path: root/tests/auto
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/auto')
2 files changed, 664 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview/data/headerSnapToItem.qml b/tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview/data/headerSnapToItem.qml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e5a811630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview/data/headerSnapToItem.qml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import QtQuick 2.12
+Rectangle {
+ width: 240
+ height: 320
+ color: "#ffffff"
+ Component {
+ id: myDelegate
+ Rectangle {
+ id: wrapper
+ objectName: "wrapper"
+ width: list.orientation == ListView.Vertical ? 240 : 20
+ height: list.orientation == ListView.Vertical ? 20 : 240
+ border.width: 1
+ border.color: "black"
+ Text {
+ text: index + ":" + (list.orientation == ListView.Vertical ? parent.y : parent.x).toFixed(0)
+ }
+ color: ListView.isCurrentItem ? "lightsteelblue" : "white"
+ }
+ }
+ ListView {
+ id: list
+ objectName: "list"
+ focus: true
+ width: 240
+ height: 200
+ clip: true
+ snapMode: ListView.SnapToItem
+ headerPositioning: ListView.OverlayHeader
+ model: 30
+ delegate: myDelegate
+ orientation: ListView.Vertical
+ verticalLayoutDirection: ListView.BottomToTop
+ header: Rectangle {
+ width: list.orientation == Qt.Vertical ? 240 : 30
+ height: list.orientation == Qt.Vertical ? 30 : 240
+ objectName: "header";
+ color: "green"
+ z: 11
+ Text {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ text: "header " + (list.orientation == ListView.Vertical ? parent.y : parent.x).toFixed(1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Rectangle {
+ color: "red"
+ opacity: 0.5
+ width: txt.implicitWidth + 50
+ height: txt.implicitHeight
+ anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
+ anchors.right: parent.right
+ Text {
+ id: txt
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ text: "header position: " + (list.orientation == ListView.Vertical ? list.headerItem.y : list.headerItem.x).toFixed(1)
+ + "\ncontent position: " + (list.orientation == ListView.Vertical ? list.contentY : list.contentX).toFixed(1)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview/tst_qquicklistview.cpp b/tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview/tst_qquicklistview.cpp
index 25212b06f6..be3f2601d6 100644
--- a/tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview/tst_qquicklistview.cpp
+++ b/tests/auto/quick/qquicklistview/tst_qquicklistview.cpp
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include <QtCore/QStringListModel>
#include <QtCore/QSortFilterProxyModel>
#include <QtGui/QStandardItemModel>
+#include <QtGui/QStyleHints>
#include <QtQuick/qquickview.h>
#include <QtQml/qqmlengine.h>
#include <QtQml/qqmlcontext.h>
@@ -181,6 +182,8 @@ private slots:
void creationContext();
void snapToItem_data();
void snapToItem();
+ void headerSnapToItem_data();
+ void headerSnapToItem();
void snapToItemWithSpacing_QTBUG_59852();
void snapOneItemResize_QTBUG_43555();
void snapOneItem_data();
@@ -5364,6 +5367,600 @@ void tst_QQuickListView::snapToItemWithSpacing_QTBUG_59852()
+static void drag_helper(QWindow *window, QPoint *startPos, const QPoint &delta)
+ QPoint pos = *startPos;
+ int dragDistance = delta.manhattanLength();
+ Q_ASSERT(qAbs(delta.x()) >= 1 || qAbs(delta.y()) >= 1);
+ const int stepSize = 8;
+ QPoint unitVector(0, 0);
+ if (delta.x())
+ unitVector.setX(qBound(-1, delta.x(), 1));
+ if (delta.y())
+ unitVector.setY(qBound(-1, delta.y(), 1));
+ QPoint dragStepSize = unitVector * stepSize;
+ int nDragSteps = qAbs(dragDistance/stepSize);
+ for (int i = 0 ; i < nDragSteps; ++i) {
+ QTest::mouseMove(window, pos);
+ pos += dragStepSize;
+ }
+ // Move to the final position
+ pos = *startPos + delta;
+ QTest::mouseMove(window, pos);
+ *startPos = pos;
+static void dragtwice(QWindow *window, QPoint *startPos, const QPoint &delta1, const QPoint &delta2)
+ const int dragThreshold = QGuiApplication::styleHints()->startDragDistance();
+ QPoint &pos = *startPos;
+ QPoint unitVector(0, 0);
+ if (delta1.x())
+ unitVector.setX(qBound(-1, delta1.x(), 1));
+ if (delta1.y())
+ unitVector.setY(qBound(-1, delta1.y(), 1));
+ // go just beyond the drag theshold
+ drag_helper(window, &pos, unitVector * (dragThreshold + 1));
+ drag_helper(window, &pos, unitVector);
+ // next drag will actually scroll the listview
+ if (delta1.manhattanLength() >= 1)
+ drag_helper(window, &pos, delta1);
+ if (delta2.manhattanLength() >= 1)
+ drag_helper(window, &pos, delta2);
+struct MyListView : public QQuickListView{
+ qreal contentPosition() const
+ {
+ return (orientation() == QQuickListView::Horizontal ? contentX(): contentY());
+ }
+ qreal headerPosition() const
+ {
+ return (orientation() == QQuickListView::Horizontal ? headerItem()->x() : headerItem()->y());
+ }
+void tst_QQuickListView::headerSnapToItem()
+ QFETCH(QQuickItemView::LayoutDirection, layoutDirection);
+ QFETCH(QQuickListView::HeaderPositioning, headerPositioning);
+ QFETCH(int, firstDragDistance);
+ QFETCH(int, secondDragDistance);
+ QFETCH(int, expectedContentPosition);
+ QFETCH(int, expectedHeaderPosition);
+ QQuickView *window = getView();
+ window->setSource(testFileUrl("headerSnapToItem.qml"));
+ window->show();
+ QVERIFY(QTest::qWaitForWindowExposed(window));
+ MyListView *listview = static_cast<MyListView *>(findItem<QQuickListView>(window->rootObject(), "list"));
+ QVERIFY(listview != nullptr);
+ const bool horizontal = layoutDirection < QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom;
+ listview->setOrientation(horizontal ? QQuickListView::Horizontal : QQuickListView::Vertical);
+ if (horizontal)
+ listview->setLayoutDirection(static_cast<Qt::LayoutDirection>(layoutDirection));
+ else
+ listview->setVerticalLayoutDirection(static_cast<QQuickItemView::VerticalLayoutDirection>(layoutDirection));
+ listview->setHeaderPositioning(headerPositioning);
+ QTest::qWaitFor([&]() { return !QQuickItemPrivate::get(listview)->polishScheduled; });
+ QQuickItem *contentItem = listview->contentItem();
+ QVERIFY(contentItem != nullptr);
+ QQuickItem *header = findItem<QQuickItem>(contentItem, "header");
+ QVERIFY(header != nullptr);
+ QCOMPARE(header, listview->headerItem());
+ QPoint startPos = (QPointF(listview->width(), listview->height())/2).toPoint();
+ QTest::mousePress(window, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier, startPos, 200);
+ QPoint firstDragDelta = horizontal ? QPoint(firstDragDistance, 0) : QPoint(0, firstDragDistance);
+ QPoint secondDragDelta = horizontal ? QPoint(secondDragDistance, 0) : QPoint(0, secondDragDistance);
+ dragtwice(window, &startPos, firstDragDelta, secondDragDelta);
+ QTest::mouseRelease(window, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier, startPos, 200); // Wait 200 ms before we release to avoid trigger a flick
+ // wait for the "fixup" animation to finish
+ QTest::qWaitFor([&]()
+ { return !listview->isMoving();}
+ );
+ QCOMPARE(listview->contentPosition(), expectedContentPosition);
+ QCOMPARE(listview->headerPosition(), expectedHeaderPosition);
+void tst_QQuickListView::headerSnapToItem_data()
+ QTest::addColumn<QQuickItemView::LayoutDirection>("layoutDirection");
+ QTest::addColumn<QQuickListView::HeaderPositioning>("headerPositioning");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("firstDragDistance");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("secondDragDistance");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedContentPosition");
+ QTest::addColumn<int>("expectedHeaderPosition");
+ // --------------------
+ // InlineHeader TopToBottom
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader TopToBottom -10") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -10 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader TopToBottom -14") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -14 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader TopToBottom -16") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -16 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader TopToBottom -30") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -30 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader TopToBottom -39") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -39 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader TopToBottom -41") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -41 << 0
+ << 20 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader TopToBottom -65+10") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -65 << 10
+ << 20 << -30;
+ // --------------------
+ // InlineHeader BottomToTop
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader BottomToTop +10") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 10 << 0
+ << -170 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader BottomToTop +14") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 14 << 0
+ << -170 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader BottomToTop +16") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 16 << 0
+ << -200 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader BottomToTop +30") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 30 << 0
+ << -200 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader BottomToTop +39") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 39 << 0
+ << -200 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader BottomToTop +41") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 41 << 0
+ << -220 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader BottomToTop +65-10") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 65 << -10
+ << -220 << 0;
+ // --------------------
+ // InlineHeader LeftToRight
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader LeftToRight -10") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -10 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader LeftToRight -14") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -14 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader LeftToRight -16") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -16 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader LeftToRight -30") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -30 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader LeftToRight -39") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -39 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader LeftToRight -41") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -41 << 0
+ << 20 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader LeftToRight -65+10") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << -65 << 10
+ << 20 << -30;
+ // --------------------
+ // InlineHeader RightToLeft
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader RightToLeft +10") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 10 << 0
+ << -210 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader RightToLeft +14") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 14 << 0
+ << -210 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader RightToLeft +16") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 16 << 0
+ << -240 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader RightToLeft +30") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 30 << 0
+ << -240 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader RightToLeft +39") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 39 << 0
+ << -240 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader RightToLeft +41") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 41 << 0
+ << -260 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("InlineHeader RightToLeft +65-10") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::InlineHeader
+ << 65 << -10
+ << -260 << 0;
+ // --------------------
+ // OverlayHeader TopToBottom
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader TopToBottom +9") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 9 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader TopToBottom -9") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -9 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader TopToBottom -11") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -11 << 0
+ << -10 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader TopToBottom -29") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -29 << 0
+ << -10 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader TopToBottom -31") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -31 << 0
+ << 10 << 10;
+ // --------------------
+ // OverlayHeader BottomToTop
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader BottomToTop -9") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -9 << 0
+ << -170 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader BottomToTop +9") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 9 << 0
+ << -170 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader BottomToTop +11") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 11 << 0
+ << -190 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader BottomToTop +29") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 29 << 0
+ << -190 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader BottomToTop +31") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 31 << 0
+ << -210 << -40;
+ // --------------------
+ // OverlayHeader LeftToRight
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader LeftToRight +9") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 9 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader LeftToRight -9") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -9 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader LeftToRight -11") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -11 << 0
+ << -10 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader LeftToRight -29") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -29 << 0
+ << -10 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader LeftToRight -31") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -31 << 0
+ << 10 << 10;
+ // --------------------
+ // OverlayHeader RightToLeft
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader RightToLeft -9") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << -9 << 0
+ << -210 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader RightToLeft +9") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 9 << 0
+ << -210 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader RightToLeft +11") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 11 << 0
+ << -230 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader RightToLeft +29") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 29 << 0
+ << -230 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("OverlayHeader RightToLeft +31") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::OverlayHeader
+ << 31 << 0
+ << -250 << -40;
+ // --------------------
+ // PullbackHeader TopToBottom
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -2") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -2 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -10") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -10 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -11") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -11 << 0
+ << -10 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -14") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -14 << 0
+ << -10 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -16") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -16 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -20") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -20 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -65+10") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -65 << 10
+ << 20 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -65+20") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -65 << 20
+ << 10 << 10;
+ // Should move header even if contentY doesn't move (its aligned with top)
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -55+5") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -55 << 5
+ << 20 << -10;
+ // Should move header even if contentY doesn't move (it's aligned with header)
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader TopToBottom -76+16") << QQuickItemView::VerticalTopToBottom
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -76 << 16
+ << 30 << 30;
+ // --------------------
+ // PullbackHeader BottomToTop
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +2") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +2 << 0
+ << -170 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +9") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +9 << 0
+ << -170 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +11") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +11 << 0
+ << -190 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +14") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +14 << 0
+ << -190 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +16") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +16 << 0
+ << -200 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +20") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +20 << 0
+ << -200 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +65-10") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +65 << -10
+ << -220 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +65-20") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +65 << -20
+ << -210 << -40;
+ // Should move header even if contentY doesn't move (it's aligned with top)
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +55-5") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << 55 << -5
+ << -220 << -20;
+ // Should move header even if contentY doesn't move (it's aligned with header)
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader BottomToTop +76-16") << QQuickItemView::VerticalBottomToTop
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << 76 << -16
+ << -230 << -60;
+ // --------------------
+ // PullbackHeader LeftToRight
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -2") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -2 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -10") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -10 << 0
+ << -30 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -11") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -11 << 0
+ << -10 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -14") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -14 << 0
+ << -10 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -16") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -16 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -20") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -20 << 0
+ << 0 << -30;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -65+10") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -65 << 10
+ << 20 << -10;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -65+20") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -65 << 20
+ << 10 << 10;
+ // Should move header even if contentX doesn't move (its aligned with top)
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -55+5") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -55 << 5
+ << 20 << -10;
+ // Should move header even if contentX doesn't move (it's aligned with header)
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader LeftToRight -76+16") << QQuickItemView::LeftToRight
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << -76 << 16
+ << 30 << 30;
+ // --------------------
+ // PullbackHeader RightToLeft
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +2") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +2 << 0
+ << -210 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +9") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +9 << 0
+ << -210 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +11") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +11 << 0
+ << -230 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +14") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +14 << 0
+ << -230 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +16") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +16 << 0
+ << -240 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +20") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +20 << 0
+ << -240 << 0;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +65-10") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +65 << -10
+ << -260 << -20;
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +65-20") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << +65 << -20
+ << -250 << -40;
+ // Should move header even if contentX doesn't move (it's aligned with top)
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +55-5") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << 55 << -5
+ << -260 << -20;
+ // Should move header even if contentX doesn't move (it's aligned with header)
+ QTest::newRow("PullbackHeader RightToLeft +76-16") << QQuickItemView::RightToLeft
+ << QQuickListView::PullBackHeader
+ << 76 << -16
+ << -270 << -60;
void tst_QQuickListView::snapOneItemResize_QTBUG_43555()
QScopedPointer<QQuickView> window(createView());