Qt 5.14.2 is a bug-fix release. It maintains both forward and backward compatibility (source and binary) with Qt 5.14.0 through 5.14.1. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/index.html The Qt version 5.14 series is binary compatible with the 5.13.x series. Applications compiled for 5.13 will continue to run with 5.14. Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * QtQml * **************************************************************************** - [QTBUG-82000] Fixed leaking metatypes in QQmlTableInstanceModel. - [QTBUG-82017] QQmlProperty and Connections now work for properties that start with '_'. - [QTBUG-81945] Fixed an invalid type bug when using an array of strings as a ListView model. - [QTBUG-80916] Conversion between container types and QJSValue arrays is now bidirectionally supported. - [QTBUG-81699] Fixed the "qmlRegisterType requires absolute URLs." error. - [QTBUG-79553] Fixed a crash by avoiding storage of user-created objects in QQmlValueType. - [QTBUG-81581] We now check for exceptions before using the result of a JS function call. **************************************************************************** * QtQuick * **************************************************************************** - [QTBUG-73683] Fix a layout bug that caused an infinite loop when the width of a RowLayout containing Text with WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere changed. - [QTBUG-78284] Fixed VoiceOver in QtWebEngine and other cases in which the focused item must be discovered recursively for accessibility. - [QTBUG-76362] Fix some bugs with snapping in a ListView with a header. - [QTBUG-81098] Fixed division by zero in Flickable with binding to visibleArea. - [QTBUG-82002] QQuickLoader emits statusChanged only when it really changed. **************************************************************************** * Platform Specific Changes * **************************************************************************** - [QTBUG-81021] Plugins built with debug info with *d.dll filenames are again found at runtime on Windows. - [QTBUG-80843] Fixed a cmake problem with qt5_import_qml_plugins() - [QTBUG-38296] qmlimportscanner and androiddeployqt now detect when the Particles module is needed, so it's no longer an explicit dependency on Android.