Qt 5.6 introduces many new features and improvements as well as bugfixes over the 5.5.x series. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5 The Qt version 5.6 series is binary compatible with the 5.5.x series. Applications compiled for 5.5 will continue to run with 5.6. Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: http://bugreports.qt-project.org/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. **************************************************************************** * Library * **************************************************************************** QtQml ----- - Enabled Just-In-Time compilation for JavaScript on MIPS - ObjectModel: * Added get(), append(), insert(), move() and remove() methods. - Profiling: * QtQml can now write additional information so that perf is able to give function names of JavaScript methods when profiling. To enable this, set the environment variable QV4_PROFILE_WRITE_PERF_MAP=1 when running the process in question. - XMLHttpRequest: * Added support for the PROPFIND method in HTTP requests. * Added support for the "json" binary response type. * Fixed a memory leak in the use of the responseXML property. - qml tool: * The qml tool now quits immediately if Qt.quit() is called before all scenes complete creation. * Make it possible to make script without .qml suffix - QJSEngine: * Introduced an extension API that allows installing various function and object extensions (qsTr(), console.log(), etc.) to QJSEngine. installTranslatorFunctions() was deprecated in favor of the new extension API (see installExtensions()). - QQmlComponent: * Synchronously complete the loading of an asynchronous QQmlComponent, if a PreferSynchronous QQmlComponent is created for the same url (provided that this url does support synchronous loading). - URLs from Qt.include() are now passed through the URL interceptor (if present). QtQuick ------- - Added padding, leftPadding, topPadding, rightPadding and bottomPadding properties to Text, TextInput, TextEdit in addition to all positioning items, such as Column, Row, Grid, and Flow. - Items may now listen for the ItemDevicePixelRatioHasChanged event in QQuickItem::itemChange() in order to become aware of when DPI scaling has changed (for instance, when the window has moved to a different screen). Text elements take advantage of this in order to rerender when the DPI has changed. - Images now support looking for higher pixel ratios, not just @2x. - Added the possibility to mirror the generated OpenGL texture via the newly added Item::layer.textureMirroring and ShaderEffectSource::textureMirroring properties. - QQuickFramebufferObject: * Added a mirrorVertically property to QQuickFramebufferObject. - Shortcut: * Added Shortcut.nativeText and portableText properties to read back the key sequence as a string * Added Shortcut.sequenceString property to read back the key sequence as a displayable string - Flickable: * The movement related signals and properties are now updated for flicks started via the flick function. * Mouse wheel movement will no longer cause Flickable to overshoot past its boundaries. - Flipable: * Flipable now toggles the 'enabled' property on whichever side is active. This restores broken behavior compatibility with QtQuick1, and blocks input to whichever side is not active. - Item: * Added EnterKey attached property that allows to change the appearance of the Enter key on an on-screen keyboard. - MultiPointTouchArea: * Fixed released() signal duplication on mouseReleaseEvent. - QQuickPaintedItem: * Implement high-dpi support and add function textureSize. This obsoletes the existing contentsSize, contentsScale and contentsBoundingRect functions. * A QQuickPaintedItem with Item.layer set will now include child items in the layer. - QQuickWindow: * Add TextureIsOpaque option to createTextureFromImage() * Added a render job stage: NoStage. This allows scheduling jobs for execution on the render thread. - Repeater: * Positioners will now always ignore Repeaters. Previously, Repeaters were ignored by positioners when their width or height were 0. - Text: * Fixed baseline of Text elements where the vertical alignment was something other than top. - TextEdit: * Add an editingFinished signal, emitted when the text edit loses focus. This mirrors the same signal already available on TextInput since Qt 5.2. - Item Views: * positionViewAtIndex() will now reliably work on a view with a sticky header/footer set. * ListView no longer ends up with "holes" between delegates (or missing delegates) under some circumstances. QuickTest --------- - TestCase: * Added equals() function to image object returned from TestCase's grabImage() function. * Key events in TestCase are now sent to the window with active focus, meaning that tests that create custom windows can receive key events. QtQuick.Particles ----------------- - Turbulence: * Noise source image is now correctly read from QRC files as well as local files. Qt.labs.folderlistmodel ----------------------- - FolderListModel: * Add an indexOf(file) function to determine the index of a given file.