"; echo "SameGame High Scores"; if($score > 0){#Sending in a new high score $name = $_POST["name"]; $grid = $_POST["gridSize"]; $time = $_POST["time"]; if($name == "") $name = "Anonymous"; //if($grid != "10x10"){ //Need a standard, so as to reject others? //} $file = fopen("score_data.xml", "a"); #It's XML. Happy? $ret = fwrite($file, "". $score . "" . $name . "" . $grid . "" . $time . "\n"); echo "Your score has been recorded. Thanks for playing!"; if($ret == False) echo "
There was an error though, so don't expect to see that score again."; }else{#Read high score list #Now uses XSLT to display. So just print the file. With XML cruft added. #Note that firefox at least won't apply the XSLT on a php file. So redirecting $file = fopen("scores.xml", "w"); $ret = fwrite($file, '' . "\n" . '' . "\n" . "\n" . file_get_contents("score_data.xml") . "\n"); if($ret == False) echo "There was an internal error. Sorry."; else echo ''; } echo ""; ?>