path: root/tests/auto/quickcontrols/qquickuniversalstyle
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/quickcontrols/qquickuniversalstyle')
4 files changed, 448 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/qquickuniversalstyle/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/qquickuniversalstyle/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7f8ebfd6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/qquickuniversalstyle/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Generated from qquickuniversalstyle.pro.
+ cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
+ project(tst_qquickuniversalstyle LANGUAGES C CXX ASM)
+ find_package(Qt6BuildInternals COMPONENTS STANDALONE_TEST)
+## tst_qquickuniversalstyle Test:
+# Collect test data
+file(GLOB_RECURSE test_data_glob
+list(APPEND test_data ${test_data_glob})
+ tst_qquickuniversalstyle.cpp
+ Qt::Gui
+ TESTDATA ${test_data}
+# Resources:
+ "qtquickcontrols2.conf"
+qt_internal_add_resource(tst_qquickuniversalstyle "qmake_immediate"
+ "/"
+ ${qmake_immediate_resource_files}
+#### Keys ignored in scope 1:.:.:qquickuniversalstyle.pro:<TRUE>:
+# OTHER_FILES = "$$PWD/data/*.qml"
+# TEMPLATE = "app"
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/qquickuniversalstyle/data/tst_universal.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/qquickuniversalstyle/data/tst_universal.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ce0cadb38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/qquickuniversalstyle/data/tst_universal.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause
+import QtQuick
+import QtQuick.Window
+import QtTest
+import QtQuick.Controls
+import QtQuick.Controls.Universal
+TestCase {
+ id: testCase
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ when: windowShown
+ name: "Universal"
+ Component {
+ id: button
+ Button { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: styledButton
+ Button {
+ Universal.theme: Universal.Dark
+ Universal.accent: Universal.Violet
+ Universal.foreground: Universal.Brown
+ Universal.background: Universal.Yellow
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: window
+ Window { }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: styledWindow
+ Window {
+ Universal.theme: Universal.Dark
+ Universal.accent: Universal.Green
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: loader
+ Loader {
+ active: false
+ sourceComponent: Button { }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: swipeView
+ SwipeView {
+ Universal.theme: Universal.Dark
+ Button { }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: menu
+ ApplicationWindow {
+ Universal.accent: Universal.Red
+ property alias menu: popup
+ Menu {
+ id: popup
+ Universal.theme: Universal.Dark
+ MenuItem { }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: comboBox
+ ApplicationWindow {
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ Universal.accent: Universal.Red
+ property alias combo: box
+ ComboBox {
+ id: box
+ Universal.theme: Universal.Dark
+ model: 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Component {
+ id: windowPane
+ ApplicationWindow {
+ width: 200
+ height: 200
+ visible: true
+ property alias pane: pane
+ Pane { id: pane }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_defaults() {
+ var control = button.createObject(testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ verify(control.Universal)
+ compare(control.Universal.accent, "#3e65ff") // Universal.Cobalt
+ compare(control.Universal.foreground, "#000000") // SystemBaseHighColor
+ compare(control.Universal.background, "#ffffff") // SystemAltHighColor
+ compare(control.Universal.theme, Universal.Light)
+ control.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_set() {
+ var control = button.createObject(testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ control.Universal.accent = Universal.Steel
+ control.Universal.foreground = Universal.Red
+ control.Universal.background = Universal.Green
+ control.Universal.theme = Universal.Dark
+ compare(control.Universal.accent, "#647687") // Universal.Steel
+ compare(control.Universal.foreground, "#e51400") // Universal.Red
+ compare(control.Universal.background, "#60a917") // Universal.Green
+ compare(control.Universal.theme, Universal.Dark)
+ control.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_reset() {
+ var control = styledButton.createObject(testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.Universal.accent, "#aa00ff") // Universal.Violet
+ compare(control.Universal.foreground, "#825a2c") // Universal.Brown
+ compare(control.Universal.background, "#e3c800") // Universal.Yellow
+ compare(control.Universal.theme, Universal.Dark)
+ control.Universal.accent = undefined
+ control.Universal.foreground = undefined
+ control.Universal.background = undefined
+ control.Universal.theme = undefined
+ compare(control.Universal.accent, testCase.Universal.accent)
+ compare(control.Universal.foreground, testCase.Universal.foreground)
+ compare(control.Universal.background, testCase.Universal.background)
+ compare(control.Universal.theme, testCase.Universal.theme)
+ control.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_inheritance_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "accent", value1: "#a20025" /*Universal.Crimson*/, value2: "#6a00ff" /*Universal.Indigo*/ },
+ { tag: "foreground", value1: "#a20025" /*Universal.Crimson*/, value2: "#6a00ff" /*Universal.Indigo*/ },
+ { tag: "background", value1: "#a20025" /*Universal.Crimson*/, value2: "#6a00ff" /*Universal.Indigo*/ },
+ { tag: "theme", value1: Universal.Dark, value2: Universal.Light },
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_inheritance(data) {
+ var prop = data.tag
+ var parent = button.createObject(testCase)
+ parent.Universal[prop] = data.value1
+ compare(parent.Universal[prop], data.value1)
+ var child1 = button.createObject(parent)
+ compare(child1.Universal[prop], data.value1)
+ parent.Universal[prop] = data.value2
+ compare(parent.Universal[prop], data.value2)
+ compare(child1.Universal[prop], data.value2)
+ var child2 = button.createObject(parent)
+ compare(child2.Universal[prop], data.value2)
+ child2.Universal[prop] = data.value1
+ compare(child2.Universal[prop], data.value1)
+ compare(child1.Universal[prop], data.value2)
+ compare(parent.Universal[prop], data.value2)
+ parent.Universal[prop] = undefined
+ verify(parent.Universal[prop] !== data.value1)
+ verify(parent.Universal[prop] !== undefined)
+ compare(child1.Universal[prop], parent.Universal[prop])
+ verify(child2.Universal[prop] !== parent.Universal[prop])
+ var grandChild1 = button.createObject(child1)
+ var grandChild2 = button.createObject(child2)
+ compare(grandChild1.Universal[prop], child1.Universal[prop])
+ compare(grandChild2.Universal[prop], child2.Universal[prop])
+ var themelessGrandGrandChild = button.createObject(grandChild1)
+ var grandGrandGrandChild1 = button.createObject(themelessGrandGrandChild)
+ compare(grandGrandGrandChild1.Universal[prop], parent.Universal[prop])
+ child1.Universal[prop] = data.value2
+ compare(child1.Universal[prop], data.value2)
+ compare(grandChild1.Universal[prop], data.value2)
+ compare(grandGrandGrandChild1.Universal[prop], data.value2)
+ parent.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_window() {
+ var parent = window.createObject()
+ var control = button.createObject(parent.contentItem)
+ compare(control.Universal.accent, parent.Universal.accent)
+ compare(control.Universal.theme, parent.Universal.theme)
+ var styledChild = styledWindow.createObject(window)
+ verify(styledChild.Universal.accent !== parent.Universal.accent)
+ verify(styledChild.Universal.theme !== parent.Universal.theme)
+ var unstyledChild = window.createObject(window)
+ compare(unstyledChild.Universal.accent, parent.Universal.accent)
+ compare(unstyledChild.Universal.theme, parent.Universal.theme)
+ parent.Universal.accent = Universal.Cyan
+ compare(control.Universal.accent, "#1ba1e2") // Universal.Cyan
+ verify(styledChild.Universal.accent !== Universal.Cyan)
+ // ### TODO: compare(unstyledChild.Universal.accent, Universal.Cyan)
+ parent.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_loader() {
+ var control = loader.createObject(testCase)
+ control.Universal.accent = Universal.Lime
+ control.active = true
+ compare(control.item.Universal.accent, "#a4c400") // Universal.Lime
+ control.Universal.accent = Universal.Pink
+ compare(control.item.Universal.accent, "#f472d0") // Universal.Pink
+ control.active = false
+ control.Universal.accent = Universal.Brown
+ control.active = true
+ compare(control.item.Universal.accent, "#825a2c") // Universal.Brown
+ control.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_swipeView() {
+ var control = swipeView.createObject(testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var child = control.itemAt(0)
+ verify(child)
+ compare(control.Universal.theme, Universal.Dark)
+ compare(child.Universal.theme, Universal.Dark)
+ control.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_menu() {
+ var container = menu.createObject(testCase)
+ verify(container)
+ verify(container.menu)
+ container.menu.open()
+ verify(container.menu.visible)
+ var child = container.menu.itemAt(0)
+ verify(child)
+ compare(container.Universal.theme, Universal.Light)
+ compare(container.menu.Universal.theme, Universal.Dark)
+ compare(child.Universal.theme, Universal.Dark)
+ compare(container.Universal.accent, "#e51400") // Red
+ compare(container.menu.Universal.accent, "#e51400") // Red
+ compare(child.Universal.accent, "#e51400") // Red
+ container.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_comboBox() {
+ var window = comboBox.createObject(testCase)
+ verify(window)
+ verify(window.combo)
+ waitForRendering(window.combo)
+ window.combo.forceActiveFocus()
+ verify(window.combo.activeFocus)
+ keyClick(Qt.Key_Space)
+ verify(window.combo.popup.visible)
+ var listView = window.combo.popup.contentItem
+ verify(listView)
+ var child = listView.contentItem.children[0]
+ verify(child)
+ compare(window.Universal.theme, Universal.Light)
+ compare(window.combo.Universal.theme, Universal.Dark)
+ compare(child.Universal.theme, Universal.Dark)
+ compare(window.Universal.accent, "#e51400") // Red
+ compare(window.combo.Universal.accent, "#e51400") // Red
+ compare(child.Universal.accent, "#e51400") // Red
+ window.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_windowChange() {
+ var ldr = loader.createObject()
+ verify(ldr)
+ var wnd = window.createObject()
+ verify(wnd)
+ wnd.Universal.theme = Universal.Dark
+ compare(wnd.Universal.theme, Universal.Dark)
+ ldr.active = true
+ verify(ldr.item)
+ compare(ldr.item.Universal.theme, Universal.Light)
+ ldr.parent = wnd.contentItem
+ compare(ldr.item.Universal.theme, Universal.Dark)
+ wnd.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_colors_data() {
+ return [
+ { tag: "accent" }, { tag: "background" }, { tag: "foreground" }
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_colors(data) {
+ var control = button.createObject(testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ var prop = data.tag
+ // Universal.Color - enum
+ control.Universal[prop] = Universal.Red
+ compare(control.Universal[prop], "#e51400")
+ // Universal.Color - string
+ control.Universal[prop] = "Emerald"
+ compare(control.Universal[prop], "#008a00")
+ // SVG named color
+ control.Universal[prop] = "tomato"
+ compare(control.Universal[prop], "#ff6347")
+ // #rrggbb
+ control.Universal[prop] = "#123456"
+ compare(control.Universal[prop], "#123456")
+ // #aarrggbb
+ control.Universal[prop] = "#12345678"
+ compare(control.Universal[prop], "#12345678")
+ // Qt.rgba() - no alpha
+ control.Universal[prop] = Qt.rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ compare(control.Universal[prop], "#808080")
+ // Qt.rgba() - with alpha
+ control.Universal[prop] = Qt.rgba(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ compare(control.Universal[prop], "#80808080")
+ // unknown
+ ignoreWarning(Qt.resolvedUrl("tst_universal.qml") + ":20:9: QML Button: unknown Universal." + prop + " value: 123")
+ control.Universal[prop] = 123
+ ignoreWarning(Qt.resolvedUrl("tst_universal.qml") + ":20:9: QML Button: unknown Universal." + prop + " value: foo")
+ control.Universal[prop] = "foo"
+ ignoreWarning(Qt.resolvedUrl("tst_universal.qml") + ":20:9: QML Button: unknown Universal." + prop + " value: #1")
+ control.Universal[prop] = "#1"
+ control.destroy()
+ }
+ function test_font_data() {
+ return [
+ {tag: "Control:pixelSize", type: "Control", attribute: "pixelSize", value: 15, window: 20, pane: 10},
+ {tag: "GroupBox:pixelSize", type: "GroupBox", attribute: "pixelSize", value: 15, window: 20, pane: 10},
+ {tag: "GroupBox:weight", type: "GroupBox", attribute: "weight", value: Font.DemiBold, window: Font.Light, pane: Font.Medium},
+ {tag: "TabButton:pixelSize", type: "TabButton", attribute: "pixelSize", value: 24, window: 20, pane: 10},
+ {tag: "TabButton:weight", type: "TabButton", attribute: "weight", value: Font.Light, window: Font.Black, pane: Font.Bold}
+ ]
+ }
+ function test_font(data) {
+ var window = windowPane.createObject(testCase)
+ verify(window)
+ verify(window.pane)
+ var control = Qt.createQmlObject("import QtQuick.Controls; " + data.type + " { }", window.pane)
+ verify(control)
+ compare(control.font[data.attribute], data.value)
+ window.font[data.attribute] = data.window
+ compare(window.font[data.attribute], data.window)
+ compare(window.pane.font[data.attribute], data.window)
+ compare(control.font[data.attribute], data.window)
+ window.pane.font[data.attribute] = data.pane
+ compare(window.font[data.attribute], data.window)
+ compare(window.pane.font[data.attribute], data.pane)
+ compare(control.font[data.attribute], data.pane)
+ window.pane.font = undefined
+ compare(window.font[data.attribute], data.window)
+ compare(window.pane.font[data.attribute], data.window)
+ compare(control.font[data.attribute], data.window)
+ window.destroy()
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/qquickuniversalstyle/qtquickcontrols2.conf b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/qquickuniversalstyle/qtquickcontrols2.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c6dd807e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/qquickuniversalstyle/qtquickcontrols2.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols/qquickuniversalstyle/tst_qquickuniversalstyle.cpp b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/qquickuniversalstyle/tst_qquickuniversalstyle.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d2d6332f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols/qquickuniversalstyle/tst_qquickuniversalstyle.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
+#include <QtQuickTest/quicktest.h>