Qt 5.12.5 is a bug-fix release. It maintains both forward and backward compatibility (source and binary) with Qt 5.12.0 through 5.12.4. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/index.html The Qt version 5.12 series is binary compatible with the 5.11.x series. Applications compiled for 5.11 will continue to run with 5.12. Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * Important Behavior Changes * **************************************************************************** - [QTBUG-76871] TapHandler.point now holds the release position while the tapped() signal is emitted. **************************************************************************** * QtQml * **************************************************************************** - [QTBUG-76018] Readonly QML properties can now be templates such as list<...>. - [QTBUG-76085] QQmlApplication engine now automatically loads translation files from resource directories. - [QTBUG-75939] Instances of QJSValue can now safely be passed between threads and destroyed in a different thread. - [QTBUG-75642] Fixed an invalid memory read caused by the JIT compiler. - [QTBUG-71387] Fixed a use-after-free condition caused by calling qmlClearTypeRegistrations(). - [QTBUG-76656] Made sure JavaScript "this" points to the right object when calling scope and context properties through lookups. - [QTBUG-76796] Fixed bindings to typeof() to get re-evaluated when gets defined. - [QTBUG-55407] Avoid invalid memory access when calling setData() on a QQmlComponent constructed without an engine. - [QTBUG-76441] Fixed importing "qrc:/" (with exactly one slash). - [QTBUG-71329] Implemented the missing bits of JavaScript promise chains. - [QTBUG-75983] Fixed null pointer dereference in QQmlXmlHttpRequest. - [QTBUG-77012] Fixed static build issue: multiple definitions of qtPositionAttributeName(). - [QTBUG-77102] The component versioning is not enforced when loading singletons. **************************************************************************** * QtQuick * **************************************************************************** - Item Views: * [QTBUG-76487] We now properly populate delegates with the populate transition when the view is resized after componentComplete. * [QTBUG-31677] A ListView footer is now positioned correctly after the last item is removed. * [QTBUG-76433][QTBUG-44308] Fixed a crash while doing fast flicking in transitions that use Animators. * [QTBUG-76254] Fixed a crash in QQmlDelegateModel. - Input: * [QTBUG-75399] Fixed a crash when using the KeyNavigation attached property. * [QTBUG-76875] DragHandler now respects acceptedButtons. * [QTBUG-71218] If a Controls 2 Button has a DragHandler, the button is now released when the drag begins. - Scene graph: * [QTBUG-76603] qmlscene now sets the default surface format earlier and correctly. * [QTBUG-68566] Fixed rendering freeze when using software rendering of WebEngine in QQuickWidget. * [QTBUG-66810] Software rendering: repaint everything when moving between HiDpi and lower-resolution screens. - Text: * [QTBUG-77217] Fixed a bug where aligning an image to "top" or "bottom" could cause a crash under certain circumstances. * [QTBUG-76528] Fixed missing glyphs and in some cases crashes when displaying many characters from the same font on a system with a low maximum texture size. * [QTBUG-76528] Fixed a bug when displaying many characters from the same font on a system with a low maximum texture size. * [QTBUG-74761] Added support for text color when using color fonts.