Qt 5.6.3 is a bug-fix release. It maintains both forward and backward compatibility (source and binary) with Qt 5.6.0. For more details, refer to the online documentation included in this distribution. The documentation is also available online: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/index.html The Qt version 5.6 series is binary compatible with the 5.5.x series. Applications compiled for 5.5 will continue to run with 5.6. Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker: https://bugreports.qt.io/ Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more information about a particular change. QQuickWindow ------------ - The relevant child item is now sent a hover event when the window receives a QEnterEvent, making sure hovering is recognized without waiting for mouse movement. - [QTBUG-56075] Wheel events retain their timestamps during delivery. QtQml ----- - Fixed reading of enum properties from gadgets / value types when the enum was registered with qRegisterMetaType(). - [QTBUG-56271] Fixed a crash on big-endian architecture. - [QTBUG-50592] JSON.stringify() uses QVariant::toString() so that URLs and other types which are stored as variants will not be omitted. - [QTBUG-56658] Fixed a crash in the Qt Quick compiler. - [QTBUG-56830] Fixed conversion of long numeric strings to integers. - [QTBUG-52356] Fixed binding re-evaluation when list model properties change. - [QTBUG-58133] Fixed a crash when emitting a signal with an undefined QJSValue. - [QTBUG-57633][QTBUG-46263] Fix crash with QObjects exposed to multiple QML engines. - [QTBUG-58271] Fix PropertyChanges element to restore bindings on aliases. - [QTBUG-56499] Fix Connection element not disconnecting when target became null. - Work around crashes with gcc 5/6 caused by dead-store eliminations. - Fix memory leak with QQmlExpression. - [QTBUG-53261] Fix memory corruption when changing JS object properties in certain ways. - [QTBUG-39888] Fix crash with QQuickItem objects that do not have a parent but should be kept alive by the JS garbage collector. - [QTBUG-54822] Fix support for address space configurations where the kernel uses more bits in pointer addressing - [QTBUG-56551] Fix crash with Connection element and non-existent objects QtQuick ------- - [QTBUG-39888] Fixed crash with QQuickItems created via JavaScript being garbage collected sometimes when they're not assigned to a window. - [QTBUG-44038] TextInput no longer emits editingFinished twice on iOS. - [QTBUG-55871][QTBUG-55886] Flickable::movementEnding and movementEnded are emitted reliably at the right times on macOS. - [QTBUG-55779] Text padding now has the proper effect on height when there is more than one line of text. - [QTBUG-37095] Canvas is rendered at high resolution if the scene is initially rendered on a high-DPI screen. - [QTBUG-56657] Fixed a bug resulting in invisible images in some cases. - [QTBUG-58852] Large amounts of text are now rendered properly with Text.NativeRendering. QuickTest --------- - [QTBUG-56223] Mouse events now include timestamps. QtWidgets --------- - [QTBUG-42074][QTBUG-57003] Support characters in Private Use Area, as well as zero-width joiners and zero-width non-joiners in input in TextInput and TextEdit.