path: root/tests/auto/quickcontrols2/controls/data/tst_splitview.qml
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto/quickcontrols2/controls/data/tst_splitview.qml')
1 files changed, 430 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/quickcontrols2/controls/data/tst_splitview.qml b/tests/auto/quickcontrols2/controls/data/tst_splitview.qml
index b9ace27ee3..6004f9eb44 100644
--- a/tests/auto/quickcontrols2/controls/data/tst_splitview.qml
+++ b/tests/auto/quickcontrols2/controls/data/tst_splitview.qml
@@ -1883,6 +1883,436 @@ TestCase {
verify(firstItem.height > firstItemOriginalHeight)
+ Component {
+ id: splitViewHandleContainmentMaskComponent
+ MouseArea {
+ property alias mouseArea1: mouseArea1
+ property alias mouseArea2: mouseArea2
+ property alias splitView: splitView
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton
+ Rectangle {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ color: 'green'
+ opacity: 0.3
+ }
+ SplitView {
+ id: splitView
+ anchors {
+ fill: parent
+ margins: 100
+ }
+ handle: Rectangle {
+ id: handleRoot
+ readonly property bool containsMouse: SplitHandle.hovered
+ readonly property int defaultSize: 2
+ implicitWidth: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? handleRoot.defaultSize : splitView.width
+ implicitHeight: splitView.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? handleRoot.defaultSize : splitView.height
+ color: 'red'
+ objectName: "handle"
+ Text {
+ objectName: "handleText_" + text
+ text: parent.x + "," + parent.y + " " + parent.width + "x" + parent.height
+ color: "black"
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ rotation: 90
+ }
+ containmentMask: Item {
+ readonly property real extraOverflow: 20
+ x: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? -extraOverflow : 0
+ y: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? 0 : -extraOverflow
+ width: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? handleRoot.defaultSize + (extraOverflow * 2): handleRoot.width
+ height: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? handleRoot.height : handleRoot.defaultSize + (extraOverflow * 2)
+ }
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ id: mouseArea1
+ SplitView.fillHeight: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal
+ SplitView.fillWidth: splitView.orientation === Qt.Vertical
+ SplitView.preferredWidth: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? parent.width / 2 : undefined
+ SplitView.preferredHeight: splitView.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? parent.height / 2 : undefined
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ Rectangle {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ color: 'cyan'
+ opacity: 0.3
+ }
+ }
+ MouseArea {
+ id: mouseArea2
+ SplitView.fillHeight: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal
+ SplitView.fillWidth: splitView.orientation === Qt.Vertical
+ SplitView.preferredWidth: splitView.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ? parent.width / 2 : undefined
+ SplitView.preferredHeight: splitView.orientation === Qt.Vertical ? parent.height / 2 : undefined
+ hoverEnabled: true
+ Rectangle {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ color: 'cyan'
+ opacity: 0.3
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function test_handleContainmentMask_data() {
+ const data = [
+ {
+ tag: "handleContainmentMaskHorizontalLeftEdgeDragRight",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ x: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.x,
+ y: (handle) => handle.height / 2
+ },
+ dx: 25,
+ dy: 0,
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleContainmentMaskHorizontalRightEdgeDragLeft",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ x: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.x,
+ y: (handle) => handle.height / 2
+ },
+ dx: -50,
+ dy: 0
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleContainmentMaskHorizontalTopEdgeDragRight",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ x: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.x + handle.containmentMask.width - 1,
+ y: (handle) => handle.height / 2
+ },
+ dx: 25,
+ dy: 0,
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleContainmentMaskHorizontalBottomEdgeDragLeft",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ x: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.x + handle.containmentMask.width - 1,
+ y: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.y
+ },
+ dx: -50,
+ dy: 0
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleContainmentMaskVerticalTopEdgeDragUp",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ x: (handle) => handle.width / 2,
+ y: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.y
+ },
+ dx: 0,
+ dy: -40,
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleContainmentMaskVerticalTopEdgeDragDown",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ x: (handle) => handle.width / 2,
+ y: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.y
+ },
+ dx: 0,
+ dy: 70
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleContainmentMaskVerticalBottomEdgeDragUp",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ x: (handle) => handle.width / 2,
+ y: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.y + handle.containmentMask.height - 1
+ },
+ dx: 0,
+ dy: -40,
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleContainmentMaskVerticalBottomEdgeDragDown",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ x: (handle) => handle.width / 2,
+ y: (handle) => handle.containmentMask.y + handle.containmentMask.height - 1
+ },
+ dx: 0,
+ dy: 70
+ }
+ ]
+ return data
+ }
+ function test_handleContainmentMask(data) {
+ const control = createTemporaryObject(splitViewHandleContainmentMaskComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ const splitView = control.splitView
+ splitView.orientation = data.orientation
+ const handle = findHandles(splitView)[0]
+ if (splitView.orientation === Qt.Vertical)
+ handle.height = handle.defaultHeight
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(splitView))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(splitView))
+ const firstItem = control.mouseArea1
+ const secondItem = control.mouseArea2
+ const backgroundMouseAreaPress = signalSpyComponent.createObject(control,
+ { target: control, signalName: "onPressed" })
+ const mouseArea1Press = signalSpyComponent.createObject(firstItem,
+ { target: firstItem, signalName: "onPressed" })
+ const mouseArea2Press = signalSpyComponent.createObject(secondItem,
+ { target: secondItem, signalName: "onPressed" })
+ verify(backgroundMouseAreaPress.valid)
+ verify(mouseArea1Press.valid)
+ verify(mouseArea2Press.valid)
+ const firstItemWidthBeforeDrag = firstItem.width
+ const secondItemWidthBeforeDrag = secondItem.width
+ const firstItemHeightBeforeDrag = firstItem.height
+ const secondItemHeightBeforeDrag = secondItem.height
+ const dx = data.dx
+ const dy = data.dy
+ const pressX = data.press.x(handle)
+ const pressY = data.press.y(handle)
+ mousePress(handle, pressX, pressY, Qt.LeftButton)
+ mouseMove(handle, pressX + dx, pressY + dy, -1, Qt.LeftButton)
+ mouseRelease(handle, pressX + dx, pressY + dy, Qt.LeftButton)
+ compare(firstItem.width, firstItemWidthBeforeDrag + dx)
+ compare(secondItem.width, secondItemWidthBeforeDrag - dx)
+ compare(firstItem.height, firstItemHeightBeforeDrag + dy)
+ compare(secondItem.height, secondItemHeightBeforeDrag - dy)
+ compare(backgroundMouseAreaPress.count, 0)
+ compare(mouseArea1Press.count, 0)
+ compare(mouseArea2Press.count, 0)
+ }
+ function test_handleContainmentMaskHovered_data() {
+ const data = [
+ {
+ tag: "firstItemHorizontalHover",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.width / 2,
+ "y": (item) => item.height / 2
+ },
+ hoverItem: "firstItem",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": true,
+ "handle": false,
+ "secondItem": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleHorizontalHoverOnTheLeft",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.containmentMask.x,
+ "y": (item) => item.height / 2
+ },
+ hoverItem: "handle",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": true,
+ "handle": true,
+ "secondItem": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleHorizontalHoverOnTheCenter",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.width / 2,
+ "y": (item) => item.height / 2
+ },
+ hoverItem: "handle",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": false,
+ "handle": true,
+ "secondItem": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleHorizontalHoverOnTheRight",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.containmentMask.x + item.containmentMask.width - 1,
+ "y": (item) => item.height / 2
+ },
+ hoverItem: "handle",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": false,
+ "handle": true,
+ "secondItem": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "secondItemHorizontalHover",
+ orientation: Qt.Horizontal,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.width / 2,
+ "y": (item) => item.height / 2
+ },
+ hoverItem: "secondItem",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": false,
+ "handle": false,
+ "secondItem": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "firstItemVerticalHover",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.width / 2,
+ "y": (item) => item.height / 2
+ },
+ hoverItem: "firstItem",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": true,
+ "handle": false,
+ "secondItem": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleVerticalHoverOnTheTop",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.width / 2,
+ "y": (item) => item.containmentMask.y
+ },
+ hoverItem: "handle",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": true,
+ "handle": true,
+ "secondItem": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleVerticalHoverOnTheCenter",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.width / 2,
+ "y": (item) => item.height / 2
+ },
+ hoverItem: "handle",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": false,
+ "handle": true,
+ "secondItem": false
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "handleVerticalHoverOnTheBottom",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.width / 2,
+ "y": (item) => item.containmentMask.y + item.containmentMask.height - 1
+ },
+ hoverItem: "handle",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": false,
+ "handle": true,
+ "secondItem": true
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ tag: "secondItemVerticalHover",
+ orientation: Qt.Vertical,
+ press: {
+ "x": (item) => item.width / 2,
+ "y": (item) => item.height / 2
+ },
+ hoverItem: "secondItem",
+ expectedHover: {
+ "firstItem": false,
+ "handle": false,
+ "secondItem": true
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ return data
+ }
+ function test_handleContainmentMaskHovered(data) {
+ if ((Qt.platform.pluginName === "offscreen") || (Qt.platform.pluginName === "minimal"))
+ skip("Mouse hovering not functional on offscreen/minimal platforms")
+ const control = createTemporaryObject(splitViewHandleContainmentMaskComponent, testCase)
+ verify(control)
+ const splitView = control.splitView
+ splitView.orientation = data.orientation
+ const handle = findHandles(splitView)[0]
+ if (splitView.orientation === Qt.Vertical)
+ handle.height = handle.defaultHeight
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(splitView))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(splitView))
+ const firstItem = control.mouseArea1
+ const secondItem = control.mouseArea2
+ verify(!firstItem.containsMouse)
+ verify(!secondItem.containsMouse)
+ verify(!handle.containsMouse)
+ const actualItem = {
+ "firstItem": firstItem,
+ "secondItem": secondItem,
+ "handle": handle
+ }[data.hoverItem]
+ const pressX = data.press.x(actualItem)
+ const pressY = data.press.y(actualItem)
+ // Test fails if we don't do two moves for some reason...
+ mouseMove(actualItem, pressX, pressY)
+ mouseMove(actualItem, pressX, pressY)
+ compare(firstItem.containsMouse, data.expectedHover.firstItem)
+ compare(secondItem.containsMouse, data.expectedHover.secondItem)
+ compare(handle.containsMouse, data.expectedHover.handle)
+ // Hide SplitView, then all children shouldn't be hovered
+ control.visible = false
+ verify(isPolishScheduled(splitView))
+ verify(waitForItemPolished(splitView))
+ verify(!control.containsMouse)
+ verify(!firstItem.containsMouse)
+ verify(!secondItem.containsMouse)
+ verify(!handle.containsMouse)
+ }
function test_hoveredPressed() {
if ((Qt.platform.pluginName === "offscreen") || (Qt.platform.pluginName === "minimal"))
skip("Mouse hovering not functional on offscreen/minimal platforms")