path: root/tests/testapplications/elements/content/ParallelAnimationElement.qml
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/testapplications/elements/content/ParallelAnimationElement.qml')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/tests/testapplications/elements/content/ParallelAnimationElement.qml b/tests/testapplications/elements/content/ParallelAnimationElement.qml
index ae0ed972c6..1eb4e1faf3 100644
--- a/tests/testapplications/elements/content/ParallelAnimationElement.qml
+++ b/tests/testapplications/elements/content/ParallelAnimationElement.qml
@@ -47,16 +47,23 @@ Item {
property string testtext: ""
property int firstduration: 1000
property int secondduration: 3000
+ property int firstY
+ firstY: parent.height * .6
+ property int secondY
+ secondY: parent.height * .8
+ Timer { id: startanimationtimer; interval: 1000; onTriggered: parallelanimationelement.start() }
ParallelAnimation {
id: parallelanimationelement
running: false
- NumberAnimation { id: movement; target: animatedrect; properties: "y"; to: 500; duration: firstduration }
+ NumberAnimation { id: movement; target: animatedrect; properties: "y"; to: secondY; duration: firstduration }
ColorAnimation { id: recolor; target: animatedrect; properties: "color"; to: "green"; duration: secondduration }
Rectangle {
id: animatedrect
- width: 50; height: 50; color: "blue"; y: 300
+ width: 50; height: 50; color: "blue"; y: firstY
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
@@ -67,26 +74,25 @@ Item {
states: [
State { name: "start"; when: statenum == 1
- PropertyChanges { target: animatedrect; color: "blue"; y: 300 }
+ PropertyChanges { target: animatedrect; color: "blue"; y: firstY }
PropertyChanges { target: parallelanimationelementtest
testtext: "This square will have two properties animated simultaneously.\n"+
"The next step will see it move quickly down the display, and slowly change its color to green, at the same time";
State { name: "firstchange"; when: statenum == 2
- PropertyChanges { target: parallelanimationelement; running: true }
+ StateChangeScript { script: { firstduration = 1000; secondduration = 3000; startanimationtimer.start() } }
PropertyChanges { target: parallelanimationelementtest
testtext: "The square should have moved quickly, and recolored slowly\n"+
"Next, it will recolor quickly and move slowly back to it's original position"
State { name: "secondchange"; when: statenum == 3
- StateChangeScript { script: { firstduration = 3000; secondduration = 1000 } }
- PropertyChanges { target: movement; to: 300 }
+ StateChangeScript { script: { firstduration = 3000; secondduration = 1000; startanimationtimer.start() } }
+ PropertyChanges { target: movement; to: firstY }
PropertyChanges { target: recolor; to: "blue" }
- PropertyChanges { target: parallelanimationelement; running: true }
PropertyChanges { target: parallelanimationelementtest
- testtext: "The square should have moved slowly, then recolored quickly, simultaneously\n"+
+ testtext: "The square should have simultaneously moved slowly and recolored quickly.\n"+
"Advance to restart the test"