlModifier)
+ compare(container.lastSource, container.button)
+ container.menu.open()
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_B, Qt.ControlModifier)
+ compare(container.lastSource, container.menuItem)
+ tryVerify(function() { return !container.menu.visible })
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_B, Qt.ControlModifier)
+ compare(container.lastSource, container.button)
+ container.button.visible = false
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_B, Qt.ControlModifier)
+ compare(container.lastSource, container.action)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: actionAndRepeater
+ Item {
+ property alias action: testAction
+ Action {
+ id: testAction
+ shortcut: "Ctrl+A"
+ }
+ Repeater {
+ model: 1
+ Button {
+ action: testAction
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_repeater() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(actionAndRepeater, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ var spy = signalSpy.createObject(container, {target: container.action, signalName: "triggered"})
+ verify(spy.valid)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_A, Qt.ControlModifier)
+ compare(spy.count, 1)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: shortcutBinding
+ Item {
+ Action {
+ id: action
+ shortcut: StandardKey.Copy
+ }
+ Shortcut {
+ id: indirectShortcut
+ sequences: [ action.shortcut ]
+ }
+ Shortcut {
+ id: directShortcut
+ sequences: [ StandardKey.Copy ]
+ }
+ property alias indirect: indirectShortcut;
+ property alias direct: directShortcut
+ }
+ }
+ function test_shortcutBinding() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(shortcutBinding, testCase);
+ verify(container)
+ compare(container.indirect.nativeText, container.direct.nativeText);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: shortcutCleanup
+ Item {
+ property alias page: page
+ property alias action: action
+ property alias menu: menu
+ Item {
+ id: page
+ Action {
+ id: action
+ text: "action"
+ shortcut: "Insert"
+ }
+ Menu {
+ id: menu
+ MenuItem { action: action }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_shortcutCleanup() {
+ {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(shortcutCleanup, testCase);
+ verify(container)
+ container.action.shortcut = "Delete"
+ container.menu.open()
+ container.page.destroy()
+ tryVerify(function() { return !container.page })
+ }
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Delete, Qt.NoModifier)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_actiongroup.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_actiongroup.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b5fdc7d65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_actiongroup.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "ActionGroup"
+ Component {
+ id: actionGroup
+ ActionGroup { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: nonExclusiveGroup
+ ActionGroup { exclusive: false }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: declarativeGroup
+ ActionGroup {
+ Action { text: "First" }
+ Action { text: "Second" }
+ Action { text: "Third" }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ function test_null() {
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(actionGroup, testCase)
+ verify(group)
+ group.addAction(null)
+ group.removeAction(null)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: action
+ Action { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(actionGroup, testCase)
+ verify(group)
+ compare(group.actions.length, 0)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, null)
+ compare(group.exclusive, true)
+ }
+ function test_current() {
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(actionGroup, testCase)
+ verify(group)
+ var checkedActionSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: group, signalName: "checkedActionChanged"})
+ verify(checkedActionSpy.valid)
+ verify(!group.checkedAction)
+ var action1 = createTemporaryObject(action, testCase, {checked: true})
+ var action2 = createTemporaryObject(action, testCase, {checked: false})
+ var action3 = createTemporaryObject(action, testCase, {checked: true, objectName: "3"})
+ // add checked
+ group.addAction(action1)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, action1)
+ compare(action1.checked, true)
+ compare(action2.checked, false)
+ compare(action3.checked, true)
+ compare(checkedActionSpy.count, 1)
+ // add non-checked
+ group.addAction(action2)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, action1)
+ compare(action1.checked, true)
+ compare(action2.checked, false)
+ compare(action3.checked, true)
+ compare(checkedActionSpy.count, 1)
+ // add checked
+ group.addAction(action3)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, action3)
+ compare(action1.checked, false)
+ compare(action2.checked, false)
+ compare(action3.checked, true)
+ compare(checkedActionSpy.count, 2)
+ // change current
+ group.checkedAction = action2
+ compare(group.checkedAction, action2)
+ compare(action1.checked, false)
+ compare(action2.checked, true)
+ compare(action3.checked, false)
+ compare(checkedActionSpy.count, 3)
+ // check
+ action1.checked = true
+ compare(group.checkedAction, action1)
+ compare(action1.checked, true)
+ compare(action2.checked, false)
+ compare(action3.checked, false)
+ compare(checkedActionSpy.count, 4)
+ // remove non-checked
+ group.removeAction(action2)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, action1)
+ compare(action1.checked, true)
+ compare(action2.checked, false)
+ compare(action3.checked, false)
+ compare(checkedActionSpy.count, 4)
+ // remove checked
+ group.removeAction(action1)
+ verify(!group.checkedAction)
+ compare(action1.checked, false)
+ compare(action2.checked, false)
+ compare(action3.checked, false)
+ compare(checkedActionSpy.count, 5)
+ }
+ function test_actions() {
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(actionGroup, testCase)
+ verify(group)
+ var actionsSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: group, signalName: "actionsChanged"})
+ verify(actionsSpy.valid)
+ compare(group.actions.length, 0)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, null)
+ var action1 = createTemporaryObject(action, testCase, {checked: true})
+ var action2 = createTemporaryObject(action, testCase, {checked: false})
+ group.actions = [action1, action2]
+ compare(group.actions.length, 2)
+ compare(group.actions[0], action1)
+ compare(group.actions[1], action2)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, action1)
+ compare(actionsSpy.count, 2)
+ var action3 = createTemporaryObject(action, testCase, {checked: true})
+ group.addAction(action3)
+ compare(group.actions.length, 3)
+ compare(group.actions[0], action1)
+ compare(group.actions[1], action2)
+ compare(group.actions[2], action3)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, action3)
+ compare(actionsSpy.count, 3)
+ group.removeAction(action1)
+ compare(group.actions.length, 2)
+ compare(group.actions[0], action2)
+ compare(group.actions[1], action3)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, action3)
+ compare(actionsSpy.count, 4)
+ group.actions = []
+ compare(group.actions.length, 0)
+ tryCompare(group, "checkedAction", null)
+ compare(actionsSpy.count, 5)
+ }
+ function test_declarative() {
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(declarativeGroup, testCase)
+ verify(group)
+ compare(group.actions.length, 3)
+ compare(group.actions[0].text, "First")
+ compare(group.actions[1].text, "Second")
+ compare(group.actions[2].text, "Third")
+ }
+ function test_triggered_data() {
+ return [
+ {tag: "exclusive", exclusive: true},
+ {tag: "non-exclusive", exclusive: false}
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_triggered(data) {
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(actionGroup, testCase, {exclusive: data.exclusive})
+ verify(group)
+ var triggeredSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: group, signalName: "triggered"})
+ verify(triggeredSpy.valid)
+ var action1 = createTemporaryObject(action, testCase)
+ var action2 = createTemporaryObject(action, testCase)
+ group.addAction(action1)
+ group.addAction(action2)
+ action1.triggered()
+ compare(triggeredSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(triggeredSpy.signalArguments[0][0], action1)
+ action2.triggered()
+ compare(triggeredSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(triggeredSpy.signalArguments[1][0], action2)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: attachedGroup
+ Item {
+ property ActionGroup group: ActionGroup { id: group }
+ property Action action1: Action { ActionGroup.group: group }
+ property Action action2: Action { ActionGroup.group: group }
+ property Action action3: Action { ActionGroup.group: group }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_attached() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(attachedGroup, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ verify(!container.group.checkedAction)
+ container.action1.checked = true
+ compare(container.group.checkedAction, container.action1)
+ compare(container.action1.checked, true)
+ compare(container.action2.checked, false)
+ compare(container.action3.checked, false)
+ container.action2.checked = true
+ compare(container.group.checkedAction, container.action2)
+ compare(container.action1.checked, false)
+ compare(container.action2.checked, true)
+ compare(container.action3.checked, false)
+ container.action3.checked = true
+ compare(container.group.checkedAction, container.action3)
+ compare(container.action1.checked, false)
+ compare(container.action2.checked, false)
+ compare(container.action3.checked, true)
+ }
+ function test_actionDestroyed() {
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(actionGroup, testCase)
+ verify(group)
+ var actionsSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: group, signalName: "actionsChanged"})
+ verify(actionsSpy.valid)
+ var action1 = createTemporaryObject(action, testCase, {objectName: "action1", checked: true})
+ group.addAction(action1)
+ compare(group.actions.length, 1)
+ compare(group.actions[0], action1)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, action1)
+ compare(actionsSpy.count, 1)
+ action1.destroy()
+ wait(0)
+ compare(group.actions.length, 0)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, null)
+ compare(actionsSpy.count, 2)
+ }
+ function test_nonExclusive() {
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(nonExclusiveGroup, testCase)
+ verify(group)
+ var action1 = createTemporaryObject(action, testCase, {checked: true})
+ group.addAction(action1)
+ compare(action1.checked, true)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, null)
+ var action2 = createTemporaryObject(action, testCase, {checked: true})
+ group.addAction(action2)
+ compare(action1.checked, true)
+ compare(action2.checked, true)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, null)
+ action1.checked = false
+ compare(action1.checked, false)
+ compare(action2.checked, true)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, null)
+ action2.checked = false
+ compare(action1.checked, false)
+ compare(action2.checked, false)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, null)
+ action1.checked = true
+ compare(action1.checked, true)
+ compare(action2.checked, false)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, null)
+ action2.checked = true
+ compare(action1.checked, true)
+ compare(action2.checked, true)
+ compare(group.checkedAction, null)
+ }
+ function test_enabled() {
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(actionGroup, testCase)
+ verify(group)
+ compare(group.enabled, true)
+ var action1 = createTemporaryObject(action, testCase)
+ var action2 = createTemporaryObject(action, testCase)
+ compare(action1.enabled, true)
+ compare(action2.enabled, true)
+ var action1Spy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: action1, signalName: "enabledChanged"})
+ var action2Spy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: action2, signalName: "enabledChanged"})
+ verify(action1Spy.valid && action2Spy.valid)
+ group.addAction(action1)
+ compare(action1.enabled, true)
+ compare(action2.enabled, true)
+ compare(action1Spy.count, 0)
+ compare(action2Spy.count, 0)
+ group.enabled = false
+ compare(action1.enabled, false)
+ compare(action2.enabled, true)
+ compare(action1Spy.count, 1)
+ compare(action1Spy.signalArguments[0][0], false)
+ compare(action2Spy.count, 0)
+ group.addAction(action2)
+ compare(action1.enabled, false)
+ compare(action2.enabled, false)
+ compare(action1Spy.count, 1)
+ compare(action2Spy.count, 1)
+ compare(action2Spy.signalArguments[0][0], false)
+ action1.enabled = false
+ compare(action1.enabled, false)
+ compare(action1Spy.count, 2)
+ compare(action1Spy.signalArguments[1][0], false)
+ compare(action2Spy.count, 1)
+ group.enabled = true
+ compare(action1.enabled, false)
+ compare(action2.enabled, true)
+ compare(action1Spy.count, 2)
+ compare(action2Spy.count, 2)
+ compare(action2Spy.signalArguments[1][0], true)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_busyindicator.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_busyindicator.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a50fd1bfab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_busyindicator.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "BusyIndicator"
+ Component {
+ id: busyIndicator
+ BusyIndicator { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: mouseArea
+ MouseArea { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(busyIndicator, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.running, true)
+ }
+ function test_running() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(busyIndicator, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.running, true)
+ control.running = false
+ compare(control.running, false)
+ }
+ // QTBUG-61785
+ function test_mouseArea() {
+ var ma = createTemporaryObject(mouseArea, testCase, {width: testCase.width, height: testCase.height})
+ verify(ma)
+ var control = busyIndicator.createObject(ma, {width: testCase.width, height: testCase.height})
+ verify(control)
+ mousePress(control)
+ verify(ma.pressed)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ verify(!ma.pressed)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ touch.press(0, control).commit()
+ verify(ma.pressed)
+ touch.release(0, control).commit()
+ verify(!ma.pressed)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_button.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_button.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9ddfa0885d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_button.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "Button"
+ Component {
+ id: button
+ Button { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSequenceSpy
+ SignalSequenceSpy {
+ signals: ["pressed", "released", "canceled", "clicked", "toggled", "doubleClicked", "pressedChanged", "downChanged", "checkedChanged"]
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.highlighted, false)
+ compare(control.flat, false)
+ }
+ function test_text() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.text, "")
+ control.text = "Button"
+ compare(control.text, "Button")
+ control.text = ""
+ compare(control.text, "")
+ }
+ function test_mouse() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ // click
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // release outside
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }]]
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2, 0)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["canceled", { "pressed": false }]]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // right button
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = []
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // double click
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ "doubleClicked",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ "released"]
+ mouseDoubleClickSequence(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ function test_touch() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ // click
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // release outside
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }]]
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["canceled", { "pressed": false }]]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ function test_multiTouch() {
+ var control1 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ verify(control1)
+ var pressedCount1 = 0
+ var pressedSpy1 = signalSpy.createObject(control1, {target: control1, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy1.valid)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control1)
+ touch.press(0, control1, 0, 0).commit().move(0, control1, control1.width - 1, control1.height - 1).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy1.count, ++pressedCount1)
+ compare(control1.pressed, true)
+ // second touch point on the same control is ignored
+ touch.stationary(0).press(1, control1, 0, 0).commit()
+ touch.stationary(0).move(1, control1).commit()
+ touch.stationary(0).release(1).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy1.count, pressedCount1)
+ compare(control1.pressed, true)
+ var control2 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {y: control1.height})
+ verify(control2)
+ var pressedCount2 = 0
+ var pressedSpy2 = signalSpy.createObject(control2, {target: control2, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy2.valid)
+ // press the second button
+ touch.stationary(0).press(2, control2, 0, 0).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy2.count, ++pressedCount2)
+ compare(control2.pressed, true)
+ compare(pressedSpy1.count, pressedCount1)
+ compare(control1.pressed, true)
+ // release both buttons
+ touch.release(0, control1).release(2, control2).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy2.count, ++pressedCount2)
+ compare(control2.pressed, false)
+ compare(pressedSpy1.count, ++pressedCount1)
+ compare(control1.pressed, false)
+ }
+ function test_keys() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ // click
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // no change
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = []
+ // Not testing Key_Enter and Key_Return because QGnomeTheme uses them for
+ // pressing buttons and the CI uses the QGnomeTheme platform theme.
+ var keys = [Qt.Key_Escape, Qt.Key_Tab]
+ for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
+ sequenceSpy.reset()
+ keyClick(keys[i])
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ }
+ function eventErrorMessage(actual, expected) {
+ return "actual event:" + JSON.stringify(actual) + ", expected event:" + JSON.stringify(expected)
+ }
+ function test_autoRepeat() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.autoRepeat, false)
+ control.autoRepeat = true
+ compare(control.autoRepeat, true)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ var clickSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "clicked"})
+ verify(clickSpy.valid)
+ var pressSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressed"})
+ verify(pressSpy.valid)
+ var releaseSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "released"})
+ verify(releaseSpy.valid)
+ // auto-repeat mouse click
+ mousePress(control)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ clickSpy.wait()
+ clickSpy.wait()
+ compare(pressSpy.count, clickSpy.count + 1)
+ compare(releaseSpy.count, clickSpy.count)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(clickSpy.count, pressSpy.count)
+ compare(releaseSpy.count, pressSpy.count)
+ clickSpy.clear()
+ pressSpy.clear()
+ releaseSpy.clear()
+ // auto-repeat key click
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ clickSpy.wait()
+ clickSpy.wait()
+ compare(pressSpy.count, clickSpy.count + 1)
+ compare(releaseSpy.count, clickSpy.count)
+ keyRelease(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(clickSpy.count, pressSpy.count)
+ compare(releaseSpy.count, pressSpy.count)
+ clickSpy.clear()
+ pressSpy.clear()
+ releaseSpy.clear()
+ mousePress(control)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ clickSpy.wait()
+ compare(pressSpy.count, clickSpy.count + 1)
+ compare(releaseSpy.count, clickSpy.count)
+ // move inside during repeat -> continue repeat
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 4, control.height / 4)
+ clickSpy.wait()
+ compare(pressSpy.count, clickSpy.count + 1)
+ compare(releaseSpy.count, clickSpy.count)
+ clickSpy.clear()
+ pressSpy.clear()
+ releaseSpy.clear()
+ // move outside during repeat -> stop repeat
+ mouseMove(control, -1, -1)
+ // NOTE: The following wait() is NOT a reliable way to test that the
+ // auto-repeat timer is not running, but there's no way dig into the
+ // private APIs from QML. If this test ever fails in the future, it
+ // indicates that the auto-repeat timer logic is broken.
+ wait(125)
+ compare(clickSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(pressSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(releaseSpy.count, 0)
+ mouseRelease(control, -1, -1)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(clickSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(pressSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(releaseSpy.count, 0)
+ }
+ function test_baseline() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, control.contentItem.y + control.contentItem.baselineOffset)
+ }
+ function test_checkable() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.hasOwnProperty("checkable"))
+ verify(!control.checkable)
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseClick(control)
+ verify(!control.checked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ control.checkable = true
+ mouseClick(control)
+ verify(control.checked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "checked": false }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseClick(control)
+ verify(!control.checked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ function test_highlighted() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(!control.highlighted)
+ control.highlighted = true
+ verify(control.highlighted)
+ }
+ function test_spacing() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, { text: "Some long, long, long text" })
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.contentItem.implicitWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding > control.background.implicitWidth)
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ verify(textLabel)
+ // The implicitWidth of the IconLabel that all buttons use as their contentItem
+ // should be equal to the implicitWidth of the Text while no icon is set.
+ compare(control.contentItem.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth)
+ // That means that spacing shouldn't affect it.
+ control.spacing += 100
+ compare(control.contentItem.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth)
+ // The implicitWidth of the Button itself should, therefore, also never include spacing while no icon is set.
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ }
+ function test_display_data() {
+ return [
+ { "tag": "IconOnly", display: Button.IconOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly", display: Button.TextOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon", display: Button.TextUnderIcon },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon", display: Button.TextBesideIcon },
+ { "tag": "IconOnly, mirrored", display: Button.IconOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly, mirrored", display: Button.TextOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon, mirrored", display: Button.TextUnderIcon, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon, mirrored", display: Button.TextBesideIcon, mirrored: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_display(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {
+ text: "Button",
+ display: data.display,
+ "icon.source": "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png",
+ "LayoutMirroring.enabled": !!data.mirrored
+ })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.icon.source, "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png")
+ var iconImage = findChild(control.contentItem, "image")
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ switch (control.display) {
+ case Button.IconOnly:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(!textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, (control.availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case Button.TextOnly:
+ verify(!iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(textLabel.x, (control.availableWidth - textLabel.width) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case Button.TextUnderIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, (control.availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.x, (control.availableWidth - textLabel.width) / 2)
+ verify(iconImage.y < textLabel.y)
+ break;
+ case Button.TextBesideIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ if (control.mirrored)
+ verify(textLabel.x < iconImage.x)
+ else
+ verify(iconImage.x < textLabel.x)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_buttongroup.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_buttongroup.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ae86d1737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_buttongroup.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "ButtonGroup"
+ Component {
+ id: buttonGroup
+ ButtonGroup { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: nonExclusiveGroup
+ ButtonGroup { exclusive: false }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ function test_null() {
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(buttonGroup, testCase)
+ verify(group)
+ group.addButton(null)
+ group.removeButton(null)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: button
+ Button { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: nonCheckable
+ QtObject { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(buttonGroup, testCase)
+ verify(group)
+ compare(group.buttons.length, 0)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, null)
+ compare(group.exclusive, true)
+ compare(group.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ }
+ function test_current() {
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(buttonGroup, testCase)
+ verify(group)
+ var checkedButtonSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: group, signalName: "checkedButtonChanged"})
+ verify(checkedButtonSpy.valid)
+ verify(!group.checkedButton)
+ var button1 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {checked: true})
+ var button2 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {checked: false})
+ var button3 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {checked: true, objectName: "3"})
+ // add checked
+ group.addButton(button1)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, button1)
+ compare(button1.checked, true)
+ compare(button2.checked, false)
+ compare(button3.checked, true)
+ compare(checkedButtonSpy.count, 1)
+ // add non-checked
+ group.addButton(button2)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, button1)
+ compare(button1.checked, true)
+ compare(button2.checked, false)
+ compare(button3.checked, true)
+ compare(checkedButtonSpy.count, 1)
+ // add checked
+ group.addButton(button3)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, button3)
+ compare(button1.checked, false)
+ compare(button2.checked, false)
+ compare(button3.checked, true)
+ compare(checkedButtonSpy.count, 2)
+ // change current
+ group.checkedButton = button2
+ compare(group.checkedButton, button2)
+ compare(button1.checked, false)
+ compare(button2.checked, true)
+ compare(button3.checked, false)
+ compare(checkedButtonSpy.count, 3)
+ // check
+ button1.checked = true
+ compare(group.checkedButton, button1)
+ compare(button1.checked, true)
+ compare(button2.checked, false)
+ compare(button3.checked, false)
+ compare(checkedButtonSpy.count, 4)
+ // remove non-checked
+ group.removeButton(button2)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, button1)
+ compare(button1.checked, true)
+ compare(button2.checked, false)
+ compare(button3.checked, false)
+ compare(checkedButtonSpy.count, 4)
+ // remove checked
+ group.removeButton(button1)
+ verify(!group.checkedButton)
+ compare(button1.checked, false)
+ compare(button2.checked, false)
+ compare(button3.checked, false)
+ compare(checkedButtonSpy.count, 5)
+ }
+ function test_buttons() {
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(buttonGroup, testCase)
+ verify(group)
+ var buttonsSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: group, signalName: "buttonsChanged"})
+ verify(buttonsSpy.valid)
+ compare(group.buttons.length, 0)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, null)
+ var button1 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {checked: true})
+ var button2 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {checked: false})
+ group.buttons = [button1, button2]
+ compare(group.buttons.length, 2)
+ compare(group.buttons[0], button1)
+ compare(group.buttons[1], button2)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, button1)
+ compare(buttonsSpy.count, 2)
+ var button3 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {checked: true})
+ group.addButton(button3)
+ compare(group.buttons.length, 3)
+ compare(group.buttons[0], button1)
+ compare(group.buttons[1], button2)
+ compare(group.buttons[2], button3)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, button3)
+ compare(buttonsSpy.count, 3)
+ group.removeButton(button1)
+ compare(group.buttons.length, 2)
+ compare(group.buttons[0], button2)
+ compare(group.buttons[1], button3)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, button3)
+ compare(buttonsSpy.count, 4)
+ group.buttons = []
+ compare(group.buttons.length, 0)
+ tryCompare(group, "checkedButton", null)
+ compare(buttonsSpy.count, 5)
+ }
+ function test_clicked_data() {
+ return [
+ {tag: "exclusive", exclusive: true},
+ {tag: "non-exclusive", exclusive: false}
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_clicked(data) {
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(buttonGroup, testCase, {exclusive: data.exclusive})
+ verify(group)
+ var clickedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: group, signalName: "clicked"})
+ verify(clickedSpy.valid)
+ var button1 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ var button2 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase)
+ group.addButton(button1)
+ group.addButton(button2)
+ button1.clicked()
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(clickedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], button1)
+ button2.clicked()
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(clickedSpy.signalArguments[1][0], button2)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: checkBoxes
+ Item {
+ property ButtonGroup group: ButtonGroup { id: group }
+ property CheckBox control1: CheckBox { ButtonGroup.group: group }
+ property CheckBox control2: CheckBox { ButtonGroup.group: group }
+ property CheckBox control3: CheckBox { ButtonGroup.group: group }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: radioButtons
+ Item {
+ property ButtonGroup group: ButtonGroup { id: group }
+ property RadioButton control1: RadioButton { ButtonGroup.group: group }
+ property RadioButton control2: RadioButton { ButtonGroup.group: group }
+ property RadioButton control3: RadioButton { ButtonGroup.group: group }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: switches
+ Item {
+ property ButtonGroup group: ButtonGroup { id: group }
+ property Switch control1: Switch { ButtonGroup.group: group }
+ property Switch control2: Switch { ButtonGroup.group: group }
+ property Switch control3: Switch { ButtonGroup.group: group }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: childControls
+ Item {
+ id: container
+ property ButtonGroup group: ButtonGroup { id: group; buttons: container.children }
+ property alias control1: control1
+ property alias control2: control2
+ property alias control3: control3
+ CheckBox { id: control1 }
+ RadioButton { id: control2 }
+ Switch { id: control3 }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_controls_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "CheckBox", component: checkBoxes },
+ { tag: "RadioButton", component: radioButtons },
+ { tag: "Switch", component: switches },
+ { tag: "Children", component: childControls }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_controls(data) {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(data.component, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ verify(!container.group.checkedButton)
+ container.control1.checked = true
+ compare(container.group.checkedButton, container.control1)
+ compare(container.control1.checked, true)
+ compare(container.control2.checked, false)
+ compare(container.control3.checked, false)
+ container.control2.checked = true
+ compare(container.group.checkedButton, container.control2)
+ compare(container.control1.checked, false)
+ compare(container.control2.checked, true)
+ compare(container.control3.checked, false)
+ container.control3.checked = true
+ compare(container.group.checkedButton, container.control3)
+ compare(container.control1.checked, false)
+ compare(container.control2.checked, false)
+ compare(container.control3.checked, true)
+ }
+ function test_buttonDestroyed() {
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(buttonGroup, testCase)
+ verify(group)
+ var buttonsSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: group, signalName: "buttonsChanged"})
+ verify(buttonsSpy.valid)
+ var button1 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {objectName: "button1", checked: true})
+ group.addButton(button1)
+ compare(group.buttons.length, 1)
+ compare(group.buttons[0], button1)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, button1)
+ compare(buttonsSpy.count, 1)
+ button1.destroy()
+ wait(0)
+ compare(group.buttons.length, 0)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, null)
+ compare(buttonsSpy.count, 2)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: repeater
+ Column {
+ id: column
+ property ButtonGroup group: ButtonGroup { buttons: column.children }
+ property alias repeater: r
+ Repeater {
+ id: r
+ model: 3
+ delegate: RadioDelegate {
+ checked: index == 0
+ objectName: index
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_repeater() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(repeater, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ verify(container.group.checkedButton)
+ compare(container.group.checkedButton.objectName, "0")
+ }
+ function test_nonExclusive() {
+ var group = createTemporaryObject(nonExclusiveGroup, testCase)
+ verify(group)
+ compare(group.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ var button1 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {checked: true})
+ group.addButton(button1)
+ compare(button1.checked, true)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, null)
+ compare(group.checkState, Qt.Checked)
+ var button2 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {checked: true})
+ group.addButton(button2)
+ compare(button1.checked, true)
+ compare(button2.checked, true)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, null)
+ compare(group.checkState, Qt.Checked)
+ var button3 = createTemporaryObject(button, testCase, {checked: false})
+ group.addButton(button3)
+ compare(button1.checked, true)
+ compare(button2.checked, true)
+ compare(button3.checked, false)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, null)
+ compare(group.checkState, Qt.PartiallyChecked)
+ button1.checked = false
+ compare(button1.checked, false)
+ compare(button2.checked, true)
+ compare(button3.checked, false)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, null)
+ compare(group.checkState, Qt.PartiallyChecked)
+ button2.checked = false
+ compare(button1.checked, false)
+ compare(button2.checked, false)
+ compare(button3.checked, false)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, null)
+ compare(group.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ button1.checked = true
+ compare(button1.checked, true)
+ compare(button2.checked, false)
+ compare(button3.checked, false)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, null)
+ compare(group.checkState, Qt.PartiallyChecked)
+ button2.checked = true
+ compare(button1.checked, true)
+ compare(button2.checked, true)
+ compare(button3.checked, false)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, null)
+ compare(group.checkState, Qt.PartiallyChecked)
+ button3.checked = true
+ compare(button1.checked, true)
+ compare(button2.checked, true)
+ compare(button3.checked, true)
+ compare(group.checkedButton, null)
+ compare(group.checkState, Qt.Checked)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: checkedButtonColumn
+ Column {
+ id: column
+ ButtonGroup { buttons: column.children }
+ Repeater {
+ id: repeater
+ delegate: Button {
+ checkable: true
+ text: modelData
+ onClicked: listModel.remove(index)
+ }
+ model: ListModel {
+ id: listModel
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+ append({text: i})
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_checkedButtonDestroyed() {
+ var column = createTemporaryObject(checkedButtonColumn, testCase)
+ verify(column)
+ waitForRendering(column)
+ mouseClick(column.children[0])
+ wait(0) // don't crash (QTBUG-62946, QTBUG-63470)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_calendarmodel.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_calendarmodel.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19070e074d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_calendarmodel.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQml
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtTest
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ name: "CalendarModel"
+ Component {
+ id: calendarModel
+ CalendarModel { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: instantiator
+ Instantiator {
+ model: CalendarModel {
+ from: new Date(2016, 0, 1)
+ to: new Date(2016, 11, 31)
+ }
+ QtObject {
+ readonly property int month: model.month
+ readonly property int year: model.year
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_indices_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "2013", from: "2013-01-01", to: "2013-12-31", count: 12 },
+ { tag: "2016", from: "2016-01-01", to: "2016-03-31", count: 3 }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_indices(data) {
+ var model = calendarModel.createObject(testCase, {from: data.from, to: data.to})
+ verify(model)
+ compare(model.count, data.count)
+ var y = parseInt(data.tag)
+ for (var m = 0; m < 12; ++m) {
+ compare(model.yearAt(m), y)
+ compare(model.indexOf(y, m), m)
+ compare(model.indexOf(new Date(y, m, 1)), m)
+ compare(model.monthAt(m), m)
+ }
+ model.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_invalid() {
+ var model = calendarModel.createObject(testCase)
+ verify(model)
+ compare(model.indexOf(-1, -1), -1)
+ compare(model.indexOf(new Date(-1, -1, -1)), -1)
+ model.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_instantiator() {
+ var inst = instantiator.createObject(testCase)
+ verify(inst)
+ compare(inst.count, 12)
+ for (var m = 0; m < inst.count; ++m) {
+ compare(inst.objectAt(m).month, m)
+ compare(inst.objectAt(m).year, 2016)
+ }
+ inst.destroy()
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_checkbox.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_checkbox.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5991ae9008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_checkbox.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "CheckBox"
+ Component {
+ id: checkBox
+ CheckBox { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSequenceSpy
+ SignalSequenceSpy {
+ signals: ["pressed", "released", "canceled", "clicked", "toggled", "pressedChanged", "checkedChanged", "checkStateChanged"]
+ }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(checkBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.tristate, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ }
+ function test_text() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(checkBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.text, "")
+ control.text = "CheckBox"
+ compare(control.text, "CheckBox")
+ control.text = ""
+ compare(control.text, "")
+ }
+ function test_checked() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(checkBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = []
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["checkStateChanged", { "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }]]
+ control.checked = true
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Checked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["checkStateChanged", { "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }]]
+ control.checked = false
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ function test_checkState() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(checkBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = []
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["checkStateChanged", { "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }]]
+ control.checkState = Qt.Checked
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Checked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["checkStateChanged", { "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }]]
+ control.checkState = Qt.Unchecked
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ function test_mouse() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(checkBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ // check
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ ["checkStateChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Checked)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // uncheck
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ ["checkStateChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // release outside
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }]]
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2, 0)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["canceled", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }]]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // right button
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = []
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ function test_touch() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(checkBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ // check
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ "pressed"]
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ ["checkStateChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Checked)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // uncheck
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ "pressed"]
+ // Don't want to double-click.
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ ["checkStateChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // release outside
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ "pressed"]
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }]]
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["canceled", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }]]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2).commit()
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ function test_keys() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(checkBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = []
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // check
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ ["checkStateChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Checked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // uncheck
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ ["checkStateChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // no change
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = []
+ // Not testing Key_Enter and Key_Return because QGnomeTheme uses them for
+ // pressing buttons and the CI uses the QGnomeTheme platform theme.
+ var keys = [Qt.Key_Escape, Qt.Key_Tab]
+ for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
+ sequenceSpy.reset()
+ keyClick(keys[i])
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: checkedBoundBoxes
+ Item {
+ property CheckBox cb1: CheckBox { id: cb1 }
+ property CheckBox cb2: CheckBox { id: cb2; checked: cb1.checked; enabled: false }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_checked_binding() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(checkedBoundBoxes, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ compare(container.cb1.checked, false)
+ compare(container.cb1.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ compare(container.cb2.checked, false)
+ compare(container.cb2.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ container.cb1.checked = true
+ compare(container.cb1.checked, true)
+ compare(container.cb1.checkState, Qt.Checked)
+ compare(container.cb2.checked, true)
+ compare(container.cb2.checkState, Qt.Checked)
+ container.cb1.checked = false
+ compare(container.cb1.checked, false)
+ compare(container.cb1.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ compare(container.cb2.checked, false)
+ compare(container.cb2.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: checkStateBoundBoxes
+ Item {
+ property CheckBox cb1: CheckBox { id: cb1 }
+ property CheckBox cb2: CheckBox { id: cb2; checkState: cb1.checkState; enabled: false }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_checkState_binding() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(checkStateBoundBoxes, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ compare(container.cb1.checked, false)
+ compare(container.cb1.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ compare(container.cb2.checked, false)
+ compare(container.cb2.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ container.cb1.checkState = Qt.Checked
+ compare(container.cb1.checked, true)
+ compare(container.cb1.checkState, Qt.Checked)
+ compare(container.cb2.checked, true)
+ compare(container.cb2.checkState, Qt.Checked)
+ container.cb1.checkState = Qt.Unchecked
+ compare(container.cb1.checked, false)
+ compare(container.cb1.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ compare(container.cb2.checked, false)
+ compare(container.cb2.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ compare(container.cb1.tristate, false)
+ compare(container.cb2.tristate, false)
+ container.cb1.checkState = Qt.PartiallyChecked
+ compare(container.cb1.checked, false)
+ compare(container.cb1.checkState, Qt.PartiallyChecked)
+ compare(container.cb2.checked, false)
+ compare(container.cb2.checkState, Qt.PartiallyChecked)
+ // note: since Qt Quick Controls 2.4 (Qt 5.11), CheckBox does not
+ // force tristate when checkState is set to Qt.PartiallyChecked
+ compare(container.cb1.tristate, false)
+ compare(container.cb2.tristate, false)
+ }
+ function test_tristate() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(checkBox, testCase, {tristate: true})
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = []
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ compare(control.tristate, true)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["checkStateChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.PartiallyChecked }]]
+ control.checkState = Qt.PartiallyChecked
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.PartiallyChecked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // key: partial -> checked
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.PartiallyChecked }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.PartiallyChecked }],
+ ["checkStateChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Checked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // key: checked -> unchecked
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ ["checkStateChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // key: unchecked -> partial
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ ["checkStateChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.PartiallyChecked }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.PartiallyChecked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // mouse: partial -> checked
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.PartiallyChecked }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.PartiallyChecked }],
+ ["checkStateChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseClick(control)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Checked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // mouse: checked -> unchecked
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true, "checkState": Qt.Checked }],
+ ["checkStateChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseClick(control)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.Unchecked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // mouse: unchecked -> partial
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.Unchecked }],
+ ["checkStateChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false, "checkState": Qt.PartiallyChecked }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseClick(control)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.checkState, Qt.PartiallyChecked)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ function test_baseline() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(checkBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, control.contentItem.y + control.contentItem.baselineOffset)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: nextCheckStateBox
+ CheckBox {
+ tristate: true
+ nextCheckState: function() {
+ if (checkState === Qt.Checked)
+ return Qt.Unchecked
+ else
+ return Qt.Checked
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_nextCheckState_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "unchecked", checkState: Qt.Unchecked, expectedState: Qt.Checked },
+ { tag: "partially-checked", checkState: Qt.PartiallyChecked, expectedState: Qt.Checked },
+ { tag: "checked", checkState: Qt.Checked, expectedState: Qt.Unchecked }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_nextCheckState(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(nextCheckStateBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ // mouse
+ control.checkState = data.checkState
+ compare(control.checkState, data.checkState)
+ mouseClick(control)
+ compare(control.checkState, data.expectedState)
+ // touch
+ control.checkState = data.checkState
+ compare(control.checkState, data.checkState)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ touch.press(0, control).commit().release(0, control).commit()
+ compare(control.checkState, data.expectedState)
+ // keyboard
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ tryCompare(control, "activeFocus", true)
+ control.checkState = data.checkState
+ compare(control.checkState, data.checkState)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(control.checkState, data.expectedState)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_checkdelegate.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_checkdelegate.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3e0910e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_checkdelegate.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "CheckDelegate"
+ Component {
+ id: checkDelegate
+ CheckDelegate {}
+ }
+ // TODO: data-fy tst_checkbox (rename to tst_check?) so we don't duplicate its tests here?
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(checkDelegate, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ verify(!control.checked);
+ }
+ function test_checked() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(checkDelegate, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ mouseClick(control);
+ verify(control.checked);
+ mouseClick(control);
+ verify(!control.checked);
+ }
+ function test_baseline() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(checkDelegate, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, control.contentItem.y + control.contentItem.baselineOffset);
+ }
+ function test_spacing() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(checkDelegate, testCase, { text: "Some long, long, long text" })
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.contentItem.implicitWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding > control.background.implicitWidth)
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ verify(textLabel)
+ // The implicitWidth of the IconLabel that all buttons use as their contentItem should be
+ // equal to the implicitWidth of the Text and the check indicator + spacing while no icon is set.
+ compare(control.contentItem.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth + control.indicator.width + control.spacing)
+ control.spacing += 100
+ compare(control.contentItem.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth + control.indicator.width + control.spacing)
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth + control.indicator.width + control.spacing + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ }
+ function test_display_data() {
+ return [
+ { "tag": "IconOnly", display: CheckDelegate.IconOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly", display: CheckDelegate.TextOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon", display: CheckDelegate.TextUnderIcon },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon", display: CheckDelegate.TextBesideIcon },
+ { "tag": "IconOnly, mirrored", display: CheckDelegate.IconOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly, mirrored", display: CheckDelegate.TextOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon, mirrored", display: CheckDelegate.TextUnderIcon, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon, mirrored", display: CheckDelegate.TextBesideIcon, mirrored: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_display(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(checkDelegate, testCase, {
+ text: "CheckDelegate",
+ display: data.display,
+ width: 400,
+ "icon.source": "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png",
+ "LayoutMirroring.enabled": !!data.mirrored
+ })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.icon.source, "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png")
+ var iconImage = findChild(control.contentItem, "image")
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ var availableWidth = control.availableWidth - control.indicator.width - control.spacing
+ var indicatorOffset = control.mirrored ? control.indicator.width + control.spacing : 0
+ switch (control.display) {
+ case CheckDelegate.IconOnly:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(!textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, indicatorOffset + (availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case CheckDelegate.TextOnly:
+ verify(!iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(textLabel.x, control.mirrored ? control.availableWidth - textLabel.width : 0)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case CheckDelegate.TextUnderIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, indicatorOffset + (availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.x, indicatorOffset + (availableWidth - textLabel.width) / 2)
+ verify(iconImage.y < textLabel.y)
+ break;
+ case CheckDelegate.TextBesideIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ if (control.mirrored)
+ verify(textLabel.x < iconImage.x)
+ else
+ verify(iconImage.x < textLabel.x)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: nextCheckStateDelegate
+ CheckDelegate {
+ tristate: true
+ nextCheckState: function() {
+ if (checkState === Qt.Checked)
+ return Qt.Unchecked
+ else
+ return Qt.Checked
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_nextCheckState_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "unchecked", checkState: Qt.Unchecked, expectedState: Qt.Checked },
+ { tag: "partially-checked", checkState: Qt.PartiallyChecked, expectedState: Qt.Checked },
+ { tag: "checked", checkState: Qt.Checked, expectedState: Qt.Unchecked }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_nextCheckState(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(nextCheckStateDelegate, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ // mouse
+ control.checkState = data.checkState
+ compare(control.checkState, data.checkState)
+ mouseClick(control)
+ compare(control.checkState, data.expectedState)
+ // touch
+ control.checkState = data.checkState
+ compare(control.checkState, data.checkState)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ touch.press(0, control).commit().release(0, control).commit()
+ compare(control.checkState, data.expectedState)
+ // keyboard
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ tryCompare(control, "activeFocus", true)
+ control.checkState = data.checkState
+ compare(control.checkState, data.checkState)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(control.checkState, data.expectedState)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_combobox.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_combobox.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..058a07a070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_combobox.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,2309 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Window
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtQuick.NativeStyle as NativeStyle
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "ComboBox"
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: comboBox
+ ComboBox { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: emptyBox
+ ComboBox {
+ delegate: ItemDelegate {
+ width: parent.width
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: mouseArea
+ MouseArea { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: customPopup
+ Popup {
+ width: 100
+ implicitHeight: contentItem.implicitHeight
+ contentItem: TextInput {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: comboBoxWithShaderEffect
+ ComboBox {
+ delegate: Rectangle {
+ Text {
+ id: txt
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ text: "item" + index
+ font.pixelSize: 20
+ color: "red"
+ }
+ id: rect
+ objectName: "rect"
+ width: parent.width
+ height: txt.implicitHeight
+ gradient: Gradient {
+ GradientStop { color: "lightsteelblue"; position: 0.0 }
+ GradientStop { color: "blue"; position: 1.0 }
+ }
+ layer.enabled: true
+ layer.effect: ShaderEffect {
+ objectName: "ShaderFX"
+ width: rect.width
+ height: rect.height
+ fragmentShader: "
+ uniform lowp sampler2D source; // this item
+ uniform lowp float qt_Opacity; // inherited opacity of this item
+ varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
+ void main() {
+ lowp vec4 p = texture2D(source, qt_TexCoord0);
+ lowp float g = dot(p.xyz, vec3(0.344, 0.5, 0.156));
+ gl_FragColor = vec4(g, g, g, p.a) * qt_Opacity;
+ }"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function init() {
+ // QTBUG-61225: Move the mouse away to avoid QQuickDeliveryAgentPrivate::flushFrameSynchronousEvents()
+ // delivering interfering hover events based on the last mouse position from earlier tests. For
+ // example, ComboBox::test_activation() kept receiving hover events for the last mouse position
+ // from CheckDelegate::test_checked().
+ mouseMove(testCase, testCase.width - 1, testCase.height - 1)
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ compare(control.model, undefined)
+ compare(control.flat, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "")
+ verify(control.delegate)
+ if (Qt.platform.pluginName !== "cocoa" && Qt.platform.pluginName !== "windows") {
+ // Only the non-native styles sets an indicator delegate. The native
+ // styles will instead draw the indicator as a part of the background.
+ verify(control.indicator)
+ }
+ verify(control.popup)
+ verify(control.acceptableInput)
+ compare(control.inputMethodHints, Qt.ImhNoPredictiveText)
+ }
+ function test_array() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var items = [ "Banana", "Apple", "Coconut" ]
+ control.model = items
+ compare(control.model, items)
+ compare(control.count, 3)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Banana")
+ control.currentIndex = 2
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Coconut")
+ control.model = null
+ compare(control.model, null)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "")
+ }
+ function test_objects() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(emptyBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var items = [
+ { text: "Apple" },
+ { text: "Orange" },
+ { text: "Banana" }
+ ]
+ control.model = items
+ compare(control.model, items)
+ compare(control.count, 3)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Apple")
+ control.currentIndex = 2
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Banana")
+ control.model = null
+ compare(control.model, null)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "")
+ }
+ function test_qobjects() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(emptyBox, testCase, {textRole: "text"})
+ verify(control)
+ var obj1 = Qt.createQmlObject("import QtQml; QtObject { property string text: 'one' }", control)
+ var obj2 = Qt.createQmlObject("import QtQml; QtObject { property string text: 'two' }", control)
+ var obj3 = Qt.createQmlObject("import QtQml; QtObject { property string text: 'three' }", control)
+ control.model = [obj1, obj2, obj3]
+ compare(control.count, 3)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentText, "one")
+ control.currentIndex = 2
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(control.currentText, "three")
+ control.model = null
+ compare(control.model, null)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "")
+ }
+ function test_number() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.model = 10
+ compare(control.model, 10)
+ compare(control.count, 10)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentText, "0")
+ control.currentIndex = 9
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 9)
+ compare(control.currentText, "9")
+ control.model = 0
+ compare(control.model, 0)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "")
+ }
+ ListModel {
+ id: listmodel
+ ListElement { text: "First" }
+ ListElement { text: "Second" }
+ ListElement { text: "Third" }
+ ListElement { text: "Fourth" }
+ ListElement { text: "Fifth" }
+ }
+ function test_listModel() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.model = listmodel
+ compare(control.model, listmodel)
+ compare(control.count, 5)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentText, "First")
+ control.currentIndex = 2
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Third")
+ control.model = undefined
+ compare(control.model, undefined)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "")
+ }
+ ListModel {
+ id: fruitmodel
+ ListElement { name: "Apple"; color: "red" }
+ ListElement { name: "Orange"; color: "orange" }
+ ListElement { name: "Banana"; color: "yellow" }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: fruitModelComponent
+ ListModel {
+ ListElement { name: "Apple"; color: "red" }
+ ListElement { name: "Orange"; color: "orange" }
+ ListElement { name: "Banana"; color: "yellow" }
+ }
+ }
+ property var fruitarray: [
+ { name: "Apple", color: "red" },
+ { name: "Orange", color: "orange" },
+ { name: "Banana", color: "yellow" }
+ ]
+ Component {
+ id: birdModelComponent
+ ListModel {
+ ListElement { name: "Galah"; color: "pink" }
+ ListElement { name: "Kookaburra"; color: "brown" }
+ ListElement { name: "Magpie"; color: "black" }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_textRole_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "ListModel", model: fruitmodel },
+ { tag: "ObjectArray", model: fruitarray }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_textRole(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(emptyBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.model = data.model
+ compare(control.count, 3)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentText, "")
+ control.textRole = "name"
+ compare(control.currentText, "Apple")
+ control.textRole = "color"
+ compare(control.currentText, "red")
+ control.currentIndex = 1
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "orange")
+ control.textRole = "name"
+ compare(control.currentText, "Orange")
+ control.textRole = ""
+ compare(control.currentText, "")
+ }
+ function test_textAt() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.model = ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana"]
+ compare(control.textAt(0), "Apple")
+ compare(control.textAt(1), "Orange")
+ compare(control.textAt(2), "Banana")
+ compare(control.textAt(-1), "") // TODO: null?
+ compare(control.textAt(5), "") // TODO: null?
+ }
+ function test_find_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "Banana (MatchExactly)", term: "Banana", flags: Qt.MatchExactly, index: 0 },
+ { tag: "banana (MatchExactly)", term: "banana", flags: Qt.MatchExactly, index: 1 },
+ { tag: "bananas (MatchExactly)", term: "bananas", flags: Qt.MatchExactly, index: -1 },
+ { tag: "Cocomuffin (MatchExactly)", term: "Cocomuffin", flags: Qt.MatchExactly, index: 4 },
+ { tag: "b(an)+a (MatchRegularExpression)", term: "B(an)+a", flags: Qt.MatchRegularExpression, index: 0 },
+ { tag: "b(an)+a (MatchRegularExpression|MatchCaseSensitive)", term: "b(an)+a", flags: Qt.MatchRegularExpression | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive, index: 1 },
+ { tag: "[coc]+\\w+ (MatchRegularExpression)", term: "[coc]+\\w+", flags: Qt.MatchRegularExpression, index: 2 },
+ { tag: "?pp* (MatchWildcard)", term: "?pp*", flags: Qt.MatchWildcard, index: 3 },
+ { tag: "app* (MatchWildcard|MatchCaseSensitive)", term: "app*", flags: Qt.MatchWildcard | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive, index: -1 },
+ { tag: "Banana (MatchFixedString)", term: "Banana", flags: Qt.MatchFixedString, index: 0 },
+ { tag: "banana (MatchFixedString|MatchCaseSensitive)", term: "banana", flags: Qt.MatchFixedString | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive, index: 1 },
+ { tag: "coco (MatchStartsWith)", term: "coco", flags: Qt.MatchStartsWith, index: 2 },
+ { tag: "coco (MatchStartsWith|MatchCaseSensitive)", term: "coco", flags: Qt.StartsWith | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive, index: -1 },
+ { tag: "MUFFIN (MatchEndsWith)", term: "MUFFIN", flags: Qt.MatchEndsWith, index: 4 },
+ { tag: "MUFFIN (MatchEndsWith|MatchCaseSensitive)", term: "MUFFIN", flags: Qt.MatchEndsWith | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive, index: -1 },
+ { tag: "Con (MatchContains)", term: "Con", flags: Qt.MatchContains, index: 2 },
+ { tag: "Con (MatchContains|MatchCaseSensitive)", term: "Con", flags: Qt.MatchContains | Qt.MatchCaseSensitive, index: -1 },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_find(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.model = ["Banana", "banana", "Coconut", "Apple", "Cocomuffin"]
+ compare(control.find(data.term, data.flags), data.index)
+ }
+ function test_valueRole_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "ListModel", model: fruitmodel },
+ { tag: "ObjectArray", model: fruitarray }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_valueRole(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(emptyBox, testCase,
+ { model: data.model, valueRole: "color" })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.count, 3)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentValue, "red")
+ control.valueRole = "name"
+ compare(control.currentValue, "Apple")
+ control.currentIndex = 1
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentValue, "Orange")
+ control.valueRole = "color"
+ compare(control.currentValue, "orange")
+ control.model = null
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ // An invalid QVariant is represented as undefined.
+ compare(control.currentValue, undefined)
+ control.valueRole = ""
+ compare(control.currentValue, undefined)
+ }
+ function test_valueAt() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase,
+ { model: fruitmodel, textRole: "name", valueRole: "color" })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.valueAt(0), "red")
+ compare(control.valueAt(1), "orange")
+ compare(control.valueAt(2), "yellow")
+ compare(control.valueAt(-1), undefined)
+ compare(control.valueAt(5), undefined)
+ }
+ function test_indexOfValue_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "red", expectedIndex: 0 },
+ { tag: "orange", expectedIndex: 1 },
+ { tag: "yellow", expectedIndex: 2 },
+ { tag: "brown", expectedIndex: -1 },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_indexOfValue(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase,
+ { model: fruitmodel, textRole: "name", valueRole: "color" })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.indexOfValue(data.tag), data.expectedIndex)
+ }
+ function test_currentValueAfterModelChanged() {
+ let fruitModel = createTemporaryObject(fruitModelComponent, testCase)
+ verify(fruitModel)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase,
+ { model: fruitModel, textRole: "name", valueRole: "color", currentIndex: 1 })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Orange")
+ compare(control.currentValue, "orange")
+ // Remove "Apple"; the current item should now be "Banana", so currentValue should be "yellow".
+ fruitModel.remove(0)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Banana")
+ compare(control.currentValue, "yellow")
+ }
+ function test_currentValueAfterNewModelSet() {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase,
+ { model: fruitmodel, textRole: "name", valueRole: "color", currentIndex: 0 })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Apple")
+ compare(control.currentValue, "red")
+ // Swap the model out entirely. Since the currentIndex was 0 and
+ // is reset to 0 when a new model is set, it remains 0.
+ let birdModel = createTemporaryObject(birdModelComponent, testCase)
+ verify(birdModel)
+ control.model = birdModel
+ compare(control.currentText, "Galah")
+ compare(control.currentValue, "pink")
+ }
+ function test_arrowKeys() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase,
+ { model: fruitmodel, textRole: "name", valueRole: "color" })
+ verify(control)
+ var activatedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "activated"})
+ verify(activatedSpy.valid)
+ var highlightedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "highlighted"})
+ verify(highlightedSpy.valid)
+ var openedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "opened"})
+ verify(openedSpy.valid)
+ var closedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "closed"})
+ verify(closedSpy.valid)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Down)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(activatedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 1)
+ activatedSpy.clear()
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Down)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(activatedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 2)
+ activatedSpy.clear()
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Down)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Up)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(activatedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 1)
+ activatedSpy.clear()
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Up)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(activatedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 0)
+ activatedSpy.clear()
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Up)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ // show popup
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ openedSpy.wait()
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 0)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Down)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 1)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 1)
+ highlightedSpy.clear()
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Down)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 2)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 2)
+ highlightedSpy.clear()
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Down)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 2)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Up)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 1)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 1)
+ highlightedSpy.clear()
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Up)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 0)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 0)
+ highlightedSpy.clear()
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Up)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 0)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Down)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 1)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], 1)
+ highlightedSpy.clear()
+ // hide popup
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ closedSpy.wait()
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ }
+ function test_keys_space_enter_escape_data() {
+ // Not testing Key_Enter + Key_Enter and Key_Return + Key_Return because
+ // QGnomeTheme uses Key_Enter and Key_Return for pressing buttons/comboboxes
+ // and the CI uses the QGnomeTheme platform theme.
+ return [
+ { tag: "space-space", key1: Qt.Key_Space, key2: Qt.Key_Space, showPopup: true, showPress: true, hidePopup: true, hidePress: true },
+ { tag: "space-enter", key1: Qt.Key_Space, key2: Qt.Key_Enter, showPopup: true, showPress: true, hidePopup: true, hidePress: true },
+ { tag: "space-return", key1: Qt.Key_Space, key2: Qt.Key_Return, showPopup: true, showPress: true, hidePopup: true, hidePress: true },
+ { tag: "space-escape", key1: Qt.Key_Space, key2: Qt.Key_Escape, showPopup: true, showPress: true, hidePopup: true, hidePress: false },
+ { tag: "space-0", key1: Qt.Key_Space, key2: Qt.Key_0, showPopup: true, showPress: true, hidePopup: false, hidePress: false },
+ { tag: "escape-escape", key1: Qt.Key_Escape, key2: Qt.Key_Escape, showPopup: false, showPress: false, hidePopup: true, hidePress: false }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_keys_space_enter_escape(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 3})
+ verify(control)
+ var openedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "opened"})
+ verify(openedSpy.valid)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, false)
+ // show popup
+ keyPress(data.key1)
+ compare(control.pressed, data.showPress)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, false)
+ keyRelease(data.key1)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, data.showPopup)
+ if (data.showPopup)
+ openedSpy.wait()
+ // hide popup
+ keyPress(data.key2)
+ compare(control.pressed, data.hidePress)
+ keyRelease(data.key2)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", !data.hidePopup)
+ }
+ function test_keys_home_end() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 5})
+ verify(control)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ var activatedCount = 0
+ var activatedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "activated"})
+ verify(activatedSpy.valid)
+ var highlightedCount = 0
+ var highlightedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "highlighted"})
+ verify(highlightedSpy.valid)
+ var currentIndexCount = 0
+ var currentIndexSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "currentIndexChanged"})
+ verify(currentIndexSpy.valid)
+ var highlightedIndexCount = 0
+ var highlightedIndexSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "highlightedIndexChanged"})
+ verify(highlightedIndexSpy.valid)
+ // end (popup closed)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_End)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 4)
+ compare(currentIndexSpy.count, ++currentIndexCount)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, highlightedIndexCount)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, ++activatedCount)
+ compare(activatedSpy.signalArguments[activatedCount-1][0], 4)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, highlightedCount)
+ // repeat (no changes/signals)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_End)
+ compare(currentIndexSpy.count, currentIndexCount)
+ compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, highlightedIndexCount)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, activatedCount)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, highlightedCount)
+ // home (popup closed)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Home)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(currentIndexSpy.count, ++currentIndexCount)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, highlightedIndexCount)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, ++activatedCount)
+ compare(activatedSpy.signalArguments[activatedCount-1][0], 0)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, highlightedCount)
+ // repeat (no changes/signals)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Home)
+ compare(currentIndexSpy.count, currentIndexCount)
+ compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, highlightedIndexCount)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, activatedCount)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, highlightedCount)
+ control.popup.open()
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 0)
+ compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, ++highlightedIndexCount)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, highlightedCount)
+ // end (popup open)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_End)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(currentIndexSpy.count, currentIndexCount)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 4)
+ compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, ++highlightedIndexCount)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, activatedCount)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, ++highlightedCount)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.signalArguments[highlightedCount-1][0], 4)
+ // repeat (no changes/signals)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_End)
+ compare(currentIndexSpy.count, currentIndexCount)
+ compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, highlightedIndexCount)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, activatedCount)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, highlightedCount)
+ // home (popup open)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Home)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(currentIndexSpy.count, currentIndexCount)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 0)
+ compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, ++highlightedIndexCount)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, activatedCount)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, ++highlightedCount)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.signalArguments[highlightedCount-1][0], 0)
+ // repeat (no changes/signals)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Home)
+ compare(currentIndexSpy.count, currentIndexCount)
+ compare(highlightedIndexSpy.count, highlightedIndexCount)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, activatedCount)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, highlightedCount)
+ }
+ function test_keySearch() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: ["Banana", "Coco", "Coconut", "Apple", "Cocomuffin"]})
+ verify(control)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Banana")
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_C)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Coco")
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ // no match
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_N)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Coco")
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_C)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Coconut")
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_C)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 4)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Cocomuffin")
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ // wrap
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_C)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Coco")
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_A)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 3)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Apple")
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_B)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Banana")
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ // popup
+ control.popup.open()
+ tryCompare(control.popup, "opened", true)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 0)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_C)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 1) // "Coco"
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ // no match
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_N)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_C)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 2) // "Coconut"
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_C)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 4) // "Cocomuffin"
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ // wrap
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_C)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 1) // "Coco"
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_B)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 0) // "Banana"
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_A)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 3) // "Apple"
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ verify(control.popup.visible)
+ // accept
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Return)
+ tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 3)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Apple")
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ }
+ function test_popup() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 3})
+ verify(control)
+ // show below
+ mousePress(control)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, false)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, true)
+ verify(control.popup.contentItem.y >= control.y)
+ // hide
+ mouseClick(control)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false)
+ // show above
+ control.y = control.Window.height - control.height
+ mousePress(control)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, false)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, true)
+ verify(control.popup.contentItem.y < control.y)
+ // Account for when a transition of a scale from 0.9-1.0 that it is placed above right away and not below
+ // first just because there is room at the 0.9 scale
+ if (control.popup.enter !== null) {
+ // hide
+ mouseClick(control)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false)
+ control.y = control.Window.height - (control.popup.contentItem.height * 0.99)
+ var popupYSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control.popup, signalName: "yChanged"})
+ verify(popupYSpy.valid)
+ mousePress(control)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, false)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, true)
+ tryCompare(control.popup.enter, "running", false)
+ verify(control.popup.contentItem.y < control.y)
+ verify(popupYSpy.count === 1)
+ }
+ var leftLayoutMargin = control.background.layoutMargins === undefined ? 0 : control.popup.layoutMargins.left
+ // follow the control outside the horizontal window bounds
+ control.x = -control.width / 2
+ compare(control.x, -control.width / 2)
+ compare(control.popup.contentItem.parent.x, -control.width / 2 + leftLayoutMargin)
+ control.x = testCase.width - control.width / 2
+ compare(control.x, testCase.width - control.width / 2)
+ compare(control.popup.contentItem.parent.x, testCase.width - control.width / 2 + leftLayoutMargin)
+ // close the popup when hidden (QTBUG-67684)
+ control.popup.open()
+ tryCompare(control.popup, "opened", true)
+ control.visible = false
+ tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: reopenCombo
+ Window {
+ property alias innerCombo: innerCombo
+ visible: true
+ width: 300
+ height: 300
+ ComboBox {
+ id: innerCombo
+ model: 10
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // This test checks that when reopening the combobox that it is still appears at the same y position as
+ // previously
+ function test_reopen_popup() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(reopenCombo, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var y = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ tryCompare(control.innerCombo.popup, "visible", false)
+ control.innerCombo.y = control.height - (control.innerCombo.popup.contentItem.height * 0.99)
+ var popupYSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control.innerCombo.popup, signalName: "yChanged"})
+ verify(popupYSpy.valid)
+ mousePress(control.innerCombo)
+ compare(control.innerCombo.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.innerCombo.popup.visible, false)
+ mouseRelease(control.innerCombo)
+ compare(control.innerCombo.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.innerCombo.popup.visible, true)
+ if (control.innerCombo.popup.enter)
+ tryCompare(control.innerCombo.popup.enter, "running", false)
+ // Check on the second opening that it has the same y position as before
+ if (i !== 0) {
+ // y should not have changed again
+ verify(popupYSpy.count === 0)
+ verify(y === control.innerCombo.popup.y)
+ } else {
+ // In some cases on the initial show, y changes more than once
+ verify(popupYSpy.count >= 1)
+ y = control.innerCombo.popup.y
+ mouseClick(control.innerCombo)
+ compare(control.innerCombo.pressed, false)
+ tryCompare(control.innerCombo.popup, "visible", false)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_mouse() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 3, hoverEnabled: false})
+ verify(control)
+ var activatedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "activated"})
+ verify(activatedSpy.valid)
+ mouseClick(control)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, true)
+ var content = control.popup.contentItem
+ waitForRendering(content)
+ // press - move - release outside - not activated - not closed
+ mousePress(content)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ mouseMove(content, content.width * 2)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ mouseRelease(content, content.width * 2)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, true)
+ // press - move - release inside - activated - closed
+ mousePress(content)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ mouseMove(content, content.width / 2 + 1, content.height / 2 + 1)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ mouseRelease(content)
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 1)
+ tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false)
+ }
+ function test_touch() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 3})
+ verify(control)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ var activatedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "activated"})
+ verify(activatedSpy.valid)
+ var highlightedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "highlighted"})
+ verify(highlightedSpy.valid)
+ touch.press(0, control).commit()
+ touch.release(0, control).commit()
+ compare(control.popup.visible, true)
+ var content = control.popup.contentItem
+ waitForRendering(content)
+ // press - move - release outside - not activated - not closed
+ touch.press(0, control).commit()
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0)
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, true)
+ // press - move - release inside - activated - closed
+ touch.press(0, content).commit()
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0)
+ touch.move(0, content, content.width / 2 + 1, content.height / 2 + 1).commit()
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 0)
+ touch.release(0, content).commit()
+ compare(activatedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(highlightedSpy.count, 1)
+ tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false)
+ }
+ function test_down() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 3})
+ verify(control)
+ // some styles position the popup over the combo button. move it out
+ // of the way to avoid stealing mouse presses. we want to test the
+ // combinations of the button being pressed and the popup being visible.
+ control.popup.y = control.height
+ var downSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "downChanged"})
+ verify(downSpy.valid)
+ var pressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy.valid)
+ mousePress(control)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.down, true)
+ compare(downSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 1)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.down, true)
+ compare(downSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.popup.y, control.height)
+ control.down = false
+ compare(control.down, false)
+ compare(downSpy.count, 4)
+ mousePress(control)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.down, false) // explicit false
+ compare(downSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 3)
+ control.down = undefined
+ compare(control.down, true)
+ compare(downSpy.count, 5)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.down, false)
+ compare(downSpy.count, 6)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 4)
+ control.popup.open()
+ compare(control.popup.visible, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.down, true)
+ compare(downSpy.count, 7)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 4)
+ control.popup.close()
+ tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.down, false)
+ compare(downSpy.count, 8)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 4)
+ }
+ function test_focus() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 3})
+ verify(control)
+ var openedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "opened"})
+ verify(openedSpy.valid)
+ var closedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "closed"})
+ verify(openedSpy.valid)
+ // click - gain focus - show popup
+ mouseClick(control)
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ openedSpy.wait()
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, true)
+ // lose focus - hide popup
+ control.focus = false
+ verify(!control.activeFocus)
+ closedSpy.wait()
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.popup.visible, false)
+ }
+ function test_baseline() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, control.contentItem.y + control.contentItem.baselineOffset)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: displayBox
+ ComboBox {
+ textRole: "key"
+ model: ListModel {
+ ListElement { key: "First"; value: 123 }
+ ListElement { key: "Second"; value: 456 }
+ ListElement { key: "Third"; value: 789 }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_displayText() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(displayBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.displayText, "First")
+ control.currentIndex = 1
+ compare(control.displayText, "Second")
+ control.textRole = "value"
+ compare(control.displayText, "456")
+ control.displayText = "Display"
+ compare(control.displayText, "Display")
+ control.currentIndex = 2
+ compare(control.displayText, "Display")
+ control.displayText = undefined
+ compare(control.displayText, "789")
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: component
+ Pane {
+ id: panel
+ property alias button: _button;
+ property alias combobox: _combobox;
+ font.pixelSize: 30
+ Column {
+ Button {
+ id: _button
+ text: "Button"
+ font.pixelSize: 20
+ }
+ ComboBox {
+ id: _combobox
+ model: ["ComboBox", "With"]
+ delegate: ItemDelegate {
+ width: _combobox.width
+ text: _combobox.textRole ? (Array.isArray(_combobox.model) ? modelData[_combobox.textRole] : model[_combobox.textRole]) : modelData
+ objectName: "delegate"
+ autoExclusive: true
+ checked: _combobox.currentIndex === index
+ highlighted: _combobox.highlightedIndex === index
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function getChild(control, objname, idx) {
+ var index = idx
+ for (var i = index+1; i < control.children.length; i++)
+ {
+ if (control.children[i].objectName === objname) {
+ index = i
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return index
+ }
+ function test_font() { // QTBUG_50984, QTBUG-51696
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.button)
+ verify(control.combobox)
+ var macOSStyle = Qt.platform.pluginName === "cocoa"
+ && control.combobox.background instanceof NativeStyle.StyleItem
+ var expectedComboBoxFontPixelSize = macOSStyle
+ ? control.combobox.background.styleFont(control.combobox).pixelSize
+ : 30
+ compare(control.font.pixelSize, 30)
+ compare(control.button.font.pixelSize, 20)
+ compare(control.combobox.font.pixelSize, expectedComboBoxFontPixelSize)
+// verify(control.combobox.popup)
+// var popup = control.combobox.popup
+// popup.open()
+// verify(popup.contentItem)
+// var listview = popup.contentItem
+// verify(listview.contentItem)
+// waitForRendering(listview)
+// var idx1 = getChild(listview.contentItem, "delegate", -1)
+// compare(listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, 25)
+// var idx2 = getChild(listview.contentItem, "delegate", idx1)
+// compare(listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, 25)
+// compare(listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, 25)
+// compare(listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, 25)
+ control.font.pixelSize = control.font.pixelSize + 10
+ if (!macOSStyle) expectedComboBoxFontPixelSize += 10
+ compare(control.combobox.font.pixelSize, expectedComboBoxFontPixelSize)
+// waitForRendering(listview)
+// compare(listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, 25)
+// compare(listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, 25)
+ control.combobox.font.pixelSize = control.combobox.font.pixelSize + 5
+ if (!macOSStyle) {
+ // We only support the default system font (and font size) on MacOS style.
+ // Therefore, adjusting the font is not supported on MacOS style.
+ // Current behavior is that the font property *is* changed, but it is not
+ // guaranteed that the drawing will be correct.
+ // However, this might change in the future, so we don't test it.
+ compare(control.combobox.font.pixelSize, 45)
+ }
+// waitForRendering(listview)
+// idx1 = getChild(listview.contentItem, "delegate", -1)
+// compare(listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, 25)
+// idx2 = getChild(listview.contentItem, "delegate", idx1)
+// compare(listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, 25)
+ }
+ function test_wheel() {
+ var ma = createTemporaryObject(mouseArea, testCase, {width: 100, height: 100})
+ verify(ma)
+ var control = comboBox.createObject(ma, {model: 2, wheelEnabled: true})
+ verify(control)
+ var delta = 120
+ var spy = signalSpy.createObject(ma, {target: ma, signalName: "wheel"})
+ verify(spy.valid)
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, -delta, -delta)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(spy.count, 0) // no propagation
+ // reached bounds -> no change
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, -delta, -delta)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(spy.count, 0) // no propagation
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, delta, delta)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(spy.count, 0) // no propagation
+ // reached bounds -> no change
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, delta, delta)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(spy.count, 0) // no propagation
+ }
+ function test_activation_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "open:enter", key: Qt.Key_Enter, open: true },
+ { tag: "open:return", key: Qt.Key_Return, open: true },
+ { tag: "closed:enter", key: Qt.Key_Enter, open: false },
+ { tag: "closed:return", key: Qt.Key_Return, open: false }
+ ]
+ }
+ // QTBUG-51645
+ function test_activation(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {currentIndex: 1, model: ["Apple", "Orange", "Banana"]})
+ verify(control)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ if (data.open) {
+ var openedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "opened"})
+ verify(openedSpy.valid)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ openedSpy.wait()
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 1)
+ }
+ compare(control.popup.visible, data.open)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Orange")
+ compare(control.displayText, "Orange")
+ keyClick(data.key)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Orange")
+ compare(control.displayText, "Orange")
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: asyncLoader
+ Loader {
+ active: false
+ asynchronous: true
+ sourceComponent: ComboBox {
+ model: ["First", "Second", "Third"]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // QTBUG-51972
+ function test_async() {
+ var loader = createTemporaryObject(asyncLoader, testCase)
+ verify(loader)
+ loader.active = true
+ tryCompare(loader, "status", Loader.Ready)
+ verify(loader.item)
+ compare(loader.item.currentText, "First")
+ compare(loader.item.displayText, "First")
+ }
+ // QTBUG-52615
+ function test_currentIndex() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {currentIndex: -1, model: 3})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ }
+ ListModel {
+ id: resetmodel
+ ListElement { text: "First" }
+ ListElement { text: "Second" }
+ ListElement { text: "Third" }
+ }
+ // QTBUG-54573
+ function test_modelReset() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: resetmodel})
+ verify(control)
+ control.popup.open()
+ var listview = control.popup.contentItem
+ verify(listview)
+ tryCompare(listview.contentItem.children, "length", resetmodel.count + 1) // + highlight item
+ resetmodel.clear()
+ resetmodel.append({text: "Fourth"})
+ resetmodel.append({text: "Fifth"})
+ tryCompare(listview.contentItem.children, "length", resetmodel.count + 1) // + highlight item
+ }
+ // QTBUG-55118
+ function test_currentText() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: listmodel})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentText, "First")
+ listmodel.setProperty(0, "text", "1st")
+ compare(control.currentText, "1st")
+ control.currentIndex = 1
+ compare(control.currentText, "Second")
+ listmodel.setProperty(0, "text", "First")
+ compare(control.currentText, "Second")
+ }
+ // QTBUG-55030
+ function test_highlightRange() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ control.currentIndex = 50
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 50)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ var openedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "opened"})
+ verify(openedSpy.valid)
+ control.popup.open()
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 50)
+ tryCompare(openedSpy, "count", 1)
+ var listview = control.popup.contentItem
+ verify(listview)
+ var first = listview.itemAt(0, listview.contentY)
+ verify(first)
+ compare(first.text, "50")
+ var closedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "closed"})
+ verify(closedSpy.valid)
+ control.popup.close()
+ tryCompare(closedSpy, "count", 1)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ control.currentIndex = 99
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 99)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ control.popup.open()
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 99)
+ tryCompare(openedSpy, "count", 2)
+ tryVerify(function() { return listview.height > 0 })
+ var last = listview.itemAt(0, listview.contentY + listview.height - 1)
+ verify(last)
+ compare(last.text, "99")
+ openedSpy.target = null
+ closedSpy.target = null
+ }
+ function test_mouseHighlight() {
+ if ((Qt.platform.pluginName === "offscreen")
+ || (Qt.platform.pluginName === "minimal"))
+ skip("Mouse highlight not functional on offscreen/minimal platforms")
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: 20})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, -1)
+ var openedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "opened"})
+ verify(openedSpy.valid)
+ control.popup.open()
+ compare(control.highlightedIndex, 0)
+ tryCompare(openedSpy, "count", 1)
+ var listview = control.popup.contentItem
+ verify(listview)
+ waitForRendering(listview)
+ // hover-highlight through all visible list items one by one
+ var hoverIndex = -1
+ var prevHoverItem = null
+ for (var y = 0; y < listview.height; ++y) {
+ var hoverItem = listview.itemAt(0, listview.contentY + y)
+ if (!hoverItem || !hoverItem.visible || hoverItem === prevHoverItem)
+ continue
+ mouseMove(hoverItem, 0, 0)
+ tryCompare(control, "highlightedIndex", ++hoverIndex)
+ prevHoverItem = hoverItem
+ }
+ mouseMove(listview, listview.width / 2, listview.height / 2)
+ // wheel-highlight the rest of the items
+ var delta = 120
+ var prevWheelItem = null
+ while (!listview.atYEnd) {
+ var prevContentY = listview.contentY
+ mouseWheel(listview, listview.width / 2, listview.height / 2, -delta, -delta)
+ tryCompare(listview, "moving", false)
+ verify(listview.contentY > prevContentY)
+ var wheelItem = listview.itemAt(listview.width / 2, listview.contentY + listview.height / 2)
+ if (!wheelItem || !wheelItem.visible || wheelItem === prevWheelItem)
+ continue
+ tryCompare(control, "highlightedIndex", parseInt(wheelItem.text))
+ prevWheelItem = wheelItem
+ }
+ }
+ RegularExpressionValidator {
+ id: regExpValidator
+ regularExpression: /(red|blue|green)?/
+ }
+ function test_validator() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {editable: true, validator: regExpValidator})
+ control.editText = "blu"
+ compare(control.acceptableInput, false)
+ control.editText = "blue"
+ compare(control.acceptableInput, true)
+ control.editText = "bluee"
+ compare(control.acceptableInput, false)
+ control.editText = ""
+ compare(control.acceptableInput, true)
+ control.editText = ""
+ control.contentItem.forceActiveFocus()
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_A)
+ compare(control.editText, "")
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_A)
+ compare(control.editText, "")
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_R)
+ compare(control.editText, "r")
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_A)
+ compare(control.editText, "r")
+ compare(control.acceptableInput, false)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_E)
+ compare(control.editText, "re")
+ compare(control.acceptableInput, false)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_D)
+ compare(control.editText, "red")
+ compare(control.acceptableInput, true)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: appendFindBox
+ ComboBox {
+ editable: true
+ model: ListModel {
+ ListElement { text:"first" }
+ }
+ onAccepted: {
+ if (find(editText) === -1)
+ model.append({text: editText})
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_append_find() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(appendFindBox, testCase)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentText, "first")
+ control.contentItem.forceActiveFocus()
+ compare(control.activeFocus, true)
+ control.selectAll()
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_T)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_H)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_I)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_R)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_D)
+ compare(control.count, 1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "first")
+ compare(control.editText, "third")
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Enter)
+ compare(control.count, 2)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "third")
+ }
+ function test_editable() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {editable: true, model: ["Banana", "Coco", "Coconut", "Apple", "Cocomuffin"]})
+ verify(control)
+ control.contentItem.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ var acceptCount = 0
+ var acceptSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "accepted"})
+ verify(acceptSpy.valid)
+ compare(control.editText, "Banana")
+ compare(control.currentText, "Banana")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(acceptSpy.count, 0)
+ control.editText = ""
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_C)
+ compare(control.editText, "coco")
+ compare(control.currentText, "Banana")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Right)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_N)
+ compare(control.editText, "coconut")
+ compare(control.currentText, "Banana")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Enter) // Accept
+ compare(control.editText, "Coconut")
+ compare(control.currentText, "Coconut")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(acceptSpy.count, ++acceptCount)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Backspace)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Backspace)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Backspace)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_M)
+ compare(control.editText, "Cocomuffin")
+ compare(control.currentText, "Coconut")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Enter) // Accept
+ compare(control.editText, "Cocomuffin")
+ compare(control.currentText, "Cocomuffin")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 4)
+ compare(acceptSpy.count, ++acceptCount)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Return) // Accept
+ compare(control.editText, "Cocomuffin")
+ compare(control.currentText, "Cocomuffin")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 4)
+ compare(acceptSpy.count, ++acceptCount)
+ control.editText = ""
+ compare(control.editText, "")
+ compare(control.currentText, "Cocomuffin")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 4)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_A)
+ compare(control.editText, "apple")
+ compare(control.currentText, "Cocomuffin")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 4)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Return) // Accept
+ compare(control.editText, "Apple")
+ compare(control.currentText, "Apple")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 3)
+ compare(acceptSpy.count, ++acceptCount)
+ control.editText = ""
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_A)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_B)
+ compare(control.editText, "ab")
+ compare(control.currentText, "Apple")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 3)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Return) // Accept
+ compare(control.editText, "ab")
+ compare(control.currentText, "")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(acceptSpy.count, ++acceptCount)
+ control.editText = ""
+ compare(control.editText, "")
+ compare(control.currentText, "")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_C)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Return) // Accept
+ compare(control.editText, "Coco")
+ compare(control.currentText, "Coco")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(acceptSpy.count, ++acceptCount)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Down)
+ compare(control.editText, "Coconut")
+ compare(control.currentText, "Coconut")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Up)
+ compare(control.editText, "Coco")
+ compare(control.currentText, "Coco")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ control.editText = ""
+ compare(control.editText, "")
+ compare(control.currentText, "Coco")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_C)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_O)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_C) // autocompletes "coco"
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Backspace)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Return) // Accept "coc"
+ compare(control.editText, "coc")
+ compare(control.currentText, "")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(acceptSpy.count, ++acceptCount)
+ control.editText = ""
+ compare(control.editText, "")
+ compare(control.currentText, "")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_C)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_O)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_C) // autocompletes "coc"
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Space)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Return) // Accept "coc "
+ compare(control.editText, "coc ")
+ compare(control.currentText, "")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(acceptSpy.count, ++acceptCount)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: keysAttachedBox
+ ComboBox {
+ editable: true
+ property bool gotit: false
+ Keys.onPressed: {
+ if (!gotit && event.key === Qt.Key_B) {
+ gotit = true
+ event.accepted = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_keys_attached() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(keysAttachedBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.contentItem.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ verify(!control.gotit)
+ compare(control.editText, "")
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_A)
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ verify(!control.gotit)
+ compare(control.editText, "a")
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_B)
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ verify(control.gotit)
+ compare(control.editText, "a")
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_B)
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ verify(control.gotit)
+ compare(control.editText, "ab")
+ }
+ function test_minusOneIndexResetsSelection_QTBUG_35794_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "editable", editable: true },
+ { tag: "non-editable", editable: false }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_minusOneIndexResetsSelection_QTBUG_35794(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {editable: data.editable, model: ["A", "B", "C"]})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentText, "A")
+ control.currentIndex = -1
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "")
+ control.currentIndex = 1
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "B")
+ }
+ function test_minusOneToZeroSelection_QTBUG_38036() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: ["A", "B", "C"]})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentText, "A")
+ control.currentIndex = -1
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "")
+ control.currentIndex = 0
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentText, "A")
+ }
+ function test_emptyPopupAfterModelCleared() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, { model: 1 })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.popup.implicitHeight, 0)
+ // Ensure that it's open so that the popup's implicitHeight changes when we increase the model count.
+ control.popup.open()
+ tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", true)
+ // Add lots of items to the model. The popup should take up the entire height of the window.
+ control.model = 100
+ compare(control.popup.height, control.Window.height - control.popup.topMargin - control.popup.bottomMargin)
+ control.popup.close()
+ // Clearing the model should result in a zero height.
+ control.model = 0
+ control.popup.open()
+ tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", true)
+ compare(control.popup.height, control.popup.topPadding + control.popup.bottomPadding)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: keysMonitor
+ Item {
+ property int pressedKeys: 0
+ property int releasedKeys: 0
+ property int lastPressedKey: 0
+ property int lastReleasedKey: 0
+ property alias comboBox: comboBox
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ Keys.onPressed: (event) => { ++pressedKeys; lastPressedKey = event.key }
+ Keys.onReleased: (event) => { ++releasedKeys; lastReleasedKey = event.key }
+ ComboBox {
+ id: comboBox
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_keyClose_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "Escape", key: Qt.Key_Escape },
+ { tag: "Back", key: Qt.Key_Back }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_keyClose(data) {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(keysMonitor, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ var control = comboBox.createObject(container)
+ verify(control)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ var pressedKeys = 0
+ var releasedKeys = 0
+ // popup not visible -> propagates
+ keyPress(data.key)
+ compare(container.pressedKeys, ++pressedKeys)
+ compare(container.lastPressedKey, data.key)
+ keyRelease(data.key)
+ compare(container.releasedKeys, ++releasedKeys)
+ compare(container.lastReleasedKey, data.key)
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ // popup visible -> handled -> does not propagate
+ control.popup.open()
+ tryCompare(control.popup, "opened", true)
+ keyPress(data.key)
+ compare(container.pressedKeys, pressedKeys)
+ keyRelease(data.key)
+ compare(container.releasedKeys, releasedKeys)
+ tryCompare(control.popup, "visible", false)
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ // popup not visible -> propagates
+ keyPress(data.key)
+ compare(container.pressedKeys, ++pressedKeys)
+ compare(container.lastPressedKey, data.key)
+ keyRelease(data.key)
+ compare(container.releasedKeys, ++releasedKeys)
+ compare(container.lastReleasedKey, data.key)
+ }
+ function test_popupFocus_QTBUG_74661() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var popup = createTemporaryObject(customPopup, testCase)
+ verify(popup)
+ control.popup = popup
+ var openedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: popup, signalName: "opened"})
+ verify(openedSpy.valid)
+ var closedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: popup, signalName: "closed"})
+ verify(closedSpy.valid)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ // show popup
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ openedSpy.wait()
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 1)
+ popup.contentItem.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(popup.contentItem.activeFocus)
+ // type something in the text field
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_H)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_I)
+ compare(popup.contentItem.text, " hi")
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0)
+ // hide popup
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Escape)
+ closedSpy.wait()
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 1)
+ }
+ function test_comboBoxWithShaderEffect() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBoxWithShaderEffect, testCase, {model: 9})
+ verify(control)
+ waitForRendering(control)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ var openedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "opened"})
+ verify(openedSpy.valid)
+ var closedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.popup, signalName: "closed"})
+ verify(closedSpy.valid)
+ control.popup.open()
+ openedSpy.wait()
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 1)
+ control.popup.close()
+ closedSpy.wait()
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 1)
+ }
+ function test_comboBoxSelectTextByMouse() {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase,
+ { editable: true, selectTextByMouse: true, model: [ "Some text" ], width: parent.width })
+ verify(control)
+ waitForRendering(control)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ // Position the text cursor at the beginning of the text.
+ mouseClick(control, control.leftPadding, control.height / 2)
+ // Select all of the text.
+ mousePress(control, control.leftPadding, control.height / 2)
+ mouseMove(control, control.leftPadding + control.contentItem.width, control.height / 2)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.leftPadding + control.contentItem.width, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.contentItem.selectedText, "Some text")
+ }
+ // QTBUG-78885: When the edit text is changed on an editable ComboBox,
+ // and then that ComboBox loses focus, its currentIndex should change
+ // to the index of the edit text (assuming a match is found).
+ function test_currentIndexChangeOnLostFocus() {
+ if (Qt.styleHints.tabFocusBehavior !== Qt.TabFocusAllControls)
+ skip("This platform only allows tab focus for text controls")
+ let theModel = []
+ for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+ theModel.push("Item " + (i + 1))
+ let comboBox1 = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase,
+ { objectName: "comboBox1", editable: true, model: theModel })
+ verify(comboBox1)
+ compare(comboBox1.currentIndex, 0)
+ let comboBox2 = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, { objectName: "comboBox2" })
+ verify(comboBox2)
+ // Give the first ComboBox focus and type in 0 to select "Item 10" (default is "Item 1").
+ waitForRendering(comboBox1)
+ comboBox1.contentItem.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(comboBox1.activeFocus)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_0)
+ compare(comboBox1.editText, "Item 10")
+ let currentIndexSpy = signalSpy.createObject(comboBox1,
+ { target: comboBox1, signalName: "currentIndexChanged" })
+ verify(currentIndexSpy.valid)
+ // Give focus to the other ComboBox so that the first one loses it.
+ // The first ComboBox's currentIndex should change to that of "Item 10".
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Tab)
+ verify(comboBox2.activeFocus)
+ compare(comboBox1.currentIndex, 9)
+ compare(currentIndexSpy.count, 1)
+ // Give focus back to the first ComboBox, and try the same thing except
+ // with non-existing text; the currentIndex should not change.
+ comboBox1.contentItem.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(comboBox1.activeFocus)
+ keySequence(StandardKey.SelectAll)
+ compare(comboBox1.contentItem.selectedText, "Item 10")
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_N)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_O)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_P)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_E)
+ compare(comboBox1.editText, "nope")
+ compare(comboBox1.currentIndex, 9)
+ compare(currentIndexSpy.count, 1)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: appFontTextFieldComponent
+ TextField {
+ objectName: "appFontTextField"
+ font: Qt.application.font
+ // We don't want the background's implicit width to interfere with our tests,
+ // which are about implicit width of the contentItem of ComboBox, which is by default TextField.
+ background: null
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: appFontContentItemComboBoxComponent
+ ComboBox {
+ // Override the contentItem so that the font doesn't vary between styles.
+ contentItem: TextField {
+ objectName: "appFontContentItemTextField"
+ // We do this just to be extra sure that the font never comes from the control,
+ // as we want it to match that of the TextField in the appFontTextFieldComponent.
+ font: Qt.application.font
+ background: null
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: twoItemListModelComponent
+ ListModel {
+ ListElement { display: "Short" }
+ ListElement { display: "Kinda long" }
+ }
+ }
+ function appendedToModel(model, item) {
+ if (Array.isArray(model)) {
+ let newModel = model
+ newModel.push(item)
+ return newModel
+ }
+ if (model.hasOwnProperty("append")) {
+ model.append({ display: item })
+ // To account for the fact that changes to a JS array are not seen by the QML engine,
+ // we need to reassign the entire model and hence return it. For simplicity in the
+ // calling code, we do it for the ListModel code path too. It should be a no-op.
+ return model
+ }
+ console.warn("appendedToModel: unrecognised model")
+ return undefined
+ }
+ function removedFromModel(model, index, count) {
+ if (Array.isArray(model)) {
+ let newModel = model
+ newModel.splice(index, count)
+ return newModel
+ }
+ if (model.hasOwnProperty("remove")) {
+ model.remove(index, count)
+ return model
+ }
+ console.warn("removedFromModel: unrecognised model")
+ return undefined
+ }
+ // We don't use a data-driven test for the policy because the checks vary a lot based on which enum we're testing.
+ function test_implicitContentWidthPolicy_ContentItemImplicitWidth() {
+ // Set ContentItemImplicitWidth and ensure that implicitContentWidth is as wide as the current item
+ // by comparing it against the implicitWidth of an identical TextField
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(appFontContentItemComboBoxComponent, testCase, {
+ model: ["Short", "Kinda long"],
+ implicitContentWidthPolicy: ComboBox.ContentItemImplicitWidth
+ })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidthPolicy, ComboBox.ContentItemImplicitWidth)
+ let textField = createTemporaryObject(appFontTextFieldComponent, testCase)
+ verify(textField)
+ // Don't set any text on textField because we're not accounting for the widest
+ // text here, so we want to compare it against an empty TextField.
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, textField.implicitWidth)
+ textField.font.pixelSize *= 2
+ control.font.pixelSize *= 2
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, textField.implicitWidth)
+ }
+ function test_implicitContentWidthPolicy_WidestText_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "Array", model: ["Short", "Kinda long"] },
+ { tag: "ListModel", model: twoItemListModelComponent.createObject(testCase) },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_implicitContentWidthPolicy_WidestText(data) {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(appFontContentItemComboBoxComponent, testCase, {
+ model: data.model,
+ implicitContentWidthPolicy: ComboBox.WidestText
+ })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidthPolicy, ComboBox.WidestText)
+ let textField = createTemporaryObject(appFontTextFieldComponent, testCase)
+ verify(textField)
+ textField.text = "Kinda long"
+ // Note that we don't need to change the current index here, as the implicitContentWidth
+ // is set to the implicitWidth of the TextField within the ComboBox as if it had the largest
+ // text from the model set on it.
+ // We use Math.ceil because TextInput uses qCeil internally, whereas the implicitWidth
+ // binding for TextField does not.
+ compare(Math.ceil(control.implicitContentWidth), Math.ceil(textField.implicitWidth))
+ // Add a longer item; it should affect the implicit content width.
+ let modifiedModel = appendedToModel(data.model, "Moderately long")
+ control.model = modifiedModel
+ textField.text = "Moderately long"
+ compare(Math.ceil(control.implicitContentWidth), Math.ceil(textField.implicitWidth))
+ // Remove the last two items; it should use the only remaining item's width.
+ modifiedModel = removedFromModel(data.model, 1, 2)
+ control.model = modifiedModel
+ compare(control.count, 1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Short")
+ textField.text = "Short"
+ compare(Math.ceil(control.implicitContentWidth), Math.ceil(textField.implicitWidth))
+ // Changes in font should result in the implicitContentWidth being updated.
+ textField.font.pixelSize *= 2
+ // We have to change the contentItem's font size manually since we break the
+ // style's binding to the control's font when we set Qt.application.font to it.
+ control.contentItem.font.pixelSize *= 2
+ control.font.pixelSize *= 2
+ compare(Math.ceil(control.implicitContentWidth), Math.ceil(textField.implicitWidth))
+ }
+ function test_implicitContentWidthPolicy_WidestTextWhenCompleted_data() {
+ return test_implicitContentWidthPolicy_WidestText_data()
+ }
+ function test_implicitContentWidthPolicy_WidestTextWhenCompleted(data) {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(appFontContentItemComboBoxComponent, testCase, {
+ model: data.model,
+ implicitContentWidthPolicy: ComboBox.WidestTextWhenCompleted
+ })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidthPolicy, ComboBox.WidestTextWhenCompleted)
+ let textField = createTemporaryObject(appFontTextFieldComponent, testCase)
+ verify(textField)
+ textField.text = "Kinda long"
+ compare(Math.ceil(control.implicitContentWidth), Math.ceil(textField.implicitWidth))
+ // Add a longer item; it should not affect the implicit content width
+ // since we've already accounted for it once.
+ let modifiedModel = appendedToModel(data.model, "Moderately long")
+ control.model = modifiedModel
+ compare(Math.ceil(control.implicitContentWidth), Math.ceil(textField.implicitWidth))
+ // Remove the last two items; it should still not affect the implicit content width.
+ modifiedModel = removedFromModel(data.model, 1, 2)
+ control.model = modifiedModel
+ compare(control.count, 1)
+ compare(control.currentText, "Short")
+ compare(Math.ceil(control.implicitContentWidth), Math.ceil(textField.implicitWidth))
+ // Changes in font should not result in the implicitContentWidth being updated.
+ let oldTextFieldImplicitWidth = textField.implicitWidth
+ // Changes in font should result in the implicitContentWidth being updated.
+ textField.font.pixelSize *= 2
+ control.contentItem.font.pixelSize *= 2
+ control.font.pixelSize *= 2
+ compare(Math.ceil(control.implicitContentWidth), Math.ceil(oldTextFieldImplicitWidth))
+ }
+ // QTBUG-61021: text line should not be focused by default
+ // It causes (e.g. on Android) showing virtual keyboard when it is not needed
+ function test_doNotFocusTextLineByDefault() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase)
+ // Focus not set after creating combobox
+ verify(!control.activeFocus)
+ verify(!control.contentItem.focus)
+ // After setting focus on combobox, text line should not be focused
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ verify(!control.contentItem.focus)
+ // Text line is focused after intentional setting focus on it
+ control.contentItem.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ verify(control.contentItem.focus)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: intValidatorComponent
+ IntValidator {
+ bottom: 0
+ top: 255
+ }
+ }
+ function test_acceptableInput_QTBUG_94307() {
+ let items = [
+ { text: "A" },
+ { text: "2" },
+ { text: "3" }
+ ]
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, {model: items, editable: true})
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.acceptableInput)
+ compare(control.displayText, "A")
+ let acceptableInputSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "acceptableInputChanged"})
+ verify(acceptableInputSpy.valid)
+ let intValidator = intValidatorComponent.createObject(testCase)
+ verify(intValidator)
+ control.validator = intValidator
+ compare(acceptableInputSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.displayText, "A")
+ compare(control.acceptableInput, false)
+ control.currentIndex = 1
+ compare(acceptableInputSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.displayText, "2")
+ compare(control.acceptableInput, true)
+ }
+ function test_selectionCleared() {
+ const model = [
+ { text: "Apple" },
+ { text: "Banana" },
+ { text: "Coconut" }
+ ]
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(comboBox, testCase, { model: model, editable: true })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.displayText, "Apple")
+ compare(control.editText, "Apple")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ // Give the TextField focus and select the text.
+ let textField = control.contentItem
+ textField.forceActiveFocus()
+ textField.selectAll()
+ compare(textField.selectedText, "Apple")
+ // Type "B" so that Banana is selected.
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Shift)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_B)
+ keyRelease(Qt.Key_Shift)
+ compare(control.displayText, "Apple")
+ expectFail("", "QTBUG-102950")
+ compare(control.editText, "Banana")
+ compare(textField.selectedText, "anana")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ // Select Banana by pressing enter.
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Return)
+ compare(control.displayText, "Banana")
+ compare(control.editText, "Banana")
+ compare(textField.selectedText, "")
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: listOfGadgets
+ QtObject {
+ property list<rect> rects: [Qt.rect(1, 2, 3, 4), Qt.rect(5, 6, 7, 8)]
+ }
+ }
+ function test_listOfGadgetsWithRole() {
+ let model = listOfGadgets.createObject(testCase);
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(
+ comboBox, testCase, {model: model.rects, textRole: "width"});
+ verify(control);
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0);
+ compare(control.displayText, "3");
+ control.currentIndex = 1;
+ compare(control.displayText, "7");
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_container.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_container.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9988625744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_container.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtQuick.Templates as T
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "Container"
+ Component {
+ id: container
+ Container { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: rectangle
+ Rectangle { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(container, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ }
+ function test_implicitSize() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(container, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 0)
+ control.contentItem = rectangle.createObject(control, {implicitWidth: 10, implicitHeight: 20})
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 10)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 20)
+ control.background = rectangle.createObject(control, {implicitWidth: 20, implicitHeight: 30})
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 20)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 30)
+ control.padding = 100
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 210)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 220)
+ }
+ function test_currentIndex() {
+ var control1 = createTemporaryObject(container, testCase)
+ verify(control1)
+ var control2 = createTemporaryObject(container, testCase)
+ verify(control2)
+ compare(control1.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(control2.currentIndex, -1)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ control1.addItem(rectangle.createObject(control1))
+ control2.addItem(rectangle.createObject(control2))
+ }
+ compare(control1.count, 3)
+ compare(control2.count, 3)
+ compare(control1.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control2.currentIndex, 0)
+ control1.currentIndex = Qt.binding(function() { return control2.currentIndex })
+ control2.currentIndex = Qt.binding(function() { return control1.currentIndex })
+ control1.setCurrentIndex(1)
+ compare(control1.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control2.currentIndex, 1)
+ control1.incrementCurrentIndex()
+ compare(control1.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(control2.currentIndex, 2)
+ control2.decrementCurrentIndex()
+ compare(control1.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control2.currentIndex, 1)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: repeaterContainer1
+ Container {
+ id: container
+ Item { objectName: "0" }
+ Item { objectName: "1" }
+ Item { objectName: "2" }
+ Item { objectName: "3" }
+ contentItem: Row {
+ Repeater {
+ model: container.contentModel
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: repeaterContainer2
+ Container {
+ id: container
+ contentItem: Item {
+ Repeater {
+ model: container.contentModel
+ }
+ Rectangle { objectName: "extra" }
+ }
+ Rectangle { objectName: "0" }
+ Rectangle { objectName: "1" }
+ Rectangle { objectName: "2" }
+ Rectangle { objectName: "3" }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_repeater_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "1", component: repeaterContainer1 },
+ { tag: "2", component: repeaterContainer2 }
+ ]
+ }
+ // don't crash (QTBUG-61310)
+ function test_repeater(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(data.component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).objectName, "0")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).objectName, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(2).objectName, "2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(3).objectName, "3")
+ }
+ function test_removeTakeItem() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(container, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var item1 = rectangle.createObject(control)
+ var item2 = rectangle.createObject(control)
+ var item3 = rectangle.createObject(control)
+ item1.Component.onDestruction.connect(function() { item1 = null })
+ item2.Component.onDestruction.connect(function() { item2 = null })
+ item3.Component.onDestruction.connect(function() { item3 = null })
+ control.addItem(item1)
+ control.addItem(item2)
+ control.addItem(item3)
+ compare(control.count, 3)
+ // takeItem(int) does not destroy
+ compare(control.takeItem(1), item2)
+ compare(control.count, 2)
+ wait(1)
+ verify(item2)
+ // removeItem(Item) destroys
+ control.removeItem(item1)
+ compare(control.count, 1)
+ wait(1)
+ verify(!item1)
+ // removeItem(null) must not call removeItem(0)
+ control.removeItem(null)
+ compare(control.count, 1)
+ wait(1)
+ verify(item3)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentItemDeletionOrder1
+ Item {
+ objectName: "parentItem"
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ objectName: "contentItem"
+ }
+ Container {
+ objectName: "control"
+ contentItem: item
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentItemDeletionOrder2
+ Item {
+ objectName: "parentItem"
+ Container {
+ objectName: "control"
+ contentItem: item
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ objectName: "contentItem"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_contentItemDeletionOrder() {
+ var control1 = createTemporaryObject(contentItemDeletionOrder1, testCase)
+ verify(control1)
+ var control2 = createTemporaryObject(contentItemDeletionOrder2, testCase)
+ verify(control2)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: backgroundDeletionOrder1
+ Item {
+ objectName: "parentItem"
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ objectName: "backgroundItem"
+ }
+ Container {
+ objectName: "control"
+ background: item
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: backgroundDeletionOrder2
+ Item {
+ objectName: "parentItem"
+ Container {
+ objectName: "control"
+ background: item
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ objectName: "backgroundItem"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_backgroundDeletionOrder() {
+ var control1 = createTemporaryObject(backgroundDeletionOrder1, testCase)
+ verify(control1)
+ var control2 = createTemporaryObject(backgroundDeletionOrder2, testCase)
+ verify(control2)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_control.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_control.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0747943421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_control.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,1461 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtQuick.Templates as T
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "Control"
+ Component {
+ id: component
+ Control { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: rectangle
+ Rectangle { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: button
+ T.Button { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.background, null)
+ compare(control.contentItem, null)
+ }
+ function test_padding() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var paddingSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "paddingChanged"})
+ verify(paddingSpy.valid)
+ var topPaddingSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "topPaddingChanged"})
+ verify(topPaddingSpy.valid)
+ var leftPaddingSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "leftPaddingChanged"})
+ verify(leftPaddingSpy.valid)
+ var rightPaddingSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "rightPaddingChanged"})
+ verify(rightPaddingSpy.valid)
+ var bottomPaddingSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "bottomPaddingChanged"})
+ verify(bottomPaddingSpy.valid)
+ var horizontalPaddingSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "horizontalPaddingChanged"})
+ verify(horizontalPaddingSpy.valid)
+ var verticalPaddingSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "verticalPaddingChanged"})
+ verify(verticalPaddingSpy.valid)
+ var paddingChanges = 0
+ var topPaddingChanges = 0
+ var leftPaddingChanges = 0
+ var rightPaddingChanges = 0
+ var bottomPaddingChanges = 0
+ var horizontalPaddingChanges = 0
+ var verticalPaddingChanges = 0
+ compare(control.padding, 0)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 0)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 0)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 0)
+ compare(control.horizontalPadding, 0)
+ compare(control.verticalPadding, 0)
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 0)
+ control.width = 100
+ control.height = 100
+ control.padding = 10
+ compare(control.padding, 10)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.horizontalPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.verticalPadding, 10)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, ++paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, ++topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, ++leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, ++rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, ++bottomPaddingChanges)
+ compare(horizontalPaddingSpy.count, ++horizontalPaddingChanges)
+ compare(verticalPaddingSpy.count, ++verticalPaddingChanges)
+ control.topPadding = 20
+ compare(control.padding, 10)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 20)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.horizontalPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.verticalPadding, 10)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, ++topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, bottomPaddingChanges)
+ compare(horizontalPaddingSpy.count, horizontalPaddingChanges)
+ compare(verticalPaddingSpy.count, verticalPaddingChanges)
+ control.leftPadding = 30
+ compare(control.padding, 10)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 20)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 30)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.horizontalPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.verticalPadding, 10)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, ++leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, bottomPaddingChanges)
+ compare(horizontalPaddingSpy.count, horizontalPaddingChanges)
+ compare(verticalPaddingSpy.count, verticalPaddingChanges)
+ control.rightPadding = 40
+ compare(control.padding, 10)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 20)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 30)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 40)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.horizontalPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.verticalPadding, 10)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, ++rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, bottomPaddingChanges)
+ compare(horizontalPaddingSpy.count, horizontalPaddingChanges)
+ compare(verticalPaddingSpy.count, verticalPaddingChanges)
+ control.bottomPadding = 50
+ compare(control.padding, 10)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 20)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 30)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 40)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 50)
+ compare(control.horizontalPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.verticalPadding, 10)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, ++bottomPaddingChanges)
+ compare(horizontalPaddingSpy.count, horizontalPaddingChanges)
+ compare(verticalPaddingSpy.count, verticalPaddingChanges)
+ control.padding = 60
+ compare(control.padding, 60)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 20)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 30)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 40)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 50)
+ compare(control.horizontalPadding, 60)
+ compare(control.verticalPadding, 60)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, ++paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, bottomPaddingChanges)
+ compare(horizontalPaddingSpy.count, ++horizontalPaddingChanges)
+ compare(verticalPaddingSpy.count, ++verticalPaddingChanges)
+ control.horizontalPadding = 80
+ compare(control.padding, 60)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 20)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 30)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 40)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 50)
+ compare(control.horizontalPadding, 80)
+ compare(control.verticalPadding, 60)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, bottomPaddingChanges)
+ compare(horizontalPaddingSpy.count, ++horizontalPaddingChanges)
+ compare(verticalPaddingSpy.count, verticalPaddingChanges)
+ control.verticalPadding = 90
+ compare(control.padding, 60)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 20)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 30)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 40)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 50)
+ compare(control.horizontalPadding, 80)
+ compare(control.verticalPadding, 90)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, bottomPaddingChanges)
+ compare(horizontalPaddingSpy.count, horizontalPaddingChanges)
+ compare(verticalPaddingSpy.count, ++verticalPaddingChanges)
+ control.leftPadding = undefined
+ compare(control.padding, 60)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 20)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 80)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 40)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 50)
+ compare(control.horizontalPadding, 80)
+ compare(control.verticalPadding, 90)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, ++leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, bottomPaddingChanges)
+ compare(horizontalPaddingSpy.count, horizontalPaddingChanges)
+ compare(verticalPaddingSpy.count, verticalPaddingChanges)
+ control.rightPadding = undefined
+ compare(control.padding, 60)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 20)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 80)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 80)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 50)
+ compare(control.horizontalPadding, 80)
+ compare(control.verticalPadding, 90)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, ++rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, bottomPaddingChanges)
+ compare(horizontalPaddingSpy.count, horizontalPaddingChanges)
+ compare(verticalPaddingSpy.count, verticalPaddingChanges)
+ control.topPadding = undefined
+ compare(control.padding, 60)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 90)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 80)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 80)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 50)
+ compare(control.horizontalPadding, 80)
+ compare(control.verticalPadding, 90)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, ++topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, bottomPaddingChanges)
+ compare(horizontalPaddingSpy.count, horizontalPaddingChanges)
+ compare(verticalPaddingSpy.count, verticalPaddingChanges)
+ control.bottomPadding = undefined
+ compare(control.padding, 60)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 90)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 80)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 80)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 90)
+ compare(control.horizontalPadding, 80)
+ compare(control.verticalPadding, 90)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, ++bottomPaddingChanges)
+ compare(horizontalPaddingSpy.count, horizontalPaddingChanges)
+ compare(verticalPaddingSpy.count, verticalPaddingChanges)
+ control.horizontalPadding = undefined
+ compare(control.padding, 60)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 90)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 60)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 60)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 90)
+ compare(control.horizontalPadding, 60)
+ compare(control.verticalPadding, 90)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, ++leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, ++rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, bottomPaddingChanges)
+ compare(horizontalPaddingSpy.count, ++horizontalPaddingChanges)
+ compare(verticalPaddingSpy.count, verticalPaddingChanges)
+ control.verticalPadding = undefined
+ compare(control.padding, 60)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 60)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 60)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 60)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 60)
+ compare(control.horizontalPadding, 60)
+ compare(control.verticalPadding, 60)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, ++topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, ++bottomPaddingChanges)
+ compare(horizontalPaddingSpy.count, horizontalPaddingChanges)
+ compare(verticalPaddingSpy.count, ++verticalPaddingChanges)
+ }
+ function test_availableSize() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var availableWidthSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "availableWidthChanged"})
+ verify(availableWidthSpy.valid)
+ var availableHeightSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "availableHeightChanged"})
+ verify(availableHeightSpy.valid)
+ var availableWidthChanges = 0
+ var availableHeightChanges = 0
+ control.width = 100
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 100)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, ++availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, availableHeightChanges)
+ control.height = 100
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 100)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, ++availableHeightChanges)
+ control.padding = 10
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 80)
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 80)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, ++availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, ++availableHeightChanges)
+ control.topPadding = 20
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 80)
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 70)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, ++availableHeightChanges)
+ control.leftPadding = 30
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 60)
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 70)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, ++availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, availableHeightChanges)
+ control.rightPadding = 40
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 30)
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 70)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, ++availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, availableHeightChanges)
+ control.bottomPadding = 50
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 30)
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 30)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, ++availableHeightChanges)
+ control.padding = 60
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 30)
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 30)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, availableHeightChanges)
+ control.width = 0
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 0)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, ++availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, availableHeightChanges)
+ control.height = 0
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 0)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, ++availableHeightChanges)
+ }
+ function test_mirrored() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var mirroredSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "mirroredChanged"})
+ verify(mirroredSpy.valid)
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("en_US")
+ compare(control.locale.name, "en_US")
+ verify(!control.LayoutMirroring.enabled)
+ compare(control.mirrored, false)
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("ar_EG")
+ compare(control.mirrored, false)
+ compare(mirroredSpy.count, 0)
+ control.LayoutMirroring.enabled = true
+ compare(control.mirrored, true)
+ compare(mirroredSpy.count, 1)
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("en_US")
+ compare(control.mirrored, true)
+ compare(mirroredSpy.count, 1)
+ control.LayoutMirroring.enabled = false
+ compare(control.mirrored, false)
+ compare(mirroredSpy.count, 2)
+ }
+ function test_background() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.background = component.createObject(control)
+ // background has no x or width set, so its width follows control's width
+ control.width = 320
+ compare(control.background.width, control.width)
+ // background has no y or height set, so its height follows control's height
+ compare(control.background.height, control.height)
+ control.height = 240
+ // change implicit size (QTBUG-66455)
+ control.background.implicitWidth = 160
+ control.background.implicitHeight = 120
+ compare(control.background.width, control.width)
+ compare(control.background.height, control.height)
+ // has width => width does not follow
+ control.background.width /= 2
+ control.width += 20
+ verify(control.background.width !== control.width)
+ // reset width => width follows again
+ control.background.width = undefined
+ control.width += 20
+ compare(control.background.width, control.width)
+ // has x => width does not follow
+ control.background.x = 10
+ control.width += 20
+ verify(control.background.width !== control.width)
+ // has height => height does not follow
+ control.background.height /= 2
+ control.height -= 20
+ verify(control.background.height !== control.height)
+ // reset height => height follows again
+ control.background.height = undefined
+ control.height -= 20
+ compare(control.background.height, control.height)
+ // has y => height does not follow
+ control.background.y = 10
+ control.height -= 20
+ verify(control.background.height !== control.height)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: component2
+ T.Control {
+ id: item2
+ objectName: "item2"
+ property alias item2_2: _item2_2;
+ property alias item2_3: _item2_3;
+ property alias item2_4: _item2_4;
+ property alias item2_5: _item2_5;
+ property alias item2_6: _item2_6;
+ font.family: "Arial"
+ T.Control {
+ id: _item2_2
+ objectName: "_item2_2"
+ T.Control {
+ id: _item2_3
+ objectName: "_item2_3"
+ }
+ }
+ T.TextArea {
+ id: _item2_4
+ objectName: "_item2_4"
+ text: "Text Area"
+ }
+ T.TextField {
+ id: _item2_5
+ objectName: "_item2_5"
+ text: "Text Field"
+ }
+ T.Label {
+ id: _item2_6
+ objectName: "_item2_6"
+ text: "Label"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_font() {
+ var control2 = createTemporaryObject(component2, testCase)
+ verify(control2)
+ verify(control2.item2_2)
+ verify(control2.item2_3)
+ verify(control2.item2_4)
+ verify(control2.item2_5)
+ verify(control2.item2_6)
+ compare(control2.font.family, "Arial")
+ compare(control2.item2_2.font.family, control2.font.family)
+ compare(control2.item2_3.font.family, control2.font.family)
+ compare(control2.item2_4.font.family, control2.font.family)
+ compare(control2.item2_5.font.family, control2.font.family)
+ compare(control2.item2_6.font.family, control2.font.family)
+ control2.font.pointSize = 48
+ compare(control2.item2_2.font.pointSize, 48)
+ compare(control2.item2_3.font.pointSize, 48)
+ compare(control2.item2_4.font.pointSize, 48)
+ compare(control2.item2_5.font.pointSize, 48)
+ control2.font.bold = true
+ compare(control2.item2_2.font.weight, Font.Bold)
+ compare(control2.item2_3.font.weight, Font.Bold)
+ compare(control2.item2_4.font.weight, Font.Bold)
+ compare(control2.item2_5.font.weight, Font.Bold)
+ control2.item2_2.font.pointSize = 36
+ compare(control2.item2_2.font.pointSize, 36)
+ compare(control2.item2_3.font.pointSize, 36)
+ control2.item2_2.font.weight = Font.Light
+ compare(control2.item2_2.font.pointSize, 36)
+ compare(control2.item2_3.font.pointSize, 36)
+ compare(control2.item2_3.font.family, control2.item2_2.font.family)
+ compare(control2.item2_3.font.pointSize, control2.item2_2.font.pointSize)
+ compare(control2.item2_3.font.weight, control2.item2_2.font.weight)
+ control2.font.pointSize = 50
+ compare(control2.item2_2.font.pointSize, 36)
+ compare(control2.item2_3.font.pointSize, 36)
+ compare(control2.item2_4.font.pointSize, 50)
+ compare(control2.item2_5.font.pointSize, 50)
+ compare(control2.item2_6.font.pointSize, 50)
+ control2.item2_3.font.pointSize = 60
+ compare(control2.item2_3.font.pointSize, 60)
+ control2.item2_3.font.weight = Font.Normal
+ compare(control2.item2_3.font.weight, Font.Normal)
+ control2.item2_4.font.pointSize = 16
+ compare(control2.item2_4.font.pointSize, 16)
+ control2.item2_4.font.weight = Font.Normal
+ compare(control2.item2_4.font.weight, Font.Normal)
+ control2.item2_5.font.pointSize = 32
+ compare(control2.item2_5.font.pointSize, 32)
+ control2.item2_5.font.weight = Font.DemiBold
+ compare(control2.item2_5.font.weight, Font.DemiBold)
+ control2.item2_6.font.pointSize = 36
+ compare(control2.item2_6.font.pointSize, 36)
+ control2.item2_6.font.weight = Font.Black
+ compare(control2.item2_6.font.weight, Font.Black)
+ compare(control2.font.family, "Arial")
+ compare(control2.font.pointSize, 50)
+ compare(control2.font.weight, Font.Bold)
+ compare(control2.item2_2.font.family, "Arial")
+ compare(control2.item2_2.font.pointSize, 36)
+ compare(control2.item2_2.font.weight, Font.Light)
+ compare(control2.item2_3.font.family, "Arial")
+ compare(control2.item2_3.font.pointSize, 60)
+ compare(control2.item2_3.font.weight, Font.Normal)
+ compare(control2.item2_4.font.family, "Arial")
+ compare(control2.item2_4.font.pointSize, 16)
+ compare(control2.item2_4.font.weight, Font.Normal)
+ compare(control2.item2_5.font.family, "Arial")
+ compare(control2.item2_5.font.pointSize, 32)
+ compare(control2.item2_5.font.weight, Font.DemiBold)
+ compare(control2.item2_6.font.family, "Arial")
+ compare(control2.item2_6.font.pointSize, 36)
+ compare(control2.item2_6.font.weight, Font.Black)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: component3
+ T.Control {
+ id: item3
+ objectName: "item3"
+ property alias item3_2: _item3_2;
+ property alias item3_3: _item3_3;
+ property alias item3_4: _item3_4;
+ property alias item3_5: _item3_5;
+ property alias item3_6: _item3_6;
+ property alias item3_7: _item3_7;
+ property alias item3_8: _item3_8;
+ font.family: "Arial"
+ Item {
+ id: _item3_2
+ objectName: "_item3_2"
+ T.Control {
+ id: _item3_3
+ objectName: "_item3_3"
+ Item {
+ id: _item3_6
+ objectName: "_item3_6"
+ T.Control {
+ id: _item3_7
+ objectName: "_item3_7"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ T.TextArea {
+ id: _item3_4
+ objectName: "_item3_4"
+ text: "Text Area"
+ }
+ T.TextField {
+ id: _item3_5
+ objectName: "_item3_5"
+ text: "Text Field"
+ }
+ T.Label {
+ id: _item3_8
+ objectName: "_item3_8"
+ text: "Label"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_font_2() {
+ var control3 = createTemporaryObject(component3, testCase)
+ verify(control3)
+ verify(control3.item3_2)
+ verify(control3.item3_3)
+ verify(control3.item3_4)
+ verify(control3.item3_5)
+ verify(control3.item3_6)
+ verify(control3.item3_7)
+ verify(control3.item3_8)
+ compare(control3.font.family, "Arial")
+ compare(control3.item3_3.font.family, control3.font.family)
+ compare(control3.item3_4.font.family, control3.font.family)
+ compare(control3.item3_5.font.family, control3.font.family)
+ compare(control3.item3_7.font.family, control3.font.family)
+ compare(control3.item3_8.font.family, control3.font.family)
+ control3.font.pointSize = 48
+ compare(control3.item3_3.font.pointSize, 48)
+ compare(control3.item3_4.font.pointSize, 48)
+ compare(control3.item3_5.font.pointSize, 48)
+ control3.font.bold = true
+ compare(control3.item3_3.font.weight, Font.Bold)
+ compare(control3.item3_4.font.weight, Font.Bold)
+ compare(control3.item3_5.font.weight, Font.Bold)
+ compare(control3.item3_3.font.family, control3.font.family)
+ compare(control3.item3_3.font.pointSize, control3.font.pointSize)
+ compare(control3.item3_3.font.weight, control3.font.weight)
+ compare(control3.item3_7.font.family, control3.font.family)
+ compare(control3.item3_7.font.pointSize, control3.font.pointSize)
+ compare(control3.item3_7.font.weight, control3.font.weight)
+ control3.item3_3.font.pointSize = 60
+ compare(control3.item3_3.font.pointSize, 60)
+ control3.item3_3.font.weight = Font.Normal
+ compare(control3.item3_3.font.weight, Font.Normal)
+ control3.item3_4.font.pointSize = 16
+ compare(control3.item3_4.font.pointSize, 16)
+ control3.item3_4.font.weight = Font.Normal
+ compare(control3.item3_4.font.weight, Font.Normal)
+ control3.item3_5.font.pointSize = 32
+ compare(control3.item3_5.font.pointSize, 32)
+ control3.item3_5.font.weight = Font.DemiBold
+ compare(control3.item3_5.font.weight, Font.DemiBold)
+ control3.item3_8.font.pointSize = 36
+ compare(control3.item3_8.font.pointSize, 36)
+ control3.item3_8.font.weight = Font.Black
+ compare(control3.item3_8.font.weight, Font.Black)
+ control3.font.pointSize = 100
+ compare(control3.font.pointSize, 100)
+ compare(control3.item3_3.font.pointSize, 60)
+ compare(control3.item3_4.font.pointSize, 16)
+ compare(control3.item3_5.font.pointSize, 32)
+ compare(control3.item3_8.font.pointSize, 36)
+ compare(control3.font.family, "Arial")
+ compare(control3.font.pointSize, 100)
+ compare(control3.font.weight, Font.Bold)
+ compare(control3.item3_3.font.family, "Arial")
+ compare(control3.item3_3.font.pointSize, 60)
+ compare(control3.item3_3.font.weight, Font.Normal)
+ compare(control3.item3_7.font.family, control3.item3_3.font.family)
+ compare(control3.item3_7.font.pointSize, control3.item3_3.font.pointSize)
+ compare(control3.item3_7.font.weight, control3.item3_3.font.weight)
+ compare(control3.item3_4.font.family, "Arial")
+ compare(control3.item3_4.font.pointSize, 16)
+ compare(control3.item3_4.font.weight, Font.Normal)
+ compare(control3.item3_5.font.family, "Arial")
+ compare(control3.item3_5.font.pointSize, 32)
+ compare(control3.item3_5.font.weight, Font.DemiBold)
+ compare(control3.item3_8.font.family, "Arial")
+ compare(control3.item3_8.font.pointSize, 36)
+ compare(control3.item3_8.font.weight, Font.Black)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: component4
+ T.Control {
+ id: item4
+ objectName: "item4"
+ property alias item4_2: _item4_2;
+ property alias item4_3: _item4_3;
+ property alias item4_4: _item4_4;
+ T.Control {
+ id: _item4_2
+ objectName: "_item4_2"
+ font.pixelSize: item4.font.pixelSize + 10
+ T.Control {
+ id: _item4_3
+ objectName: "_item4_3"
+ font.pixelSize: item4.font.pixelSize - 1
+ }
+ T.Control {
+ id: _item4_4
+ objectName: "_item4_4"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_font_3() {
+ var control4 = createTemporaryObject(component4, testCase)
+ verify(control4)
+ verify(control4.item4_2)
+ verify(control4.item4_3)
+ verify(control4.item4_4)
+ var family = control4.font.family
+ var ps = control4.font.pixelSize
+ compare(control4.item4_2.font.family, control4.font.family)
+ compare(control4.item4_3.font.family, control4.font.family)
+ compare(control4.item4_4.font.family, control4.font.family)
+ compare(control4.item4_2.font.pixelSize, control4.font.pixelSize + 10)
+ compare(control4.item4_3.font.pixelSize, control4.font.pixelSize - 1)
+ compare(control4.item4_4.font.pixelSize, control4.font.pixelSize + 10)
+ control4.item4_2.font.pixelSize = control4.font.pixelSize + 15
+ compare(control4.item4_2.font.pixelSize, control4.font.pixelSize + 15)
+ compare(control4.item4_3.font.pixelSize, control4.font.pixelSize - 1)
+ compare(control4.item4_4.font.pixelSize, control4.font.pixelSize + 15)
+ }
+ function test_font_explicit_attributes_data() {
+ return [
+ {tag: "bold", value: true},
+ {tag: "capitalization", value: Font.Capitalize},
+ {tag: "family", value: "Courier"},
+ {tag: "italic", value: true},
+ {tag: "strikeout", value: true},
+ {tag: "underline", value: true},
+ {tag: "weight", value: Font.Black},
+ {tag: "wordSpacing", value: 55}
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_font_explicit_attributes(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var child = component.createObject(control)
+ verify(child)
+ var controlSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "fontChanged"})
+ verify(controlSpy.valid)
+ var childSpy = signalSpy.createObject(child, {target: child, signalName: "fontChanged"})
+ verify(childSpy.valid)
+ var defaultValue = control.font[data.tag]
+ child.font[data.tag] = defaultValue
+ compare(child.font[data.tag], defaultValue)
+ compare(childSpy.count, 0)
+ control.font[data.tag] = data.value
+ compare(control.font[data.tag], data.value)
+ compare(controlSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(child.font[data.tag], defaultValue)
+ compare(childSpy.count, 0)
+ }
+ function test_locale() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("en_US")
+ compare(control.locale.name, "en_US")
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("nb_NO")
+ compare(control.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: component5
+ T.Control {
+ id: item2
+ objectName: "item2"
+ property alias localespy: _lspy;
+ property alias mirroredspy: _mspy;
+ property alias localespy_2: _lspy_2;
+ property alias mirroredspy_2: _mspy_2;
+ property alias localespy_3: _lspy_3;
+ property alias mirroredspy_3: _mspy_3;
+ property alias item2_2: _item2_2;
+ property alias item2_3: _item2_3;
+ T.Control {
+ id: _item2_2
+ objectName: "_item2_2"
+ T.Control {
+ id: _item2_3
+ objectName: "_item2_3"
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: _lspy_3
+ target: item2_3
+ signalName: "localeChanged"
+ }
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: _mspy_3
+ target: item2_3
+ signalName: "mirroredChanged"
+ }
+ }
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: _lspy_2
+ target: item2_2
+ signalName: "localeChanged"
+ }
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: _mspy_2
+ target: item2_2
+ signalName: "mirroredChanged"
+ }
+ }
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: _lspy
+ target: item2
+ signalName: "localeChanged"
+ }
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: _mspy
+ target: item2
+ signalName: "mirroredChanged"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_locale_2() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(component5, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.item2_2)
+ verify(control.item2_3)
+ var defaultLocale = Qt.locale()
+ compare(control.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.item2_2.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.item2_3.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("nb_NO")
+ control.localespy.wait()
+ compare(control.localespy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.mirroredspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.item2_2.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.item2_3.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.localespy_2.count, 1)
+ compare(control.mirroredspy_2.count, 0)
+ compare(control.localespy_3.count, 1)
+ compare(control.mirroredspy_3.count, 0)
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("ar_EG")
+ control.localespy.wait()
+ compare(control.localespy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.mirroredspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.item2_2.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.item2_3.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.localespy_2.count, 2)
+ compare(control.mirroredspy_2.count, 0)
+ compare(control.localespy_3.count, 2)
+ compare(control.mirroredspy_3.count, 0)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: component6
+ T.Control {
+ id: item6
+ objectName: "item6"
+ property alias localespy: _lspy;
+ property alias mirroredspy: _mspy;
+ property alias localespy_5: _lspy_5;
+ property alias mirroredspy_5: _mspy_5;
+ property alias item6_2: _item6_2;
+ property alias item6_3: _item6_3;
+ property alias item6_4: _item6_4;
+ property alias item6_5: _item6_5;
+ Item {
+ id: _item6_2
+ objectName: "_item6_2"
+ T.Control {
+ id: _item6_3
+ objectName: "_item6_3"
+ Item {
+ id: _item6_4
+ objectName: "_item6_4"
+ T.Control {
+ id: _item6_5
+ objectName: "_item6_5"
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: _lspy_5
+ target: _item6_5
+ signalName: "localeChanged"
+ }
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: _mspy_5
+ target: _item6_5
+ signalName: "mirroredChanged"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: _lspy
+ target: item6
+ signalName: "localeChanged"
+ }
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: _mspy
+ target: item6
+ signalName: "mirroredChanged"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_locale_3() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(component6, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.item6_2)
+ verify(control.item6_3)
+ verify(control.item6_4)
+ verify(control.item6_5)
+ var defaultLocale = Qt.locale()
+ compare(control.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.item6_5.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("nb_NO")
+ control.localespy.wait()
+ compare(control.localespy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.mirroredspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.item6_5.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.localespy_5.count, 1)
+ compare(control.mirroredspy_5.count, 0)
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("ar_EG")
+ control.localespy.wait()
+ compare(control.localespy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.mirroredspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.item6_5.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.localespy_5.count, 2)
+ compare(control.mirroredspy_5.count, 0)
+ }
+ function test_hover_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "normal", target: component, pressed: false },
+ { tag: "pressed", target: button, pressed: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_hover(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(data.target, testCase, {width: 100, height: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.hovered, false)
+ compare(control.hoverEnabled, Qt.styleHints.useHoverEffects)
+ control.hoverEnabled = false
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.hovered, false)
+ control.hoverEnabled = true
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.hovered, true)
+ if (data.pressed) {
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.hovered, true)
+ }
+ mouseMove(control, -10, -10)
+ compare(control.hovered, false)
+ if (data.pressed) {
+ mouseRelease(control, -10, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.hovered, false)
+ }
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.hovered, true)
+ control.visible = false
+ compare(control.hovered, false)
+ }
+ function test_hoverEnabled() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase)
+ compare(control.hoverEnabled, Qt.styleHints.useHoverEffects)
+ var child = component.createObject(control)
+ var grandChild = component.createObject(child)
+ var childExplicitHoverEnabled = component.createObject(control, {hoverEnabled: true})
+ var grandChildExplicitHoverDisabled = component.createObject(childExplicitHoverEnabled, {hoverEnabled: false})
+ var childExplicitHoverDisabled = component.createObject(control, {hoverEnabled: false})
+ var grandChildExplicitHoverEnabled = component.createObject(childExplicitHoverDisabled, {hoverEnabled: true})
+ control.hoverEnabled = false
+ compare(control.hoverEnabled, false)
+ compare(grandChild.hoverEnabled, false)
+ compare(childExplicitHoverEnabled.hoverEnabled, true)
+ compare(grandChildExplicitHoverDisabled.hoverEnabled, false)
+ compare(childExplicitHoverDisabled.hoverEnabled, false)
+ compare(grandChildExplicitHoverEnabled.hoverEnabled, true)
+ control.hoverEnabled = true
+ compare(control.hoverEnabled, true)
+ compare(grandChild.hoverEnabled, true)
+ compare(childExplicitHoverEnabled.hoverEnabled, true)
+ compare(grandChildExplicitHoverDisabled.hoverEnabled, false)
+ compare(childExplicitHoverDisabled.hoverEnabled, false)
+ compare(grandChildExplicitHoverEnabled.hoverEnabled, true)
+ }
+ function test_implicitSize() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var implicitWidthSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "implicitWidthChanged"})
+ verify(implicitWidthSpy.valid)
+ var implicitHeightSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "implicitHeightChanged"})
+ verify(implicitHeightSpy.valid)
+ var implicitContentWidthSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "implicitContentWidthChanged"})
+ verify(implicitContentWidthSpy.valid)
+ var implicitContentHeightSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "implicitContentHeightChanged"})
+ verify(implicitContentHeightSpy.valid)
+ var implicitBackgroundWidthSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "implicitBackgroundWidthChanged"})
+ verify(implicitBackgroundWidthSpy.valid)
+ var implicitBackgroundHeightSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "implicitBackgroundHeightChanged"})
+ verify(implicitBackgroundHeightSpy.valid)
+ var implicitWidthChanges = 0
+ var implicitHeightChanges = 0
+ var implicitContentWidthChanges = 0
+ var implicitContentHeightChanges = 0
+ var implicitBackgroundWidthChanges = 0
+ var implicitBackgroundHeightChanges = 0
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundHeight, 0)
+ control.contentItem = rectangle.createObject(control, {implicitWidth: 10, implicitHeight: 20})
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 10)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 20)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 10)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 20)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundHeight, 0)
+ compare(implicitWidthSpy.count, ++implicitWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitHeightSpy.count, ++implicitHeightChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundWidthSpy.count, implicitBackgroundWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundHeightSpy.count, implicitBackgroundHeightChanges)
+ compare(implicitContentWidthSpy.count, ++implicitContentWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitContentHeightSpy.count, ++implicitContentHeightChanges)
+ control.contentItem.implicitWidth += 1
+ control.contentItem.implicitHeight += 1
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 11)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 21)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 11)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 21)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundHeight, 0)
+ compare(implicitWidthSpy.count, ++implicitWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitHeightSpy.count, ++implicitHeightChanges)
+ compare(implicitContentWidthSpy.count, ++implicitContentWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitContentHeightSpy.count, ++implicitContentHeightChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundWidthSpy.count, implicitBackgroundWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundHeightSpy.count, implicitBackgroundHeightChanges)
+ control.background = rectangle.createObject(control, {implicitWidth: 20, implicitHeight: 30})
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 20)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 30)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth,11)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 21)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundWidth, 20)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundHeight, 30)
+ compare(implicitWidthSpy.count, ++implicitWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitHeightSpy.count, ++implicitHeightChanges)
+ compare(implicitContentWidthSpy.count, implicitContentWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitContentHeightSpy.count, implicitContentHeightChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundWidthSpy.count, ++implicitBackgroundWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundHeightSpy.count, ++implicitBackgroundHeightChanges)
+ control.background.implicitWidth += 1
+ control.background.implicitHeight += 1
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 21)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 31)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 11)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 21)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundWidth, 21)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundHeight, 31)
+ compare(implicitWidthSpy.count, ++implicitWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitHeightSpy.count, ++implicitHeightChanges)
+ compare(implicitContentWidthSpy.count, implicitContentWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitContentHeightSpy.count, implicitContentHeightChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundWidthSpy.count, ++implicitBackgroundWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundHeightSpy.count, ++implicitBackgroundHeightChanges)
+ }
+ function test_baseline() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, 0)
+ var baselineSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "baselineOffsetChanged"})
+ verify(baselineSpy.valid)
+ control.contentItem = rectangle.createObject(control, {baselineOffset: 12})
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, 12)
+ compare(baselineSpy.count, 1)
+ control.padding = 6
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, 18)
+ compare(baselineSpy.count, 2)
+ control.baselineOffset = 3
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, 3)
+ compare(baselineSpy.count, 3)
+ control.padding = 9
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, 3)
+ compare(baselineSpy.count, 3)
+ control.baselineOffset = undefined
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, 21)
+ compare(baselineSpy.count, 4)
+ control.contentItem.baselineOffset = 3
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, 12)
+ compare(baselineSpy.count, 5)
+ control.contentItem = null
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, 0)
+ compare(baselineSpy.count, 6)
+ }
+ function test_inset() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase, {background: rectangle.createObject(control)})
+ verify(control)
+ var topInsetSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "topInsetChanged"})
+ verify(topInsetSpy.valid)
+ var leftInsetSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "leftInsetChanged"})
+ verify(leftInsetSpy.valid)
+ var rightInsetSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "rightInsetChanged"})
+ verify(rightInsetSpy.valid)
+ var bottomInsetSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "bottomInsetChanged"})
+ verify(bottomInsetSpy.valid)
+ var topInsetChanges = 0
+ var leftInsetChanges = 0
+ var rightInsetChanges = 0
+ var bottomInsetChanges = 0
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ control.width = 100
+ control.height = 100
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.height, 100)
+ control.topInset = 10
+ compare(control.topInset, 10)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, ++topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 10)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.height, 90)
+ control.leftInset = 20
+ compare(control.topInset, 10)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 20)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, ++leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 20)
+ compare(control.background.y, 10)
+ compare(control.background.width, 80)
+ compare(control.background.height, 90)
+ control.rightInset = 30
+ compare(control.topInset, 10)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 20)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 30)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, ++rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 20)
+ compare(control.background.y, 10)
+ compare(control.background.width, 50)
+ compare(control.background.height, 90)
+ control.bottomInset = 40
+ compare(control.topInset, 10)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 20)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 30)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 40)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, ++bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 20)
+ compare(control.background.y, 10)
+ compare(control.background.width, 50)
+ compare(control.background.height, 50)
+ control.topInset = undefined
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 20)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 30)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 40)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, ++topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 20)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 50)
+ compare(control.background.height, 60)
+ control.leftInset = undefined
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 30)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 40)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, ++leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 70)
+ compare(control.background.height, 60)
+ control.rightInset = undefined
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 40)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, ++rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.height, 60)
+ control.bottomInset = undefined
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, ++bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.height, 100)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentItemDeletionOrder1
+ Item {
+ objectName: "parentItem"
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ objectName: "contentItem"
+ }
+ Control {
+ objectName: "control"
+ contentItem: item
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentItemDeletionOrder2
+ Item {
+ objectName: "parentItem"
+ Control {
+ objectName: "control"
+ contentItem: item
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ objectName: "contentItem"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_contentItemDeletionOrder() {
+ var control1 = createTemporaryObject(contentItemDeletionOrder1, testCase)
+ verify(control1)
+ var control2 = createTemporaryObject(contentItemDeletionOrder2, testCase)
+ verify(control2)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: backgroundDeletionOrder1
+ Item {
+ objectName: "parentItem"
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ objectName: "backgroundItem"
+ }
+ Control {
+ objectName: "control"
+ background: item
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: backgroundDeletionOrder2
+ Item {
+ objectName: "parentItem"
+ Control {
+ objectName: "control"
+ background: item
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ objectName: "backgroundItem"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_backgroundDeletionOrder() {
+ var control1 = createTemporaryObject(backgroundDeletionOrder1, testCase)
+ verify(control1)
+ var control2 = createTemporaryObject(backgroundDeletionOrder2, testCase)
+ verify(control2)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_dayofweekrow.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_dayofweekrow.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67403e240a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_dayofweekrow.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtTest
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "DayOfWeekRow"
+ Component {
+ id: component
+ DayOfWeekRow { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_locale() {
+ var control = component.createObject(testCase)
+ verify(control.contentItem.children[0])
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("en_US")
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[0].text, "Sun")
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("no_NO")
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[0].text, "man.")
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("fi_FI")
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[0].text, "ma")
+ control.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_font() {
+ var control = component.createObject(testCase)
+ verify(control.contentItem.children[0])
+ control.font.pixelSize = 123
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[0].font.pixelSize, 123)
+ control.destroy()
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_delaybutton.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_delaybutton.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2abe389ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_delaybutton.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "DelayButton"
+ Component {
+ id: defaultComponent
+ DelayButton {}
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: delayButton
+ DelayButton {
+ delay: 200
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSequenceSpy
+ SignalSequenceSpy {
+ signals: ["pressed", "released", "canceled", "clicked", "toggled", "doubleClicked", "pressedChanged", "downChanged", "checkedChanged", "activated"]
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(defaultComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_mouse() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(delayButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ // click
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseClick(control)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // check
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ "activated"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ tryVerify(function() { return sequenceSpy.success})
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "checked": true }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // uncheck
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "checked": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // release outside
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }]]
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2, 0)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["canceled", { "pressed": false }]]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // right button
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = []
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // double click
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ "doubleClicked",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ "released"]
+ mouseDoubleClickSequence(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ function test_touch() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(delayButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ // click
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.press(0, control).commit()
+ touch.release(0, control).commit()
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // check
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ "activated"]
+ // Don't want to double-click.
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ tryVerify(function() { return sequenceSpy.success})
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "checked": true }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // uncheck
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "checked": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // release outside
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }]]
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["canceled", { "pressed": false }]]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ function test_keys() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(delayButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ // click
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // check
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ "activated"]
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Space)
+ tryVerify(function() { return sequenceSpy.success})
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "checked": true }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ keyRelease(Qt.Key_Space)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // uncheck
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ ["downChanged", { "down": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "checked": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // no change
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = []
+ // Not testing Key_Enter and Key_Return because QGnomeTheme uses them for
+ // pressing buttons and the CI uses the QGnomeTheme platform theme.
+ var keys = [Qt.Key_Escape, Qt.Key_Tab]
+ for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
+ sequenceSpy.reset()
+ keyClick(keys[i])
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ }
+ function test_progress() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(delayButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var progressSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "progressChanged"})
+ verify(progressSpy.valid)
+ compare(control.progress, 0.0)
+ mousePress(control)
+ tryCompare(control, "progress", 1.0)
+ verify(progressSpy.count > 0)
+ }
+ function test_baseline() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(delayButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, control.contentItem.y + control.contentItem.baselineOffset)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_dial.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_dial.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fcf8c7e88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_dial.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 450
+ height: 450
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "Dial"
+ Component {
+ id: dialComponent
+ Dial {
+ width: 100
+ height: 100
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy {}
+ }
+ function test_instance() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var dial = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase);
+ verify(dial);
+ compare(dial.value, 0.0);
+ compare(dial.from, 0.0);
+ compare(dial.to, 1.0);
+ compare(dial.stepSize, 0.0);
+ verify(dial.activeFocusOnTab);
+ verify(!dial.pressed);
+ }
+ function test_value() {
+ var dial = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase);
+ verify(dial);
+ compare(dial.value, 0.0);
+ dial.value = 0.5;
+ compare(dial.value, 0.5);
+ dial.value = 1.0;
+ compare(dial.value, 1.0);
+ dial.value = -1.0;
+ compare(dial.value, 0.0);
+ dial.value = 2.0;
+ compare(dial.value, 1.0);
+ }
+ function test_range() {
+ var dial = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase);
+ verify(dial);
+ dial.from = 0;
+ dial.to = 100;
+ dial.value = 50;
+ compare(dial.from, 0);
+ compare(dial.to, 100);
+ compare(dial.value, 50);
+ compare(dial.position, 0.5);
+ dial.value = 1000
+ compare(dial.value, 100);
+ compare(dial.position, 1);
+ dial.value = -1
+ compare(dial.value, 0);
+ compare(dial.position, 0);
+ dial.from = 25
+ compare(dial.from, 25);
+ compare(dial.value, 25);
+ compare(dial.position, 0);
+ dial.to = 75
+ compare(dial.to, 75);
+ compare(dial.value, 25);
+ compare(dial.position, 0);
+ dial.value = 50
+ compare(dial.value, 50);
+ compare(dial.position, 0.5);
+ }
+ function test_inverted() {
+ var dial = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase, { from: 1.0, to: -1.0 });
+ verify(dial);
+ compare(dial.from, 1.0);
+ compare(dial.to, -1.0);
+ compare(dial.value, 0.0);
+ compare(dial.position, 0.5);
+ dial.value = 2.0;
+ compare(dial.value, 1.0);
+ compare(dial.position, 0.0);
+ dial.value = -2.0;
+ compare(dial.value, -1.0);
+ compare(dial.position, 1.0);
+ dial.value = 0.0;
+ compare(dial.value, 0.0);
+ compare(dial.position, 0.5);
+ }
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: pressSpy
+ signalName: "pressedChanged"
+ }
+ function test_pressed() {
+ var dial = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase);
+ verify(dial);
+ pressSpy.target = dial;
+ verify(pressSpy.valid);
+ verify(!dial.pressed);
+ mousePress(dial, dial.width / 2, dial.height / 2);
+ verify(dial.pressed);
+ compare(pressSpy.count, 1);
+ mouseRelease(dial, dial.width / 2, dial.height / 2);
+ verify(!dial.pressed);
+ compare(pressSpy.count, 2);
+ var touch = touchEvent(dial);
+ touch.press(0).commit();
+ verify(dial.pressed);
+ compare(pressSpy.count, 3);
+ touch.release(0).commit();
+ verify(!dial.pressed);
+ compare(pressSpy.count, 4);
+ }
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: valueSpy
+ signalName: "valueChanged"
+ }
+ function test_dragging_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "default", from: 0, to: 1, leftValue: 0.20, topValue: 0.5, rightValue: 0.8, bottomValue: 1.0, live: false },
+ { tag: "scaled2", from: 0, to: 2, leftValue: 0.4, topValue: 1.0, rightValue: 1.6, bottomValue: 2.0, live: false },
+ { tag: "scaled1", from: -1, to: 0, leftValue: -0.8, topValue: -0.5, rightValue: -0.2, bottomValue: 0.0, live: false },
+ { tag: "live", from: 0, to: 1, leftValue: 0.20, topValue: 0.5, rightValue: 0.8, bottomValue: 1.0, live: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_dragging(data) {
+ var dial = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase);
+ verify(dial);
+ dial.wrap = true;
+ verify(dial.wrap);
+ dial.from = data.from;
+ dial.to = data.to;
+ dial.live = data.live;
+ valueSpy.target = dial;
+ verify(valueSpy.valid);
+ var moveSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: dial, signalName: "moved"});
+ verify(moveSpy.valid);
+ var minimumExpectedValueCount = data.live ? 2 : 1;
+ // drag to the left
+ // we always add or subtract 1 to ensure we start the drag from the opposite side
+ // of where we're dragging to, for more reliable tests
+ mouseDrag(dial, dial.width / 2 + 1, dial.height / 2, -dial.width / 2, 0, Qt.LeftButton);
+ fuzzyCompare(dial.value, data.leftValue, 0.1);
+ verify(valueSpy.count >= minimumExpectedValueCount, "expected valueChanged to be emitted at least "
+ + minimumExpectedValueCount + " time(s), but it was only emitted " + valueSpy.count + " time(s)");
+ valueSpy.clear();
+ verify(moveSpy.count > 0);
+ moveSpy.clear();
+ // drag to the top
+ mouseDrag(dial, dial.width / 2, dial.height / 2 + 1, 0, -dial.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ fuzzyCompare(dial.value, data.topValue, 0.1);
+ verify(valueSpy.count >= minimumExpectedValueCount, "expected valueChanged to be emitted at least "
+ + minimumExpectedValueCount + " time(s), but it was only emitted " + valueSpy.count + " time(s)");
+ valueSpy.clear();
+ verify(moveSpy.count > 0);
+ moveSpy.clear();
+ // drag to the right
+ mouseDrag(dial, dial.width / 2 - 1, dial.height / 2, dial.width / 2, 0, Qt.LeftButton);
+ fuzzyCompare(dial.value, data.rightValue, 0.1);
+ verify(valueSpy.count >= minimumExpectedValueCount, "expected valueChanged to be emitted at least "
+ + minimumExpectedValueCount + " time(s), but it was only emitted " + valueSpy.count + " time(s)");
+ valueSpy.clear();
+ verify(moveSpy.count > 0);
+ moveSpy.clear();
+ // drag to the bottom (* 0.6 to ensure we don't go over to the minimum position)
+ mouseDrag(dial, dial.width / 2, dial.height / 2 - 1, 10, dial.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ fuzzyCompare(dial.value, data.bottomValue, 0.1);
+ verify(valueSpy.count >= minimumExpectedValueCount, "expected valueChanged to be emitted at least "
+ + minimumExpectedValueCount + " time(s), but it was only emitted " + valueSpy.count + " time(s)");
+ valueSpy.clear();
+ verify(moveSpy.count > 0);
+ moveSpy.clear();
+ }
+ function test_nonWrapping() {
+ var dial = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase);
+ verify(dial);
+ compare(dial.wrap, false);
+ dial.value = 0;
+ // Ensure that dragging from bottom left to bottom right doesn't work.
+ var yPos = dial.height * 0.75;
+ mousePress(dial, dial.width * 0.25, yPos, Qt.LeftButton);
+ var positionAtPress = dial.position;
+ mouseMove(dial, dial.width * 0.5, yPos);
+ compare(dial.position, positionAtPress);
+ mouseMove(dial, dial.width * 0.75, yPos);
+ compare(dial.position, positionAtPress);
+ mouseRelease(dial, dial.width * 0.75, yPos, Qt.LeftButton);
+ compare(dial.position, positionAtPress);
+ // Try the same thing, but a bit higher.
+ yPos = dial.height * 0.6;
+ mousePress(dial, dial.width * 0.25, yPos, Qt.LeftButton);
+ positionAtPress = dial.position;
+ mouseMove(dial, dial.width * 0.5, yPos);
+ compare(dial.position, positionAtPress);
+ mouseMove(dial, dial.width * 0.75, yPos);
+ compare(dial.position, positionAtPress);
+ mouseRelease(dial, dial.width * 0.75, yPos, Qt.LeftButton);
+ compare(dial.position, positionAtPress);
+ // Going from below the center of the dial to above it should work (once it gets above the center).
+ mousePress(dial, dial.width * 0.25, dial.height * 0.75, Qt.LeftButton);
+ positionAtPress = dial.position;
+ mouseMove(dial, dial.width * 0.5, dial.height * 0.6);
+ compare(dial.position, positionAtPress);
+ mouseMove(dial, dial.width * 0.75, dial.height * 0.4);
+ verify(dial.position > positionAtPress);
+ mouseRelease(dial, dial.width * 0.75, dial.height * 0.3, Qt.LeftButton);
+ verify(dial.position > positionAtPress);
+ }
+ function test_touch() {
+ var dial = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase);
+ verify(dial);
+ var touch = touchEvent(dial);
+ // Ensure that dragging from bottom left to bottom right doesn't work.
+ var yPos = dial.height * 0.75;
+ touch.press(0, dial, dial.width * 0.25, yPos).commit();
+ var positionAtPress = dial.position;
+ touch.move(0, dial, dial.width * 0.5, yPos).commit();
+ compare(dial.position, positionAtPress);
+ touch.move(0, dial, dial.width * 0.75, yPos).commit();
+ compare(dial.position, positionAtPress);
+ touch.release(0, dial, dial.width * 0.75, yPos).commit();
+ compare(dial.position, positionAtPress);
+ // Try the same thing, but a bit higher.
+ yPos = dial.height * 0.6;
+ touch.press(0, dial, dial.width * 0.25, yPos).commit();
+ positionAtPress = dial.position;
+ touch.move(0, dial, dial.width * 0.5, yPos).commit();
+ compare(dial.position, positionAtPress);
+ touch.move(0, dial, dial.width * 0.75, yPos).commit();
+ compare(dial.position, positionAtPress);
+ touch.release(0, dial, dial.width * 0.75, yPos).commit();
+ compare(dial.position, positionAtPress);
+ // Going from below the center of the dial to above it should work (once it gets above the center).
+ touch.press(0, dial, dial.width * 0.25, dial.height * 0.75).commit();
+ positionAtPress = dial.position;
+ touch.move(0, dial, dial.width * 0.5, dial.height * 0.6).commit();
+ compare(dial.position, positionAtPress);
+ touch.move(0, dial, dial.width * 0.75, dial.height * 0.4).commit();
+ verify(dial.position > positionAtPress);
+ touch.release(0, dial, dial.width * 0.75, dial.height * 0.3).commit();
+ verify(dial.position > positionAtPress);
+ }
+ function test_multiTouch() {
+ var dial1 = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase);
+ verify(dial1);
+ var touch = touchEvent(dial1);
+ touch.press(0, dial1).commit().move(0, dial1, dial1.width / 4, dial1.height / 4).commit();
+ compare(dial1.pressed, true);
+ verify(dial1.position > 0.0);
+ var pos1Before = dial1.position;
+ // second touch point on the same control is ignored
+ touch.stationary(0).press(1, dial1, 0, 0).commit()
+ touch.stationary(0).move(1, dial1).commit()
+ touch.stationary(0).release(1).commit()
+ compare(dial1.pressed, true);
+ compare(dial1.position, pos1Before);
+ var dial2 = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase, {y: dial1.height});
+ verify(dial2);
+ // press the second dial
+ touch.stationary(0).press(2, dial2, 0, 0).commit();
+ compare(dial2.pressed, true);
+ compare(dial2.position, 0.0);
+ pos1Before = dial1.position;
+ var pos2Before = dial2.position;
+ // move both dials
+ touch.move(0, dial1).move(2, dial2, dial2.width / 4, dial2.height / 4).commit();
+ compare(dial1.pressed, true);
+ verify(dial1.position !== pos1Before);
+ compare(dial2.pressed, true);
+ verify(dial2.position !== pos2Before);
+ // release both dials
+ touch.release(0, dial1).release(2, dial2).commit();
+ compare(dial1.pressed, false);
+ compare(dial1.value, dial1.position);
+ compare(dial2.pressed, false);
+ compare(dial2.value, dial2.position);
+ }
+ property Component focusTest: Component {
+ FocusScope {
+ signal receivedKeyPress
+ Component.onCompleted: forceActiveFocus()
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ Keys.onPressed: receivedKeyPress()
+ }
+ }
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: parentEventSpy
+ }
+ function test_keyboardNavigation() {
+ var dial = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase);
+ verify(dial);
+ var focusScope = createTemporaryObject(focusTest, testCase);
+ verify(focusScope);
+ var moveCount = 0;
+ // Tests that we've accepted events that we're interested in.
+ parentEventSpy.target = focusScope;
+ parentEventSpy.signalName = "receivedKeyPress";
+ var moveSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: dial, signalName: "moved"});
+ verify(moveSpy.valid);
+ dial.parent = focusScope;
+ compare(dial.activeFocusOnTab, true);
+ compare(dial.value, 0);
+ dial.focus = true;
+ compare(dial.activeFocus, true);
+ dial.stepSize = 0.1;
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Left);
+ compare(parentEventSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(moveSpy.count, moveCount);
+ compare(dial.value, 0);
+ var oldValue = 0.0;
+ var keyPairs = [[Qt.Key_Left, Qt.Key_Right], [Qt.Key_Down, Qt.Key_Up]];
+ for (var keyPairIndex = 0; keyPairIndex < 2; ++keyPairIndex) {
+ for (var i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
+ oldValue = dial.value;
+ keyClick(keyPairs[keyPairIndex][1]);
+ compare(parentEventSpy.count, 0);
+ if (oldValue !== dial.value)
+ compare(moveSpy.count, ++moveCount);
+ compare(dial.value, dial.stepSize * i);
+ }
+ compare(dial.value, dial.to);
+ for (i = 10; i > 0; --i) {
+ oldValue = dial.value;
+ keyClick(keyPairs[keyPairIndex][0]);
+ compare(parentEventSpy.count, 0);
+ if (oldValue !== dial.value)
+ compare(moveSpy.count, ++moveCount);
+ compare(dial.value, dial.stepSize * (i - 1));
+ }
+ }
+ dial.value = 0.5;
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Home);
+ compare(parentEventSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(moveSpy.count, ++moveCount);
+ compare(dial.value, dial.from);
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Home);
+ compare(parentEventSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(moveSpy.count, moveCount);
+ compare(dial.value, dial.from);
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_End);
+ compare(parentEventSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(moveSpy.count, ++moveCount);
+ compare(dial.value, dial.to);
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_End);
+ compare(parentEventSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(moveSpy.count, moveCount);
+ compare(dial.value, dial.to);
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_data(immediate) {
+ return [
+ { tag: "NoSnap", snapMode: Dial.NoSnap, from: 0, to: 2, values: [0, 0, 1], positions: [0, 0.5, 0.5] },
+ { tag: "SnapAlways (0..2)", snapMode: Dial.SnapAlways, from: 0, to: 2, values: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], positions: [0.0, 0.5, 0.5] },
+ { tag: "SnapAlways (1..3)", snapMode: Dial.SnapAlways, from: 1, to: 3, values: [1.0, 1.0, 2.0], positions: [0.0, 0.5, 0.5] },
+ { tag: "SnapAlways (-1..1)", snapMode: Dial.SnapAlways, from: -1, to: 1, values: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], positions: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] },
+ { tag: "SnapAlways (1..-1)", snapMode: Dial.SnapAlways, from: 1, to: -1, values: [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], positions: [0.0, 0.5, 0.5] },
+ { tag: "SnapOnRelease (0..2)", snapMode: Dial.SnapOnRelease, from: 0, to: 2, values: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], positions: [0.0, 0.5, 0.5] },
+ { tag: "SnapOnRelease (1..3)", snapMode: Dial.SnapOnRelease, from: 1, to: 3, values: [1.0, 1.0, 2.0], positions: [0.0, 0.5, 0.5] },
+ { tag: "SnapOnRelease (-1..1)", snapMode: Dial.SnapOnRelease, from: -1, to: 1, values: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], positions: [immediate ? 0.0 : 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] },
+ { tag: "SnapOnRelease (1..-1)", snapMode: Dial.SnapOnRelease, from: 1, to: -1, values: [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], positions: [0.0, 0.5, 0.5] }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_mouse_data() {
+ return test_snapMode_data(true)
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_mouse(data) {
+ var dial = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase, {live: false});
+ verify(dial);
+ dial.snapMode = data.snapMode;
+ dial.from = data.from;
+ dial.to = data.to;
+ dial.stepSize = 0.2;
+ var fuzz = 0.055;
+ mousePress(dial, dial.width * 0.25, dial.height * 0.75);
+ fuzzyCompare(dial.value, data.values[0], fuzz);
+ fuzzyCompare(dial.position, data.positions[0], fuzz);
+ mouseMove(dial, dial.width * 0.5, dial.height * 0.25);
+ fuzzyCompare(dial.value, data.values[1], fuzz);
+ fuzzyCompare(dial.position, data.positions[1], fuzz);
+ mouseRelease(dial, dial.width * 0.5, dial.height * 0.25);
+ fuzzyCompare(dial.value, data.values[2], fuzz);
+ fuzzyCompare(dial.position, data.positions[2], fuzz);
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_touch_data() {
+ return test_snapMode_data(false)
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_touch(data) {
+ var dial = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase, {live: false});
+ verify(dial);
+ dial.snapMode = data.snapMode;
+ dial.from = data.from;
+ dial.to = data.to;
+ dial.stepSize = 0.2;
+ var fuzz = 0.05;
+ var touch = touchEvent(dial);
+ touch.press(0, dial, dial.width * 0.25, dial.height * 0.75).commit()
+ compare(dial.value, data.values[0]);
+ compare(dial.position, data.positions[0]);
+ touch.move(0, dial, dial.width * 0.5, dial.height * 0.25).commit();
+ fuzzyCompare(dial.value, data.values[1], fuzz);
+ fuzzyCompare(dial.position, data.positions[1], fuzz);
+ touch.release(0, dial, dial.width * 0.5, dial.height * 0.25).commit();
+ fuzzyCompare(dial.value, data.values[2], fuzz);
+ fuzzyCompare(dial.position, data.positions[2], fuzz);
+ }
+ function test_wheel_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "horizontal", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, dx: 120, dy: 0 },
+ { tag: "vertical", orientation: Qt.Vertical, dx: 0, dy: 120 }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_wheel(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase, {wheelEnabled: true, orientation: data.orientation})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, data.dx, data.dy)
+ compare(control.value, 0.1)
+ compare(control.position, 0.1)
+ control.stepSize = 0.2
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, data.dx, data.dy)
+ compare(control.value, 0.3)
+ compare(control.position, 0.3)
+ control.stepSize = 10.0
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, -data.dx, -data.dy)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ control.to = 10.0
+ control.stepSize = 5.0
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, data.dx, data.dy)
+ compare(control.value, 5.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, 0.5 * data.dx, 0.5 * data.dy)
+ compare(control.value, 7.5)
+ compare(control.position, 0.75)
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, -data.dx, -data.dy)
+ compare(control.value, 2.5)
+ compare(control.position, 0.25)
+ }
+ function test_nullHandle() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.handle = null
+ mousePress(control)
+ verify(control.pressed, true)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ }
+ function move(inputEventType, control, x, y) {
+ if (inputEventType === "mouseInput") {
+ mouseMove(control, x, y);
+ } else {
+ var touch = touchEvent(control);
+ touch.move(0, control, x, y).commit();
+ }
+ }
+ function press(inputEventType, control, x, y) {
+ if (inputEventType === "mouseInput") {
+ mousePress(control, x, y);
+ } else {
+ var touch = touchEvent(control);
+ touch.press(0, control, x, y).commit();
+ }
+ }
+ function release(inputEventType, control, x, y) {
+ if (inputEventType === "mouseInput") {
+ mouseRelease(control, x, y);
+ } else {
+ var touch = touchEvent(control);
+ touch.release(0, control, x, y).commit();
+ }
+ }
+ function test_horizontalAndVertical_data() {
+ var data = [
+ { eventType: "mouseInput", inputMode: Dial.Vertical, moveToX: 0.5, moveToY: 0.25, expectedPosition: 0.125 },
+ // Horizontal movement should have no effect on a vertical dial.
+ { eventType: "mouseInput", inputMode: Dial.Vertical, moveToX: 2.0, moveToY: 0.25, expectedPosition: 0.125 },
+ { eventType: "mouseInput", inputMode: Dial.Vertical, moveToX: 0.5, moveToY: 0.0, expectedPosition: 0.25 },
+ { eventType: "mouseInput", inputMode: Dial.Vertical, moveToX: 0.5, moveToY: -1.5, expectedPosition: 1.0 },
+ // Going above the drag area shouldn't make the position higher than 1.0.
+ { eventType: "mouseInput", inputMode: Dial.Vertical, moveToX: 0.5, moveToY: -2.0, expectedPosition: 1.0 },
+ // Try to decrease the position by moving the mouse down.
+ // The dial's position is 0 before the press event, so nothing should happen.
+ { eventType: "mouseInput", inputMode: Dial.Vertical, moveToX: 0.5, moveToY: 1.25, expectedPosition: 0.0 },
+ { eventType: "mouseInput", inputMode: Dial.Horizontal, moveToX: 0.75, moveToY: 0.5, expectedPosition: 0.125 },
+ // Vertical movement should have no effect on a horizontal dial.
+ { eventType: "mouseInput", inputMode: Dial.Horizontal, moveToX: 0.75, moveToY: 2.0, expectedPosition: 0.125 },
+ { eventType: "mouseInput", inputMode: Dial.Horizontal, moveToX: 1.0, moveToY: 0.5, expectedPosition: 0.25 },
+ { eventType: "mouseInput", inputMode: Dial.Horizontal, moveToX: 1.5, moveToY: 0.5, expectedPosition: 0.5 },
+ { eventType: "mouseInput", inputMode: Dial.Horizontal, moveToX: 2.5, moveToY: 0.5, expectedPosition: 1.0 },
+ // Going above the drag area shouldn't make the position higher than 1.0.
+ { eventType: "mouseInput", inputMode: Dial.Horizontal, moveToX: 2.525, moveToY: 0.5, expectedPosition: 1.0 },
+ // Try to decrease the position by moving the mouse to the left.
+ // The dial's position is 0 before the press event, so nothing should happen.
+ { eventType: "mouseInput", inputMode: Dial.Vertical, moveToX: 0.25, moveToY: 0.5, expectedPosition: 0.0 }
+ ];
+ // Do the same tests for touch by copying the mouse tests and adding them to the end of the array.
+ var mouseTestCount = data.length;
+ for (var i = mouseTestCount; i < mouseTestCount * 2; ++i) {
+ // Shallow-copy the object.
+ data[i] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data[i - mouseTestCount]));
+ data[i].eventType = "touchInput";
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ var row = data[i];
+ row.tag = "eventType=" + row.eventType + ", "
+ + "inputMode=" + (row.inputMode === Dial.Vertical ? "Vertical" : "Horizontal") + ", "
+ + "moveToX=" + row.moveToX + ", moveToY=" + row.moveToY + ", "
+ + "expectedPosition=" + row.expectedPosition;
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ function test_horizontalAndVertical(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase, { inputMode: data.inputMode });
+ verify(control);
+ press(data.eventType, control);
+ compare(control.pressed, true);
+ // The position shouldn't change until the mouse has actually moved.
+ compare(control.position, 0);
+ move(data.eventType, control, control.width * data.moveToX, control.width * data.moveToY);
+ compare(control.position, data.expectedPosition);
+ release(data.eventType, control, control.width * data.moveToX, control.width * data.moveToY);
+ compare(control.pressed, false);
+ compare(control.position, data.expectedPosition);
+ }
+ function test_integerStepping() {
+ var dial = createTemporaryObject(dialComponent, testCase)
+ verify(dial)
+ dial.from = 1
+ dial.to = 8
+ dial.stepSize = 1
+ for (let i = 1; i < 8; ++i) {
+ // compare as strings to avoid a fuzzy compare; we want an exact match
+ compare(""+dial.value, ""+1)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Right)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_dialog.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_dialog.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76ff95a32a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_dialog.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Window
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtQuick.Templates as T
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "Dialog"
+ Component {
+ id: dialog
+ Dialog { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: qtbug71444
+ Dialog {
+ header: null
+ footer: null
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: buttonBox
+ DialogButtonBox { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ function init() {
+ tryCompare(testCase.Window.window, "active", true)
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(dialog, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.header)
+ verify(control.footer)
+ compare(control.standardButtons, 0)
+ verify(control.focus)
+ }
+ function test_accept() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(dialog, testCase)
+ var openedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "opened"})
+ verify(openedSpy.valid)
+ control.open()
+ openedSpy.wait()
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 1)
+ verify(control.visible)
+ var acceptedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "accepted"})
+ verify(acceptedSpy.valid)
+ var closedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "closed"})
+ verify(closedSpy.valid)
+ control.accept()
+ compare(acceptedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.result, Dialog.Accepted)
+ tryCompare(control, "visible", false)
+ compare(acceptedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 1)
+ }
+ function test_reject() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(dialog, testCase)
+ var openedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "opened"})
+ verify(openedSpy.valid)
+ control.open()
+ openedSpy.wait()
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 1)
+ verify(control.visible)
+ var rejectedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "rejected"})
+ verify(rejectedSpy.valid)
+ var closedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "closed"})
+ verify(closedSpy.valid)
+ control.reject()
+ compare(rejectedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.result, Dialog.Rejected)
+ tryCompare(control, "visible", false)
+ compare(rejectedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 1)
+ // Check that rejected() is emitted when CloseOnEscape is triggered.
+ control.x = 10
+ control.y = 10
+ control.width = 100
+ control.height = 100
+ control.closePolicy = Popup.CloseOnEscape
+ control.open()
+ verify(control.visible)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Escape)
+ compare(rejectedSpy.count, 2)
+ tryCompare(control, "visible", false)
+ compare(rejectedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 2)
+ keyRelease(Qt.Key_Escape)
+ compare(rejectedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 2)
+ // Check that rejected() is emitted when CloseOnPressOutside is triggered.
+ control.closePolicy = Popup.CloseOnPressOutside
+ control.open()
+ verify(control.visible)
+ mousePress(testCase, 1, 1)
+ compare(rejectedSpy.count, 3)
+ tryCompare(control, "visible", false)
+ compare(rejectedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 3)
+ mouseRelease(testCase, 1, 1)
+ compare(rejectedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 3)
+ // Check that rejected() is emitted when CloseOnReleaseOutside is triggered.
+ // For this, we need to make the dialog modal, because the overlay won't accept
+ // the press event because it doesn't want to block the press.
+ control.modal = true
+ control.closePolicy = Popup.CloseOnReleaseOutside
+ control.open()
+ verify(control.visible)
+ mousePress(testCase, 1, 1)
+ compare(rejectedSpy.count, 3)
+ verify(control.visible)
+ mouseRelease(testCase, 1, 1)
+ compare(rejectedSpy.count, 4)
+ tryCompare(control, "visible", false)
+ compare(rejectedSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 4)
+ }
+ function test_buttonBox_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "default" },
+ { tag: "custom", custom: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_buttonBox(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(dialog, testCase)
+ if (data.custom)
+ control.footer = buttonBox.createObject(testCase)
+ control.standardButtons = Dialog.Ok | Dialog.Cancel
+ var box = control.footer
+ verify(box)
+ compare(box.standardButtons, Dialog.Ok | Dialog.Cancel)
+ var acceptedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "accepted"})
+ verify(acceptedSpy.valid)
+ box.accepted()
+ compare(acceptedSpy.count, 1)
+ var rejectedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "rejected"})
+ verify(rejectedSpy.valid)
+ box.rejected()
+ compare(rejectedSpy.count, 1)
+ }
+ function test_qtbug71444() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(qtbug71444, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_standardButtons() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(dialog, testCase)
+ control.standardButtons = Dialog.Ok
+ var box = control.footer ? control.footer : control.header
+ verify(box)
+ compare(box.count, 1)
+ var okButton = box.itemAt(0)
+ verify(okButton)
+ compare(okButton.text.toUpperCase(), "OK")
+ control.standardButtons = Dialog.Cancel
+ compare(box.count, 1)
+ var cancelButton = control.footer.itemAt(0)
+ verify(cancelButton)
+ compare(cancelButton.text.toUpperCase(), "CANCEL")
+ control.standardButtons = Dialog.Ok | Dialog.Cancel
+ compare(box.count, 2)
+ if (box.itemAt(0).text.toUpperCase() === "OK") {
+ okButton = box.itemAt(0)
+ cancelButton = box.itemAt(1)
+ } else {
+ okButton = box.itemAt(1)
+ cancelButton = box.itemAt(0)
+ }
+ verify(okButton)
+ verify(cancelButton)
+ compare(okButton.text.toUpperCase(), "OK")
+ compare(cancelButton.text.toUpperCase(), "CANCEL")
+ control.standardButtons = 0
+ compare(box.count, 0)
+ }
+ function test_layout() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(dialog, testCase, {width: 100, height: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ var openedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "opened"})
+ verify(openedSpy.valid)
+ control.open()
+ openedSpy.wait()
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 1)
+ verify(control.visible)
+ compare(control.width, 100)
+ compare(control.height, 100)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.availableWidth)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight)
+ control.header = buttonBox.createObject(control.contentItem)
+ compare(control.header.width, control.width)
+ verify(control.header.height > 0)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.availableWidth)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight - control.header.height)
+ control.footer = buttonBox.createObject(control.contentItem)
+ compare(control.footer.width, control.width)
+ verify(control.footer.height > 0)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.availableWidth)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight - control.header.height - control.footer.height)
+ control.topPadding = 9
+ control.leftPadding = 2
+ control.rightPadding = 6
+ control.bottomPadding = 7
+ compare(control.header.x, 0)
+ compare(control.header.y, 0)
+ compare(control.header.width, control.width)
+ verify(control.header.height > 0)
+ compare(control.footer.x, 0)
+ compare(control.footer.y, control.height - control.footer.height)
+ compare(control.footer.width, control.width)
+ verify(control.footer.height > 0)
+ compare(control.contentItem.x, control.leftPadding)
+ compare(control.contentItem.y, control.topPadding + control.header.height)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.availableWidth)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight - control.header.height - control.footer.height)
+ control.header.visible = false
+ compare(control.contentItem.x, control.leftPadding)
+ compare(control.contentItem.y, control.topPadding)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.availableWidth)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight - control.footer.height)
+ control.footer.visible = false
+ compare(control.contentItem.x, control.leftPadding)
+ compare(control.contentItem.y, control.topPadding)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.availableWidth)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight)
+ control.contentItem.implicitWidth = 50
+ control.contentItem.implicitHeight = 60
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.contentItem.implicitWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, control.contentItem.implicitHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ control.header.visible = true
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, control.contentItem.implicitHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding
+ + control.header.implicitHeight)
+ control.footer.visible = true
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, control.contentItem.implicitHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding
+ + control.header.implicitHeight + control.footer.implicitHeight)
+ control.header.implicitWidth = 150
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.header.implicitWidth)
+ control.footer.implicitWidth = 160
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.footer.implicitWidth)
+ }
+ function test_spacing_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "content", header: false, content: true, footer: false },
+ { tag: "header,content", header: true, content: true, footer: false },
+ { tag: "content,footer", header: false, content: true, footer: true },
+ { tag: "header,content,footer", header: true, content: true, footer: true },
+ { tag: "header,footer", header: true, content: false, footer: true },
+ { tag: "header", header: true, content: false, footer: false },
+ { tag: "footer", header: false, content: false, footer: true },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_spacing(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(dialog, testCase, {spacing: 20, width: 100, height: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ var openedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "opened"})
+ verify(openedSpy.valid)
+ control.open()
+ openedSpy.wait()
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 1)
+ verify(control.visible)
+ control.contentItem.visible = data.content
+ control.header = buttonBox.createObject(control.contentItem, {visible: data.header})
+ control.footer = buttonBox.createObject(control.contentItem, {visible: data.footer})
+ compare(control.header.x, 0)
+ compare(control.header.y, 0)
+ compare(control.header.width, control.width)
+ verify(control.header.height > 0)
+ compare(control.footer.x, 0)
+ compare(control.footer.y, control.height - control.footer.height)
+ compare(control.footer.width, control.width)
+ verify(control.footer.height > 0)
+ compare(control.contentItem.x, control.leftPadding)
+ compare(control.contentItem.y, control.topPadding + (data.header ? control.header.height + control.spacing : 0))
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.availableWidth)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight
+ - (data.header ? control.header.height + control.spacing : 0)
+ - (data.footer ? control.footer.height + control.spacing : 0))
+ }
+ function test_signals_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "Ok", standardButton: Dialog.Ok, signalName: "accepted" },
+ { tag: "Open", standardButton: Dialog.Open, signalName: "accepted" },
+ { tag: "Save", standardButton: Dialog.Save, signalName: "accepted" },
+ { tag: "Cancel", standardButton: Dialog.Cancel, signalName: "rejected" },
+ { tag: "Close", standardButton: Dialog.Close, signalName: "rejected" },
+ { tag: "Discard", standardButton: Dialog.Discard, signalName: "discarded" },
+ { tag: "Apply", standardButton: Dialog.Apply, signalName: "applied" },
+ { tag: "Reset", standardButton: Dialog.Reset, signalName: "reset" },
+ { tag: "RestoreDefaults", standardButton: Dialog.RestoreDefaults, signalName: "reset" },
+ { tag: "Help", standardButton: Dialog.Help, signalName: "helpRequested" },
+ { tag: "SaveAll", standardButton: Dialog.SaveAll, signalName: "accepted" },
+ { tag: "Yes", standardButton: Dialog.Yes, signalName: "accepted" },
+ { tag: "YesToAll", standardButton: Dialog.YesToAll, signalName: "accepted" },
+ { tag: "No", standardButton: Dialog.No, signalName: "rejected" },
+ { tag: "NoToAll", standardButton: Dialog.NoToAll, signalName: "rejected" },
+ { tag: "Abort", standardButton: Dialog.Abort, signalName: "rejected" },
+ { tag: "Retry", standardButton: Dialog.Retry, signalName: "accepted" },
+ { tag: "Ignore", standardButton: Dialog.Ignore, signalName: "accepted" }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_signals(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(dialog, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.standardButtons = data.standardButton
+ var button = control.standardButton(data.standardButton)
+ verify(button)
+ var buttonSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control.contentItem, {target: control, signalName: data.signalName})
+ verify(buttonSpy.valid)
+ button.clicked()
+ compare(buttonSpy.count, 1)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: qtbug85884
+ ApplicationWindow {
+ property alias focusItemActiveFocus: item.activeFocus
+ property alias focusDialogVisible: dialog.visible
+ function closeAndOpen() {
+ dialog.close()
+ dialog.open()
+ dialog.close()
+ }
+ visible: true
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ focus: true
+ }
+ Dialog {
+ id: dialog
+ focus: true
+ visible: false
+ onActiveFocusChanged: {
+ if (!activeFocus)
+ visible = false
+ }
+ enter: Transition {
+ NumberAnimation { property: "opacity"; from: 0.0; to: 1.0; duration: 10 }
+ }
+ exit: Transition {
+ NumberAnimation { property: "opacity"; from: 1.0; to: 0.0; duration: 10 }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_focusLeavingDialog(data) {
+ if (Qt.platform.pluginName === "offscreen")
+ skip("QTBUG-89909")
+ var window = createTemporaryObject(qtbug85884, testCase)
+ verify(window)
+ tryCompare(window, "focusItemActiveFocus", true)
+ window.focusDialogVisible = true
+ tryCompare(window, "focusDialogVisible", true)
+ tryCompare(window, "focusItemActiveFocus", false)
+ window.focusDialogVisible = false
+ tryCompare(window, "focusDialogVisible", false)
+ tryCompare(window, "focusItemActiveFocus", true)
+ window.focusDialogVisible = true
+ tryCompare(window, "focusDialogVisible", true)
+ tryCompare(window, "focusItemActiveFocus", false)
+ window.closeAndOpen()
+ tryCompare(window, "focusDialogVisible", false)
+ tryCompare(window, "focusItemActiveFocus", true)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_dialogbuttonbox.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_dialogbuttonbox.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6eb339a192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_dialogbuttonbox.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 600
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "DialogButtonBox"
+ Component {
+ id: buttonBox
+ DialogButtonBox { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: button
+ Button { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(buttonBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ verify(control.delegate)
+ compare(control.standardButtons, 0)
+ }
+ function test_standardButtons() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(buttonBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ control.standardButtons = DialogButtonBox.Ok
+ compare(control.count, 1)
+ var okButton = control.itemAt(0)
+ verify(okButton)
+ compare(okButton.text.toUpperCase(), "OK")
+ control.standardButtons = DialogButtonBox.Cancel
+ compare(control.count, 1)
+ var cancelButton = control.itemAt(0)
+ verify(cancelButton)
+ compare(cancelButton.text.toUpperCase(), "CANCEL")
+ control.standardButtons = DialogButtonBox.Ok | DialogButtonBox.Cancel
+ compare(control.count, 2)
+ if (control.itemAt(0).text.toUpperCase() === "OK") {
+ okButton = control.itemAt(0)
+ cancelButton = control.itemAt(1)
+ } else {
+ okButton = control.itemAt(1)
+ cancelButton = control.itemAt(0)
+ }
+ verify(okButton)
+ verify(cancelButton)
+ compare(okButton.text.toUpperCase(), "OK")
+ compare(cancelButton.text.toUpperCase(), "CANCEL")
+ compare(control.standardButton(DialogButtonBox.Ok), okButton)
+ compare(control.standardButton(DialogButtonBox.Cancel), cancelButton)
+ control.standardButtons = 0
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ compare(control.standardButton(DialogButtonBox.Ok), null)
+ compare(control.standardButton(DialogButtonBox.Cancel), null)
+ }
+ function test_attached() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(buttonBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.standardButtons = DialogButtonBox.Ok
+ var okButton = control.itemAt(0)
+ compare(okButton.DialogButtonBox.buttonBox, control)
+ compare(okButton.DialogButtonBox.buttonRole, DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole)
+ var saveButton = button.createObject(control, {text: "Save"})
+ compare(saveButton.DialogButtonBox.buttonBox, control)
+ compare(saveButton.DialogButtonBox.buttonRole, DialogButtonBox.InvalidRole)
+ saveButton.DialogButtonBox.buttonRole = DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole
+ compare(saveButton.DialogButtonBox.buttonRole, DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole)
+ var closeButton = createTemporaryObject(button, null, {text: "Save"})
+ compare(closeButton.DialogButtonBox.buttonBox, null)
+ compare(closeButton.DialogButtonBox.buttonRole, DialogButtonBox.InvalidRole)
+ closeButton.DialogButtonBox.buttonRole = DialogButtonBox.DestructiveRole
+ compare(closeButton.DialogButtonBox.buttonRole, DialogButtonBox.DestructiveRole)
+ control.addItem(closeButton)
+ compare(closeButton.DialogButtonBox.buttonBox, control)
+ control.contentModel.clear()
+ compare(okButton.DialogButtonBox.buttonBox, null)
+ compare(saveButton.DialogButtonBox.buttonBox, null)
+ compare(closeButton.DialogButtonBox.buttonBox, null)
+ }
+ function test_signals_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "Ok", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.Ok, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole, signalName: "accepted" },
+ { tag: "Open", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.Open, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole, signalName: "accepted" },
+ { tag: "Save", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.Save, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole, signalName: "accepted" },
+ { tag: "Cancel", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.Cancel, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.RejectRole, signalName: "rejected" },
+ { tag: "Close", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.Close, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.RejectRole, signalName: "rejected" },
+ { tag: "Discard", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.Discard, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.DestructiveRole, signalName: "discarded" },
+ { tag: "Apply", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.Apply, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.ApplyRole, signalName: "applied" },
+ { tag: "Reset", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.Reset, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.ResetRole, signalName: "reset" },
+ { tag: "RestoreDefaults", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.RestoreDefaults, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.ResetRole, signalName: "reset" },
+ { tag: "Help", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.Help, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.HelpRole, signalName: "helpRequested" },
+ { tag: "SaveAll", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.SaveAll, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole, signalName: "accepted" },
+ { tag: "Yes", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.Yes, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.YesRole, signalName: "accepted" },
+ { tag: "YesToAll", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.YesToAll, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.YesRole, signalName: "accepted" },
+ { tag: "No", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.No, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.NoRole, signalName: "rejected" },
+ { tag: "NoToAll", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.NoToAll, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.NoRole, signalName: "rejected" },
+ { tag: "Abort", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.Abort, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.RejectRole, signalName: "rejected" },
+ { tag: "Retry", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.Retry, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole, signalName: "accepted" },
+ { tag: "Ignore", standardButton: DialogButtonBox.Ignore, buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole, signalName: "accepted" }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_signals(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(buttonBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.standardButtons = data.standardButton
+ compare(control.count, 1)
+ var button = control.itemAt(0)
+ verify(button)
+ compare(button.DialogButtonBox.buttonRole, data.buttonRole)
+ var clickedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "clicked"})
+ verify(clickedSpy.valid)
+ var roleSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: data.signalName})
+ verify(roleSpy.valid)
+ button.clicked()
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(clickedSpy.signalArguments[0][0], button)
+ compare(roleSpy.count, 1)
+ }
+ function test_buttonLayout_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "WinLayout", buttonLayout: DialogButtonBox.WinLayout, button1Role: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole, button2Role: DialogButtonBox.RejectRole },
+ { tag: "MacLayout", buttonLayout: DialogButtonBox.MacLayout, button1Role: DialogButtonBox.RejectRole, button2Role: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole },
+ { tag: "KdeLayout", buttonLayout: DialogButtonBox.KdeLayout, button1Role: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole, button2Role: DialogButtonBox.RejectRole },
+ { tag: "GnomeLayout", buttonLayout: DialogButtonBox.GnomeLayout, button1Role: DialogButtonBox.RejectRole, button2Role: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole },
+ { tag: "AndroidLayout", buttonLayout: DialogButtonBox.AndroidLayout, button1Role: DialogButtonBox.RejectRole, button2Role: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_buttonLayout(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(buttonBox, testCase, {buttonLayout: data.buttonLayout, standardButtons: DialogButtonBox.Ok|DialogButtonBox.Cancel})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.count, 2)
+ var button1 = control.itemAt(0)
+ verify(button1)
+ compare(button1.DialogButtonBox.buttonRole, data.button1Role)
+ var button2 = control.itemAt(1)
+ verify(button2)
+ compare(button2.DialogButtonBox.buttonRole, data.button2Role)
+ }
+ function test_implicitSize_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "Ok", standardButtons: DialogButtonBox.Ok },
+ { tag: "Yes|No", standardButtons: DialogButtonBox.Yes | DialogButtonBox.No }
+ ]
+ }
+ // QTBUG-59719
+ function test_implicitSize(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(buttonBox, testCase, {standardButtons: data.standardButtons})
+ verify(control)
+ var listView = control.contentItem
+ verify(listView && listView.hasOwnProperty("contentWidth"))
+ waitForRendering(listView)
+ var implicitContentWidth = control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding
+ for (var i = 0; i < listView.contentItem.children.length; ++i) {
+ var button = listView.contentItem.children[i]
+ if (!button.hasOwnProperty("text"))
+ continue
+ implicitContentWidth += button.implicitWidth
+ }
+ verify(implicitContentWidth > control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ verify(control.implicitWidth >= implicitContentWidth, qsTr("implicit width (%1) is less than content width (%2)").arg(control.implicitWidth).arg(implicitContentWidth))
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: okCancelBox
+ DialogButtonBox {
+ Button {
+ text: qsTr("OK")
+ }
+ Button {
+ text: qsTr("Cancel")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_buttonSize() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(okCancelBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var okButton = control.itemAt(0)
+ verify(okButton)
+ verify(okButton.width > 0)
+ var cancelButton = control.itemAt(1)
+ verify(cancelButton)
+ verify(cancelButton.width > 0)
+ compare(okButton.width + cancelButton.width, control.availableWidth - control.spacing)
+ }
+ function test_oneButtonInFixedWidthBox() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(buttonBox, testCase,
+ { width: 400, standardButtons: Dialog.Close })
+ verify(control)
+ var listView = control.contentItem
+ waitForRendering(listView)
+ var button = control.itemAt(0)
+ verify(button)
+ // The button should never go outside of the box.
+ tryVerify(function() { return button.mapToItem(control, 0, 0).x >= 0 },
+ 1000, "Expected left edge of button to be within left edge of DialogButtonBox (i.e. greater than or equal to 0)" +
+ ", but it's " + button.mapToItem(control, 0, 0).x)
+ tryVerify(function() { return button.mapToItem(control, 0, 0).x + button.width <= control.width },
+ 1000, "Expected right edge of button to be within right edge of DialogButtonBox (i.e. less than or equal to " +
+ control.width + "), but it's " + (button.mapToItem(control, 0, 0).x + button.width))
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: dialogComponent
+ // Based on the Basic style, where a single button fills
+ // half the dialog's width and is aligned to the right.
+ Dialog {
+ id: control
+ standardButtons: Dialog.Ok
+ visible: true
+ footer: DialogButtonBox {
+ id: box
+ visible: count > 0
+ alignment: count === 1 ? Qt.AlignRight : undefined
+ implicitWidth: Math.max(implicitBackgroundWidth + leftInset + rightInset,
+ (count === 1 ? implicitContentWidth * 2 : implicitContentWidth) + leftPadding + rightPadding)
+ implicitHeight: Math.max(implicitBackgroundHeight + topInset + bottomInset,
+ implicitContentHeight + topPadding + bottomPadding)
+ contentWidth: contentItem.contentWidth
+ delegate: Button {
+ width: box.count === 1 ? box.availableWidth / 2 : undefined
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // QTBUG-73860
+ function test_oneButtonAlignedRightInImplicitWidthBox() {
+ var dialog = createTemporaryObject(dialogComponent, testCase)
+ verify(dialog)
+ var box = dialog.footer
+ var listView = box.contentItem
+ waitForRendering(listView)
+ var button = box.itemAt(0)
+ verify(button)
+ // The button should never go outside of the box.
+ tryVerify(function() { return button.mapToItem(box, 0, 0).x >= 0 },
+ 1000, "Expected left edge of button to be within left edge of DialogButtonBox (i.e. greater than or equal to 0)" +
+ ", but it's " + button.mapToItem(box, 0, 0).x)
+ tryVerify(function() { return button.mapToItem(box, 0, 0).x + button.width <= box.width },
+ 1000, "Expected right edge of button to be within right edge of DialogButtonBox (i.e. less than or equal to " +
+ box.width + "), but it's " + (button.mapToItem(box, 0, 0).x + button.width))
+ compare(box.width, dialog.width)
+ // There's a single button and we align it to the right.
+ compare(box.contentItem.width, button.width)
+ compare(box.contentItem.x, box.width - box.rightPadding - box.contentItem.width)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: customButtonBox
+ DialogButtonBox {
+ objectName: "customButtonBox"
+ alignment: Qt.AlignRight
+ property alias okButton: okButton
+ Button {
+ id: okButton
+ text: "OK"
+ DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: customButtonBoxTwoButtons
+ DialogButtonBox {
+ objectName: "customButtonBoxTwoButtons"
+ alignment: Qt.AlignRight
+ property alias okButton: okButton
+ Button {
+ id: okButton
+ text: "OK"
+ DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole
+ }
+ Button {
+ text: "Cancel"
+ DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.RejectRole
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_changeCustomButtonText_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "oneButton", component: customButtonBox },
+ { tag: "twoButtons", component: customButtonBoxTwoButtons },
+ ]
+ }
+ // QTBUG-72886
+ function test_changeCustomButtonText(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(data.component, testCase, {})
+ verify(control)
+ var listView = control.contentItem
+ waitForRendering(listView)
+ var button = control.okButton
+ verify(button)
+ button.text = "some longer text";
+ // The button should never go outside of the box.
+ tryVerify(function() { return button.mapToItem(control, 0, 0).x >= 0 },
+ 1000, "Expected left edge of button to be within left edge of DialogButtonBox (i.e. greater than or equal to 0)" +
+ ", but it's " + button.mapToItem(control, 0, 0).x)
+ tryVerify(function() { return button.mapToItem(control, 0, 0).x + button.width <= control.width },
+ 1000, "Expected right edge of button to be within right edge of DialogButtonBox (i.e. less than or equal to " +
+ control.width + "), but it's " + (button.mapToItem(control, 0, 0).x + button.width))
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: customButtonBoxInDialog
+ Dialog {
+ width: 300
+ visible: true
+ footer: DialogButtonBox {
+ objectName: "customButtonBoxInDialog"
+ alignment: Qt.AlignRight
+ property alias okButton: okButton
+ Button {
+ id: okButton
+ text: "OK"
+ DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: customButtonBoxTwoButtonsInDialog
+ Dialog {
+ width: 300
+ visible: true
+ footer: DialogButtonBox {
+ objectName: "customButtonBoxTwoButtonsInDialog"
+ alignment: Qt.AlignRight
+ property alias okButton: okButton
+ Button {
+ id: okButton
+ text: "OK"
+ DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.AcceptRole
+ }
+ Button {
+ text: "Cancel"
+ DialogButtonBox.buttonRole: DialogButtonBox.RejectRole
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_changeCustomButtonImplicitWidth_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "oneButton", component: customButtonBoxInDialog },
+ { tag: "twoButtons", component: customButtonBoxTwoButtonsInDialog },
+ ]
+ }
+ // QTBUG-102558
+ function test_changeCustomButtonImplicitWidth(data) {
+ let dialog = createTemporaryObject(data.component, testCase, {})
+ verify(dialog)
+ let control = dialog.footer
+ verify(control)
+ let listView = control.contentItem
+ waitForRendering(listView)
+ let button = control.okButton
+ verify(button)
+ button.implicitWidth *= 1.5
+ // The button should never go outside of the box.
+ tryVerify(function() { return button.mapToItem(control, 0, 0).x >= 0 },
+ 1000, "Expected left edge of button to be within left edge of DialogButtonBox (i.e. greater than or equal to 0)" +
+ ", but it's " + button.mapToItem(control, 0, 0).x)
+ tryVerify(function() { return button.mapToItem(control, 0, 0).x + button.width <= control.width },
+ 1000, "Expected right edge of button to be within right edge of DialogButtonBox (i.e. less than or equal to " +
+ control.width + "), but it's " + (button.mapToItem(control, 0, 0).x + button.width))
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: noRolesDialog
+ Dialog {
+ footer: DialogButtonBox {
+ Button { text: "A" }
+ Button { text: "B" }
+ Button { text: "C" }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_orderWithNoRoles() {
+ for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(noRolesDialog, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.open()
+ tryCompare(control, "opened", true)
+ let footer = control.footer
+ verify(footer)
+ waitForItemPolished(footer.contentItem)
+ compare(footer.itemAt(0).text, "A")
+ compare(footer.itemAt(1).text, "B")
+ compare(footer.itemAt(2).text, "C")
+ control.destroy()
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentItemDeletionOrder1
+ Item {
+ objectName: "parentItem"
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ objectName: "contentItem"
+ }
+ DialogButtonBox {
+ objectName: "control"
+ contentItem: item
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentItemDeletionOrder2
+ Item {
+ objectName: "parentItem"
+ DialogButtonBox {
+ objectName: "control"
+ contentItem: item
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ objectName: "contentItem"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_contentItemDeletionOrder() {
+ var control1 = createTemporaryObject(contentItemDeletionOrder1, testCase)
+ verify(control1)
+ var control2 = createTemporaryObject(contentItemDeletionOrder2, testCase)
+ verify(control2)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: backgroundDeletionOrder1
+ Item {
+ objectName: "parentItem"
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ objectName: "backgroundItem"
+ }
+ DialogButtonBox {
+ objectName: "control"
+ background: item
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: backgroundDeletionOrder2
+ Item {
+ objectName: "parentItem"
+ DialogButtonBox {
+ objectName: "control"
+ background: item
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: item
+ objectName: "backgroundItem"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_backgroundDeletionOrder() {
+ var control1 = createTemporaryObject(backgroundDeletionOrder1, testCase)
+ verify(control1)
+ var control2 = createTemporaryObject(backgroundDeletionOrder2, testCase)
+ verify(control2)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_frame.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_frame.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bef46f7650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_frame.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "Frame"
+ Component {
+ id: frame
+ Frame { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: oneChildFrame
+ Frame {
+ Item {
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 30
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: twoChildrenFrame
+ Frame {
+ Item {
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 30
+ }
+ Item {
+ implicitWidth: 200
+ implicitHeight: 60
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentFrame
+ Frame {
+ contentItem: Item {
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 30
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_empty() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(frame, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.contentItem)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 0)
+ }
+ function test_oneChild() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(oneChildFrame, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 30)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 30)
+ verify(control.implicitWidth > 100)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight > 30)
+ }
+ function test_twoChildren() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(twoChildrenFrame, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 0)
+ verify(control.implicitWidth > 0)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight > 0)
+ }
+ function test_contentItem() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(contentFrame, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 30)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 30)
+ verify(control.implicitWidth > 100)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight > 30)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_groupbox.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_groupbox.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5867dd956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_groupbox.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "GroupBox"
+ Component {
+ id: groupBox
+ GroupBox { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: oneChildBox
+ GroupBox {
+ Item {
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 30
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: twoChildrenBox
+ GroupBox {
+ Item {
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 30
+ }
+ Item {
+ implicitWidth: 200
+ implicitHeight: 60
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentBox
+ GroupBox {
+ contentItem: Item {
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 30
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_empty() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(groupBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.contentItem)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 0)
+ }
+ function test_oneChild() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(oneChildBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 30)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 30)
+ verify(control.implicitWidth > 100)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight > 30)
+ }
+ function test_twoChildren() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(twoChildrenBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 0)
+ verify(control.implicitWidth > 0)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight > 0)
+ }
+ function test_contentItem() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(contentBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 30)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 30)
+ verify(control.implicitWidth > 100)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight > 30)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_itemdelegate.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_itemdelegate.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d4847b4b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_itemdelegate.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "ItemDelegate"
+ Component {
+ id: itemDelegate
+ ItemDelegate { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(itemDelegate, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_baseline() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(itemDelegate, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, control.contentItem.y + control.contentItem.baselineOffset)
+ }
+ function test_highlighted() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(itemDelegate, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(!control.highlighted)
+ control.highlighted = true
+ verify(control.highlighted)
+ }
+ function test_spacing() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(itemDelegate, testCase, { text: "Some long, long, long text" })
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.contentItem.implicitWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding > control.background.implicitWidth)
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ verify(textLabel)
+ // The implicitWidth of the IconLabel that all buttons use as their contentItem
+ // should be equal to the implicitWidth of the Text while no icon is set.
+ compare(control.contentItem.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth)
+ // That means that spacing shouldn't affect it.
+ control.spacing += 100
+ compare(control.contentItem.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth)
+ // The implicitWidth of the ItemDelegate itself should, therefore, also never include spacing while no icon is set.
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ }
+ function test_display_data() {
+ return [
+ { "tag": "IconOnly", display: ItemDelegate.IconOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly", display: ItemDelegate.TextOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon", display: ItemDelegate.TextUnderIcon },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon", display: ItemDelegate.TextBesideIcon },
+ { "tag": "IconOnly, mirrored", display: ItemDelegate.IconOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly, mirrored", display: ItemDelegate.TextOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon, mirrored", display: ItemDelegate.TextUnderIcon, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon, mirrored", display: ItemDelegate.TextBesideIcon, mirrored: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_display(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(itemDelegate, testCase, {
+ text: "ItemDelegate",
+ display: data.display,
+ width: 400,
+ "icon.source": "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png",
+ "LayoutMirroring.enabled": !!data.mirrored
+ })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.icon.source, "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png")
+ var iconImage = findChild(control.contentItem, "image")
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ switch (control.display) {
+ case ItemDelegate.IconOnly:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(!textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, (control.availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case ItemDelegate.TextOnly:
+ verify(!iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(textLabel.x, control.mirrored ? control.availableWidth - textLabel.width : 0)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case ItemDelegate.TextUnderIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, (control.availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.x, (control.availableWidth - textLabel.width) / 2)
+ verify(iconImage.y < textLabel.y)
+ break;
+ case ItemDelegate.TextBesideIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ if (control.mirrored)
+ verify(textLabel.x < iconImage.x)
+ else
+ verify(iconImage.x < textLabel.x)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_label.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_label.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..853d5ba686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_label.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "Label"
+ Component {
+ id: label
+ Label { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: backgroundLabel
+ Label {
+ background: Rectangle { }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: rectangle
+ Rectangle { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ function test_creation() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(label, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_font_explicit_attributes_data() {
+ return [
+ {tag: "bold", value: true},
+ {tag: "capitalization", value: Font.Capitalize},
+ {tag: "family", value: "Courier"},
+ {tag: "italic", value: true},
+ {tag: "strikeout", value: true},
+ {tag: "underline", value: true},
+ {tag: "weight", value: Font.Black},
+ {tag: "wordSpacing", value: 55}
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_font_explicit_attributes(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(label, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var child = label.createObject(control)
+ verify(child)
+ var controlSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "fontChanged"})
+ verify(controlSpy.valid)
+ var childSpy = signalSpy.createObject(child, {target: child, signalName: "fontChanged"})
+ verify(childSpy.valid)
+ var defaultValue = control.font[data.tag]
+ child.font[data.tag] = defaultValue
+ compare(child.font[data.tag], defaultValue)
+ compare(childSpy.count, 0)
+ control.font[data.tag] = data.value
+ compare(control.font[data.tag], data.value)
+ compare(controlSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(child.font[data.tag], defaultValue)
+ compare(childSpy.count, 0)
+ }
+ function test_background() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(backgroundLabel, testCase, {text: "Label"})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.background.width, control.width)
+ compare(control.background.height, control.height)
+ control.background = rectangle.createObject(control)
+ compare(control.background.width, control.width)
+ compare(control.background.height, control.height)
+ // change implicit size (QTBUG-66455)
+ control.background.implicitWidth = 160
+ control.background.implicitHeight = 120
+ compare(control.background.width, control.width)
+ compare(control.background.height, control.height)
+ }
+ function test_inset() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(label, testCase, {background: rectangle.createObject(control)})
+ verify(control)
+ var topInsetSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "topInsetChanged"})
+ verify(topInsetSpy.valid)
+ var leftInsetSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "leftInsetChanged"})
+ verify(leftInsetSpy.valid)
+ var rightInsetSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "rightInsetChanged"})
+ verify(rightInsetSpy.valid)
+ var bottomInsetSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "bottomInsetChanged"})
+ verify(bottomInsetSpy.valid)
+ var topInsetChanges = 0
+ var leftInsetChanges = 0
+ var rightInsetChanges = 0
+ var bottomInsetChanges = 0
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ control.width = 100
+ control.height = 100
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.height, 100)
+ control.topInset = 10
+ compare(control.topInset, 10)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, ++topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 10)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.height, 90)
+ control.leftInset = 20
+ compare(control.topInset, 10)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 20)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, ++leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 20)
+ compare(control.background.y, 10)
+ compare(control.background.width, 80)
+ compare(control.background.height, 90)
+ control.rightInset = 30
+ compare(control.topInset, 10)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 20)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 30)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, ++rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 20)
+ compare(control.background.y, 10)
+ compare(control.background.width, 50)
+ compare(control.background.height, 90)
+ control.bottomInset = 40
+ compare(control.topInset, 10)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 20)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 30)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 40)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, ++bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 20)
+ compare(control.background.y, 10)
+ compare(control.background.width, 50)
+ compare(control.background.height, 50)
+ control.topInset = undefined
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 20)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 30)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 40)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, ++topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 20)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 50)
+ compare(control.background.height, 60)
+ control.leftInset = undefined
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 30)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 40)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, ++leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 70)
+ compare(control.background.height, 60)
+ control.rightInset = undefined
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 40)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, ++rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.height, 60)
+ control.bottomInset = undefined
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, ++bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.height, 100)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_menuitem.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_menuitem.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1ed076705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_menuitem.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "MenuItem"
+ Component {
+ id: menuItem
+ MenuItem { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: menu
+ Menu { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(menuItem, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_baseline() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(menuItem, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, control.contentItem.y + control.contentItem.baselineOffset)
+ }
+ function test_checkable() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(menuItem, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.hasOwnProperty("checkable"))
+ verify(!control.checkable)
+ mouseClick(control)
+ verify(!control.checked)
+ control.checkable = true
+ mouseClick(control)
+ verify(control.checked)
+ mouseClick(control)
+ verify(!control.checked)
+ }
+ function test_highlighted() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(menuItem, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(!control.highlighted)
+ control.highlighted = true
+ verify(control.highlighted)
+ }
+ function test_display_data() {
+ return [
+ { "tag": "IconOnly", display: MenuItem.IconOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly", display: MenuItem.TextOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon", display: MenuItem.TextUnderIcon },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon", display: MenuItem.TextBesideIcon },
+ { "tag": "IconOnly, mirrored", display: MenuItem.IconOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly, mirrored", display: MenuItem.TextOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon, mirrored", display: MenuItem.TextUnderIcon, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon, mirrored", display: MenuItem.TextBesideIcon, mirrored: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_display(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(menuItem, testCase, {
+ text: "MenuItem",
+ display: data.display,
+ "icon.source": "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png",
+ "LayoutMirroring.enabled": !!data.mirrored
+ })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.icon.source, "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png")
+ var padding = data.mirrored ? control.contentItem.rightPadding : control.contentItem.leftPadding
+ var iconImage = findChild(control.contentItem, "image")
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ switch (control.display) {
+ case MenuItem.IconOnly:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(!textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, control.mirrored ? control.availableWidth - iconImage.width - padding : padding)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case MenuItem.TextOnly:
+ verify(!iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(textLabel.x, control.mirrored ? control.availableWidth - textLabel.width - padding : padding)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case MenuItem.TextUnderIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, control.mirrored ? control.availableWidth - iconImage.width - (textLabel.width - iconImage.width) / 2 - padding : (textLabel.width - iconImage.width) / 2 + padding)
+ compare(textLabel.x, control.mirrored ? control.availableWidth - textLabel.width - padding : padding)
+ verify(iconImage.y < textLabel.y)
+ break;
+ case MenuItem.TextBesideIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ if (control.mirrored)
+ verify(textLabel.x < iconImage.x)
+ else
+ verify(iconImage.x < textLabel.x)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function test_menu() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(menu, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var item1 = createTemporaryObject(menuItem, testCase)
+ verify(item1)
+ compare(item1.menu, null)
+ var item2 = createTemporaryObject(menuItem, testCase)
+ verify(item2)
+ compare(item2.menu, null)
+ control.addItem(item1)
+ compare(item1.menu, control)
+ compare(item2.menu, null)
+ control.insertItem(1, item2)
+ compare(item1.menu, control)
+ compare(item2.menu, control)
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(1))
+ compare(item1.menu, control)
+ compare(item2.menu, null)
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(0))
+ compare(item1.menu, null)
+ compare(item2.menu, null)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_monthgrid.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_monthgrid.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b1081675e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_monthgrid.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtTest
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "MonthGrid"
+ Component {
+ id: defaultGrid
+ MonthGrid { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: delegateGrid
+ MonthGrid {
+ delegate: Item {
+ readonly property date date: model.date
+ readonly property int day: model.day
+ readonly property bool today: model.today
+ readonly property int weekNumber: model.weekNumber
+ readonly property int month: model.month
+ readonly property int year: model.year
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(defaultGrid, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_locale() {
+ var control = delegateGrid.createObject(testCase, {month: 0, year: 2013})
+ compare(control.contentItem.children.length, 6 * 7 + 1)
+ // January 2013
+ compare(control.month, 0)
+ compare(control.year, 2013)
+ // en_GB
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("en_GB")
+ compare(control.locale.name, "en_GB")
+ // M T W T F S S
+ var en_GB = ["2012-12-31", "2013-01-01", "2013-01-02", "2013-01-03", "2013-01-04", "2013-01-05", "2013-01-06",
+ "2013-01-07", "2013-01-08", "2013-01-09", "2013-01-10", "2013-01-11", "2013-01-12", "2013-01-13",
+ "2013-01-14", "2013-01-15", "2013-01-16", "2013-01-17", "2013-01-18", "2013-01-19", "2013-01-20",
+ "2013-01-21", "2013-01-22", "2013-01-23", "2013-01-24", "2013-01-25", "2013-01-26", "2013-01-27",
+ "2013-01-28", "2013-01-29", "2013-01-30", "2013-01-31", "2013-02-01", "2013-02-02", "2013-02-03",
+ "2013-02-04", "2013-02-05", "2013-02-06", "2013-02-07", "2013-02-08", "2013-02-09", "2013-02-10"]
+ for (var i = 0; i < 42; ++i) {
+ var cellDate = new Date(en_GB[i])
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[i].date.getFullYear(), cellDate.getUTCFullYear())
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[i].date.getMonth(), cellDate.getUTCMonth())
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[i].date.getDate(), cellDate.getUTCDate())
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[i].day, cellDate.getUTCDate())
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[i].today, cellDate === new Date())
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[i].month, cellDate.getUTCMonth())
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[i].year, cellDate.getUTCFullYear())
+ }
+ // en_US
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("en_US")
+ compare(control.locale.name, "en_US")
+ // S M T W T F S
+ var en_US = ["2012-12-30", "2012-12-31", "2013-01-01", "2013-01-02", "2013-01-03", "2013-01-04", "2013-01-05",
+ "2013-01-06", "2013-01-07", "2013-01-08", "2013-01-09", "2013-01-10", "2013-01-11", "2013-01-12",
+ "2013-01-13", "2013-01-14", "2013-01-15", "2013-01-16", "2013-01-17", "2013-01-18", "2013-01-19",
+ "2013-01-20", "2013-01-21", "2013-01-22", "2013-01-23", "2013-01-24", "2013-01-25", "2013-01-26",
+ "2013-01-27", "2013-01-28", "2013-01-29", "2013-01-30", "2013-01-31", "2013-02-01", "2013-02-02",
+ "2013-02-03", "2013-02-04", "2013-02-05", "2013-02-06", "2013-02-07", "2013-02-08", "2013-02-09"]
+ for (var j = 0; j < 42; ++j) {
+ cellDate = new Date(en_US[j])
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[j].date.getFullYear(), cellDate.getUTCFullYear())
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[j].date.getMonth(), cellDate.getUTCMonth())
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[j].date.getDate(), cellDate.getUTCDate())
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[j].day, cellDate.getUTCDate())
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[j].today, cellDate === new Date())
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[j].month, cellDate.getUTCMonth())
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[j].year, cellDate.getUTCFullYear())
+ }
+ control.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_range() {
+ var control = defaultGrid.createObject(testCase)
+ control.month = 0
+ compare(control.month, 0)
+ ignoreWarning(/tst_monthgrid.qml:18:9: QML (Abstract)?MonthGrid: month -1 is out of range \[0...11\]$/)
+ control.month = -1
+ compare(control.month, 0)
+ control.month = 11
+ compare(control.month, 11)
+ ignoreWarning(/tst_monthgrid.qml:18:9: QML (Abstract)?MonthGrid: month 12 is out of range \[0...11\]$/)
+ control.month = 12
+ compare(control.month, 11)
+ control.year = -271820
+ compare(control.year, -271820)
+ ignoreWarning(/tst_monthgrid.qml:18:9: QML (Abstract)?MonthGrid: year -271821 is out of range \[-271820...275759\]$/)
+ control.year = -271821
+ compare(control.year, -271820)
+ control.year = 275759
+ compare(control.year, 275759)
+ ignoreWarning(/tst_monthgrid.qml:18:9: QML (Abstract)?MonthGrid: year 275760 is out of range \[-271820...275759\]$/)
+ control.year = 275760
+ compare(control.year, 275759)
+ control.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_bce() {
+ var control = defaultGrid.createObject(testCase)
+ compare(control.contentItem.children.length, 6 * 7 + 1)
+ // fi_FI
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("fi_FI")
+ compare(control.locale.name, "fi_FI")
+ // January 1 BCE
+ control.month = 0
+ compare(control.month, 0)
+ control.year = -1
+ compare(control.year, -1)
+ // M T W T F S S
+ var jan1bce = [27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 1, 2,
+ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
+ 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
+ 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
+ 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
+ 31, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+ for (var i = 0; i < 42; ++i)
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[i].text, jan1bce[i].toString())
+ // February 1 BCE
+ control.month = 1
+ compare(control.month, 1)
+ control.year = -1
+ compare(control.year, -1)
+ // M T W T F S S
+ var feb1bce = [31, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
+ 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
+ 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
+ 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,
+ 28, 29, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
+ 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
+ for (var j = 0; j < 42; ++j)
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[j].text, feb1bce[j].toString())
+ control.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_font() {
+ var control = defaultGrid.createObject(testCase)
+ verify(control.contentItem.children[0])
+ control.font.pixelSize = 123
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[0].font.pixelSize, 123)
+ control.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_clicked_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "mouse", touch: false },
+ { tag: "touch", touch: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_clicked(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(defaultGrid, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.contentItem.children.length, 6 * 7 + 1)
+ var pressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressed"})
+ verify(pressedSpy.valid)
+ var releasedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "released"})
+ verify(releasedSpy.valid)
+ var clickedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "clicked"})
+ verify(clickedSpy.valid)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 42; ++i) {
+ var cell = control.contentItem.children[i]
+ verify(cell)
+ if (data.touch)
+ touch.press(0, cell).commit()
+ else
+ mousePress(cell)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, i + 1)
+ compare(releasedSpy.count, i)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, i)
+ if (data.touch)
+ touch.release(0, cell).commit()
+ else
+ mouseRelease(cell)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, i + 1)
+ compare(releasedSpy.count, i + 1)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, i + 1)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_page.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_page.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca816d963b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_page.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "Page"
+ Component {
+ id: page
+ Page { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: oneChildPage
+ Page {
+ Item {
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 30
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: twoChildrenPage
+ Page {
+ Item {
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 30
+ }
+ Item {
+ implicitWidth: 200
+ implicitHeight: 60
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentPage
+ Page {
+ contentItem: Item {
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 30
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: headerFooterPage
+ Page {
+ header: ToolBar { }
+ footer: ToolBar { }
+ contentItem: Item {
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 30
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: toolBar
+ ToolBar { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(page, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.contentItem)
+ compare(control.header, null)
+ compare(control.footer, null)
+ }
+ function test_empty() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(page, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.contentItem)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 0)
+ }
+ function test_oneChild() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(oneChildPage, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 30)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 30)
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 100 + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 30 + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ }
+ function test_twoChildren() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(twoChildrenPage, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, Math.max(control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding,
+ control.background ? control.background.implicitWidth : 0))
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, Math.max(control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding,
+ control.background ? control.background.implicitHeight : 0))
+ }
+ function test_contentItem() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(contentPage, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 30)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 30)
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 100 + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 30 + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ }
+ function test_layout() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(page, testCase, {width: 100, height: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.width, 100)
+ compare(control.height, 100)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.width)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.height)
+ control.header = toolBar.createObject(control)
+ compare(control.header.width, control.width)
+ verify(control.header.height > 0)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.width)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.height - control.header.height)
+ control.footer = toolBar.createObject(control)
+ compare(control.footer.width, control.width)
+ verify(control.footer.height > 0)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.width)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.height - control.header.height - control.footer.height)
+ control.topPadding = 9
+ control.leftPadding = 2
+ control.rightPadding = 6
+ control.bottomPadding = 7
+ compare(control.header.x, 0)
+ compare(control.header.y, 0)
+ compare(control.header.width, control.width)
+ verify(control.header.height > 0)
+ compare(control.footer.x, 0)
+ compare(control.footer.y, control.height - control.footer.height)
+ compare(control.footer.width, control.width)
+ verify(control.footer.height > 0)
+ compare(control.contentItem.x, control.leftPadding)
+ compare(control.contentItem.y, control.topPadding + control.header.height)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.availableWidth)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight - control.header.height - control.footer.height)
+ control.header.visible = false
+ compare(control.contentItem.x, control.leftPadding)
+ compare(control.contentItem.y, control.topPadding)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.availableWidth)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight - control.footer.height)
+ control.footer.visible = false
+ compare(control.contentItem.x, control.leftPadding)
+ compare(control.contentItem.y, control.topPadding)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.availableWidth)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight)
+ control.contentItem.implicitWidth = 50
+ control.contentItem.implicitHeight = 60
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.contentItem.implicitWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, control.contentItem.implicitHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ control.header.visible = true
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, control.contentItem.implicitHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding
+ + control.header.implicitHeight + control.spacing)
+ control.footer.visible = true
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, control.contentItem.implicitHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding
+ + control.header.implicitHeight + control.footer.implicitHeight + 2 * control.spacing)
+ control.header.implicitWidth = 150
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.header.implicitWidth)
+ control.footer.implicitWidth = 160
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.footer.implicitWidth)
+ control.contentItem.implicitWidth = 170
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.contentItem.implicitWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ }
+ function test_spacing_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "content", header: false, content: true, footer: false },
+ { tag: "header,content", header: true, content: true, footer: false },
+ { tag: "content,footer", header: false, content: true, footer: true },
+ { tag: "header,content,footer", header: true, content: true, footer: true },
+ { tag: "header,footer", header: true, content: false, footer: true },
+ { tag: "header", header: true, content: false, footer: false },
+ { tag: "footer", header: false, content: false, footer: true },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_spacing(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(page, testCase, {spacing: 20, width: 100, height: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ control.contentItem.visible = data.content
+ control.header = toolBar.createObject(control.contentItem, {visible: data.header})
+ control.footer = toolBar.createObject(control.contentItem, {visible: data.footer})
+ compare(control.header.x, 0)
+ compare(control.header.y, 0)
+ compare(control.header.width, control.width)
+ verify(control.header.height > 0)
+ compare(control.footer.x, 0)
+ compare(control.footer.y, control.height - control.footer.height)
+ compare(control.footer.width, control.width)
+ verify(control.footer.height > 0)
+ compare(control.contentItem.x, control.leftPadding)
+ compare(control.contentItem.y, control.topPadding + (data.header ? control.header.height + control.spacing : 0))
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.availableWidth)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight
+ - (data.header ? control.header.height + control.spacing : 0)
+ - (data.footer ? control.footer.height + control.spacing : 0))
+ }
+ function test_headerFooter() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(headerFooterPage, testCase, {width: 100, height: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.width, 100)
+ compare(control.height, 100)
+ verify(control.header)
+ compare(control.header.x, 0)
+ compare(control.header.y, 0)
+ compare(control.header.width, control.width)
+ verify(control.header.height > 0)
+ verify(control.footer)
+ compare(control.footer.x, 0)
+ compare(control.footer.y, control.height - control.footer.height)
+ compare(control.footer.width, control.width)
+ verify(control.footer.height > 0)
+ compare(control.contentItem.x, 0)
+ compare(control.contentItem.y, control.header.height)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.width)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.height - control.header.height - control.footer.height)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_pageindicator.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_pageindicator.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..837972cdc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_pageindicator.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "PageIndicator"
+ Component {
+ id: pageIndicator
+ PageIndicator { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: mouseArea
+ MouseArea { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(pageIndicator, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_count() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(pageIndicator, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ control.count = 3
+ compare(control.count, 3)
+ }
+ function test_currentIndex() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(pageIndicator, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ control.currentIndex = 5
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 5)
+ }
+ function test_interactive_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "mouse", touch: false },
+ { tag: "touch", touch: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_interactive(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(pageIndicator, testCase, {count: 5, spacing: 10, topPadding: 10, leftPadding: 10, rightPadding: 10, bottomPadding: 10})
+ verify(control)
+ verify(!control.interactive)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ if (data.touch)
+ touch.press(0, control).commit().release(0, control).commit()
+ else
+ mouseClick(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ control.interactive = true
+ verify(control.interactive)
+ if (data.touch)
+ touch.press(0, control).commit().release(0, control).commit()
+ else
+ mouseClick(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ // test also clicking outside delegates => the nearest should be selected
+ for (var i = 0; i < control.count; ++i) {
+ var child = control.contentItem.children[i]
+ var points = [
+ Qt.point(child.width / 2, -2), // top
+ Qt.point(-2, child.height / 2), // left
+ Qt.point(child.width + 2, child.height / 2), // right
+ Qt.point(child.width / 2, child.height + 2), // bottom
+ Qt.point(-2, -2), // top-left
+ Qt.point(child.width + 2, -2), // top-right
+ Qt.point(-2, child.height + 2), // bottom-left
+ Qt.point(child.width + 2, child.height + 2), // bottom-right
+ ]
+ for (var j = 0; j < points.length; ++j) {
+ control.currentIndex = -1
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ var point = points[j]
+ var pos = control.mapFromItem(child, x, y)
+ if (data.touch)
+ touch.press(0, control, pos.x, pos.y).commit().release(0, control, pos.x, pos.y).commit()
+ else
+ mouseClick(control, pos.x, pos.y, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, i)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_mouseArea_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "interactive", interactive: true },
+ { tag: "non-interactive", interactive: false }
+ ]
+ }
+ // QTBUG-61785
+ function test_mouseArea(data) {
+ var ma = createTemporaryObject(mouseArea, testCase, {width: testCase.width, height: testCase.height})
+ verify(ma)
+ var control = pageIndicator.createObject(ma, {count: 5, interactive: data.interactive, width: testCase.width, height: testCase.height})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.interactive, data.interactive)
+ mousePress(control)
+ compare(ma.pressed, !data.interactive)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ verify(!ma.pressed)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ touch.press(0, control).commit()
+ compare(ma.pressed, !data.interactive)
+ touch.release(0, control).commit()
+ verify(!ma.pressed)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_pane.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_pane.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f823031c79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_pane.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "Pane"
+ Component {
+ id: pane
+ Pane { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: oneChildPane
+ Pane {
+ Item {
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 30
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: twoChildrenPane
+ Pane {
+ Item {
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 30
+ }
+ Item {
+ implicitWidth: 200
+ implicitHeight: 60
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentPane
+ Pane {
+ contentItem: Item {
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 30
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: pressPane
+ MouseArea {
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ property int pressCount
+ onPressed: ++pressCount
+ Pane {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_empty() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(pane, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.contentItem)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 0)
+ }
+ function test_oneChild() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(oneChildPane, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 30)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 30)
+ verify(control.implicitWidth > 100)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight > 30)
+ compare(control.contentChildren.length, 1)
+ control.contentChildren[0].implicitWidth = 200
+ control.contentChildren[0].implicitHeight = 40
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 200)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 40)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 200)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 40)
+ verify(control.implicitWidth > 200)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight > 40)
+ }
+ function test_twoChildren() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(twoChildrenPane, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 0)
+ verify(control.implicitWidth > 0)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight > 0)
+ }
+ function test_contentItem() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(contentPane, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 30)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 30)
+ verify(control.implicitWidth > 100)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight > 30)
+ }
+ function test_implicitContentItem() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(pane, testCase, {width: 100, height: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.width, 100)
+ compare(control.height, 100)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.availableWidth)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight)
+ }
+ function test_press() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(pressPane, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.pressCount, 0)
+ mouseClick(control)
+ compare(control.pressCount, 0)
+ control.children[0].enabled = false
+ mouseClick(control)
+ compare(control.pressCount, 1)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_popup.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_popup.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c1d63ffe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_popup.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,1518 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtQuick.Templates as T
+import QtQuick.NativeStyle as NativeStyle
+import Qt.test.controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "Popup"
+ ApplicationWindow {
+ id: applicationWindow
+ width: 480
+ height: 360
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: popupTemplate
+ T.Popup { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: popupControl
+ Popup { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: rect
+ Rectangle { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(popupControl, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_padding() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(popupTemplate, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var paddingSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "paddingChanged"})
+ verify(paddingSpy.valid)
+ var topPaddingSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "topPaddingChanged"})
+ verify(topPaddingSpy.valid)
+ var leftPaddingSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "leftPaddingChanged"})
+ verify(leftPaddingSpy.valid)
+ var rightPaddingSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "rightPaddingChanged"})
+ verify(rightPaddingSpy.valid)
+ var bottomPaddingSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "bottomPaddingChanged"})
+ verify(bottomPaddingSpy.valid)
+ var paddingChanges = 0
+ var topPaddingChanges = 0
+ var leftPaddingChanges = 0
+ var rightPaddingChanges = 0
+ var bottomPaddingChanges = 0
+ compare(control.padding, 0)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 0)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 0)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 0)
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 0)
+ control.width = 100
+ control.height = 100
+ control.padding = 10
+ compare(control.padding, 10)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 10)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, ++paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, ++topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, ++leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, ++rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, ++bottomPaddingChanges)
+ control.topPadding = 20
+ compare(control.padding, 10)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 20)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 10)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, ++topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, bottomPaddingChanges)
+ control.leftPadding = 30
+ compare(control.padding, 10)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 20)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 30)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 10)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 10)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, ++leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, bottomPaddingChanges)
+ control.rightPadding = 40
+ compare(control.padding, 10)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 20)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 30)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 40)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 10)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, ++rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, bottomPaddingChanges)
+ control.bottomPadding = 50
+ compare(control.padding, 10)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 20)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 30)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 40)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 50)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, ++bottomPaddingChanges)
+ control.padding = 60
+ compare(control.padding, 60)
+ compare(control.topPadding, 20)
+ compare(control.leftPadding, 30)
+ compare(control.rightPadding, 40)
+ compare(control.bottomPadding, 50)
+ compare(paddingSpy.count, ++paddingChanges)
+ compare(topPaddingSpy.count, topPaddingChanges)
+ compare(leftPaddingSpy.count, leftPaddingChanges)
+ compare(rightPaddingSpy.count, rightPaddingChanges)
+ compare(bottomPaddingSpy.count, bottomPaddingChanges)
+ }
+ function test_availableSize() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(popupTemplate, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var availableWidthSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "availableWidthChanged"})
+ verify(availableWidthSpy.valid)
+ var availableHeightSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "availableHeightChanged"})
+ verify(availableHeightSpy.valid)
+ var availableWidthChanges = 0
+ var availableHeightChanges = 0
+ control.width = 100
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 100)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, ++availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, availableHeightChanges)
+ control.height = 100
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 100)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, ++availableHeightChanges)
+ control.padding = 10
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 80)
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 80)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, ++availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, ++availableHeightChanges)
+ control.topPadding = 20
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 80)
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 70)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, ++availableHeightChanges)
+ control.leftPadding = 30
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 60)
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 70)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, ++availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, availableHeightChanges)
+ control.rightPadding = 40
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 30)
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 70)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, ++availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, availableHeightChanges)
+ control.bottomPadding = 50
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 30)
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 30)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, ++availableHeightChanges)
+ control.padding = 60
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 30)
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 30)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, availableHeightChanges)
+ control.width = 0
+ compare(control.availableWidth, 0)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, ++availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, availableHeightChanges)
+ control.height = 0
+ compare(control.availableHeight, 0)
+ compare(availableWidthSpy.count, availableWidthChanges)
+ compare(availableHeightSpy.count, ++availableHeightChanges)
+ }
+ function test_position() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(popupControl, testCase, {visible: true, leftMargin: 10, topMargin: 20, width: 100, height: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.visible)
+ var xSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "xChanged"})
+ verify(xSpy.valid)
+ var ySpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "yChanged"})
+ verify(ySpy.valid)
+ // moving outside margins does not trigger change notifiers
+ control.x = -100
+ compare(control.x, 10)
+ compare(control.y, 20)
+ compare(xSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(ySpy.count, 0)
+ control.y = -200
+ compare(control.x, 10)
+ compare(control.y, 20)
+ compare(xSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(ySpy.count, 0)
+ // moving within margins triggers change notifiers
+ control.x = 30
+ compare(control.x, 30)
+ compare(control.y, 20)
+ compare(xSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(ySpy.count, 0)
+ control.y = 40
+ compare(control.x, 30)
+ compare(control.y, 40)
+ compare(xSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(ySpy.count, 1)
+ // re-parent and reset the position
+ control.parent = createTemporaryObject(rect, testCase, {color: "red", width: 100, height: 100})
+ control.x = 0
+ control.y = 0
+ compare(xSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(ySpy.count, 2)
+ // moving parent outside margins triggers change notifiers
+ control.parent.x = -50
+ compare(control.x, 50 + control.leftMargin)
+ compare(xSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(ySpy.count, 2)
+ control.parent.y = -60
+ compare(control.y, 60 + control.topMargin)
+ compare(xSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(ySpy.count, 3)
+ }
+ function test_resetSize() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(popupControl, testCase, {visible: true, margins: 0})
+ verify(control)
+ control.scale = 1.0
+ control.width = control.implicitWidth = testCase.width + 10
+ control.height = control.implicitHeight = testCase.height + 10
+ compare(control.width, testCase.width + 10)
+ compare(control.height, testCase.height + 10)
+ control.width = undefined
+ control.height = undefined
+ compare(control.width, testCase.width)
+ compare(control.height, testCase.height)
+ }
+ function test_negativeMargins() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(popupControl, testCase, {implicitWidth: testCase.width, implicitHeight: testCase.height})
+ verify(control)
+ control.open()
+ verify(control.visible)
+ compare(control.x, 0)
+ compare(control.y, 0)
+ compare(control.margins, -1)
+ compare(control.topMargin, -1)
+ compare(control.leftMargin, -1)
+ compare(control.rightMargin, -1)
+ compare(control.bottomMargin, -1)
+ control.x = -10
+ control.y = -10
+ compare(control.x, 0)
+ compare(control.y, 0)
+ }
+ function test_margins() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(popupTemplate, testCase, {width: 100, height: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ control.open()
+ verify(control.visible)
+ control.margins = 10
+ compare(control.margins, 10)
+ compare(control.topMargin, 10)
+ compare(control.leftMargin, 10)
+ compare(control.rightMargin, 10)
+ compare(control.bottomMargin, 10)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.x, 10)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.y, 10)
+ control.topMargin = 20
+ compare(control.margins, 10)
+ compare(control.topMargin, 20)
+ compare(control.leftMargin, 10)
+ compare(control.rightMargin, 10)
+ compare(control.bottomMargin, 10)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.x, 10)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.y, 20)
+ control.leftMargin = 20
+ compare(control.margins, 10)
+ compare(control.topMargin, 20)
+ compare(control.leftMargin, 20)
+ compare(control.rightMargin, 10)
+ compare(control.bottomMargin, 10)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.x, 20)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.y, 20)
+ control.x = testCase.width
+ control.y = testCase.height
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.x, testCase.width - control.width - 10)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.y, testCase.height - control.height - 10)
+ control.rightMargin = 20
+ compare(control.margins, 10)
+ compare(control.topMargin, 20)
+ compare(control.leftMargin, 20)
+ compare(control.rightMargin, 20)
+ compare(control.bottomMargin, 10)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.x, testCase.width - control.width - 20)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.y, testCase.height - control.height - 10)
+ control.bottomMargin = 20
+ compare(control.margins, 10)
+ compare(control.topMargin, 20)
+ compare(control.leftMargin, 20)
+ compare(control.rightMargin, 20)
+ compare(control.bottomMargin, 20)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.x, testCase.width - control.width - 20)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.y, testCase.height - control.height - 20)
+ control.margins = undefined
+ compare(control.margins, -1)
+ control.bottomMargin = undefined
+ compare(control.bottomMargin, -1)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.x, testCase.width - control.width - 20)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.y, testCase.height)
+ control.rightMargin = undefined
+ compare(control.rightMargin, -1)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.x, testCase.width)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.y, testCase.height)
+ control.x = -testCase.width
+ control.y = -testCase.height
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.x, 20)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.y, 20)
+ control.topMargin = undefined
+ compare(control.topMargin, -1)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.x, 20)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.y, -testCase.height)
+ control.leftMargin = undefined
+ compare(control.leftMargin, -1)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.x, -testCase.width)
+ compare(control.contentItem.parent.y, -testCase.height)
+ }
+ function test_background() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(popupTemplate, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.background = rect.createObject(testCase)
+ // background has no x or width set, so its width follows control's width
+ control.width = 320
+ compare(control.background.width, control.width)
+ // background has no y or height set, so its height follows control's height
+ compare(control.background.height, control.height)
+ control.height = 240
+ // has width => width does not follow
+ control.background.width /= 2
+ control.width += 20
+ verify(control.background.width !== control.width)
+ // reset width => width follows again
+ control.background.width = undefined
+ control.width += 20
+ compare(control.background.width, control.width)
+ // has x => width does not follow
+ control.background.x = 10
+ control.width += 20
+ verify(control.background.width !== control.width)
+ // has height => height does not follow
+ control.background.height /= 2
+ control.height -= 20
+ verify(control.background.height !== control.height)
+ // reset height => height follows again
+ control.background.height = undefined
+ control.height -= 20
+ compare(control.background.height, control.height)
+ // has y => height does not follow
+ control.background.y = 10
+ control.height -= 20
+ verify(control.background.height !== control.height)
+ }
+ function getChild(control, objname, idx) {
+ var index = idx
+ for (var i = index+1; i < control.children.length; i++)
+ {
+ if (control.children[i].objectName === objname) {
+ index = i
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return index
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: component
+ ApplicationWindow {
+ id: _window
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ font.pixelSize: 40
+ property alias pane: _pane
+ property alias popup: _popup
+ property SignalSpy fontspy: SignalSpy { target: _window; signalName: "fontChanged" }
+ Pane {
+ id: _pane
+ property alias button: _button
+ font.pixelSize: 30
+ property SignalSpy fontspy: SignalSpy { target: _pane; signalName: "fontChanged" }
+ Column {
+ Button {
+ id: _button
+ text: "Button"
+ font.pixelSize: 20
+ property SignalSpy fontspy: SignalSpy { target: _button; signalName: "fontChanged" }
+ Popup {
+ id: _popup
+ property alias button: _button2
+ property alias listview: _listview
+ y: _button.height
+ implicitHeight: Math.min(396, _listview.contentHeight)
+ property SignalSpy fontspy: SignalSpy { target: _popup; signalName: "fontChanged" }
+ contentItem: Column {
+ Button {
+ id: _button2
+ text: "Button"
+ property SignalSpy fontspy: SignalSpy { target: _button2; signalName: "fontChanged" }
+ }
+ ListView {
+ id: _listview
+ height: _button.height * 20
+ model: 2
+ delegate: Button {
+ id: _button3
+ objectName: "delegate"
+ width: _button.width
+ height: _button.height
+ text: "N: " + index
+ checkable: true
+ autoExclusive: true
+ property SignalSpy fontspy: SignalSpy { target: _button3; signalName: "fontChanged" }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_font() { // QTBUG_50984, QTBUG-51696
+ var window = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase)
+ verify(window)
+ // macos style will always use the default system font unless it was explicitly set on a
+ // control, and in that case the behavior is undefined.
+ var macOSStyle = Qt.platform.pluginName === "cocoa"
+ && window.popup.button.background instanceof NativeStyle.StyleItem
+ var defaultButtonFontPixelSize = macOSStyle
+ ? window.popup.button.background.styleFont(window.popup.button).pixelSize
+ : undefined
+ compare(window.font.pixelSize, 40)
+ compare(window.pane.font.pixelSize, 30)
+ compare(window.pane.button.font.pixelSize, 20)
+ compare(window.popup.font.pixelSize, 40)
+ var idx1 = getChild(window.popup.listview.contentItem, "delegate", -1)
+ var idx2 = getChild(window.popup.listview.contentItem, "delegate", idx1)
+ window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].fontspy.clear()
+ window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].fontspy.clear()
+ window.popup.button.fontspy.clear()
+ if (macOSStyle) {
+ compare(window.popup.button.font.pixelSize, defaultButtonFontPixelSize)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, defaultButtonFontPixelSize)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, defaultButtonFontPixelSize)
+ } else {
+ compare(window.popup.button.font.pixelSize, 40)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, 40)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, 40)
+ }
+ window.pane.button.font.pixelSize = 30
+ compare(window.font.pixelSize, 40)
+ compare(window.fontspy.count, 0)
+ compare(window.pane.font.pixelSize, 30)
+ compare(window.pane.fontspy.count, 0)
+ compare(window.pane.button.font.pixelSize, 30)
+ compare(window.pane.button.fontspy.count, 1)
+ compare(window.popup.font.pixelSize, 40)
+ compare(window.popup.fontspy.count, 0)
+ compare(window.popup.button.fontspy.count, 0)
+ if (macOSStyle) {
+ compare(window.popup.button.font.pixelSize, defaultButtonFontPixelSize)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, defaultButtonFontPixelSize)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, defaultButtonFontPixelSize)
+ } else {
+ compare(window.popup.button.font.pixelSize, 40)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, 40)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, 40)
+ }
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].fontspy.count, 0)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].fontspy.count, 0)
+ window.font.pixelSize = 50
+ compare(window.font.pixelSize, 50)
+ compare(window.fontspy.count, 1)
+ compare(window.pane.font.pixelSize, 30)
+ compare(window.pane.fontspy.count, 0)
+ compare(window.pane.button.font.pixelSize, 30)
+ compare(window.pane.button.fontspy.count, 1)
+ compare(window.popup.font.pixelSize, 50)
+ compare(window.popup.fontspy.count, 1)
+ if (macOSStyle) {
+ compare(window.popup.button.font.pixelSize, defaultButtonFontPixelSize)
+ compare(window.popup.button.fontspy.count, 0)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, defaultButtonFontPixelSize)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].fontspy.count, 0)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, defaultButtonFontPixelSize)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].fontspy.count, 0)
+ } else {
+ compare(window.popup.button.font.pixelSize, 50)
+ compare(window.popup.button.fontspy.count, 1)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, 50)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].fontspy.count, 1)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, 50)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].fontspy.count, 1)
+ }
+ window.popup.button.font.pixelSize = 10
+ compare(window.font.pixelSize, 50)
+ compare(window.fontspy.count, 1)
+ compare(window.pane.font.pixelSize, 30)
+ compare(window.pane.fontspy.count, 0)
+ compare(window.pane.button.font.pixelSize, 30)
+ compare(window.pane.button.fontspy.count, 1)
+ compare(window.popup.font.pixelSize, 50)
+ compare(window.popup.fontspy.count, 1)
+ compare(window.popup.button.font.pixelSize, 10)
+ if (macOSStyle) {
+ compare(window.popup.button.fontspy.count, 1)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, defaultButtonFontPixelSize)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].fontspy.count, 0)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, defaultButtonFontPixelSize)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].fontspy.count, 0)
+ } else {
+ compare(window.popup.button.fontspy.count, 2)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, 50)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].fontspy.count, 1)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, 50)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].fontspy.count, 1)
+ }
+ window.popup.font.pixelSize = 60
+ compare(window.font.pixelSize, 50)
+ compare(window.fontspy.count, 1)
+ compare(window.pane.font.pixelSize, 30)
+ compare(window.pane.fontspy.count, 0)
+ compare(window.pane.button.font.pixelSize, 30)
+ compare(window.pane.button.fontspy.count, 1)
+ compare(window.popup.font.pixelSize, 60)
+ compare(window.popup.fontspy.count, 2)
+ compare(window.popup.button.font.pixelSize, 10)
+ if (macOSStyle) {
+ compare(window.popup.button.fontspy.count, 1)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, defaultButtonFontPixelSize)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].fontspy.count, 0)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, defaultButtonFontPixelSize)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].fontspy.count, 0)
+ } else {
+ compare(window.popup.button.fontspy.count, 2)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].font.pixelSize, 60)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx1].fontspy.count, 2)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].font.pixelSize, 60)
+ compare(window.popup.listview.contentItem.children[idx2].fontspy.count, 2)
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: localeComponent
+ Pane {
+ property alias button: _button
+ property alias popup: _popup
+ locale: Qt.locale("en_US")
+ Column {
+ Button {
+ id: _button
+ text: "Button"
+ locale: Qt.locale("nb_NO")
+ Popup {
+ id: _popup
+ property alias button1: _button1
+ property alias button2: _button2
+ y: _button.height
+ locale: Qt.locale("fi_FI")
+ implicitHeight: Math.min(396, _column.contentHeight)
+ contentItem: Column {
+ id: _column
+ Button {
+ id: _button1
+ text: "Button 1"
+ objectName: "1"
+ }
+ Button {
+ id: _button2
+ text: "Button 2"
+ locale: Qt.locale("nb_NO")
+ objectName: "2"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_locale() { // QTBUG_50984
+ // test looking up natural locale from ancestors
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(localeComponent, applicationWindow.contentItem)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.locale.name, "en_US")
+ compare(control.button.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.popup.locale.name, "fi_FI")
+ compare(control.popup.button1.locale.name, "fi_FI")
+ compare(control.popup.button2.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ control.ApplicationWindow.window.locale = undefined
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: localeChangeComponent
+ Pane {
+ id: _pane
+ property alias button: _button
+ property alias popup: _popup
+ property SignalSpy localespy: SignalSpy {
+ target: _pane
+ signalName: "localeChanged"
+ }
+ property SignalSpy mirrorspy: SignalSpy {
+ target: _pane
+ signalName: "mirroredChanged"
+ }
+ Column {
+ Button {
+ id: _button
+ text: "Button"
+ property SignalSpy localespy: SignalSpy {
+ target: _button
+ signalName: "localeChanged"
+ }
+ property SignalSpy mirrorspy: SignalSpy {
+ target: _button
+ signalName: "mirroredChanged"
+ }
+ Popup {
+ id: _popup
+ property alias button1: _button1
+ property alias button2: _button2
+ y: _button.height
+ implicitHeight: Math.min(396, _column.contentHeight)
+ property SignalSpy localespy: SignalSpy {
+ target: _popup
+ signalName: "localeChanged"
+ }
+ contentItem: Column {
+ id: _column
+ Button {
+ id: _button1
+ text: "Button 1"
+ property SignalSpy localespy: SignalSpy {
+ target: _button1
+ signalName: "localeChanged"
+ }
+ property SignalSpy mirrorspy: SignalSpy {
+ target: _button1
+ signalName: "mirroredChanged"
+ }
+ }
+ Button {
+ id: _button2
+ text: "Button 2"
+ property SignalSpy localespy: SignalSpy {
+ target: _button2
+ signalName: "localeChanged"
+ }
+ property SignalSpy mirrorspy: SignalSpy {
+ target: _button2
+ signalName: "mirroredChanged"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_locale_changes() { // QTBUG_50984
+ // test default locale and locale inheritance
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(localeChangeComponent, applicationWindow.contentItem)
+ verify(control)
+ var defaultLocale = Qt.locale()
+ compare(control.ApplicationWindow.window.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.button.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.popup.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ control.ApplicationWindow.window.locale = Qt.locale("nb_NO")
+ compare(control.ApplicationWindow.window.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.button.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.popup.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.popup.button1.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.popup.button2.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.localespy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.button.localespy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.popup.localespy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.localespy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.localespy.count, 1)
+ control.ApplicationWindow.window.locale = undefined
+ compare(control.ApplicationWindow.window.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.button.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.popup.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.localespy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.button.localespy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.popup.localespy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.localespy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.localespy.count, 2)
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("ar_EG")
+ compare(control.ApplicationWindow.window.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.button.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.popup.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.button.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.button.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.popup.localespy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.localespy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.localespy.count, 2)
+ control.ApplicationWindow.window.locale = Qt.locale("ar_EG")
+ compare(control.ApplicationWindow.window.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.button.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.popup.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.popup.button1.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.popup.button2.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.button.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.button.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.popup.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ control.button.locale = Qt.locale("nb_NO")
+ compare(control.ApplicationWindow.window.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.button.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.popup.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.popup.button1.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.popup.button2.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.button.localespy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.button.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.popup.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.localespy.count, 3)
+ control.locale = undefined
+ compare(control.ApplicationWindow.window.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.button.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.popup.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.popup.button1.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.popup.button2.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.button.localespy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.button.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.popup.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.localespy.count, 3)
+ control.popup.button1.locale = Qt.locale("nb_NO")
+ compare(control.ApplicationWindow.window.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.button.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.popup.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.popup.button1.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.popup.button2.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.button.localespy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.button.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.popup.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.localespy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ control.popup.locale = Qt.locale("fi_FI")
+ compare(control.ApplicationWindow.window.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.locale.name, "ar_EG")
+ compare(control.button.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.popup.locale.name, "fi_FI")
+ compare(control.popup.button1.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.popup.button2.locale.name, "fi_FI")
+ compare(control.localespy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.button.localespy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.button.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.popup.localespy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.localespy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.localespy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ control.ApplicationWindow.window.locale = undefined
+ compare(control.ApplicationWindow.window.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.button.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.popup.locale.name, "fi_FI")
+ compare(control.popup.button1.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.popup.button2.locale.name, "fi_FI")
+ compare(control.localespy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.button.localespy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.button.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.popup.localespy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.localespy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.localespy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ control.popup.locale = undefined
+ compare(control.ApplicationWindow.window.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.button.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.popup.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.locale.name, "nb_NO")
+ compare(control.popup.button2.locale.name, defaultLocale.name)
+ compare(control.localespy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.button.localespy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.button.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.popup.localespy.count, 5)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.localespy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.popup.button1.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.localespy.count, 5)
+ compare(control.popup.button2.mirrorspy.count, 0)
+ }
+ function test_size() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(popupControl, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var openedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "opened"})
+ verify(openedSpy.valid)
+ control.open()
+ openedSpy.wait()
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 1)
+ verify(control.visible)
+ // remove the background so that it won't affect the implicit size of the popup,
+ // so the implicit sizes tested below are entirely based on the content size
+ control.background = null
+ // implicit size of the content
+ control.contentItem.implicitWidth = 10
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 10 + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.width, control.implicitWidth)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.availableWidth)
+ control.contentItem.implicitHeight = 20
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 20 + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ compare(control.height, control.implicitHeight)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight)
+ // implicit size of the popup
+ control.implicitWidth = 30
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 30)
+ compare(control.width, 30)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.availableWidth)
+ control.implicitHeight = 40
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 40)
+ compare(control.height, 40)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight)
+ // set explicit size
+ control.width = 50
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 30)
+ compare(control.width, 50)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.availableWidth)
+ control.height = 60
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 40)
+ compare(control.height, 60)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight)
+ // reset explicit size
+ control.width = undefined
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 30)
+ compare(control.width, 30)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, control.availableWidth)
+ control.height = undefined
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 40)
+ compare(control.height, 40)
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight)
+ }
+ function test_visible() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(popupTemplate, testCase, {visible: true})
+ verify(control)
+ // QTBUG-51989
+ tryCompare(control, "visible", true)
+ // QTBUG-55347
+ control.parent = null
+ verify(!control.visible)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: overlayTest
+ ApplicationWindow {
+ property alias firstDrawer: firstDrawer
+ property alias secondDrawer: secondDrawer
+ property alias modalPopup: modalPopup
+ property alias modelessPopup: modelessPopup
+ property alias plainPopup: plainPopup
+ property alias modalPopupWithoutDim: modalPopupWithoutDim
+ visible: true
+ Drawer {
+ z: 0
+ id: firstDrawer
+ }
+ Drawer {
+ z: 1
+ id: secondDrawer
+ }
+ Popup {
+ id: modalPopup
+ z: 2
+ modal: true
+ exit: Transition { PauseAnimation { duration: 200 } }
+ }
+ Popup {
+ id: modelessPopup
+ z: 3
+ dim: true
+ exit: Transition { PauseAnimation { duration: 200 } }
+ }
+ Popup {
+ id: plainPopup
+ z: 4
+ enter: Transition { PauseAnimation { duration: 200 } }
+ exit: Transition { PauseAnimation { duration: 200 } }
+ }
+ Popup {
+ id: modalPopupWithoutDim
+ z: 5
+ dim: false
+ modal: true
+ exit: Transition { PauseAnimation { duration: 200 } }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function indexOf(array, item) {
+ for (var idx = 0; idx < array.length; ++idx) {
+ if (item === array[idx])
+ return idx;
+ }
+ return -1
+ }
+ function findOverlay(window, popup) {
+ var item = popup.contentItem.parent
+ var idx = indexOf(window.Overlay.overlay.children, item)
+ return window.Overlay.overlay.children[idx - 1]
+ }
+ function test_overlay() {
+ var window = createTemporaryObject(overlayTest, testCase)
+ verify(window)
+ window.requestActivate()
+ tryCompare(window, "active", true)
+ compare(window.Overlay.overlay.children.length, 0)
+ var firstOverlay = findOverlay(window, window.firstDrawer)
+ verify(!firstOverlay)
+ window.firstDrawer.open()
+ compare(window.Overlay.overlay.children.length, 2) // 1 drawer + 1 overlay
+ firstOverlay = findOverlay(window, window.firstDrawer)
+ verify(firstOverlay)
+ compare(firstOverlay.z, window.firstDrawer.z)
+ compare(indexOf(window.Overlay.overlay.children, firstOverlay),
+ indexOf(window.Overlay.overlay.children, window.firstDrawer.contentItem.parent) - 1)
+ tryCompare(firstOverlay, "opacity", 1.0)
+ var secondOverlay = findOverlay(window, window.secondDrawer)
+ verify(!secondOverlay)
+ window.secondDrawer.open()
+ compare(window.Overlay.overlay.children.length, 4) // 2 drawers + 2 overlays
+ secondOverlay = findOverlay(window, window.secondDrawer)
+ verify(secondOverlay)
+ compare(secondOverlay.z, window.secondDrawer.z)
+ compare(indexOf(window.Overlay.overlay.children, secondOverlay),
+ indexOf(window.Overlay.overlay.children, window.secondDrawer.contentItem.parent) - 1)
+ tryCompare(secondOverlay, "opacity", 1.0)
+ window.firstDrawer.close()
+ tryCompare(window.firstDrawer, "visible", false)
+ firstOverlay = findOverlay(window, window.firstDrawer)
+ verify(!firstOverlay)
+ compare(window.Overlay.overlay.children.length, 2) // 1 drawer + 1 overlay
+ window.secondDrawer.close()
+ tryCompare(window.secondDrawer, "visible", false)
+ secondOverlay = findOverlay(window, window.secondDrawer)
+ verify(!secondOverlay)
+ compare(window.Overlay.overlay.children.length, 0)
+ var modalOverlay = findOverlay(window, window.modalPopup)
+ verify(!modalOverlay)
+ window.modalPopup.open()
+ modalOverlay = findOverlay(window, window.modalPopup)
+ verify(modalOverlay)
+ compare(modalOverlay.z, window.modalPopup.z)
+ compare(window.modalPopup.visible, true)
+ tryCompare(modalOverlay, "opacity", 1.0)
+ compare(window.Overlay.overlay.children.length, 2) // 1 popup + 1 overlay
+ var modelessOverlay = findOverlay(window, window.modelessPopup)
+ verify(!modelessOverlay)
+ window.modelessPopup.open()
+ modelessOverlay = findOverlay(window, window.modelessPopup)
+ verify(modelessOverlay)
+ compare(modelessOverlay.z, window.modelessPopup.z)
+ compare(window.modelessPopup.visible, true)
+ tryCompare(modelessOverlay, "opacity", 1.0)
+ compare(window.Overlay.overlay.children.length, 4) // 2 popups + 2 overlays
+ window.modelessPopup.close()
+ tryCompare(window.modelessPopup, "visible", false)
+ modelessOverlay = findOverlay(window, window.modelessPopup)
+ verify(!modelessOverlay)
+ compare(window.Overlay.overlay.children.length, 2) // 1 popup + 1 overlay
+ compare(window.modalPopup.visible, true)
+ compare(modalOverlay.opacity, 1.0)
+ window.modalPopup.close()
+ tryCompare(window.modalPopup, "visible", false)
+ modalOverlay = findOverlay(window, window.modalPopup)
+ verify(!modalOverlay)
+ compare(window.Overlay.overlay.children.length, 0)
+ window.plainPopup.open()
+ tryCompare(window.plainPopup, "visible", true)
+ compare(window.Overlay.overlay.children.length, 1) // only popup added, no overlays involved
+ window.plainPopup.modal = true
+ compare(window.Overlay.overlay.children.length, 2) // overlay added
+ window.plainPopup.close()
+ tryCompare(window.plainPopup, "visible", false)
+ compare(window.Overlay.overlay.children.length, 0) // popup + overlay removed
+ window.modalPopupWithoutDim.open()
+ tryCompare(window.modalPopupWithoutDim, "visible", true)
+ compare(window.Overlay.overlay.children.length, 1) // only popup added, no overlays involved
+ window.modalPopupWithoutDim.dim = true
+ compare(window.Overlay.overlay.children.length, 2) // overlay added
+ window.modalPopupWithoutDim.close()
+ tryCompare(window.modalPopupWithoutDim, "visible", false)
+ compare(window.Overlay.overlay.children.length, 0) // popup + overlay removed
+ }
+ function test_attached_applicationwindow() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(popupControl, applicationWindow.contentItem)
+ verify(control)
+ var child = rect.createObject(control.contentItem)
+ compare(control.ApplicationWindow.window, applicationWindow)
+ compare(control.contentItem.ApplicationWindow.window, applicationWindow)
+ compare(child.ApplicationWindow.window, applicationWindow)
+ control.parent = null
+ compare(control.ApplicationWindow.window, null)
+ compare(control.contentItem.ApplicationWindow.window, null)
+ compare(child.ApplicationWindow.window, null)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: pausePopup
+ Popup {
+ enter: Transition { PauseAnimation { duration: 200 } }
+ exit: Transition { PauseAnimation { duration: 200 } }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_openedClosed() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(pausePopup, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var openedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "opened"})
+ verify(openedSpy.valid)
+ var closedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "closed"})
+ verify(closedSpy.valid)
+ var openedChangeSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "openedChanged"})
+ verify(openedChangeSpy.valid)
+ control.open()
+ compare(control.visible, true)
+ compare(control.opened, false)
+ compare(openedChangeSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 0)
+ tryCompare(openedSpy, "count", 1)
+ compare(control.opened, true)
+ compare(openedChangeSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0)
+ control.close()
+ compare(control.visible, true)
+ compare(control.opened, false)
+ compare(openedChangeSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0)
+ tryCompare(closedSpy, "count", 1)
+ compare(control.opened, false)
+ compare(openedChangeSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.visible, false)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: xyBindingLoop
+ ApplicationWindow {
+ id: window
+ width: 360
+ height: 360
+ visible: true
+ property alias popup: popup
+ Popup {
+ id: popup
+ visible: true
+ x: (parent.width - width) / 2
+ y: (parent.height - height) / 2
+ Label {
+ text: "Content"
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_xyBindingLoop() {
+ var window = createTemporaryObject(xyBindingLoop, testCase)
+ var control = window.popup
+ waitForRendering(control.contentItem)
+ compare(control.x, (control.parent.width - control.width) / 2)
+ compare(control.y, (control.parent.height - control.height) / 2)
+ }
+ function test_windowParent() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(popupControl, applicationWindow, {width: 100, height: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ control.open()
+ verify(control.visible)
+ }
+ function test_deferredBackgroundSize() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(popupControl, testCase, {width: 200, height: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.background.width, 200 + (control.background.leftInset || 0) + (control.background.rightInset || 0))
+ compare(control.background.height, 100 + (control.background.topInset || 0) + (control.background.bottomInset || 0))
+ }
+ function test_anchors() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(popupControl, applicationWindow.contentItem.Overlay.overlay,
+ { visible: true, width: 100, height: 100 })
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.visible)
+ // If there is a transition then make sure it is finished
+ if (control.enter !== null)
+ tryCompare(control.enter, "running", false)
+ compare(control.parent, control.Overlay.overlay)
+ compare(control.x, 0)
+ compare(control.y, 0)
+ var overlay = control.Overlay.overlay
+ verify(overlay)
+ var centerInSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, { target: control.anchors, signalName: "centerInChanged" })
+ verify(centerInSpy.valid)
+ applicationWindow.visible = true
+ verify(waitForRendering(applicationWindow.contentItem))
+ verify(overlay.width > 0)
+ verify(overlay.height > 0)
+ // Center the popup in the window via the overlay.
+ control.anchors.centerIn = Qt.binding(function() { return control.parent; })
+ compare(centerInSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.x, (overlay.width - (control.width * control.scale)) / 2)
+ compare(control.y, (overlay.height - (control.width * control.scale)) / 2)
+ // Ensure that it warns when trying to set it to an item that's not its parent.
+ var anotherItem = createTemporaryObject(rect, applicationWindow.contentItem, { x: 100, y: 100, width: 50, height: 50 })
+ verify(anotherItem)
+ ignoreWarning(new RegExp(".*QML Popup: Popup can only be centered within its immediate parent or Overlay.overlay"))
+ control.anchors.centerIn = anotherItem
+ // The property will change, because we can't be sure that the parent
+ // in QQuickPopupAnchors::setCenterIn() is the final parent, as some reparenting can happen.
+ // We still expect the warning from QQuickPopupPositioner::reposition() though.
+ compare(centerInSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.anchors.centerIn, anotherItem)
+ // The binding to the popup's parent was broken above, so restore it.
+ control.anchors.centerIn = Qt.binding(function() { return control.parent; })
+ compare(centerInSpy.count, 3)
+ // Change the popup's parent and ensure that it's anchored accordingly.
+ control.parent = Qt.binding(function() { return anotherItem; })
+ compare(control.parent, anotherItem)
+ compare(control.anchors.centerIn, anotherItem)
+ compare(centerInSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.x, (anotherItem.width - (control.width * control.scale)) / 2)
+ compare(control.y, (anotherItem.height - (control.height * control.scale)) / 2)
+ // Check that anchors.centerIn beats x and y coordinates as it does in QQuickItem.
+ control.x = 33;
+ control.y = 44;
+ compare(control.x, (anotherItem.width - (control.width * control.scale)) / 2)
+ compare(control.y, (anotherItem.height - (control.height * control.scale)) / 2)
+ // Check that the popup's x and y coordinates are restored when it's no longer centered.
+ control.anchors.centerIn = undefined
+ compare(centerInSpy.count, 5)
+ compare(control.x, 33)
+ compare(control.y, 44)
+ // Test centering in the overlay while having a different parent (anotherItem).
+ control.anchors.centerIn = overlay
+ compare(centerInSpy.count, 6)
+ compare(control.x, (overlay.width - (control.width * control.scale)) / 2)
+ compare(control.y, (overlay.height - (control.height * control.scale)) / 2)
+ // TODO: do this properly by creating a component or something
+ applicationWindow.visible = false
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: shortcutWindowComponent
+ ApplicationWindow {
+ id: window
+ width: 360
+ height: 360
+ visible: true
+ property alias popup: popup
+ property alias shortcut: shortcut
+ Popup {
+ id: popup
+ Shortcut {
+ id: shortcut
+ sequence: "A"
+ onActivated: popup.visible = !popup.visible
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_shortcut() {
+ // Tests that a Shortcut with Qt.WindowShortcut context
+ // that is declared within a Popup is activated.
+ var window = createTemporaryObject(shortcutWindowComponent, testCase)
+ var control = window.popup
+ window.requestActivate()
+ tryCompare(window, "active", true)
+ var shortcutActivatedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase,
+ { target: window.shortcut, signalName: "activated"} )
+ verify(shortcutActivatedSpy.valid)
+ waitForRendering(window.contentItem)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_A)
+ compare(shortcutActivatedSpy.count, 1)
+ tryCompare(control, "visible", true)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_A)
+ compare(shortcutActivatedSpy.count, 2)
+ tryCompare(control, "visible", false)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: mousePropagationComponent
+ ApplicationWindow {
+ id: window
+ width: 360
+ height: 360
+ visible: true
+ property alias popup: popup
+ property alias popupTitle: popupTitle
+ property alias popupContent: popupContent
+ property bool gotMouseEvent: false
+ MouseArea {
+ id: windowMouseArea
+ enabled: true
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onPressed: gotMouseEvent = true
+ }
+ Popup {
+ id: popup
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ background: Rectangle {
+ id: popupContent
+ color: "#505050"
+ Rectangle {
+ id: popupTitle
+ width: parent.width
+ height: 30
+ color: "blue"
+ property point pressedPosition: Qt.point(0, 0)
+ MouseArea {
+ enabled: true
+ propagateComposedEvents: true
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ onPressed: (mouse) => {
+ popupTitle.pressedPosition = Qt.point(mouse.x, mouse.y)
+ }
+ onPositionChanged: (mouse) => {
+ popup.x += mouse.x - popupTitle.pressedPosition.x
+ popup.y += mouse.y - popupTitle.pressedPosition.y
+ }
+ onReleased: (mouse) => {
+ popupTitle.pressedPosition = Qt.point(0, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ x = parent.width / 2 - width / 2
+ y = parent.height / 2 - height / 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_mousePropagation() {
+ // Tests that Popup ignores mouse events that it doesn't handle itself
+ // so that they propagate correctly.
+ let window = createTemporaryObject(mousePropagationComponent, testCase)
+ window.requestActivate()
+ tryCompare(window, "active", true)
+ let popup = window.popup
+ popup.open()
+ // mouse clicks into the popup must not propagate to the parent
+ mouseClick(window)
+ compare(window.gotMouseEvent, false)
+ let title = window.popupTitle
+ verify(title)
+ let pressPoint = Qt.point(title.width / 2, title.height / 2)
+ let oldPos = Qt.point(popup.x, popup.y)
+ mousePress(title, pressPoint.x, pressPoint.y)
+ fuzzyCompare(title.pressedPosition.x, pressPoint.x, 1)
+ fuzzyCompare(title.pressedPosition.y, pressPoint.y, 1)
+ mouseMove(title, pressPoint.x + 5, pressPoint.y + 5)
+ fuzzyCompare(popup.x, oldPos.x + 5, 1)
+ fuzzyCompare(popup.y, oldPos.y + 5, 1)
+ mouseRelease(title, pressPoint.x, pressPoint.y)
+ compare(title.pressedPosition, Qt.point(0, 0))
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: cppDimmerComponent
+ Popup {
+ dim: true
+ Overlay.modeless: ComponentCreator.createComponent(
+ "import QtQuick; Rectangle { objectName: \"rect\"; color: \"tomato\" }")
+ }
+ }
+ function test_dimmerComponentCreatedInCpp() {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(cppDimmerComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.open()
+ tryCompare(control, "opened", true)
+ let rect = findChild(control.Overlay.overlay, "rect")
+ verify(rect)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_progressbar.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_progressbar.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6484df815a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_progressbar.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "ProgressBar"
+ Component {
+ id: progressBar
+ ProgressBar { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(progressBar, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_value() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(progressBar, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ control.value = 0.5
+ compare(control.value, 0.5)
+ control.value = 1.0
+ compare(control.value, 1.0)
+ control.value = -1.0
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ control.value = 2.0
+ compare(control.value, 1.0)
+ }
+ function test_range() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(progressBar, testCase, {from: 0, to: 100, value: 50})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.from, 0)
+ compare(control.to, 100)
+ compare(control.value, 50)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ control.value = 1000
+ compare(control.value, 100)
+ compare(control.position, 1)
+ control.value = -1
+ compare(control.value, 0)
+ compare(control.position, 0)
+ control.from = 25
+ compare(control.from, 25)
+ compare(control.value, 25)
+ compare(control.position, 0)
+ control.to = 75
+ compare(control.to, 75)
+ compare(control.value, 25)
+ compare(control.position, 0)
+ control.value = 50
+ compare(control.value, 50)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ }
+ function test_inverted() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(progressBar, testCase, {from: 1.0, to: -1.0})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.from, 1.0)
+ compare(control.to, -1.0)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ control.value = 2.0
+ compare(control.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ control.value = -2.0
+ compare(control.value, -1.0)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ control.value = 0.0
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ }
+ function test_position() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(progressBar, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.value, 0)
+ compare(control.position, 0)
+ control.value = 0.25
+ compare(control.value, 0.25)
+ compare(control.position, 0.25)
+ control.value = 0.75
+ compare(control.value, 0.75)
+ compare(control.position, 0.75)
+ }
+ function test_visualPosition() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(progressBar, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.value, 0)
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0)
+ control.value = 0.25
+ compare(control.value, 0.25)
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.25)
+ // RTL locale
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("ar_EG")
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.25)
+ // RTL locale + LayoutMirroring
+ control.LayoutMirroring.enabled = true
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.75)
+ // LTR locale + LayoutMirroring
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("en_US")
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.75)
+ // LTR locale
+ control.LayoutMirroring.enabled = false
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.25)
+ // LayoutMirroring
+ control.LayoutMirroring.enabled = true
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.75)
+ }
+ function test_indeterminate() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(progressBar, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.indeterminate, false)
+ wait(100)
+ control.indeterminate = true
+ wait(100)
+ // Shouldn't crash...
+ control.indeterminate = false
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_radiobutton.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_radiobutton.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..08caac977d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_radiobutton.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "RadioButton"
+ Component {
+ id: radioButton
+ RadioButton { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSequenceSpy
+ SignalSequenceSpy {
+ signals: ["pressed", "released", "canceled", "clicked", "toggled", "pressedChanged", "checkedChanged"]
+ }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(radioButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_text() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(radioButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.text, "")
+ control.text = "RadioButton"
+ compare(control.text, "RadioButton")
+ control.text = ""
+ compare(control.text, "")
+ }
+ function test_checked() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(radioButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [] // No change expected
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = ["checkedChanged"]
+ control.checked = true
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.reset()
+ control.checked = false
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ function test_mouse() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(radioButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ // check
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // attempt uncheck
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // release outside
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }]]
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2, 0)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["canceled", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }]]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // right button
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = []
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ function test_touch() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(radioButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ // check
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // attempt uncheck
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ // Don't want to double-click.
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // release outside
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }]]
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["canceled", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }]]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2).commit()
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ function test_keys() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(radioButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var sequenceSpy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = []
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // check
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // attempt uncheck
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ // no change
+ sequenceSpy.expectedSequence = []
+ // Not testing Key_Enter and Key_Return because QGnomeTheme uses them for
+ // pressing buttons and the CI uses the QGnomeTheme platform theme.
+ var keys = [Qt.Key_Escape, Qt.Key_Tab]
+ for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
+ sequenceSpy.reset()
+ keyClick(keys[i])
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ verify(sequenceSpy.success)
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: twoRadioButtons
+ Item {
+ property RadioButton rb1: RadioButton { id: rb1 }
+ property RadioButton rb2: RadioButton { id: rb2; checked: rb1.checked; enabled: false }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_binding() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(twoRadioButtons, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ compare(container.rb1.checked, false)
+ compare(container.rb2.checked, false)
+ container.rb1.checked = true
+ compare(container.rb1.checked, true)
+ compare(container.rb2.checked, true)
+ container.rb1.checked = false
+ compare(container.rb1.checked, false)
+ compare(container.rb2.checked, false)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: radioButtonGroup
+ Column {
+ // auto-exclusive buttons behave as if they were in their own exclusive group
+ RadioButton { }
+ RadioButton { }
+ // explicitly grouped buttons are only exclusive with each other, not with
+ // auto-exclusive buttons, and the autoExclusive property is ignored
+ ButtonGroup { id: eg }
+ RadioButton { ButtonGroup.group: eg }
+ RadioButton { ButtonGroup.group: eg; autoExclusive: false }
+ ButtonGroup { id: eg2 }
+ RadioButton { id: rb1; Component.onCompleted: eg2.addButton(rb1) }
+ RadioButton { id: rb2; Component.onCompleted: eg2.addButton(rb2) }
+ // non-exclusive buttons don't affect the others
+ RadioButton { autoExclusive: false }
+ RadioButton { autoExclusive: false }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_autoExclusive() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(radioButtonGroup, testCase)
+ compare(container.children.length, 8)
+ var checkStates = [false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false]
+ for (var i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ compare(container.children[i].checked, checkStates[i])
+ container.children[0].checked = true
+ checkStates[0] = true
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ compare(container.children[i].checked, checkStates[i])
+ container.children[1].checked = true
+ checkStates[0] = false
+ checkStates[1] = true
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ compare(container.children[i].checked, checkStates[i])
+ container.children[2].checked = true
+ checkStates[2] = true
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ compare(container.children[i].checked, checkStates[i])
+ container.children[3].checked = true
+ checkStates[2] = false
+ checkStates[3] = true
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ compare(container.children[i].checked, checkStates[i])
+ container.children[4].checked = true
+ checkStates[4] = true
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ compare(container.children[i].checked, checkStates[i])
+ container.children[5].checked = true
+ checkStates[4] = false
+ checkStates[5] = true
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ compare(container.children[i].checked, checkStates[i])
+ container.children[6].checked = true
+ checkStates[6] = true
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ compare(container.children[i].checked, checkStates[i])
+ container.children[7].checked = true
+ checkStates[7] = true
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ compare(container.children[i].checked, checkStates[i])
+ container.children[0].checked = true
+ checkStates[0] = true
+ checkStates[1] = false
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ compare(container.children[i].checked, checkStates[i])
+ }
+ function test_baseline() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(radioButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, control.contentItem.y + control.contentItem.baselineOffset)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_radiodelegate.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_radiodelegate.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe89838bda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_radiodelegate.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "RadioDelegate"
+ Component {
+ id: radioDelegate
+ RadioDelegate {}
+ }
+ // TODO: data-fy tst_radiobutton (rename to tst_radio?) so we don't duplicate its tests here?
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(radioDelegate, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ verify(!control.checked);
+ }
+ function test_checked() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(radioDelegate, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ mouseClick(control);
+ verify(control.checked);
+ mouseClick(control);
+ verify(control.checked);
+ }
+ function test_baseline() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(radioDelegate, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, control.contentItem.y + control.contentItem.baselineOffset);
+ }
+ function test_spacing() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(radioDelegate, testCase, { text: "Some long, long, long text" })
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.contentItem.implicitWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding > control.background.implicitWidth)
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ verify(textLabel)
+ // The implicitWidth of the IconLabel that all buttons use as their contentItem should be
+ // equal to the implicitWidth of the Text and the radio indicator + spacing while no icon is set.
+ compare(control.contentItem.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth + control.indicator.width + control.spacing)
+ control.spacing += 100
+ compare(control.contentItem.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth + control.indicator.width + control.spacing)
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth + control.indicator.width + control.spacing + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ }
+ function test_display_data() {
+ return [
+ { "tag": "IconOnly", display: RadioDelegate.IconOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly", display: RadioDelegate.TextOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon", display: RadioDelegate.TextUnderIcon },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon", display: RadioDelegate.TextBesideIcon },
+ { "tag": "IconOnly, mirrored", display: RadioDelegate.IconOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly, mirrored", display: RadioDelegate.TextOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon, mirrored", display: RadioDelegate.TextUnderIcon, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon, mirrored", display: RadioDelegate.TextBesideIcon, mirrored: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_display(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(radioDelegate, testCase, {
+ text: "RadioDelegate",
+ display: data.display,
+ width: 400,
+ "icon.source": "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png",
+ "LayoutMirroring.enabled": !!data.mirrored
+ })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.icon.source, "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png")
+ var iconImage = findChild(control.contentItem, "image")
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ var availableWidth = control.availableWidth - control.indicator.width - control.spacing
+ var indicatorOffset = control.mirrored ? control.indicator.width + control.spacing : 0
+ switch (control.display) {
+ case RadioDelegate.IconOnly:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(!textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, indicatorOffset + (availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case RadioDelegate.TextOnly:
+ verify(!iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(textLabel.x, control.mirrored ? control.availableWidth - textLabel.width : 0)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case RadioDelegate.TextUnderIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, indicatorOffset + (availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.x, indicatorOffset + (availableWidth - textLabel.width) / 2)
+ verify(iconImage.y < textLabel.y)
+ break;
+ case RadioDelegate.TextBesideIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ if (control.mirrored)
+ verify(textLabel.x < iconImage.x)
+ else
+ verify(iconImage.x < textLabel.x)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_rangeslider.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_rangeslider.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91e366c819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_rangeslider.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,1084 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "RangeSlider"
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: sliderComponent
+ RangeSlider {
+ id: slider
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ first.handle.objectName = "firstHandle"
+ second.handle.objectName = "secondHandle"
+ }
+ Text {
+ text: "1"
+ parent: slider.first.handle
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ }
+ Text {
+ text: "2"
+ parent: slider.second.handle
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.stepSize, 0)
+ compare(control.snapMode, RangeSlider.NoSnap)
+ compare(control.orientation, Qt.Horizontal)
+ compare(control.horizontal, true)
+ compare(control.vertical, false)
+ }
+ function test_values() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ control.first.value = 0.5
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.5)
+ control.first.value = 1.0
+ compare(control.first.value, 1.0)
+ control.first.value = -1.0
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ control.first.value = 2.0
+ compare(control.first.value, 1.0)
+ control.first.value = 0
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ control.second.value = 0.5
+ compare(control.second.value, 0.5)
+ control.first.value = 1
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.5)
+ control.second.value = 0
+ compare(control.second.value, 0.5)
+ }
+ function test_range() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase, { from: 0, to: 100, "first.value": 50, "second.value": 100 })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.from, 0)
+ compare(control.to, 100)
+ compare(control.first.value, 50)
+ compare(control.second.value, 100)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ control.first.value = 1000
+ compare(control.first.value, 100)
+ compare(control.first.position, 1.0)
+ control.first.value = -1
+ compare(control.first.value, 0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0)
+ control.from = 25
+ compare(control.from, 25)
+ compare(control.first.value, 25)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0)
+ control.to = 75
+ compare(control.to, 75)
+ compare(control.second.value, 75)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ control.first.value = 50
+ compare(control.first.value, 50)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.5)
+ }
+ function test_setToFromUpdatesHandles() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase, { from: 0, to: 100, "first.value": 50, "second.value": 75 })
+ verify(control)
+ let firstPos = control.first.position
+ let secondPos = control.second.position
+ var firstPosChangesSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.first, signalName: "positionChanged"})
+ verify(firstPosChangesSpy.valid)
+ var secondPosChangesSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.second, signalName: "positionChanged"})
+ verify(secondPosChangesSpy.valid)
+ // Increasing the 'to' value, so the positions of the handles should be
+ // moved to the left (become smaller)
+ control.to = 200;
+ compare(firstPosChangesSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(secondPosChangesSpy.count, 1)
+ verify(control.first.position < firstPos)
+ verify(control.second.position < secondPos)
+ // resetting the values
+ control.to = 100
+ firstPosChangesSpy.clear()
+ secondPosChangesSpy.clear()
+ firstPos = control.first.position
+ secondPos = control.second.position
+ // Decreasing the 'from' value, so the positions of the handles should
+ // be moved to the right (become larger)
+ control.from = -100
+ compare(firstPosChangesSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(secondPosChangesSpy.count, 1)
+ verify(control.first.position > firstPos)
+ verify(control.second.position > secondPos)
+ }
+ function test_setValues() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.from, 0)
+ compare(control.to, 1)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ control.setValues(100, 200)
+ compare(control.first.value, 1)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1)
+ compare(control.first.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ control.to = 300;
+ control.setValues(100, 200)
+ compare(control.first.value, 100)
+ compare(control.second.value, 200)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.333333)
+ compare(control.second.position, 0.666666)
+ }
+ function test_inverted() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase, { from: 1.0, to: -1.0 })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.from, 1.0)
+ compare(control.to, -1.0)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.second.value, 0.0);
+ compare(control.second.position, 0.5);
+ control.first.value = 2.0
+ compare(control.first.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.value, 0.0);
+ compare(control.second.position, 0.5);
+ control.first.value = -2.0
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.second.value, 0.0);
+ compare(control.second.position, 0.5);
+ control.first.value = 0.0
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.second.value, 0.0);
+ compare(control.second.position, 0.5);
+ }
+ function test_visualPosition() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.visualPosition, 1.0)
+ control.first.value = 0.25
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.25)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.25)
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.25)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.visualPosition, 1.0)
+ // RTL locale
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("ar_EG")
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.25)
+ compare(control.second.visualPosition, 1.0)
+ // RTL locale + LayoutMirroring
+ control.LayoutMirroring.enabled = true
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.75)
+ compare(control.second.visualPosition, 0.0)
+ // LTR locale + LayoutMirroring
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("en_US")
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.75)
+ compare(control.second.visualPosition, 0.0)
+ // LTR locale
+ control.LayoutMirroring.enabled = false
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.25)
+ compare(control.second.visualPosition, 1.0)
+ // LayoutMirroring
+ control.LayoutMirroring.enabled = true
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.75)
+ compare(control.second.visualPosition, 0.0)
+ }
+ function test_orientation() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.orientation, Qt.Horizontal)
+ compare(control.horizontal, true)
+ compare(control.vertical, false)
+ verify(control.width > control.height)
+ control.orientation = Qt.Vertical
+ compare(control.orientation, Qt.Vertical)
+ compare(control.horizontal, false)
+ compare(control.vertical, true)
+ verify(control.width < control.height)
+ }
+ function test_mouse_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "horizontal", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, live: false },
+ { tag: "vertical", orientation: Qt.Vertical, live: false },
+ { tag: "horizontal:live", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, live: true },
+ { tag: "vertical:live", orientation: Qt.Vertical, live: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_mouse(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase, { orientation: data.orientation, live: data.live })
+ verify(control)
+ var firstPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.first, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(firstPressedSpy.valid)
+ var firstMovedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.first, signalName: "moved"})
+ verify(firstMovedSpy.valid)
+ var secondPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.second, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(secondPressedSpy.valid)
+ var secondMovedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.second, signalName: "moved"})
+ verify(secondMovedSpy.valid)
+ // Press and release the first handle without moving it.
+ mousePress(control, control.leftPadding, control.height - control.bottomPadding - 1, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(firstMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(secondMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.leftPadding, control.height - control.bottomPadding - 1, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(firstMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(secondMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ // Press and release the second handle without moving it.
+ mousePress(control, control.width - control.rightPadding - 1, control.topPadding, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(firstMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(secondMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width - control.rightPadding - 1, control.topPadding, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(firstMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(secondMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ // Press and release on the bottom left corner of the control without moving the handle.
+ mousePress(control, 0, control.height - 1, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(firstMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(secondMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ mouseRelease(control, 0, control.height - 1, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(firstMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(secondMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ // Drag the first handle.
+ mousePress(control, control.leftPadding, control.height - control.bottomPadding - 1, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 5)
+ compare(firstMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(secondMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ var horizontal = control.orientation === Qt.Horizontal
+ var toX = horizontal ? control.width * 0.5 : control.first.handle.x
+ var toY = horizontal ? control.first.handle.y : control.height * 0.5
+ mouseMove(control, toX, toY)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 5)
+ compare(firstMovedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(secondMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.first.value, data.live ? 0.5 : 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.5)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.visualPosition, horizontal ? 1.0 : 0.0)
+ mouseRelease(control, toX, toY, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 6)
+ compare(firstMovedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(secondMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.5)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.5)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.visualPosition, horizontal ? 1.0 : 0.0)
+ }
+ function test_touch_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "horizontal", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, live: false },
+ { tag: "vertical", orientation: Qt.Vertical, live: false },
+ { tag: "horizontal:live", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, live: true },
+ { tag: "vertical:live", orientation: Qt.Vertical, live: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_touch(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase, { orientation: data.orientation, live: data.live })
+ verify(control)
+ var firstPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.first, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(firstPressedSpy.valid)
+ var firstMovedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.first, signalName: "moved"})
+ verify(firstMovedSpy.valid)
+ var secondPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.second, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(secondPressedSpy.valid)
+ var secondMovedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.second, signalName: "moved"})
+ verify(secondMovedSpy.valid)
+ // Press and release the first handle without moving it.
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width * 0.25, control.height * 0.75).commit()
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(firstMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(secondMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width * 0.25, control.height * 0.75).commit()
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(firstMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(secondMovedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ // Press and release the second handle without moving it.
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width * 0.75, control.height * 0.25).commit()
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width * 0.75, control.height * 0.25).commit()
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ // Press and release on the bottom left corner of the control without moving the handle.
+ touch.press(0, control, 0, control.height - 1).commit()
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ touch.release(0, control, 0, control.height - 1).commit()
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.first.handle.x, control.first.handle.y).commit()
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 5)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ // Drag the first handle.
+ var horizontal = control.orientation === Qt.Horizontal
+ var toX = horizontal ? control.width * 0.5 : control.first.handle.x
+ var toY = horizontal ? control.first.handle.y : control.height * 0.5
+ touch.move(0, control, toX, toY).commit()
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 5)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.first.value, data.live ? 0.5 : 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.5)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.visualPosition, horizontal ? 1.0 : 0.0)
+ touch.release(0, control, toX, toY).commit()
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 6)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.5)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.5)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.visualPosition, horizontal ? 1.0 : 0.0)
+ }
+ function test_multiTouch() {
+ var control1 = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control1)
+ // press and move the first handle of the first slider
+ var touch = touchEvent(control1)
+ touch.press(0, control1, 0, 0).commit().move(0, control1, control1.width / 2, control1.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control1.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control1.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control1.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control1.second.position, 1.0)
+ // press and move the second handle of the first slider
+ touch.stationary(0).press(1, control1, control1.width - 1, control1.height - 1).commit()
+ touch.stationary(0).move(1, control1, control1.width / 2, control1.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control1.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control1.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control1.second.pressed, true)
+ compare(control1.second.position, 0.5)
+ var control2 = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase, {y: control1.height})
+ verify(control2)
+ // press and move the first handle of the second slider
+ touch.stationary(0).stationary(1).press(2, control2, 0, 0).commit()
+ touch.stationary(0).stationary(1).move(2, control2, control2.width / 2, control2.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control1.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control1.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control1.second.pressed, true)
+ compare(control1.second.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control2.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control2.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control2.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control2.second.position, 1.0)
+ // press and move the second handle of the second slider
+ touch.stationary(0).stationary(1).stationary(2).press(3, control2, control2.width - 1, control2.height - 1).commit()
+ touch.stationary(0).stationary(1).stationary(2).move(3, control2, control2.width / 2, control2.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control1.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control1.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control1.second.pressed, true)
+ compare(control1.second.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control2.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control2.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control2.second.pressed, true)
+ compare(control2.second.position, 0.5)
+ // release the both handles of the both sliders
+ touch.release(0, control1).release(1, control1).release(2, control2).release(3, control2).commit()
+ compare(control1.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control1.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control1.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control1.second.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control2.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control2.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control2.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(control2.second.position, 0.5)
+ }
+ function test_overlappingHandles() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ // By default, we force the second handle to be after the first in
+ // terms of stacking order *and* z value.
+ compare(control.second.handle.z, 1)
+ compare(control.first.handle.z, 0)
+ control.first.value = 0
+ control.second.value = 0
+ // When both handles overlap, only the handle with the higher Z value
+ // should be hovered.
+ mouseMove(control, control.second.handle.x, control.second.handle.y)
+ compare(control.second.hovered, true)
+ compare(control.first.hovered, false)
+ // Both are at the same position, so it doesn't matter whose coordinates we use.
+ mousePress(control, control.first.handle.x, control.first.handle.y, Qt.LeftButton)
+ verify(control.second.pressed)
+ compare(control.second.handle.z, 1)
+ compare(control.first.handle.z, 0)
+ // Move the second handle out of the way.
+ mouseMove(control, control.width, control.first.handle.y)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width, control.first.handle.y, Qt.LeftButton)
+ verify(!control.second.pressed)
+ compare(control.second.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.second.handle.z, 1)
+ compare(control.first.handle.z, 0)
+ // The first handle should not be hovered.
+ compare(control.first.hovered, false)
+ // Move the first handle on top of the second.
+ mousePress(control, control.first.handle.x, control.first.handle.y, Qt.LeftButton)
+ verify(control.first.pressed)
+ compare(control.first.handle.z, 1)
+ compare(control.second.handle.z, 0)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width, control.first.handle.y)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width, control.first.handle.y, Qt.LeftButton)
+ verify(!control.first.pressed)
+ compare(control.first.handle.z, 1)
+ compare(control.second.handle.z, 0)
+ // The most recently pressed handle (the first) should have the higher z value.
+ mousePress(control, control.first.handle.x, control.first.handle.y, Qt.LeftButton)
+ verify(control.first.pressed)
+ compare(control.first.handle.z, 1)
+ compare(control.second.handle.z, 0)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.first.handle.x, control.first.handle.y, Qt.LeftButton)
+ verify(!control.first.pressed)
+ compare(control.first.handle.z, 1)
+ compare(control.second.handle.z, 0)
+ }
+ function test_keys_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "horizontal", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, decrease: Qt.Key_Left, increase: Qt.Key_Right },
+ { tag: "vertical", orientation: Qt.Vertical, decrease: Qt.Key_Down, increase: Qt.Key_Up }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_keys(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase, { orientation: data.orientation })
+ verify(control)
+ var pressedCount = 0
+ var firstPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.first, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(firstPressedSpy.valid)
+ control.first.handle.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.first.handle.activeFocus)
+ control.first.value = 0.5
+ for (var d1 = 1; d1 <= 10; ++d1) {
+ keyPress(data.decrease)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(control.first.value, Math.max(0.0, 0.5 - d1 * 0.1))
+ compare(control.first.value, control.first.position)
+ keyRelease(data.decrease)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ }
+ for (var i1 = 1; i1 <= 20; ++i1) {
+ keyPress(data.increase)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(control.first.value, Math.min(1.0, 0.0 + i1 * 0.1))
+ compare(control.first.value, control.first.position)
+ keyRelease(data.increase)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ }
+ control.first.value = 0;
+ control.stepSize = 0.25
+ pressedCount = 0;
+ var secondPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.second, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(secondPressedSpy.valid)
+ control.second.handle.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.second.handle.activeFocus)
+ for (var d2 = 1; d2 <= 10; ++d2) {
+ keyPress(data.decrease)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, true)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(control.second.value, Math.max(0.0, 1.0 - d2 * 0.25))
+ compare(control.second.value, control.second.position)
+ keyRelease(data.decrease)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ }
+ for (var i2 = 1; i2 <= 10; ++i2) {
+ keyPress(data.increase)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, true)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(control.second.value, Math.min(1.0, 0.0 + i2 * 0.25))
+ compare(control.second.value, control.second.position)
+ keyRelease(data.increase)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ compare(secondPressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ }
+ }
+ function test_padding() {
+ // test with "unbalanced" paddings (left padding != right padding) to ensure
+ // that the slider position calculation is done taking padding into account
+ // ==> the position is _not_ 0.5 in the middle of the control
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase, { leftPadding: 10, rightPadding: 20, live: false })
+ verify(control)
+ var firstPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.first, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(firstPressedSpy.valid)
+ mousePress(control, control.first.handle.x, control.first.handle.y, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.0)
+ mouseMove(control, control.leftPadding + control.availableWidth * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, 0)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.5)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, 0)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ verify(control.first.position > 0.5)
+ verify(control.first.visualPosition > 0.5)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.leftPadding + control.availableWidth * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.5)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.5)
+ // RTL
+ control.first.value = 0
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("ar_EG")
+ mousePress(control, control.first.handle.x, control.first.handle.y, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.0)
+ mouseMove(control, control.leftPadding + control.availableWidth * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, 0)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.5)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, 0)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.0)
+ verify(control.first.position > 0.5)
+ verify(control.first.visualPosition > 0.5)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.leftPadding + control.availableWidth * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(firstPressedSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.first.value, 0.5)
+ compare(control.first.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.first.visualPosition, 0.5)
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_data(immediate) {
+ return [
+ { tag: "NoSnap", snapMode: RangeSlider.NoSnap, from: 0, to: 2, values: [0, 0, 0.25], positions: [0, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ { tag: "SnapAlways (0..2)", snapMode: RangeSlider.SnapAlways, from: 0, to: 2, values: [0.0, 0.0, 0.2], positions: [0.0, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ { tag: "SnapAlways (1..3)", snapMode: RangeSlider.SnapAlways, from: 1, to: 3, values: [1.0, 1.0, 1.2], positions: [0.0, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ { tag: "SnapAlways (-1..1)", snapMode: RangeSlider.SnapAlways, from: -1, to: 1, values: [0.0, 0.0, -0.8], positions: [immediate ? 0.0 : 0.5, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ { tag: "SnapAlways (1..-1)", snapMode: RangeSlider.SnapAlways, from: 1, to: -1, values: [0.0, 0.0, 0.8], positions: [immediate ? 0.0 : 0.5, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ { tag: "SnapOnRelease (0..2)", snapMode: RangeSlider.SnapOnRelease, from: 0, to: 2, values: [0.0, 0.0, 0.2], positions: [0.0, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ { tag: "SnapOnRelease (1..3)", snapMode: RangeSlider.SnapOnRelease, from: 1, to: 3, values: [1.0, 1.0, 1.2], positions: [0.0, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ { tag: "SnapOnRelease (-1..1)", snapMode: RangeSlider.SnapOnRelease, from: -1, to: 1, values: [0.0, 0.0, -0.8], positions: [immediate ? 0.0 : 0.5, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ { tag: "SnapOnRelease (1..-1)", snapMode: RangeSlider.SnapOnRelease, from: 1, to: -1, values: [0.0, 0.0, 0.8], positions: [immediate ? 0.0 : 0.5, 0.1, 0.1] }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_mouse_data() {
+ return test_snapMode_data(true)
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_mouse(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase, {snapMode: data.snapMode, from: data.from, to: data.to, stepSize: 0.2, live: false, width: testCase.width})
+ verify(control)
+ control.first.value = 0
+ control.second.value = data.to
+ var fuzz = 0.05
+ mousePress(control, control.leftPadding)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.first.value, data.values[0])
+ compare(control.first.position, data.positions[0])
+ mouseMove(control, control.leftPadding + 0.15 * (control.availableWidth + control.first.handle.width / 2))
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ fuzzyCompare(control.first.value, data.values[1], fuzz)
+ fuzzyCompare(control.first.position, data.positions[1], fuzz)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.leftPadding + 0.15 * (control.availableWidth + control.first.handle.width / 2))
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ fuzzyCompare(control.first.value, data.values[2], fuzz)
+ fuzzyCompare(control.first.position, data.positions[2], fuzz)
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_touch_data() {
+ return test_snapMode_data(false)
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_touch(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase, {snapMode: data.snapMode, from: data.from, to: data.to, stepSize: 0.2, live: false, width: testCase.width})
+ verify(control)
+ control.first.value = 0
+ control.second.value = data.to
+ var fuzz = 0.05
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.first.handle.x, control.first.handle.y).commit()
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.first.value, data.values[0])
+ compare(control.first.position, data.positions[0])
+ touch.move(0, control, control.leftPadding + 0.15 * (control.availableWidth + control.first.handle.width / 2)).commit()
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ fuzzyCompare(control.first.value, data.values[1], fuzz)
+ fuzzyCompare(control.first.position, data.positions[1], fuzz)
+ touch.release(0, control, control.leftPadding + 0.15 * (control.availableWidth + control.first.handle.width / 2)).commit()
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ fuzzyCompare(control.first.value, data.values[2], fuzz)
+ fuzzyCompare(control.first.position, data.positions[2], fuzz)
+ }
+ function test_focus() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.activeFocus, false)
+ // focus is forwarded to the first handle
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ compare(control.activeFocus, true)
+ compare(control.first.handle.activeFocus, true)
+ compare(control.second.handle.activeFocus, false)
+ // move focus to the second handle
+ control.second.handle.forceActiveFocus()
+ compare(control.activeFocus, true)
+ compare(control.first.handle.activeFocus, false)
+ compare(control.second.handle.activeFocus, true)
+ // clear focus
+ control.focus = false
+ compare(control.activeFocus, false)
+ compare(control.first.handle.activeFocus, false)
+ compare(control.second.handle.activeFocus, false)
+ // focus is forwarded to the second handle (where it previously was in the focus scope)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ compare(control.activeFocus, true)
+ compare(control.first.handle.activeFocus, false)
+ compare(control.second.handle.activeFocus, true)
+ }
+ function test_hover_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "first:true", node: "first", hoverEnabled: true },
+ { tag: "first:false", node: "first", hoverEnabled: false },
+ { tag: "second:true", node: "second", hoverEnabled: true },
+ { tag: "second:false", node: "second", hoverEnabled: false }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_hover(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase, {hoverEnabled: data.hoverEnabled})
+ verify(control)
+ var node = control[data.node]
+ compare(control.hovered, false)
+ compare(node.hovered, false)
+ mouseMove(control, node.handle.x + node.handle.width / 2, node.handle.y + node.handle.height / 2)
+ compare(control.hovered, data.hoverEnabled)
+ compare(node.hovered, data.hoverEnabled && node.handle.enabled)
+ mouseMove(control, node.handle.x - 1, node.handle.y - 1)
+ compare(node.hovered, false)
+ }
+ function test_nullHandles() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase, {"second.value": 1})
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.first.handle)
+ verify(control.second.handle)
+ control.first.handle = null
+ control.second.handle = null
+ mousePress(control, control.leftPadding, control.height / 2)
+ verify(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.leftPadding, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ mousePress(control, control.width - control.rightPadding - 1, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, true)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width - control.rightPadding - 1, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, false)
+ }
+ function test_touchDragThreshold_data() {
+ var d1 = 3; var d2 = 7;
+ return [
+ { tag: "horizontal", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, dx1: d1, dy1: 0, dx2: d2, dy2: 0 },
+ { tag: "vertical", orientation: Qt.Vertical, dx1: 0, dy1: -d1, dx2: 0, dy2: -d2 },
+ { tag: "horizontal2", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, dx1: -d1, dy1: 0, dx2: -d2, dy2: 0 },
+ { tag: "vertical2", orientation: Qt.Vertical, dx1: 0, dy1: d1, dx2: 0, dy2: d2 },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_touchDragThreshold(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase, {touchDragThreshold: 10, live: true, orientation: data.orientation, "first.value": 0, "second.value": 1})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.touchDragThreshold, 10)
+ var valueChangedCount = 0
+ var valueChangedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "touchDragThresholdChanged"})
+ verify(valueChangedSpy.valid)
+ control.touchDragThreshold = undefined
+ compare(control.touchDragThreshold, -1) // reset to -1
+ compare(valueChangedSpy.count, ++valueChangedCount)
+ var t = 5
+ control.touchDragThreshold = t
+ compare(control.touchDragThreshold, t)
+ compare(valueChangedSpy.count, ++valueChangedCount)
+ control.touchDragThreshold = t
+ compare(control.touchDragThreshold, t)
+ compare(valueChangedSpy.count, valueChangedCount)
+ var pressedCount = 0
+ var pressedCount2 = 0
+ var visualPositionCount = 0
+ var visualPositionCount2 = 0
+ var pressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.first, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy.valid)
+ var pressedSpy2 = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.second, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy2.valid)
+ var visualPositionSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.first, signalName: "visualPositionChanged"})
+ verify(visualPositionSpy.valid)
+ var visualPositionSpy2 = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.second, signalName: "visualPositionChanged"})
+ verify(visualPositionSpy2.valid)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ control.first.value = 0.4
+ control.second.value = 1
+ var x0 = control.first.handle.x + control.first.handle.width * 0.5
+ var y0 = control.first.handle.y + control.first.handle.height * 0.5
+ touch.press(0, control, x0, y0).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(visualPositionSpy.count, ++visualPositionCount)
+ touch.move(0, control, x0 + data.dx1, y0 + data.dy1).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, pressedCount)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(visualPositionSpy.count, visualPositionCount)
+ touch.move(0, control, x0 + data.dx2, y0 + data.dy2).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, pressedCount)
+ compare(control.first.pressed, true)
+ compare(visualPositionSpy.count, ++visualPositionCount)
+ touch.release(0, control, x0 + data.dx2, y0 + data.dy2).commit()
+ control.first.value = 0
+ control.second.value = 0.6
+ x0 = control.second.handle.x + control.second.handle.width * 0.5
+ y0 = control.second.handle.y + control.second.handle.height * 0.5
+ touch.press(0, control, x0, y0).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy2.count, ++pressedCount2)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, true)
+ compare(visualPositionSpy2.count, ++visualPositionCount2)
+ touch.move(0, control, x0 + data.dx1, y0 + data.dy1).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy2.count, pressedCount2)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, true)
+ compare(visualPositionSpy2.count, visualPositionCount2)
+ touch.move(0, control, x0 + data.dx2, y0 + data.dy2).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy2.count, pressedCount2)
+ compare(control.second.pressed, true)
+ compare(visualPositionSpy2.count, ++visualPositionCount2)
+ touch.release(0, control, x0 + data.dx2, y0 + data.dy2).commit()
+ }
+ function test_valueAt_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "0.0..1.0", properties: { from: 0.0, to: 1.0 }, values: [0.0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0] },
+ { tag: "0..100", properties: { from: 0, to: 100 }, values: [0, 20, 50, 100] },
+ { tag: "100..-100", properties: { from: 100, to: -100 }, values: [100, 60, 0, -100] },
+ { tag: "-7..7", properties: { from: -7, to: 7, stepSize: 1.0 }, values: [-7.0, -4.0, 0.0, 7.0] },
+ { tag: "-3..7", properties: { from: -3, to: 7, stepSize: 5.0 }, values: [-3.0, -3.0, 2.0, 7.0] },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_valueAt(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(sliderComponent, testCase, data.properties)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.valueAt(0.0), data.values[0])
+ compare(control.valueAt(0.2), data.values[1])
+ compare(control.valueAt(0.5), data.values[2])
+ compare(control.valueAt(1.0), data.values[3])
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_roundbutton.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_roundbutton.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dfdd62086d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_roundbutton.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "RoundButton"
+ Component {
+ id: roundButton
+ RoundButton { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(roundButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_radius() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(roundButton, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ var implicitRadius = control.radius;
+ compare(implicitRadius, Math.min(control.width, control.height) / 2);
+ control.radius = 10;
+ compare(control.radius, 10);
+ control.radius = undefined;
+ compare(control.radius, implicitRadius);
+ control.width = -1;
+ compare(control.radius, 0);
+ control.width = 10;
+ compare(control.radius, 5);
+ }
+ function test_spacing() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(roundButton, testCase, { text: "Some long, long, long text" })
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.contentItem.implicitWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding > control.background.implicitWidth)
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ verify(textLabel)
+ // The implicitWidth of the IconLabel that all buttons use as their contentItem
+ // should be equal to the implicitWidth of the Text while no icon is set.
+ compare(control.contentItem.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth)
+ // That means that spacing shouldn't affect it.
+ control.spacing += 100
+ compare(control.contentItem.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth)
+ // The implicitWidth of the Button itself should, therefore, also never include spacing while no icon is set.
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ }
+ function test_display_data() {
+ return [
+ { "tag": "IconOnly", display: RoundButton.IconOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly", display: RoundButton.TextOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon", display: RoundButton.TextUnderIcon },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon", display: RoundButton.TextBesideIcon },
+ { "tag": "IconOnly, mirrored", display: RoundButton.IconOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly, mirrored", display: RoundButton.TextOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon, mirrored", display: RoundButton.TextUnderIcon, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon, mirrored", display: RoundButton.TextBesideIcon, mirrored: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_display(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(roundButton, testCase, {
+ text: "RoundButton",
+ display: data.display,
+ "icon.source": "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png",
+ "LayoutMirroring.enabled": !!data.mirrored
+ })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.icon.source, "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png")
+ var iconImage = findChild(control.contentItem, "image")
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ switch (control.display) {
+ case RoundButton.IconOnly:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(!textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, (control.availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case RoundButton.TextOnly:
+ verify(!iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(textLabel.x, (control.availableWidth - textLabel.width) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case RoundButton.TextUnderIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, (control.availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.x, (control.availableWidth - textLabel.width) / 2)
+ verify(iconImage.y < textLabel.y)
+ break;
+ case RoundButton.TextBesideIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ if (control.mirrored)
+ verify(textLabel.x < iconImage.x)
+ else
+ verify(iconImage.x < textLabel.x)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_scrollbar.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_scrollbar.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f26d8f5cb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_scrollbar.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,990 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtQuick.NativeStyle as NativeStyle
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "ScrollBar"
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: defaultScrollBar
+ ScrollBar {}
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: scrollBar
+ ScrollBar {
+ padding: 0
+ minimumSize: 0
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: scrollBarWithDefaultPadding
+ ScrollBar {
+ minimumSize: 0
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: flickable
+ Flickable {
+ width: 100
+ height: 100
+ contentWidth: 200
+ contentHeight: 200
+ boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
+ flickableDirection: Flickable.HorizontalAndVerticalFlick
+ }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(defaultScrollBar, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_attach() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(flickable, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ waitForRendering(container)
+ var vertical = scrollBar.createObject()
+ verify(!vertical.parent)
+ compare(vertical.size, 0.0)
+ compare(vertical.position, 0.0)
+ compare(vertical.active, false)
+ compare(vertical.orientation, Qt.Vertical)
+ compare(vertical.x, 0)
+ compare(vertical.y, 0)
+ verify(vertical.width > 0)
+ verify(vertical.height > 0)
+ container.ScrollBar.vertical = vertical
+ compare(vertical.parent, container)
+ compare(vertical.orientation, Qt.Vertical)
+ compare(vertical.size, container.visibleArea.heightRatio)
+ compare(vertical.position, container.visibleArea.yPosition)
+ compare(vertical.x, container.width - vertical.width)
+ compare(vertical.y, 0)
+ verify(vertical.width > 0)
+ compare(vertical.height, container.height)
+ // vertical scroll bar follows flickable's width
+ container.width += 10
+ compare(vertical.x, container.width - vertical.width)
+ vertical.implicitWidth -= 2
+ compare(vertical.x, container.width - vertical.width)
+ // ...unless explicitly positioned
+ vertical.x = 123
+ container.width += 10
+ compare(vertical.x, 123)
+ var horizontal = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, null)
+ verify(!horizontal.parent)
+ compare(horizontal.size, 0.0)
+ compare(horizontal.position, 0.0)
+ compare(horizontal.active, false)
+ compare(horizontal.orientation, Qt.Vertical)
+ compare(horizontal.x, 0)
+ compare(horizontal.y, 0)
+ verify(horizontal.width > 0)
+ verify(horizontal.height > 0)
+ container.ScrollBar.horizontal = horizontal
+ compare(horizontal.parent, container)
+ compare(horizontal.orientation, Qt.Horizontal)
+ compare(horizontal.size, container.visibleArea.widthRatio)
+ compare(horizontal.position, container.visibleArea.xPosition)
+ compare(horizontal.x, 0)
+ compare(horizontal.y, container.height - horizontal.height)
+ compare(horizontal.width, container.width)
+ verify(horizontal.height > 0)
+ // horizontal scroll bar follows flickable's height
+ container.height += 10
+ compare(horizontal.y, container.height - horizontal.height)
+ horizontal.implicitHeight -= 2
+ compare(horizontal.y, container.height - horizontal.height)
+ // ...unless explicitly positioned
+ horizontal.y = 123
+ container.height += 10
+ compare(horizontal.y, 123)
+ var velocity = container.maximumFlickVelocity
+ compare(container.flicking, false)
+ container.flick(-velocity, -velocity)
+ compare(container.flicking, true)
+ tryCompare(container, "flicking", false)
+ compare(vertical.size, container.visibleArea.heightRatio)
+ compare(vertical.position, container.visibleArea.yPosition)
+ compare(horizontal.size, container.visibleArea.widthRatio)
+ compare(horizontal.position, container.visibleArea.xPosition)
+ compare(container.flicking, false)
+ container.flick(velocity, velocity)
+ compare(container.flicking, true)
+ tryCompare(container, "flicking", false)
+ compare(vertical.size, container.visibleArea.heightRatio)
+ compare(vertical.position, container.visibleArea.yPosition)
+ compare(horizontal.size, container.visibleArea.widthRatio)
+ compare(horizontal.position, container.visibleArea.xPosition)
+ var oldY = vertical.y
+ var oldHeight = vertical.height
+ vertical.parent = testCase
+ vertical.y -= 10
+ container.height += 10
+ compare(vertical.y, oldY - 10)
+ compare(vertical.height, oldHeight)
+ var oldX = horizontal.x
+ var oldWidth = horizontal.width
+ horizontal.parent = testCase
+ horizontal.x -= 10
+ container.width += 10
+ compare(horizontal.x, oldX - 10)
+ compare(horizontal.width, oldWidth)
+ }
+ function test_attachTwice() {
+ let container = createTemporaryObject(flickable, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ waitForRendering(container)
+ container.ScrollBar.vertical = scrollBar.createObject(container, { objectName: "oldVerticalScrollBar" })
+ verify(container.ScrollBar.vertical)
+ let oldVerticalScrollBar = findChild(container, "oldVerticalScrollBar")
+ verify(oldVerticalScrollBar)
+ verify(oldVerticalScrollBar.visible)
+ container.ScrollBar.horizontal = scrollBar.createObject(container, { objectName: "oldHorizontalScrollBar" })
+ verify(container.ScrollBar.horizontal)
+ let oldHorizontalScrollBar = findChild(container, "oldHorizontalScrollBar")
+ verify(oldHorizontalScrollBar)
+ verify(oldHorizontalScrollBar.visible)
+ container.ScrollBar.vertical = scrollBar.createObject(container, { objectName: "newVerticalScrollBar" })
+ let newVerticalScrollBar = findChild(container, "newVerticalScrollBar")
+ verify(newVerticalScrollBar)
+ verify(newVerticalScrollBar.visible)
+ verify(!oldVerticalScrollBar.visible)
+ container.ScrollBar.horizontal = scrollBar.createObject(container, { objectName: "newHorizontalScrollBar" })
+ let newHorizontalScrollBar = findChild(container, "newHorizontalScrollBar")
+ verify(newHorizontalScrollBar)
+ verify(newHorizontalScrollBar.visible)
+ verify(!oldHorizontalScrollBar.visible)
+ }
+ function getGrooveRange(scrollbar) {
+ return {
+ start: { // top left
+ x: scrollbar.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? scrollbar.leftPadding : 0,
+ y: scrollbar.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? scrollbar.topPadding : 0
+ },
+ end: { // bottom right, (inclusive, last pixel position of the groove)
+ x: (scrollbar.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? scrollbar.width - scrollbar.rightPadding : scrollbar.width) - 1,
+ y: (scrollbar.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? scrollbar.height - scrollbar.bottomPadding : scrollbar.height) - 1
+ },
+ width : scrollbar.width - scrollbar.leftPadding - scrollbar.rightPadding,
+ height: scrollbar.height - scrollbar.topPadding - scrollbar.bottomPadding
+ }
+ }
+ function test_mouse_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "horizontal", properties: { visible: true, orientation: Qt.Horizontal, width: testCase.width } },
+ { tag: "vertical", properties: { visible: true, orientation: Qt.Vertical, height: testCase.height } }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_mouse(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollBarWithDefaultPadding, testCase, data.properties)
+ verify(control)
+ var grooveRange = getGrooveRange(control)
+ var pressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy.valid)
+ mousePress(control, grooveRange.start.x, grooveRange.start.y, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ mouseMove(control, -control.width, -control.height, 0)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, 0)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(control.position, 0.5)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ mousePress(control, grooveRange.end.x, grooveRange.end.y, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ // We can't click on right and bottom edge, so click to (grooveRange.end),
+ // and move mouse to (grooveRange.end.x + 1, grooveRange.end.y + 1)
+ mouseMove(control, grooveRange.end.x + 1, grooveRange.end.y + 1, 0)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2, 0)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ mouseMove(control, grooveRange.start.x + grooveRange.width * 0.75, grooveRange.start.y + grooveRange.height * 0.75, 0)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ fuzzyCompare(control.position, 0.75, 0.01)
+ mouseRelease(control, grooveRange.start.x + grooveRange.width * 0.25, grooveRange.start.y + grooveRange.height * 0.25, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ fuzzyCompare(control.position, 0.25, 0.01)
+ if (control.__decreaseVisual.indicator !== null) {
+ var p = control.__decreaseVisual.indicator.mapToItem(control, Qt.point(0, 0))
+ mousePress(control, p.x, p.y, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.__decreaseVisual.pressed, true)
+ fuzzyCompare(control.position, 0.15, 0.01)
+ mouseRelease(control.__decreaseVisual.indicator, 0, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.__decreaseVisual.pressed, false)
+ p = control.__increaseVisual.indicator.mapToItem(control, Qt.point(0, 0))
+ mousePress(control, p.x, p.y, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.__increaseVisual.pressed, true)
+ fuzzyCompare(control.position, 0.25, 0.01)
+ mouseRelease(control.__increaseVisual.indicator, 0, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.__increaseVisual.pressed, false)
+ }
+ }
+ function test_touch_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "horizontal", properties: { visible: true, orientation: Qt.Horizontal, width: testCase.width } },
+ { tag: "vertical", properties: { visible: true, orientation: Qt.Vertical, height: testCase.height } }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_touch(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, testCase, data.properties)
+ verify(control)
+ var pressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy.valid)
+ control.width += (control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ control.height += (control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ var availableSlideWidth = 0
+ var availableSlideHeight = 0
+ var p0 = {}
+ if (control.orientation === Qt.Horizontal) {
+ availableSlideWidth = control.width - control.rightPadding - control.leftPadding
+ p0 = { x = control.leftPadding, y = control.height/2 }
+ } else {
+ availableSlideHeight = control.height - control.bottomPadding - control.topPadding
+ p0 = { x = control.width/2, y = control.topPadding}
+ }
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ touch.press(0, control, p0.x, p0.y).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ touch.move(0, control, -control.width, -control.height).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ touch.move(0, control, p0.x + availableSlideWidth * 0.5, p0.y + availableSlideHeight * 0.5).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(control.position, 0.5)
+ touch.release(0, control, p0.x + availableSlideWidth * 0.5, p0.y + availableSlideHeight * 0.5).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ touch.press(0, control, p0.x + availableSlideWidth - 1, p0.y + availableSlideHeight - 1).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ touch.move(0, control, p0.x + availableSlideWidth * 0.75, p0.y + availableSlideHeight * 0.75).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.position, 0.75)
+ touch.release(0, control, p0.x + availableSlideWidth * 0.25, p0.y + availableSlideHeight * 0.25).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.position, 0.25)
+ }
+ function test_multiTouch() {
+ var control1 = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, testCase)
+ verify(control1)
+ control1.height = 200 + (control1.topPadding + control1.bottomPadding)
+ var grooveRange = getGrooveRange(control1)
+ var pressedCount1 = 0
+ var movedCount1 = 0
+ var pressedSpy1 = signalSpy.createObject(control1, {target: control1, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy1.valid)
+ var positionSpy1 = signalSpy.createObject(control1, {target: control1, signalName: "positionChanged"})
+ verify(positionSpy1.valid)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control1)
+ touch.press(0, control1, grooveRange.start.x, grooveRange.start.y).commit().move(0, control1, grooveRange.end.x+1, grooveRange.end.y+1).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy1.count, ++pressedCount1)
+ compare(positionSpy1.count, ++movedCount1)
+ compare(control1.pressed, true)
+ compare(control1.position, 1.0)
+ // second touch point on the same control is ignored
+ touch.stationary(0).press(1, control1, grooveRange.start.x, grooveRange.start.y).commit()
+ touch.stationary(0).move(1).commit()
+ touch.stationary(0).release(1).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy1.count, pressedCount1)
+ compare(positionSpy1.count, movedCount1)
+ compare(control1.pressed, true)
+ compare(control1.position, 1.0)
+ var control2 = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, testCase, {y: control1.height})
+ verify(control2)
+ control2.height = 200 + (control2.topPadding + control2.bottomPadding)
+ var pressedCount2 = 0
+ var movedCount2 = 0
+ var pressedSpy2 = signalSpy.createObject(control2, {target: control2, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy2.valid)
+ var positionSpy2 = signalSpy.createObject(control2, {target: control2, signalName: "positionChanged"})
+ verify(positionSpy2.valid)
+ // press the second scrollbar
+ touch.stationary(0).press(2, control2, grooveRange.start.x, grooveRange.start.y).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy2.count, ++pressedCount2)
+ compare(positionSpy2.count, movedCount2)
+ compare(control2.pressed, true)
+ compare(control2.position, 0.0)
+ compare(pressedSpy1.count, pressedCount1)
+ compare(positionSpy1.count, movedCount1)
+ compare(control1.pressed, true)
+ compare(control1.position, 1.0)
+ // move both scrollbars
+ touch.move(0, control1).move(2, control2).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy2.count, pressedCount2)
+ compare(positionSpy2.count, ++movedCount2)
+ compare(control2.pressed, true)
+ compare(control2.position, 0.5)
+ compare(pressedSpy1.count, pressedCount1)
+ compare(positionSpy1.count, ++movedCount1)
+ compare(control1.pressed, true)
+ compare(control1.position, 0.5)
+ // release both scrollbars
+ touch.release(0, control1).release(2, control2).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy2.count, ++pressedCount2)
+ compare(positionSpy2.count, movedCount2)
+ compare(control2.pressed, false)
+ compare(control2.position, 0.5)
+ compare(pressedSpy1.count, ++pressedCount1)
+ compare(positionSpy1.count, movedCount1)
+ compare(control1.pressed, false)
+ compare(control1.position, 0.5)
+ }
+ function test_increase_decrease_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "increase:active", increase: true, active: true },
+ { tag: "decrease:active", increase: false, active: true },
+ { tag: "increase:inactive", increase: true, active: false },
+ { tag: "decrease:inactive", increase: false, active: false }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_increase_decrease(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, testCase, {position: 0.5, active: data.active})
+ verify(control)
+ if (data.increase) {
+ control.increase()
+ compare(control.position, 0.6)
+ } else {
+ control.decrease()
+ compare(control.position, 0.4)
+ }
+ compare(control.active, data.active)
+ }
+ function test_stepSize_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "0.0", stepSize: 0.0 },
+ { tag: "0.1", stepSize: 0.1 },
+ { tag: "0.5", stepSize: 0.5 }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_stepSize(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, testCase, {stepSize: data.stepSize})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.stepSize, data.stepSize)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ var count = 10
+ if (data.stepSize !== 0.0)
+ count = 1.0 / data.stepSize
+ // increase until 1.0
+ for (var i = 1; i <= count; ++i) {
+ control.increase()
+ compare(control.position, i / count)
+ }
+ control.increase()
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ // decrease until 0.0
+ for (var d = count - 1; d >= 0; --d) {
+ control.decrease()
+ compare(control.position, d / count)
+ }
+ control.decrease()
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ }
+ function test_padding_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "horizontal", properties: { visible: true, orientation: Qt.Horizontal, width: testCase.width, leftPadding: testCase.width * 0.1 } },
+ { tag: "vertical", properties: { visible: true, orientation: Qt.Vertical, height: testCase.height, topPadding: testCase.height * 0.1 } }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_padding(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, testCase, data.properties)
+ mousePress(control, control.leftPadding + control.availableWidth * 0.5, control.topPadding + control.availableHeight * 0.5, Qt.LeftButton)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.leftPadding + control.availableWidth * 0.5, control.topPadding + control.availableHeight * 0.5, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ }
+ function test_warning() {
+ ignoreWarning(/.*QML TestCase: ScrollBar must be attached to a Flickable or ScrollView/)
+ testCase.ScrollBar.vertical = null
+ }
+ function test_mirrored() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(flickable, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ waitForRendering(container)
+ container.ScrollBar.vertical = scrollBar.createObject(container)
+ compare(container.ScrollBar.vertical.x, container.width - container.ScrollBar.vertical.width)
+ container.ScrollBar.vertical.locale = Qt.locale("ar_EG")
+ compare(container.ScrollBar.vertical.x, container.width - container.ScrollBar.vertical.width)
+ }
+ function test_hover_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "enabled", hoverEnabled: true, interactive: true },
+ { tag: "disabled", hoverEnabled: false, interactive: true },
+ { tag: "non-interactive", hoverEnabled: true, interactive: false }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_hover(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, testCase, {hoverEnabled: data.hoverEnabled, interactive: data.interactive})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.hovered, false)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.hovered, data.hoverEnabled)
+ compare(control.active, data.hoverEnabled && data.interactive)
+ mouseMove(control, -1, -1)
+ compare(control.hovered, false)
+ compare(control.active, false)
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "NoSnap", snapMode: ScrollBar.NoSnap, stepSize: 0.1, size: 0.2, width: 100, steps: 80 }, /* 0.8*100 */
+ { tag: "NoSnap2", snapMode: ScrollBar.NoSnap, stepSize: 0.2, size: 0.1, width: 200, steps: 180 }, /* 0.9*200 */
+ { tag: "SnapAlways", snapMode: ScrollBar.SnapAlways, stepSize: 0.1, size: 0.2, width: 100, steps: 10 },
+ { tag: "SnapAlways2", snapMode: ScrollBar.SnapAlways, stepSize: 0.2, size: 0.125, width: 200, steps: 5 },
+ { tag: "SnapOnRelease", snapMode: ScrollBar.SnapOnRelease, stepSize: 0.1, size: 0.2, width: 100, steps: 80 }, /* 0.8*100 */
+ { tag: "SnapOnRelease2", snapMode: ScrollBar.SnapOnRelease, stepSize: 0.2, size: 0.1, width: 200, steps: 180 }, /* 0.9*200 */
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_mouse_data() {
+ return test_snapMode_data()
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_mouse(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, testCase, {snapMode: data.snapMode, orientation: Qt.Horizontal, stepSize: data.stepSize, size: data.size, width: data.width})
+ verify(control)
+ // In case the slider is surrounded with decrease/increase buttons
+ // Adjust slider width so that slider area is a whole number (to avoid rounding errors)
+ control.width += control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding
+ function snappedPosition(pos) {
+ var effectiveStep = control.stepSize * (1.0 - control.size)
+ return Math.round(pos / effectiveStep) * effectiveStep
+ }
+ function boundPosition(pos) {
+ return Math.max(0, Math.min(pos, 1.0 - control.size))
+ }
+ var minHandlePos = control.leftPadding
+ var maxHandlePos = control.width - control.rightPadding
+ var availableSlideWidth = maxHandlePos - minHandlePos
+ mousePress(control, minHandlePos, 0)
+ compare(control.position, 0)
+ mouseMove(control, minHandlePos + availableSlideWidth * 0.3, 0)
+ var expectedMovePos = 0.3
+ if (control.snapMode === ScrollBar.SnapAlways) {
+ expectedMovePos = snappedPosition(expectedMovePos)
+ verify(expectedMovePos !== 0.3)
+ }
+ compare(control.position, expectedMovePos)
+ mouseRelease(control, minHandlePos + availableSlideWidth * 0.75, 0)
+ var expectedReleasePos = 0.75
+ if (control.snapMode !== ScrollBar.NoSnap) {
+ expectedReleasePos = snappedPosition(expectedReleasePos)
+ verify(expectedReleasePos !== 0.75)
+ }
+ compare(control.position, expectedReleasePos)
+ control.position = 0
+ mousePress(control, minHandlePos, 0)
+ var steps = 0
+ var prevPos = 0
+ for (var x = minHandlePos; x < maxHandlePos; ++x) {
+ mouseMove(control, x, 0)
+ expectedMovePos = boundPosition((x - minHandlePos) / availableSlideWidth)
+ if (control.snapMode === ScrollBar.SnapAlways)
+ expectedMovePos = snappedPosition(expectedMovePos)
+ compare(control.position, expectedMovePos)
+ if (control.position !== prevPos)
+ ++steps
+ prevPos = control.position
+ }
+ compare(steps, data.steps)
+ mouseRelease(control, maxHandlePos - 1, 0)
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_touch_data() {
+ return test_snapMode_data()
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_touch(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, testCase, {snapMode: data.snapMode, orientation: Qt.Horizontal, stepSize: data.stepSize, size: data.size, width: data.width})
+ verify(control)
+ // In case the slider is surrounded with decrease/increase buttons
+ // Adjust slider width so that slider area is a whole number (to avoid rounding errors)
+ control.width += control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding
+ function snappedPosition(pos) {
+ var effectiveStep = control.stepSize * (1.0 - control.size)
+ return Math.round(pos / effectiveStep) * effectiveStep
+ }
+ function boundPosition(pos) {
+ return Math.max(0, Math.min(pos, 1.0 - control.size))
+ }
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ var minHandlePos = control.leftPadding
+ var maxHandlePos = control.width - control.rightPadding
+ var availableSlideWidth = maxHandlePos - minHandlePos
+ touch.press(0, control, minHandlePos, 0).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 0)
+ touch.move(0, control, minHandlePos + availableSlideWidth*0.3, 0).commit()
+ var expectedMovePos = 0.3
+ if (control.snapMode === ScrollBar.SnapAlways) {
+ expectedMovePos = snappedPosition(expectedMovePos)
+ verify(expectedMovePos !== 0.3)
+ }
+ compare(control.position, expectedMovePos)
+ touch.release(0, control, minHandlePos + availableSlideWidth*0.75, 0).commit()
+ var expectedReleasePos = 0.75
+ if (control.snapMode !== ScrollBar.NoSnap) {
+ expectedReleasePos = snappedPosition(expectedReleasePos)
+ verify(expectedReleasePos !== 0.75)
+ }
+ compare(control.position, expectedReleasePos)
+ control.position = 0
+ touch.press(0, control, minHandlePos, 0).commit()
+ var steps = 0
+ var prevPos = 0
+ for (var x = minHandlePos; x < maxHandlePos; ++x) {
+ touch.move(0, control, x, 0).commit()
+ expectedMovePos = boundPosition((x - minHandlePos) / availableSlideWidth)
+ if (control.snapMode === ScrollBar.SnapAlways)
+ expectedMovePos = snappedPosition(expectedMovePos)
+ compare(control.position, expectedMovePos)
+ if (control.position !== prevPos)
+ ++steps
+ prevPos = control.position
+ }
+ compare(steps, data.steps)
+ touch.release(0, control, maxHandlePos - 1).commit()
+ }
+ function test_interactive_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "true", interactive: true },
+ { tag: "false", interactive: false }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_interactive(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, testCase, {interactive: data.interactive})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.interactive, data.interactive)
+ // 200 pixels tall to avoid rounding errors further on
+ control.height = 200 + (control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ // press-move-release
+ mousePress(control, control.width/2, control.topPadding, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, data.interactive)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.position, data.interactive ? 0.5 : 0.0)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ // change to non-interactive while pressed
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, data.interactive)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width, control.height)
+ compare(control.position, data.interactive ? 1.0 : 0.0)
+ control.interactive = false
+ compare(control.interactive, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.position, data.interactive ? 1.0 : 0.0)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ // change back to interactive & try press-move-release again
+ control.interactive = true
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ mouseMove(control, 0, 0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ mouseRelease(control, 0, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ }
+ function test_policy() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, testCase, {active: true})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(ScrollBar.AsNeeded, Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded)
+ compare(ScrollBar.AlwaysOff, Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff)
+ compare(ScrollBar.AlwaysOn, Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn)
+ compare(control.visible, true)
+ compare(control.policy, ScrollBar.AsNeeded)
+ var windowsStyle = false
+ var macOSStyle = false
+ if (control.background instanceof NativeStyle.StyleItem) {
+ windowsStyle = Qt.platform.pluginName === "windows"
+ macOSStyle = Qt.platform.pluginName === "cocoa"
+ }
+ if (!windowsStyle && !macOSStyle) {
+ control.size = 0.5
+ verify(control.state === "active" || control.contentItem.state === "active")
+ control.size = 1.0
+ verify(control.state !== "active" && control.contentItem.state !== "active")
+ }
+ control.policy = ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
+ compare(control.visible, false)
+ control.policy = ScrollBar.AlwaysOn
+ compare(control.visible, true)
+ if (!windowsStyle && !macOSStyle) {
+ verify(control.state === "active" || control.contentItem.state === "active")
+ }
+ }
+ function test_overshoot() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(flickable, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ waitForRendering(container)
+ var vertical = scrollBar.createObject(container, {size: 0.5})
+ container.ScrollBar.vertical = vertical
+ var horizontal = scrollBar.createObject(container, {size: 0.5})
+ container.ScrollBar.horizontal = horizontal
+ // negative vertical overshoot (pos < 0)
+ vertical.position = -0.1
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.y, vertical.topPadding)
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.height, 0.4 * vertical.availableHeight)
+ // positive vertical overshoot (pos + size > 1)
+ vertical.position = 0.8
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.y, vertical.topPadding + 0.8 * vertical.availableHeight)
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.height, 0.2 * vertical.availableHeight)
+ // negative horizontal overshoot (pos < 0)
+ horizontal.position = -0.1
+ compare(horizontal.contentItem.x, horizontal.leftPadding)
+ compare(horizontal.contentItem.width, 0.4 * horizontal.availableWidth)
+ // positive horizontal overshoot (pos + size > 1)
+ horizontal.position = 0.8
+ compare(horizontal.contentItem.x, horizontal.leftPadding + 0.8 * horizontal.availableWidth)
+ compare(horizontal.contentItem.width, 0.2 * horizontal.availableWidth)
+ }
+ function test_orientation() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.orientation, Qt.Vertical)
+ compare(control.horizontal, false)
+ compare(control.vertical, true)
+ control.orientation = Qt.Horizontal
+ compare(control.orientation, Qt.Horizontal)
+ compare(control.horizontal, true)
+ compare(control.vertical, false)
+ }
+ function test_flashing() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, testCase, {size: 0.2})
+ verify(control)
+ var activeSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "activeChanged"})
+ verify(activeSpy.valid)
+ compare(control.active, false)
+ if (control.contentItem && control.contentItem.opacity > 0)
+ // Slider handle is always visible in this style (Windows style)
+ return
+ if (control.contentItem)
+ compare(control.contentItem.opacity, 0)
+ if (control.background)
+ compare(control.background.opacity, 0)
+ control.increase()
+ compare(control.position, 0.1)
+ compare(control.active, false)
+ compare(activeSpy.count, 2)
+ if (control.contentItem)
+ verify(control.contentItem.opacity > 0)
+ if (control.background)
+ verify(control.background.opacity > 0)
+ if (control.contentItem)
+ tryCompare(control.contentItem, "opacity", 0)
+ if (control.background)
+ tryCompare(control.background, "opacity", 0)
+ control.decrease()
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.active, false)
+ compare(activeSpy.count, 4)
+ if (control.contentItem)
+ verify(control.contentItem.opacity > 0)
+ if (control.background)
+ verify(control.background.opacity > 0)
+ if (control.contentItem)
+ tryCompare(control.contentItem, "opacity", 0)
+ if (control.background)
+ tryCompare(control.background, "opacity", 0)
+ }
+ function test_minimumSize() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(flickable, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ waitForRendering(container)
+ var vertical = scrollBar.createObject(container, {minimumSize: 0.1})
+ container.ScrollBar.vertical = vertical
+ compare(container.visibleArea.heightRatio, 0.5)
+ compare(vertical.size, 0.5)
+ compare(vertical.visualSize, 0.5)
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.height, 0.5 * vertical.availableHeight)
+ container.contentHeight = 2000
+ compare(container.visibleArea.heightRatio, 0.05)
+ compare(vertical.size, 0.05)
+ compare(vertical.visualSize, 0.1)
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.height, 0.1 * vertical.availableHeight)
+ verify(container.atYBeginning)
+ compare(container.visibleArea.yPosition, 0.0)
+ compare(vertical.position, 0.0)
+ compare(vertical.visualPosition, 0.0)
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.y, vertical.topPadding)
+ container.contentY = 1900
+ verify(container.atYEnd)
+ compare(container.visibleArea.yPosition, 0.95)
+ compare(vertical.position, 0.95)
+ compare(vertical.visualPosition, 0.9)
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.y, vertical.topPadding + 0.9 * vertical.availableHeight)
+ container.contentHeight = 125
+ compare(container.visibleArea.heightRatio, 0.8)
+ compare(vertical.size, 0.8)
+ compare(vertical.visualSize, 0.8)
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.height, 0.8 * vertical.availableHeight)
+ verify(container.atYEnd)
+ compare(container.visibleArea.yPosition, 0.2)
+ compare(vertical.position, 0.2)
+ compare(vertical.visualPosition, 0.2)
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.y, vertical.topPadding + 0.2 * vertical.availableHeight)
+ }
+ function test_resize() {
+ var vertical = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, testCase, { height:200, orientation: Qt.Vertical, size: 0.5, position: 0.5 })
+ verify(vertical)
+ vertical.size = 0.8
+ compare(vertical.position, 0.2)
+ compare(vertical.visualPosition, 0.2)
+ vertical.size = 0.5
+ compare(vertical.position, 0.2)
+ compare(vertical.visualPosition, 0.2)
+ var horizontal = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, testCase, { width:200, orientation: Qt.Horizontal, size: 0.5, position: 0.5 })
+ verify(horizontal)
+ horizontal.size = 0.8
+ compare(horizontal.position, 0.2)
+ compare(horizontal.visualPosition, 0.2)
+ horizontal.size = 0.5
+ compare(horizontal.position, 0.2)
+ compare(horizontal.visualPosition, 0.2)
+ }
+ function test_setting_invalid_property_values() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollBar, testCase, {size: 2.0, minimumSize: -1.0})
+ verify(control)
+ // check that the values are within the expected range
+ compare(control.size, 1.0)
+ compare(control.minimumSize, 0)
+ control.minimumSize = 2.0
+ compare(control.minimumSize, 1.0)
+ // test if setting NaN is prevented
+ control.size = NaN
+ control.minimumSize = NaN
+ compare(control.size, 1.0)
+ compare(control.minimumSize, 1.0)
+ // test if setting float infinity is prevented
+ control.size = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
+ control.minimumSize = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
+ compare(control.size, 1.0)
+ compare(control.minimumSize, 1.0)
+ let oldPosition = control.position;
+ let oldStepSize = control.stepSize;
+ control.position = NaN;
+ control.stepSize = NaN;
+ compare(oldPosition, control.position)
+ compare(oldStepSize, control.stepSize)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_scrollindicator.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_scrollindicator.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d87e29f980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_scrollindicator.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "ScrollIndicator"
+ Component {
+ id: scrollIndicator
+ ScrollIndicator { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: mouseArea
+ MouseArea { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: flickable
+ Flickable {
+ width: 100
+ height: 100
+ contentWidth: 200
+ contentHeight: 200
+ boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
+ flickableDirection: Flickable.HorizontalAndVerticalFlick
+ }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(scrollIndicator, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_attach() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(flickable, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ waitForRendering(container)
+ var vertical = createTemporaryObject(scrollIndicator, null)
+ verify(!vertical.parent)
+ compare(vertical.size, 0.0)
+ compare(vertical.position, 0.0)
+ compare(vertical.active, false)
+ compare(vertical.orientation, Qt.Vertical)
+ compare(vertical.x, 0)
+ compare(vertical.y, 0)
+ verify(vertical.width > 0)
+ verify(vertical.height > 0)
+ container.ScrollIndicator.vertical = vertical
+ compare(vertical.parent, container)
+ compare(vertical.orientation, Qt.Vertical)
+ compare(vertical.size, container.visibleArea.heightRatio)
+ compare(vertical.position, container.visibleArea.yPosition)
+ compare(vertical.x, container.width - vertical.width)
+ compare(vertical.y, 0)
+ verify(vertical.width > 0)
+ compare(vertical.height, container.height)
+ // vertical scroll indicator follows flickable's width
+ container.width += 10
+ compare(vertical.x, container.width - vertical.width)
+ vertical.implicitWidth -= 1
+ compare(vertical.x, container.width - vertical.width)
+ // ...unless explicitly positioned
+ vertical.x = 123
+ container.width += 10
+ compare(vertical.x, 123)
+ var horizontal = createTemporaryObject(scrollIndicator, null)
+ verify(!horizontal.parent)
+ compare(horizontal.size, 0.0)
+ compare(horizontal.position, 0.0)
+ compare(horizontal.active, false)
+ compare(horizontal.orientation, Qt.Vertical)
+ compare(horizontal.x, 0)
+ compare(horizontal.y, 0)
+ verify(horizontal.width > 0)
+ verify(horizontal.height > 0)
+ container.ScrollIndicator.horizontal = horizontal
+ compare(horizontal.parent, container)
+ compare(horizontal.orientation, Qt.Horizontal)
+ compare(horizontal.size, container.visibleArea.widthRatio)
+ compare(horizontal.position, container.visibleArea.xPosition)
+ compare(horizontal.x, 0)
+ compare(horizontal.y, container.height - horizontal.height)
+ compare(horizontal.width, container.width)
+ verify(horizontal.height > 0)
+ // horizontal scroll indicator follows flickable's height
+ container.height += 10
+ compare(horizontal.y, container.height - horizontal.height)
+ horizontal.implicitHeight -= 1
+ compare(horizontal.y, container.height - horizontal.height)
+ // ...unless explicitly positioned
+ horizontal.y = 123
+ container.height += 10
+ compare(horizontal.y, 123)
+ var velocity = container.maximumFlickVelocity
+ compare(container.flicking, false)
+ container.flick(-velocity, -velocity)
+ compare(container.flicking, true)
+ tryCompare(container, "flicking", false)
+ compare(vertical.size, container.visibleArea.heightRatio)
+ compare(vertical.position, container.visibleArea.yPosition)
+ compare(horizontal.size, container.visibleArea.widthRatio)
+ compare(horizontal.position, container.visibleArea.xPosition)
+ compare(container.flicking, false)
+ container.flick(velocity, velocity)
+ compare(container.flicking, true)
+ tryCompare(container, "flicking", false)
+ compare(vertical.size, container.visibleArea.heightRatio)
+ compare(vertical.position, container.visibleArea.yPosition)
+ compare(horizontal.size, container.visibleArea.widthRatio)
+ compare(horizontal.position, container.visibleArea.xPosition)
+ var oldY = vertical.y
+ var oldHeight = vertical.height
+ vertical.parent = testCase
+ vertical.y -= 10
+ container.height += 10
+ compare(vertical.y, oldY - 10)
+ compare(vertical.height, oldHeight)
+ var oldX = horizontal.x
+ var oldWidth = horizontal.width
+ horizontal.parent = testCase
+ horizontal.x -= 10
+ container.width += 10
+ compare(horizontal.x, oldX - 10)
+ compare(horizontal.width, oldWidth)
+ }
+ function test_warning() {
+ ignoreWarning(/QML TestCase: ScrollIndicator must be attached to a Flickable/)
+ testCase.ScrollIndicator.vertical = null
+ }
+ function test_overshoot() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(flickable, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ waitForRendering(container)
+ var vertical = scrollIndicator.createObject(container, {size: 0.5})
+ container.ScrollIndicator.vertical = vertical
+ var horizontal = scrollIndicator.createObject(container, {size: 0.5})
+ container.ScrollIndicator.horizontal = horizontal
+ // negative vertical overshoot (pos < 0)
+ vertical.position = -0.1
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.y, vertical.topPadding)
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.height, 0.4 * vertical.availableHeight)
+ // positive vertical overshoot (pos + size > 1)
+ vertical.position = 0.8
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.y, vertical.topPadding + 0.8 * vertical.availableHeight)
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.height, 0.2 * vertical.availableHeight)
+ // negative horizontal overshoot (pos < 0)
+ horizontal.position = -0.1
+ compare(horizontal.contentItem.x, horizontal.leftPadding)
+ compare(horizontal.contentItem.width, 0.4 * horizontal.availableWidth)
+ // positive horizontal overshoot (pos + size > 1)
+ horizontal.position = 0.8
+ compare(horizontal.contentItem.x, horizontal.leftPadding + 0.8 * horizontal.availableWidth)
+ compare(horizontal.contentItem.width, 0.2 * horizontal.availableWidth)
+ }
+ function test_orientation() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollIndicator, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.orientation, Qt.Vertical)
+ compare(control.horizontal, false)
+ compare(control.vertical, true)
+ control.orientation = Qt.Horizontal
+ compare(control.orientation, Qt.Horizontal)
+ compare(control.horizontal, true)
+ compare(control.vertical, false)
+ }
+ // QTBUG-61785
+ function test_mouseArea() {
+ var ma = createTemporaryObject(mouseArea, testCase, {width: testCase.width, height: testCase.height})
+ verify(ma)
+ var control = scrollIndicator.createObject(ma, {active: true, size: 0.9, width: testCase.width, height: testCase.height})
+ verify(control)
+ mousePress(control)
+ verify(ma.pressed)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ verify(!ma.pressed)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ touch.press(0, control).commit()
+ verify(ma.pressed)
+ touch.release(0, control).commit()
+ verify(!ma.pressed)
+ }
+ function test_minimumSize() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(flickable, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ waitForRendering(container)
+ var vertical = scrollIndicator.createObject(container, {minimumSize: 0.1})
+ container.ScrollIndicator.vertical = vertical
+ compare(container.visibleArea.heightRatio, 0.5)
+ compare(vertical.size, 0.5)
+ compare(vertical.visualSize, 0.5)
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.height, 0.5 * vertical.availableHeight)
+ container.contentHeight = 2000
+ compare(container.visibleArea.heightRatio, 0.05)
+ compare(vertical.size, 0.05)
+ compare(vertical.visualSize, 0.1)
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.height, 0.1 * vertical.availableHeight)
+ verify(container.atYBeginning)
+ compare(container.visibleArea.yPosition, 0.0)
+ compare(vertical.position, 0.0)
+ compare(vertical.visualPosition, 0.0)
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.y, vertical.topPadding)
+ container.contentY = 1900
+ verify(container.atYEnd)
+ compare(container.visibleArea.yPosition, 0.95)
+ compare(vertical.position, 0.95)
+ compare(vertical.visualPosition, 0.9)
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.y, vertical.topPadding + 0.9 * vertical.availableHeight)
+ container.contentHeight = 125
+ compare(container.visibleArea.heightRatio, 0.8)
+ compare(vertical.size, 0.8)
+ compare(vertical.visualSize, 0.8)
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.height, 0.8 * vertical.availableHeight)
+ verify(container.atYEnd)
+ compare(container.visibleArea.yPosition, 0.2)
+ compare(vertical.position, 0.2)
+ compare(vertical.visualPosition, 0.2)
+ compare(vertical.contentItem.y, vertical.topPadding + 0.2 * vertical.availableHeight)
+ }
+ function test_resize() {
+ var vertical = createTemporaryObject(scrollIndicator, testCase, { height:200, orientation: Qt.Vertical, size: 0.5, position: 0.5 })
+ verify(vertical)
+ vertical.size = 0.8
+ compare(vertical.position, 0.2)
+ compare(vertical.visualPosition, 0.2)
+ vertical.size = 0.5
+ compare(vertical.position, 0.2)
+ compare(vertical.visualPosition, 0.2)
+ var horizontal = createTemporaryObject(scrollIndicator, testCase, { width:200, orientation: Qt.Horizontal, size: 0.5, position: 0.5 })
+ verify(horizontal)
+ horizontal.size = 0.8
+ compare(horizontal.position, 0.2)
+ compare(horizontal.visualPosition, 0.2)
+ horizontal.size = 0.5
+ compare(horizontal.position, 0.2)
+ compare(horizontal.visualPosition, 0.2)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_scrollview.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_scrollview.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5600830a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_scrollview.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "ScrollView"
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpyComponent
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: scrollView
+ ScrollView { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: scrollBarComponent
+ ScrollBar {}
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: scrollableLabel
+ ScrollView {
+ Label {
+ text: "ABC"
+ font.pixelSize: 512
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: scrollableLabels
+ ScrollView {
+ contentHeight: label1.implicitHeight + label2.implicitHeight + label3.implicitHeight
+ Label {
+ id: label1
+ text: "First"
+ font.pixelSize: 96
+ }
+ Label {
+ id: label2
+ text: "Second"
+ font.pixelSize: 96
+ }
+ Label {
+ id: label3
+ text: "Third"
+ font.pixelSize: 96
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: flickableLabel
+ ScrollView {
+ Flickable {
+ contentWidth: label.implicitWidth
+ contentHeight: label.implicitHeight
+ Label {
+ id: label
+ text: "ABC"
+ font.pixelSize: 512
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: emptyFlickable
+ ScrollView {
+ Flickable {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: labelComponent
+ Label {
+ text: "ABC"
+ font.pixelSize: 512
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: scrollableListView
+ ScrollView {
+ ListView {
+ model: 3
+ delegate: Label {
+ text: modelData
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: scrollableFlickable
+ ScrollView {
+ Flickable {
+ Item {
+ width: 100
+ height: 100
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: scrollableWithContentSize
+ ScrollView {
+ contentWidth: 1000
+ contentHeight: 1000
+ Flickable {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: scrollableAndFlicableWithContentSize
+ ScrollView {
+ contentWidth: 1000
+ contentHeight: 1000
+ Flickable {
+ contentWidth: 200
+ contentHeight: 200
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: scrollableTextArea
+ ScrollView {
+ TextArea {
+ text: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas id dignissim ipsum. Nam molestie nisl turpis."
+ wrapMode: TextArea.WordWrap
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: scrollableTextAreaWithSibling
+ ScrollView {
+ Item {
+ }
+ TextArea {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(scrollView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_scrollBars() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollView, testCase, {width: 200, height: 200})
+ verify(control)
+ var vertical = control.ScrollBar.vertical
+ verify(vertical)
+ var horizontal = control.ScrollBar.horizontal
+ verify(horizontal)
+ control.contentHeight = 400
+ verify(vertical.size > 0)
+ compare(control.contentItem.visibleArea.heightRatio, vertical.size)
+ control.contentWidth = 400
+ verify(horizontal.size > 0)
+ compare(control.contentItem.visibleArea.widthRatio, horizontal.size)
+ vertical.increase()
+ verify(vertical.position > 0)
+ compare(control.contentItem.visibleArea.yPosition, vertical.position)
+ horizontal.increase()
+ verify(horizontal.position > 0)
+ compare(control.contentItem.visibleArea.xPosition, horizontal.position)
+ }
+ function test_oneChild_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "label", component: scrollableLabel },
+ { tag: "flickable", component: flickableLabel }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_oneChild(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(data.component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var flickable = control.contentItem
+ verify(flickable.hasOwnProperty("contentX"))
+ verify(flickable.hasOwnProperty("contentY"))
+ var label = flickable.contentItem.children[0]
+ compare(label.text, "ABC")
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, label.implicitWidth)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, label.implicitHeight)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, label.implicitWidth)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, label.implicitHeight)
+ compare(flickable.contentWidth, label.implicitWidth)
+ compare(flickable.contentHeight, label.implicitHeight)
+ control.contentWidth = 200
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 200)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 200)
+ compare(flickable.contentWidth, 200)
+ control.contentHeight = 100
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 100)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 100)
+ compare(flickable.contentHeight, 100)
+ }
+ function test_multipleChildren() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollableLabels, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var flickable = control.contentItem
+ verify(flickable.hasOwnProperty("contentX"))
+ verify(flickable.hasOwnProperty("contentY"))
+ compare(control.contentChildren, flickable.contentItem.children)
+ var label1 = control.contentChildren[0]
+ compare(label1.text, "First")
+ var label2 = control.contentChildren[1]
+ compare(label2.text, "Second")
+ var label3 = control.contentChildren[2]
+ compare(label3.text, "Third")
+ var expectedContentHeight = label1.implicitHeight + label2.implicitHeight + label3.implicitHeight
+ compare(control.contentHeight, expectedContentHeight)
+ compare(flickable.contentHeight, expectedContentHeight)
+ }
+ function test_listView() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollableListView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var listview = control.contentItem
+ verify(listview.hasOwnProperty("contentX"))
+ verify(listview.hasOwnProperty("contentY"))
+ verify(listview.hasOwnProperty("model"))
+ compare(control.contentWidth, listview.contentWidth)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, listview.contentHeight)
+ }
+ function test_scrollableFlickable() {
+ // Check that if the application adds a flickable as a child of a
+ // scrollview, the scrollview doesn't try to calculate and change
+ // the flickables contentWidth/Height based on the flickables
+ // children, even if the flickable has an empty or negative content
+ // size. Some flickables (e.g ListView) sets a negative
+ // contentWidth on purpose, which should be respected.
+ var scrollview = createTemporaryObject(scrollableFlickable, testCase)
+ verify(scrollview)
+ var flickable = scrollview.contentItem
+ verify(flickable.hasOwnProperty("contentX"))
+ verify(flickable.hasOwnProperty("contentY"))
+ compare(flickable.contentWidth, -1)
+ compare(flickable.contentHeight, -1)
+ compare(scrollview.contentWidth, -1)
+ compare(scrollview.contentHeight, -1)
+ }
+ function test_scrollableWithContentSize() {
+ // Check that if the scrollview has contentWidth/Height set, but
+ // not the flickable, then those values will be forwarded and used
+ // by the flickable (rather than trying to calculate the content size
+ // based on the flickables children).
+ var scrollview = createTemporaryObject(scrollableWithContentSize, testCase)
+ verify(scrollview)
+ var flickable = scrollview.contentItem
+ verify(flickable.hasOwnProperty("contentX"))
+ verify(flickable.hasOwnProperty("contentY"))
+ compare(flickable.contentWidth, 1000)
+ compare(flickable.contentHeight, 1000)
+ compare(scrollview.contentWidth, 1000)
+ compare(scrollview.contentHeight, 1000)
+ }
+ function test_scrollableAndFlickableWithContentSize() {
+ // Check that if both the scrollview and the flickable has
+ // contentWidth/Height set (which is an inconsistency/fault
+ // by the app), the content size of the scrollview wins.
+ var scrollview = createTemporaryObject(scrollableAndFlicableWithContentSize, testCase)
+ verify(scrollview)
+ var flickable = scrollview.contentItem
+ verify(flickable.hasOwnProperty("contentX"))
+ verify(flickable.hasOwnProperty("contentY"))
+ compare(flickable.contentWidth, 1000)
+ compare(flickable.contentHeight, 1000)
+ compare(scrollview.contentWidth, 1000)
+ compare(scrollview.contentHeight, 1000)
+ }
+ function test_flickableWithExplicitContentSize() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(emptyFlickable, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var flickable = control.contentItem
+ verify(flickable.hasOwnProperty("contentX"))
+ verify(flickable.hasOwnProperty("contentY"))
+ var flickableContentSize = 1000;
+ flickable.contentWidth = flickableContentSize;
+ flickable.contentHeight = flickableContentSize;
+ compare(flickable.contentWidth, flickableContentSize)
+ compare(flickable.contentHeight, flickableContentSize)
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, flickableContentSize)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, flickableContentSize)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, flickableContentSize)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, flickableContentSize)
+ // Add a single child to the flickable. This should not
+ // trick ScrollView into taking the implicit size of
+ // the child as content size, since the flickable
+ // already has an explicit content size.
+ labelComponent.createObject(flickable);
+ compare(flickable.contentWidth, flickableContentSize)
+ compare(flickable.contentHeight, flickableContentSize)
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, flickableContentSize)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, flickableContentSize)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, flickableContentSize)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, flickableContentSize)
+ }
+ function test_mouse() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollView, testCase, {width: 200, height: 200, contentHeight: 400})
+ verify(control)
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.contentItem.contentY, 0)
+ for (var y = control.height / 2; y >= 0; --y) {
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2, y, 10)
+ compare(control.contentItem.contentY, 0)
+ }
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.contentItem.contentY, 0)
+ }
+ function test_hover() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollView, testCase, {width: 200, height: 200, contentHeight: 400})
+ verify(control)
+ var vertical = control.ScrollBar.vertical
+ verify(vertical)
+ vertical.hoverEnabled = true
+ mouseMove(vertical, vertical.width / 2, vertical.height / 2)
+ compare(vertical.visible, true)
+ compare(vertical.hovered, true)
+ compare(vertical.active, true)
+ compare(vertical.interactive, true)
+ }
+ function test_wheel() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollView, testCase, {width: 200, height: 200, contentHeight: 400})
+ verify(control)
+ var vertical = control.ScrollBar.vertical
+ verify(vertical)
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, 0, -120)
+ compare(vertical.visible, true)
+ compare(vertical.active, true)
+ compare(vertical.interactive, true)
+ }
+ function test_touch() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollView, testCase, {width: 200, height: 200, contentHeight: 400})
+ verify(control)
+ var vertical = control.ScrollBar.vertical
+ verify(vertical)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.contentItem.contentY, 0)
+ compare(vertical.active, false)
+ compare(vertical.interactive, false)
+ var maxContentY = 0
+ for (var y = control.height / 2; y >= 0; --y) {
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width / 2, y).commit()
+ maxContentY = Math.max(maxContentY, control.contentItem.contentY)
+ }
+ verify(maxContentY > 0)
+ compare(vertical.active, true)
+ compare(vertical.interactive, false)
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width / 2, 0).commit()
+ }
+ function test_keys() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollView, testCase, {width: 200, height: 200, contentWidth: 400, contentHeight: 400})
+ verify(control)
+ // If the viewport is smaller than the size of the ScrollView
+ // (like windows style does due to its opaque scrollbars),
+ // make the ScrollView taller in order to keep the *viewport* 200x200
+ control.width += (control.width - control.availableWidth)
+ control.height += (control.height - control.availableHeight)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ var vertical = control.ScrollBar.vertical
+ verify(vertical)
+ compare(vertical.position, 0.0)
+ for (var i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Down)
+ compare(vertical.position, Math.min(0.5, i * 0.1))
+ }
+ compare(vertical.position, 0.5)
+ for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Up)
+ compare(vertical.position, Math.max(0.0, 0.5 - i * 0.1))
+ }
+ compare(vertical.position, 0.0)
+ var horizontal = control.ScrollBar.horizontal
+ verify(horizontal)
+ compare(horizontal.position, 0.0)
+ for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Right)
+ compare(horizontal.position, Math.min(0.5, i * 0.1))
+ }
+ compare(horizontal.position, 0.5)
+ for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) {
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Left)
+ compare(horizontal.position, Math.max(0.0, 0.5 - i * 0.1))
+ }
+ compare(horizontal.position, 0.0)
+ }
+ function test_textArea() {
+ // TODO: verify no binding loop warnings (QTBUG-62325)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollableTextArea, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var flickable = control.contentItem
+ verify(flickable && flickable.hasOwnProperty("contentX"))
+ var textArea = flickable.contentItem.children[0]
+ verify(textArea && textArea.hasOwnProperty("text"))
+ compare(control.contentWidth, flickable.contentWidth)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, flickable.contentHeight)
+ }
+ function test_textAreaWithSibling() {
+ // Checks that it does not crash when the ScrollView is deleted
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollableTextAreaWithSibling, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: zeroSizedContentItemComponent
+ ScrollView {
+ width: 100
+ height: 100
+ contentItem: Item {}
+ }
+ }
+ function test_zeroSizedContentItem() {
+ ignoreWarning(/ScrollView only supports Flickable types as its contentItem/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(zeroSizedContentItemComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ let verticalScrollBar = control.ScrollBar.vertical
+ verify(verticalScrollBar)
+ // Scrolling a ScrollView with a zero-sized contentItem shouldn't crash.
+ mouseDrag(verticalScrollBar, verticalScrollBar.width / 2, verticalScrollBar.height / 2, 0, 50)
+ let horizontalScrollBar = control.ScrollBar.horizontal
+ verify(verticalScrollBar)
+ mouseDrag(horizontalScrollBar, horizontalScrollBar.width / 2, horizontalScrollBar.height / 2, 50, 0)
+ }
+ function test_customScrollBars() {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(scrollView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.ScrollBar.vertical.objectName = "oldVerticalScrollBar"
+ control.ScrollBar.horizontal.objectName = "oldHorizontalScrollBar"
+ let oldVerticalScrollBar = control.ScrollBar.vertical
+ verify(oldVerticalScrollBar)
+ compare(oldVerticalScrollBar.objectName, "oldVerticalScrollBar")
+ let oldHorizontalScrollBar = control.ScrollBar.horizontal
+ verify(oldHorizontalScrollBar)
+ compare(oldHorizontalScrollBar.objectName, "oldHorizontalScrollBar")
+ // Create the new scroll bars imperatively so that we can easily access the old ones.
+ control.ScrollBar.vertical = scrollBarComponent.createObject(control, { objectName: "newVerticalScrollBar" })
+ verify(control.ScrollBar.vertical)
+ let newVerticalScrollBar = findChild(control, "newVerticalScrollBar")
+ verify(newVerticalScrollBar)
+ verify(newVerticalScrollBar.visible)
+ verify(!oldVerticalScrollBar.visible)
+ control.ScrollBar.horizontal = scrollBarComponent.createObject(control, { objectName: "newHorizontalScrollBar" })
+ verify(control.ScrollBar.horizontal)
+ let newHorizontalScrollBar = findChild(control, "newHorizontalScrollBar")
+ verify(newHorizontalScrollBar)
+ verify(newHorizontalScrollBar.visible)
+ verify(!oldHorizontalScrollBar.visible)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: mouseAreaWheelComponent
+ MouseArea {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ property alias scrollView: scrollView
+ property alias flickable: flickable
+ ScrollView {
+ id: scrollView
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ wheelEnabled: false
+ Flickable {
+ id: flickable
+ contentHeight: 1000
+ Text {
+ text: "Test"
+ width: 500
+ height: 1000
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If a ScrollView containing a Flickable sets wheelEnabled to false,
+ // neither item should consume wheel events.
+ function test_wheelEnabled() {
+ let mouseArea = createTemporaryObject(mouseAreaWheelComponent, testCase)
+ verify(mouseArea)
+ let mouseWheelSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(mouseArea,
+ { target: mouseArea, signalName: "wheel" })
+ verify(mouseWheelSpy.valid)
+ let scrollView = mouseArea.scrollView
+ mouseWheel(scrollView, scrollView.width / 2, scrollView.height / 2, 0, 120)
+ compare(mouseWheelSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(mouseArea.flickable.contentY, 0)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: bindingToContentItemAndStandaloneFlickable
+ Item {
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ property alias scrollView: scrollView
+ ScrollView {
+ id: scrollView
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ contentItem: listView
+ property Item someBinding: contentItem
+ }
+ ListView {
+ id: listView
+ model: 10
+ delegate: ItemDelegate {
+ text: modelData
+ width: listView.width
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Tests that scroll bars show up for a ScrollView where
+ // - its contentItem is declared as a standalone, separate item
+ // - there is a binding to contentItem (which causes a default Flickable to be created)
+ function test_bindingToContentItemAndStandaloneFlickable() {
+ let root = createTemporaryObject(bindingToContentItemAndStandaloneFlickable, testCase)
+ verify(root)
+ let control = root.scrollView
+ let verticalScrollBar = control.ScrollBar.vertical
+ let horizontalScrollBar = control.ScrollBar.horizontal
+ compare(verticalScrollBar.parent, control)
+ compare(horizontalScrollBar.parent, control)
+ verify(verticalScrollBar.visible)
+ verify(horizontalScrollBar.visible)
+ mouseDrag(verticalScrollBar, verticalScrollBar.width / 2, verticalScrollBar.height / 2, 0, 50)
+ verify(verticalScrollBar.active)
+ verify(horizontalScrollBar.active)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentItemAssignedImperatively
+ Item {
+ width: 100
+ height: 100
+ property alias scrollView: scrollView
+ ListView {
+ id: listView
+ model: 20
+ delegate: Text {
+ text: modelData
+ }
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted: scrollView.contentItem = listView
+ ScrollView {
+ id: scrollView
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Tests that a ListView declared before the ScrollView (as the QObject destruction order
+ // is relevant for the bug) and assigned imperatively to ScrollView does not cause a crash
+ // on exit.
+ function test_contentItemAssignedImperatively() {
+ let root = createTemporaryObject(contentItemAssignedImperatively, testCase)
+ verify(root)
+ // Shouldn't crash.
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_selectionrectangle.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_selectionrectangle.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9203528d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_selectionrectangle.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import Qt.labs.qmlmodels
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "SelectionRectangle"
+ property real cellWidth: 50
+ property real cellHeight: 20
+ property Item handle: null
+ property bool handleWasDragged: false
+ Component {
+ id: defaultSelectionRectangle
+ SelectionRectangle {}
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: handleComp
+ Rectangle {
+ id: handle
+ width: 28
+ height: width
+ radius: width / 2
+ property bool dragging: SelectionRectangle.dragging
+ property Item control: SelectionRectangle.control
+ border.width: 1
+ border.color: "red"
+ visible: SelectionRectangle.control.active
+ SelectionRectangle.onDraggingChanged: {
+ if (SelectionRectangle.dragging)
+ testCase.handleWasDragged = true
+ }
+ Component.onCompleted: testCase.handle = handle
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: tableviewComp
+ TableView {
+ id: tableView
+ clip: true
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ model: TableModel {
+ TableModelColumn { display: "c1" }
+ TableModelColumn { display: "c2" }
+ TableModelColumn { display: "c3" }
+ TableModelColumn { display: "c4" }
+ rows: [
+ { "c1": "v1", "c2":"v2", "c3":"v3", "c4": "v4" },
+ { "c1": "v1", "c2":"v2", "c3":"v3", "c4": "v4" },
+ { "c1": "v1", "c2":"v2", "c3":"v3", "c4": "v4" },
+ { "c1": "v1", "c2":"v2", "c3":"v3", "c4": "v4" },
+ ]
+ }
+ delegate: Rectangle {
+ required property bool selected
+ implicitWidth: cellWidth
+ implicitHeight: cellHeight
+ color: selected ? "lightblue" : "gray"
+ Text { text: "cell" }
+ }
+ selectionModel: ItemSelectionModel {
+ model: tableView.model
+ }
+ property alias selectionRectangle: selectionRectangle
+ SelectionRectangle {
+ id: selectionRectangle
+ target: tableView
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(defaultSelectionRectangle, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_set_target() {
+ let tableView = createTemporaryObject(tableviewComp, testCase)
+ verify(tableView)
+ let selectionRectangle = tableView.selectionRectangle
+ verify(selectionRectangle)
+ compare(selectionRectangle.target, tableView)
+ selectionRectangle.target = null
+ compare(selectionRectangle.target, null)
+ selectionRectangle.target = tableView
+ compare(selectionRectangle.target, tableView)
+ }
+ function test_set_selectionMode() {
+ let tableView = createTemporaryObject(tableviewComp, testCase)
+ verify(tableView)
+ let selectionRectangle = tableView.selectionRectangle
+ verify(selectionRectangle)
+ // Default selection mode should be Auto
+ compare(selectionRectangle.selectionMode, SelectionRectangle.Auto)
+ selectionRectangle.selectionMode = SelectionRectangle.Drag
+ compare(selectionRectangle.selectionMode, SelectionRectangle.Drag)
+ selectionRectangle.selectionMode = SelectionRectangle.PressAndHold
+ compare(selectionRectangle.selectionMode, SelectionRectangle.PressAndHold)
+ selectionRectangle.selectionMode = SelectionRectangle.Auto
+ compare(selectionRectangle.selectionMode, SelectionRectangle.Auto)
+ }
+ function test_set_handles() {
+ let tableView = createTemporaryObject(tableviewComp, testCase)
+ verify(tableView)
+ let selectionRectangle = tableView.selectionRectangle
+ verify(selectionRectangle)
+ selectionRectangle.topLeftHandle = null
+ compare(selectionRectangle.topLeftHandle, null)
+ selectionRectangle.bottomRightHandle = null
+ compare(selectionRectangle.bottomRightHandle, null)
+ selectionRectangle.topLeftHandle = handleComp
+ compare(selectionRectangle.topLeftHandle, handleComp)
+ selectionRectangle.bottomRightHandle = handleComp
+ compare(selectionRectangle.bottomRightHandle, handleComp)
+ }
+ function test_drag_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "resize enabled", resizeEnabled: true },
+ { tag: "resize disabled", resizeEnabled: false },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_drag(data) {
+ let tableView = createTemporaryObject(tableviewComp, testCase)
+ verify(tableView)
+ let selectionRectangle = tableView.selectionRectangle
+ verify(selectionRectangle)
+ // Check that we can start a selection from the middle of a cell, even
+ // if a drag or tap on the edge of the cell would resize it.
+ tableView.resizableRows = data.resizeEnabled
+ tableView.resizableColumns = data.resizeEnabled
+ selectionRectangle.selectionMode = SelectionRectangle.Drag
+ let activeSpy = signalSpy.createObject(selectionRectangle, {target: selectionRectangle, signalName: "activeChanged"})
+ let draggingSpy = signalSpy.createObject(selectionRectangle, {target: selectionRectangle, signalName: "draggingChanged"})
+ verify(activeSpy.valid)
+ verify(draggingSpy.valid)
+ verify(!tableView.selectionModel.hasSelection)
+ mouseDrag(tableView, 1, 1, (cellWidth * 2) - 2, 1, Qt.LeftButton)
+ verify(tableView.selectionModel.hasSelection)
+ compare(tableView.selectionModel.selectedIndexes.length, 2)
+ verify(tableView.selectionModel.isSelected(tableView.model.index(0, 0)))
+ verify(tableView.selectionModel.isSelected(tableView.model.index(0, 1)))
+ compare(activeSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(draggingSpy.count, 2)
+ // Remove selection
+ mouseClick(tableView, 1, 1, Qt.LeftButton)
+ verify(!tableView.selectionModel.hasSelection)
+ compare(draggingSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(activeSpy.count, 2)
+ // Ensure that a press and hold doesn't start a selection
+ mousePress(tableView, 1, 1, Qt.LeftButton)
+ mousePress(tableView, 1, 1, Qt.LeftButton, Qt.NoModifier, 1000)
+ verify(!tableView.selectionModel.hasSelection)
+ }
+ function test_pressAndHold_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "resize enabled", resizeEnabled: true },
+ { tag: "resize disabled", resizeEnabled: false },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_pressAndHold(data) {
+ let tableView = createTemporaryObject(tableviewComp, testCase)
+ verify(tableView)
+ let selectionRectangle = tableView.selectionRectangle
+ verify(selectionRectangle)
+ // Check that we can start a selection from the middle of a cell, even
+ // if a drag or tap on the edge of the cell would resize it.
+ tableView.resizableRows = data.resizeEnabled
+ tableView.resizableColumns = data.resizeEnabled
+ selectionRectangle.selectionMode = SelectionRectangle.PressAndHold
+ let activeSpy = signalSpy.createObject(selectionRectangle, {target: selectionRectangle, signalName: "activeChanged"})
+ let draggingSpy = signalSpy.createObject(selectionRectangle, {target: selectionRectangle, signalName: "draggingChanged"})
+ verify(activeSpy.valid)
+ verify(draggingSpy.valid)
+ verify(!tableView.selectionModel.hasSelection)
+ // Do a press and hold
+ mousePress(tableView, 1, 1, Qt.LeftButton)
+ mousePress(tableView, 1, 1, Qt.LeftButton, Qt.NoModifier, 1000)
+ verify(tableView.selectionModel.hasSelection)
+ compare(tableView.selectionModel.selectedIndexes.length, 1)
+ verify(tableView.selectionModel.isSelected(tableView.model.index(0, 0)))
+ compare(draggingSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(activeSpy.count, 1)
+ // Remove selection
+ mouseClick(tableView, 1, 1, Qt.LeftButton)
+ verify(!tableView.selectionModel.hasSelection)
+ compare(draggingSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(activeSpy.count, 2)
+ // Ensure that a drag doesn't start a selection
+ mouseDrag(tableView, 1, 1, (cellWidth * 2) - 2, 1, Qt.LeftButton)
+ verify(!tableView.selectionModel.hasSelection)
+ }
+ function test_pressAndHold_on_top_of_handle() {
+ let tableView = createTemporaryObject(tableviewComp, testCase)
+ verify(tableView)
+ let selectionRectangle = tableView.selectionRectangle
+ verify(selectionRectangle)
+ selectionRectangle.selectionMode = SelectionRectangle.PressAndHold
+ let activeSpy = signalSpy.createObject(selectionRectangle, {target: selectionRectangle, signalName: "activeChanged"})
+ let draggingSpy = signalSpy.createObject(selectionRectangle, {target: selectionRectangle, signalName: "draggingChanged"})
+ verify(activeSpy.valid)
+ verify(draggingSpy.valid)
+ verify(!tableView.selectionModel.hasSelection)
+ // Do a press and hold
+ mousePress(tableView, 1, 1, Qt.LeftButton)
+ mouseRelease(tableView, 1, 1, Qt.LeftButton, Qt.NoModifier, 2000)
+ verify(tableView.selectionModel.hasSelection)
+ compare(tableView.selectionModel.selectedIndexes.length, 1)
+ verify(tableView.selectionModel.isSelected(tableView.model.index(0, 0)))
+ compare(draggingSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(activeSpy.count, 1)
+ // Do another press and hold on top the part of the bottom right handle that
+ // also covers cell 1, 1. Without any handles, this would start a new selection
+ // on top of that cell. But when the handles are in front, they should block it.
+ mousePress(tableView, cellWidth + 1, cellHeight + 1, Qt.LeftButton)
+ mouseRelease(tableView, cellWidth + 1, cellHeight + 1, Qt.LeftButton, Qt.NoModifier, 2000)
+ compare(tableView.selectionModel.selectedIndexes.length, 1)
+ verify(tableView.selectionModel.isSelected(tableView.model.index(0, 0)))
+ }
+ function test_handleDragTopLeft() {
+ let tableView = createTemporaryObject(tableviewComp, testCase)
+ verify(tableView)
+ let selectionRectangle = tableView.selectionRectangle
+ verify(selectionRectangle)
+ selectionRectangle.selectionMode = SelectionRectangle.Drag
+ verify(!tableView.selectionModel.hasSelection)
+ // Select four cells in the middle
+ mouseDrag(tableView, cellWidth + 1, cellHeight + 1, (cellWidth * 2) - 2, (cellHeight * 2) - 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(tableView.selectionModel.selectedIndexes.length, 4)
+ for (var x = 1; x < 3; ++x) {
+ for (var y = 1; y < 3; ++y) {
+ verify(tableView.selectionModel.isSelected(tableView.model.index(x, y)))
+ }
+ }
+ // Drag on the top left handle, so that the selection extends to cell 0, 0
+ mouseDrag(tableView, cellWidth, cellHeight, -cellWidth / 2, -cellHeight / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(tableView.selectionModel.selectedIndexes.length, 9)
+ for (x = 0; x < 3; ++x) {
+ for (y = 0; y < 3; ++y) {
+ verify(tableView.selectionModel.isSelected(tableView.model.index(x, y)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_handleDragBottomRight_shrink() {
+ let tableView = createTemporaryObject(tableviewComp, testCase)
+ verify(tableView)
+ let selectionRectangle = tableView.selectionRectangle
+ verify(selectionRectangle)
+ selectionRectangle.selectionMode = SelectionRectangle.Drag
+ verify(!tableView.selectionModel.hasSelection)
+ // Select four cells in the middle
+ mouseDrag(tableView, cellWidth + 1, cellHeight + 1, (cellWidth * 2) - 2, (cellHeight * 2) - 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(tableView.selectionModel.selectedIndexes.length, 4)
+ for (var x = 1; x < 3; ++x) {
+ for (var y = 1; y < 3; ++y) {
+ verify(tableView.selectionModel.isSelected(tableView.model.index(x, y)))
+ }
+ }
+ // Drag on the bottom right handle, so that the selection shrinks to cell 1, 1
+ mouseDrag(tableView, (cellWidth * 3) - 1, (cellHeight * 3) - 1, -cellWidth, -cellHeight, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(tableView.selectionModel.selectedIndexes.length, 1)
+ verify(tableView.selectionModel.isSelected(tableView.model.index(1, 1)))
+ }
+ function test_handleDragBottomRight_expand() {
+ let tableView = createTemporaryObject(tableviewComp, testCase)
+ verify(tableView)
+ let selectionRectangle = tableView.selectionRectangle
+ verify(selectionRectangle)
+ selectionRectangle.selectionMode = SelectionRectangle.Drag
+ verify(!tableView.selectionModel.hasSelection)
+ // Select four cells in the middle
+ mouseDrag(tableView, cellWidth + 1, cellHeight + 1, (cellWidth * 2) - 2, (cellHeight * 2) - 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(tableView.selectionModel.selectedIndexes.length, 4)
+ for (var x = 1; x < 3; ++x) {
+ for (var y = 1; y < 3; ++y) {
+ verify(tableView.selectionModel.isSelected(tableView.model.index(x, y)))
+ }
+ }
+ // Drag on the bottom right handle, so that the selection expands to cell 9 cells
+ mouseDrag(tableView, cellWidth * 3, cellHeight * 3, cellWidth * 4, cellHeight * 4, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(tableView.selectionModel.selectedIndexes.length, 9)
+ for (x = 1; x < 4; ++x) {
+ for (y = 1; y < 4; ++y) {
+ verify(tableView.selectionModel.isSelected(tableView.model.index(x, y)))
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_slider.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_slider.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df3eb71ae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_slider.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,910 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "Slider"
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: slider
+ Slider { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.stepSize, 0)
+ compare(control.snapMode, Slider.NoSnap)
+ compare(control.orientation, Qt.Horizontal)
+ compare(control.horizontal, true)
+ compare(control.vertical, false)
+ }
+ function test_value() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ control.value = 0.5
+ compare(control.value, 0.5)
+ control.value = 1.0
+ compare(control.value, 1.0)
+ control.value = -1.0
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ control.value = 2.0
+ compare(control.value, 1.0)
+ }
+ function test_range() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase, {from: 0, to: 100, value: 50})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.from, 0)
+ compare(control.to, 100)
+ compare(control.value, 50)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ control.value = 1000
+ compare(control.value, 100)
+ compare(control.position, 1)
+ control.value = -1
+ compare(control.value, 0)
+ compare(control.position, 0)
+ control.from = 25
+ compare(control.from, 25)
+ compare(control.value, 25)
+ compare(control.position, 0)
+ control.to = 75
+ compare(control.to, 75)
+ compare(control.value, 25)
+ compare(control.position, 0)
+ control.value = 50
+ compare(control.value, 50)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ }
+ function test_inverted() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase, {from: 1.0, to: -1.0})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.from, 1.0)
+ compare(control.to, -1.0)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ control.value = 2.0
+ compare(control.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ control.value = -2.0
+ compare(control.value, -1.0)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ control.value = 0.0
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ }
+ function test_position() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ control.value = 0.25
+ compare(control.value, 0.25)
+ compare(control.position, 0.25)
+ control.value = 0.75
+ compare(control.value, 0.75)
+ compare(control.position, 0.75)
+ }
+ function test_visualPosition() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.0)
+ control.value = 0.25
+ compare(control.value, 0.25)
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.25)
+ // RTL locale
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("ar_EG")
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.25)
+ // RTL locale + LayoutMirroring
+ control.LayoutMirroring.enabled = true
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.75)
+ // LTR locale + LayoutMirroring
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("en_US")
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.75)
+ // LTR locale
+ control.LayoutMirroring.enabled = false
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.25)
+ // LayoutMirroring
+ control.LayoutMirroring.enabled = true
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.75)
+ }
+ function test_orientation() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.orientation, Qt.Horizontal)
+ compare(control.horizontal, true)
+ compare(control.vertical, false)
+ verify(control.width > control.height)
+ control.orientation = Qt.Vertical
+ compare(control.orientation, Qt.Vertical)
+ compare(control.horizontal, false)
+ compare(control.vertical, true)
+ verify(control.width < control.height)
+ }
+ function test_mouse_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "horizontal", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, live: false },
+ { tag: "vertical", orientation: Qt.Vertical, live: false },
+ { tag: "horizontal:live", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, live: true },
+ { tag: "vertical:live", orientation: Qt.Vertical, live: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_mouse(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase, {orientation: data.orientation, live: data.live})
+ verify(control)
+ var pressedCount = 0
+ var movedCount = 0
+ var pressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy.valid)
+ var movedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "moved"})
+ verify(movedSpy.valid)
+ mousePress(control, 0, control.height - 1, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ // mininum on the left in horizontal vs. at the bottom in vertical
+ mouseMove(control, -control.width, 2 * control.height, 0)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, 0)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, data.live ? 0.5 : 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.value, 0.5)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ mousePress(control, control.width - 1, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, data.live ? 1.0 : 0.5)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ // maximum on the right in horizontal vs. at the top in vertical
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 2, -control.height, 0)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, data.live ? 1.0 : 0.5)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 0.75, control.height * 0.25, 0)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, data.live ? control.position : 0.5)
+ verify(control.position >= 0.75)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width * 0.25, control.height * 0.75, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.value, control.position)
+ verify(control.value <= 0.25 && control.value >= 0.0)
+ verify(control.position <= 0.25 && control.position >= 0.0)
+ // QTBUG-53846
+ mouseClick(control, control.width * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, pressedCount += 2)
+ compare(control.value, 0.5)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ }
+ function test_touch_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "horizontal", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, live: false },
+ { tag: "vertical", orientation: Qt.Vertical, live: false },
+ { tag: "horizontal:live", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, live: true },
+ { tag: "vertical:live", orientation: Qt.Vertical, live: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_touch(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase, {orientation: data.orientation, live: data.live})
+ verify(control)
+ var pressedCount = 0
+ var movedCount = 0
+ var pressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy.valid)
+ var movedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "moved"})
+ verify(movedSpy.valid)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ touch.press(0, control, 0, 0).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ // mininum on the left in horizontal vs. at the bottom in vertical
+ touch.move(0, control, -control.width, 2 * control.height, 0).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, 0).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, data.live ? 0.5 : 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width * 0.5, control.height * 0.5).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.value, 0.5)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width - 1, control.height - 1).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, 0.5)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ // maximum on the right in horizontal vs. at the top in vertical
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width * 2, -control.height, 0).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, data.live ? 1.0 : 0.5)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width * 0.75, control.height * 0.25, 0).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, data.live ? control.position : 0.5)
+ verify(control.position >= 0.75)
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width * 0.25, control.height * 0.75).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.value, control.position)
+ verify(control.value <= 0.25 && control.value >= 0.0)
+ verify(control.position <= 0.25 && control.position >= 0.0)
+ // QTBUG-53846
+ touch.press(0, control).commit().release(0, control).commit()
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, pressedCount += 2)
+ compare(control.value, 0.5)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ }
+ function test_multiTouch() {
+ var control1 = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase, {live: false})
+ verify(control1)
+ var pressedCount1 = 0
+ var movedCount1 = 0
+ var pressedSpy1 = signalSpy.createObject(control1, {target: control1, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy1.valid)
+ var movedSpy1 = signalSpy.createObject(control1, {target: control1, signalName: "moved"})
+ verify(movedSpy1.valid)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control1)
+ touch.press(0, control1, 0, 0).commit().move(0, control1, control1.width, control1.height).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy1.count, ++pressedCount1)
+ compare(movedSpy1.count, ++movedCount1)
+ compare(control1.pressed, true)
+ compare(control1.position, 1.0)
+ // second touch point on the same control is ignored
+ touch.stationary(0).press(1, control1, 0, 0).commit()
+ touch.stationary(0).move(1, control1).commit()
+ touch.stationary(0).release(1).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy1.count, pressedCount1)
+ compare(movedSpy1.count, movedCount1)
+ compare(control1.pressed, true)
+ compare(control1.position, 1.0)
+ var control2 = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase, {y: control1.height, live: false})
+ verify(control2)
+ var pressedCount2 = 0
+ var movedCount2 = 0
+ var pressedSpy2 = signalSpy.createObject(control2, {target: control2, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy2.valid)
+ var movedSpy2 = signalSpy.createObject(control2, {target: control2, signalName: "moved"})
+ verify(movedSpy2.valid)
+ // press the second slider
+ touch.stationary(0).press(2, control2, 0, 0).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy2.count, ++pressedCount2)
+ compare(movedSpy2.count, movedCount2)
+ compare(control2.pressed, true)
+ compare(control2.position, 0.0)
+ compare(pressedSpy1.count, pressedCount1)
+ compare(movedSpy1.count, movedCount1)
+ compare(control1.pressed, true)
+ compare(control1.position, 1.0)
+ // move both sliders
+ touch.move(0, control1).move(2, control2).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy2.count, pressedCount2)
+ compare(movedSpy2.count, ++movedCount2)
+ compare(control2.pressed, true)
+ compare(control2.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control2.value, 0.0)
+ compare(pressedSpy1.count, pressedCount1)
+ compare(movedSpy1.count, ++movedCount1)
+ compare(control1.pressed, true)
+ compare(control1.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control1.value, 0.0)
+ // release both sliders
+ touch.release(0, control1).release(2, control2).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy2.count, ++pressedCount2)
+ compare(movedSpy2.count, movedCount2)
+ compare(control2.pressed, false)
+ compare(control2.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control2.value, 0.5)
+ compare(pressedSpy1.count, ++pressedCount1)
+ compare(movedSpy1.count, movedCount1)
+ compare(control1.pressed, false)
+ compare(control1.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control1.value, 0.5)
+ }
+ function test_keys_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "horizontal", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, decrease: Qt.Key_Left, increase: Qt.Key_Right },
+ { tag: "vertical", orientation: Qt.Vertical, decrease: Qt.Key_Down, increase: Qt.Key_Up }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_keys(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase, {orientation: data.orientation})
+ verify(control)
+ var pressedCount = 0
+ var movedCount = 0
+ var pressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy.valid)
+ var movedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "moved"})
+ verify(movedSpy.valid)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ var oldValue = 0.0
+ control.value = 0.5
+ for (var d1 = 1; d1 <= 10; ++d1) {
+ oldValue = control.value
+ keyPress(data.decrease)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ if (oldValue !== control.value)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.value, Math.max(0.0, 0.5 - d1 * 0.1))
+ compare(control.value, control.position)
+ keyRelease(data.decrease)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount)
+ }
+ for (var i1 = 1; i1 <= 20; ++i1) {
+ oldValue = control.value
+ keyPress(data.increase)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ if (oldValue !== control.value)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.value, Math.min(1.0, 0.0 + i1 * 0.1))
+ compare(control.value, control.position)
+ keyRelease(data.increase)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount)
+ }
+ control.stepSize = 0.25
+ for (var d2 = 1; d2 <= 10; ++d2) {
+ oldValue = control.value
+ keyPress(data.decrease)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ if (oldValue !== control.value)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.value, Math.max(0.0, 1.0 - d2 * 0.25))
+ compare(control.value, control.position)
+ keyRelease(data.decrease)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount)
+ }
+ for (var i2 = 1; i2 <= 10; ++i2) {
+ oldValue = control.value
+ keyPress(data.increase)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ if (oldValue !== control.value)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.value, Math.min(1.0, 0.0 + i2 * 0.25))
+ compare(control.value, control.position)
+ keyRelease(data.increase)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount)
+ }
+ }
+ function test_padding() {
+ // test with "unbalanced" paddings (left padding != right padding) to ensure
+ // that the slider position calculation is done taking padding into account
+ // ==> the position is _not_ 0.5 in the middle of the control
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase, {leftPadding: 10, rightPadding: 20, live: false})
+ verify(control)
+ var pressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy.valid)
+ mousePress(control, 0, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.0)
+ mouseMove(control, control.leftPadding + control.availableWidth * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, 0)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.5)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, 0)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ verify(control.position > 0.5)
+ verify(control.visualPosition > 0.5)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.leftPadding + control.availableWidth * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.value, 0.5)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.5)
+ // RTL
+ control.value = 0
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("ar_EG")
+ mousePress(control, 0, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.0)
+ mouseMove(control, control.leftPadding + control.availableWidth * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, 0)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.5)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, 0)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ verify(control.position > 0.5)
+ verify(control.visualPosition > 0.5)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.leftPadding + control.availableWidth * 0.5, control.height * 0.5, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.value, 0.5)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.visualPosition, 0.5)
+ }
+ function calcMousePos(control, t) {
+ t = Math.min(Math.max(t, 0.0), 1.0);
+ return control.leftPadding + control.handle.width * 0.5 + t * (control.availableWidth - control.handle.width)
+ }
+ function snapModeData(immediate) {
+ return [
+ { tag: "NoSnap", snapMode: Slider.NoSnap, from: 0, to: 2, values: [0, 0, 0.25], positions: [0, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ { tag: "SnapAlways (0..2)", snapMode: Slider.SnapAlways, from: 0, to: 2, values: [0.0, 0.0, 0.2], positions: [0.0, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ { tag: "SnapAlways (1..3)", snapMode: Slider.SnapAlways, from: 1, to: 3, values: [1.0, 1.0, 1.2], positions: [0.0, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ { tag: "SnapAlways (-1..1)", snapMode: Slider.SnapAlways, from: -1, to: 1, values: [0.0, 0.0, -0.8], positions: [immediate ? 0.0 : 0.5, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ { tag: "SnapAlways (1..-1)", snapMode: Slider.SnapAlways, from: 1, to: -1, values: [0.0, 0.0, 0.8], positions: [immediate ? 0.0 : 0.5, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ { tag: "SnapOnRelease (0..2)", snapMode: Slider.SnapOnRelease, from: 0, to: 2, values: [0.0, 0.0, 0.2], positions: [0.0, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ { tag: "SnapOnRelease (1..3)", snapMode: Slider.SnapOnRelease, from: 1, to: 3, values: [1.0, 1.0, 1.2], positions: [0.0, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ { tag: "SnapOnRelease (-1..1)", snapMode: Slider.SnapOnRelease, from: -1, to: 1, values: [0.0, 0.0, -0.8], positions: [immediate ? 0.0 : 0.5, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ { tag: "SnapOnRelease (1..-1)", snapMode: Slider.SnapOnRelease, from: 1, to: -1, values: [0.0, 0.0, 0.8], positions: [immediate ? 0.0 : 0.5, 0.1, 0.1] },
+ // Live
+ { tag: "SnapAlwaysLive", snapMode: Slider.SnapAlways, from: 0, to: 1, value: 0, stepSize: 1, live: true, sliderPos: 0.6, values: [0, 1, 1], positions: [0, 1, 1] },
+ { tag: "SnapAlwaysLive", snapMode: Slider.SnapAlways, from: 0, to: 1, value: 0, stepSize: 1, live: true, sliderPos: 0.4, values: [0, 0, 0], positions: [0, 0, 0] },
+ { tag: "NoSnapLive", snapMode: Slider.NoSnap, from: 0, to: 1, value: 0, stepSize: 1, live: true, sliderPos: 0.6, values: [0, 1, 1], positions: [0, 0.6, 0.6] },
+ { tag: "NoSnapLive", snapMode: Slider.NoSnap, from: 0, to: 1, value: 0, stepSize: 1, live: true, sliderPos: 0.4, values: [0, 0, 0], positions: [0, 0.4, 0.4] },
+ { tag: "SnapOnReleaseLive", snapMode: Slider.SnapOnRelease, from: 0, to: 1, value: 0, stepSize: 1, live: true, sliderPos: 0.6, values: [0, 1, 1], positions: [0, 0.6, 1] },
+ { tag: "SnapOnReleaseLive", snapMode: Slider.SnapOnRelease, from: 0, to: 1, value: 0, stepSize: 1, live: true, sliderPos: 0.4, values: [0, 0, 0], positions: [0, 0.4, 0] },
+ ]
+ }
+ function testSnapMode(data, useMouse) {
+ let live = data.live !== undefined ? data.live : false
+ let stepSize = data.stepSize !== undefined ? data.stepSize : 0.2
+ let sliderPos = data.sliderPos !== undefined ? data.sliderPos : 0.1
+ let fuzz = 0.05
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase, {live: live, snapMode: data.snapMode, from: data.from, to: data.to, stepSize: stepSize})
+ verify(control)
+ // The test assumes there is no drag threshold for neither mouse or touch.
+ // But by default, touch has a threshold and mouse doesn't.
+ // In order to not get a test fail if we're trying to move the slider handle
+ // on a very narrow slider, we ensure the same width of all sliders
+ control.width = testCase.width
+ var touch = useMouse ? null : touchEvent(control)
+ if (useMouse)
+ mousePress(control, calcMousePos(control, 0.0))
+ else
+ touch.press(0, control, calcMousePos(control, 0.0)).commit()
+ fuzzyCompare(control.value, data.values[0], fuzz)
+ fuzzyCompare(control.position, data.positions[0], fuzz)
+ if (useMouse)
+ mouseMove(control, calcMousePos(control, sliderPos))
+ else
+ touch.move(0, control, calcMousePos(control, sliderPos)).commit()
+ fuzzyCompare(control.value, data.values[1], fuzz)
+ fuzzyCompare(control.position, data.positions[1], fuzz)
+ if (useMouse)
+ mouseRelease(control, calcMousePos(control, sliderPos))
+ else
+ touch.release(0, control, calcMousePos(control, sliderPos)).commit()
+ fuzzyCompare(control.value, data.values[2], fuzz)
+ fuzzyCompare(control.position, data.positions[2], fuzz)
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_touch_data() {
+ return snapModeData(false)
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_touch(data) {
+ return testSnapMode(data, false)
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_mouse_data() {
+ return snapModeData(true)
+ }
+ function test_snapMode_mouse(data) {
+ return testSnapMode(data, true)
+ }
+ function test_wheel_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "horizontal", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, dx: 120, dy: 0 },
+ { tag: "vertical", orientation: Qt.Vertical, dx: 0, dy: 120 }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_wheel(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase, {wheelEnabled: true, orientation: data.orientation})
+ verify(control)
+ var movedCount = 0
+ var movedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "moved"})
+ verify(movedSpy.valid)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, data.dx, data.dy)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.value, 0.1)
+ compare(control.position, 0.1)
+ control.stepSize = 0.2
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, data.dx, data.dy)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.value, 0.3)
+ compare(control.position, 0.3)
+ control.stepSize = 10.0
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, -data.dx, -data.dy)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ // no change
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, -data.dx, -data.dy)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ control.to = 10.0
+ control.stepSize = 5.0
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, data.dx, data.dy)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.value, 5.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, 0.5 * data.dx, 0.5 * data.dy)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.value, 7.5)
+ compare(control.position, 0.75)
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, -data.dx, -data.dy)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.value, 2.5)
+ compare(control.position, 0.25)
+ }
+ function test_wheelPropagation_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "horizontal", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, dx: 120, dy: 0 },
+ { tag: "vertical", orientation: Qt.Vertical, dx: 0, dy: 120 }
+ ]
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: mouseAreaComponent
+ MouseArea {}
+ }
+ function test_wheelPropagation(data) {
+ var mouseArea = createTemporaryObject(mouseAreaComponent, testCase, { width: parent.width, height: parent.height })
+ verify(mouseArea)
+ var mouseAreaWheelSpy = signalSpy.createObject(mouseArea, { target: mouseArea, signalName: "wheel" })
+ verify(mouseAreaWheelSpy.valid)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, mouseArea,
+ { wheelEnabled: true, orientation: data.orientation, stepSize: 1 })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ var movedCount = 0
+ var movedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "moved" })
+ verify(movedSpy.valid)
+ // Scroll the handle to the edge.
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, data.dx, data.dy)
+ compare(control.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(mouseAreaWheelSpy.count, 0)
+ // Scroll again; the wheel event shouldn't go through to the MouseArea parent.
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, data.dx, data.dy)
+ compare(control.value, 1.0)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount)
+ compare(mouseAreaWheelSpy.count, 0)
+ // Scroll the handle to the other edge.
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, -data.dx, -data.dy)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(mouseAreaWheelSpy.count, 0)
+ // Scroll again; the wheel event shouldn't go through to the MouseArea parent.
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, -data.dx, -data.dy)
+ compare(control.value, 0.0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount)
+ compare(mouseAreaWheelSpy.count, 0)
+ }
+ function test_valueAt_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "0.0..1.0", properties: { from: 0.0, to: 1.0 }, values: [0.0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0] },
+ { tag: "0..100", properties: { from: 0, to: 100 }, values: [0, 20, 50, 100] },
+ { tag: "100..-100", properties: { from: 100, to: -100 }, values: [100, 60, 0, -100] },
+ { tag: "-7..7", properties: { from: -7, to: 7, stepSize: 1.0 }, values: [-7.0, -4.0, 0.0, 7.0] },
+ { tag: "-3..7", properties: { from: -3, to: 7, stepSize: 5.0 }, values: [-3.0, -3.0, 2.0, 7.0] },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_valueAt(data) {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase, data.properties)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.valueAt(0.0), data.values[0])
+ compare(control.valueAt(0.2), data.values[1])
+ compare(control.valueAt(0.5), data.values[2])
+ compare(control.valueAt(1.0), data.values[3])
+ }
+ function test_nullHandle() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.handle = null
+ mousePress(control)
+ verify(control.pressed, true)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ }
+ function test_touchDragThreshold_data() {
+ var d1 = 3; var d2 = 7;
+ return [
+ { tag: "horizontal", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, dx1: d1, dy1: 0, dx2: d2, dy2: 0 },
+ { tag: "vertical", orientation: Qt.Vertical, dx1: 0, dy1: -d1, dx2: 0, dy2: -d2 },
+ { tag: "horizontal2", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, dx1: -d1, dy1: 0, dx2: -d2, dy2: 0 },
+ { tag: "vertical2", orientation: Qt.Vertical, dx1: 0, dy1: d1, dx2: 0, dy2: d2 }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_touchDragThreshold(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase, {touchDragThreshold: 10, live: true, orientation: data.orientation, value: 0.5})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.touchDragThreshold, 10)
+ var valueChangedCount = 0
+ var valueChangedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "touchDragThresholdChanged"})
+ verify(valueChangedSpy.valid)
+ control.touchDragThreshold = undefined
+ compare(control.touchDragThreshold, -1) // reset to -1
+ compare(valueChangedSpy.count, ++valueChangedCount)
+ var t = 5
+ control.touchDragThreshold = t
+ compare(control.touchDragThreshold, t)
+ compare(valueChangedSpy.count, ++valueChangedCount)
+ control.touchDragThreshold = t
+ compare(control.touchDragThreshold, t)
+ compare(valueChangedSpy.count, valueChangedCount)
+ var pressedCount = 0
+ var movedCount = 0
+ var pressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy.valid)
+ var movedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "moved"})
+ verify(movedSpy.valid)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ var x0 = control.handle.x + control.handle.width * 0.5
+ var y0 = control.handle.y + control.handle.height * 0.5
+ touch.press(0, control, x0, y0).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, ++pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ touch.move(0, control, x0 + data.dx1, y0 + data.dy1).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, movedCount) // shouldn't move
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ touch.move(0, control, x0 + data.dx2, y0 + data.dy2).commit()
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, pressedCount)
+ compare(movedSpy.count, ++movedCount)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ touch.release(0, control, x0 + data.dx2, y0 + data.dy2).commit()
+ }
+ function test_nullTexture() {
+ failOnWarning("No QSGTexture provided from updateSampledImage(). This is wrong.")
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(slider, testCase, {width: -100})
+ verify(control)
+ control.visible = true
+ waitForRendering(control)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_spinbox.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_spinbox.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df30ef4beb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_spinbox.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtQuick.Window
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "SpinBox"
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: spinBox
+ SpinBox { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: mouseArea
+ MouseArea { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.from, 0)
+ compare(control.to, 99)
+ compare(control.value, 0)
+ compare(control.stepSize, 1)
+ compare(control.editable, false)
+ compare(control.up.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, true)
+ compare(control.down.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, false)
+ }
+ function test_value() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.value, 0)
+ control.value = 50
+ compare(control.value, 50)
+ control.value = 99
+ compare(control.value, 99)
+ control.value = -99
+ compare(control.value, 0)
+ control.value = 100
+ compare(control.value, 99)
+ }
+ function test_range() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase, {from: 0, to: 100, value: 50})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.from, 0)
+ compare(control.to, 100)
+ compare(control.value, 50)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, true)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, true)
+ control.value = 1000
+ compare(control.value, 100)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, false)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, true)
+ control.wrap = true
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, true)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, true)
+ control.value = -1
+ compare(control.value, 0)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, true)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, true)
+ control.from = 25
+ compare(control.from, 25)
+ compare(control.value, 25)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, true)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, true)
+ control.wrap = false
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, true)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, false)
+ control.value = 30
+ compare(control.from, 25)
+ compare(control.value, 30)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, true)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, true)
+ control.from = 30
+ compare(control.from, 30)
+ compare(control.value, 30)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, true)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, false)
+ control.to = 75
+ compare(control.to, 75)
+ compare(control.value, 30)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, true)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, false)
+ control.value = 50
+ compare(control.value, 50)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, true)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, true)
+ control.to = 50
+ compare(control.to, 50)
+ compare(control.value, 50)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, false)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, true)
+ control.to = 40
+ compare(control.to, 40)
+ compare(control.value, 40)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, false)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, true)
+ }
+ function test_inverted() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase, {from: 100, to: -100})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.from, 100)
+ compare(control.to, -100)
+ compare(control.value, 0)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, true)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, true)
+ control.value = 200
+ compare(control.value, 100)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, true)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, false)
+ control.value = -200
+ compare(control.value, -100)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, false)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, true)
+ control.value = 0
+ compare(control.value, 0)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, true)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, true)
+ }
+ function test_mouse_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "up", button: "up", value: 50, enabled: true, hold: false, modified: 1, expected: 51 },
+ { tag: "down", button: "down", value: 50, enabled: true, hold: false, modified: 1, expected: 49 },
+ { tag: "up:disabled", button: "up", value: 99, enabled: false, hold: false, modified: 0, expected: 99 },
+ { tag: "down:disabled", button: "down", value: 0, enabled: false, hold: false, modified: 0, expected: 0 },
+ { tag: "up:hold", button: "up", value: 95, enabled: true, hold: true, modified: 4, expected: 99 },
+ { tag: "down:hold", button: "down", value: 5, enabled: true, hold: true, modified: 5, expected: 0 }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_mouse(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase, {value: data.value})
+ verify(control)
+ var button = control[data.button]
+ verify(button)
+ var pressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: button, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy.valid)
+ var valueModifiedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "valueModified"})
+ verify(valueModifiedSpy.valid)
+ mousePress(button.indicator)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, data.enabled ? 1 : 0)
+ compare(button.pressed, data.enabled)
+ compare(control.value, data.value)
+ compare(valueModifiedSpy.count, 0)
+ if (data.hold)
+ tryCompare(control, "value", data.expected)
+ mouseRelease(button.indicator)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, data.enabled ? 2 : 0)
+ compare(button.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.value, data.expected)
+ compare(valueModifiedSpy.count, data.modified)
+ }
+ function test_keys_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "1", properties: { from: 1, to: 10, value: 1, stepSize: 1 }, upSteps: [2,3,4], downSteps: [3,2,1,1] },
+ { tag: "2", properties: { from: 1, to: 10, value: 10, stepSize: 2 }, upSteps: [10,10], downSteps: [8,6,4] },
+ { tag: "25", properties: { from: 0, to: 100, value: 50, stepSize: 25 }, upSteps: [75,100,100], downSteps: [75,50,25,0,0] },
+ { tag: "wrap1", properties: { wrap: true, from: 1, to: 10, value: 1, stepSize: 1 }, upSteps: [2,3], downSteps: [2,1,10,9] },
+ { tag: "wrap2", properties: { wrap: true, from: 1, to: 10, value: 10, stepSize: 2 }, upSteps: [1,3,5], downSteps: [3,1,10,8,6] },
+ { tag: "wrap25", properties: { wrap: true, from: 0, to: 100, value: 50, stepSize: 25 }, upSteps: [75,100,0,25], downSteps: [0,100,75] }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_keys(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase, data.properties)
+ verify(control)
+ var upPressedCount = 0
+ var downPressedCount = 0
+ var valueModifiedCount = 0
+ var upPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.up, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(upPressedSpy.valid)
+ var downPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control.down, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(downPressedSpy.valid)
+ var valueModifiedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "valueModified"})
+ verify(valueModifiedSpy.valid)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ for (var u = 0; u < data.upSteps.length; ++u) {
+ var wasUpEnabled = control.wrap || control.value < control.to
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Up)
+ compare(control.up.pressed, wasUpEnabled)
+ compare(control.down.pressed, false)
+ if (wasUpEnabled) {
+ ++upPressedCount
+ ++valueModifiedCount
+ }
+ compare(upPressedSpy.count, upPressedCount)
+ compare(valueModifiedSpy.count, valueModifiedCount)
+ compare(control.value, data.upSteps[u])
+ keyRelease(Qt.Key_Up)
+ compare(control.down.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.up.pressed, false)
+ if (wasUpEnabled)
+ ++upPressedCount
+ compare(upPressedSpy.count, upPressedCount)
+ compare(valueModifiedSpy.count, valueModifiedCount)
+ }
+ for (var d = 0; d < data.downSteps.length; ++d) {
+ var wasDownEnabled = control.wrap || control.value > control.from
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_Down)
+ compare(control.down.pressed, wasDownEnabled)
+ compare(control.up.pressed, false)
+ if (wasDownEnabled) {
+ ++downPressedCount
+ ++valueModifiedCount
+ }
+ compare(downPressedSpy.count, downPressedCount)
+ compare(valueModifiedSpy.count, valueModifiedCount)
+ compare(control.value, data.downSteps[d])
+ keyRelease(Qt.Key_Down)
+ compare(control.down.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.up.pressed, false)
+ if (wasDownEnabled)
+ ++downPressedCount
+ compare(downPressedSpy.count, downPressedCount)
+ compare(valueModifiedSpy.count, valueModifiedCount)
+ }
+ }
+ function test_locale() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("ar_EG") // Arabic, Egypt
+ var numbers = ["Ù ", "Ù¡", "Ù¢", "Ù£", "Ù¤", "Ù¥", "Ù¦", "Ù§", "Ù¨", "Ù©"]
+ for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+ control.value = i
+ compare(control.contentItem.text, numbers[i])
+ }
+ }
+ function test_baseline() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, control.contentItem.y + control.contentItem.baselineOffset)
+ }
+ function test_focus() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase, {from: 10, to: 1000, value: 100, focus: true})
+ verify(control)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ compare(control.activeFocus, true)
+ compare(control.from, 10)
+ compare(control.to, 1000)
+ compare(control.value, 100)
+ control.focus = false
+ compare(control.activeFocus, false)
+ compare(control.from, 10)
+ compare(control.to, 1000)
+ compare(control.value, 100)
+ }
+ function test_initialFocus() {
+ var window = testCase.Window.window
+ verify(window)
+ compare(window.activeFocusItem, window.contentItem)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase, { editable: true, focus: true })
+ verify(control)
+ tryCompare(control.contentItem, "activeFocus", true)
+ }
+ function test_editable() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var valueModifiedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "valueModified"})
+ verify(valueModifiedSpy.valid)
+ control.contentItem.forceActiveFocus()
+ compare(control.contentItem.activeFocus, true)
+ compare(control.editable, false)
+ control.contentItem.selectAll()
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_5)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Return)
+ compare(control.value, 0)
+ compare(valueModifiedSpy.count, 0)
+ control.editable = true
+ compare(control.editable, true)
+ control.contentItem.selectAll()
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_5)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Return)
+ compare(control.value, 5)
+ compare(valueModifiedSpy.count, 1)
+ }
+ function test_wheel_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "1", properties: { from: 1, to: 10, value: 1, stepSize: 1 }, upSteps: [2,3,4], downSteps: [3,2,1,1] },
+ { tag: "2", properties: { from: 1, to: 10, value: 10, stepSize: 2 }, upSteps: [10,10], downSteps: [8,6,4] },
+ { tag: "25", properties: { from: 0, to: 100, value: 50, stepSize: 25 }, upSteps: [75,100,100], downSteps: [75,50,25,0,0] },
+ { tag: "wrap1", properties: { wrap: true, from: 1, to: 10, value: 1, stepSize: 1 }, upSteps: [2,3], downSteps: [2,1,10,9] },
+ { tag: "wrap2", properties: { wrap: true, from: 1, to: 10, value: 10, stepSize: 2 }, upSteps: [1,3,5], downSteps: [3,1,10,8,6] },
+ { tag: "wrap25", properties: { wrap: true, from: 0, to: 100, value: 50, stepSize: 25 }, upSteps: [75,100,0,25], downSteps: [0,100,75] }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_wheel(data) {
+ var ma = createTemporaryObject(mouseArea, testCase, {width: 100, height: 100})
+ verify(ma)
+ data.properties.wheelEnabled = true
+ var control = spinBox.createObject(ma, data.properties)
+ verify(control)
+ var valueModifiedCount = 0
+ var valueModifiedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "valueModified"})
+ verify(valueModifiedSpy.valid)
+ var delta = 120
+ var spy = signalSpy.createObject(ma, {target: ma, signalName: "wheel"})
+ verify(spy.valid)
+ for (var u = 0; u < data.upSteps.length; ++u) {
+ var wasUpEnabled = control.wrap || control.value < control.to
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, delta, delta)
+ if (wasUpEnabled)
+ ++valueModifiedCount
+ compare(valueModifiedSpy.count, valueModifiedCount)
+ compare(spy.count, 0) // no propagation
+ compare(control.value, data.upSteps[u])
+ }
+ for (var d = 0; d < data.downSteps.length; ++d) {
+ var wasDownEnabled = control.wrap || control.value > control.from
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, -delta, -delta)
+ if (wasDownEnabled)
+ ++valueModifiedCount
+ compare(valueModifiedSpy.count, valueModifiedCount)
+ compare(spy.count, 0) // no propagation
+ compare(control.value, data.downSteps[d])
+ }
+ }
+ function test_initiallyDisabledIndicators_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "down disabled", from: 0, value: 0, to: 99, upEnabled: true, downEnabled: false },
+ { tag: "up disabled", from: 0, value: 99, to: 99, upEnabled: false, downEnabled: true },
+ { tag: "inverted, down disabled", from: 99, value: 99, to: 0, upEnabled: true, downEnabled: false },
+ { tag: "inverted, up disabled", from: 99, value: 0, to: 0, upEnabled: false, downEnabled: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_initiallyDisabledIndicators(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase, { from: data.from, value: data.value, to: data.to })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.enabled, data.upEnabled)
+ compare(control.down.indicator.enabled, data.downEnabled)
+ }
+ function test_hover_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "up:true", button: "up", hoverEnabled: true, value: 50 },
+ { tag: "up:false", button: "up", hoverEnabled: false, value: 50 },
+ { tag: "up:max", button: "up", hoverEnabled: true, value: 99 },
+ { tag: "down:true", button: "down", hoverEnabled: true, value: 50 },
+ { tag: "down:false", button: "down", hoverEnabled: false, value: 50 },
+ { tag: "down:min", button: "down", hoverEnabled: true, value: 0 }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_hover(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase, {hoverEnabled: data.hoverEnabled, value: data.value})
+ verify(control)
+ var button = control[data.button]
+ compare(control.hovered, false)
+ compare(button.hovered, false)
+ mouseMove(control, button.indicator.x + button.indicator.width / 2, button.indicator.y + button.indicator.height / 2)
+ compare(control.hovered, data.hoverEnabled)
+ compare(button.hovered, data.hoverEnabled && button.indicator.enabled)
+ mouseMove(control, button.indicator.x - 1, button.indicator.y - 1)
+ compare(button.hovered, false)
+ }
+ function test_hoverWhilePressed_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "up" },
+ { tag: "down" },
+ ]
+ }
+ // QTBUG-74688
+ function test_hoverWhilePressed(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase, { hoverEnabled: true, value: 50 })
+ verify(control)
+ var button = control[data.tag]
+ compare(control.hovered, false)
+ compare(button.hovered, false)
+ // Hover over the indicator. It should be hovered.
+ var buttonXCenter = button.indicator.x + button.indicator.width / 2
+ var buttonYCenter = button.indicator.y + button.indicator.height / 2
+ mouseMove(control, buttonXCenter, buttonYCenter)
+ compare(button.hovered, true)
+ // Press on the indicator and then move the mouse outside of it.
+ mousePress(control, buttonXCenter, buttonYCenter)
+ compare(button.hovered, true)
+ mouseMove(control, buttonXCenter - button.indicator.width, buttonYCenter - button.indicator.height)
+ // It should not be pressed or hovered.
+ compare(button.pressed, false)
+ compare(button.hovered, false)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ }
+ function test_valueFromText_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "editable", editable: true },
+ { tag: "non-editable", editable: false }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_valueFromText(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase, {editable: data.editable})
+ verify(control)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ var valueFromTextCalls = 0
+ control.valueFromText = function(text, locale) {
+ ++valueFromTextCalls
+ return Number.fromLocaleString(locale, text);
+ }
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Enter)
+ compare(valueFromTextCalls, data.editable ? 1 : 0)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Return)
+ compare(valueFromTextCalls, data.editable ? 2 : 0)
+ control.focus = false
+ compare(valueFromTextCalls, data.editable ? 3 : 0)
+ }
+ function test_callDefaultValueFromText() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.valueFromText("123", control.locale), 123)
+ }
+ function test_autoRepeat() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.value, 0)
+ var valueSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "valueChanged"})
+ verify(valueSpy.valid)
+ var countBefore = 0
+ // repeat up
+ mousePress(control.up.indicator)
+ verify(control.up.pressed)
+ compare(valueSpy.count, 0)
+ valueSpy.wait()
+ valueSpy.wait()
+ countBefore = valueSpy.count
+ mouseRelease(control.up.indicator)
+ verify(!control.up.pressed)
+ compare(valueSpy.count, countBefore)
+ valueSpy.clear()
+ // repeat down
+ mousePress(control.down.indicator)
+ verify(control.down.pressed)
+ compare(valueSpy.count, 0)
+ valueSpy.wait()
+ valueSpy.wait()
+ countBefore = valueSpy.count
+ mouseRelease(control.down.indicator)
+ verify(!control.down.pressed)
+ compare(valueSpy.count, countBefore)
+ mousePress(control.up.indicator)
+ verify(control.up.pressed)
+ valueSpy.wait()
+ // move inside during repeat -> continue repeat (QTBUG-57085)
+ mouseMove(control.up.indicator, control.up.indicator.width / 4, control.up.indicator.height / 4)
+ verify(control.up.pressed)
+ valueSpy.wait()
+ valueSpy.clear()
+ // move outside during repeat -> stop repeat
+ mouseMove(control.up.indicator, -1, -1)
+ verify(!control.up.pressed)
+ // NOTE: The following wait() is NOT a reliable way to test that the
+ // auto-repeat timer is not running, but there's no way dig into the
+ // private APIs from QML. If this test ever fails in the future, it
+ // indicates that the auto-repeat timer logic is broken.
+ wait(125)
+ compare(valueSpy.count, 0)
+ mouseRelease(control.up.indicator, -1, -1)
+ verify(!control.up.pressed)
+ }
+ function test_initialValue() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase, {from: 1000, to: 10000})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.value, 1000)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: sizeBox
+ SpinBox {
+ from: 0
+ to: items.length - 1
+ property var items: ["Small", "Medium", "Large"]
+ validator: RegularExpressionValidator {
+ regularExpression: new RegExp("(Small|Medium|Large)", "i")
+ }
+ textFromValue: function(value) {
+ return items[value];
+ }
+ valueFromText: function(text) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
+ if (items[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(text.toLowerCase()) === 0)
+ return i
+ }
+ return sb.value
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_textFromValue_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "default", component: spinBox, values: [0, 10, 99], displayTexts: ["0", "10", "99"] },
+ { tag: "custom", component: sizeBox, values: [0, 1, 2], displayTexts: ["Small", "Medium", "Large"] }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_textFromValue(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(data.component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.values.length; ++i) {
+ control.value = data.values[i]
+ compare(control.value, data.values[i])
+ compare(control.displayText, data.displayTexts[i])
+ }
+ }
+ function test_callDefaultTextFromValue() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.textFromValue(123, control.locale), "123")
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: overriddenSpinBox
+ SpinBox {
+ value: 50
+ up.indicator: Rectangle {
+ property string s: "this is the one"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_indicatorOverridden() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(overriddenSpinBox, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.up.indicator.s, "this is the one");
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: overriddenSpinBoxWithIds
+ SpinBox {
+ value: 50
+ up.indicator: Rectangle {
+ id: uhOh1
+ property string s: "up"
+ }
+ down.indicator: Rectangle {
+ id: uhOh2
+ property string s: "down"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_indicatorOverriddenWithIds() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(overriddenSpinBoxWithIds, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ // TODO: Use failOnWarning() here when it has been implemented
+ // Specifying an id will result in both the default indicator implementations
+ // and the custom ones being created, but it shouldn't result in any TypeErrors.
+ compare(control.up.indicator.s, "up");
+ compare(control.down.indicator.s, "down");
+ }
+ function test_valueEnterFromOutsideRange() {
+ // Check that changing from 2 to 99 goes to 98 then changing to 99 puts it back to 98
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(spinBox, testCase, {from: 2, to: 98, value: 2, editable: true})
+ verify(control)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Backspace)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Backspace)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_9)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_9)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Return)
+ compare(control.value, 98)
+ compare(control.displayText, "98")
+ compare(control.contentItem.text, "98")
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Backspace)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_9)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Return)
+ compare(control.value, 98)
+ compare(control.displayText, "98")
+ compare(control.contentItem.text, "98")
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_splitview.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_splitview.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37d05d1130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_splitview.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,2584 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtCore
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtQuick.Window
+import QtTest
+import Qt.test.controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "SplitView"
+ function initTestCase() {
+ // For the serialization tests.
+ Qt.application.name = "qtquickcontrols-splitview-auto-test"
+ Qt.application.domain = "org.qt-project"
+ Qt.application.organization = "QtProject"
+ }
+ function findHandles(splitView) {
+ var handles = []
+ for (var i = 0; i < splitView.children.length; ++i) {
+ var child = splitView.children[i]
+ if (child.objectName.toLowerCase().indexOf("handle") !== -1)
+ handles.push(child)
+ }
+ return handles
+ }
+ function compareSizes(control, expectedGeometries, context) {
+ if (context === undefined)
+ context = ""
+ else
+ context = " (" + context + ")"
+ compare(control.count, Math.floor(expectedGeometries.length / 2) + 1,
+ "Mismatch in actual vs expected number of split items" + context)
+ var handles = findHandles(control)
+ compare(handles.length, Math.floor(expectedGeometries.length / 2),
+ "Mismatch in actual vs expected number of handle items" + context)
+ for (var i = 0, splitItemIndex = 0, handleItemIndex = 0; i < expectedGeometries.length; ++i) {
+ var item = null
+ var itemType = ""
+ var typeSpecificIndex = -1
+ if (i % 2 == 0) {
+ item = control.itemAt(splitItemIndex)
+ itemType = "split item"
+ typeSpecificIndex = splitItemIndex
+ ++splitItemIndex
+ } else {
+ item = handles[handleItemIndex]
+ itemType = "handle item"
+ typeSpecificIndex = handleItemIndex
+ ++handleItemIndex
+ }
+ verify(item, itemType + " at index " + typeSpecificIndex + " should not be null" + context)
+ var expectedGeometry = expectedGeometries[i]
+ if (expectedGeometry.hasOwnProperty("hidden")) {
+ // It's geometry doesn't matter because it's hidden.
+ verify(!item.visible, itemType + " at index " + typeSpecificIndex + " should be hidden" + context)
+ continue
+ }
+ // Note that the indices mentioned here account for handles; they do not
+ // match the indices reported by QQuickSplitView's logging categories.
+ compare(item.x, expectedGeometry.x, "Mismatch in actual vs expected x value of "
+ + itemType + " at index " + typeSpecificIndex + context)
+ compare(item.y, expectedGeometry.y, "Mismatch in actual vs expected y value of "
+ + itemType + " at index " + typeSpecificIndex + context)
+ compare(item.width, expectedGeometry.width, "Mismatch in actual vs expected width value of "
+ + itemType + " at index " + typeSpecificIndex + context)
+ compare(item.height, expectedGeometry.height, "Mismatch in actual vs expected height value of "
+ + itemType + " at index " + typeSpecificIndex + context)
+ }
+ }
+ property real defaultHorizontalHandleWidth: 10
+ property real defaultVerticalHandleHeight: 10
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpyComponent
+ SignalSpy {}
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: handleComponent
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "handle"
+ implicitWidth: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth
+ implicitHeight: defaultVerticalHandleHeight
+ color: "#444"
+ Text {
+ objectName: "handleText_" + text
+ text: parent.x + "," + parent.y + " " + parent.width + "x" + parent.height
+ color: "white"
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ rotation: 90
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: defaultSplitView
+ SplitView {}
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: splitViewComponent
+ SplitView {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ handle: handleComponent
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: rectangleComponent
+ Rectangle {}
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(defaultSplitView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_addItemsAfterCompletion() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(splitViewComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var item0 = rectangleComponent.createObject(control, { implicitWidth: 25, color: "salmon" })
+ verify(item0)
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ // The last item fills the width by default, and since there is only one item...
+ compare(item0.x, 0)
+ compare(item0.y, 0)
+ compare(item0.width, testCase.width)
+ compare(item0.height, testCase.height)
+ var item1 = rectangleComponent.createObject(control, { implicitWidth: 25, color: "steelblue" })
+ verify(item1)
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ // Now that a second item has been added, the first item goes back to its preferred (implicit) width.
+ compare(item0.x, 0)
+ compare(item0.y, 0)
+ compare(item0.width, item0.implicitWidth)
+ compare(item0.height, testCase.height)
+ var handles = findHandles(control)
+ var handle0 = handles[0]
+ compare(handle0.x, item0.implicitWidth)
+ compare(handle0.y, 0)
+ compare(handle0.width, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle0.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(item1.x, item0.implicitWidth + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(item1.y, 0)
+ compare(item1.width, testCase.width - item0.implicitWidth - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(item1.height, testCase.height)
+ }
+ function test_addItemsWithNoSizeAfterCompletion() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(splitViewComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var item0 = rectangleComponent.createObject(control, { color: "salmon" })
+ verify(item0)
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compare(item0.x, 0)
+ compare(item0.y, 0)
+ compare(item0.width, testCase.width)
+ compare(item0.height, testCase.height)
+ var item1 = rectangleComponent.createObject(control, { color: "steelblue" })
+ verify(item1)
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compare(item0.x, 0)
+ compare(item0.y, 0)
+ compare(item0.width, 0)
+ compare(item0.height, testCase.height)
+ var handles = findHandles(control)
+ var handle0 = handles[0]
+ compare(handle0.x, 0)
+ compare(handle0.y, 0)
+ compare(handle0.width, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle0.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(item1.x, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(item1.y, 0)
+ compare(item1.width, testCase.width - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(item1.height, testCase.height)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: threeZeroSizedItemsComponent
+ SplitView {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ handle: handleComponent
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "salmon"
+ color: objectName
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "navajowhite"
+ color: objectName
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "steelblue"
+ color: objectName
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_changeAttachedPropertiesAfterCompletion() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(threeZeroSizedItemsComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var item0 = control.itemAt(0)
+ compare(item0.x, 0)
+ compare(item0.y, 0)
+ compare(item0.width, 0)
+ compare(item0.height, testCase.height)
+ var handles = findHandles(control)
+ var handle0 = handles[0]
+ compare(handle0.x, 0)
+ compare(handle0.y, 0)
+ compare(handle0.width, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle0.height, testCase.height)
+ var item1 = control.itemAt(1)
+ compare(item1.x, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(item1.y, 0)
+ compare(item1.width, 0)
+ compare(item1.height, testCase.height)
+ var handle1 = handles[1]
+ compare(handle1.x, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle1.y, 0)
+ compare(handle1.width, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle1.height, testCase.height)
+ var item2 = control.itemAt(2)
+ compare(item2.x, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2)
+ compare(item2.y, 0)
+ compare(item2.width, testCase.width - item2.x)
+ compare(item2.height, testCase.height)
+ item0.SplitView.preferredWidth = 25
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compare(item0.x, 0)
+ compare(item0.y, 0)
+ compare(item0.width, 25)
+ compare(item0.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(handle0.x, item0.width)
+ compare(handle0.y, 0)
+ compare(handle0.width, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle0.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(item1.x, 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(item1.y, 0)
+ compare(item1.width, 0)
+ compare(item1.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(handle1.x, item1.x + item1.width)
+ compare(handle1.y, 0)
+ compare(handle1.width, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle1.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(item2.x, item1.x + item1.width + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(item2.y, 0)
+ compare(item2.width, testCase.width - item2.x)
+ compare(item2.height, testCase.height)
+ item0.SplitView.minimumWidth = 50
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compare(item0.x, 0)
+ compare(item0.y, 0)
+ compare(item0.width, 50)
+ compare(item0.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(handle0.x, item0.width)
+ compare(handle0.y, 0)
+ compare(handle0.width, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle0.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(item1.x, 50 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(item1.y, 0)
+ compare(item1.width, 0)
+ compare(item1.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(handle1.x, item1.x + item1.width)
+ compare(handle1.y, 0)
+ compare(handle1.width, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle1.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(item2.x, item1.x + item1.width + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(item2.y, 0)
+ compare(item2.width, testCase.width - item2.x)
+ compare(item2.height, testCase.height)
+ item0.SplitView.preferredWidth = 100
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compare(item0.x, 0)
+ compare(item0.y, 0)
+ compare(item0.width, 100)
+ compare(item0.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(handle0.x, item0.width)
+ compare(handle0.y, 0)
+ compare(handle0.width, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle0.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(item1.x, 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(item1.y, 0)
+ compare(item1.width, 0)
+ compare(item1.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(handle1.x, item1.x + item1.width)
+ compare(handle1.y, 0)
+ compare(handle1.width, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle1.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(item2.x, item1.x + item1.width + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(item2.y, 0)
+ compare(item2.width, testCase.width - item2.x)
+ compare(item2.height, testCase.height)
+ item0.SplitView.maximumWidth = 75
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compare(item0.x, 0)
+ compare(item0.y, 0)
+ compare(item0.width, 75)
+ compare(item0.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(handle0.x, item0.width)
+ compare(handle0.y, 0)
+ compare(handle0.width, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle0.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(item1.x, 75 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(item1.y, 0)
+ compare(item1.width, 0)
+ compare(item1.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(handle1.x, item1.x + item1.width)
+ compare(handle1.y, 0)
+ compare(handle1.width, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle1.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(item2.x, item1.x + item1.width + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(item2.y, 0)
+ compare(item2.width, testCase.width - item2.x)
+ compare(item2.height, testCase.height)
+ item1.SplitView.fillWidth = true
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compare(item0.x, 0)
+ compare(item0.y, 0)
+ compare(item0.width, 75)
+ compare(item0.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(handle0.x, item0.width)
+ compare(handle0.y, 0)
+ compare(handle0.width, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle0.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(item1.x, 75 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(item1.y, 0)
+ compare(item1.width, testCase.width - 75 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2)
+ compare(item1.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(handle1.x, item1.x + item1.width)
+ compare(handle1.y, 0)
+ compare(handle1.width, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle1.height, testCase.height)
+ compare(item2.x, testCase.width)
+ compare(item2.y, 0)
+ compare(item2.width, 0)
+ compare(item2.height, testCase.height)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: itemComponent
+ Item {}
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: objectComponent
+ QtObject {}
+ }
+ function test_useAttachedPropertiesIncorrectly_data() {
+ var properties = [ "fillWidth", "fillHeight", "minimumWidth", "minimumHeight",
+ "preferredWidth", "preferredHeight", "maximumWidth", "maximumHeight" ]
+ var data = []
+ for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; ++i) {
+ var property = properties[i]
+ data.push({ tag: "Item," + property, component: itemComponent, property: property,
+ expectedWarning: /.*SplitView: attached properties must be accessed through a direct child of SplitView/ })
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < properties.length; ++i) {
+ property = properties[i]
+ data.push({ tag: "QtObject," + property, component: objectComponent, property: property,
+ expectedWarning: /.*SplitView: attached properties can only be used on Items/ })
+ }
+ return data
+ }
+ function test_useAttachedPropertiesIncorrectly(data) {
+ // The object (whatever it may be) is not managed by a SplitView.
+ var object = createTemporaryObject(data.component, testCase, { objectName: data.tag })
+ verify(object)
+ ignoreWarning(data.expectedWarning)
+ // Should warn, but not crash.
+ object.SplitView[data.property] = 1;
+ }
+ function test_sizes_data() {
+ var splitViewWidth = testCase.width
+ var splitViewHeight = testCase.height
+ var data = [
+ {
+ // When the combined size of items is too large, the non-fill items should just exceed
+ // the size of the SplitView, exactly as they would were they in a RowLayout, for example.
+ tag: "fillItemOnLeft",
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ // We're the fill item, but since the combined implicitWidths
+ // of the other two items take up all the space, we get none.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // First handle.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // The second item does not fill, so its width should be unchanged.
+ { x: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 200, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // Second handle.
+ { x: 200 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight },
+ // The third item also gets its implicitWidth.
+ { x: 200 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0, width: 200, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ // Same as above except vertical.
+ tag: "fillItemOnTop",
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ // We're the fill item, but since the combined implicitHeights
+ // of the other two items take up all the space, we get none.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: 0 },
+ // First handle.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ // The second item does not fill, so its height should be unchanged.
+ { x: 0, y: defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth, height: 200 },
+ // Second handle.
+ { x: 0, y: 200 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ // The third item also gets its implicitHeight.
+ { x: 0, y: 200 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2, width: splitViewWidth, height: 200 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "fillItemInMiddle",
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ // Our size is fixed.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // First handle.
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // The second item fills.
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 25 - 200 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // Second handle.
+ { x: splitViewWidth - 200 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0,
+ width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // The third item's size is also fixed.
+ { x: splitViewWidth - 200, y: 0, width: 200, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ return data
+ }
+ function test_sizes(data) {
+ var component = Qt.createComponent("splitview/" + data.tag + ".qml")
+ compare(component.status, Component.Ready, component.errorString());
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase, { "handle": handleComponent })
+ verify(control)
+ compareSizes(control, data.expectedGeometries)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: threeSizedItemsComponent
+ SplitView {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ handle: handleComponent
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "salmon"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 25
+ implicitHeight: 25
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "navajowhite"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 100
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "steelblue"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 200
+ implicitHeight: 200
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_resetAttachedProperties_data() {
+ var splitViewWidth = testCase.width
+ var splitViewHeight = testCase.height
+ var data = [
+ {
+ tag: "resetMinimumWidth",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ // Set the minimumWidth to 50. It should be used instead of implicitWidth since it's greater than 25.
+ splitItemIndex: 0,
+ propertyName: "minimumWidth",
+ propertyValue: 50,
+ expectedGeometriesBefore: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 50, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 50 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 50 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 50 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 50 - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ],
+ // minimumWidth is now undefined, so implicitWidth should be used instead.
+ expectedGeometriesAfter: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 25 - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "resetMinimumHeight",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ // Set the minimumHeight to 50. It should be used instead of implicitHeight since it's greater than 25.
+ splitItemIndex: 0,
+ propertyName: "minimumHeight",
+ propertyValue: 50,
+ expectedGeometriesBefore: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: 50 },
+ { x: 0, y: 50, width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 50 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ { x: 0, y: 50 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 50 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight - 50 - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2 }
+ ],
+ // preferredHeight is now undefined, so implicitHeight should be used instead.
+ expectedGeometriesAfter: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: 25 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25, width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight - 25 - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "resetPreferredWidth",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ // Set the preferredWidth to 50; it should be used instead of implicitWidth.
+ splitItemIndex: 0,
+ propertyName: "preferredWidth",
+ propertyValue: 50,
+ expectedGeometriesBefore: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 50, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 50 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 50 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 50 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 50 - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ],
+ // preferredWidth is now undefined, so implicitWidth should be used instead.
+ expectedGeometriesAfter: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 25 - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "resetPreferredHeight",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ // Set the preferredHeight to 50; it should be used instead of implicitHeight.
+ splitItemIndex: 0,
+ propertyName: "preferredHeight",
+ propertyValue: 50,
+ expectedGeometriesBefore: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: 50 },
+ { x: 0, y: 50, width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 50 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ { x: 0, y: 50 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 50 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight - 50 - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2 }
+ ],
+ // preferredHeight is now undefined, so implicitHeight should be used instead.
+ expectedGeometriesAfter: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: 25 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25, width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight - 25 - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "resetMaximumWidth",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ // Set the maximumWidth to 15. It should be used instead of implicitWidth since it's less than 25.
+ splitItemIndex: 0,
+ propertyName: "maximumWidth",
+ propertyValue: 15,
+ expectedGeometriesBefore: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 15, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 15, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 15 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 15 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 15 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 15 - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ],
+ // maximumWidth is now undefined, so implicitWidth should be used instead.
+ expectedGeometriesAfter: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 25 - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "resetMaximumHeight",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ // Set the preferredHeight to 15. It should be used instead of implicitHeight if it's not undefined.
+ splitItemIndex: 0,
+ propertyName: "maximumHeight",
+ propertyValue: 15,
+ expectedGeometriesBefore: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: 15 },
+ { x: 0, y: 15, width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 15 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ { x: 0, y: 15 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 15 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight - 15 - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2 }
+ ],
+ // preferredHeight is now undefined, so implicitHeight should be used instead.
+ expectedGeometriesAfter: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: 25 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25, width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight - 25 - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2 }
+ ]
+ },
+ ]
+ return data;
+ }
+ function test_resetAttachedProperties(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(threeSizedItemsComponent, testCase,
+ { "orientation": data.orientation })
+ verify(control)
+ var splitItem = control.itemAt(data.splitItemIndex)
+ splitItem.SplitView[data.propertyName] = data.propertyValue
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compareSizes(control, data.expectedGeometriesBefore, "after setting attached property")
+ splitItem.SplitView[data.propertyName] = undefined
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compareSizes(control, data.expectedGeometriesAfter, "after resetting attached property")
+ }
+ function test_orientation() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(threeSizedItemsComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var item0 = control.itemAt(0)
+ compare(item0.x, 0)
+ compare(item0.y, 0)
+ compare(item0.width, item0.implicitWidth)
+ compare(item0.height, testCase.height)
+ var handles = findHandles(control)
+ var handle0 = handles[0]
+ compare(handle0.x, item0.implicitWidth)
+ compare(handle0.y, 0)
+ compare(handle0.width, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle0.height, testCase.height)
+ var item1 = control.itemAt(1)
+ compare(item1.x, item0.width + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(item1.y, 0)
+ compare(item1.width, item1.implicitWidth)
+ compare(item1.height, testCase.height)
+ var handle1 = handles[1]
+ compare(handle1.x, item1.x + item1.width)
+ compare(handle1.y, 0)
+ compare(handle1.width, defaultHorizontalHandleWidth)
+ compare(handle1.height, testCase.height)
+ var item2 = control.itemAt(2)
+ compare(item2.x, item0.width + item1.width + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2)
+ compare(item2.y, 0)
+ compare(item2.width, testCase.width - item2.x)
+ compare(item2.height, testCase.height)
+ control.orientation = Qt.Vertical
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compare(item0.x, 0)
+ compare(item0.y, 0)
+ compare(item0.width, testCase.width)
+ compare(item0.height, item0.implicitHeight)
+ handles = findHandles(control)
+ handle0 = handles[0]
+ compare(handle0.x, 0)
+ compare(handle0.y, item0.implicitHeight)
+ compare(handle0.width, testCase.width)
+ compare(handle0.height, defaultVerticalHandleHeight)
+ compare(item1.x, 0)
+ compare(item1.y, item0.height + defaultVerticalHandleHeight)
+ compare(item1.width, testCase.width)
+ compare(item1.height, item1.implicitHeight)
+ handle1 = handles[1]
+ compare(handle1.x, 0)
+ compare(handle1.y, item1.y + item1.height)
+ compare(handle1.width, testCase.width)
+ compare(handle1.height, defaultVerticalHandleHeight)
+ compare(item2.x, 0)
+ compare(item2.y, item0.height + item1.height + defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2)
+ compare(item2.width, testCase.width)
+ compare(item2.height, testCase.height - item2.y)
+ }
+ readonly property int splitViewMargins: 50
+ Component {
+ id: threeItemsMinSizeAndFillComponent
+ SplitView {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ handle: handleComponent
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "salmon"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 25
+ implicitHeight: 25
+ SplitView.minimumWidth: 25
+ SplitView.minimumHeight: 25
+ SplitView.fillWidth: true
+ SplitView.fillHeight: true
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "navajowhite"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 100
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "steelblue"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 200
+ implicitHeight: 200
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: repeaterSplitViewComponent
+ SplitView {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ handle: handleComponent
+ property alias repeater: repeater
+ Repeater {
+ id: repeater
+ model: 3
+ delegate: Rectangle {
+ objectName: "rectDelegate" + index
+ SplitView.preferredWidth: 25
+ color: "#aaff0000"
+ Text {
+ text: parent.x + "," + parent.y + " " + parent.width + "x" + parent.height
+ color: "white"
+ rotation: 90
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: hiddenItemSplitViewComponent
+ SplitView {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ handle: handleComponent
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "steelblue"
+ color: objectName
+ SplitView.minimumWidth: 50
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "tomato"
+ color: objectName
+ SplitView.fillWidth: true
+ SplitView.preferredWidth: 200
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "navajowhite"
+ color: objectName
+ visible: false
+ SplitView.minimumWidth: visible ? 100 : 0
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "mediumseagreen"
+ color: objectName
+ SplitView.minimumWidth: 50
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_dragHandle_data() {
+ var splitViewWidth = testCase.width - splitViewMargins * 2
+ var splitViewHeight = testCase.height - splitViewMargins * 2
+ var data = [
+ {
+ tag: "fillThirdItemAndDragFirstHandlePastRightSide",
+ component: threeSizedItemsComponent,
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ // The index of the item that will fill.
+ fillIndex: 2,
+ // The index of the handle to be dragged.
+ handleIndex: 0,
+ // The position where the center of the handle will be.
+ newHandlePos: Qt.point(testCase.width + 20, testCase.height / 2),
+ // The expected geometry of each item managed by the SplitView before dragging the handle.
+ expectedGeometriesBeforeDrag: [
+ // First item.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // First handle.
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // Second item.
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // Second handle.
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // Third item (fills).
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 25 - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ],
+ // The expected geometry of each item managed by the SplitView after dragging the handle.
+ expectedGeometriesAfterDrag: [
+ // The fill item is to the right of the handle at index 0, so the handle belongs
+ // to the left item: us. We should consume all of the fill item's width.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2,
+ height: splitViewHeight },
+ // First handle.
+ { x: splitViewWidth - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2 - 100,
+ y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // The second item does not fill, so its width should be unchanged.
+ { x: splitViewWidth - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth,
+ y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // Second handle.
+ { x: splitViewWidth - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth,
+ y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // The last item does fill, so it should lose all of its width.
+ { x: splitViewWidth, y: 0, width: 0, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "fillThirdItemAndDragFirstHandlePastBottomSide",
+ component: threeSizedItemsComponent,
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ fillIndex: 2,
+ handleIndex: 0,
+ newHandlePos: Qt.point(testCase.width / 2, testCase.height + 20),
+ expectedGeometriesBeforeDrag: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: 25 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25, width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2,
+ width: splitViewWidth, height: splitViewHeight - 25 - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2 }
+ ],
+ // The expected geometry of each item managed by the SplitView after dragging the handle.
+ expectedGeometriesAfterDrag: [
+ // The fill item is to the bottom of the handle at index 0, so the handle belongs
+ // to the top item: us. We should consume all of the fill item's width.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2 },
+ // First handle.
+ { x: 0, y: splitViewHeight - defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2 - 100,
+ width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ // The second item does not fill, so its height should be unchanged.
+ { x: 0, y: splitViewWidth - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight,
+ width: splitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ // Second handle.
+ { x: 0, y: splitViewHeight - defaultVerticalHandleHeight,
+ width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ // The last item does fill, so it should lose all of its width.
+ { x: 0, y: splitViewHeight, width: splitViewWidth, height: 0 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "fillThirdItemAndDragSecondHandlePastLeftSide",
+ component: threeSizedItemsComponent,
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ fillIndex: 2,
+ handleIndex: 1,
+ newHandlePos: Qt.point(-20, testCase.height / 2),
+ expectedGeometriesBeforeDrag: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 25 - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ],
+ expectedGeometriesAfterDrag: [
+ // The fill item is to the right of the handle at index 1, so the handle belongs
+ // to the second item; our width should be unchanged.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // First handle.
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // The second item is the one being resized, and since we're dragging its handle
+ // to the left, its width should decrease.
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 0, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // Second handle.
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight },
+ // The last item fills, so it should get the second item's lost width.
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 25 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "fillThirdItemAndDragSecondHandlePastTopSide",
+ component: threeSizedItemsComponent,
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ fillIndex: 2,
+ handleIndex: 1,
+ newHandlePos: Qt.point(testCase.width / 2, -20),
+ expectedGeometriesBeforeDrag: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: 25 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25, width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2,
+ width: splitViewWidth, height: splitViewHeight - 25 - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2 }
+ ],
+ expectedGeometriesAfterDrag: [
+ // The fill item is to the bottom of the handle at index 1, so the handle belongs
+ // to the second item; our height should be unchanged.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: 25 },
+ // First handle.
+ { x: 0, y: 25, width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ // The second item is the one being resized, and since we're dragging its handle
+ // to the top, its height should decrease.
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth, height: 0 },
+ // Second handle.
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ // The last item fills, so it should get the second item's lost height.
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2,
+ width: splitViewWidth, height: splitViewHeight - 25 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ // First item should start off empty and then eventually take up all of 3rd item's space
+ // as the handle is dragged past the right side.
+ tag: "fillFirstItemAndDragSecondHandlePastRightSide",
+ component: threeSizedItemsComponent,
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ fillIndex: 0,
+ handleIndex: 1,
+ newHandlePos: Qt.point(testCase.width + 20, testCase.height / 2),
+ expectedGeometriesBeforeDrag: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0, width: 200, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ],
+ expectedGeometriesAfterDrag: [
+ // The fill item is to the left of the handle at index 1, so the handle belongs
+ // to the third item. Since we're moving the handle to the right side of the
+ // SplitView, our width should grow as we consume the width of the third item.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // First handle.
+ { x: splitViewWidth - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // The second item's width remains unchanged.
+ { x: splitViewWidth - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // Second handle.
+ { x: splitViewWidth - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0,
+ width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // The last item loses its width.
+ { x: splitViewWidth, y: 0, width: 0, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ // First item should start off empty and then eventually take up all of 3rd item's space
+ // as the handle is dragged past the bottom side.
+ tag: "fillFirstItemAndDragSecondHandlePastBottomSide",
+ component: threeSizedItemsComponent,
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ fillIndex: 0,
+ handleIndex: 1,
+ newHandlePos: Qt.point(testCase.width / 2, testCase.height + 20),
+ expectedGeometriesBeforeDrag: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: 0 },
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ { x: 0, y: 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2, width: splitViewWidth, height: 200 }
+ ],
+ expectedGeometriesAfterDrag: [
+ // The fill item is to the top of the handle at index 1, so the handle belongs
+ // to the third item. Since we're moving the handle to the bottom side of the
+ // SplitView, our height should grow as we consume the height of the third item.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: splitViewHeight - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2 },
+ // First handle.
+ { x: 0, y: splitViewHeight - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2,
+ width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ // The second item's width remains unchanged.
+ { x: 0, y: splitViewHeight - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: splitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ // Second handle.
+ { x: 0, y: splitViewHeight - defaultVerticalHandleHeight,
+ width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ // The last item loses its width.
+ { x: 0, y: splitViewHeight, width: splitViewHeight, height: 0 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "fillFirstItemAndDragFirstHandlePastLeftSide",
+ component: threeSizedItemsComponent,
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ fillIndex: 0,
+ handleIndex: 0,
+ newHandlePos: Qt.point(-20, testCase.height / 2),
+ expectedGeometriesBeforeDrag: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // The second item's implicitWidth is 100, and ours is 200. The available width is 300,
+ // so both items get their implicit widths.
+ { x: 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth - 100, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ],
+ // Should be unchanged.
+ expectedGeometriesAfterDrag: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth - 100, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "fillFirstItemWithMinWidthAndDragFirstHandlePastLeftSide",
+ component: threeItemsMinSizeAndFillComponent,
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ fillIndex: 0,
+ handleIndex: 0,
+ newHandlePos: Qt.point(-20, testCase.height / 2),
+ expectedGeometriesBeforeDrag: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth - 100, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ],
+ // Should be unchanged.
+ expectedGeometriesAfterDrag: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth - 100, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "repeater",
+ component: repeaterSplitViewComponent,
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ fillIndex: 2,
+ handleIndex: 1,
+ newHandlePos: Qt.point(200, testCase.height / 2),
+ expectedGeometriesBeforeDrag: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 * 2 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 * 2 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth - 70 , height: splitViewHeight }
+ ],
+ expectedGeometriesAfterDrag: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 105, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 140, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 150, y: 0, width: 150, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "hiddenItemSplitViewComponent",
+ // [50] | [200 (fill)] | [hidden] | [50]
+ component: hiddenItemSplitViewComponent,
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ fillIndex: 1,
+ handleIndex: 1,
+ // Drag to the horizontal centre of the SplitView.
+ newHandlePos: Qt.point(splitViewMargins + 150, testCase.height / 2),
+ expectedGeometriesBeforeDrag: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 50, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 50 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 200 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 250 - (defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2) + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { hidden: true }, // Third item should be hidden.
+ { hidden: true }, // Handle for third item should be hidden.
+ { x: 250 - (defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2) + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0, width: 50, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ],
+ expectedGeometriesAfterDrag: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 50, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // Width of the fill item should end up smaller.
+ { x: 50 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 150 - (defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2) + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { hidden: true }, // Third item should be hidden.
+ { hidden: true }, // Handle for third item should be hidden.
+ // Width of the last item should grow.
+ { x: 150 - (defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2) + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0, width: 150, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ return data
+ }
+ function test_dragHandle(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(data.component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.orientation = data.orientation
+ // Ensure that there is space to drag outside of the SplitView.
+ control.anchors.margins = splitViewMargins
+ var fillItem = control.itemAt(data.fillIndex)
+ if (control.orientation === Qt.Horizontal)
+ fillItem.SplitView.fillWidth = true
+ else
+ fillItem.SplitView.fillHeight = true
+ // Check the sizes (and visibility) of the items before the drag.
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compareSizes(control, data.expectedGeometriesBeforeDrag, "before drag")
+ // Drag the handle.
+ var handles = findHandles(control)
+ var targetHandle = handles[data.handleIndex]
+ verify(targetHandle.visible)
+ mousePress(targetHandle)
+ verify(control.resizing)
+ // newHandlePos is in scene coordinates, so map it to coordinates local to the handle.
+ var localPos = testCase.mapToItem(targetHandle, data.newHandlePos.x, data.newHandlePos.y)
+ mouseMove(targetHandle, localPos.x - targetHandle.width / 2, localPos.y - targetHandle.height / 2)
+ verify(control.resizing)
+ compareSizes(control, data.expectedGeometriesAfterDrag, "after drag move")
+ // The geometries should remain unchanged after releasing.
+ mouseRelease(targetHandle, localPos.x - targetHandle.width / 2, localPos.y - targetHandle.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ verify(!control.resizing)
+ compareSizes(control, data.expectedGeometriesAfterDrag, "after drag release")
+ }
+ function test_splitViewGeometryChanges_data() {
+ var defaultSplitViewWidth = testCase.width
+ var defaultSplitViewHeight = testCase.height
+ var data = [
+ {
+ tag: "growWidth",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ splitViewWidth: 800,
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: defaultSplitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: defaultSplitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: defaultSplitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth,
+ height: defaultSplitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: 800 - 25 - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: defaultSplitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ // Same as above except vertical.
+ tag: "growHeight",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ splitViewHeight: 800,
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: defaultSplitViewWidth, height: 25 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25, width: defaultSplitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: defaultSplitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: defaultSplitViewWidth,
+ height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2, width: defaultSplitViewWidth,
+ height: 800 - 25 - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "shrinkWidth",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ splitViewWidth: 200,
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: defaultSplitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: defaultSplitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: defaultSplitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth,
+ height: defaultSplitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: 200 - 25 - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: defaultSplitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ // Same as above except vertical.
+ tag: "shrinkHeight",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ splitViewHeight: 200,
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: defaultSplitViewWidth, height: 25 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25, width: defaultSplitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: defaultSplitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: defaultSplitViewWidth,
+ height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2, width: defaultSplitViewWidth,
+ height: 200 - 25 - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2 }
+ ]
+ },
+ ]
+ return data
+ }
+ function test_splitViewGeometryChanges(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(threeSizedItemsComponent, testCase,
+ { "handle": handleComponent, "anchors.fill": undefined, "orientation": data.orientation })
+ verify(control)
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty("splitViewWidth"))
+ control.width = data.splitViewWidth
+ else
+ control.width = testCase.width
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty("splitViewHeight"))
+ control.height = data.splitViewHeight
+ else
+ control.height = testCase.height
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compareSizes(control, data.expectedGeometries)
+ }
+ function test_splitItemImplicitSizeChanges_data() {
+ var defaultSplitViewWidth = testCase.width
+ var defaultSplitViewHeight = testCase.height
+ var data = [
+ {
+ tag: "growImplicitWidth",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ splitItemImplicitWidth: 50,
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: defaultSplitViewHeight },
+ { x: 50, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: defaultSplitViewHeight },
+ { x: 50 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: defaultSplitViewHeight },
+ { x: 50 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth,
+ height: defaultSplitViewHeight },
+ { x: 50 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: defaultSplitViewWidth - 50 - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: defaultSplitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "growImplicitHeight",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ splitItemImplicitHeight: 50,
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: defaultSplitViewWidth, height: 50 },
+ { x: 0, y: 50, width: defaultSplitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 50 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: defaultSplitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ { x: 0, y: 50 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight, width: defaultSplitViewWidth,
+ height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 50 + 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2, width: defaultSplitViewWidth,
+ height: defaultSplitViewHeight - 50 - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight * 2 }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ return data
+ }
+ // Tests that implicitWidth/Height changes in items are noticed by SplitView.
+ function test_splitItemImplicitSizeChanges(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(threeSizedItemsComponent, testCase,
+ { "handle": handleComponent, "orientation": data.orientation })
+ verify(control)
+ var firstItem = control.itemAt(0)
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty("splitItemImplicitWidth"))
+ firstItem.implicitWidth = data.splitItemImplicitWidth
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty("splitItemImplicitHeight"))
+ firstItem.implicitHeight = data.splitItemImplicitHeight
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compareSizes(control, data.expectedGeometries)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: largerHandle
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "largerHandle"
+ implicitWidth: 20
+ implicitHeight: 20
+ color: "#444"
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: smallerHandle
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "smallerHandle"
+ implicitWidth: 5
+ implicitHeight: 5
+ color: "#444"
+ }
+ }
+ function test_handleChanges_data() {
+ var splitViewWidth = testCase.width
+ var splitViewHeight = testCase.height
+ var data = [
+ {
+ tag: "growHandleWidth",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ handleComponent: largerHandle,
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: 20, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 20, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + 20, y: 0, width: 20, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + 20 * 2, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth - 25 - 100 - 20 * 2,
+ height: splitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ // Same as above except vertical.
+ tag: "growHandleHeight",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ handleComponent: largerHandle,
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: 25 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25, width: splitViewWidth, height: 20 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 20, width: splitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + 20, width: splitViewWidth, height: 20 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + 20 * 2, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight - 25 - 100 - 20 * 2 }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "shrinkHandleWidth",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ handleComponent: smallerHandle,
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: 5, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 5, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + 5, y: 0, width: 5, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + 5 * 2, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth - 25 - 100 - 5 * 2,
+ height: splitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ // Same as above except vertical.
+ tag: "shrinkHandleHeight",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ handleComponent: smallerHandle,
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: 25 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25, width: splitViewWidth, height: 5 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 5, width: splitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + 5, width: splitViewWidth, height: 5 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + 100 + 5 * 2, width: splitViewWidth,
+ height: splitViewHeight - 25 - 100 - 5 * 2 }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ return data
+ }
+ function test_handleChanges(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(threeSizedItemsComponent, testCase,
+ { "orientation": data.orientation })
+ verify(control)
+ control.handle = data.handleComponent
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compareSizes(control, data.expectedGeometries)
+ }
+ function test_insertRemoveItems_data() {
+ var splitViewWidth = testCase.width
+ var splitViewHeight = testCase.height
+ var data = [
+ {
+ tag: "insertItemAtHorizontalEnd",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ insertItemAtIndex: 3,
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0,
+ width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // This was the fill item originally, but since no fill item is explicitly
+ // specified, and we added an item to the right of it, it is no longer the fill item
+ // because it's no longer last.
+ { x: 25 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: 200, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // Handle for newly added item.
+ { x: 25 + 100 + 200 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // Newly added item.
+ { x: 25 + 100 + 200 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 3, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 25 - 100 - 200 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 3,
+ height: splitViewHeight },
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "insertItemAtHorizontalBeginning",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ insertItemAtIndex: 0,
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ // Newly added item.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 * 2 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0,
+ width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 * 2 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 * 2 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // Fill item doesn't change.
+ { x: 25 * 2 + 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 3, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 25 * 2 - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 3,
+ height: splitViewHeight },
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "removeItemFromHorizontalEnd",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ removeItemAtIndex: 2,
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 25 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "removeItemFromHorizontalBeginning",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ removeItemAtIndex: 0,
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 100, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ return data
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: smallRectComponent
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "darkseagreen"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 25
+ implicitHeight: 25
+ }
+ }
+ function test_insertRemoveItems(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(threeSizedItemsComponent, testCase,
+ { "orientation": data.orientation })
+ verify(control)
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty("removeItemAtIndex")) {
+ var itemToRemove = control.itemAt(data.removeItemAtIndex)
+ verify(itemToRemove)
+ control.removeItem(itemToRemove)
+ } else if (data.hasOwnProperty("insertItemAtIndex")) {
+ var itemToAdd = smallRectComponent.createObject(control)
+ control.insertItem(data.insertItemAtIndex, itemToAdd)
+ }
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compareSizes(control, data.expectedGeometries)
+ }
+ function test_removeAllItems() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(threeSizedItemsComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ while (control.count > 0)
+ var itemToRemove = control.removeItem(control.itemAt(0))
+ // Shouldn't crash.
+ }
+ function test_hideItems_data() {
+ var splitViewWidth = testCase.width
+ var splitViewHeight = testCase.height
+ var data = [
+ {
+ tag: "hideItemAtHorizontalEnd",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ hideIndices: [2],
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 25 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { hidden: true }, // Handle for second item should be hidden.
+ { hidden: true } // Last item should be hidden.
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "hideItemAtHorizontalBeginning",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ hideIndices: [0],
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { hidden: true }, // First item should be hidden.
+ { hidden: true }, // Handle for first item should be hidden.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 100, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 100 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "hideItemAtVerticalEnd",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ hideIndices: [2],
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: 25 },
+ { x: 0, y: 25, width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 25 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight,
+ width: splitViewWidth, height: splitViewHeight - 25 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { hidden: true }, // Handle for second item should be hidden.
+ { hidden: true } // Last item should be hidden.
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "hideItemAtVerticalBeginning",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ hideIndices: [0],
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { hidden: true }, // First item should be hidden.
+ { hidden: true }, // Handle for first item should be hidden.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: 100 },
+ { x: 0, y: 100, width: splitViewWidth, height: defaultVerticalHandleHeight },
+ { x: 0, y: 100 + defaultVerticalHandleHeight,
+ width: splitViewWidth, height: splitViewHeight - 100 - defaultVerticalHandleHeight }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ // No handles should be visible when there's only one item.
+ tag: "hideLastTwoHorizontalItems",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ hideIndices: [1, 2],
+ expectedGeometries: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { hidden: true }, // Handle for first item should be hidden.
+ { hidden: true }, // Second item should be hidden.
+ { hidden: true }, // Handle for second item should be hidden.
+ { hidden: true } // Third item should be hidden.
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ return data
+ }
+ function test_hideItems(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(threeSizedItemsComponent, testCase,
+ { "orientation": data.orientation })
+ verify(control)
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.hideIndices.length; ++i) {
+ var itemToHide = control.itemAt(data.hideIndices[i])
+ verify(itemToHide)
+ itemToHide.visible = false
+ }
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compareSizes(control, data.expectedGeometries)
+ }
+ function test_hideAndShowItems_data() {
+ var splitViewWidth = testCase.width
+ var splitViewHeight = testCase.height
+ var data = [
+ {
+ tag: "hideLastTwoHorizontalItems",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ hideIndices: [1, 2],
+ expectedGeometriesAfterHiding: [
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: splitViewWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { hidden: true }, // Handle for first item should be hidden.
+ { hidden: true }, // Second item should be hidden.
+ { hidden: true }, // Handle for second item should be hidden.
+ { hidden: true } // Third item should be hidden.
+ ],
+ showIndices: [1],
+ expectedGeometriesAfterShowing: [
+ // First item should be visible with its implicit size.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // Handle for first item should be visible.
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // Second item should be visible and fill.
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 25 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { hidden: true }, // Handle for second item should be hidden.
+ { hidden: true } // Third item should be hidden.
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ return data
+ }
+ function test_hideAndShowItems(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(threeSizedItemsComponent, testCase,
+ { "orientation": data.orientation })
+ verify(control)
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.hideIndices.length; ++i) {
+ var itemToHide = control.itemAt(data.hideIndices[i])
+ verify(itemToHide)
+ itemToHide.visible = false
+ }
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compareSizes(control, data.expectedGeometriesAfterHiding, "after hiding")
+ for (i = 0; i < data.showIndices.length; ++i) {
+ var itemToShow = control.itemAt(data.showIndices[i])
+ verify(itemToShow)
+ itemToShow.visible = true
+ }
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compareSizes(control, data.expectedGeometriesAfterShowing, "after showing")
+ }
+ function test_moveHiddenItems_data() {
+ var splitViewWidth = testCase.width
+ var splitViewHeight = testCase.height
+ var data = [
+ {
+ tag: "hideSecondItemAndMoveItToFirst",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ hideIndices: [1],
+ moveFromIndex: 1,
+ moveToIndex: 0,
+ expectedGeometriesAfterMoving: [
+ { hidden: true }, // First item (was second) should be hidden.
+ { hidden: true }, // Handle for first item should be hidden.
+ // Second item (was first) should get its implicit size.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 25 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ ],
+ showIndices: [0],
+ expectedGeometriesAfterShowing: [
+ // First item (was second) should be visible with its implicit size.
+ { x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // Handle for first item (was second) should be visible.
+ { x: 100, y: 0, width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ // Second item (was first) should be visible with its implicit size.
+ { x: 100 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0,
+ width: 25, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 100 + 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, y: 0,
+ width: defaultHorizontalHandleWidth, height: splitViewHeight },
+ { x: 100 + 25 + defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, y: 0,
+ width: splitViewWidth - 100 - 25 - defaultHorizontalHandleWidth * 2, height: splitViewHeight }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ return data
+ }
+ function test_moveHiddenItems(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(threeSizedItemsComponent, testCase,
+ { "orientation": data.orientation })
+ verify(control)
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.hideIndices.length; ++i) {
+ var itemToHide = control.itemAt(data.hideIndices[i])
+ verify(itemToHide)
+ itemToHide.visible = false
+ }
+ control.moveItem(data.moveFromIndex, data.moveToIndex)
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compareSizes(control, data.expectedGeometriesAfterMoving, "after moving")
+ for (i = 0; i < data.showIndices.length; ++i) {
+ var itemToShow = control.itemAt(data.showIndices[i])
+ verify(itemToShow)
+ itemToShow.visible = true
+ }
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compareSizes(control, data.expectedGeometriesAfterShowing, "after showing")
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: flickableComponent
+ Flickable {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.margins: 100
+ }
+ }
+ function test_draggingHandleInFlickable() {
+ var flickable = createTemporaryObject(flickableComponent, testCase)
+ verify(flickable)
+ var control = threeSizedItemsComponent.createObject(flickable.contentItem)
+ verify(control)
+ control.anchors.fill = undefined
+ control.width = 400
+ control.height = control.parent.height - 100
+ flickable.contentWidth = control.width
+ flickable.contentHeight = control.height
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ var contentXSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(flickable,
+ { target: flickable, signalName: "contentXChanged" })
+ verify(contentXSpy.valid)
+ var contentYSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(flickable,
+ { target: flickable, signalName: "contentYChanged" })
+ verify(contentYSpy.valid)
+ // Drag the first handle to the right;
+ // the flickable's contentX and contentY shouldn't change.
+ var firstItem = control.itemAt(0)
+ var firstItemOriginalWidth = firstItem.width
+ var handles = findHandles(control)
+ var firstHandle = handles[0]
+ // Add some vertical movement in there as well.
+ mouseDrag(firstHandle, firstHandle.width / 2, firstHandle.height / 2, 100, 50)
+ compare(contentXSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(contentYSpy.count, 0)
+ verify(firstItem.width > firstItemOriginalWidth)
+ // Now do the same except vertically.
+ control.orientation = Qt.Vertical
+ control.width = control.parent.width - 100
+ control.height = 400
+ var firstItemOriginalHeight = firstItem.height
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ // Add some horizontal movement in there as well.
+ mouseDrag(firstHandle, firstHandle.width / 2, firstHandle.height / 2, 50, 100)
+ compare(contentXSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(contentYSpy.count, 0)
+ verify(firstItem.height > firstItemOriginalHeight)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: splitViewHandleContainmentMaskComponent
+ MouseArea {
+ property alias mouseArea1: mouseArea1
+ property alias mouseArea2: mouseArea2
+ property alias splitView: splitView
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton
+ Rectangle {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ color: 'green'
+ opacity: 0.3
+ }
+ SplitView {
+ id: splitView
+ anchors {
+ fill: parent
+ margins: 100
+ }
+ handle: Rectangle {
+ id: handleRoot
+ readonly property bool containsMouse: SplitHandle.hovered
+ readonly property int defaultSize: 2
+ implicitWidth: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? handleRoot.defaultSize : splitView.width
+ implicitHeight: splitView.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? handleRoot.defaultSize : splitView.height
+ color: 'red'
+ objectName: "handle"
+ Text {
+ objectName: "handleText_" + text
+ text: parent.x + "," + parent.y + " " + parent.width + "x" + parent.height
+ color: "black"
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ rotation: 90
+ }
+ containmentMask: Item {
+ readonly property real extraOverflow: 20
+ x: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? -extraOverflow : 0
+ y: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? 0 : -extraOverflow
+ width: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? handleRoot.defaultSize + (extraOverflow * 2): handleRoot.width
+ height: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? handleRoot.height : handleRoot.defaultSize + (extraOverflow * 2)
+ }
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ id: mouseArea1
+ SplitView.fillHeight: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal
+ SplitView.fillWidth: splitView.orientation === Qt.Vertical
+ SplitView.preferredWidth: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? parent.width / 2 : undefined
+ SplitView.preferredHeight: splitView.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? parent.height / 2 : undefined
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ Rectangle {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ color: 'cyan'
+ opacity: 0.3
+ }
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ id: mouseArea2
+ SplitView.fillHeight: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal
+ SplitView.fillWidth: splitView.orientation === Qt.Vertical
+ SplitView.preferredWidth: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? parent.width / 2 : undefined
+ SplitView.preferredHeight: splitView.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? parent.height / 2 : undefined
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ Rectangle {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ color: 'cyan'
+ opacity: 0.3
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_handleContainmentMask_data() {
+ const data = [
+ {
+ tag: "handleContainmentMaskHorizontalLeftEdgeDragRight",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ x: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.x,
+ y: (handle) => handle.height / 2
+ },
+ dx: 25,
+ dy: 0,
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleContainmentMaskHorizontalRightEdgeDragLeft",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ x: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.x,
+ y: (handle) => handle.height / 2
+ },
+ dx: -50,
+ dy: 0
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleContainmentMaskHorizontalTopEdgeDragRight",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ x: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.x + handle.containmentMask.width - 1,
+ y: (handle) => handle.height / 2
+ },
+ dx: 25,
+ dy: 0,
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleContainmentMaskHorizontalBottomEdgeDragLeft",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ x: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.x + handle.containmentMask.width - 1,
+ y: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.y
+ },
+ dx: -50,
+ dy: 0
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleContainmentMaskVerticalTopEdgeDragUp",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ x: (handle) => handle.width / 2,
+ y: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.y
+ },
+ dx: 0,
+ dy: -40,
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleContainmentMaskVerticalTopEdgeDragDown",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ x: (handle) => handle.width / 2,
+ y: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.y
+ },
+ dx: 0,
+ dy: 70
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleContainmentMaskVerticalBottomEdgeDragUp",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ x: (handle) => handle.width / 2,
+ y: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.y + handle.containmentMask.height - 1
+ },
+ dx: 0,
+ dy: -40,
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleContainmentMaskVerticalBottomEdgeDragDown",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ x: (handle) => handle.width / 2,
+ y: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.y + handle.containmentMask.height - 1
+ },
+ dx: 0,
+ dy: 70
+ }
+ ]
+ return data
+ }
+ function test_handleContainmentMask(data) {
+ const control = createTemporaryObject(splitViewHandleContainmentMaskComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ const splitView = control.splitView
+ splitView.orientation = data.orientation
+ const handle = findHandles(splitView)[0]
+ if (splitView.orientation === Qt.Vertical)
+ handle.height = handle.defaultHeight
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(splitView))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(splitView))
+ const firstItem = control.mouseArea1
+ const secondItem = control.mouseArea2
+ const backgroundMouseAreaPress = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control,
+ { target: control, signalName: "onPressed" })
+ const mouseArea1Press = signalSpyComponent.createObject(firstItem,
+ { target: firstItem, signalName: "onPressed" })
+ const mouseArea2Press = signalSpyComponent.createObject(secondItem,
+ { target: secondItem, signalName: "onPressed" })
+ verify(backgroundMouseAreaPress.valid)
+ verify(mouseArea1Press.valid)
+ verify(mouseArea2Press.valid)
+ const firstItemWidthBeforeDrag = firstItem.width
+ const secondItemWidthBeforeDrag = secondItem.width
+ const firstItemHeightBeforeDrag = firstItem.height
+ const secondItemHeightBeforeDrag = secondItem.height
+ const dx = data.dx
+ const dy = data.dy
+ const pressX = data.press.x(handle)
+ const pressY = data.press.y(handle)
+ mousePress(handle, pressX, pressY, Qt.LeftButton)
+ mouseMove(handle, pressX + dx, pressY + dy, -1, Qt.LeftButton)
+ mouseRelease(handle, pressX + dx, pressY + dy, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(firstItem.width, firstItemWidthBeforeDrag + dx)
+ compare(secondItem.width, secondItemWidthBeforeDrag - dx)
+ compare(firstItem.height, firstItemHeightBeforeDrag + dy)
+ compare(secondItem.height, secondItemHeightBeforeDrag - dy)
+ compare(backgroundMouseAreaPress.count, 0)
+ compare(mouseArea1Press.count, 0)
+ compare(mouseArea2Press.count, 0)
+ }
+ function test_handleContainmentMaskHovered_data() {
+ const data = [
+ {
+ tag: "firstItemHorizontalHover",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.width / 2,
+ "y": (item) => item.height / 2
+ },
+ hoverItem: "firstItem",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": true,
+ "handle": false,
+ "secondItem": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleHorizontalHoverOnTheLeft",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.containmentMask.x,
+ "y": (item) => item.height / 2
+ },
+ hoverItem: "handle",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": true,
+ "handle": true,
+ "secondItem": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleHorizontalHoverOnTheCenter",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.width / 2,
+ "y": (item) => item.height / 2
+ },
+ hoverItem: "handle",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": false,
+ "handle": true,
+ "secondItem": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleHorizontalHoverOnTheRight",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.containmentMask.x + item.containmentMask.width - 1,
+ "y": (item) => item.height / 2
+ },
+ hoverItem: "handle",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": false,
+ "handle": true,
+ "secondItem": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "secondItemHorizontalHover",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.width / 2,
+ "y": (item) => item.height / 2
+ },
+ hoverItem: "secondItem",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": false,
+ "handle": false,
+ "secondItem": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "firstItemVerticalHover",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.width / 2,
+ "y": (item) => item.height / 2
+ },
+ hoverItem: "firstItem",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": true,
+ "handle": false,
+ "secondItem": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleVerticalHoverOnTheTop",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.width / 2,
+ "y": (item) => item.containmentMask.y
+ },
+ hoverItem: "handle",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": true,
+ "handle": true,
+ "secondItem": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleVerticalHoverOnTheCenter",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.width / 2,
+ "y": (item) => item.height / 2
+ },
+ hoverItem: "handle",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": false,
+ "handle": true,
+ "secondItem": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleVerticalHoverOnTheBottom",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.width / 2,
+ "y": (item) => item.containmentMask.y + item.containmentMask.height - 1
+ },
+ hoverItem: "handle",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": false,
+ "handle": true,
+ "secondItem": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "secondItemVerticalHover",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.width / 2,
+ "y": (item) => item.height / 2
+ },
+ hoverItem: "secondItem",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": false,
+ "handle": false,
+ "secondItem": true
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ return data
+ }
+ function test_handleContainmentMaskHovered(data) {
+ if ((Qt.platform.pluginName === "offscreen") || (Qt.platform.pluginName === "minimal"))
+ skip("Mouse hovering not functional on offscreen/minimal platforms")
+ const control = createTemporaryObject(splitViewHandleContainmentMaskComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ const splitView = control.splitView
+ splitView.orientation = data.orientation
+ const handle = findHandles(splitView)[0]
+ if (splitView.orientation === Qt.Vertical)
+ handle.height = handle.defaultHeight
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(splitView))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(splitView))
+ const firstItem = control.mouseArea1
+ const secondItem = control.mouseArea2
+ verify(!firstItem.containsMouse)
+ verify(!secondItem.containsMouse)
+ verify(!handle.containsMouse)
+ const actualItem = {
+ "firstItem": firstItem,
+ "secondItem": secondItem,
+ "handle": handle
+ }[data.hoverItem]
+ const pressX = data.press.x(actualItem)
+ const pressY = data.press.y(actualItem)
+ // Test fails if we don't do two moves for some reason...
+ mouseMove(actualItem, pressX, pressY)
+ mouseMove(actualItem, pressX, pressY)
+ compare(firstItem.containsMouse, data.expectedHover.firstItem)
+ compare(secondItem.containsMouse, data.expectedHover.secondItem)
+ compare(handle.containsMouse, data.expectedHover.handle)
+ // Hide SplitView, then all children shouldn't be hovered
+ control.visible = false
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(splitView))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(splitView))
+ verify(!control.containsMouse)
+ verify(!firstItem.containsMouse)
+ verify(!secondItem.containsMouse)
+ verify(!handle.containsMouse)
+ }
+ function test_hoveredPressed() {
+ if ((Qt.platform.pluginName === "offscreen") || (Qt.platform.pluginName === "minimal"))
+ skip("Mouse hovering not functional on offscreen/minimal platforms")
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(threeSizedItemsComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.anchors.margins = 50
+ var handles = findHandles(control)
+ var firstHandle = handles[0]
+ var handleCenter = control.mapFromItem(firstHandle, firstHandle.width / 2, firstHandle.height / 2)
+ // Test fails if we don't do two moves for some reason...
+ mouseMove(control, handleCenter.x, handleCenter.y)
+ mouseMove(control, handleCenter.x, handleCenter.y)
+ verify(firstHandle.SplitHandle.hovered)
+ verify(!firstHandle.SplitHandle.pressed)
+ mousePress(control, handleCenter.x, handleCenter.y)
+ verify(firstHandle.SplitHandle.hovered)
+ verify(firstHandle.SplitHandle.pressed)
+ mouseRelease(control, handleCenter.x, handleCenter.y)
+ verify(firstHandle.SplitHandle.hovered)
+ verify(!firstHandle.SplitHandle.pressed)
+ mouseMove(control, 0, 0)
+ verify(!firstHandle.SplitHandle.hovered)
+ verify(!firstHandle.SplitHandle.pressed)
+ }
+ // Tests removing/adding/moving an item while it's pressed.
+ function test_modifyWhileHoveredPressed() {
+ if ((Qt.platform.pluginName === "offscreen") || (Qt.platform.pluginName === "minimal"))
+ skip("Mouse hovering not functional on offscreen/minimal platforms")
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(threeSizedItemsComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.anchors.margins = 50
+ var handles = findHandles(control)
+ var firstHandle = handles[0]
+ // First, ensure that the handle is hovered + pressed.
+ var handleCenter = control.mapFromItem(firstHandle, firstHandle.width / 2, firstHandle.height / 2)
+ // Test fails if we don't do two moves for some reason...
+ mouseMove(control, handleCenter.x, handleCenter.y)
+ mouseMove(control, handleCenter.x, handleCenter.y)
+ verify(firstHandle.SplitHandle.hovered)
+ verify(!firstHandle.SplitHandle.pressed)
+ mousePress(control, handleCenter.x, handleCenter.y)
+ verify(firstHandle.SplitHandle.hovered)
+ verify(firstHandle.SplitHandle.pressed)
+ // Then, remove it by removing the first item.
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(0))
+ handles = findHandles(control)
+ firstHandle = null
+ compare(handles.length, 1)
+ // No handles should be hovered/pressed.
+ for (var i = 0; i < handles.length; ++i) {
+ var handle = handles[i]
+ verify(!handle.SplitHandle.hovered, "handle at index " + i + " should not be hovered")
+ verify(!handle.SplitHandle.pressed, "handle at index " + i + " should not be hovered")
+ }
+ mouseRelease(control, handleCenter.x, handleCenter.y)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: settingsComponent
+ Settings {
+ id: settings
+ }
+ }
+ function test_saveAndRestoreState_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "Horizontal", orientation: Qt.Horizontal, propertyName: "preferredWidth", propertyValue: 123 },
+ { tag: "Vertical", orientation: Qt.Vertical, propertyName: "preferredHeight", propertyValue: 234 }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_saveAndRestoreState(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(threeSizedItemsComponent, testCase, { orientation: data.orientation })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.orientation, data.orientation)
+ var lastItem = control.itemAt(2)
+ verify(lastItem)
+ lastItem.SplitView[data.propertyName] = data.propertyValue
+ // Save the state.
+ var settings = createTemporaryObject(settingsComponent, testCase)
+ verify(settings)
+ settings.setValue("splitView", control.saveState())
+ // Recreate the item to restore it to its "default" values.
+ control = createTemporaryObject(threeSizedItemsComponent, testCase)
+ lastItem = control.itemAt(2)
+ verify(lastItem)
+ compare(lastItem.SplitView[data.propertyName], -1)
+ settings = createTemporaryObject(settingsComponent, testCase)
+ verify(settings)
+ // Restore the state.
+ control.restoreState(settings.value("splitView"))
+ compare(lastItem.SplitView[data.propertyName], data.propertyValue)
+ }
+ function test_changePreferredSizeDuringLayout() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(threeSizedItemsComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var firstItem = control.itemAt(0)
+ var secondItem = control.itemAt(1)
+ secondItem.widthChanged.connect(function() {
+ if (secondItem.width < 10)
+ firstItem.SplitView.preferredWidth = 50
+ })
+ // Change the size of the item so that a layout happens, but
+ // make the size small enough that the item's onWidthChanged handler gets triggered.
+ // The onWidthChanged handler will set the preferredWidth of another item during the
+ // layout, so we need to make sure the assignment isn't lost since we return early in that case.
+ secondItem.implicitWidth = 5
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compare(secondItem.width, 5)
+ compare(firstItem.width, 50)
+ // Now do the same for height.
+ control.orientation = Qt.Vertical
+ secondItem.heightChanged.connect(function() {
+ if (secondItem.height < 10)
+ firstItem.SplitView.preferredHeight = 50
+ })
+ // Get the polishes for the orientation out of the way so that they
+ // don't intefere with our results.
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ secondItem.implicitHeight = 5
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ compare(secondItem.height, 5)
+ compare(firstItem.height, 50)
+ }
+ // When the user drags a handle, we internally set preferredWidth/Height
+ // to reflect the new value. However, we also have to make sure that when
+ // we do so, it doesn't trigger a delayed layout. This is why we have
+ // m_ignoreNextDelayedLayoutRequest. This test checks that
+ // m_ignoreNextDelayedLayoutRequest doesn't interfere with any action from
+ // the user that results in a delayed layout.
+ function test_changePreferredSizeDuringLayoutWhileDraggingHandle() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(threeSizedItemsComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var firstItem = control.itemAt(0)
+ var secondItem = control.itemAt(1)
+ firstItem.widthChanged.connect(function() {
+ if (firstItem.width === 0)
+ secondItem.SplitView.preferredWidth = 50
+ })
+ // Start dragging the handle.
+ var handles = findHandles(control)
+ var targetHandle = handles[0]
+ mousePress(targetHandle)
+ verify(control.resizing)
+ var localPos = testCase.mapToItem(targetHandle, 15, testCase.height / 2)
+ // Move the handle to the very left, so that the item's width becomes zero.
+ mouseMove(targetHandle, -100, targetHandle.height / 2)
+ verify(control.resizing)
+ compare(firstItem.width, 0)
+ compare(secondItem.SplitView.preferredWidth, 50)
+ compare(secondItem.width, 50)
+ mouseRelease(targetHandle, -100, targetHandle.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ verify(!control.resizing)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: oneItemComponent
+ SplitView {
+ Item {}
+ }
+ }
+ // QTBUG-79270
+ function test_hideSplitViewWithOneItem() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(oneItemComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ // Shouldn't be an assertion failure.
+ control.visible = false
+ }
+ // QTBUG-79302: ensure that the Repeater's items are actually generated.
+ // test_dragHandle:repeater tests dragging behavior with a Repeater.
+ function test_repeater(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(repeaterSplitViewComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.repeater.count, 3)
+ compare(control.contentChildren.length, 3)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: hoverableChildrenSplitViewComponent
+ SplitView {
+ handle: handleComponent
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ MouseArea {
+ objectName: "mouseArea1"
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ SplitView.preferredWidth: 200
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ objectName: "mouseArea2"
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_hoverableChilden() {
+ if (Qt.platform.pluginName === "offscreen" || Qt.platform.pluginName === "minimal")
+ skip("Mouse hovering not functional on offscreen/minimal platforms")
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(hoverableChildrenSplitViewComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(control))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(control))
+ // Move the mouse over the handle.
+ var handles = findHandles(control)
+ var targetHandle = handles[0]
+ // Test fails if we don't do two moves for some reason... QTBUG-94968
+ mouseMove(targetHandle, targetHandle.width / 2, targetHandle.height / 2)
+ mouseMove(targetHandle, targetHandle.width / 2, targetHandle.height / 2)
+ verify(targetHandle.SplitHandle.hovered)
+ // Move the mouse to the MouseArea on the left. The handle should no longer be hovered.
+ mouseMove(control, 100, control.height / 2)
+ verify(!targetHandle.SplitHandle.hovered)
+ // Move the mouse back over the handle.
+ mouseMove(targetHandle, targetHandle.width / 2, targetHandle.height / 2)
+ mouseMove(targetHandle, targetHandle.width / 2, targetHandle.height / 2)
+ verify(targetHandle.SplitHandle.hovered)
+ // Move the mouse to the MouseArea on the right. The handle should no longer be hovered.
+ mouseMove(control, control.width - 100, control.height / 2)
+ verify(!targetHandle.SplitHandle.hovered)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: cppHandleSplitViewComponent
+ SplitView {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ handle: ComponentCreator.createComponent(`
+ import QtQuick
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "handle"
+ implicitWidth: 10
+ implicitHeight: 10
+ color: "tomato"
+ }`)
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "navajowhite"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 100
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "steelblue"
+ color: objectName
+ implicitWidth: 200
+ implicitHeight: 200
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_handleComponentCreatedInCpp() {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(cppHandleSplitViewComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ let handles = findHandles(control)
+ compare(handles.length, 1)
+ compare(handles[0].color, Qt.color("tomato"))
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_stackview.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_stackview.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8584385cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_stackview.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,1604 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import Qt.test.controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "StackView"
+ Item { id: item }
+ Component { id: textField; TextField { } }
+ Component { id: component; Item { } }
+ Component {
+ id: stackView
+ StackView { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ Component { id: withRequired; Item { required property int i }}
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_initialItem() {
+ var control1 = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control1)
+ compare(control1.currentItem, null)
+ control1.destroy()
+ var control2 = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase, {initialItem: item})
+ verify(control2)
+ compare(control2.currentItem, item)
+ control2.destroy()
+ var control3 = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase, {initialItem: component})
+ verify(control3)
+ verify(control3.currentItem)
+ control3.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_currentItem() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase, {initialItem: item})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item)
+ control.push(component)
+ verify(control.currentItem !== item)
+ control.pop(StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item)
+ }
+ function test_busy() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.busy, false)
+ var busyCount = 0
+ var busySpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "busyChanged"})
+ verify(busySpy.valid)
+ control.push(component)
+ compare(control.busy, false)
+ compare(busySpy.count, busyCount)
+ control.push(component)
+ compare(control.busy, true)
+ compare(busySpy.count, ++busyCount)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ compare(busySpy.count, ++busyCount)
+ control.replace(component)
+ compare(control.busy, true)
+ compare(busySpy.count, ++busyCount)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ compare(busySpy.count, ++busyCount)
+ control.pop()
+ compare(control.busy, true)
+ compare(busySpy.count, ++busyCount)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ compare(busySpy.count, ++busyCount)
+ control.pushEnter = null
+ control.pushExit = null
+ control.push(component)
+ compare(control.busy, false)
+ compare(busySpy.count, busyCount)
+ control.replaceEnter = null
+ control.replaceExit = null
+ control.replace(component)
+ compare(control.busy, false)
+ compare(busySpy.count, busyCount)
+ control.popEnter = null
+ control.popExit = null
+ control.pop()
+ compare(control.busy, false)
+ compare(busySpy.count, busyCount)
+ }
+ function test_status() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var item1 = component.createObject(control)
+ compare(item1.StackView.status, StackView.Inactive)
+ control.push(item1)
+ compare(item1.StackView.status, StackView.Active)
+ var item2 = component.createObject(control)
+ compare(item2.StackView.status, StackView.Inactive)
+ control.push(item2)
+ compare(item2.StackView.status, StackView.Activating)
+ compare(item1.StackView.status, StackView.Deactivating)
+ tryCompare(item2.StackView, "status", StackView.Active)
+ tryCompare(item1.StackView, "status", StackView.Inactive)
+ control.pop()
+ compare(item2.StackView.status, StackView.Deactivating)
+ compare(item1.StackView.status, StackView.Activating)
+ tryCompare(item2.StackView, "status", StackView.Inactive)
+ tryCompare(item1.StackView, "status", StackView.Active)
+ }
+ function test_index() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var item1 = component.createObject(control)
+ compare(item1.StackView.index, -1)
+ control.push(item1, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item1.StackView.index, 0)
+ var item2 = component.createObject(control)
+ compare(item2.StackView.index, -1)
+ control.push(item2, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item2.StackView.index, 1)
+ compare(item1.StackView.index, 0)
+ control.pop(StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item2.StackView.index, -1)
+ compare(item1.StackView.index, 0)
+ }
+ function test_view() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var item1 = component.createObject(control)
+ compare(item1.StackView.view, null)
+ control.push(item1, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item1.StackView.view, control)
+ var item2 = component.createObject(control)
+ compare(item2.StackView.view, null)
+ control.push(item2, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item2.StackView.view, control)
+ compare(item1.StackView.view, control)
+ control.pop(StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item2.StackView.view, null)
+ compare(item1.StackView.view, control)
+ }
+ function test_depth() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var depthChanges = 0
+ var emptyChanges = 0
+ var depthSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "depthChanged"})
+ var emptySpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "emptyChanged"})
+ verify(depthSpy.valid)
+ verify(emptySpy.valid)
+ compare(control.depth, 0)
+ compare(control.empty, true)
+ control.push(item, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.depth, 1)
+ compare(depthSpy.count, ++depthChanges)
+ compare(control.empty, false)
+ compare(emptySpy.count, ++emptyChanges)
+ control.clear()
+ compare(control.depth, 0)
+ compare(depthSpy.count, ++depthChanges)
+ compare(control.empty, true)
+ compare(emptySpy.count, ++emptyChanges)
+ control.push(component, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.depth, 1)
+ compare(depthSpy.count, ++depthChanges)
+ compare(control.empty, false)
+ compare(emptySpy.count, ++emptyChanges)
+ control.push(component, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.depth, 2)
+ compare(depthSpy.count, ++depthChanges)
+ compare(control.empty, false)
+ compare(emptySpy.count, emptyChanges)
+ control.replace(component, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.depth, 2)
+ compare(depthSpy.count, depthChanges)
+ compare(control.empty, false)
+ compare(emptySpy.count, emptyChanges)
+ control.replace([component, component], StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.depth, 3)
+ compare(depthSpy.count, ++depthChanges)
+ compare(control.empty, false)
+ compare(emptySpy.count, emptyChanges)
+ control.pop(null, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.depth, 1)
+ compare(depthSpy.count, ++depthChanges)
+ compare(control.empty, false)
+ compare(emptySpy.count, emptyChanges)
+ control.pop(StackView.Immediate) // ignored
+ compare(control.depth, 1)
+ compare(depthSpy.count, depthChanges)
+ compare(control.empty, false)
+ compare(emptySpy.count, emptyChanges)
+ control.clear()
+ compare(control.depth, 0)
+ compare(depthSpy.count, ++depthChanges)
+ compare(control.empty, true)
+ compare(emptySpy.count, ++emptyChanges)
+ control.clear()
+ compare(control.depth, 0)
+ compare(depthSpy.count, depthChanges)
+ compare(control.empty, true)
+ compare(emptySpy.count, emptyChanges)
+ }
+ function test_size() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase, {width: 200, height: 200})
+ verify(container)
+ var control = stackView.createObject(container, {width: 100, height: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ container.width += 10
+ container.height += 20
+ compare(control.width, 100)
+ compare(control.height, 100)
+ control.push(item, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item.width, control.width)
+ compare(item.height, control.height)
+ control.width = 200
+ control.height = 200
+ compare(item.width, control.width)
+ compare(item.height, control.height)
+ control.clear()
+ control.width += 10
+ control.height += 20
+ verify(item.width !== control.width)
+ verify(item.height !== control.height)
+ control.push(item, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item.width, control.width)
+ compare(item.height, control.height)
+ }
+ function test_focus_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "true", focus: true, forceActiveFocus: false },
+ { tag: "false", focus: false, forceActiveFocus: false },
+ { tag: "forceActiveFocus()", focus: false, forceActiveFocus: true },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_focus(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase, {initialItem: item, width: 200, height: 200})
+ verify(control)
+ if (data.focus)
+ control.focus = true
+ if (data.forceActiveFocus)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ compare(control.activeFocus, data.focus || data.forceActiveFocus)
+ var page = control.push(textField, StackView.Immediate)
+ verify(page)
+ compare(control.currentItem, page)
+ compare(page.activeFocus, control.activeFocus)
+ control.pop(StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item)
+ compare(item.activeFocus, data.focus || data.forceActiveFocus)
+ verify(!page.activeFocus)
+ }
+ function test_find() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var item1 = component.createObject(control, {objectName: "1"})
+ var item2 = component.createObject(control, {objectName: "2"})
+ var item3 = component.createObject(control, {objectName: "3"})
+ control.push(item1, StackView.Immediate)
+ control.push(item2, StackView.Immediate)
+ control.push(item3, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.find(function(item, index) { return index === 0 }), item1)
+ compare(control.find(function(item) { return item.objectName === "1" }), item1)
+ compare(control.find(function(item, index) { return index === 1 }), item2)
+ compare(control.find(function(item) { return item.objectName === "2" }), item2)
+ compare(control.find(function(item, index) { return index === 2 }), item3)
+ compare(control.find(function(item) { return item.objectName === "3" }), item3)
+ compare(control.find(function() { return false }), null)
+ compare(control.find(function() { return true }), item3)
+ }
+ function test_get() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.push([item, component, component], StackView.Immediate)
+ verify(control.get(0, StackView.DontLoad))
+ compare(control.get(0, StackView.ForceLoad), item)
+ verify(!control.get(1, StackView.DontLoad))
+ verify(control.get(2, StackView.DontLoad))
+ verify(control.get(2, StackView.ForceLoad))
+ }
+ function test_push() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ // missing arguments
+ ignoreWarning(/QML StackView: push: missing arguments/)
+ compare(control.push(), null)
+ // nothing to push
+ ignoreWarning(/QML StackView: push: nothing to push/)
+ compare(control.push(StackView.Immediate), null)
+ // unsupported type
+ ignoreWarning(/QML StackView: push: QtObject is not supported. Must be Item or Component./)
+ control.push(Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQml; QtObject { }', control))
+ // push(item)
+ var item1 = component.createObject(control, {objectName:"1"})
+ compare(control.push(item1, StackView.Immediate), item1)
+ compare(control.depth, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item1)
+ // push([item])
+ var item2 = component.createObject(control, {objectName:"2"})
+ compare(control.push([item2], StackView.Immediate), item2)
+ compare(control.depth, 2)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item2)
+ // push(item, {properties})
+ var item3 = component.createObject(control)
+ compare(control.push(item3, {objectName:"3"}, StackView.Immediate), item3)
+ compare(item3.objectName, "3")
+ compare(control.depth, 3)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item3)
+ // push([item, {properties}])
+ var item4 = component.createObject(control)
+ compare(control.push([item4, {objectName:"4"}], StackView.Immediate), item4)
+ compare(item4.objectName, "4")
+ compare(control.depth, 4)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item4)
+ // push(component, {properties})
+ var item5 = control.push(component, {objectName:"5"}, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item5.objectName, "5")
+ compare(control.depth, 5)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item5)
+ // push([component, {properties}])
+ var item6 = control.push([component, {objectName:"6"}], StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item6.objectName, "6")
+ compare(control.depth, 6)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item6)
+ }
+ // Escape special Regexp characters with a '\' (backslash) prefix so that \a str can be
+ // used as a Regexp pattern.
+ function escapeRegExp(str) {
+ // "$&" is the last matched substring
+ return str.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
+ }
+ function test_pop() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var items = []
+ for (var i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
+ items.push(component.createObject(control, {objectName:i}))
+ control.push(items, StackView.Immediate)
+ ignoreWarning(/QML StackView: pop: too many arguments/)
+ compare(control.pop(1, 2, 3), null)
+ // pop the top most item
+ compare(control.pop(StackView.Immediate), items[6])
+ compare(control.depth, 6)
+ compare(control.currentItem, items[5])
+ // pop down to the current item
+ compare(control.pop(control.currentItem, StackView.Immediate), null)
+ compare(control.depth, 6)
+ compare(control.currentItem, items[5])
+ // pop down to (but not including) the Nth item
+ compare(control.pop(items[3], StackView.Immediate), items[5])
+ compare(control.depth, 4)
+ compare(control.currentItem, items[3])
+ // pop the top most item
+ compare(control.pop(undefined, StackView.Immediate), items[3])
+ compare(control.depth, 3)
+ compare(control.currentItem, items[2])
+ // don't pop non-existent item
+ ignoreWarning(new RegExp(".*QML StackView: pop: unknown argument: " + escapeRegExp(testCase.toString())))
+ compare(control.pop(testCase, StackView.Immediate), null)
+ compare(control.depth, 3)
+ compare(control.currentItem, items[2])
+ // pop all items down to (but not including) the 1st item
+ control.pop(null, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.depth, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem, items[0])
+ }
+ function test_replace() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ // missing arguments
+ ignoreWarning(/QML StackView: replace: missing arguments/)
+ compare(control.replace(), null)
+ // nothing to push
+ ignoreWarning(/QML StackView: replace: nothing to push/)
+ compare(control.replace(StackView.Immediate), null)
+ // unsupported type
+ ignoreWarning(/QML StackView: replace: QtObject is not supported. Must be Item or Component./)
+ compare(control.replace(Qt.createQmlObject('import QtQml; QtObject { }', control)), null)
+ // replace(item)
+ var item1 = component.createObject(control, {objectName:"1"})
+ compare(control.replace(item1, StackView.Immediate), item1)
+ compare(control.depth, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item1)
+ // replace([item])
+ var item2 = component.createObject(control, {objectName:"2"})
+ compare(control.replace([item2], StackView.Immediate), item2)
+ compare(control.depth, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item2)
+ // replace(item, {properties})
+ var item3 = component.createObject(control)
+ compare(control.replace(item3, {objectName:"3"}, StackView.Immediate), item3)
+ compare(item3.objectName, "3")
+ compare(control.depth, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item3)
+ // replace([item, {properties}])
+ var item4 = component.createObject(control)
+ compare(control.replace([item4, {objectName:"4"}], StackView.Immediate), item4)
+ compare(item4.objectName, "4")
+ compare(control.depth, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item4)
+ // replace(component, {properties})
+ var item5 = control.replace(component, {objectName:"5"}, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item5.objectName, "5")
+ compare(control.depth, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item5)
+ // replace([component, {properties}])
+ var item6 = control.replace([component, {objectName:"6"}], StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item6.objectName, "6")
+ compare(control.depth, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item6)
+ // replace the topmost item
+ control.push(component)
+ compare(control.depth, 2)
+ var item7 = control.replace(control.get(1), component, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.depth, 2)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item7)
+ // replace the item in the middle
+ control.push(component)
+ control.push(component)
+ control.push(component)
+ compare(control.depth, 5)
+ var item8 = control.replace(control.get(2), component, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.depth, 3)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item8)
+ }
+ function test_clear() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.push(component, StackView.Immediate)
+ control.clear()
+ compare(control.depth, 0)
+ compare(control.busy, false)
+ control.push(component, StackView.Immediate)
+ control.clear(StackView.PopTransition)
+ compare(control.depth, 0)
+ compare(control.busy, true)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ }
+ function test_visibility_data() {
+ return [
+ {tag:"default transitions", properties: {}},
+ {tag:"null transitions", properties: {pushEnter: null, pushExit: null, popEnter: null, popExit: null}}
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_visibility(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase, data.properties)
+ verify(control)
+ var item1 = component.createObject(control)
+ control.push(item1, StackView.Immediate)
+ verify(item1.visible)
+ var item2 = component.createObject(control)
+ control.push(item2)
+ tryCompare(item1, "visible", false)
+ verify(item2.visible)
+ control.pop()
+ verify(item1.visible)
+ tryCompare(item2, "visible", false)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: transitionView
+ StackView {
+ property int popEnterRuns
+ property int popExitRuns
+ property int pushEnterRuns
+ property int pushExitRuns
+ property int replaceEnterRuns
+ property int replaceExitRuns
+ popEnter: Transition {
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 1 }
+ onRunningChanged: if (!running) ++popEnterRuns
+ }
+ popExit: Transition {
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 1 }
+ onRunningChanged: if (!running) ++popExitRuns
+ }
+ pushEnter: Transition {
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 1 }
+ onRunningChanged: if (!running) ++pushEnterRuns
+ }
+ pushExit: Transition {
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 1 }
+ onRunningChanged: if (!running) ++pushExitRuns
+ }
+ replaceEnter: Transition {
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 1 }
+ onRunningChanged: if (!running) ++replaceEnterRuns
+ }
+ replaceExit: Transition {
+ PauseAnimation { duration: 1 }
+ onRunningChanged: if (!running) ++replaceExitRuns
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_transitions_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "undefined", operation: undefined,
+ pushEnterRuns: [1,2,2,2], pushExitRuns: [0,1,1,1], replaceEnterRuns: [0,0,1,1], replaceExitRuns: [0,0,1,1], popEnterRuns: [0,0,0,1], popExitRuns: [0,0,0,1] },
+ { tag: "immediate", operation: StackView.Immediate,
+ pushEnterRuns: [1,2,2,2], pushExitRuns: [0,1,1,1], replaceEnterRuns: [0,0,1,1], replaceExitRuns: [0,0,1,1], popEnterRuns: [0,0,0,1], popExitRuns: [0,0,0,1] },
+ { tag: "push", operation: StackView.PushTransition,
+ pushEnterRuns: [1,2,3,4], pushExitRuns: [0,1,2,3], replaceEnterRuns: [0,0,0,0], replaceExitRuns: [0,0,0,0], popEnterRuns: [0,0,0,0], popExitRuns: [0,0,0,0] },
+ { tag: "pop", operation: StackView.PopTransition,
+ pushEnterRuns: [0,0,0,0], pushExitRuns: [0,0,0,0], replaceEnterRuns: [0,0,0,0], replaceExitRuns: [0,0,0,0], popEnterRuns: [1,2,3,4], popExitRuns: [0,1,2,3] },
+ { tag: "replace", operation: StackView.ReplaceTransition,
+ pushEnterRuns: [0,0,0,0], pushExitRuns: [0,0,0,0], replaceEnterRuns: [1,2,3,4], replaceExitRuns: [0,1,2,3], popEnterRuns: [0,0,0,0], popExitRuns: [0,0,0,0] },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_transitions(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(transitionView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.push(component, data.operation)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ compare(control.pushEnterRuns, data.pushEnterRuns[0])
+ compare(control.pushExitRuns, data.pushExitRuns[0])
+ compare(control.replaceEnterRuns, data.replaceEnterRuns[0])
+ compare(control.replaceExitRuns, data.replaceExitRuns[0])
+ compare(control.popEnterRuns, data.popEnterRuns[0])
+ compare(control.popExitRuns, data.popExitRuns[0])
+ control.push(component, data.operation)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ compare(control.pushEnterRuns, data.pushEnterRuns[1])
+ compare(control.pushExitRuns, data.pushExitRuns[1])
+ compare(control.replaceEnterRuns, data.replaceEnterRuns[1])
+ compare(control.replaceExitRuns, data.replaceExitRuns[1])
+ compare(control.popEnterRuns, data.popEnterRuns[1])
+ compare(control.popExitRuns, data.popExitRuns[1])
+ control.replace(component, data.operation)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ compare(control.pushEnterRuns, data.pushEnterRuns[2])
+ compare(control.pushExitRuns, data.pushExitRuns[2])
+ compare(control.replaceEnterRuns, data.replaceEnterRuns[2])
+ compare(control.replaceExitRuns, data.replaceExitRuns[2])
+ compare(control.popEnterRuns, data.popEnterRuns[2])
+ compare(control.popExitRuns, data.popExitRuns[2])
+ control.pop(data.operation)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ compare(control.pushEnterRuns, data.pushEnterRuns[3])
+ compare(control.pushExitRuns, data.pushExitRuns[3])
+ compare(control.replaceEnterRuns, data.replaceEnterRuns[3])
+ compare(control.replaceExitRuns, data.replaceExitRuns[3])
+ compare(control.popEnterRuns, data.popEnterRuns[3])
+ compare(control.popExitRuns, data.popExitRuns[3])
+ }
+ TestItem {
+ id: indestructibleItem
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: destructibleComponent
+ TestItem { }
+ }
+ function test_ownership_data() {
+ return [
+ {tag:"item, transition", arg: indestructibleItem, operation: StackView.Transition, destroyed: false},
+ {tag:"item, immediate", arg: indestructibleItem, operation: StackView.Immediate, destroyed: false},
+ {tag:"component, transition", arg: destructibleComponent, operation: StackView.Transition, destroyed: true},
+ {tag:"component, immediate", arg: destructibleComponent, operation: StackView.Immediate, destroyed: true},
+ {tag:"url, transition", arg: Qt.resolvedUrl("TestItem.qml"), operation: StackView.Transition, destroyed: true},
+ {tag:"url, immediate", arg: Qt.resolvedUrl("TestItem.qml"), operation: StackView.Immediate, destroyed: true}
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_ownership(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(transitionView, testCase, {initialItem: component})
+ verify(control)
+ // push-pop
+ control.push(data.arg, StackView.Immediate)
+ verify(control.currentItem)
+ verify(control.currentItem.hasOwnProperty("destroyedCallback"))
+ var destroyed = false
+ control.currentItem.destroyedCallback = function() { destroyed = true }
+ control.pop(data.operation)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ wait(0) // deferred delete
+ compare(destroyed, data.destroyed)
+ // push-replace
+ control.push(data.arg, StackView.Immediate)
+ verify(control.currentItem)
+ verify(control.currentItem.hasOwnProperty("destroyedCallback"))
+ destroyed = false
+ control.currentItem.destroyedCallback = function() { destroyed = true }
+ control.replace(component, data.operation)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ wait(0) // deferred delete
+ compare(destroyed, data.destroyed)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: removeComponent
+ Item {
+ objectName: "removeItem"
+ StackView.onRemoved: destroy()
+ }
+ }
+ function test_destroyOnRemoved() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase, { initialItem: component })
+ verify(control)
+ var item = removeComponent.createObject(control)
+ verify(item)
+ var removedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: item.StackView, signalName: "removed" })
+ verify(removedSpy)
+ verify(removedSpy.valid)
+ var destructionSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: item.Component, signalName: "destruction" })
+ verify(destructionSpy)
+ verify(destructionSpy.valid)
+ // push-pop
+ control.push(item, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item)
+ control.pop(StackView.Transition)
+ item = null
+ tryCompare(removedSpy, "count", 1)
+ tryCompare(destructionSpy, "count", 1)
+ compare(control.busy, false)
+ item = removeComponent.createObject(control)
+ verify(item)
+ removedSpy.target = item.StackView
+ verify(removedSpy.valid)
+ destructionSpy.target = item.Component
+ verify(destructionSpy.valid)
+ // push-replace
+ control.push(item, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item)
+ control.replace(component, StackView.Transition)
+ item = null
+ tryCompare(removedSpy, "count", 2)
+ tryCompare(destructionSpy, "count", 2)
+ compare(control.busy, false)
+ }
+ function test_pushOnRemoved() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase, { initialItem: component })
+ verify(control)
+ var item = control.push(component, StackView.Immediate)
+ verify(item)
+ item.StackView.onRemoved.connect(function() {
+ ignoreWarning(/.*QML StackView: cannot push while already in the process of completing a pop/)
+ control.push(component, StackView.Immediate)
+ })
+ // don't crash (QTBUG-62153)
+ control.pop(StackView.Immediate)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: attachedItem
+ Item {
+ property int index: StackView.index
+ property StackView view: StackView.view
+ property int status: StackView.status
+ }
+ }
+ function test_attached() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase, {initialItem: attachedItem})
+ compare(control.get(0).index, 0)
+ compare(control.get(0).view, control)
+ compare(control.get(0).status, StackView.Active)
+ control.push(attachedItem, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.get(0).index, 0)
+ compare(control.get(0).view, control)
+ compare(control.get(0).status, StackView.Inactive)
+ compare(control.get(1).index, 1)
+ compare(control.get(1).view, control)
+ compare(control.get(1).status, StackView.Active)
+ control.pop(StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.get(0).index, 0)
+ compare(control.get(0).view, control)
+ compare(control.get(0).status, StackView.Active)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: testButton
+ Button {
+ property int clicks: 0
+ onClicked: ++clicks
+ }
+ }
+ function test_interaction() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase, {initialItem: testButton, width: testCase.width, height: testCase.height})
+ verify(control)
+ var firstButton = control.currentItem
+ verify(firstButton)
+ var firstClicks = 0
+ var secondClicks = 0
+ var thirdClicks = 0
+ // push - default transition
+ var secondButton = control.push(testButton)
+ compare(control.busy, true)
+ mouseClick(firstButton) // filtered while busy
+ mouseClick(secondButton) // filtered while busy
+ compare(firstButton.clicks, firstClicks)
+ compare(secondButton.clicks, secondClicks)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ mouseClick(secondButton)
+ compare(secondButton.clicks, ++secondClicks)
+ // replace - default transition
+ var thirdButton = control.replace(testButton)
+ compare(control.busy, true)
+ mouseClick(secondButton) // filtered while busy
+ mouseClick(thirdButton) // filtered while busy
+ compare(secondButton.clicks, secondClicks)
+ compare(thirdButton.clicks, thirdClicks)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ secondButton = null
+ secondClicks = 0
+ mouseClick(thirdButton)
+ compare(thirdButton.clicks, ++thirdClicks)
+ // pop - default transition
+ control.pop()
+ compare(control.busy, true)
+ mouseClick(firstButton) // filtered while busy
+ mouseClick(thirdButton) // filtered while busy
+ compare(firstButton.clicks, firstClicks)
+ compare(thirdButton.clicks, thirdClicks)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ thirdButton = null
+ thirdClicks = 0
+ mouseClick(firstButton)
+ compare(firstButton.clicks, ++firstClicks)
+ // push - immediate operation
+ secondButton = control.push(testButton, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.busy, false)
+ mouseClick(secondButton)
+ compare(secondButton.clicks, ++secondClicks)
+ // replace - immediate operation
+ thirdButton = control.replace(testButton, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.busy, false)
+ secondButton = null
+ secondClicks = 0
+ mouseClick(thirdButton)
+ compare(thirdButton.clicks, ++thirdClicks)
+ // pop - immediate operation
+ control.pop(StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.busy, false)
+ thirdButton = null
+ thirdClicks = 0
+ mouseClick(firstButton)
+ compare(firstButton.clicks, ++firstClicks)
+ // push - null transition
+ control.pushEnter = null
+ control.pushExit = null
+ secondButton = control.push(testButton)
+ compare(control.busy, false)
+ mouseClick(secondButton)
+ compare(secondButton.clicks, ++secondClicks)
+ // replace - null transition
+ control.replaceEnter = null
+ control.replaceExit = null
+ thirdButton = control.replace(testButton)
+ compare(control.busy, false)
+ secondButton = null
+ secondClicks = 0
+ mouseClick(thirdButton)
+ compare(thirdButton.clicks, ++thirdClicks)
+ // pop - null transition
+ control.popEnter = null
+ control.popExit = null
+ control.pop()
+ compare(control.busy, false)
+ thirdButton = null
+ thirdClicks = 0
+ mouseClick(firstButton)
+ compare(firstButton.clicks, ++firstClicks)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: mouseArea
+ MouseArea {
+ property int presses: 0
+ property int releases: 0
+ property int clicks: 0
+ property int doubleClicks: 0
+ property int cancels: 0
+ onPressed: ++presses
+ onReleased: ++releases
+ onClicked: ++clicks
+ onDoubleClicked: ++doubleClicks
+ onCanceled: ++cancels
+ }
+ }
+ // QTBUG-50305
+ function test_events() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase, {initialItem: mouseArea, width: testCase.width, height: testCase.height})
+ verify(control)
+ var testItem = control.currentItem
+ verify(testItem)
+ testItem.doubleClicked.connect(function() {
+ control.push(mouseArea) // ungrab -> cancel
+ })
+ mouseDoubleClickSequence(testItem)
+ compare(testItem.presses, 2)
+ compare(testItem.releases, 2)
+ compare(testItem.clicks, 1)
+ compare(testItem.doubleClicks, 1)
+ compare(testItem.pressed, false)
+ compare(testItem.cancels, 0)
+ }
+ function test_ungrab() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase, {initialItem: mouseArea, width: testCase.width, height: testCase.height})
+ verify(control)
+ var testItem = control.currentItem
+ verify(testItem)
+ mousePress(testItem)
+ control.push(mouseArea)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ mouseRelease(testItem)
+ compare(testItem.presses, 1)
+ compare(testItem.releases, 0)
+ compare(testItem.clicks, 0)
+ compare(testItem.doubleClicks, 0)
+ compare(testItem.pressed, false)
+ compare(testItem.cancels, 1)
+ }
+ function test_failures() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase, {initialItem: component})
+ verify(control)
+ ignoreWarning("QQmlComponent: Component is not ready")
+ ignoreWarning(/QML StackView: push: .*non-existent.qml:-1 No such file or directory/)
+ control.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("non-existent.qml"))
+ ignoreWarning("QQmlComponent: Component is not ready")
+ ignoreWarning(/QML StackView: replace: .*non-existent.qml:-1 No such file or directory/)
+ control.replace(Qt.resolvedUrl("non-existent.qml"))
+ ignoreWarning(/QML StackView: push: invalid url: x:\/\/\[v\]/)
+ control.push("x://[v]")
+ ignoreWarning(/QML StackView: replace: invalid url: x:\/\/\[v\]/)
+ control.replace("x://[v]")
+ control.pop()
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: rectangle
+ Rectangle {
+ property color initialColor
+ Component.onCompleted: initialColor = color
+ }
+ }
+ function test_properties() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var rect = control.push(rectangle, {color: "#ff0000"})
+ compare(rect.color, "#ff0000")
+ compare(rect.initialColor, "#ff0000")
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalTest
+ Control {
+ id: ctrl
+ property SignalSpy activatedSpy: SignalSpy { target: ctrl.StackView; signalName: "activated" }
+ property SignalSpy activatingSpy: SignalSpy { target: ctrl.StackView; signalName: "activating" }
+ property SignalSpy deactivatedSpy: SignalSpy { target: ctrl.StackView; signalName: "deactivated" }
+ property SignalSpy deactivatingSpy: SignalSpy { target: ctrl.StackView; signalName: "deactivating" }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_signals() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var item1 = signalTest.createObject(control)
+ compare(item1.StackView.status, StackView.Inactive)
+ control.push(item1)
+ compare(item1.StackView.status, StackView.Active)
+ compare(item1.activatedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(item1.activatingSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(item1.deactivatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(item1.deactivatingSpy.count, 0)
+ var item2 = signalTest.createObject(control)
+ compare(item2.StackView.status, StackView.Inactive)
+ control.push(item2)
+ compare(item2.StackView.status, StackView.Activating)
+ compare(item2.activatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(item2.activatingSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(item2.deactivatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(item2.deactivatingSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(item1.StackView.status, StackView.Deactivating)
+ compare(item1.activatedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(item1.activatingSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(item1.deactivatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(item1.deactivatingSpy.count, 1)
+ tryCompare(item2.activatedSpy, "count", 1)
+ tryCompare(item1.deactivatedSpy, "count", 1)
+ control.pop()
+ compare(item2.StackView.status, StackView.Deactivating)
+ compare(item2.activatedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(item2.activatingSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(item2.deactivatedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(item2.deactivatingSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(item1.StackView.status, StackView.Activating)
+ compare(item1.activatedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(item1.activatingSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(item1.deactivatedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(item1.deactivatingSpy.count, 1)
+ tryCompare(item1.activatedSpy, "count", 2)
+ }
+ // QTBUG-56158
+ function test_repeatedPop() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase, {initialItem: component, width: testCase.width, height: testCase.height})
+ verify(control)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
+ control.push(component)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ while (control.depth > 1) {
+ control.pop()
+ wait(50)
+ }
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ }
+ function test_pushSameItem() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.push(item, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item)
+ compare(control.depth, 1)
+ // Pushing the same Item should do nothing.
+ ignoreWarning(/QML StackView: push: nothing to push/)
+ control.push(item, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.currentItem, item)
+ compare(control.depth, 1)
+ // Push a component so that it becomes current.
+ var current = control.push(component, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(control.currentItem, current)
+ compare(control.depth, 2)
+ // Push a bunch of stuff. "item" is already in the stack, so it should be ignored.
+ current = control.push(component, item, StackView.Immediate)
+ verify(current !== item)
+ compare(control.currentItem, current)
+ compare(control.depth, 3)
+ }
+ function test_visible() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var item1 = component.createObject(control)
+ control.push(item1, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item1.visible, true)
+ compare(item1.StackView.visible, item1.visible)
+ var item2 = component.createObject(control)
+ control.push(item2, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item1.visible, false)
+ compare(item2.visible, true)
+ compare(item1.StackView.visible, false)
+ compare(item2.StackView.visible, true)
+ // keep explicitly visible
+ item2.StackView.visible = true
+ control.push(component, StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item2.visible, true)
+ compare(item2.StackView.visible, true)
+ // show underneath
+ item1.StackView.visible = true
+ compare(item1.visible, true)
+ compare(item1.StackView.visible, true)
+ control.pop(StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item2.visible, true)
+ compare(item2.StackView.visible, true)
+ // hide the top-most
+ item2.StackView.visible = false
+ compare(item2.visible, false)
+ compare(item2.StackView.visible, false)
+ // reset the top-most
+ item2.StackView.visible = undefined
+ compare(item2.visible, true)
+ compare(item2.StackView.visible, true)
+ // reset underneath
+ item1.StackView.visible = undefined
+ compare(item1.visible, false)
+ compare(item1.StackView.visible, false)
+ control.pop(StackView.Immediate)
+ compare(item1.visible, true)
+ compare(item1.StackView.visible, true)
+ }
+ function test_resolveInitialItem() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase, {initialItem: "TestItem.qml"})
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.currentItem)
+ }
+ function test_resolve() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var item = control.push("TestItem.qml")
+ compare(control.depth, 1)
+ verify(item)
+ }
+ // QTBUG-65084
+ function test_mouseArea() {
+ var ma = createTemporaryObject(mouseArea, testCase, {width: testCase.width, height: testCase.height})
+ verify(ma)
+ var control = stackView.createObject(ma, {width: testCase.width, height: testCase.height})
+ verify(control)
+ mousePress(control)
+ verify(ma.pressed)
+ mouseRelease(control)
+ verify(!ma.pressed)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ touch.press(0, control).commit()
+ verify(ma.pressed)
+ touch.release(0, control).commit()
+ verify(!ma.pressed)
+ }
+ // Separate function to ensure that the temporary value created to hold the return value of the Qt.createComponent()
+ // call is out of scope when the caller calls gc().
+ function stackViewFactory()
+ {
+ return createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase, {initialItem: Qt.createComponent("TestItem.qml")})
+ }
+ function test_initalItemOwnership()
+ {
+ var control = stackViewFactory()
+ verify(control)
+ gc()
+ verify(control.initialItem)
+ }
+ // Need to use this specific structure in order to reproduce the crash.
+ Component {
+ id: clearUponDestructionContainerComponent
+ Item {
+ id: container
+ objectName: "container"
+ property alias control: stackView
+ property var onDestructionCallback
+ property Component clearUponDestructionComponent: Component {
+ id: clearUponDestructionComponent
+ Item {
+ objectName: "clearUponDestructionItem"
+ onParentChanged: {
+ // We don't actually do this on destruction because destruction is delayed.
+ // Rather, we do it when we get un-parented.
+ if (parent === null)
+ container.onDestructionCallback(stackView)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ StackView {
+ id: stackView
+ initialItem: Item {
+ objectName: "initialItem"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // QTBUG-80353
+ // Tests that calling clear() in Component.onDestruction in response to that
+ // item being removed (e.g. via an earlier call to clear()) results in a warning and not a crash.
+ function test_recursiveClearClear() {
+ let container = createTemporaryObject(clearUponDestructionContainerComponent, testCase,
+ { onDestructionCallback: function(stackView) { stackView.clear(StackView.Immediate) }})
+ verify(container)
+ let control = container.control
+ control.push(container.clearUponDestructionComponent, StackView.Immediate)
+ // Shouldn't crash.
+ ignoreWarning(/.*cannot clear while already in the process of completing a clear/)
+ control.clear(StackView.Immediate)
+ }
+ function test_recursivePopClear() {
+ let container = createTemporaryObject(clearUponDestructionContainerComponent, testCase,
+ { onDestructionCallback: function(stackView) { stackView.clear(StackView.Immediate) }})
+ verify(container)
+ let control = container.control
+ control.push(container.clearUponDestructionComponent, StackView.Immediate)
+ // Pop all items except the first, removing the second item we pushed in the process.
+ // Shouldn't crash.
+ ignoreWarning(/.*cannot clear while already in the process of completing a pop/)
+ control.pop(null, StackView.Immediate)
+ }
+ function test_recursivePopPop() {
+ let container = createTemporaryObject(clearUponDestructionContainerComponent, testCase,
+ { onDestructionCallback: function(stackView) { stackView.pop(null, StackView.Immediate) }})
+ verify(container)
+ let control = container.control
+ // Push an extra item so that we can call pop(null) and reproduce the conditions for the crash.
+ control.push(component, StackView.Immediate)
+ control.push(container.clearUponDestructionComponent, StackView.Immediate)
+ // Pop the top item, then pop down to the first item in response.
+ ignoreWarning(/.*cannot pop while already in the process of completing a pop/)
+ control.pop(StackView.Immediate)
+ }
+ function test_recursiveReplaceClear() {
+ let container = createTemporaryObject(clearUponDestructionContainerComponent, testCase,
+ { onDestructionCallback: function(stackView) { stackView.clear(StackView.Immediate) }})
+ verify(container)
+ let control = container.control
+ control.push(container.clearUponDestructionComponent, StackView.Immediate)
+ // Replace the top item, then clear in response.
+ ignoreWarning(/.*cannot clear while already in the process of completing a replace/)
+ control.replace(component, StackView.Immediate)
+ }
+ function test_recursiveClearReplace() {
+ let container = createTemporaryObject(clearUponDestructionContainerComponent, testCase,
+ { onDestructionCallback: function(stackView) { stackView.replace(component, StackView.Immediate) }})
+ verify(container)
+ let control = container.control
+ control.push(container.clearUponDestructionComponent, StackView.Immediate)
+ // Replace the top item, then clear in response.
+ ignoreWarning(/.*cannot replace while already in the process of completing a clear/)
+ control.clear(StackView.Immediate)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: rectangleComponent
+ Rectangle {}
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: qtbug57267_StackViewComponent
+ StackView {
+ id: stackView
+ popEnter: Transition {
+ XAnimator { from: (stackView.mirrored ? -1 : 1) * -stackView.width; to: 0; duration: 400; easing.type: Easing.Linear }
+ }
+ popExit: Transition {
+ XAnimator { from: 0; to: (stackView.mirrored ? -1 : 1) * stackView.width; duration: 400; easing.type: Easing.Linear }
+ }
+ pushEnter: Transition {
+ XAnimator { from: (stackView.mirrored ? -1 : 1) * stackView.width; to: 0; duration: 400; easing.type: Easing.Linear }
+ }
+ pushExit: Transition {
+ XAnimator { from: 0; to: (stackView.mirrored ? -1 : 1) * -stackView.width; duration: 400; easing.type: Easing.Linear }
+ }
+ replaceEnter: Transition {
+ XAnimator { from: (stackView.mirrored ? -1 : 1) * stackView.width; to: 0; duration: 400; easing.type: Easing.Linear }
+ }
+ replaceExit: Transition {
+ XAnimator { from: 0; to: (stackView.mirrored ? -1 : 1) * -stackView.width; duration: 400; easing.type: Easing.Linear }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_qtbug57267() {
+ let redRect = createTemporaryObject(rectangleComponent, testCase, { color: "red" })
+ verify(redRect)
+ let blueRect = createTemporaryObject(rectangleComponent, testCase, { color: "blue" })
+ verify(blueRect)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(qtbug57267_StackViewComponent, testCase,
+ { "anchors.fill": testCase, initialItem: redRect })
+ verify(control)
+ control.replace(blueRect)
+ compare(control.currentItem, blueRect)
+ compare(control.depth, 1)
+ // Wait until the animation has started and then interrupt it by pushing the redRect.
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", true)
+ control.replace(redRect)
+ // The blue rect shouldn't be visible since we replaced it and therefore interrupted its animation.
+ tryCompare(blueRect, "visible", false)
+ // We did the replace very early on, so the transition for the redRect should still be happening.
+ compare(control.busy, true)
+ compare(redRect.visible, true)
+ // After finishing the transition, the red rect should still be visible.
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ compare(redRect.visible, true)
+ }
+ // QTBUG-84381
+ function test_clearAndPushAfterDepthChange() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase, {
+ popEnter: null, popExit: null, pushEnter: null,
+ pushExit: null, replaceEnter: null, replaceExit: null
+ })
+ verify(control)
+ control.depthChanged.connect(function() {
+ if (control.depth === 2) {
+ // Shouldn't assert.
+ ignoreWarning(/.*QML StackView: cannot clear while already in the process of completing a push/)
+ control.clear()
+ // Shouldn't crash.
+ ignoreWarning(/.*QML StackView: cannot push while already in the process of completing a push/)
+ control.push(component)
+ }
+ })
+ control.push(component)
+ control.push(component)
+ }
+ // QTBUG-96966
+ // Generate a stack view with complex transition animations and make sure
+ // that the item's state is restored correctly when StackView.Immediate
+ // operation is used
+ Component {
+ id: qtbug96966_stackViewComponent
+ StackView {
+ id: qtbug96966_stackView
+ pushEnter: Transition {
+ ParallelAnimation {
+ NumberAnimation {
+ property: "x"
+ from: qtbug96966_stackView.width
+ to: 0
+ duration: 100
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ property: "opacity"
+ from: 0
+ to: 1
+ duration: 100
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pushExit: Transition {
+ ParallelAnimation {
+ NumberAnimation {
+ property: "x"
+ from: 0
+ to: -qtbug96966_stackView.width
+ duration: 100
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ property: "opacity"
+ from: 1
+ to: 0
+ duration: 100
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ popExit: Transition {
+ ParallelAnimation {
+ NumberAnimation {
+ property: "x"
+ from: 0
+ to: qtbug96966_stackView.width
+ duration: 100
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ property: "opacity"
+ from: 1
+ to: 0
+ duration: 100
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ popEnter: Transition {
+ ParallelAnimation {
+ NumberAnimation {
+ property: "x"
+ from: -qtbug96966_stackView.width
+ to: 0
+ duration: 100
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ property: "opacity"
+ from: 0
+ to: 1
+ duration: 100
+ easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_immediateTransitionPropertiesApplied() {
+ let redRect = createTemporaryObject(rectangleComponent, testCase, { color: "red" })
+ verify(redRect)
+ let blueRect = createTemporaryObject(rectangleComponent, testCase, { color: "blue" })
+ verify(blueRect)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(qtbug96966_stackViewComponent, testCase,
+ { "anchors.fill": testCase, initialItem: redRect })
+ verify(control)
+ control.push(blueRect)
+ // wait until the animation is finished
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", true)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ // Now the red rectangle should become invisible and move to the left
+ compare(redRect.x, -200) // the window width is 200
+ compare(redRect.opacity, 0)
+ control.pop(null, StackView.Immediate)
+ // The red rectangle immediately restores its initial state (both
+ // position and opacity).
+ compare(redRect.x, 0)
+ compare(redRect.opacity, 1)
+ // Blue rectangle is moved to the right and becomes invisible
+ compare(blueRect.x, 200)
+ compare(blueRect.opacity, 0)
+ }
+ function test_requiredProperties() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(stackView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ let failedPush = control.push(withRequired)
+ compare(failedPush, null);
+ control.push(withRequired, {"i": 42})
+ verify(control.currentItem.i === 42)
+ control.pop(StackView.Immediate)
+ }
+ // QTBUG-104491
+ // Tests that correctly set a busy state when the transition is stolen(canceled)
+ function test_continuousTransition() {
+ let redRect = createTemporaryObject(rectangleComponent, testCase, { color: "red" })
+ verify(redRect)
+ let blueRect = createTemporaryObject(rectangleComponent, testCase, { color: "blue" })
+ verify(blueRect)
+ let greenRect = createTemporaryObject(rectangleComponent, testCase, { color: "green" })
+ verify(greenRect)
+ let yellowRect = createTemporaryObject(rectangleComponent, testCase, { color: "yellow" })
+ verify(yellowRect)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(qtbug96966_stackViewComponent, testCase,
+ { "anchors.fill": testCase, initialItem: redRect })
+ verify(control)
+ control.push(blueRect)
+ control.pop()
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", true)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ control.push(blueRect)
+ control.push(greenRect)
+ control.push(yellowRect)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", true)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ control.pop()
+ control.pop()
+ control.pop()
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", true)
+ tryCompare(control, "busy", false)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: cppComponent
+ StackView {
+ id: stackView
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ initialItem: cppComponent
+ property Component cppComponent: ComponentCreator.createComponent("import QtQuick; Rectangle { color: \"navajowhite\" }")
+ }
+ }
+ // Test that a component created in C++ works with StackView.
+ function test_componentCreatedInCpp() {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(cppComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.currentItem.color, Qt.color("navajowhite"))
+ control.push(control.cppComponent, { color: "tomato" })
+ compare(control.currentItem.color, Qt.color("tomato"))
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: noProperties
+ Item {}
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: invalidProperties
+ StackView {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
+ }
+ function test_invalidProperties() {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(invalidProperties, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.empty)
+ ignoreWarning(/Cannot resolve property "unknownProperty.test"/)
+ control.push(noProperties, { "unknownProperty.test": "crashes" })
+ verify(!control.empty)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_swipedelegate.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_swipedelegate.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..901170bf9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_swipedelegate.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,1750 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import Qt.test.controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "SwipeDelegate"
+ readonly property int dragDistance: Math.max(20, Qt.styleHints.startDragDistance + 5)
+ Component {
+ id: backgroundFillComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ background: Item { anchors.fill: parent }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: backgroundCenterInComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ background: Item { anchors.centerIn: parent }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: backgroundLeftComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ background: Item { anchors.left: parent.left }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: backgroundRightComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ background: Item { anchors.right: parent.right }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentItemFillComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ contentItem: Item { anchors.fill: parent }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentItemCenterInComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ contentItem: Item { anchors.centerIn: parent }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentItemLeftComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ contentItem: Item { anchors.left: parent.left }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentItemRightComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ contentItem: Item { anchors.right: parent.right }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_horizontalAnchors_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "background, fill", component: backgroundFillComponent, itemName: "background", warningLocation: ":22:25" },
+ { tag: "background, centerIn", component: backgroundCenterInComponent, itemName: "background", warningLocation: ":29:25" },
+ { tag: "background, left", component: backgroundLeftComponent, itemName: "background", warningLocation: ":36:25" },
+ { tag: "background, right", component: backgroundRightComponent, itemName: "background", warningLocation: ":43:25" },
+ { tag: "contentItem, fill", component: contentItemFillComponent, itemName: "contentItem", warningLocation: ":50:26" },
+ { tag: "contentItem, centerIn", component: contentItemCenterInComponent, itemName: "contentItem", warningLocation: ":57:26" },
+ { tag: "contentItem, left", component: contentItemLeftComponent, itemName: "contentItem", warningLocation: ":64:26" },
+ { tag: "contentItem, right", component: contentItemRightComponent, itemName: "contentItem", warningLocation: ":71:26" }
+ ];
+ }
+ function test_horizontalAnchors(data) {
+ var warningMessage = Qt.resolvedUrl("tst_swipedelegate.qml") + data.warningLocation
+ + ": QML QQuickItem: SwipeDelegate: cannot use horizontal anchors with " + data.itemName + "; unable to layout the item."
+ ignoreWarning(warningMessage);
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(data.component, testCase);
+ verify(control.contentItem);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: greenLeftComponent
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "leftItem"
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ color: "green"
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: redRightComponent
+ Rectangle {
+ objectName: "rightItem"
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ color: "red"
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: swipeDelegateComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ id: swipeDelegate
+ text: "SwipeDelegate"
+ width: 150
+ swipe.left: greenLeftComponent
+ swipe.right: redRightComponent
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpyComponent
+ SignalSpy {}
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: itemComponent
+ Item {}
+ }
+ // Assumes that the delegate is smaller than the width of the control.
+ function swipe(control, from, to) {
+ // Sanity check.
+ compare(control.swipe.position, from);
+ var distance = (to - from) * control.width;
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2 + distance, control.height / 2);
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2 + distance, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, to, "Expected swipe.position to be " + to
+ + " after swiping from " + from + ", but it's " + control.swipe.position);
+ if (control.swipe.position === -1.0) {
+ if (control.swipe.right)
+ verify(control.swipe.rightItem);
+ else if (control.swipe.behind)
+ verify(control.swipe.behindItem);
+ } else if (control.swipe.position === 1.0) {
+ if (control.swipe.left)
+ verify(control.swipe.leftItem);
+ else if (control.swipe.behind)
+ verify(control.swipe.behindItem);
+ }
+ }
+ function test_settingDelegates() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeDelegateComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ ignoreWarning(/QML SwipeDelegate: cannot set both behind and left\/right properties/)
+ control.swipe.behind = itemComponent;
+ // Shouldn't be any warnings when unsetting delegates.
+ control.swipe.left = null;
+ compare(control.swipe.leftItem, null);
+ // right is still set.
+ ignoreWarning(/QML SwipeDelegate: cannot set both behind and left\/right properties/)
+ control.swipe.behind = itemComponent;
+ control.swipe.right = null;
+ compare(control.swipe.rightItem, null);
+ control.swipe.behind = itemComponent;
+ ignoreWarning(/QML SwipeDelegate: cannot set both behind and left\/right properties/)
+ control.swipe.left = itemComponent;
+ ignoreWarning(/QML SwipeDelegate: cannot set both behind and left\/right properties/)
+ control.swipe.right = itemComponent;
+ control.swipe.behind = null;
+ control.swipe.left = greenLeftComponent;
+ control.swipe.right = redRightComponent;
+ // Test that the user is warned when attempting to set or unset left or
+ // right item while they're exposed.
+ // First, try the left item.
+ swipe(control, 0.0, 1.0);
+ var oldLeft = control.swipe.left;
+ var oldLeftItem = control.swipe.leftItem;
+ ignoreWarning(/QML SwipeDelegate: left\/right\/behind properties may only be set when swipe.position is 0/)
+ control.swipe.left = null;
+ compare(control.swipe.left, oldLeft);
+ compare(control.swipe.leftItem, oldLeftItem);
+ // Try the same thing with the right item.
+ swipe(control, 1.0, -1.0);
+ var oldRight = control.swipe.right;
+ var oldRightItem = control.swipe.rightItem;
+ ignoreWarning(/QML SwipeDelegate: left\/right\/behind properties may only be set when swipe.position is 0/)
+ control.swipe.right = null;
+ compare(control.swipe.right, oldRight);
+ compare(control.swipe.rightItem, oldRightItem);
+ // Return to the default position.
+ swipe(control, -1.0, 0.0);
+ tryCompare(control.background, "x", 0, 1000);
+ // Try the same thing with the behind item.
+ control.swipe.left = null;
+ verify(!control.swipe.left);
+ verify(!control.swipe.leftItem);
+ control.swipe.right = null;
+ verify(!control.swipe.right);
+ verify(!control.swipe.rightItem);
+ control.swipe.behind = greenLeftComponent;
+ verify(control.swipe.behind);
+ verify(!control.swipe.behindItem);
+ swipe(control, 0.0, 1.0);
+ var oldBehind = control.swipe.behind;
+ var oldBehindItem = control.swipe.behindItem;
+ ignoreWarning(/QML SwipeDelegate: left\/right\/behind properties may only be set when swipe.position is 0/)
+ control.swipe.behind = null;
+ compare(control.swipe.behind, oldBehind);
+ compare(control.swipe.behindItem, oldBehindItem);
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeDelegateComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, control.contentItem.y + control.contentItem.baselineOffset);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 0);
+ verify(!control.pressed);
+ verify(!control.swipe.complete);
+ }
+ SignalSequenceSpy {
+ id: mouseSignalSequenceSpy
+ signals: ["pressed", "released", "canceled", "clicked", "doubleClicked", "pressedChanged", "pressAndHold"]
+ }
+ function test_swipe() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeDelegateComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ var overDragDistance = Math.round(dragDistance * 1.1);
+ var completedSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control, { target: control.swipe, signalName: "completed" });
+ verify(completedSpy);
+ verify(completedSpy.valid);
+ var openedSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control, { target: control.swipe, signalName: "opened" });
+ verify(openedSpy);
+ verify(openedSpy.valid);
+ var closedSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control, { target: control.swipe, signalName: "closed" });
+ verify(closedSpy);
+ verify(closedSpy.valid);
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.target = control;
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }], "pressed"];
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 0.0);
+ verify(!control.swipe.complete);
+ compare(completedSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ verify(!control.swipe.leftItem);
+ verify(!control.swipe.rightItem);
+ // Drag to the right so that leftItem is created and visible.
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2 + overDragDistance, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, overDragDistance / control.width);
+ verify(!control.swipe.complete);
+ compare(completedSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0);
+ verify(control.swipe.leftItem);
+ verify(control.swipe.leftItem.visible);
+ compare(control.swipe.leftItem.parent, control);
+ compare(control.swipe.leftItem.objectName, "leftItem");
+ verify(!control.swipe.rightItem);
+ // Go back to 0.
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 0.0);
+ verify(!control.swipe.complete);
+ compare(completedSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0);
+ verify(control.swipe.leftItem);
+ verify(control.swipe.leftItem.visible);
+ compare(control.swipe.leftItem.parent, control);
+ compare(control.swipe.leftItem.objectName, "leftItem");
+ verify(!control.swipe.rightItem);
+ // Try the other direction. The right item should be created and visible,
+ // and the left item should be hidden.
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2 - overDragDistance, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, -overDragDistance / control.width);
+ verify(!control.swipe.complete);
+ compare(completedSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0);
+ verify(control.swipe.leftItem);
+ verify(!control.swipe.leftItem.visible);
+ verify(control.swipe.rightItem);
+ verify(control.swipe.rightItem.visible);
+ compare(control.swipe.rightItem.parent, control);
+ compare(control.swipe.rightItem.objectName, "rightItem");
+ // Now release outside the right edge of the control.
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 1.1, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 0.6);
+ verify(!control.swipe.complete);
+ compare(completedSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0);
+ verify(control.swipe.leftItem);
+ verify(control.swipe.leftItem.visible);
+ verify(control.swipe.rightItem);
+ verify(!control.swipe.rightItem.visible);
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }], "canceled"];
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2);
+ verify(!control.pressed);
+ tryCompare(control.swipe, "position", 1.0);
+ tryCompare(control.swipe, "complete", true);
+ compare(completedSpy.count, 1);
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 1);
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ verify(control.swipe.leftItem);
+ verify(control.swipe.leftItem.visible);
+ verify(control.swipe.rightItem);
+ verify(!control.swipe.rightItem.visible);
+ tryCompare(control.contentItem, "x", control.width + control.leftPadding);
+ // Swiping from the right and releasing early should return position to 1.0.
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }], "pressed"];
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 1.0);
+ // complete should still be true, because we haven't moved yet, and hence
+ // haven't started grabbing behind's mouse events.
+ verify(control.swipe.complete);
+ compare(completedSpy.count, 1);
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 1);
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2 - overDragDistance, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ verify(!control.swipe.complete);
+ compare(completedSpy.count, 1);
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 1);
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 1.0 - overDragDistance / control.width);
+ // Since we went over the drag distance, we should expect canceled() to be emitted.
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }], "canceled"];
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width * 0.4, control.height / 2);
+ verify(!control.pressed);
+ tryCompare(control.swipe, "position", 1.0);
+ tryCompare(control.swipe, "complete", true);
+ compare(completedSpy.count, 2);
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 2);
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ tryCompare(control.contentItem, "x", control.width + control.leftPadding);
+ // Swiping from the right and releasing should return contents to default position.
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }], "pressed"];
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 1.0);
+ verify(control.swipe.complete);
+ compare(completedSpy.count, 2);
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 2);
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * -0.1, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ verify(!control.swipe.complete);
+ compare(completedSpy.count, 2);
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 2);
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 0.4);
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }], "canceled"];
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width * -0.1, control.height / 2);
+ verify(!control.pressed);
+ tryCompare(control.swipe, "position", 0.0);
+ verify(!control.swipe.complete);
+ compare(completedSpy.count, 2);
+ compare(openedSpy.count, 2);
+ tryCompare(closedSpy, "count", 1);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ tryCompare(control.contentItem, "x", control.leftPadding);
+ }
+ function test_swipeVelocity_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "positive velocity", direction: 1 },
+ { tag: "negative velocity", direction: -1 }
+ ];
+ }
+ function test_swipeVelocity(data) {
+ skip("QTBUG-52003");
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeDelegateComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ var distance = Math.round(dragDistance * 1.1);
+ if (distance >= control.width / 2)
+ skip("This test requires a startDragDistance that is less than half the width of the control");
+ distance *= data.direction;
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.target = control;
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }], "pressed"];
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 0.0);
+ verify(!control.swipe.complete);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ verify(!control.swipe.leftItem);
+ verify(!control.swipe.rightItem);
+ // Swipe quickly to the side over a distance that is longer than the drag threshold,
+ // quicker than the expose velocity threshold, but shorter than the halfway mark.
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2 + distance, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, distance / control.width);
+ verify(control.swipe.position < 0.5);
+ verify(!control.swipe.complete);
+ var expectedVisibleItem;
+ var expectedVisibleObjectName;
+ var expectedHiddenItem;
+ var expectedContentItemX;
+ if (distance > 0) {
+ expectedVisibleObjectName = "leftItem";
+ expectedVisibleItem = control.swipe.leftItem;
+ expectedHiddenItem = control.swipe.rightItem;
+ expectedContentItemX = control.width + control.leftPadding;
+ } else {
+ expectedVisibleObjectName = "rightItem";
+ expectedVisibleItem = control.swipe.rightItem;
+ expectedHiddenItem = control.swipe.leftItem;
+ expectedContentItemX = -control.width + control.leftPadding;
+ }
+ verify(expectedVisibleItem);
+ verify(expectedVisibleItem.visible);
+ compare(expectedVisibleItem.parent, control);
+ compare(expectedVisibleItem.objectName, expectedVisibleObjectName);
+ verify(!expectedHiddenItem);
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }], "released", "clicked"];
+ // Add a delay to ensure that the release event doesn't happen too quickly,
+ // and hence that the second timestamp isn't zero (can happen with e.g. release builds).
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2 + distance, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton, Qt.NoModifier, 30);
+ verify(!control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, data.direction);
+ verify(control.swipe.complete);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ verify(expectedVisibleItem);
+ verify(expectedVisibleItem.visible);
+ verify(!expectedHiddenItem);
+ tryCompare(control.contentItem, "x", expectedContentItemX);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: swipeDelegateWithButtonComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ text: "SwipeDelegate"
+ width: 150
+ swipe.right: Button {
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ text: "Boo!"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_eventsToLeftAndRight() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeDelegateWithButtonComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ var closedSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control, { target: control.swipe, signalName: "closed" });
+ verify(closedSpy);
+ verify(closedSpy.valid);
+ // The button should be pressed instead of the SwipeDelegate.
+ mouseDrag(control, control.width / 2, 0, -control.width, 0);
+ // Mouse has been released by this stage.
+ verify(!control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, -1.0);
+ verify(control.swipe.rightItem);
+ verify(control.swipe.rightItem.visible);
+ compare(control.swipe.rightItem.parent, control);
+ var buttonPressedSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control, { target: control.swipe.rightItem, signalName: "pressed" });
+ verify(buttonPressedSpy);
+ verify(buttonPressedSpy.valid);
+ var buttonReleasedSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control, { target: control.swipe.rightItem, signalName: "released" });
+ verify(buttonReleasedSpy);
+ verify(buttonReleasedSpy.valid);
+ var buttonClickedSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control, { target: control.swipe.rightItem, signalName: "clicked" });
+ verify(buttonClickedSpy);
+ verify(buttonClickedSpy.valid);
+ // Now press the button.
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2);
+ verify(!control.pressed);
+ var button = control.swipe.rightItem;
+ verify(button.pressed);
+ compare(buttonPressedSpy.count, 1);
+ compare(buttonReleasedSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(buttonClickedSpy.count, 0);
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2);
+ verify(!button.pressed);
+ compare(buttonPressedSpy.count, 1);
+ compare(buttonReleasedSpy.count, 1);
+ compare(buttonClickedSpy.count, 1);
+ // Returning back to a position of 0 and pressing on the control should
+ // result in the control being pressed.
+ mouseDrag(control, control.width / 2, 0, control.width * 0.6, 0);
+ tryCompare(closedSpy, "count", 1);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 0);
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ verify(!button.pressed);
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2);
+ verify(!control.pressed);
+ }
+ function test_mouseButtons() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeDelegateComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ // click
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.target = control;
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }], "pressed"];
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ compare(control.pressed, true);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }], "released", "clicked"];
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ compare(control.pressed, false);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ // right button
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [];
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton);
+ compare(control.pressed, false);
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton);
+ compare(control.pressed, false);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ // double click
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ "doubleClicked",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ "released"
+ ];
+ mouseDoubleClickSequence(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ // press and hold
+ var pressAndHoldSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "pressAndHold" });
+ verify(pressAndHoldSpy);
+ verify(pressAndHoldSpy.valid);
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ "pressAndHold",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }],
+ "released"
+ ];
+ mousePress(control);
+ compare(control.pressed, true);
+ tryCompare(pressAndHoldSpy, "count", 1);
+ mouseRelease(control);
+ compare(control.pressed, false);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: removableDelegatesComponent
+ ListView {
+ id: listView
+ width: 100
+ height: 120
+ model: ListModel {
+ ListElement { name: "Apple" }
+ ListElement { name: "Orange" }
+ ListElement { name: "Pear" }
+ }
+ delegate: SwipeDelegate {
+ id: rootDelegate
+ text: modelData
+ width: listView.width
+ property alias removeAnimation: onRemoveAnimation
+ ListView.onRemove: onRemoveAnimation.start()
+ SequentialAnimation {
+ id: onRemoveAnimation
+ PropertyAction {
+ target: rootDelegate
+ property: "ListView.delayRemove"
+ value: true
+ }
+ NumberAnimation {
+ target: rootDelegate
+ property: "height"
+ to: 0
+ easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
+ }
+ PropertyAction {
+ target: rootDelegate;
+ property: "ListView.delayRemove";
+ value: false
+ }
+ }
+ swipe.left: Rectangle {
+ objectName: "rectangle"
+ color: SwipeDelegate.pressed ? "#333" : "#444"
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ SwipeDelegate.onClicked: listView.model.remove(index)
+ Label {
+ objectName: "label"
+ text: "Remove"
+ color: "white"
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_removableDelegates() {
+ var listView = createTemporaryObject(removableDelegatesComponent, testCase);
+ verify(listView);
+ compare(listView.count, 3);
+ // Expose the remove button.
+ var firstItem = listView.itemAt(0, 0);
+ mousePress(listView, firstItem.width / 2, firstItem.height / 2);
+ verify(firstItem.pressed);
+ compare(firstItem.swipe.position, 0.0);
+ verify(!firstItem.swipe.complete);
+ verify(!firstItem.swipe.leftItem);
+ mouseMove(listView, firstItem.width * 1.1, firstItem.height / 2);
+ verify(firstItem.pressed);
+ compare(firstItem.swipe.position, 0.6);
+ verify(!firstItem.swipe.complete);
+ verify(firstItem.swipe.leftItem);
+ verify(!firstItem.swipe.leftItem.SwipeDelegate.pressed);
+ mouseRelease(listView, firstItem.width / 2, firstItem.height / 2);
+ verify(!firstItem.pressed);
+ tryCompare(firstItem.swipe, "position", 1.0);
+ tryCompare(firstItem.swipe, "complete", true);
+ compare(listView.count, 3);
+ // Wait for it to settle down.
+ tryCompare(firstItem.contentItem, "x", firstItem.leftPadding + firstItem.width);
+ var leftClickedSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(firstItem.swipe.leftItem,
+ { target: firstItem.swipe.leftItem.SwipeDelegate, signalName: "clicked" });
+ verify(leftClickedSpy);
+ verify(leftClickedSpy.valid);
+ // Click the left item to remove the delegate from the list.
+ var contentItemX = firstItem.contentItem.x;
+ mousePress(listView, firstItem.width / 2, firstItem.height / 2);
+ verify(firstItem.swipe.leftItem.SwipeDelegate.pressed);
+ compare(leftClickedSpy.count, 0);
+ verify(firstItem.pressed);
+ mouseRelease(listView, firstItem.width / 2, firstItem.height / 2);
+ verify(!firstItem.swipe.leftItem.SwipeDelegate.pressed);
+ compare(leftClickedSpy.count, 1);
+ verify(!firstItem.pressed);
+ leftClickedSpy = null;
+ tryCompare(firstItem.removeAnimation, "running", true);
+ // There was a bug where the resizeContent() would be called because the height
+ // of the control was changing due to the animation. contentItem would then
+ // change x position and hence be visible when it shouldn't be.
+ verify(firstItem.removeAnimation.running);
+ while (1) {
+ wait(10)
+ if (firstItem && firstItem.removeAnimation && firstItem.removeAnimation.running)
+ compare(firstItem.contentItem.x, contentItemX);
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ compare(listView.count, 2);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: leadingTrailingXComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ id: delegate
+ width: 150
+ text: "SwipeDelegate"
+ swipe.left: Rectangle {
+ x: delegate.background.x - width
+ width: delegate.width
+ height: delegate.height
+ color: "green"
+ }
+ swipe.right: Rectangle {
+ x: delegate.background.x + delegate.background.width
+ width: delegate.width
+ height: delegate.height
+ color: "red"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: leadingTrailingAnchorsComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ id: delegate
+ width: 150
+ text: "SwipeDelegate"
+ swipe.left: Rectangle {
+ anchors.right: delegate.background.left
+ width: delegate.width
+ height: delegate.height
+ color: "green"
+ }
+ swipe.right: Rectangle {
+ anchors.left: delegate.background.right
+ width: delegate.width
+ height: delegate.height
+ color: "red"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_leadingTrailing_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "x", component: leadingTrailingXComponent },
+ { tag: "anchors", component: leadingTrailingAnchorsComponent },
+ ];
+ }
+ function test_leadingTrailing(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(data.component, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.swipe.leftItem);
+ compare(control.swipe.leftItem.x, -control.width / 2);
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ }
+ function test_minMaxPosition() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(leadingTrailingXComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ // Should be limited within the range -1.0 to 1.0.
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 1.5, control.height / 2);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 1.0);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 1.6, control.height / 2);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 1.0);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * -1.6, control.height / 2);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, -1.0);
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: emptySwipeDelegateComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ text: "SwipeDelegate"
+ width: 150
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: smallLeftComponent
+ Rectangle {
+ width: 80
+ height: 40
+ color: "green"
+ }
+ }
+ // swipe.position should be scaled to the width of the relevant delegate,
+ // and it shouldn't be possible to drag past the delegate (so that content behind the control is visible).
+ function test_delegateWidth() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(emptySwipeDelegateComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ control.swipe.left = smallLeftComponent;
+ // Ensure that the position is scaled to the width of the currently visible delegate.
+ var overDragDistance = Math.round(dragDistance * 1.1);
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2 + overDragDistance, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.swipe.leftItem);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, overDragDistance / control.swipe.leftItem.width);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2 + control.swipe.leftItem.width, control.height / 2);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 1.0);
+ // Ensure that it's not possible to drag past the (left) delegate.
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2 + control.swipe.leftItem.width + 1, control.height / 2);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 1.0);
+ // Now release over the right side; the position should be 1.0 and the background
+ // should be "anchored" to the right side of the left delegate item.
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2 + control.swipe.leftItem.width, control.height / 2);
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2 + control.swipe.leftItem.width, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 1.0);
+ tryCompare(control.background, "x", control.swipe.leftItem.width, 1000);
+ }
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: leftVisibleSpy
+ signalName: "visibleChanged"
+ }
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: rightVisibleSpy
+ signalName: "visibleChanged"
+ }
+ function test_positionAfterSwipeCompleted() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeDelegateComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ // Ensure that both delegates are constructed.
+ mousePress(control, 0, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 1.1, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.swipe.leftItem);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * -0.1, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.swipe.rightItem);
+ // Expose the left delegate.
+ mouseMove(control, control.swipe.leftItem.width, control.height / 2);
+ mouseRelease(control, control.swipe.leftItem.width, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.swipe.complete);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 1.0);
+ leftVisibleSpy.target = control.swipe.leftItem;
+ rightVisibleSpy.target = control.swipe.rightItem;
+ // Swipe from right to left without exposing the right item,
+ // and make sure that the right item never becomes visible
+ // (and hence that the left item never loses visibility).
+ mousePress(control, control.swipe.leftItem.width - 1, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ compare(leftVisibleSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(rightVisibleSpy.count, 0);
+ var newX = control.swipe.leftItem.width - Math.round(dragDistance * 1.1) -1;
+ mouseMove(control, newX, control.height / 2);
+ compare(leftVisibleSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(rightVisibleSpy.count, 0);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, (newX + 1) / control.swipe.leftItem.width);
+ mouseMove(control, 0, control.height / 2);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 1 / control.swipe.leftItem.width);
+ // Because we move from (width - 1) to 0, so one pixel remains
+ // Test swiping over a distance that is greater than the width of the left item.
+ mouseMove(control, -1, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.swipe.rightItem);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 0);
+ // Now go back to 1.0.
+ mouseMove(control, control.swipe.leftItem.width - 1, control.height / 2);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 1.0);
+ tryCompare(control.background, "x", control.swipe.leftItem.width, 1000);
+ mouseRelease(control, control.swipe.leftItem.width, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ }
+ // TODO: this somehow results in the behind item having a negative width
+// Component {
+// id: behindSwipeDelegateComponent
+// SwipeDelegate {
+// anchors.centerIn: parent
+// swipe.behind: Rectangle {
+// onXChanged: print("x changed", x)
+// anchors.left: {
+// print("anchors.left expression", swipe.position)
+// swipe.position < 0 ? parent.background.right : undefined
+// }
+// anchors.right: {
+// print("anchors.right expression", swipe.position)
+// swipe.position > 0 ? parent.background.left : undefined
+// }
+// width: parent.width
+// height: parent.height
+// color: "green"
+// }
+// swipe.left: null
+// swipe.right: null
+// Rectangle {
+// anchors.fill: parent
+// color: "transparent"
+// border.color: "darkorange"
+// }
+// }
+// }
+ Component {
+ id: behindSwipeDelegateComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ text: "SwipeDelegate"
+ width: 150
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ swipe.behind: Rectangle {
+ x: swipe.position < 0 ? parent.background.x + parent.background.width
+ : (swipe.position > 0 ? parent.background.x - width : 0)
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ color: "green"
+ }
+ swipe.left: null
+ swipe.right: null
+ }
+ }
+ function test_leadingTrailingBehindItem() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(behindSwipeDelegateComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ swipe(control, 0.0, 1.0);
+ verify(control.swipe.behindItem.visible);
+ compare(control.swipe.behindItem.x, control.background.x - control.background.width);
+ swipe(control, 1.0, -1.0);
+ verify(control.swipe.behindItem.visible);
+ compare(control.swipe.behindItem.x, control.background.x + control.background.width);
+ swipe(control, -1.0, 1.0);
+ verify(control.swipe.behindItem.visible);
+ compare(control.swipe.behindItem.x, control.background.x - control.background.width);
+ // Should be possible to "wrap" with a behind delegate specified.
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2 + control.swipe.behindItem.width * 0.8, control.height / 2);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, -0.2);
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2 + control.swipe.behindItem.width * 0.8, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ tryCompare(control.swipe, "position", 0.0);
+ // Try wrapping the other way.
+ swipe(control, 0.0, -1.0);
+ verify(control.swipe.behindItem.visible);
+ compare(control.swipe.behindItem.x, control.background.x + control.background.width);
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2 - control.swipe.behindItem.width * 0.8, control.height / 2);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 0.2);
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2 - control.swipe.behindItem.width * 0.8, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ tryCompare(control.swipe, "position", 0.0);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: closeSwipeDelegateComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ text: "SwipeDelegate"
+ width: 150
+ swipe.right: Rectangle {
+ color: "green"
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ SwipeDelegate.onClicked: swipe.close()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_close() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(closeSwipeDelegateComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ var closedSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control, { target: control.swipe, signalName: "closed" });
+ verify(closedSpy);
+ verify(closedSpy.valid);
+ swipe(control, 0.0, -1.0);
+ compare(control.swipe.rightItem.visible, true);
+ // Should animate, so it shouldn't change right away.
+ compare(control.swipe.rightItem.x, 0);
+ tryCompare(control.swipe.rightItem, "x", control.background.x + control.background.width);
+ mousePress(control);
+ verify(control.swipe.rightItem.SwipeDelegate.pressed);
+ mouseRelease(control);
+ verify(!control.swipe.rightItem.SwipeDelegate.pressed);
+ tryCompare(closedSpy, "count", 1);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 0);
+ // Swiping after closing should work as normal.
+ swipe(control, 0.0, -1.0);
+ }
+ function test_callCloseWhenAlreadyClosed() {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(swipeDelegateComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ let closedSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control, { target: control.swipe, signalName: "closed" })
+ verify(closedSpy)
+ verify(closedSpy.valid)
+ // Calling close() when it's already closed should have no effect.
+ control.swipe.close()
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0)
+ // The game goes for calling close() in response to a click.
+ control.clicked.connect(function() { control.swipe.close() })
+ mouseClick(control)
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0)
+ }
+ // Can't just connect to pressed in QML, because there is a pressed property
+ // that conflicts with the signal.
+ Component {
+ id: swipeDelegateCloseOnPressedComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ text: "SwipeDelegate"
+ width: 150
+ swipe.right: Rectangle {
+ objectName: "rightItem"
+ width: parent.width / 2
+ height: parent.height
+ color: "tomato"
+ }
+ onPressed: swipe.close()
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ We don't want to support closing on pressed(); released() or clicked()
+ should be used instead. However, calling swipe.close() in response to
+ a press should still not cause closed() to be emitted.
+ */
+ function test_closeOnPressed() {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(swipeDelegateCloseOnPressedComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ swipe(control, 0.0, -1.0)
+ let closedSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control, { target: control.swipe, signalName: "closed" })
+ verify(closedSpy)
+ verify(closedSpy.valid)
+ mousePress(control, control.width * 0.1)
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.swipe.position, -1.0)
+ // Simulate a somewhat realistic delay between press and release
+ // to ensure that the bug is triggered.
+ wait(100)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width * 0.1)
+ compare(closedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(control.swipe.position, -1.0)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: multiActionSwipeDelegateComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ text: "SwipeDelegate"
+ width: 150
+ swipe.right: Item {
+ objectName: "rightItemRoot"
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ property alias firstAction: firstAction
+ property alias secondAction: secondAction
+ property int firstClickCount: 0
+ property int secondClickCount: 0
+ Row {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ anchors.margins: 5
+ Rectangle {
+ id: firstAction
+ width: parent.width / 2
+ height: parent.height
+ color: "tomato"
+ SwipeDelegate.onClicked: ++firstClickCount
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ id: secondAction
+ width: parent.width / 2
+ height: parent.height
+ color: "navajowhite"
+ SwipeDelegate.onClicked: ++secondClickCount
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Tests that it's possible to have multiple non-interactive items in one delegate
+ // (e.g. left/right/behind) that can each receive clicks.
+ function test_multipleClickableActions() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(multiActionSwipeDelegateComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ swipe(control, 0.0, -1.0);
+ verify(control.swipe.rightItem);
+ tryCompare(control.swipe, "complete", true);
+ var firstClickedSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control,
+ { target: control.swipe.rightItem.firstAction.SwipeDelegate, signalName: "clicked" });
+ verify(firstClickedSpy);
+ verify(firstClickedSpy.valid);
+ // Clicked within rightItem, but not within an item using the attached properties.
+ mousePress(control, 2, 2);
+ compare(control.swipe.rightItem.firstAction.SwipeDelegate.pressed, false);
+ compare(firstClickedSpy.count, 0);
+ mouseRelease(control, 2, 2);
+ compare(control.swipe.rightItem.firstAction.SwipeDelegate.pressed, false);
+ compare(firstClickedSpy.count, 0);
+ // Click within the first item.
+ mousePress(control.swipe.rightItem.firstAction, 0, 0);
+ compare(control.swipe.rightItem.firstAction.SwipeDelegate.pressed, true);
+ compare(firstClickedSpy.count, 0);
+ mouseRelease(control.swipe.rightItem.firstAction, 0, 0);
+ compare(control.swipe.rightItem.firstAction.SwipeDelegate.pressed, false);
+ compare(firstClickedSpy.count, 1);
+ compare(control.swipe.rightItem.firstClickCount, 1);
+ var secondClickedSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control,
+ { target: control.swipe.rightItem.secondAction.SwipeDelegate, signalName: "clicked" });
+ verify(secondClickedSpy);
+ verify(secondClickedSpy.valid);
+ // Click within the second item.
+ mousePress(control.swipe.rightItem.secondAction, 0, 0);
+ compare(control.swipe.rightItem.secondAction.SwipeDelegate.pressed, true);
+ compare(secondClickedSpy.count, 0);
+ mouseRelease(control.swipe.rightItem.secondAction, 0, 0);
+ compare(control.swipe.rightItem.secondAction.SwipeDelegate.pressed, false);
+ compare(secondClickedSpy.count, 1);
+ compare(control.swipe.rightItem.secondClickCount, 1);
+ }
+ // Pressing on a "side action" and then dragging should eventually
+ // cause the ListView to grab the mouse and start changing its contentY.
+ // When this happens, it will grab the mouse and hence we must clear
+ // that action's pressed state so that it doesn't stay pressed after releasing.
+ function test_dragSideAction() {
+ let listView = createTemporaryObject(removableDelegatesComponent, testCase);
+ verify(listView);
+ let control = listView.itemAt(0, 0);
+ verify(control);
+ // Expose the side action.
+ swipe(control, 0.0, 1.0);
+ verify(control.swipe.leftItem);
+ tryCompare(control.swipe, "complete", true);
+ let pressedSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control,
+ { target: control.swipe.leftItem.SwipeDelegate, signalName: "pressedChanged" });
+ verify(pressedSpy);
+ verify(pressedSpy.valid);
+ let movingHorizontallySpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpyComponent, testCase,
+ { target: listView, signalName: "movingHorizontallyChanged" })
+ verify(movingHorizontallySpy)
+ verify(movingHorizontallySpy.valid)
+ let movingVerticallySpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpyComponent, testCase,
+ { target: listView, signalName: "movingVerticallyChanged" })
+ verify(movingVerticallySpy)
+ verify(movingVerticallySpy.valid)
+ let flickingHorizontallySpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpyComponent, testCase,
+ { target: listView, signalName: "flickingHorizontallyChanged" })
+ verify(flickingHorizontallySpy)
+ verify(flickingHorizontallySpy.valid)
+ let flickingVerticallySpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpyComponent, testCase,
+ { target: listView, signalName: "flickingVerticallyChanged" })
+ verify(flickingVerticallySpy)
+ verify(flickingVerticallySpy.valid)
+ // Drag the ListView vertically; its contentY should change.
+ mouseDrag(listView, 20, 20, 0, listView.height);
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 2);
+ // Wait for it to stop moving.
+ tryCompare(listView, "flickingVertically", false)
+ // 2 because it should change to true then false.
+ compare(movingHorizontallySpy.count, 0)
+ compare(movingVerticallySpy.count, 2)
+ compare(flickingHorizontallySpy.count, 0)
+ compare(flickingVerticallySpy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.swipe.leftItem.SwipeDelegate.pressed, false);
+ }
+ // When the width of a SwipeDelegate changes (as it does upon portrait => landscape
+ // rotation, for example), the positions of the contentItem and background items
+ // should be updated accordingly.
+ function test_contentItemPosOnWidthChanged() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeDelegateComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ swipe(control, 0.0, 1.0);
+ var oldContentItemX = control.contentItem.x;
+ var oldBackgroundX = control.background.x;
+ control.width += 100;
+ compare(control.contentItem.x, oldContentItemX + 100);
+ compare(control.background.x, oldBackgroundX + 100);
+ }
+ function test_contentItemHeightOnHeightChanged() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeDelegateComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ // Try when swipe.complete is false.
+ var originalHeight = control.height;
+ var originalContentItemHeight = control.contentItem.height;
+ verify(control.height !== 10);
+ control.height = 10;
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight);
+ verify(control.contentItem.height < originalContentItemHeight);
+ compare(control.contentItem.y, control.topPadding);
+ // Try when swipe.complete is true.
+ control.height = originalHeight;
+ swipe(control, 0.0, 1.0);
+ control.height = 10;
+ compare(control.contentItem.height, control.availableHeight);
+ verify(control.contentItem.height < originalContentItemHeight);
+ compare(control.contentItem.y, control.topPadding);
+ }
+ function test_releaseOutside_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "no delegates", component: emptySwipeDelegateComponent },
+ { tag: "delegates", component: swipeDelegateComponent },
+ ];
+ }
+ function test_releaseOutside(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(data.component, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ // Press and then release below the control.
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.target = control;
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }], "pressed", ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }]];
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2, control.height + 10);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = ["canceled"];
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height + 10, Qt.LeftButton);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ // Press and then release to the right of the control.
+ var hasDelegates = control.swipe.left || control.swipe.right || control.swipe.behind;
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.target = control;
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = hasDelegates
+ ? [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }], "pressed"]
+ : [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true }], "pressed", ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }]];
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width + 10, control.height / 2);
+ if (hasDelegates)
+ verify(control.swipe.position > 0);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ mouseSignalSequenceSpy.expectedSequence = hasDelegates ? [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false }], "canceled"] : ["canceled"];
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width + 10, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ verify(mouseSignalSequenceSpy.success);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: leftRightWithLabelsComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ id: delegate
+ text: "SwipeDelegate"
+ width: 150
+ background.opacity: 0.5
+ swipe.left: Rectangle {
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ color: SwipeDelegate.pressed ? Qt.darker("green") : "green"
+ property alias label: label
+ Label {
+ id: label
+ text: "Left"
+ color: "white"
+ anchors.margins: 10
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ }
+ SwipeDelegate.onClicked: delegate.swipe.close()
+ }
+ swipe.right: Rectangle {
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ color: SwipeDelegate.pressed ? Qt.darker("green") : "red"
+ property alias label: label
+ Label {
+ id: label
+ text: "Right"
+ color: "white"
+ anchors.margins: 10
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ }
+ SwipeDelegate.onClicked: delegate.swipe.close()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_beginSwipeOverRightItem() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(leftRightWithLabelsComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ // Swipe to the left, exposing the right item.
+ swipe(control, 0.0, -1.0);
+ // Click to close it and go back to a position of 0.
+ mouseClick(control);
+ // TODO: Swipe to the left, with the mouse over the Label in the right item.
+ // The left item should not become visible at any point.
+ var rightLabel = control.swipe.rightItem.label;
+ var overDragDistance = Math.round(dragDistance * 1.1);
+ mousePress(rightLabel, rightLabel.width / 2, rightLabel.height / 2, Qt.rightButton);
+ mouseMove(rightLabel, rightLabel.width / 2 - overDragDistance, rightLabel.height / 2);
+ verify(!control.swipe.leftItem);
+ mouseRelease(rightLabel, rightLabel.width / 2 - overDragDistance, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ verify(!control.swipe.leftItem);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: swipeDelegateDisabledComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ id: swipeDelegate
+ text: "SwipeDelegate"
+ width: parent.width
+ height: checked ? implicitHeight * 2 : implicitHeight
+ checkable: true
+ swipe.enabled: false
+ swipe.right: Label {
+ text: swipeDelegate.checked ? qsTr("Expanded") : qsTr("Collapsed")
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ padding: 12
+ color: "white"
+ verticalAlignment: Label.AlignVCenter
+ horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignRight
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_swipeEnabled() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeDelegateDisabledComponent, testCase);
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 0.0);
+ verify(!control.swipe.complete);
+ verify(!control.swipe.leftItem);
+ verify(!control.swipe.rightItem);
+ // It shouldn't be possible to swipe.
+ var overDragDistance = Math.round(dragDistance * 1.1);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2 - overDragDistance, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 0.0);
+ verify(!control.swipe.complete);
+ verify(!control.swipe.leftItem);
+ verify(!control.swipe.rightItem);
+ // Now move outside the right edge of the control and release.
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 1.1, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 0.0);
+ verify(!control.swipe.complete);
+ verify(!control.swipe.leftItem);
+ verify(!control.swipe.rightItem);
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2);
+ verify(!control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, 0.0);
+ verify(!control.swipe.complete);
+ verify(!control.swipe.leftItem);
+ verify(!control.swipe.rightItem);
+ // Now enabled swiping so that we can swipe to the left.
+ control.swipe.enabled = true;
+ swipe(control, 0, -1);
+ verify(control.swipe.complete);
+ // Now that the swipe is complete, disable swiping and then try to swipe again.
+ // It should stay at its position of -1.
+ control.swipe.enabled = false;
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, -1.0);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2 + overDragDistance, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, -1.0);
+ verify(control.swipe.complete);
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2 + overDragDistance, control.height / 2);
+ verify(!control.pressed);
+ compare(control.swipe.position, -1.0);
+ verify(control.swipe.complete);
+ }
+ function test_side() {
+ compare(SwipeDelegate.Left, 1.0);
+ compare(SwipeDelegate.Right, -1.0);
+ }
+ function test_open_side_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "left", side: SwipeDelegate.Left, position: 1, complete: true, left: greenLeftComponent, right: null, behind: null },
+ { tag: "right", side: SwipeDelegate.Right, position: -1, complete: true, left: null, right: redRightComponent, behind: null },
+ { tag: "behind,left", side: SwipeDelegate.Left, position: 1, complete: true, left: null, right: null, behind: greenLeftComponent },
+ { tag: "behind,right", side: SwipeDelegate.Right, position: -1, complete: true, left: null, right: null, behind: redRightComponent },
+ { tag: "left,behind", side: SwipeDelegate.Left, position: 1, complete: true, left: null, right: null, behind: greenLeftComponent },
+ { tag: "right,behind", side: SwipeDelegate.Right, position: -1, complete: true, left: null, right: null, behind: redRightComponent },
+ { tag: "left,null", side: SwipeDelegate.Left, position: 0, complete: false, left: null, right: null, behind: null },
+ { tag: "right,null", side: SwipeDelegate.Right, position: 0, complete: false, left: null, right: null, behind: null },
+ { tag: "invalid", side: 0, position: 0, complete: false, left: greenLeftComponent, right: null, behind: null }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_open_side(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(emptySwipeDelegateComponent, testCase,
+ {"swipe.left": data.left, "swipe.right": data.right, "swipe.behind": data.behind});
+ verify(control);
+ control.swipe.open(data.side);
+ tryCompare(control.swipe, "position", data.position);
+ tryCompare(control.swipe, "complete", data.complete);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: openSwipeDelegateComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ text: "SwipeDelegate"
+ width: 150
+ onClicked: swipe.open(SwipeDelegate.Right)
+ swipe.right: Item {
+ width: parent.width
+ height: parent.height
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_open() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(openSwipeDelegateComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ mouseClick(control);
+ tryCompare(control.swipe, "position", SwipeDelegate.Right);
+ tryCompare(control.background, "x", -control.background.width);
+ // Swiping after opening should work as normal.
+ swipe(control, SwipeDelegate.Right, 0.0);
+ tryCompare(control.swipe, "position", 0.0);
+ tryCompare(control.background, "x", 0);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: animationSwipeDelegateComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ id: control
+ text: "SwipeDelegate"
+ width: 150
+ swipe.left: greenLeftComponent
+ swipe.right: redRightComponent
+ swipe.transition: null
+ property alias behavior: xBehavior
+ property alias animation: numberAnimation
+ background: Rectangle {
+ color: control.down ? "#ccc" : "#fff"
+ Behavior on x {
+ id: xBehavior
+ enabled: !control.down
+ NumberAnimation {
+ id: numberAnimation
+ easing.type: Easing.InOutCubic
+ duration: 400
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_animations() {
+ // Test that animations are run when releasing from a drag.
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(animationSwipeDelegateComponent, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ mouseMove(control, control.width - 1, control.height / 2);
+ verify(control.down);
+ verify(!control.behavior.enabled);
+ verify(!control.animation.running);
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width - 1, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton);
+ verify(!control.down);
+ verify(control.behavior.enabled);
+ verify(control.animation.running);
+ }
+ function test_spacing() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeDelegateComponent, testCase, { text: "Some long, long, long text" })
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.contentItem.implicitWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding > control.background.implicitWidth)
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ verify(textLabel)
+ // The implicitWidth of the IconLabel that all buttons use as their contentItem
+ // should be equal to the implicitWidth of the Text while no icon is set.
+ compare(control.contentItem.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth)
+ // That means that spacing shouldn't affect it.
+ control.spacing += 100
+ compare(control.contentItem.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth)
+ // The implicitWidth of the SwipeDelegate itself should, therefore, also never include spacing while no icon is set.
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ }
+ function test_display_data() {
+ return [
+ { "tag": "IconOnly", display: SwipeDelegate.IconOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly", display: SwipeDelegate.TextOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon", display: SwipeDelegate.TextUnderIcon },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon", display: SwipeDelegate.TextBesideIcon },
+ { "tag": "IconOnly, mirrored", display: SwipeDelegate.IconOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly, mirrored", display: SwipeDelegate.TextOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon, mirrored", display: SwipeDelegate.TextUnderIcon, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon, mirrored", display: SwipeDelegate.TextBesideIcon, mirrored: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_display(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeDelegateComponent, testCase, {
+ text: "SwipeDelegate",
+ display: data.display,
+ width: 400,
+ "icon.source": "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png",
+ "LayoutMirroring.enabled": !!data.mirrored
+ })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.icon.source, "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png")
+ var iconImage = findChild(control.contentItem, "image")
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ switch (control.display) {
+ case SwipeDelegate.IconOnly:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(!textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, (control.availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case SwipeDelegate.TextOnly:
+ verify(!iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(textLabel.x, control.mirrored ? control.availableWidth - textLabel.width : 0)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case SwipeDelegate.TextUnderIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, (control.availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.x, (control.availableWidth - textLabel.width) / 2)
+ verify(iconImage.y < textLabel.y)
+ break;
+ case SwipeDelegate.TextBesideIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ if (control.mirrored)
+ verify(textLabel.x < iconImage.x)
+ else
+ verify(iconImage.x < textLabel.x)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function test_resizeParent() {
+ let container = createTemporaryObject(itemComponent, testCase, { objectName: "container", width: 100, height: 200 })
+ verify(container)
+ let control = swipeDelegateComponent.createObject(container, { width: Qt.binding(function() { return container.width }) })
+ verify(control)
+ // Resize while closed.
+ container.width = 200
+ compare(container.width, 200)
+ compare(control.width, 200)
+ compare(control.background.width, 200)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, 200 - control.leftPadding - control.rightPadding)
+ // Return to original size.
+ container.width = 100
+ compare(control.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, 100 - control.leftPadding - control.rightPadding)
+ // Swipe to the left to open.
+ swipe(control, 0, -1.0)
+ // Nothing should have changed except positions.
+ compare(control.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, 100 - control.leftPadding - control.rightPadding)
+ // Resize while open.
+ container.width = 200
+ // The items should fill the width as usual.
+ compare(control.width, 200)
+ compare(control.background.width, 200)
+ compare(control.contentItem.width, 200 - control.leftPadding - control.rightPadding)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: cppDelegateComponent
+ SwipeDelegate {
+ text: "SwipeDelegate"
+ width: 150
+ swipe.right: ComponentCreator.createComponent(
+ "import QtQuick; Rectangle { width: 100; height: parent.height; color: \"tomato\" }")
+ }
+ }
+ function test_delegateComponentCreatedInCpp() {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(cppDelegateComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ swipe(control, 0, -1.0)
+ compare(control.swipe.rightItem.color, Qt.color("tomato"))
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_swipeview.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_swipeview.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c853f6dd55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_swipeview.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "SwipeView"
+ Component {
+ id: swipeView
+ SwipeView { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: page
+ Text { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(swipeView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_current() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeView, testCase)
+ var currentItemChangedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "currentItemChanged"})
+ verify(currentItemChangedSpy.valid)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(control.currentItem, null)
+ var item0 = page.createObject(control, {text: "0"})
+ control.addItem(item0)
+ compare(control.count, 1)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "0")
+ compare(currentItemChangedSpy.count, 1);
+ compare(control.contentWidth, item0.implicitWidth)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, item0.implicitHeight)
+ var item1 = page.createObject(control, {text: "11"})
+ control.addItem(item1)
+ compare(control.count, 2)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "0")
+ compare(currentItemChangedSpy.count, 1);
+ compare(control.contentWidth, item0.implicitWidth)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, item0.implicitHeight)
+ var item2 = page.createObject(control, {text: "222"})
+ control.addItem(item2)
+ compare(control.count, 3)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "0")
+ compare(currentItemChangedSpy.count, 1);
+ compare(control.contentWidth, item0.implicitWidth)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, item0.implicitHeight)
+ control.currentIndex = 1
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "11")
+ compare(currentItemChangedSpy.count, 2);
+ compare(control.contentWidth, item1.implicitWidth)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, item1.implicitHeight)
+ control.currentIndex = 2
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "222")
+ compare(currentItemChangedSpy.count, 3);
+ compare(control.contentWidth, item2.implicitWidth)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, item2.implicitHeight)
+ control.decrementCurrentIndex()
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "11")
+ compare(currentItemChangedSpy.count, 4);
+ compare(control.contentWidth, item1.implicitWidth)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, item1.implicitHeight)
+ control.incrementCurrentIndex()
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "222")
+ compare(currentItemChangedSpy.count, 5);
+ compare(control.contentWidth, item2.implicitWidth)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, item2.implicitHeight)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: initialCurrentSwipeView
+ SwipeView {
+ currentIndex: 1
+ property alias item0: item0
+ property alias item1: item1
+ Item {
+ id: item0
+ }
+ Item {
+ id: item1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_initialCurrent() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(initialCurrentSwipeView, testCase)
+ compare(control.count, 2)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem, control.item1)
+ }
+ function test_addRemove() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeView, testCase)
+ function verifyCurrentIndexCountDiff() {
+ verify(control.currentIndex < control.count)
+ }
+ control.currentIndexChanged.connect(verifyCurrentIndexCountDiff)
+ control.countChanged.connect(verifyCurrentIndexCountDiff)
+ var currentItemChangedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "currentItemChanged"})
+ verify(currentItemChangedSpy.valid)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(control.currentItem, null)
+ control.addItem(page.createObject(control, {text: "1"}))
+ compare(control.count, 1)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(currentItemChangedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "1")
+ control.addItem(page.createObject(control, {text: "2"}))
+ compare(control.count, 2)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(currentItemChangedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).text, "2")
+ control.currentIndex = 1
+ compare(currentItemChangedSpy.count, 2)
+ control.insertItem(1, page.createObject(control, {text: "3"}))
+ compare(control.count, 3)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).text, "3")
+ compare(control.itemAt(2).text, "2")
+ control.insertItem(0, page.createObject(control, {text: "4"}))
+ compare(control.count, 4)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 3)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "4")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(2).text, "3")
+ compare(control.itemAt(3).text, "2")
+ control.insertItem(control.count, page.createObject(control, {text: "5"}))
+ compare(control.count, 5)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 3)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "4")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(2).text, "3")
+ compare(control.itemAt(3).text, "2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(4).text, "5")
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(control.count - 1))
+ compare(control.count, 4)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 3)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "4")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(2).text, "3")
+ compare(control.itemAt(3).text, "2")
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(0))
+ compare(control.count, 3)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).text, "3")
+ compare(control.itemAt(2).text, "2")
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(1))
+ compare(control.count, 2)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).text, "2")
+ currentItemChangedSpy.clear()
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(1))
+ compare(control.count, 1)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(currentItemChangedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "1")
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(0))
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(currentItemChangedSpy.count, 2)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentView
+ SwipeView {
+ QtObject { objectName: "object" }
+ Item { objectName: "page1" }
+ Timer { objectName: "timer" }
+ Item { objectName: "page2" }
+ Component { Item { } }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_content() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(contentView, testCase)
+ function compareObjectNames(content, names) {
+ if (content.length !== names.length)
+ return false
+ for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
+ if (content[i].objectName !== names[i])
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentData, ["object", "page1", "timer", "page2", ""]))
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentChildren, ["page1", "page2"]))
+ control.addItem(page.createObject(control, {objectName: "page3"}))
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentData, ["object", "page1", "timer", "page2", "", "page3"]))
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentChildren, ["page1", "page2", "page3"]))
+ control.insertItem(0, page.createObject(control, {objectName: "page4"}))
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentData, ["object", "page1", "timer", "page2", "", "page3", "page4"]))
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentChildren, ["page4", "page1", "page2", "page3"]))
+ control.moveItem(1, 2)
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentData, ["object", "page1", "timer", "page2", "", "page3", "page4"]))
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentChildren, ["page4", "page2", "page1", "page3"]))
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(0))
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentData, ["object", "page1", "timer", "page2", "", "page3"]))
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentChildren, ["page2", "page1", "page3"]))
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: repeated
+ SwipeView {
+ property alias repeater: repeater
+ Repeater {
+ id: repeater
+ model: 5
+ Item { property int idx: index }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_repeater() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(repeated, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var model = control.contentModel
+ verify(model)
+ var repeater = control.repeater
+ verify(repeater)
+ compare(repeater.count, 5)
+ compare(model.count, 5)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ var item1 = control.itemAt(i)
+ verify(item1)
+ compare(item1.idx, i)
+ compare(model.get(i), item1)
+ compare(repeater.itemAt(i), item1)
+ }
+ repeater.model = 3
+ compare(repeater.count, 3)
+ compare(model.count, 3)
+ for (var j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
+ var item2 = control.itemAt(j)
+ verify(item2)
+ compare(item2.idx, j)
+ compare(model.get(j), item2)
+ compare(repeater.itemAt(j), item2)
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: ordered
+ SwipeView {
+ id: oview
+ property alias repeater: repeater
+ Text { text: "static_1" }
+ Repeater {
+ id: repeater
+ model: 2
+ Text { text: "repeated_" + (index + 2) }
+ }
+ Text { text: "static_4" }
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ addItem(page.createObject(oview, {text: "dynamic_5"}))
+ addItem(page.createObject(oview.contentItem, {text: "dynamic_6"}))
+ insertItem(0, page.createObject(oview, {text: "dynamic_0"}))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_order() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(ordered, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.count, 7)
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "dynamic_0")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).text, "static_1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(2).text, "repeated_2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(3).text, "repeated_3")
+ compare(control.itemAt(4).text, "static_4")
+ compare(control.itemAt(5).text, "dynamic_5")
+ compare(control.itemAt(6).text, "dynamic_6")
+ }
+ function test_move_data() {
+ return [
+ {tag:"0->1 (0)", from: 0, to: 1, currentBefore: 0, currentAfter: 1},
+ {tag:"0->1 (1)", from: 0, to: 1, currentBefore: 1, currentAfter: 0},
+ {tag:"0->1 (2)", from: 0, to: 1, currentBefore: 2, currentAfter: 2},
+ {tag:"0->2 (0)", from: 0, to: 2, currentBefore: 0, currentAfter: 2},
+ {tag:"0->2 (1)", from: 0, to: 2, currentBefore: 1, currentAfter: 0},
+ {tag:"0->2 (2)", from: 0, to: 2, currentBefore: 2, currentAfter: 1},
+ {tag:"1->0 (0)", from: 1, to: 0, currentBefore: 0, currentAfter: 1},
+ {tag:"1->0 (1)", from: 1, to: 0, currentBefore: 1, currentAfter: 0},
+ {tag:"1->0 (2)", from: 1, to: 0, currentBefore: 2, currentAfter: 2},
+ {tag:"1->2 (0)", from: 1, to: 2, currentBefore: 0, currentAfter: 0},
+ {tag:"1->2 (1)", from: 1, to: 2, currentBefore: 1, currentAfter: 2},
+ {tag:"1->2 (2)", from: 1, to: 2, currentBefore: 2, currentAfter: 1},
+ {tag:"2->0 (0)", from: 2, to: 0, currentBefore: 0, currentAfter: 1},
+ {tag:"2->0 (1)", from: 2, to: 0, currentBefore: 1, currentAfter: 2},
+ {tag:"2->0 (2)", from: 2, to: 0, currentBefore: 2, currentAfter: 0},
+ {tag:"2->1 (0)", from: 2, to: 1, currentBefore: 0, currentAfter: 0},
+ {tag:"2->1 (1)", from: 2, to: 1, currentBefore: 1, currentAfter: 2},
+ {tag:"2->1 (2)", from: 2, to: 1, currentBefore: 2, currentAfter: 1},
+ {tag:"0->0", from: 0, to: 0, currentBefore: 0, currentAfter: 0},
+ {tag:"-1->0", from: 0, to: 0, currentBefore: 1, currentAfter: 1},
+ {tag:"0->-1", from: 0, to: 0, currentBefore: 2, currentAfter: 2},
+ {tag:"1->10", from: 0, to: 0, currentBefore: 0, currentAfter: 0},
+ {tag:"10->2", from: 0, to: 0, currentBefore: 1, currentAfter: 1},
+ {tag:"10->-1", from: 0, to: 0, currentBefore: 2, currentAfter: 2}
+ ]
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: pageAttached
+ Text {
+ property int index: SwipeView.index
+ property SwipeView view: SwipeView.view
+ property bool isCurrentItem: SwipeView.isCurrentItem
+ property bool isNextItem: SwipeView.isNextItem
+ property bool isPreviousItem: SwipeView.isPreviousItem
+ }
+ }
+ function test_move(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeView, testCase)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ var titles = ["1", "2", "3"]
+ var i = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < titles.length; ++i) {
+ var item = pageAttached.createObject(control, {text: titles[i]})
+ control.addItem(item)
+ }
+ compare(control.count, titles.length)
+ for (i = 0; i < control.count; ++i) {
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).text, titles[i])
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).SwipeView.index, i)
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).SwipeView.isCurrentItem, i === 0)
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).SwipeView.isNextItem, i === 1)
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).SwipeView.isPreviousItem, false)
+ }
+ control.currentIndex = data.currentBefore
+ for (i = 0; i < control.count; ++i) {
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).SwipeView.isCurrentItem, i === data.currentBefore)
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).SwipeView.isNextItem, i === data.currentBefore + 1)
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).SwipeView.isPreviousItem, i === data.currentBefore - 1)
+ }
+ control.moveItem(data.from, data.to)
+ compare(control.count, titles.length)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, data.currentAfter)
+ var title = titles[data.from]
+ titles.splice(data.from, 1)
+ titles.splice(data.to, 0, title)
+ compare(control.count, titles.length)
+ for (i = 0; i < control.count; ++i) {
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).text, titles[i])
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).SwipeView.index, i);
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).SwipeView.isCurrentItem, i === data.currentAfter)
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).SwipeView.isNextItem, i === data.currentAfter + 1)
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).SwipeView.isPreviousItem, i === data.currentAfter - 1)
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: dynamicView
+ SwipeView {
+ id: dview
+ Text { text: "static" }
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ addItem(page.createObject(dview, {text: "added"}))
+ insertItem(0, page.createObject(dview, {text: "inserted"}))
+ page.createObject(dview, {text: "dynamic"})
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_dynamic() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(dynamicView, testCase)
+ // insertItem(), addItem(), createObject() and static page {}
+ compare(control.count, 4)
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "inserted")
+ var tab = page.createObject(control, {text: "dying"})
+ compare(control.count, 5)
+ compare(control.itemAt(4).text, "dying")
+ // TODO: fix crash in QQuickItemView
+// tab.destroy()
+// wait(0)
+// compare(control.count, 4)
+ }
+ function test_attachedParent() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeView, testCase);
+ var page = createTemporaryObject(pageAttached, testCase);
+ compare(page.view, null);
+ compare(page.index, -1);
+ compare(page.isCurrentItem, false);
+ compare(page.isNextItem, false);
+ compare(page.isPreviousItem, false);
+ page.destroy();
+ page = createTemporaryObject(pageAttached, null);
+ compare(page.view, null);
+ compare(page.index, -1);
+ compare(page.isCurrentItem, false);
+ compare(page.isNextItem, false);
+ compare(page.isPreviousItem, false);
+ control.insertItem(0, page);
+ compare(control.count, 1);
+ compare(page.parent, control.contentItem.contentItem);
+ compare(page.view, control);
+ compare(page.index, 0);
+ compare(page.isCurrentItem, true);
+ compare(page.isNextItem, false);
+ compare(page.isPreviousItem, false);
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(0));
+ compare(control.count, 0);
+ compare(page.parent, null);
+ compare(page.view, null);
+ compare(page.index, -1);
+ compare(page.isCurrentItem, false);
+ compare(page.isNextItem, false);
+ compare(page.isPreviousItem, false);
+ }
+ function test_orientation() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swipeView, testCase, {width: 200, height: 200})
+ verify(control)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+ control.addItem(page.createObject(control, {text: i}))
+ compare(control.orientation, Qt.Horizontal)
+ compare(control.horizontal, true)
+ compare(control.vertical, false)
+ for (i = 0; i < control.count; ++i) {
+ control.currentIndex = i
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).y, 0)
+ }
+ control.orientation = Qt.Vertical
+ compare(control.orientation, Qt.Vertical)
+ compare(control.horizontal, false)
+ compare(control.vertical, true)
+ for (i = 0; i < control.count; ++i) {
+ control.currentIndex = i
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).x, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: focusSwipeViewComponent
+ SwipeView {
+ id: swipeView
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ focus: true
+ property int pressCount
+ property int releaseCount
+ property int rectanglePressCount
+ property int rectangleReleaseCount
+ Rectangle {
+ focus: true
+ Keys.onPressed: ++swipeView.rectanglePressCount
+ Keys.onReleased: ++swipeView.rectangleReleaseCount
+ }
+ Keys.onPressed: ++pressCount
+ Keys.onReleased: ++releaseCount
+ }
+ }
+ function test_focus() {
+ if (Qt.styleHints.tabFocusBehavior !== Qt.TabFocusAllControls)
+ skip("This platform only allows tab focus for text controls")
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(focusSwipeViewComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.focus, true)
+ compare(control.contentItem.focus, true)
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).focus, true)
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).activeFocus, true)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_A)
+ compare(control.pressCount, 1)
+ compare(control.releaseCount, 0)
+ compare(control.rectanglePressCount, 1)
+ compare(control.rectangleReleaseCount, 0)
+ keyRelease(Qt.Key_A)
+ compare(control.pressCount, 1)
+ compare(control.releaseCount, 1)
+ compare(control.rectanglePressCount, 1)
+ compare(control.rectangleReleaseCount, 1)
+ }
+ // We have a particular customer who came up with this hack to make SwipeView wrap around at the end.
+ // It's not advisible, and perhaps the test can be removed when we add a bool wrap property.
+ Component {
+ id: pathViewWorkaroundComponent
+ SwipeView {
+ id: swipeView
+ anchors.left: parent.left
+ width: 100
+ height: 100
+ clip: true
+ Repeater {
+ id: repeater
+ objectName: "peter"
+ delegate: Rectangle {
+ id: rect
+ color: "#ffff00"
+ border.color: "black"
+ width: 100
+ height: 100
+ Text {
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
+ font.pixelSize: 24
+ text: model.index
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ contentItem: PathView {
+ id: pathview
+ preferredHighlightBegin: 0.5
+ preferredHighlightEnd: 0.5
+ model: swipeView.contentModel
+ path: Path {
+ id: path
+ startX: (swipeView.width / 2 * -1) * (swipeView.count - 1)
+ startY: swipeView.height / 2
+ PathLine {
+ relativeX: swipeView.width * swipeView.count
+ relativeY: 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_child_pathview() {
+ const control = createTemporaryObject(pathViewWorkaroundComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ const repeater = control.children[0].children[0]
+ const spy = signalSpy.createObject(repeater, {target: repeater, signalName: "itemAdded"})
+ repeater.model = 1
+ tryCompare(spy, "count", 1)
+ const rect = repeater.itemAt(0)
+ tryCompare(rect, "visible", true)
+ if (Qt.platform.pluginName === "offscreen")
+ skip("grabImage() is not functional on the offscreen platform (QTBUG-63185)")
+ var image = grabImage(control)
+ compare(image.pixel(3, 3), "#ffff00")
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: translucentPages
+ SwipeView {
+ spacing: 10
+ padding: 10
+ Text { text: "page 0" }
+ Text { text: "page 1"; font.pointSize: 16 }
+ Text { text: "page 2"; font.pointSize: 24 }
+ Text { text: "page 3"; font.pointSize: 32 }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_initialPositions() { // QTBUG-102487
+ const control = createTemporaryObject(translucentPages, testCase, {width: 320, height: 200})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.orientation, Qt.Horizontal)
+ for (var i = 0; i < control.count; ++i) {
+ const page = control.itemAt(i)
+ // control.contentItem.width + control.spacing == 310; except Imagine style has contentItem.width == 320
+ compare(page.x, i * 310)
+ compare(page.y, 0)
+ }
+ control.orientation = Qt.Vertical
+ for (var i = 0; i < control.count; ++i) {
+ const page = control.itemAt(i)
+ compare(page.y, i * (control.contentItem.height + control.spacing))
+ compare(page.x, 0)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_switch.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_switch.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..407513b914
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_switch.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "Switch"
+ Component {
+ id: swtch
+ Switch { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSequenceSpy
+ SignalSequenceSpy {
+ signals: ["pressed", "released", "canceled", "clicked", "toggled", "pressedChanged", "checkedChanged"]
+ }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(swtch, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_text() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swtch, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.text, "")
+ control.text = "Switch"
+ compare(control.text, "Switch")
+ control.text = ""
+ compare(control.text, "")
+ }
+ function test_checked() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swtch, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ var spy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["checkedChanged", { "checked": true }]]
+ control.checked = true
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["checkedChanged", { "checked": false }]]
+ control.checked = false
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ }
+ function test_pressed_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "indicator", x: 15 },
+ { tag: "background", x: 5 }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_pressed(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swtch, testCase, {padding: 10})
+ verify(control)
+ // stays pressed when dragged outside
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ mousePress(control, data.x, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ mouseMove(control, -1, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ mouseRelease(control, -1, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ }
+ function test_mouse() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swtch, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ // check
+ var spy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // uncheck
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // release on the right
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 2, control.height / 2, 0)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width * 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // release on the left
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ mouseMove(control, -control.width, control.height / 2, 0)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, -control.width, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // release in the middle
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, 0, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ tryCompare(control, "position", 0) // QTBUG-57944
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // right button
+ spy.expectedSequence = []
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ }
+ function test_touch() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swtch, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ // check
+ var spy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // uncheck
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ // Don't want to double-click.
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // release on the right
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // release on the left
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ touch.move(0, control, -control.width, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, -control.width, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // release in the middle
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, 0, 0).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ tryCompare(control, "position", 0) // QTBUG-57944
+ verify(spy.success)
+ }
+ function test_mouseDrag() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swtch, testCase, {leftPadding: 100, rightPadding: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ var spy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ // press-drag-release inside the indicator
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control.indicator, 0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ mouseMove(control.indicator, control.width - 1)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control.indicator, control.indicator.width - 1)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // press-drag-release outside the indicator
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, 0)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width - control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ mouseMove(control, control.leftPadding)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width - 1)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // press-drag-release from and to outside the indicator
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width - 1)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width - control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width - control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width - 1)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ }
+ function test_touchDrag() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swtch, testCase, {leftPadding: 100, rightPadding: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ var spy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ // press-drag-release inside the indicator
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ touch.press(0, control.indicator, 0).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ touch.move(0, control.indicator, control.width).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control.indicator, control.indicator.width).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // press-drag-release outside the indicator
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ // Don't want to double-click.
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, 0).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width - control.rightPadding).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.leftPadding).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // press-drag-release from and to outside the indicator
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width - 1).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width - control.rightPadding).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width - control.rightPadding).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ }
+ function test_keys() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swtch, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ // check
+ var spy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // uncheck
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed",
+ ["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // no change
+ spy.expectedSequence = []
+ // Not testing Key_Enter and Key_Return because QGnomeTheme uses them for
+ // pressing buttons and the CI uses the QGnomeTheme platform theme.
+ var keys = [Qt.Key_Escape, Qt.Key_Tab]
+ for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
+ keyClick(keys[i])
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: twoSwitches
+ Item {
+ property Switch sw1: Switch { id: sw1 }
+ property Switch sw2: Switch { id: sw2; checked: sw1.checked; enabled: false }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_binding() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(twoSwitches, testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ compare(container.sw1.checked, false)
+ compare(container.sw2.checked, false)
+ container.sw1.checked = true
+ compare(container.sw1.checked, true)
+ compare(container.sw2.checked, true)
+ container.sw1.checked = false
+ compare(container.sw1.checked, false)
+ compare(container.sw2.checked, false)
+ }
+ function test_baseline() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swtch, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, control.contentItem.y + control.contentItem.baselineOffset)
+ }
+ function test_focus() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(swtch, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(!control.activeFocus)
+ mouseClick(control.indicator)
+ // should not get activeFocus on mouseClick on macOS
+ compare(control.activeFocus, Qt.platform.os !== "osx" && Qt.platform.os !== "macos")
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: deletionOrder1
+ Item {
+ Image { id: innerImage }
+ Switch { indicator: innerImage }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: deletionOrder2
+ Item {
+ Switch { indicator: innerImage }
+ Image { id: innerImage }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_deletionOrder() {
+ var control1 = createTemporaryObject(deletionOrder1, testCase)
+ verify(control1)
+ var control2 = createTemporaryObject(deletionOrder2, testCase)
+ verify(control2)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_switchdelegate.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_switchdelegate.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42d58b9668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_switchdelegate.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "SwitchDelegate"
+ Component {
+ id: switchDelegate
+ SwitchDelegate {}
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSequenceSpy
+ SignalSequenceSpy {
+ signals: ["pressed", "released", "canceled", "clicked", "toggled", "pressedChanged", "checkedChanged"]
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: data-fy tst_checkbox (rename to tst_check?) so we don't duplicate its tests here?
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(switchDelegate, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ verify(!control.checked);
+ }
+ function test_checked() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(switchDelegate, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ mouseClick(control);
+ verify(control.checked);
+ mouseClick(control);
+ verify(!control.checked);
+ }
+ function test_baseline() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(switchDelegate, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, control.contentItem.y + control.contentItem.baselineOffset);
+ }
+ function test_pressed_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "indicator", x: 15 },
+ { tag: "background", x: 5 }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_pressed(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(switchDelegate, testCase, {padding: 10})
+ verify(control)
+ // stays pressed when dragged outside
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ mousePress(control, data.x, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ mouseMove(control, -1, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ mouseRelease(control, -1, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ }
+ function test_mouse() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(switchDelegate, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ // check
+ var spy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // uncheck
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // release on the right
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 2, control.height / 2, 0)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width * 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // release on the left
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ mouseMove(control, -control.width, control.height / 2, 0)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, -control.width, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // release in the middle
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, 0, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ tryCompare(control, "position", 0) // QTBUG-57944
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // right button
+ spy.expectedSequence = []
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ }
+ function test_touch() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(switchDelegate, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ // check
+ var spy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // uncheck
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ // Don't want to double-click.
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // release on the right
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width * 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // release on the left
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ touch.move(0, control, -control.width, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, -control.width, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // release in the middle
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, 0, 0).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ tryCompare(control, "position", 0) // QTBUG-57944
+ verify(spy.success)
+ }
+ function test_mouseDrag() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(switchDelegate, testCase, {leftPadding: 100, rightPadding: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ var spy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ // press-drag-release inside the indicator
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control.indicator, 0)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ mouseMove(control.indicator, control.width)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control.indicator, control.indicator.width)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // press-drag-release outside the indicator
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, 0)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width - control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ mouseMove(control, control.leftPadding)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // press-drag-release from and to outside the indicator
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ mousePress(control, control.width - 1)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width - control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2)
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width - control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width)
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ }
+ function test_touchDrag() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(switchDelegate, testCase, {leftPadding: 100, rightPadding: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ var spy = signalSequenceSpy.createObject(control, {target: control})
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ // press-drag-release inside the indicator
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ touch.press(0, control.indicator, 0).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ touch.move(0, control.indicator, control.width).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control.indicator, control.indicator.width).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // press-drag-release outside the indicator
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": true }],
+ "pressed"]
+ // Don't want to double-click.
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, 0).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width - control.rightPadding).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.leftPadding).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ // press-drag-release from and to outside the indicator
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": true, "checked": false }],
+ "pressed"]
+ wait(Qt.styleHints.mouseDoubleClickInterval + 50)
+ touch.press(0, control, control.width - 1).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width - control.rightPadding).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 0.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width / 2).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 0.5)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ touch.move(0, control, control.width - control.rightPadding).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, false)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ spy.expectedSequence = [["pressedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": false }],
+ ["checkedChanged", { "pressed": false, "checked": true }],
+ "toggled",
+ "released",
+ "clicked"]
+ touch.release(0, control, control.width).commit()
+ compare(control.position, 1.0)
+ compare(control.checked, true)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ verify(spy.success)
+ }
+ function test_spacing() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(switchDelegate, testCase, { text: "Some long, long, long text" })
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.contentItem.implicitWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding > control.background.implicitWidth)
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ verify(textLabel)
+ // The implicitWidth of the IconLabel that all buttons use as their contentItem should be
+ // equal to the implicitWidth of the Text and the switch indicator + spacing while no icon is set.
+ compare(control.contentItem.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth + control.indicator.width + control.spacing)
+ control.spacing += 100
+ compare(control.contentItem.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth + control.indicator.width + control.spacing)
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth + control.indicator.width + control.spacing + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ }
+ function test_display_data() {
+ return [
+ { "tag": "IconOnly", display: SwitchDelegate.IconOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly", display: SwitchDelegate.TextOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon", display: SwitchDelegate.TextUnderIcon },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon", display: SwitchDelegate.TextBesideIcon },
+ { "tag": "IconOnly, mirrored", display: SwitchDelegate.IconOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly, mirrored", display: SwitchDelegate.TextOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon, mirrored", display: SwitchDelegate.TextUnderIcon, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon, mirrored", display: SwitchDelegate.TextBesideIcon, mirrored: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_display(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(switchDelegate, testCase, {
+ text: "SwitchDelegate",
+ display: data.display,
+ width: 400,
+ "icon.source": "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png",
+ "LayoutMirroring.enabled": !!data.mirrored
+ })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.icon.source, "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png")
+ var iconImage = findChild(control.contentItem, "image")
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ var availableWidth = control.availableWidth - control.indicator.width - control.spacing
+ var indicatorOffset = control.mirrored ? control.indicator.width + control.spacing : 0
+ switch (control.display) {
+ case SwitchDelegate.IconOnly:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(!textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, indicatorOffset + (availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case SwitchDelegate.TextOnly:
+ verify(!iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(textLabel.x, control.mirrored ? control.availableWidth - textLabel.width : 0)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case SwitchDelegate.TextUnderIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, indicatorOffset + (availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.x, indicatorOffset + (availableWidth - textLabel.width) / 2)
+ verify(iconImage.y < textLabel.y)
+ break;
+ case SwitchDelegate.TextBesideIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ if (control.mirrored)
+ verify(textLabel.x < iconImage.x)
+ else
+ verify(iconImage.x < textLabel.x)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_tabbar.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_tabbar.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58c0b1ae61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_tabbar.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "TabBar"
+ Component {
+ id: tabButton
+ TabButton { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: tabBar
+ TabBar { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: tabBarStaticTabs
+ TabBar {
+ TabButton {
+ text: "0"
+ }
+ TabButton {
+ text: "1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: tabBarStaticTabsCurrent
+ TabBar {
+ currentIndex: 1
+ TabButton {
+ text: "0"
+ }
+ TabButton {
+ text: "1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(tabBar, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(control.currentItem, null)
+ }
+ function test_current() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(tabBar, testCase)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(control.currentItem, null)
+ control.addItem(tabButton.createObject(control, {text: "0"}))
+ compare(control.count, 1)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "0")
+ compare(control.currentItem.checked, true)
+ control.addItem(tabButton.createObject(control, {text: "1"}))
+ compare(control.count, 2)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "0")
+ compare(control.currentItem.checked, true)
+ control.addItem(tabButton.createObject(control, {text: "2"}))
+ compare(control.count, 3)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "0")
+ compare(control.currentItem.checked, true)
+ control.currentIndex = 1
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "1")
+ compare(control.currentItem.checked, true)
+ control.currentIndex = 2
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "2")
+ compare(control.currentItem.checked, true)
+ control.decrementCurrentIndex()
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "1")
+ compare(control.currentItem.checked, true)
+ control.incrementCurrentIndex()
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "2")
+ compare(control.currentItem.checked, true)
+ }
+ function test_current_static() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(tabBarStaticTabs, testCase)
+ compare(control.count, 2)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "0")
+ compare(control.currentItem.checked, true)
+ control = createTemporaryObject(tabBarStaticTabsCurrent, testCase)
+ compare(control.count, 2)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "1")
+ compare(control.currentItem.checked, true)
+ }
+ function test_addRemove() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(tabBar, testCase)
+ function verifyCurrentIndexCountDiff() {
+ verify(control.currentIndex < control.count)
+ }
+ control.currentIndexChanged.connect(verifyCurrentIndexCountDiff)
+ control.countChanged.connect(verifyCurrentIndexCountDiff)
+ var contentChildrenSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "contentChildrenChanged"})
+ verify(contentChildrenSpy.valid)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ control.addItem(tabButton.createObject(control, {text: "1"}))
+ compare(control.count, 1)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "1")
+ compare(contentChildrenSpy.count, 1)
+ control.addItem(tabButton.createObject(control, {text: "2"}))
+ compare(control.count, 2)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).text, "2")
+ compare(contentChildrenSpy.count, 2)
+ control.currentIndex = 1
+ control.insertItem(1, tabButton.createObject(control, {text: "3"}))
+ compare(control.count, 3)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).text, "3")
+ compare(control.itemAt(2).text, "2")
+ compare(contentChildrenSpy.count, 4) // append + insert->move
+ control.insertItem(0, tabButton.createObject(control, {text: "4"}))
+ compare(control.count, 4)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 3)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "4")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(2).text, "3")
+ compare(control.itemAt(3).text, "2")
+ compare(contentChildrenSpy.count, 6) // append + insert->move
+ control.insertItem(control.count, tabButton.createObject(control, {text: "5"}))
+ compare(control.count, 5)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 3)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "4")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(2).text, "3")
+ compare(control.itemAt(3).text, "2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(4).text, "5")
+ compare(contentChildrenSpy.count, 7)
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(control.count - 1))
+ compare(control.count, 4)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 3)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "4")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(2).text, "3")
+ compare(control.itemAt(3).text, "2")
+ compare(contentChildrenSpy.count, 8)
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(0))
+ compare(control.count, 3)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 2)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).text, "3")
+ compare(control.itemAt(2).text, "2")
+ compare(contentChildrenSpy.count, 9)
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(1))
+ compare(control.count, 2)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).text, "2")
+ compare(contentChildrenSpy.count, 10)
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(1))
+ compare(control.count, 1)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ compare(control.currentItem.text, "1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "1")
+ compare(contentChildrenSpy.count, 11)
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(0))
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ compare(contentChildrenSpy.count, 12)
+ }
+ function test_removeCurrent() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(tabBar, testCase)
+ control.addItem(tabButton.createObject(control, {text: "1"}))
+ control.addItem(tabButton.createObject(control, {text: "2"}))
+ control.addItem(tabButton.createObject(control, {text: "3"}))
+ control.currentIndex = 1
+ compare(control.count, 3)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(1))
+ compare(control.count, 2)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(0))
+ compare(control.count, 1)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(0))
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, -1)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentBar
+ TabBar {
+ QtObject { objectName: "object" }
+ TabButton { objectName: "button1" }
+ Timer { objectName: "timer" }
+ TabButton { objectName: "button2" }
+ Component { TabButton { } }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_content() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(contentBar, testCase)
+ function compareObjectNames(content, names) {
+ if (content.length !== names.length)
+ return false
+ for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
+ if (content[i].objectName !== names[i])
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ var contentChildrenSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "contentChildrenChanged"})
+ verify(contentChildrenSpy.valid)
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentData, ["object", "button1", "timer", "button2", ""]))
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentChildren, ["button1", "button2"]))
+ control.addItem(tabButton.createObject(control, {objectName: "button3"}))
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentData, ["object", "button1", "timer", "button2", "", "button3"]))
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentChildren, ["button1", "button2", "button3"]))
+ compare(contentChildrenSpy.count, 1)
+ control.insertItem(0, tabButton.createObject(control, {objectName: "button4"}))
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentData, ["object", "button1", "timer", "button2", "", "button3", "button4"]))
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentChildren, ["button4", "button1", "button2", "button3"]))
+ compare(contentChildrenSpy.count, 3) // append + insert->move
+ control.moveItem(1, 2)
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentData, ["object", "button1", "timer", "button2", "", "button3", "button4"]))
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentChildren, ["button4", "button2", "button1", "button3"]))
+ compare(contentChildrenSpy.count, 4)
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(0))
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentData, ["object", "button1", "timer", "button2", "", "button3"]))
+ verify(compareObjectNames(control.contentChildren, ["button2", "button1", "button3"]))
+ compare(contentChildrenSpy.count, 5)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: repeated
+ TabBar {
+ property alias repeater: repeater
+ Repeater {
+ id: repeater
+ model: 5
+ TabButton { property int idx: index }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_repeater() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(repeated, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var model = control.contentModel
+ verify(model)
+ var repeater = control.repeater
+ verify(repeater)
+ compare(repeater.count, 5)
+ compare(model.count, 5)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ var item1 = control.itemAt(i)
+ verify(item1)
+ compare(item1.idx, i)
+ compare(model.get(i), item1)
+ compare(repeater.itemAt(i), item1)
+ }
+ repeater.model = 3
+ compare(repeater.count, 3)
+ compare(model.count, 3)
+ for (var j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
+ var item2 = control.itemAt(j)
+ verify(item2)
+ compare(item2.idx, j)
+ compare(model.get(j), item2)
+ compare(repeater.itemAt(j), item2)
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: ordered
+ TabBar {
+ id: obar
+ property alias repeater: repeater
+ TabButton { text: "static_1" }
+ Repeater {
+ id: repeater
+ model: 2
+ TabButton { text: "repeated_" + (index + 2) }
+ }
+ TabButton { text: "static_4" }
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ addItem(tabButton.createObject(obar, {text: "dynamic_5"}))
+ addItem(tabButton.createObject(obar.contentItem, {text: "dynamic_6"}))
+ insertItem(0, tabButton.createObject(obar, {text: "dynamic_0"}))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_order() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(ordered, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.count, 7)
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "dynamic_0")
+ compare(control.itemAt(1).text, "static_1")
+ compare(control.itemAt(2).text, "repeated_2")
+ compare(control.itemAt(3).text, "repeated_3")
+ compare(control.itemAt(4).text, "static_4")
+ compare(control.itemAt(5).text, "dynamic_5")
+ compare(control.itemAt(6).text, "dynamic_6")
+ }
+ function test_move_data() {
+ return [
+ {tag:"0->1 (0)", from: 0, to: 1, currentBefore: 0, currentAfter: 1},
+ {tag:"0->1 (1)", from: 0, to: 1, currentBefore: 1, currentAfter: 0},
+ {tag:"0->1 (2)", from: 0, to: 1, currentBefore: 2, currentAfter: 2},
+ {tag:"0->2 (0)", from: 0, to: 2, currentBefore: 0, currentAfter: 2},
+ {tag:"0->2 (1)", from: 0, to: 2, currentBefore: 1, currentAfter: 0},
+ {tag:"0->2 (2)", from: 0, to: 2, currentBefore: 2, currentAfter: 1},
+ {tag:"1->0 (0)", from: 1, to: 0, currentBefore: 0, currentAfter: 1},
+ {tag:"1->0 (1)", from: 1, to: 0, currentBefore: 1, currentAfter: 0},
+ {tag:"1->0 (2)", from: 1, to: 0, currentBefore: 2, currentAfter: 2},
+ {tag:"1->2 (0)", from: 1, to: 2, currentBefore: 0, currentAfter: 0},
+ {tag:"1->2 (1)", from: 1, to: 2, currentBefore: 1, currentAfter: 2},
+ {tag:"1->2 (2)", from: 1, to: 2, currentBefore: 2, currentAfter: 1},
+ {tag:"2->0 (0)", from: 2, to: 0, currentBefore: 0, currentAfter: 1},
+ {tag:"2->0 (1)", from: 2, to: 0, currentBefore: 1, currentAfter: 2},
+ {tag:"2->0 (2)", from: 2, to: 0, currentBefore: 2, currentAfter: 0},
+ {tag:"2->1 (0)", from: 2, to: 1, currentBefore: 0, currentAfter: 0},
+ {tag:"2->1 (1)", from: 2, to: 1, currentBefore: 1, currentAfter: 2},
+ {tag:"2->1 (2)", from: 2, to: 1, currentBefore: 2, currentAfter: 1},
+ {tag:"0->0", from: 0, to: 0, currentBefore: 0, currentAfter: 0},
+ {tag:"-1->0", from: 0, to: 0, currentBefore: 1, currentAfter: 1},
+ {tag:"0->-1", from: 0, to: 0, currentBefore: 2, currentAfter: 2},
+ {tag:"1->10", from: 0, to: 0, currentBefore: 0, currentAfter: 0},
+ {tag:"10->2", from: 0, to: 0, currentBefore: 1, currentAfter: 1},
+ {tag:"10->-1", from: 0, to: 0, currentBefore: 2, currentAfter: 2}
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_move(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(tabBar, testCase)
+ compare(control.count, 0)
+ var titles = ["1", "2", "3"]
+ var i = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < titles.length; ++i)
+ control.addItem(tabButton.createObject(control, {text: titles[i]}))
+ compare(control.count, titles.length)
+ for (i = 0; i < control.count; ++i)
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).text, titles[i])
+ control.currentIndex = data.currentBefore
+ control.moveItem(data.from, data.to)
+ compare(control.count, titles.length)
+ compare(control.currentIndex, data.currentAfter)
+ var title = titles[data.from]
+ titles.splice(data.from, 1)
+ titles.splice(data.to, 0, title)
+ compare(control.count, titles.length)
+ for (i = 0; i < control.count; ++i)
+ compare(control.itemAt(i).text, titles[i])
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: dynamicBar
+ TabBar {
+ id: dbar
+ TabButton { text: "static" }
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ addItem(tabButton.createObject(dbar, {text: "added"}))
+ insertItem(0, tabButton.createObject(dbar, {text: "inserted"}))
+ tabButton.createObject(dbar, {text: "dynamic"})
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_dynamic() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(dynamicBar, testCase)
+ // insertItem(), addItem(), createObject() and static TabButton {}
+ compare(control.count, 4)
+ compare(control.itemAt(0).text, "inserted")
+ var tab = tabButton.createObject(control, {text: "dying"})
+ compare(control.count, 5)
+ compare(control.itemAt(4).text, "dying")
+ // TODO: fix crash in QQuickItemView
+// tab.destroy()
+// wait(0)
+// compare(control.count, 4)
+ }
+ function test_layout_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "spacing:0", spacing: 0 },
+ { tag: "spacing:1", spacing: 1 },
+ { tag: "spacing:10", spacing: 10 },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_layout(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(tabBar, testCase, {spacing: data.spacing, width: 200})
+ // remove the background so that it won't affect the implicit size of the tabbar,
+ // so the implicit sizes tested below are entirely based on the content size
+ control.background = null
+ var tab1 = tabButton.createObject(control, {text: "First"})
+ control.addItem(tab1)
+ tryCompare(tab1, "width", control.width)
+ compare(tab1.height, control.height)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, tab1.implicitWidth)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, tab1.implicitHeight)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, control.implicitContentWidth)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, control.implicitContentHeight)
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.contentWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, control.contentHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ var tab2 = tabButton.createObject(control, {implicitHeight: tab1.implicitHeight + 10, text: "Second"})
+ control.addItem(tab2)
+ tryCompare(tab1, "width", (control.width - data.spacing) / 2)
+ compare(tab1.height, control.height)
+ compare(tab2.width, (control.width - data.spacing) / 2)
+ compare(tab2.height, control.height)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, tab1.implicitWidth + tab2.implicitWidth + data.spacing)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, tab2.implicitHeight)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, control.implicitContentWidth)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, control.implicitContentHeight)
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.contentWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, control.contentHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ var tab3 = tabButton.createObject(control, {width: 50, height: tab1.implicitHeight - 10, text: "Third"})
+ control.addItem(tab3)
+ tryCompare(tab1, "width", (control.width - 2 * data.spacing - 50) / 2)
+ compare(tab1.y, 0)
+ compare(tab1.height, control.height)
+ compare(tab2.y, 0)
+ compare(tab2.width, (control.width - 2 * data.spacing - 50) / 2)
+ compare(tab2.height, control.height)
+ verify(tab3.y > 0)
+ compare(tab3.y, (control.height - tab3.height) / 2)
+ compare(tab3.width, 50)
+ compare(tab3.height, tab1.implicitHeight - 10)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, tab1.implicitWidth + tab2.implicitWidth + tab3.width + 2 * data.spacing)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, tab2.implicitHeight)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, control.implicitContentWidth)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, control.implicitContentHeight)
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.contentWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, control.contentHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ var expectedWidth = tab3.contentItem.implicitWidth + tab3.leftPadding + tab3.rightPadding
+ tab3.width = tab3.implicitWidth
+ tab3.height = tab3.implicitHeight
+ tryCompare(tab1, "width", (control.width - 2 * data.spacing - expectedWidth) / 2)
+ compare(tab1.height, control.height)
+ compare(tab2.width, (control.width - 2 * data.spacing - expectedWidth) / 2)
+ compare(tab2.height, control.height)
+ compare(tab3.width, expectedWidth)
+ compare(tab3.height, tab3.implicitHeight)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, tab1.implicitWidth + tab2.implicitWidth + tab3.implicitWidth + 2 * data.spacing)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, tab2.implicitHeight)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, control.implicitContentWidth)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, control.implicitContentHeight)
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.contentWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, control.contentHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ tab3.width = undefined
+ tab3.height = undefined
+ control.width = undefined
+ control.contentWidth = 300
+ control.contentHeight = 50
+ expectedWidth = (control.contentWidth - 2 * data.spacing) / 3
+ tryCompare(tab1, "width", expectedWidth)
+ compare(tab2.width, expectedWidth)
+ compare(tab3.width, expectedWidth)
+ compare(tab1.height, control.contentHeight)
+ compare(tab2.height, control.contentHeight)
+ compare(tab3.height, control.contentHeight)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: wheelEnabledTabBar
+ TabBar {
+ wheelEnabled: true
+ TabButton { text: "tab1" }
+ TabButton { text: "tab2" }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_wheelEnabled() {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(wheelEnabledTabBar, testCase, {width: 100, height: 100})
+ verify(control)
+ let deltas = [
+ 120, // common mouse wheel
+ 16 // high resolution mouse wheel
+ ]
+ for (let delta of deltas) {
+ // increment
+ for (let accumulated = 0; accumulated < 120; accumulated += delta) {
+ // ensure index doesn't change until threshold is reached
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, -delta, -delta)
+ }
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ // reached bounds -> no change
+ for (let accumulated = 0; accumulated < 120; accumulated += delta) {
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, -delta, -delta)
+ }
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ // decrement
+ for (let accumulated = 0; accumulated < 120; accumulated += delta) {
+ // ensure index doesn't change until threshold is reached
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 1)
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, delta, delta)
+ }
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ // reached bounds -> no change
+ for (let accumulated = 0; accumulated < 120; accumulated += delta) {
+ mouseWheel(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, delta, delta)
+ }
+ compare(control.currentIndex, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: attachedButton
+ TabButton {
+ property int index: TabBar.index
+ property TabBar tabBar: TabBar.tabBar
+ property int position: TabBar.position
+ }
+ }
+ function test_attached() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(tabBar, testCase, {position: TabBar.Footer})
+ // append
+ var tab1 = createTemporaryObject(attachedButton, testCase)
+ compare(tab1.index, -1)
+ compare(tab1.tabBar, null)
+ compare(tab1.position, TabBar.Header)
+ control.addItem(tab1)
+ compare(tab1.index, 0)
+ compare(tab1.tabBar, control)
+ compare(tab1.position, TabBar.Footer)
+ // insert in the beginning
+ var tab2 = createTemporaryObject(attachedButton, testCase)
+ compare(tab2.index, -1)
+ compare(tab2.tabBar, null)
+ compare(tab2.position, TabBar.Header)
+ control.insertItem(0, tab2)
+ compare(tab2.index, 0)
+ compare(tab2.tabBar, control)
+ compare(tab2.position, TabBar.Footer)
+ compare(tab1.index, 1)
+ // insert in the middle
+ var tab3 = createTemporaryObject(attachedButton, testCase)
+ compare(tab3.index, -1)
+ compare(tab3.tabBar, null)
+ compare(tab3.position, TabBar.Header)
+ control.insertItem(1, tab3)
+ compare(tab3.index, 1)
+ compare(tab3.tabBar, control)
+ compare(tab3.position, TabBar.Footer)
+ compare(tab2.index, 0)
+ compare(tab1.index, 2)
+ // insert in the end
+ var tab4 = createTemporaryObject(attachedButton, testCase)
+ compare(tab4.index, -1)
+ compare(tab4.tabBar, null)
+ compare(tab4.position, TabBar.Header)
+ control.insertItem(-1, tab4)
+ compare(tab4.index, 3)
+ compare(tab4.tabBar, control)
+ compare(tab4.position, TabBar.Footer)
+ compare(tab2.index, 0)
+ compare(tab3.index, 1)
+ compare(tab1.index, 2)
+ // move forwards
+ control.moveItem(0, 1)
+ compare(tab3.index, 0)
+ compare(tab2.index, 1)
+ compare(tab1.index, 2)
+ compare(tab4.index, 3)
+ control.moveItem(0, 2)
+ compare(tab2.index, 0)
+ compare(tab1.index, 1)
+ compare(tab3.index, 2)
+ compare(tab4.index, 3)
+ control.moveItem(1, 3)
+ compare(tab2.index, 0)
+ compare(tab3.index, 1)
+ compare(tab4.index, 2)
+ compare(tab1.index, 3)
+ // move backwards
+ control.moveItem(3, 2)
+ compare(tab2.index, 0)
+ compare(tab3.index, 1)
+ compare(tab1.index, 2)
+ compare(tab4.index, 3)
+ control.moveItem(3, 1)
+ compare(tab2.index, 0)
+ compare(tab4.index, 1)
+ compare(tab3.index, 2)
+ compare(tab1.index, 3)
+ // remove from the beginning
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(0))
+ compare(tab2.index, -1)
+ compare(tab2.tabBar, null)
+ compare(tab2.position, TabBar.Header)
+ compare(tab4.index, 0)
+ compare(tab3.index, 1)
+ compare(tab1.index, 2)
+ // remove from the middle
+ control.removeItem(control.itemAt(1))
+ compare(tab3.index, -1)
+ compare(tab3.tabBar, null)
+ compare(tab3.position, TabBar.Header)
+ compare(tab4.index, 0)
+ compare(tab1.index, 1)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_tabbutton.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_tabbutton.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..591622b8a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_tabbutton.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "TabButton"
+ Component {
+ id: tabButton
+ TabButton { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: repeater
+ Column {
+ Repeater {
+ model: 3
+ delegate: TabButton { }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(tabButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_autoExclusive() {
+ var container = createTemporaryObject(repeater, testCase)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ container.children[i].checked = true
+ compare(container.children[i].checked, true)
+ // check that all other buttons are unchecked
+ for (var j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
+ if (j !== i)
+ compare(container.children[j].checked, false)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_baseline() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(tabButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, control.contentItem.y + control.contentItem.baselineOffset)
+ }
+ function test_spacing() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(tabButton, testCase, { text: "Some long, long, long text" })
+ verify(control)
+ if (control.background)
+ verify(control.contentItem.implicitWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding > control.background.implicitWidth)
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ verify(textLabel)
+ // The implicitWidth of the IconLabel that all buttons use as their contentItem
+ // should be equal to the implicitWidth of the Text while no icon is set.
+ compare(control.contentItem.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth)
+ // That means that spacing shouldn't affect it.
+ control.spacing += 100
+ compare(control.contentItem.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth)
+ // The implicitWidth of the TabButton itself should, therefore, also never include spacing while no icon is set.
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, textLabel.implicitWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ }
+ function test_display_data() {
+ return [
+ { "tag": "IconOnly", display: TabButton.IconOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly", display: TabButton.TextOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon", display: TabButton.TextUnderIcon },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon", display: TabButton.TextBesideIcon },
+ { "tag": "IconOnly, mirrored", display: TabButton.IconOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly, mirrored", display: TabButton.TextOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon, mirrored", display: TabButton.TextUnderIcon, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon, mirrored", display: TabButton.TextBesideIcon, mirrored: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_display(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(tabButton, testCase, {
+ text: "TabButton",
+ display: data.display,
+ "icon.source": "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png",
+ "LayoutMirroring.enabled": !!data.mirrored
+ })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.icon.source, "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png")
+ var iconImage = findChild(control.contentItem, "image")
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ switch (control.display) {
+ case TabButton.IconOnly:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(!textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, (control.availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case TabButton.TextOnly:
+ verify(!iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(textLabel.x, (control.availableWidth - textLabel.width) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case TabButton.TextUnderIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, (control.availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.x, (control.availableWidth - textLabel.width) / 2)
+ verify(iconImage.y < textLabel.y)
+ break;
+ case TabButton.TextBesideIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ if (control.mirrored)
+ verify(textLabel.x < iconImage.x)
+ else
+ verify(iconImage.x < textLabel.x)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_textarea.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_textarea.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f295905f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_textarea.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "TextArea"
+ Component {
+ id: textArea
+ TextArea { background: Item { } }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: flickable
+ Flickable {
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ TextArea.flickable: TextArea { }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: flickableCustomBackground
+ Flickable {
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ TextArea.flickable: TextArea {
+ background: Rectangle {
+ color: "green"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: flickableWithScrollBar
+ Flickable {
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ TextArea.flickable: TextArea { }
+ ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: rectangle
+ Rectangle { }
+ }
+ FontMetrics {
+ id: defaultFontMetrics
+ }
+ TestUtil {
+ id: util
+ }
+ function test_creation() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textArea, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_implicitSize() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textArea, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var implicitWidthSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "implicitWidthChanged"} )
+ verify(implicitWidthSpy.valid)
+ var implicitHeightSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "implicitHeightChanged"} )
+ verify(implicitHeightSpy.valid)
+ var implicitBackgroundWidthSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "implicitBackgroundWidthChanged"})
+ verify(implicitBackgroundWidthSpy.valid)
+ var implicitBackgroundHeightSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "implicitBackgroundHeightChanged"})
+ verify(implicitBackgroundHeightSpy.valid)
+ var implicitWidthChanges = 0
+ var implicitHeightChanges = 0
+ var implicitBackgroundWidthChanges = 0
+ var implicitBackgroundHeightChanges = 0
+ verify(control.implicitWidth >= control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight >= control.contentHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundHeight, 0)
+ control.background = rectangle.createObject(control, {implicitWidth: 400, implicitHeight: 200})
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 400)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 200)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundWidth, 400)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundHeight, 200)
+ compare(implicitWidthSpy.count, ++implicitWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitHeightSpy.count, ++implicitHeightChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundWidthSpy.count, ++implicitBackgroundWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundHeightSpy.count, ++implicitBackgroundHeightChanges)
+ control.background = null
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight >= control.contentHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundHeight, 0)
+ compare(implicitWidthSpy.count, ++implicitWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitHeightSpy.count, ++implicitHeightChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundWidthSpy.count, ++implicitBackgroundWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundHeightSpy.count, ++implicitBackgroundHeightChanges)
+ control.text = "TextArea"
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.contentWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight >= control.contentHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundHeight, 0)
+ compare(implicitWidthSpy.count, ++implicitWidthChanges)
+ defaultFontMetrics.font = control.font
+ var leading = defaultFontMetrics.leading
+ var ascent = defaultFontMetrics.ascent
+ var descent = defaultFontMetrics.descent
+ var leadingOverflow = Math.ceil(ascent + descent) < Math.ceil(ascent + descent + leading)
+ // If the font in use triggers QTBUG-83894, it is possible that this will cause
+ // the following compare to fail if the implicitHeight from the TextEdit is ued.
+ // Unfortunately, since some styles override implicitHeight, we cannot guarantee
+ // that it will fail, so we need to simply skip the test for these cases.
+ if (!leadingOverflow)
+ compare(implicitHeightSpy.count, implicitHeightChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundWidthSpy.count, implicitBackgroundWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundHeightSpy.count, implicitBackgroundHeightChanges)
+ control.placeholderText = "..."
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.contentWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight >= control.contentHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundHeight, 0)
+ compare(implicitWidthSpy.count, implicitWidthChanges)
+ if (!leadingOverflow)
+ compare(implicitHeightSpy.count, implicitHeightChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundWidthSpy.count, implicitBackgroundWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundHeightSpy.count, implicitBackgroundHeightChanges)
+ }
+ function test_alignment_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "empty", text: "", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "empty,left", text: "", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "empty,center", text: "", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "empty,right", text: "", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "empty,ltr", text: "", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "empty,ltr,left", text: "", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "empty,ltr,center", text: "", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "empty,ltr,right", text: "", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "empty,rtl", text: "", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "empty,rtl,left", text: "", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "empty,rtl,center", text: "", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "empty,rtl,right", text: "", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "ltr,empty", text: "Text", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "ltr,empty,left", text: "Text", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "ltr,empty,center", text: "Text", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "ltr,empty,right", text: "Text", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "ltr,ltr", text: "Text", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "ltr,ltr,left", text: "Text", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "ltr,ltr,center", text: "Text", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "ltr,ltr,right", text: "Text", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "ltr,rtl", text: "Text", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "ltr,rtl,left", text: "Text", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "ltr,rtl,center", text: "Text", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "ltr,rtl,right", text: "Text", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "rtl,empty", text: "نص", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "rtl,empty,left", text: "نص", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "rtl,empty,center", text: "نص", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "rtl,empty,right", text: "نص", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "rtl,ltr", text: "نص", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "rtl,ltr,left", text: "نص", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "rtl,ltr,center", text: "نص", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "rtl,ltr,right", text: "نص", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "rtl,rtl", text: "نص", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "rtl,rtl,left", text: "نص", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "rtl,rtl,center", text: "نص", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "rtl,rtl,right", text: "نص", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_alignment(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textArea, testCase, {text: data.text, placeholderText: data.placeholderText, horizontalAlignment: data.textAlignment})
+ if (data.textAlignment !== undefined)
+ compare(control.horizontalAlignment, data.textAlignment)
+ for (var i = 0; i < control.children.length; ++i) {
+ if (control.children[i].hasOwnProperty("horizontalAlignment"))
+ compare(control.children[i].effectiveHorizontalAlignment, data.placeholderAlignment) // placeholder
+ }
+ control.verticalAlignment = TextArea.AlignBottom
+ compare(control.verticalAlignment, TextArea.AlignBottom)
+ for (var j = 0; j < control.children.length; ++j) {
+ if (control.children[j].hasOwnProperty("verticalAlignment"))
+ compare(control.children[j].verticalAlignment, Text.AlignBottom) // placeholder
+ }
+ }
+ function test_font_explicit_attributes_data() {
+ return [
+ {tag: "bold", value: true},
+ {tag: "capitalization", value: Font.Capitalize},
+ {tag: "family", value: "Courier"},
+ {tag: "italic", value: true},
+ {tag: "strikeout", value: true},
+ {tag: "underline", value: true},
+ {tag: "weight", value: Font.Black},
+ {tag: "wordSpacing", value: 55}
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_font_explicit_attributes(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textArea, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var child = textArea.createObject(control)
+ verify(child)
+ var controlSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "fontChanged"})
+ verify(controlSpy.valid)
+ var childSpy = signalSpy.createObject(child, {target: child, signalName: "fontChanged"})
+ verify(childSpy.valid)
+ var defaultValue = control.font[data.tag]
+ child.font[data.tag] = defaultValue
+ compare(child.font[data.tag], defaultValue)
+ compare(childSpy.count, 0)
+ control.font[data.tag] = data.value
+ compare(control.font[data.tag], data.value)
+ compare(controlSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(child.font[data.tag], defaultValue)
+ compare(childSpy.count, 0)
+ }
+ function test_flickable() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(flickable, testCase, {text:"line0", selectByMouse: true})
+ verify(control)
+ var textArea = control.TextArea.flickable
+ verify(textArea)
+ if (textArea.background)
+ compare(textArea.background.parent, control)
+ for (var i = 1; i <= 100; ++i)
+ textArea.text += "line\n" + i
+ verify(textArea.contentWidth > 0)
+ verify(textArea.contentHeight > 200)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, textArea.contentWidth + textArea.leftPadding + textArea.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, textArea.contentHeight + textArea.topPadding + textArea.bottomPadding)
+ compare(textArea.cursorPosition, 0)
+ var center = textArea.positionAt(control.width / 2, control.height / 2)
+ verify(center > 0)
+ mouseClick(textArea, control.width / 2, control.height / 2)
+ compare(textArea.cursorPosition, center)
+ // click inside text area, but below flickable
+ var below = textArea.positionAt(control.width / 2, control.height + 1)
+ verify(below > center)
+ mouseClick(textArea, control.width / 2, control.height + 1)
+ compare(textArea.cursorPosition, center) // no change
+ // scroll down
+ control.contentY = -(control.contentHeight - control.height) / 2
+ // click inside textarea, but above flickable
+ var above = textArea.positionAt(control.width / 2, textArea.topPadding)
+ verify(above > 0 && above < center)
+ mouseClick(textArea, control.width / 2, 0)
+ compare(textArea.cursorPosition, center) // no change
+ }
+ function test_flickableCustomBackground() {
+ // Test that the TextArea background item is parented out of the
+ // TextArea and into the Flicable, and that it has the same size
+ // as the flickable.
+ var flickable = createTemporaryObject(flickableCustomBackground, testCase)
+ verify(flickable)
+ var textArea = flickable.TextArea.flickable
+ verify(textArea)
+ verify(textArea.background)
+ compare(textArea.background.width, flickable.width)
+ compare(textArea.background.height, flickable.height)
+ }
+ function test_scrollable_paste_large() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(flickableWithScrollBar, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var textArea = control.TextArea.flickable
+ verify(textArea)
+ if (typeof(textArea.paste) !== "function")
+ skip("Clipboard is not supported on this platform.")
+ util.populateClipboardText(100)
+ waitForRendering(control)
+ // don't crash (QTBUG-99582)
+ textArea.paste()
+ // verify that the cursor moved to the bottom after pasting, and we scrolled down to show it
+ tryVerify(function() { return textArea.cursorRectangle.y > 1000 }); // maybe > 2000, depending on font size
+ tryVerify(function() { return control.contentY > textArea.cursorRectangle.y - control.height })
+ }
+ function test_warning() {
+ ignoreWarning(/QML TestCase: TextArea must be attached to a Flickable/)
+ testCase.TextArea.flickable = null
+ }
+ function test_hover_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "enabled", hoverEnabled: true },
+ { tag: "disabled", hoverEnabled: false },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_hover(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textArea, testCase, {text: "TextArea", hoverEnabled: data.hoverEnabled})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.hovered, false)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.hovered, data.hoverEnabled)
+ mouseMove(control, -1, -1)
+ compare(control.hovered, false)
+ }
+ function test_pressedReleased_data() {
+ return [
+ {
+ tag: "pressed outside", x: -1, y: -1, button: Qt.LeftButton,
+ controlPressEvent: null,
+ controlReleaseEvent: null,
+ parentPressEvent: {
+ x: 0, y: 0, button: Qt.LeftButton, buttons: Qt.LeftButton, modifiers: Qt.NoModifier, wasHeld: false, isClick: false
+ },
+ parentReleaseEvent: {
+ x: 0, y: 0, button: Qt.LeftButton, buttons: Qt.NoButton, modifiers: Qt.NoModifier, wasHeld: false, isClick: false
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "left click", x: 0, y: 0, button: Qt.LeftButton,
+ controlPressEvent: {
+ x: 0, y: 0, button: Qt.LeftButton, buttons: Qt.LeftButton, modifiers: Qt.NoModifier, wasHeld: false, isClick: false
+ },
+ controlReleaseEvent: {
+ x: 0, y: 0, button: Qt.LeftButton, buttons: Qt.NoButton, modifiers: Qt.NoModifier, wasHeld: false, isClick: false
+ },
+ parentPressEvent: null,
+ parentReleaseEvent: null,
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "right click", x: 0, y: 0, button: Qt.RightButton,
+ controlPressEvent: {
+ x: 0, y: 0, button: Qt.RightButton, buttons: Qt.RightButton, modifiers: Qt.NoModifier, wasHeld: false, isClick: false
+ },
+ controlReleaseEvent: {
+ x: 0, y: 0, button: Qt.RightButton, buttons: Qt.NoButton, modifiers: Qt.NoModifier, wasHeld: false, isClick: false
+ },
+ parentPressEvent: null,
+ parentReleaseEvent: null,
+ },
+ ];
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: mouseAreaComponent
+ MouseArea {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
+ }
+ function checkMouseEvent(event, expectedEvent) {
+ compare(event.x, expectedEvent.x)
+ compare(event.y, expectedEvent.y)
+ compare(event.button, expectedEvent.button)
+ compare(event.buttons, expectedEvent.buttons)
+ }
+ function test_pressedReleased(data) {
+ var mouseArea = createTemporaryObject(mouseAreaComponent, testCase)
+ verify(mouseArea)
+ var control = textArea.createObject(mouseArea, {text: "TextArea"})
+ verify(control)
+ // Give enough room to check presses outside of the control and on the parent.
+ control.x = 1;
+ control.y = 1;
+ function checkControlPressEvent(event) {
+ checkMouseEvent(event, data.controlPressEvent)
+ }
+ function checkControlReleaseEvent(event) {
+ checkMouseEvent(event, data.controlReleaseEvent)
+ }
+ function checkParentPressEvent(event) {
+ checkMouseEvent(event, data.parentPressEvent)
+ }
+ function checkParentReleaseEvent(event) {
+ checkMouseEvent(event, data.parentReleaseEvent)
+ }
+ // Can't use signalArguments, because the event won't live that long.
+ if (data.controlPressEvent)
+ control.onPressed.connect(checkControlPressEvent)
+ if (data.controlReleaseEvent)
+ control.onReleased.connect(checkControlReleaseEvent)
+ if (data.parentPressEvent)
+ control.onPressed.connect(checkParentPressEvent)
+ if (data.parentReleaseEvent)
+ control.onReleased.connect(checkParentReleaseEvent)
+ var controlPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "pressed" })
+ verify(controlPressedSpy.valid)
+ var controlReleasedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "released" })
+ verify(controlReleasedSpy.valid)
+ var parentPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(mouseArea, { target: mouseArea, signalName: "pressed" })
+ verify(parentPressedSpy.valid)
+ var parentReleasedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(mouseArea, { target: mouseArea, signalName: "released" })
+ verify(parentReleasedSpy.valid)
+ mousePress(control, data.x, data.y, data.button)
+ compare(controlPressedSpy.count, data.controlPressEvent ? 1 : 0)
+ compare(parentPressedSpy.count, data.parentPressEvent ? 1 : 0)
+ mouseRelease(control, data.x, data.y, data.button)
+ compare(controlReleasedSpy.count, data.controlReleaseEvent ? 1 : 0)
+ compare(parentReleasedSpy.count, data.parentReleaseEvent ? 1 : 0)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: ignoreTextArea
+ TextArea {
+ property bool ignorePress: false
+ property bool ignoreRelease: false
+ onPressed: if (ignorePress) event.accepted = false
+ onReleased: if (ignoreRelease) event.accepted = false
+ }
+ }
+ function checkEventAccepted(event) {
+ compare(event.accepted, true)
+ }
+ function checkEventIgnored(event) {
+ compare(event.accepted, false)
+ }
+ function test_ignorePressRelease() {
+ var mouseArea = createTemporaryObject(mouseAreaComponent, testCase)
+ verify(mouseArea)
+ var control = ignoreTextArea.createObject(mouseArea)
+ verify(control)
+ var controlPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "pressed" })
+ verify(controlPressedSpy.valid)
+ var controlReleasedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "released" })
+ verify(controlReleasedSpy.valid)
+ var parentPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(mouseArea, { target: mouseArea, signalName: "pressed" })
+ verify(parentPressedSpy.valid)
+ var parentReleasedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(mouseArea, { target: mouseArea, signalName: "released" })
+ verify(parentReleasedSpy.valid)
+ // Ignore only press events.
+ control.onPressed.connect(checkEventIgnored)
+ control.ignorePress = true
+ mousePress(control, 0, 0, data.button)
+ // The control will still get the signal, it just won't accept the event.
+ compare(controlPressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(parentPressedSpy.count, 1)
+ mouseRelease(control, 0, 0, data.button)
+ compare(controlReleasedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(parentReleasedSpy.count, 1)
+ control.onPressed.disconnect(checkEventIgnored)
+ // Ignore only release events.
+ control.onPressed.connect(checkEventAccepted)
+ control.onReleased.connect(checkEventIgnored)
+ control.ignorePress = false
+ control.ignoreRelease = true
+ mousePress(control, 0, 0, data.button)
+ compare(controlPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(parentPressedSpy.count, 1)
+ mouseRelease(control, 0, 0, data.button)
+ compare(controlReleasedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(parentReleasedSpy.count, 1)
+ control.onPressed.disconnect(checkEventAccepted)
+ control.onReleased.disconnect(checkEventIgnored)
+ }
+ function test_multiClick() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textArea, testCase, {text: "Qt Quick Controls 2 TextArea", selectByMouse: true})
+ verify(control)
+ waitForRendering(control)
+ control.width = control.contentWidth
+ var rect = control.positionToRectangle(12)
+ // double click -> select word
+ mouseDoubleClickSequence(control, rect.x + rect.width / 2, rect.y + rect.height / 2)
+ compare(control.selectedText, "Controls")
+ // tripple click -> select whole line
+ mouseClick(control, rect.x + rect.width / 2, rect.y + rect.height / 2)
+ compare(control.selectedText, "Qt Quick Controls 2 TextArea")
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: scrollView
+ ScrollView {
+ TextArea { }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_scrollView() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(scrollView, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ // don't crash (QTBUG-62292)
+ control.destroy()
+ wait(0)
+ }
+ function test_placeholderTextColor() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textArea, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ // usually default value should not be pure opacue black
+ verify(control.placeholderTextColor !== "#ff000000")
+ control.placeholderTextColor = "#12345678"
+ compare(control.placeholderTextColor, "#12345678")
+ for (var i = 0; i < control.children.length; ++i) {
+ if (control.children[i].hasOwnProperty("text"))
+ compare(control.children[i].color, control.placeholderTextColor) // placeholder.color
+ }
+ }
+ function test_inset() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textArea, testCase, {background: rectangle.createObject(control)})
+ verify(control)
+ var topInsetSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "topInsetChanged"})
+ verify(topInsetSpy.valid)
+ var leftInsetSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "leftInsetChanged"})
+ verify(leftInsetSpy.valid)
+ var rightInsetSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "rightInsetChanged"})
+ verify(rightInsetSpy.valid)
+ var bottomInsetSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "bottomInsetChanged"})
+ verify(bottomInsetSpy.valid)
+ var topInsetChanges = 0
+ var leftInsetChanges = 0
+ var rightInsetChanges = 0
+ var bottomInsetChanges = 0
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ control.width = 100
+ control.height = 100
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.height, 100)
+ control.topInset = 10
+ compare(control.topInset, 10)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, ++topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 10)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.height, 90)
+ control.leftInset = 20
+ compare(control.topInset, 10)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 20)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, ++leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 20)
+ compare(control.background.y, 10)
+ compare(control.background.width, 80)
+ compare(control.background.height, 90)
+ control.rightInset = 30
+ compare(control.topInset, 10)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 20)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 30)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, ++rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 20)
+ compare(control.background.y, 10)
+ compare(control.background.width, 50)
+ compare(control.background.height, 90)
+ control.bottomInset = 40
+ compare(control.topInset, 10)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 20)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 30)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 40)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, ++bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 20)
+ compare(control.background.y, 10)
+ compare(control.background.width, 50)
+ compare(control.background.height, 50)
+ control.topInset = undefined
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 20)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 30)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 40)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, ++topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 20)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 50)
+ compare(control.background.height, 60)
+ control.leftInset = undefined
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 30)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 40)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, ++leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 70)
+ compare(control.background.height, 60)
+ control.rightInset = undefined
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 40)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, ++rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.height, 60)
+ control.bottomInset = undefined
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, ++bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.height, 100)
+ }
+ // QTBUG-76369
+ Component {
+ id: testResizeBackground
+ Item {
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ property alias textArea: textArea
+ ScrollView {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ ScrollBar.horizontal.policy: ScrollBar.AlwaysOff
+ TextArea {
+ id: textArea
+ // workaround test failing due to default insets on Imagine
+ topInset: undefined
+ leftInset: undefined
+ rightInset: undefined
+ bottomInset: undefined
+ wrapMode : TextEdit.WordWrap
+ readOnly: false
+ selectByMouse: true
+ focus: true
+ text: "test message"
+ background: Rectangle {
+ y: parent.height - height - textArea.bottomPadding / 2
+ implicitWidth: 120
+ height: textArea.activeFocus ? 2 : 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_resize_background() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(testResizeBackground, testCase)
+ compare(control.textArea.background.width, control.width)
+ compare(control.textArea.background.height, 1)
+ control.width = 400
+ control.height = 400
+ compare(control.textArea.background.width, control.width)
+ compare(control.textArea.background.height, 1)
+ control.width = 200
+ control.height = 200
+ compare(control.textArea.background.width, control.width)
+ compare(control.textArea.background.height, 1)
+ // hasBackgroundWidth=true
+ control.textArea.background.width = 1
+ compare(control.textArea.background.width, 1)
+ compare(control.textArea.background.height, 1)
+ control.width = 400
+ control.height = 400
+ compare(control.textArea.background.width, 1)
+ compare(control.textArea.background.height, 1)
+ // hasBackgroundHeight=false
+ control.textArea.background.height = undefined
+ compare(control.textArea.background.width, 1)
+ compare(control.textArea.background.height, 0)
+ control.textArea.background.y = 0
+ compare(control.textArea.background.width, 1)
+ compare(control.textArea.background.height, control.height)
+ control.width = 200
+ control.height = 200
+ compare(control.textArea.background.width, 1)
+ compare(control.textArea.background.height, control.height)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_textfield.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_textfield.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5b3d91fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_textfield.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtQuick.Layouts
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "TextField"
+ Component {
+ id: textField
+ TextField { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: rectangle
+ Rectangle { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ function test_creation() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textField, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_implicitSize() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textField, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var implicitWidthSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "implicitWidthChanged"} )
+ verify(implicitWidthSpy.valid)
+ var implicitHeightSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "implicitHeightChanged"} )
+ verify(implicitHeightSpy.valid)
+ var implicitBackgroundWidthSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "implicitBackgroundWidthChanged"})
+ verify(implicitBackgroundWidthSpy.valid)
+ var implicitBackgroundHeightSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "implicitBackgroundHeightChanged"})
+ verify(implicitBackgroundHeightSpy.valid)
+ var implicitWidthChanges = 0
+ var implicitHeightChanges = 0
+ var implicitBackgroundWidthChanges = 0
+ var implicitBackgroundHeightChanges = 0
+ verify(control.implicitWidth >= control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight >= control.contentHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundWidth, control.background.implicitWidth)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundHeight, control.background.implicitHeight)
+ control.background = rectangle.createObject(control, {implicitWidth: 400, implicitHeight: 200})
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, 400)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, 200)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundWidth, 400)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundHeight, 200)
+ compare(implicitWidthSpy.count, ++implicitWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitHeightSpy.count, ++implicitHeightChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundWidthSpy.count, ++implicitBackgroundWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundHeightSpy.count, ++implicitBackgroundHeightChanges)
+ control.background = null
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, control.contentHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundHeight, 0)
+ compare(implicitWidthSpy.count, ++implicitWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitHeightSpy.count, ++implicitHeightChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundWidthSpy.count, ++implicitBackgroundWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundHeightSpy.count, ++implicitBackgroundHeightChanges)
+ control.text = "TextField"
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.contentWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, control.contentHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundHeight, 0)
+ compare(implicitWidthSpy.count, ++implicitWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitHeightSpy.count, implicitHeightChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundWidthSpy.count, implicitBackgroundWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundHeightSpy.count, implicitBackgroundHeightChanges)
+ control.placeholderText = "..."
+ compare(control.implicitWidth, control.contentWidth + control.leftPadding + control.rightPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitHeight, control.contentHeight + control.topPadding + control.bottomPadding)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitBackgroundHeight, 0)
+ compare(implicitWidthSpy.count, implicitWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitHeightSpy.count, implicitHeightChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundWidthSpy.count, implicitBackgroundWidthChanges)
+ compare(implicitBackgroundHeightSpy.count, implicitBackgroundHeightChanges)
+ }
+ function test_alignment_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "empty", text: "", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "empty,left", text: "", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "empty,center", text: "", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "empty,right", text: "", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "empty,ltr", text: "", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "empty,ltr,left", text: "", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "empty,ltr,center", text: "", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "empty,ltr,right", text: "", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "empty,rtl", text: "", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "empty,rtl,left", text: "", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "empty,rtl,center", text: "", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "empty,rtl,right", text: "", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "ltr,empty", text: "Text", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "ltr,empty,left", text: "Text", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "ltr,empty,center", text: "Text", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "ltr,empty,right", text: "Text", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "ltr,ltr", text: "Text", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "ltr,ltr,left", text: "Text", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "ltr,ltr,center", text: "Text", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "ltr,ltr,right", text: "Text", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "ltr,rtl", text: "Text", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "ltr,rtl,left", text: "Text", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "ltr,rtl,center", text: "Text", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "ltr,rtl,right", text: "Text", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "rtl,empty", text: "نص", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "rtl,empty,left", text: "نص", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "rtl,empty,center", text: "نص", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "rtl,empty,right", text: "نص", placeholderText: "", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "rtl,ltr", text: "نص", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "rtl,ltr,left", text: "نص", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "rtl,ltr,center", text: "نص", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "rtl,ltr,right", text: "نص", placeholderText: "Search", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "rtl,rtl", text: "نص", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: undefined, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ { tag: "rtl,rtl,left", text: "نص", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignLeft },
+ { tag: "rtl,rtl,center", text: "نص", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter },
+ { tag: "rtl,rtl,right", text: "نص", placeholderText: "بحث", textAlignment: Qt.AlignRight, placeholderAlignment: Qt.AlignRight },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_alignment(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textField, testCase, {text: data.text, placeholderText: data.placeholderText, horizontalAlignment: data.textAlignment})
+ if (data.textAlignment !== undefined)
+ compare(control.horizontalAlignment, data.textAlignment)
+ for (var i = 0; i < control.children.length; ++i) {
+ if (control.children[i].hasOwnProperty("text") && control.children[i].hasOwnProperty("horizontalAlignment"))
+ compare(control.children[i].effectiveHorizontalAlignment, data.placeholderAlignment) // placeholder
+ }
+ control.verticalAlignment = TextField.AlignBottom
+ compare(control.verticalAlignment, TextField.AlignBottom)
+ for (var j = 0; j < control.children.length; ++j) {
+ if (control.children[j].hasOwnProperty("text") && control.children[j].hasOwnProperty("verticalAlignment"))
+ compare(control.children[j].verticalAlignment, Text.AlignBottom) // placeholder
+ }
+ }
+ function test_font_explicit_attributes_data() {
+ return [
+ {tag: "bold", value: true},
+ {tag: "capitalization", value: Font.Capitalize},
+ {tag: "family", value: "Courier"},
+ {tag: "italic", value: true},
+ {tag: "strikeout", value: true},
+ {tag: "underline", value: true},
+ {tag: "weight", value: Font.Black},
+ {tag: "wordSpacing", value: 55}
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_font_explicit_attributes(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textField, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var child = textField.createObject(control)
+ verify(child)
+ var controlSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "fontChanged"})
+ verify(controlSpy.valid)
+ var childSpy = signalSpy.createObject(child, {target: child, signalName: "fontChanged"})
+ verify(childSpy.valid)
+ var defaultValue = control.font[data.tag]
+ child.font[data.tag] = defaultValue
+ compare(child.font[data.tag], defaultValue)
+ compare(childSpy.count, 0)
+ control.font[data.tag] = data.value
+ compare(control.font[data.tag], data.value)
+ compare(controlSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(child.font[data.tag], defaultValue)
+ compare(childSpy.count, 0)
+ }
+ function test_hover_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "enabled", hoverEnabled: true },
+ { tag: "disabled", hoverEnabled: false },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_hover(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textField, testCase, {hoverEnabled: data.hoverEnabled})
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.hovered, false)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2)
+ compare(control.hovered, data.hoverEnabled)
+ mouseMove(control, -1, -1)
+ compare(control.hovered, false)
+ }
+ function test_pressedReleased_data() {
+ return [
+ {
+ tag: "pressed outside", x: -1, y: -1, button: Qt.LeftButton,
+ controlPressEvent: null,
+ controlReleaseEvent: null,
+ parentPressEvent: {
+ x: 0, y: 0, button: Qt.LeftButton, buttons: Qt.LeftButton, modifiers: Qt.NoModifier, wasHeld: false, isClick: false
+ },
+ parentReleaseEvent: {
+ x: 0, y: 0, button: Qt.LeftButton, buttons: Qt.NoButton, modifiers: Qt.NoModifier, wasHeld: false, isClick: false
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "left click", x: 0, y: 0, button: Qt.LeftButton,
+ controlPressEvent: {
+ x: 0, y: 0, button: Qt.LeftButton, buttons: Qt.LeftButton, modifiers: Qt.NoModifier, wasHeld: false, isClick: false
+ },
+ controlReleaseEvent: {
+ x: 0, y: 0, button: Qt.LeftButton, buttons: Qt.NoButton, modifiers: Qt.NoModifier, wasHeld: false, isClick: false
+ },
+ parentPressEvent: null,
+ parentReleaseEvent: null,
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "right click", x: 0, y: 0, button: Qt.RightButton,
+ controlPressEvent: {
+ x: 0, y: 0, button: Qt.RightButton, buttons: Qt.RightButton, modifiers: Qt.NoModifier, wasHeld: false, isClick: false
+ },
+ controlReleaseEvent: {
+ x: 0, y: 0, button: Qt.RightButton, buttons: Qt.NoButton, modifiers: Qt.NoModifier, wasHeld: false, isClick: false
+ },
+ parentPressEvent: null,
+ parentReleaseEvent: null,
+ },
+ ];
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: mouseAreaComponent
+ MouseArea {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
+ }
+ function checkMouseEvent(event, expectedEvent) {
+ compare(event.x, expectedEvent.x)
+ compare(event.y, expectedEvent.y)
+ compare(event.button, expectedEvent.button)
+ compare(event.buttons, expectedEvent.buttons)
+ }
+ function test_pressedReleased(data) {
+ var mouseArea = createTemporaryObject(mouseAreaComponent, testCase)
+ verify(mouseArea)
+ var control = textField.createObject(mouseArea)
+ verify(control)
+ // Give enough room to check presses outside of the control and on the parent.
+ control.x = 1;
+ control.y = 1;
+ function checkControlPressEvent(event) {
+ checkMouseEvent(event, data.controlPressEvent)
+ }
+ function checkControlReleaseEvent(event) {
+ checkMouseEvent(event, data.controlReleaseEvent)
+ }
+ function checkParentPressEvent(event) {
+ checkMouseEvent(event, data.parentPressEvent)
+ }
+ function checkParentReleaseEvent(event) {
+ checkMouseEvent(event, data.parentReleaseEvent)
+ }
+ // Can't use signalArguments, because the event won't live that long.
+ if (data.controlPressEvent)
+ control.onPressed.connect(checkControlPressEvent)
+ if (data.controlReleaseEvent)
+ control.onReleased.connect(checkControlReleaseEvent)
+ if (data.parentPressEvent)
+ control.onPressed.connect(checkParentPressEvent)
+ if (data.parentReleaseEvent)
+ control.onReleased.connect(checkParentReleaseEvent)
+ var controlPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "pressed" })
+ verify(controlPressedSpy.valid)
+ var controlReleasedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "released" })
+ verify(controlReleasedSpy.valid)
+ var parentPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(mouseArea, { target: mouseArea, signalName: "pressed" })
+ verify(parentPressedSpy.valid)
+ var parentReleasedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(mouseArea, { target: mouseArea, signalName: "released" })
+ verify(parentReleasedSpy.valid)
+ mousePress(control, data.x, data.y, data.button)
+ compare(controlPressedSpy.count, data.controlPressEvent ? 1 : 0)
+ compare(parentPressedSpy.count, data.parentPressEvent ? 1 : 0)
+ mouseRelease(control, data.x, data.y, data.button)
+ compare(controlReleasedSpy.count, data.controlReleaseEvent ? 1 : 0)
+ compare(parentReleasedSpy.count, data.parentReleaseEvent ? 1 : 0)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: ignoreTextField
+ TextField {
+ property bool ignorePress: false
+ property bool ignoreRelease: false
+ onPressed: if (ignorePress) event.accepted = false
+ onReleased: if (ignoreRelease) event.accepted = false
+ }
+ }
+ function checkEventAccepted(event) {
+ compare(event.accepted, true)
+ }
+ function checkEventIgnored(event) {
+ compare(event.accepted, false)
+ }
+ function test_ignorePressRelease() {
+ var mouseArea = createTemporaryObject(mouseAreaComponent, testCase)
+ verify(mouseArea)
+ var control = ignoreTextField.createObject(mouseArea)
+ verify(control)
+ var controlPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "pressed" })
+ verify(controlPressedSpy.valid)
+ var controlReleasedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "released" })
+ verify(controlReleasedSpy.valid)
+ var parentPressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(mouseArea, { target: mouseArea, signalName: "pressed" })
+ verify(parentPressedSpy.valid)
+ var parentReleasedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(mouseArea, { target: mouseArea, signalName: "released" })
+ verify(parentReleasedSpy.valid)
+ // Ignore only press events.
+ control.onPressed.connect(checkEventIgnored)
+ control.ignorePress = true
+ mousePress(control, 0, 0, data.button)
+ // The control will still get the signal, it just won't accept the event.
+ compare(controlPressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(parentPressedSpy.count, 1)
+ mouseRelease(control, 0, 0, data.button)
+ compare(controlReleasedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(parentReleasedSpy.count, 1)
+ control.onPressed.disconnect(checkEventIgnored)
+ // Ignore only release events.
+ control.onPressed.connect(checkEventAccepted)
+ control.onReleased.connect(checkEventIgnored)
+ control.ignorePress = false
+ control.ignoreRelease = true
+ mousePress(control, 0, 0, data.button)
+ compare(controlPressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(parentPressedSpy.count, 1)
+ mouseRelease(control, 0, 0, data.button)
+ compare(controlReleasedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(parentReleasedSpy.count, 1)
+ control.onPressed.disconnect(checkEventAccepted)
+ control.onReleased.disconnect(checkEventIgnored)
+ }
+ function test_multiClick() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textField, testCase, {text: "Qt Quick Controls 2 TextArea"})
+ verify(control)
+ waitForRendering(control)
+ control.width = control.contentWidth
+ var rect = control.positionToRectangle(12)
+ // double click -> select word
+ mouseDoubleClickSequence(control, rect.x + rect.width / 2, rect.y + rect.height / 2)
+ compare(control.selectedText, "Controls")
+ // tripple click -> select whole line
+ mouseClick(control, rect.x + rect.width / 2, rect.y + rect.height / 2)
+ compare(control.selectedText, "Qt Quick Controls 2 TextArea")
+ }
+ // QTBUG-64048
+ function test_rightClick() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textField, testCase, {text: "TextField"})
+ verify(control)
+ control.selectAll()
+ compare(control.selectedText, "TextField")
+ mouseClick(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton)
+ compare(control.selectedText, "TextField")
+ mouseClick(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton)
+ compare(control.selectedText, "")
+ }
+ function test_mouseSelect() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textField, testCase, {text: "Text", width: parent.width})
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.selectByMouse) // true by default since 6.4
+ var pressSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressed"})
+ const y = control.height / 2
+ mousePress(control, 0, y, Qt.LeftButton)
+ tryCompare(pressSpy, "count", 1)
+ mouseMove(control, control.implicitWidth, y, 0, Qt.LeftButton)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.implicitWidth, y, Qt.LeftButton)
+ tryVerify(function() { return control.selectedText.length > 1 }) // ideally the whole 4-letter word
+ }
+ function test_noTouchSelect() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textField, testCase, {text: "Text"})
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.selectByMouse) // true by default since 6.4
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ const y = control.height / 2
+ touch.press(0, control, 0, y).commit()
+ touch.move(0, control, control.implicitWidth, 0).commit()
+ touch.release(0, control)
+ compare(control.selectedText, "")
+ }
+ function test_aaTouchPressAndHold() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textField, testCase, {text: "Text"})
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.selectByMouse) // true by default since 6.4
+ var pressSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressed"})
+ var pressAndHoldSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressAndHold"})
+ var touch = touchEvent(control)
+ touch.press(0, control).commit()
+ tryCompare(pressSpy, "count", 1)
+ tryCompare(pressAndHoldSpy, "count", 1)
+ touch.release(0, control).commit()
+ }
+ // QTBUG-66260
+ function test_placeholderTextColor() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textField, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ // usually default value should not be pure opacue black
+ verify(control.placeholderTextColor !== "#ff000000")
+ control.placeholderTextColor = "#12345678"
+ compare(control.placeholderTextColor, "#12345678")
+ for (var i = 0; i < control.children.length; ++i) {
+ if (control.children[i].hasOwnProperty("text"))
+ compare(control.children[i].color, control.placeholderTextColor) // placeholder.color
+ }
+ }
+ function test_inset() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(textField, testCase, {background: rectangle.createObject(control)})
+ verify(control)
+ var topInsetSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "topInsetChanged"})
+ verify(topInsetSpy.valid)
+ var leftInsetSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "leftInsetChanged"})
+ verify(leftInsetSpy.valid)
+ var rightInsetSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "rightInsetChanged"})
+ verify(rightInsetSpy.valid)
+ var bottomInsetSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: "bottomInsetChanged"})
+ verify(bottomInsetSpy.valid)
+ var topInsetChanges = 0
+ var leftInsetChanges = 0
+ var rightInsetChanges = 0
+ var bottomInsetChanges = 0
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ control.width = 100
+ control.height = 100
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.height, 100)
+ control.topInset = 10
+ compare(control.topInset, 10)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, ++topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 10)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.height, 90)
+ control.leftInset = 20
+ compare(control.topInset, 10)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 20)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, ++leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 20)
+ compare(control.background.y, 10)
+ compare(control.background.width, 80)
+ compare(control.background.height, 90)
+ control.rightInset = 30
+ compare(control.topInset, 10)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 20)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 30)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, ++rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 20)
+ compare(control.background.y, 10)
+ compare(control.background.width, 50)
+ compare(control.background.height, 90)
+ control.bottomInset = 40
+ compare(control.topInset, 10)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 20)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 30)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 40)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, ++bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 20)
+ compare(control.background.y, 10)
+ compare(control.background.width, 50)
+ compare(control.background.height, 50)
+ control.topInset = undefined
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 20)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 30)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 40)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, ++topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 20)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 50)
+ compare(control.background.height, 60)
+ control.leftInset = undefined
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 30)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 40)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, ++leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 70)
+ compare(control.background.height, 60)
+ control.rightInset = undefined
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 40)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, ++rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.height, 60)
+ control.bottomInset = undefined
+ compare(control.topInset, 0)
+ compare(control.leftInset, 0)
+ compare(control.rightInset, 0)
+ compare(control.bottomInset, 0)
+ compare(topInsetSpy.count, topInsetChanges)
+ compare(leftInsetSpy.count, leftInsetChanges)
+ compare(rightInsetSpy.count, rightInsetChanges)
+ compare(bottomInsetSpy.count, ++bottomInsetChanges)
+ compare(control.background.x, 0)
+ compare(control.background.y, 0)
+ compare(control.background.width, 100)
+ compare(control.background.height, 100)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: layoutComponent
+ ColumnLayout {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ property alias textField: textField
+ TextField {
+ id: textField
+ placeholderText: "Placeholder"
+ Layout.fillWidth: true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_inLayout() {
+ var layout = createTemporaryObject(layoutComponent, testCase)
+ verify(layout)
+ var control = layout.textField
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.width, control.parent.width)
+ compare(control.background.width, control.width)
+ }
+ // QTBUG-95558
+ Component {
+ id: textFieldWithPointSizeSet
+ TextField {
+ font.pointSize: 24
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: textFieldWithPixelSizeSet
+ TextField {
+ font.pixelSize: 42
+ }
+ }
+ function test_setPointSizeDoesNotWarn() { // QTBUG-95558
+ // macOS is special: 43eca45b061fe965fe2a6f1876d4a35a58e3a9e4
+ if (Qt.platform.os === "osx" || Qt.platform.os === "macos")
+ skip("TextField hard-codes pixel size on macOS")
+ failOnWarning("Both point size and pixel size set. Using pixel size.")
+ var textField = createTemporaryObject(textFieldWithPointSizeSet, testCase)
+ verify(textField)
+ }
+ function test_setPixelSizeDoesNotWarn() {
+ failOnWarning("Both point size and pixel size set. Using pixel size.")
+ var textField = createTemporaryObject(textFieldWithPixelSizeSet, testCase)
+ verify(textField)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_toolbar.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_toolbar.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2c9e4a20d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_toolbar.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "ToolBar"
+ Component {
+ id: toolBar
+ ToolBar { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: oneChildBar
+ ToolBar {
+ Item {
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 30
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: twoChildrenBar
+ ToolBar {
+ Item {
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 30
+ }
+ Item {
+ implicitWidth: 200
+ implicitHeight: 60
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: contentBar
+ ToolBar {
+ contentItem: Item {
+ implicitWidth: 100
+ implicitHeight: 30
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_empty() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(toolBar, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.contentItem)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 0)
+ }
+ function test_oneChild() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(oneChildBar, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 30)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 30)
+ verify(control.implicitWidth >= 100)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight >= 30)
+ }
+ function test_twoChildren() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(twoChildrenBar, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 0)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 0)
+ verify(control.implicitWidth >= 0)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight >= 0)
+ }
+ function test_contentItem() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(contentBar, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.contentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.contentHeight, 30)
+ compare(control.implicitContentWidth, 100)
+ compare(control.implicitContentHeight, 30)
+ verify(control.implicitWidth >= 100)
+ verify(control.implicitHeight >= 30)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_toolbutton.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_toolbutton.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4879e91611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_toolbutton.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "ToolButton"
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: toolButton
+ ToolButton { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(toolButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_text() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(toolButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.text, "")
+ control.text = "ToolButton"
+ compare(control.text, "ToolButton")
+ control.text = ""
+ compare(control.text, "")
+ }
+ function test_mouse() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(toolButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var pressedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "pressedChanged"})
+ verify(pressedSpy.valid)
+ var downSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "downChanged"})
+ verify(downSpy.valid)
+ var clickedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "clicked"})
+ verify(clickedSpy.valid)
+ // check
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(downSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.down, true)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(downSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.down, false)
+ // uncheck
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(downSpy.count, 3)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.down, true)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(downSpy.count, 4)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.down, false)
+ // release outside
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 5)
+ compare(downSpy.count, 5)
+ compare(control.pressed, true)
+ compare(control.down, true)
+ mouseMove(control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.down, false)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width * 2, control.height * 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 6)
+ compare(downSpy.count, 6)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.down, false)
+ // right button
+ mousePress(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 6)
+ compare(downSpy.count, 6)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.down, false)
+ mouseRelease(control, control.width / 2, control.height / 2, Qt.RightButton)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 2)
+ compare(pressedSpy.count, 6)
+ compare(downSpy.count, 6)
+ compare(control.pressed, false)
+ compare(control.down, false)
+ }
+ function test_keys() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(toolButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var clickedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(control, {target: control, signalName: "clicked"})
+ verify(clickedSpy.valid)
+ control.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(control.activeFocus)
+ // check
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 1)
+ // uncheck
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 2)
+ // no change
+ // Not testing Key_Enter and Key_Return because QGnomeTheme uses them for
+ // pressing buttons and the CI uses the QGnomeTheme platform theme.
+ var keys = [Qt.Key_Escape, Qt.Key_Tab]
+ for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
+ keyClick(keys[i])
+ compare(clickedSpy.count, 2)
+ }
+ }
+ function test_baseline() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(toolButton, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.baselineOffset, control.contentItem.y + control.contentItem.baselineOffset)
+ }
+ function test_display_data() {
+ return [
+ { "tag": "IconOnly", display: ToolButton.IconOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly", display: ToolButton.TextOnly },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon", display: ToolButton.TextUnderIcon },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon", display: ToolButton.TextBesideIcon },
+ { "tag": "IconOnly, mirrored", display: ToolButton.IconOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextOnly, mirrored", display: ToolButton.TextOnly, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextUnderIcon, mirrored", display: ToolButton.TextUnderIcon, mirrored: true },
+ { "tag": "TextBesideIcon, mirrored", display: ToolButton.TextBesideIcon, mirrored: true }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_display(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(toolButton, testCase, {
+ text: "ToolButton",
+ display: data.display,
+ "icon.source": "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png",
+ "LayoutMirroring.enabled": !!data.mirrored
+ })
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.icon.source, "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/images/check.png")
+ var iconImage = findChild(control.contentItem, "image")
+ var textLabel = findChild(control.contentItem, "label")
+ switch (control.display) {
+ case ToolButton.IconOnly:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(!textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, (control.availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case ToolButton.TextOnly:
+ verify(!iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(textLabel.x, (control.availableWidth - textLabel.width) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ case ToolButton.TextUnderIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ compare(iconImage.x, (control.availableWidth - iconImage.width) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.x, (control.availableWidth - textLabel.width) / 2)
+ verify(iconImage.y < textLabel.y)
+ break;
+ case ToolButton.TextBesideIcon:
+ verify(iconImage)
+ verify(textLabel)
+ if (control.mirrored)
+ verify(textLabel.x < iconImage.x)
+ else
+ verify(iconImage.x < textLabel.x)
+ compare(iconImage.y, (control.availableHeight - iconImage.height) / 2)
+ compare(textLabel.y, (control.availableHeight - textLabel.height) / 2)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_toolseparator.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_toolseparator.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ef7fc35758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_toolseparator.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ name: "ToolSeparator"
+ Component {
+ id: toolSeparator
+ ToolSeparator {}
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(toolSeparator, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_size() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(toolSeparator, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ verify(control.width > 1);
+ verify(control.height > 1);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpyComponent
+ SignalSpy {}
+ }
+ function test_orientation() {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(toolSeparator, testCase);
+ verify(control);
+ compare(control.horizontal, false);
+ compare(control.vertical, true);
+ var orientationSpy = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control, { target: control, signalName: "orientationChanged" });
+ var originalWidth = control.width;
+ var originalHeight = control.height;
+ control.orientation = Qt.Horizontal;
+ compare(control.orientation, Qt.Horizontal);
+ compare(control.width, originalHeight);
+ compare(control.height, originalWidth);
+ compare(control.horizontal, true);
+ compare(control.vertical, false);
+ compare(orientationSpy.count, 1);
+ control.orientation = Qt.Vertical;
+ compare(control.orientation, Qt.Vertical);
+ compare(control.width, originalWidth);
+ compare(control.height, originalHeight);
+ compare(control.horizontal, false);
+ compare(control.vertical, true);
+ compare(orientationSpy.count, 2);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_tooltip.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_tooltip.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1aa63e56a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_tooltip.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "ToolTip"
+ Component {
+ id: toolTip
+ ToolTip { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: mouseArea
+ MouseArea { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: signalSpy
+ SignalSpy { }
+ }
+ QtObject {
+ id: object
+ }
+ SignalSpy {
+ id: sharedSpy
+ target: ToolTip.toolTip
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(toolTip, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_properties_data() {
+ return [
+ {tag: "text", property: "text", defaultValue: "", setValue: "Hello", signalName: "textChanged"},
+ {tag: "delay", property: "delay", defaultValue: 0, setValue: 1000, signalName: "delayChanged"},
+ {tag: "timeout", property: "timeout", defaultValue: -1, setValue: 2000, signalName: "timeoutChanged"}
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_properties(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(toolTip, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control[data.property], data.defaultValue)
+ var spy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, {target: control, signalName: data.signalName})
+ verify(spy.valid)
+ control[data.property] = data.setValue
+ compare(control[data.property], data.setValue)
+ compare(spy.count, 1)
+ }
+ function test_attached_data() {
+ return [
+ {tag: "text", property: "text", defaultValue: "", setValue: "Hello", signalName: "textChanged"},
+ {tag: "delay", property: "delay", defaultValue: 0, setValue: 1000, signalName: "delayChanged"},
+ {tag: "timeout", property: "timeout", defaultValue: -1, setValue: 2000, signalName: "timeoutChanged"}
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_attached(data) {
+ var item1 = createTemporaryObject(mouseArea, testCase)
+ verify(item1)
+ var item2 = createTemporaryObject(mouseArea, testCase)
+ verify(item2)
+ // Reset the properties to the expected default values, in case
+ // we're not the first test that uses attached properties to be run.
+ var sharedTip = ToolTip.toolTip
+ sharedTip[data.property] = data.defaultValue
+ compare(item1.ToolTip[data.property], data.defaultValue)
+ compare(item2.ToolTip[data.property], data.defaultValue)
+ var spy1 = signalSpy.createObject(item1, {target: item1.ToolTip, signalName: data.signalName})
+ verify(spy1.valid)
+ var spy2 = signalSpy.createObject(item2, {target: item2.ToolTip, signalName: data.signalName})
+ verify(spy2.valid)
+ sharedSpy.signalName = data.signalName
+ verify(sharedSpy.valid)
+ sharedSpy.clear()
+ // change attached properties while the shared tooltip is not visible
+ item1.ToolTip[data.property] = data.setValue
+ compare(item1.ToolTip[data.property], data.setValue)
+ compare(spy1.count, 1)
+ compare(spy2.count, 0)
+ compare(item2.ToolTip[data.property], data.defaultValue)
+ // the shared tooltip is not visible for item1, so the attached
+ // property change should therefore not apply to the shared instance
+ compare(sharedSpy.count, 0)
+ compare(sharedTip[data.property], data.defaultValue)
+ // show the shared tooltip for item2
+ item2.ToolTip.visible = true
+ verify(item2.ToolTip.visible)
+ verify(sharedTip.visible)
+ // change attached properties while the shared tooltip is visible
+ item2.ToolTip[data.property] = data.setValue
+ compare(item2.ToolTip[data.property], data.setValue)
+ compare(spy2.count, 1)
+ // the shared tooltip is visible for item2, so the attached
+ // property change should apply to the shared instance
+ compare(sharedSpy.count, 1)
+ compare(sharedTip[data.property], data.setValue)
+ }
+ function test_delay_data() {
+ return [
+ {tag: "imperative:0", delay: 0, imperative: true},
+ {tag: "imperative:100", delay: 100, imperative: true},
+ {tag: "declarative:0", delay: 0, imperative: false},
+ {tag: "declarative:100", delay: 100, imperative: false}
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_delay(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(toolTip, testCase, {delay: data.delay})
+ compare(control.visible, false)
+ if (data.imperative)
+ control.open()
+ else
+ control.visible = true
+ compare(control.visible, data.delay <= 0)
+ tryCompare(control, "visible", true)
+ }
+ function test_timeout_data() {
+ return [
+ {tag: "imperative", imperative: true},
+ {tag: "declarative", imperative: false}
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_timeout(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(toolTip, testCase, {timeout: 100})
+ compare(control.visible, false)
+ if (data.imperative)
+ control.open()
+ else
+ control.visible = true
+ compare(control.visible, true)
+ // wait a bit to make sure that it's still visible
+ wait(50)
+ compare(control.visible, true)
+ // re-arm for another 200 ms
+ control.timeout = 200
+ compare(control.visible, true)
+ // ensure that it's still visible after 150 ms (where old timeout < 150 < new timeout)
+ wait(150)
+ compare(control.visible, true)
+ tryCompare(control, "visible", false)
+ }
+ function test_warning() {
+ ignoreWarning(new RegExp(".*QML QtObject: ToolTip must be attached to an Item"))
+ ignoreWarning(new RegExp(".*: QML ToolTip: cannot find any window to open popup in."))
+ object.ToolTip.show("") // don't crash (QTBUG-56243)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: toolTipWithExitTransition
+ ToolTip {
+ Component.onCompleted: contentItem.objectName = "contentItem"
+ enter: Transition {
+ NumberAnimation { property: "opacity"; from: 0.0; to: 1.0; duration: 100 }
+ }
+ exit: Transition {
+ NumberAnimation { property: "opacity"; from: 1.0; to: 0.0; duration: 500 }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_makeVisibleWhileExitTransitionRunning_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "imperative", imperative: true },
+ { tag: "declarative", imperative: false }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_makeVisibleWhileExitTransitionRunning(data) {
+ var control = createTemporaryObject(toolTipWithExitTransition, testCase)
+ // Show, hide, and show the tooltip again. Its exit transition should
+ // start and get cancelled, and then its enter transition should run.
+ if (data.imperative)
+ control.open()
+ else
+ control.visible = true
+ tryCompare(control, "opacity", 1)
+ if (data.imperative)
+ control.close()
+ else
+ control.visible = false
+ verify(control.exit.running)
+ tryVerify(function() { return control.opacity < 1; })
+ if (data.imperative)
+ control.open()
+ else
+ control.visible = true
+ tryCompare(control, "opacity", 1)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: buttonAndShortcutComponent
+ Item {
+ property alias shortcut: shortcut
+ property alias button: button
+ Shortcut {
+ id: shortcut
+ sequence: "A"
+ }
+ Button {
+ id: button
+ text: "Just a button"
+ focusPolicy: Qt.NoFocus
+ ToolTip.visible: button.hovered
+ ToolTip.text: qsTr("Some helpful text")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_activateShortcutWhileToolTipVisible() {
+ if ((Qt.platform.pluginName === "offscreen")
+ || (Qt.platform.pluginName === "minimal"))
+ skip("Mouse hovering not functional on offscreen/minimal platforms")
+ // Window shortcuts (the default context for Shortcut) require the window to have focus.
+ var window = testCase.Window.window
+ verify(window)
+ window.requestActivate()
+ tryCompare(window, "active", true)
+ var root = createTemporaryObject(buttonAndShortcutComponent, testCase)
+ verify(root)
+ mouseMove(root.button, root.button.width / 2, root.button.height / 2)
+ tryCompare(root.button.ToolTip.toolTip, "visible", true)
+ var shortcutActivatedSpy = signalSpy.createObject(root, { target: root.shortcut, signalName: "activated" })
+ verify(shortcutActivatedSpy.valid)
+ keyPress(Qt.Key_A)
+ compare(shortcutActivatedSpy.count, 1)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: hoverComponent
+ MouseArea {
+ id: hoverArea
+ property alias tooltip: tooltip
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ width: testCase.width
+ height: testCase.height
+ ToolTip {
+ id: tooltip
+ x: 10; y: 10
+ width: 10; height: 10
+ visible: hoverArea.containsMouse
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // QTBUG-63644
+ function test_hover() {
+ var root = createTemporaryObject(hoverComponent, testCase)
+ verify(root)
+ var tooltip = root.tooltip
+ verify(tooltip)
+ for (var pos = 0; pos <= 25; pos += 5) {
+ mouseMove(root, pos, pos)
+ verify(tooltip.visible)
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: nonAttachedToolTipComponent
+ ToolTip { }
+ }
+ function test_nonAttachedToolTipShowAndHide() {
+ var tip = createTemporaryObject(nonAttachedToolTipComponent, testCase)
+ verify(tip)
+ tip.show("hello");
+ verify(tip.visible)
+ verify(tip.text === "hello")
+ tip.hide()
+ tryCompare(tip, "visible", false)
+ tip.show("delay", 200)
+ verify(tip.visible)
+ tryCompare(tip, "visible", false)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: timeoutButtonRowComponent
+ Row {
+ Button {
+ text: "Timeout: 1"
+ ToolTip.text: text
+ ToolTip.visible: down
+ ToolTip.timeout: 1
+ }
+ Button {
+ text: "Timeout: -1"
+ ToolTip.text: text
+ ToolTip.visible: down
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // QTBUG-74226
+ function test_attachedTimeout() {
+ var row = createTemporaryObject(timeoutButtonRowComponent, testCase)
+ verify(row)
+ // Press the button that has no timeout; it should stay visible.
+ var button2 = row.children[1]
+ mousePress(button2)
+ compare(button2.down, true)
+ tryCompare(button2.ToolTip.toolTip, "opened", true)
+ // Wait a bit to make sure that it's still visible.
+ wait(50)
+ compare(button2.ToolTip.toolTip.opened, true)
+ // Release and should close.
+ mouseRelease(button2)
+ compare(button2.down, false)
+ tryCompare(button2.ToolTip, "visible", false)
+ // Now, press the first button that does have a timeout; it should close on its own eventually.
+ var button1 = row.children[0]
+ mousePress(button1)
+ compare(button1.down, true)
+ // We use a short timeout to speed up the test, but tryCompare(...opened, true) then
+ // fails because the dialog has already been hidden by that point, so just check that it's
+ // immediately visible, which is more or less the same thing.
+ compare(button1.ToolTip.visible, true)
+ tryCompare(button1.ToolTip, "visible", false)
+ mouseRelease(button2)
+ // Now, hover over the second button again. It should still stay visible until the mouse is released.
+ mousePress(button2)
+ compare(button2.down, true)
+ tryCompare(button2.ToolTip.toolTip, "opened", true)
+ // Wait a bit to make sure that it's still visible.
+ wait(50)
+ compare(button2.ToolTip.toolTip.opened, true)
+ // Release and should close.
+ mouseRelease(button2)
+ compare(button2.down, false)
+ tryCompare(button2.ToolTip, "visible", false)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: wrapComponent
+ Item {
+ ToolTip.text: "This is some very very very very very very very very very very very very"
+ + " very very very very very very very very very very very very very very"
+ + " very very very very very very very very very very very very long text"
+ }
+ }
+ // QTBUG-62350
+ function test_wrap() {
+ var item = createTemporaryObject(wrapComponent, testCase)
+ verify(item)
+ // Avoid "cannot find window to popup in" warning that can occur if it's made visible too early.
+ item.ToolTip.visible = true
+ tryCompare(item.ToolTip.toolTip, "opened", true)
+ compare(item.ToolTip.toolTip.contentItem.wrapMode, Text.Wrap)
+ verify(item.ToolTip.toolTip.contentItem.width < item.ToolTip.toolTip.contentItem.implicitWidth)
+ }
+ function test_timeoutAfterOpened() {
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(toolTipWithExitTransition, testCase, { timeout: 1, exit: null })
+ verify(control)
+ let openedSpy = createTemporaryObject(signalSpy, testCase, { target: control, signalName: "opened" })
+ verify(openedSpy.valid)
+ control.show("Test")
+ tryCompare(openedSpy, "count", 1)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: buttonDownToolTipComponent
+ Button {
+ required property string toolTipText
+ ToolTip.text: toolTipText
+ ToolTip.visible: down
+ }
+ }
+ function test_attachedSizeBug() {
+ let shortTextButton = createTemporaryObject(buttonDownToolTipComponent, testCase,
+ { toolTipText: "Short text" })
+ verify(shortTextButton)
+ let longTextButton = createTemporaryObject(buttonDownToolTipComponent, testCase,
+ { x: shortTextButton.width, toolTipText: "Some reeeeeeaaaaaaallly looooooooooongggggggg text" })
+ verify(longTextButton)
+ shortTextButton.ToolTip.toolTip.background.objectName = "ToolTipBackground"
+ shortTextButton.ToolTip.toolTip.contentItem.objectName = "ToolTipText"
+ // Show the tooltip with long text.
+ mousePress(longTextButton)
+ tryCompare(longTextButton.ToolTip.toolTip, "opened", true)
+ const longTextToolTipImplicitWidth = longTextButton.ToolTip.toolTip.implicitWidth
+ mouseRelease(longTextButton)
+ tryCompare(longTextButton.ToolTip.toolTip, "visible", false)
+ // Show the tooltip with short text.
+ mousePress(shortTextButton)
+ tryCompare(shortTextButton.ToolTip.toolTip, "opened", true)
+ mouseRelease(shortTextButton)
+ tryCompare(shortTextButton.ToolTip.toolTip, "visible", false)
+ // Show the tooltip with long text again. It should have its original width.
+ mousePress(longTextButton)
+ tryCompare(longTextButton.ToolTip.toolTip, "opened", true)
+ compare(longTextButton.ToolTip.toolTip.implicitWidth, longTextToolTipImplicitWidth)
+ mouseRelease(longTextButton)
+ tryCompare(longTextButton.ToolTip.toolTip, "visible", false)
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_tumbler.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_tumbler.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb098f92db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_tumbler.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,1247 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 300
+ height: 300
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "Tumbler"
+ property var tumbler: null
+ readonly property real implicitTumblerWidth: 60
+ readonly property real implicitTumblerHeight: 200
+ readonly property real defaultImplicitDelegateHeight: implicitTumblerHeight / 3
+ readonly property real defaultListViewTumblerOffset: -defaultImplicitDelegateHeight
+ readonly property real tumblerDelegateHeight: tumbler ? tumbler.availableHeight / tumbler.visibleItemCount : 0
+ property Item tumblerView: null
+ Component {
+ id: defaultTumbler
+ Tumbler {}
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: tumblerComponent
+ Tumbler {
+ visibleItemCount: 3
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: itemComponent
+ Item {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ }
+ }
+ function createTumbler(args) {
+ tumbler = createTemporaryObject(tumblerComponent, testCase, args);
+ verify(tumbler, "Tumbler: failed to create an instance");
+ tumblerView = findView(tumbler);
+ verify(tumblerView);
+ }
+ function tumblerXCenter() {
+ return tumbler.leftPadding + tumbler.width / 2;
+ }
+ function tumblerYCenter() {
+ return tumbler.topPadding + tumbler.height / 2;
+ }
+ // visualItemIndex is from 0 to the amount of visible items.
+ function itemCenterPos(visualItemIndex) {
+ var halfDelegateHeight = tumblerDelegateHeight / 2;
+ var yCenter = tumbler.y + tumbler.topPadding + halfDelegateHeight
+ + (tumblerDelegateHeight * visualItemIndex);
+ return Qt.point(tumblerXCenter(), yCenter);
+ }
+ function itemTopLeftPos(visualItemIndex) {
+ return Qt.point(tumbler.leftPadding, tumbler.topPadding + (tumblerDelegateHeight * visualItemIndex));
+ }
+ function checkItemSizes() {
+ var contentChildren = tumbler.wrap ? tumblerView.children : tumblerView.contentItem.children;
+ verify(contentChildren.length >= tumbler.count);
+ for (var i = 0; i < contentChildren.length; ++i) {
+ compare(contentChildren[i].width, tumbler.availableWidth);
+ compare(contentChildren[i].height, tumblerDelegateHeight);
+ }
+ }
+ function findView(parent) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < parent.children.length; ++i) {
+ var child = parent.children[i];
+ if (child.hasOwnProperty("currentIndex")) {
+ return child;
+ }
+ var grandChild = findView(child);
+ if (grandChild)
+ return grandChild;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ function findDelegateWithText(parent, text) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < parent.children.length; ++i) {
+ var child = parent.children[i];
+ if (child.hasOwnProperty("text") && child.text === text) {
+ return child;
+ }
+ var grandChild = findDelegateWithText(child, text);
+ if (grandChild)
+ return grandChild;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ property Component noAttachedPropertiesDelegate: Text {
+ text: modelData
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(defaultTumbler, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_wrapWithoutAttachedProperties() {
+ createTumbler();
+ verify(tumbler.wrap);
+ tumbler.delegate = noAttachedPropertiesDelegate;
+ // Shouldn't assert.
+ tumbler.wrap = false;
+ verify(findView(tumbler));
+ }
+ // TODO: test that currentIndex is maintained between contentItem changes...
+// function tst_dynamicContentItemChange() {
+// }
+ function test_currentIndex() {
+ createTumbler();
+ compare(tumbler.contentItem.parent, tumbler);
+ tumbler.model = 5;
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 0);
+ waitForRendering(tumbler);
+ // Set it through user interaction.
+ var pos = Qt.point(tumblerXCenter(), tumbler.height / 2);
+ mouseDrag(tumbler, pos.x, pos.y, 0, tumbler.height / 3, Qt.LeftButton, Qt.NoModifier, 200);
+ tryCompare(tumblerView, "offset", 1);
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 4);
+ compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 4);
+ // Set it manually.
+ tumbler.currentIndex = 2;
+ tryCompare(tumbler, "currentIndex", 2);
+ compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 2);
+ tumbler.model = null;
+ tryCompare(tumbler, "currentIndex", -1);
+ // PathView will only use 0 as the currentIndex when there are no items.
+ compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 0);
+ tumbler.model = ["A", "B", "C"];
+ tryCompare(tumbler, "currentIndex", 0);
+ // Setting a negative current index should have no effect, because the model isn't empty.
+ tumbler.currentIndex = -1;
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 0);
+ tumbler.model = 1;
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 0);
+ tumbler.model = 5;
+ compare(tumbler.count, 5);
+ tumblerView = findView(tumbler);
+ tryCompare(tumblerView, "count", 5);
+ tumbler.currentIndex = 4;
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 4);
+ compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 4);
+ --tumbler.model;
+ compare(tumbler.count, 4);
+ compare(tumblerView.count, 4);
+ // Removing an item from an integer-based model will cause views to reset their currentIndex to 0.
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 0);
+ compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 0);
+ tumbler.model = 0;
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, -1);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: currentIndexTumbler
+ Tumbler {
+ model: 5
+ currentIndex: 2
+ visibleItemCount: 3
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: currentIndexTumblerNoWrap
+ Tumbler {
+ model: 5
+ currentIndex: 2
+ wrap: false
+ visibleItemCount: 3
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: currentIndexTumblerNoWrapReversedOrder
+ Tumbler {
+ model: 5
+ wrap: false
+ currentIndex: 2
+ visibleItemCount: 3
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: negativeCurrentIndexTumblerNoWrap
+ Tumbler {
+ model: 5
+ wrap: false
+ currentIndex: -1
+ visibleItemCount: 3
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: currentIndexTooLargeTumbler
+ Tumbler {
+ objectName: "currentIndexTooLargeTumbler"
+ model: 10
+ currentIndex: 10
+ }
+ }
+ function test_currentIndexAtCreation_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "wrap: implicit, expected currentIndex: 2", currentIndex: 2, wrap: true, component: currentIndexTumbler },
+ { tag: "wrap: false, expected currentIndex: 2", currentIndex: 2, wrap: false, component: currentIndexTumblerNoWrap },
+ // Order of property assignments shouldn't matter
+ { tag: "wrap: false, expected currentIndex: 2, reversed property assignment order",
+ currentIndex: 2, wrap: false, component: currentIndexTumblerNoWrapReversedOrder },
+ { tag: "wrap: false, expected currentIndex: 0", currentIndex: 0, wrap: false, component: negativeCurrentIndexTumblerNoWrap },
+ { tag: "wrap: implicit, expected currentIndex: 0", currentIndex: 0, wrap: true, component: currentIndexTooLargeTumbler }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_currentIndexAtCreation(data) {
+ // Test setting currentIndex at creation time
+ tumbler = createTemporaryObject(data.component, testCase);
+ verify(tumbler);
+ // A "statically declared" currentIndex will be pending until the count has changed,
+ // which happens when the model is set, which happens on the TumblerView's next polish.
+ tryCompare(tumbler, "currentIndex", data.currentIndex);
+ tumblerView = findView(tumbler);
+ tryVerify(function() { return tumblerView.currentItem });
+ compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, data.currentIndex);
+ compare(tumblerView.currentItem.text, data.currentIndex.toString());
+ if (data.wrap) {
+ tryCompare(tumblerView, "offset", data.currentIndex > 0 ? tumblerView.count - data.currentIndex : 0);
+ } else {
+ tryCompare(tumblerView, "contentY", tumblerDelegateHeight * data.currentIndex - tumblerView.preferredHighlightBegin);
+ }
+ }
+ function test_keyboardNavigation() {
+ createTumbler();
+ tumbler.model = 5;
+ tumbler.forceActiveFocus();
+ tumblerView.highlightMoveDuration = 0;
+ // Navigate upwards through entire wheel.
+ for (var j = 0; j < tumbler.count - 1; ++j) {
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Up, Qt.NoModifier);
+ tryCompare(tumblerView, "offset", j + 1);
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, tumbler.count - 1 - j);
+ }
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Up, Qt.NoModifier);
+ tryCompare(tumblerView, "offset", 0);
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 0);
+ // Navigate downwards through entire wheel.
+ for (j = 0; j < tumbler.count - 1; ++j) {
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Down, Qt.NoModifier);
+ tryCompare(tumblerView, "offset", tumbler.count - 1 - j);
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, j + 1);
+ }
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Down, Qt.NoModifier);
+ tryCompare(tumblerView, "offset", 0);
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 0);
+ }
+ function test_itemsCorrectlyPositioned() {
+ createTumbler();
+ tumbler.model = 4;
+ tumbler.height = 120;
+ compare(tumblerDelegateHeight, 40);
+ checkItemSizes();
+ wait(tumblerView.highlightMoveDuration);
+ var firstItemCenterPos = itemCenterPos(1);
+ var firstItem = tumblerView.itemAt(firstItemCenterPos.x, firstItemCenterPos.y);
+ var actualPos = testCase.mapFromItem(firstItem, 0, 0);
+ compare(actualPos.x, tumbler.leftPadding);
+ compare(actualPos.y, tumbler.topPadding + 40);
+ tumbler.forceActiveFocus();
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Down);
+ tryCompare(tumblerView, "offset", 3.0);
+ tryCompare(tumbler, "moving", false);
+ firstItemCenterPos = itemCenterPos(0);
+ firstItem = tumblerView.itemAt(firstItemCenterPos.x, firstItemCenterPos.y);
+ verify(firstItem);
+ // Test QTBUG-40298.
+ actualPos = testCase.mapFromItem(firstItem, 0, 0);
+ fuzzyCompare(actualPos.x, tumbler.leftPadding, 0.0001);
+ fuzzyCompare(actualPos.y, tumbler.topPadding, 0.0001);
+ var secondItemCenterPos = itemCenterPos(1);
+ var secondItem = tumblerView.itemAt(secondItemCenterPos.x, secondItemCenterPos.y);
+ verify(secondItem);
+ verify(firstItem.y < secondItem.y);
+ var thirdItemCenterPos = itemCenterPos(2);
+ var thirdItem = tumblerView.itemAt(thirdItemCenterPos.x, thirdItemCenterPos.y);
+ verify(thirdItem);
+ verify(firstItem.y < thirdItem.y);
+ verify(secondItem.y < thirdItem.y);
+ }
+ function test_focusPastTumbler() {
+ tumbler = createTemporaryObject(tumblerComponent, testCase);
+ verify(tumbler);
+ var mouseArea = createTemporaryQmlObject(
+ "import QtQuick; TextInput { activeFocusOnTab: true; width: 50; height: 50 }", testCase, "");
+ tumbler.forceActiveFocus();
+ verify(tumbler.activeFocus);
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Tab);
+ verify(!tumbler.activeFocus);
+ verify(mouseArea.activeFocus);
+ }
+ function test_datePicker() {
+ var component = Qt.createComponent("TumblerDatePicker.qml");
+ compare(component.status, Component.Ready, component.errorString());
+ tumbler = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase);
+ // Should not be any warnings.
+ tryCompare(tumbler.dayTumbler, "currentIndex", 0);
+ compare(tumbler.dayTumbler.count, 31);
+ compare(tumbler.monthTumbler.currentIndex, 0);
+ compare(tumbler.monthTumbler.count, 12);
+ compare(tumbler.yearTumbler.currentIndex, 0);
+ tryCompare(tumbler.yearTumbler, "count", 100);
+ verify(findView(tumbler.dayTumbler).children.length >= tumbler.dayTumbler.visibleItemCount);
+ verify(findView(tumbler.monthTumbler).children.length >= tumbler.monthTumbler.visibleItemCount);
+ // TODO: do this properly somehow
+ wait(100);
+ verify(findView(tumbler.yearTumbler).children.length >= tumbler.yearTumbler.visibleItemCount);
+ // March.
+ tumbler.monthTumbler.currentIndex = 2;
+ tryCompare(tumbler.monthTumbler, "currentIndex", 2);
+ // 30th of March.
+ tumbler.dayTumbler.currentIndex = 29;
+ tryCompare(tumbler.dayTumbler, "currentIndex", 29);
+ // February.
+ tumbler.monthTumbler.currentIndex = 1;
+ tryCompare(tumbler.monthTumbler, "currentIndex", 1);
+ tryCompare(tumbler.dayTumbler, "currentIndex", 27);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: timePickerComponent
+ Row {
+ property alias minuteTumbler: minuteTumbler
+ property alias amPmTumbler: amPmTumbler
+ Tumbler {
+ id: minuteTumbler
+ currentIndex: 6
+ model: 60
+ width: 50
+ height: 150
+ }
+ Tumbler {
+ id: amPmTumbler
+ model: ["AM", "PM"]
+ width: 50
+ height: 150
+ contentItem: ListView {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ model: amPmTumbler.model
+ delegate: amPmTumbler.delegate
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_listViewTimePicker() {
+ var root = createTemporaryObject(timePickerComponent, testCase);
+ verify(root);
+ mouseDrag(root.minuteTumbler, root.minuteTumbler.width / 2, root.minuteTumbler.height / 2, 0, 50);
+ // Shouldn't crash.
+ mouseDrag(root.amPmTumbler, root.amPmTumbler.width / 2, root.amPmTumbler.height / 2, 0, 50);
+ }
+ function test_displacement_data() {
+ var data = [
+ // At 0 offset, the first item is current.
+ { count: 6, index: 0, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: 0 },
+ { count: 6, index: 1, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: -1 },
+ { count: 6, index: 5, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: 1 },
+ // When we start to move the first item down, the second item above it starts to become current.
+ { count: 6, index: 0, offset: 0.25, expectedDisplacement: -0.25 },
+ { count: 6, index: 1, offset: 0.25, expectedDisplacement: -1.25 },
+ { count: 6, index: 5, offset: 0.25, expectedDisplacement: 0.75 },
+ { count: 6, index: 0, offset: 0.5, expectedDisplacement: -0.5 },
+ { count: 6, index: 1, offset: 0.5, expectedDisplacement: -1.5 },
+ { count: 6, index: 5, offset: 0.5, expectedDisplacement: 0.5 },
+ // By this stage, the delegate at index 1 is destroyed, so we can't test its displacement.
+ { count: 6, index: 0, offset: 0.75, expectedDisplacement: -0.75 },
+ { count: 6, index: 5, offset: 0.75, expectedDisplacement: 0.25 },
+ { count: 6, index: 0, offset: 4.75, expectedDisplacement: 1.25 },
+ { count: 6, index: 1, offset: 4.75, expectedDisplacement: 0.25 },
+ { count: 6, index: 0, offset: 4.5, expectedDisplacement: 1.5 },
+ { count: 6, index: 1, offset: 4.5, expectedDisplacement: 0.5 },
+ { count: 6, index: 0, offset: 4.25, expectedDisplacement: 1.75 },
+ { count: 6, index: 1, offset: 4.25, expectedDisplacement: 0.75 },
+ // count == visibleItemCount
+ { count: 3, index: 0, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: 0 },
+ { count: 3, index: 1, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: -1 },
+ { count: 3, index: 2, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: 1 },
+ // count < visibleItemCount
+ { count: 2, index: 0, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: 0 },
+ { count: 2, index: 1, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: 1 },
+ // count == 1
+ { count: 1, index: 0, offset: 0, expectedDisplacement: 0 }
+ ];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ var row = data[i];
+ row.tag = "delegate" + row.index + " offset=" + row.offset + " expectedDisplacement=" + row.expectedDisplacement;
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ property Component displacementDelegate: Text {
+ objectName: "delegate" + index
+ text: modelData
+ opacity: 0.2 + Math.max(0, 1 - Math.abs(Tumbler.displacement)) * 0.8
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ Text {
+ text: parent.displacement.toFixed(2)
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
+ }
+ property real displacement: Tumbler.displacement
+ }
+ function test_displacement(data) {
+ createTumbler();
+ // TODO: test setting these in the opposite order (delegate after model
+ // doesn't seem to cause a change in delegates in PathView)
+ tumbler.wrap = true;
+ tumbler.delegate = displacementDelegate;
+ tumbler.model = data.count;
+ compare(tumbler.count, data.count);
+ var delegate = findChild(tumblerView, "delegate" + data.index);
+ verify(delegate);
+ tumblerView.offset = data.offset;
+ compare(delegate.displacement, data.expectedDisplacement);
+ // test displacement after adding and removing items
+ }
+ function test_wrap() {
+ createTumbler();
+ tumbler.model = 5;
+ compare(tumbler.count, 5);
+ tumbler.currentIndex = 2;
+ compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 2);
+ tumbler.wrap = false;
+ tumblerView = findView(tumbler);
+ compare(tumbler.count, 5);
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 2);
+ // Tumbler's count hasn't changed (the model hasn't changed),
+ // but the new view needs time to instantiate its items.
+ tryCompare(tumblerView, "count", 5);
+ compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 2);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: twoItemTumbler
+ Tumbler {
+ model: 2
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: tenItemTumbler
+ Tumbler {
+ model: 10
+ }
+ }
+ function test_countWrap() {
+ tumbler = createTemporaryObject(tumblerComponent, testCase);
+ verify(tumbler);
+ // Check that a count that is less than visibleItemCount results in wrap being set to false.
+ verify(2 < tumbler.visibleItemCount);
+ tumbler.model = 2;
+ compare(tumbler.count, 2);
+ compare(tumbler.wrap, false);
+ }
+ function test_explicitlyNonwrapping() {
+ // Check that explicitly setting wrap to false works even when it was implicitly false.
+ var explicitlyNonWrapping = createTemporaryObject(twoItemTumbler, testCase);
+ verify(explicitlyNonWrapping);
+ tryCompare(explicitlyNonWrapping, "wrap", false);
+ explicitlyNonWrapping.wrap = false;
+ // wrap shouldn't be set to true now that there are more items than there are visible ones.
+ verify(10 > explicitlyNonWrapping.visibleItemCount);
+ explicitlyNonWrapping.model = 10;
+ compare(explicitlyNonWrapping.wrap, false);
+ // Test resetting wrap back to the default behavior.
+ explicitlyNonWrapping.wrap = undefined;
+ compare(explicitlyNonWrapping.wrap, true);
+ }
+ function test_explicitlyWrapping() {
+ // Check that explicitly setting wrap to true works even when it was implicitly true.
+ var explicitlyWrapping = createTemporaryObject(tenItemTumbler, testCase);
+ verify(explicitlyWrapping);
+ compare(explicitlyWrapping.wrap, true);
+ explicitlyWrapping.wrap = true;
+ // wrap shouldn't be set to false now that there are more items than there are visible ones.
+ explicitlyWrapping.model = 2;
+ compare(explicitlyWrapping.wrap, true);
+ // Test resetting wrap back to the default behavior.
+ explicitlyWrapping.wrap = undefined;
+ compare(explicitlyWrapping.wrap, false);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: customListViewTumblerComponent
+ Tumbler {
+ id: listViewTumbler
+ contentItem: ListView {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ model: listViewTumbler.model
+ delegate: listViewTumbler.delegate
+ snapMode: ListView.SnapToItem
+ highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange
+ preferredHighlightBegin: height / 2 - (height / listViewTumbler.visibleItemCount / 2)
+ preferredHighlightEnd: height / 2 + (height / listViewTumbler.visibleItemCount / 2)
+ clip: true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: customPathViewTumblerComponent
+ Tumbler {
+ id: pathViewTumbler
+ contentItem: PathView {
+ id: pathView
+ model: pathViewTumbler.model
+ delegate: pathViewTumbler.delegate
+ clip: true
+ pathItemCount: pathViewTumbler.visibleItemCount + 1
+ preferredHighlightBegin: 0.5
+ preferredHighlightEnd: 0.5
+ dragMargin: width / 2
+ path: Path {
+ startX: pathView.width / 2
+ startY: -pathView.delegateHeight / 2
+ PathLine {
+ x: pathView.width / 2
+ y: pathView.pathItemCount * pathView.delegateHeight - pathView.delegateHeight / 2
+ }
+ }
+ property real delegateHeight: pathViewTumbler.availableHeight / pathViewTumbler.visibleItemCount
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_customContentItemAtConstruction_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "ListView", component: customListViewTumblerComponent },
+ { tag: "PathView", component: customPathViewTumblerComponent }
+ ];
+ }
+ function test_customContentItemAtConstruction(data) {
+ var tumbler = createTemporaryObject(data.component, testCase);
+ // Shouldn't assert.
+ tumbler.model = 5;
+ compare(tumbler.count, 5);
+ tumbler.currentIndex = 2;
+ var tumblerView = findView(tumbler);
+ compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 2);
+ tumblerView.incrementCurrentIndex();
+ compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 3);
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 3);
+ // Shouldn't have any affect.
+ tumbler.wrap = false;
+ compare(tumbler.count, 5);
+ compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 3);
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 3);
+ }
+ function findFirstDelegateWithText(view, text) {
+ var delegate = null;
+ var contentItem = view.hasOwnProperty("contentItem") ? view.contentItem : view;
+ for (var i = 0; i < contentItem.children.length && !delegate; ++i) {
+ var child = contentItem.children[i];
+ if (child.hasOwnProperty("text") && child.text === text)
+ delegate = child;
+ }
+ return delegate;
+ }
+ function test_customContentItemAfterConstruction_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "ListView", componentPath: "TumblerListView.qml" },
+ { tag: "PathView", componentPath: "TumblerPathView.qml" }
+ ];
+ }
+ function test_customContentItemAfterConstruction(data) {
+ createTumbler();
+ tumbler.model = 5;
+ compare(tumbler.count, 5);
+ tumbler.currentIndex = 2;
+ compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 2);
+ var contentItemComponent = Qt.createComponent(data.componentPath);
+ compare(contentItemComponent.status, Component.Ready);
+ var customContentItem = createTemporaryObject(contentItemComponent, tumbler);
+ tumbler.contentItem = customContentItem;
+ compare(tumbler.count, 5);
+ tumblerView = findView(tumbler);
+ compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 2);
+ var delegate = findFirstDelegateWithText(tumblerView, "Custom2");
+ verify(delegate);
+ compare(delegate.height, defaultImplicitDelegateHeight);
+ tryCompare(delegate.Tumbler, "displacement", 0);
+ tumblerView.incrementCurrentIndex();
+ compare(tumblerView.currentIndex, 3);
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 3);
+ }
+ function test_displacementListView_data() {
+ var offset = defaultListViewTumblerOffset;
+ var data = [
+ // At 0 contentY, the first item is current.
+ { contentY: offset, expectedDisplacements: [
+ { index: 0, displacement: 0 },
+ { index: 1, displacement: -1 },
+ { index: 2, displacement: -2 } ]
+ },
+ // When we start to move the first item down, the second item above it starts to become current.
+ { contentY: offset + defaultImplicitDelegateHeight * 0.25, expectedDisplacements: [
+ { index: 0, displacement: 0.25 },
+ { index: 1, displacement: -0.75 },
+ { index: 2, displacement: -1.75 } ]
+ },
+ { contentY: offset + defaultImplicitDelegateHeight * 0.5, expectedDisplacements: [
+ { index: 0, displacement: 0.5 },
+ { index: 1, displacement: -0.5 },
+ { index: 2, displacement: -1.5 } ]
+ },
+ { contentY: offset + defaultImplicitDelegateHeight * 0.75, expectedDisplacements: [
+ { index: 0, displacement: 0.75 },
+ { index: 1, displacement: -0.25 } ]
+ },
+ { contentY: offset + defaultImplicitDelegateHeight * 3.5, expectedDisplacements: [
+ { index: 3, displacement: 0.5 },
+ { index: 4, displacement: -0.5 } ]
+ }
+ ];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ var row = data[i];
+ row.tag = "contentY=" + row.contentY;
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ function test_displacementListView(data) {
+ createTumbler();
+ tumbler.wrap = false;
+ tumbler.delegate = displacementDelegate;
+ tumbler.model = 5;
+ compare(tumbler.count, 5);
+ // Ensure assumptions about the tumbler used in our data() function are correct.
+ tumblerView = findView(tumbler);
+ compare(tumblerView.contentY, -defaultImplicitDelegateHeight);
+ var delegateCount = 0;
+ var listView = tumblerView;
+ var listViewContentItem = tumblerView.contentItem;
+ // We use the mouse instead of setting contentY directly, otherwise the
+ // items snap back into place. This doesn't seem to be an issue for
+ // PathView for some reason.
+ //
+ // I tried lots of things to get this test to work with small changes
+ // in ListView's contentY (to match the tests for a PathView-based Tumbler), but they didn't work:
+ //
+ // - Pressing once and then directly moving the mouse to the correct location
+ // - Pressing once and interpolating the mouse position to the correct location
+ // - Pressing once and doing some dragging up and down to trigger the
+ // overThreshold of QQuickFlickable
+ //
+ // Even after the last item above, QQuickFlickable wouldn't consider it a drag.
+ // It seems that overThreshold is set too late, and because the drag distance is quite small
+ // to begin with, nothing changes (the displacement was always very close to 0 in the end).
+ // Ensure that we at least cover the distance required to reach the desired contentY.
+ var distanceToReachContentY = data.contentY - defaultListViewTumblerOffset;
+ var distance = Math.abs(distanceToReachContentY) + tumbler.height / 2;
+ // If distanceToReachContentY is 0, we're testing 0 displacement, so we don't need to do anything.
+ if (distanceToReachContentY != 0) {
+ mousePress(tumbler, tumblerXCenter(), tumblerYCenter());
+ var dragDirection = distanceToReachContentY > 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ for (var i = 0; i < distance && Math.floor(listView.contentY) !== Math.floor(data.contentY); ++i) {
+ mouseMove(tumbler, tumblerXCenter(), tumblerYCenter() + i * dragDirection);
+ wait(1); // because Flickable pays attention to velocity, we need some time between movements (qtdeclarative ebf07c3)
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.expectedDisplacements.length; ++i) {
+ var delegate = findChild(listViewContentItem, "delegate" + data.expectedDisplacements[i].index);
+ verify(delegate);
+ compare(delegate.height, defaultImplicitDelegateHeight);
+ // Due to the way we must perform this test, we can't expect high precision.
+ var expectedDisplacement = data.expectedDisplacements[i].displacement;
+ fuzzyCompare(delegate.displacement, expectedDisplacement, 0.1,
+ "Delegate of ListView-based Tumbler at index " + data.expectedDisplacements[i].index
+ + " has displacement of " + delegate.displacement + " when it should be " + expectedDisplacement);
+ }
+ if (distanceToReachContentY != 0)
+ mouseRelease(tumbler, tumblerXCenter(), itemCenterPos(1) + (data.contentY - defaultListViewTumblerOffset), Qt.LeftButton);
+ }
+ function test_listViewFlickAboveBounds_data() {
+ // Tests that flicking above the bounds when already at the top of the
+ // tumbler doesn't result in an incorrect displacement.
+ var data = [];
+ // Less than two items doesn't make sense. The default visibleItemCount
+ // is 3, so we test a bit more than double that.
+ for (var i = 2; i <= 7; ++i) {
+ data.push({ tag: i + " items", model: i });
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ function test_listViewFlickAboveBounds(data) {
+ createTumbler();
+ tumbler.wrap = false;
+ tumbler.delegate = displacementDelegate;
+ tumbler.model = data.model;
+ tumblerView = findView(tumbler);
+ mousePress(tumbler, tumblerXCenter(), tumblerYCenter());
+ // Ensure it's stationary.
+ var listView = tumblerView;
+ compare(listView.contentY, defaultListViewTumblerOffset);
+ // We could just move up until the contentY changed, but this is safer.
+ var distance = tumbler.height;
+ var changed = false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < distance && !changed; ++i) {
+ mouseMove(tumbler, tumblerXCenter(), tumblerYCenter() + i, 10);
+ // Don't test until the contentY has actually changed.
+ if (Math.abs(listView.contentY) - listView.preferredHighlightBegin > 0.01) {
+ for (var delegateIndex = 0; delegateIndex < Math.min(tumbler.count, tumbler.visibleItemCount); ++delegateIndex) {
+ var delegate = findChild(listView.contentItem, "delegate" + delegateIndex);
+ verify(delegate);
+ verify(delegate.displacement <= -delegateIndex, "Delegate at index " + delegateIndex + " has a displacement of "
+ + delegate.displacement + " when it should be less than or equal to " + -delegateIndex);
+ verify(delegate.displacement > -delegateIndex - 0.1, "Delegate at index 0 has a displacement of "
+ + delegate.displacement + " when it should be greater than ~ " + -delegateIndex - 0.1);
+ }
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Sanity check that something was actually tested.
+ verify(changed);
+ mouseRelease(tumbler, tumblerXCenter(), tumbler.topPadding);
+ }
+ property Component objectNameDelegate: Text {
+ objectName: "delegate" + index
+ text: modelData
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ }
+ function test_visibleItemCount_data() {
+ var data = [
+ // e.g. {0: 2} = {delegate index: y pos / delegate height}
+ // Skip item at index 3, because it's out of view.
+ { model: 6, visibleItemCount: 5, expectedYPositions: {0: 2, 1: 3, 2: 4, 4: 0} },
+ { model: 5, visibleItemCount: 3, expectedYPositions: {0: 1, 1: 2, 4: 0} },
+ // Takes up the whole view.
+ { model: 2, visibleItemCount: 1, expectedYPositions: {0: 0} },
+ ];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ data[i].tag = "items=" + data[i].model + ", visibleItemCount=" + data[i].visibleItemCount;
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ function test_visibleItemCount(data) {
+ createTumbler();
+ tumbler.delegate = objectNameDelegate;
+ tumbler.visibleItemCount = data.visibleItemCount;
+ tumbler.model = data.model;
+ compare(tumbler.count, data.model);
+ for (var delegateIndex = 0; delegateIndex < data.visibleItemCount; ++delegateIndex) {
+ if (data.expectedYPositions.hasOwnProperty(delegateIndex)) {
+ var delegate = findChild(tumblerView, "delegate" + delegateIndex);
+ verify(delegate, "Delegate found at index " + delegateIndex);
+ var expectedYPos = data.expectedYPositions[delegateIndex] * tumblerDelegateHeight;
+ compare(delegate.mapToItem(tumbler.contentItem, 0, 0).y, expectedYPos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ property Component wrongDelegateTypeComponent: QtObject {
+ property real displacement: Tumbler.displacement
+ }
+ property Component noParentDelegateComponent: Item {
+ property real displacement: Tumbler.displacement
+ }
+ function test_attachedProperties() {
+ tumbler = createTemporaryObject(tumblerComponent, testCase);
+ verify(tumbler);
+ // TODO: crashes somewhere in QML's guts
+// tumbler.model = 5;
+// tumbler.delegate = wrongDelegateTypeComponent;
+// ignoreWarning("Attached properties of Tumbler must be accessed from within a delegate item");
+// // Cause displacement to be changed. The warning isn't triggered if we don't do this.
+// tumbler.contentItem.offset += 1;
+ ignoreWarning(/.*Tumbler: attached properties must be accessed through a delegate item that has a parent/);
+ createTemporaryObject(noParentDelegateComponent, null);
+ ignoreWarning(/.*Tumbler: attempting to access attached property on item without an \"index\" property/);
+ var object = createTemporaryObject(noParentDelegateComponent, testCase);
+ verify(object);
+ }
+ property Component paddingDelegate: Text {
+ objectName: "delegate" + index
+ text: modelData
+ horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
+ Rectangle {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ color: "transparent"
+ border.color: "red"
+ border.width: 1
+ }
+ }
+ function test_padding_data() {
+ var data = [];
+ data.push({ padding: 0 });
+ data.push({ padding: 10 });
+ data.push({ left: 10, top: 10 });
+ data.push({ right: 10, bottom: 10 });
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
+ var tag = "";
+ if (data[i].padding !== undefined)
+ tag += "padding: " + data[i].padding + " ";
+ if (data[i].left !== undefined)
+ tag += "left: " + data[i].left + " ";
+ if (data[i].right !== undefined)
+ tag += "right: " + data[i].right + " ";
+ if (data[i].top !== undefined)
+ tag += "top: " + data[i].top + " ";
+ if (data[i].bottom !== undefined)
+ tag += "bottom: " + data[i].bottom + " ";
+ tag = tag.slice(0, -1);
+ data[i].tag = tag;
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ function test_padding(data) {
+ createTumbler();
+ tumbler.delegate = paddingDelegate;
+ tumbler.model = 5;
+ compare(tumbler.padding, 0);
+ compare(tumbler.leftPadding, 0);
+ compare(tumbler.rightPadding, 0);
+ compare(tumbler.topPadding, 0);
+ compare(tumbler.bottomPadding, 0);
+ compare(tumbler.contentItem.x, 0);
+ compare(tumbler.contentItem.y, 0);
+ if (data.padding !== undefined)
+ tumbler.padding = data.padding;
+ if (data.left !== undefined)
+ tumbler.leftPadding = data.left;
+ if (data.right !== undefined)
+ tumbler.rightPadding = data.right;
+ if (data.top !== undefined)
+ tumbler.topPadding = data.top;
+ if (data.bottom !== undefined)
+ tumbler.bottomPadding = data.bottom;
+ compare(tumbler.availableWidth, tumbler.implicitWidth - tumbler.leftPadding - tumbler.rightPadding);
+ compare(tumbler.availableHeight, tumbler.implicitHeight - tumbler.topPadding - tumbler.bottomPadding);
+ compare(tumbler.contentItem.x, tumbler.leftPadding);
+ compare(tumbler.contentItem.y, tumbler.topPadding);
+ var pathView = tumbler.contentItem;
+ var expectedDelegateHeight = tumbler.availableHeight / tumbler.visibleItemCount;
+ var itemIndicesInVisualOrder = [4, 0, 1];
+ for (var i = 0; i < itemIndicesInVisualOrder.length; ++i) {
+ var delegate = findChild(pathView, "delegate" + itemIndicesInVisualOrder[i]);
+ verify(delegate, "Couldn't find delegate at index " + itemIndicesInVisualOrder[i]
+ + " (iteration " + i + " out of " + (pathView.children.length - 1) + ")");
+ compare(delegate.width, tumbler.availableWidth);
+ compare(delegate.height, expectedDelegateHeight);
+ var expectedY = tumbler.topPadding + i * expectedDelegateHeight;
+ var mappedPos = delegate.mapToItem(null, delegate.width / 2, 0);
+ fuzzyCompare(mappedPos.y, expectedY, 0.5,
+ "Tumbler's PathView delegate at index " + itemIndicesInVisualOrder[i]
+ + " should have a y pos of " + expectedY + ", but it's actually " + mappedPos.y.toFixed(20));
+ var expectedX = tumbler.leftPadding;
+ compare(delegate.mapToItem(null, 0, 0).x, expectedX,
+ "Tumbler's PathView delegate at index " + itemIndicesInVisualOrder[i]
+ + " should have a x pos of " + expectedX + ", but it's actually " + mappedPos.x.toFixed(20));
+ }
+ // Force new items to be created, as there was a bug where the path was correct until this happened.
+ compare(tumblerView.offset, 0);
+ ++tumbler.currentIndex;
+ tryCompare(tumblerView, "offset", 4, tumblerView.highlightMoveDuration * 2);
+ }
+ function test_moving_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "wrap:true", wrap: true },
+ { tag: "wrap:false", wrap: false }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_moving(data) {
+ createTumbler({wrap: data.wrap, model: 5})
+ compare(tumbler.wrap, data.wrap)
+ compare(tumbler.moving, false)
+ waitForRendering(tumbler)
+ mousePress(tumbler, tumbler.width / 2, tumbler.height / 2, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(tumbler.moving, false)
+ for (var y = tumbler.height / 2; y >= tumbler.height / 4; y -= 10)
+ mouseMove(tumbler, tumbler.width / 2, y, 1)
+ compare(tumbler.moving, true)
+ mouseRelease(tumbler, tumbler.width / 2, tumbler.height / 4, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(tumbler.moving, true)
+ tryCompare(tumbler, "moving", false)
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: qtbug61374Component
+ Row {
+ property alias tumbler: tumbler
+ property alias label: label
+ Component.onCompleted: {
+ tumbler.currentIndex = 2
+ }
+ Tumbler {
+ id: tumbler
+ model: 5
+ // ...
+ }
+ Label {
+ id: label
+ text: tumbler.currentItem.text
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_qtbug61374() {
+ var row = createTemporaryObject(qtbug61374Component, testCase);
+ verify(row);
+ var tumbler = row.tumbler;
+ tryCompare(tumbler, "currentIndex", 2);
+ tumblerView = findView(tumbler);
+ var label = row.label;
+ compare(label.text, "2");
+ }
+ function test_positionViewAtIndex_data() {
+ return [
+ // Should be 20, 21, ... but there is a documented limitation for this in positionViewAtIndex()'s docs.
+ { tag: "wrap=true, mode=Beginning", wrap: true, mode: Tumbler.Beginning, expectedVisibleIndices: [21, 22, 23, 24, 25] },
+ { tag: "wrap=true, mode=Center", wrap: true, mode: Tumbler.Center, expectedVisibleIndices: [18, 19, 20, 21, 22] },
+ { tag: "wrap=true, mode=End", wrap: true, mode: Tumbler.End, expectedVisibleIndices: [16, 17, 18, 19, 20] },
+ // Same as Beginning; should start at 20.
+ { tag: "wrap=true, mode=Contain", wrap: true, mode: Tumbler.Contain, expectedVisibleIndices: [21, 22, 23, 24, 25] },
+ { tag: "wrap=true, mode=SnapPosition", wrap: true, mode: Tumbler.SnapPosition, expectedVisibleIndices: [18, 19, 20, 21, 22] },
+ { tag: "wrap=false, mode=Beginning", wrap: false, mode: Tumbler.Beginning, expectedVisibleIndices: [20, 21, 22, 23, 24] },
+ { tag: "wrap=false, mode=Center", wrap: false, mode: Tumbler.Center, expectedVisibleIndices: [18, 19, 20, 21, 22] },
+ { tag: "wrap=false, mode=End", wrap: false, mode: Tumbler.End, expectedVisibleIndices: [16, 17, 18, 19, 20] },
+ { tag: "wrap=false, mode=Visible", wrap: false, mode: Tumbler.Visible, expectedVisibleIndices: [16, 17, 18, 19, 20] },
+ { tag: "wrap=false, mode=Contain", wrap: false, mode: Tumbler.Contain, expectedVisibleIndices: [16, 17, 18, 19, 20] },
+ { tag: "wrap=false, mode=SnapPosition", wrap: false, mode: Tumbler.SnapPosition, expectedVisibleIndices: [18, 19, 20, 21, 22] }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_positionViewAtIndex(data) {
+ createTumbler({ wrap: data.wrap, model: 40, visibleItemCount: 5 })
+ compare(tumbler.wrap, data.wrap)
+ waitForRendering(tumbler)
+ tumbler.positionViewAtIndex(20, data.mode)
+ tryCompare(tumbler, "moving", false)
+ compare(tumbler.visibleItemCount, 5)
+ for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ // Find the item through its text, as that's easier than child/itemAt().
+ var text = data.expectedVisibleIndices[i].toString()
+ var item = findDelegateWithText(tumblerView, text)
+ verify(item, "found no item with text \"" + text + "\"")
+ compare(item.text, data.expectedVisibleIndices[i].toString())
+ // Ensure that it's at the position we expect.
+ var expectedPos = itemTopLeftPos(i)
+ var actualPos = testCase.mapFromItem(item, 0, 0)
+ compare(actualPos.x, expectedPos.x, "expected delegate with text " + item.text
+ + " to have an x pos of " + expectedPos.x + " but it was " + actualPos.x)
+ compare(actualPos.y, expectedPos.y, "expected delegate with text " + item.text
+ + " to have an y pos of " + expectedPos.y + " but it was " + actualPos.y)
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: setCurrentIndexOnImperativeModelChangeComponent
+ Tumbler {
+ onModelChanged: currentIndex = model - 2
+ }
+ }
+ function test_setCurrentIndexOnImperativeModelChange() {
+ var tumbler = createTemporaryObject(setCurrentIndexOnImperativeModelChangeComponent, testCase);
+ verify(tumbler);
+ tumbler.model = 4
+ compare(tumbler.count, 4);
+ tumblerView = findView(tumbler);
+ tryCompare(tumblerView, "count", 4);
+ // 4 - 2 = 2
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 2);
+ ++tumbler.model;
+ compare(tumbler.count, 5);
+ compare(tumbler.wrap, true);
+ tumblerView = findView(tumbler);
+ tryCompare(tumblerView, "count", 5);
+ // 5 - 2 = 3
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 3);
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: setCurrentIndexOnDeclarativeModelChangeComponent
+ Item {
+ property alias tumbler: tumbler
+ property int setting: 4
+ Tumbler {
+ id: tumbler
+ model: setting
+ onModelChanged: currentIndex = model - 2
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_setCurrentIndexOnDeclarativeModelChange() {
+ var root = createTemporaryObject(setCurrentIndexOnDeclarativeModelChangeComponent, testCase);
+ verify(root);
+ var tumbler = root.tumbler;
+ compare(tumbler.count, 4);
+ compare(tumbler.wrap, false);
+ tumblerView = findView(tumbler);
+ tryCompare(tumblerView, "count", 4);
+ // 4 - 2 = 2
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 2);
+ ++root.setting;
+ compare(tumbler.count, 5);
+ compare(tumbler.wrap, true);
+ tumblerView = findView(tumbler);
+ tryCompare(tumblerView, "count", 5);
+ // 5 - 2 = 3
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 3);
+ }
+ function test_displacementAfterResizing() {
+ createTumbler({
+ width: 200,
+ wrap: false,
+ delegate: displacementDelegate,
+ model: 30,
+ visibleItemCount: 7,
+ currentIndex: 15
+ })
+ var delegate = findChild(tumblerView, "delegate15")
+ verify(delegate)
+ tryCompare(delegate, "displacement", 0)
+ // Resizing the Tumbler shouldn't affect the displacement.
+ tumbler.height *= 1.4
+ tryCompare(delegate, "displacement", 0)
+ }
+ //QTBUG-84426
+ Component {
+ id: initialCurrentIndexTumbler
+ Tumbler {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ width: 60
+ height: 200
+ delegate: Text {text: modelData}
+ model: 10
+ currentIndex: 4
+ }
+ }
+ function test_initialCurrentIndex() {
+ var tumbler = createTemporaryObject(initialCurrentIndexTumbler, testCase, {wrap: true});
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 4);
+ tumbler = createTemporaryObject(initialCurrentIndexTumbler, testCase, {wrap: false});
+ compare(tumbler.currentIndex, 4);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_weeknumbercolumn.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_weeknumbercolumn.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40566b018c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/controls/data/tst_weeknumbercolumn.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtTest
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 400
+ height: 400
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "WeekNumberColumn"
+ Component {
+ id: component
+ WeekNumberColumn { }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ failOnWarning(/.?/)
+ let control = createTemporaryObject(component, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ }
+ function test_locale() {
+ var control = component.createObject(testCase)
+ compare(control.contentItem.children.length, 6 + 1)
+ control.month = 11
+ control.year = 2015
+ // en_US: [48...53]
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("en_US")
+ for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[i].text, (i + 48).toString())
+ // no_NO: [49...1]
+ control.locale = Qt.locale("no_NO")
+ for (var j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[j].text, (j + 49).toString())
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[5].text, "1")
+ control.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_range() {
+ var control = component.createObject(testCase)
+ control.month = 0
+ compare(control.month, 0)
+ ignoreWarning(/tst_weeknumbercolumn.qml:18:9: QML (Abstract)?WeekNumberColumn: month -1 is out of range \[0...11\]$/)
+ control.month = -1
+ compare(control.month, 0)
+ control.month = 11
+ compare(control.month, 11)
+ ignoreWarning(/tst_weeknumbercolumn.qml:18:9: QML (Abstract)?WeekNumberColumn: month 12 is out of range \[0...11\]$/)
+ control.month = 12
+ compare(control.month, 11)
+ control.year = -271820
+ compare(control.year, -271820)
+ ignoreWarning(/tst_weeknumbercolumn.qml:18:9: QML (Abstract)?WeekNumberColumn: year -271821 is out of range \[-271820...275759\]$/)
+ control.year = -271821
+ compare(control.year, -271820)
+ control.year = 275759
+ compare(control.year, 275759)
+ ignoreWarning(/tst_weeknumbercolumn.qml:18:9: QML (Abstract)?WeekNumberColumn: year 275760 is out of range \[-271820...275759\]$/)
+ control.year = 275760
+ compare(control.year, 275759)
+ control.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_font() {
+ var control = component.createObject(testCase)
+ verify(control.contentItem.children[0])
+ control.font.pixelSize = 123
+ compare(control.contentItem.children[0].font.pixelSize, 123)
+ control.destroy()
+ }