// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause import QtQuick import shared as Examples Item { height: 480 width: 320 Examples.LauncherList { id: ll anchors.fill: parent Component.onCompleted: { addExample("Red heart", "Draws a red heart with bezier curves", Qt.resolvedUrl("bezierCurve/bezierCurve.qml")); addExample("Talk bubble", "Draws a talk bubble with quadratic curves", Qt.resolvedUrl("quadraticCurveTo/quadraticCurveTo.qml")); addExample("Squircle", "Draws a smooth squircle with simple lines", Qt.resolvedUrl("squircle/squircle.qml")); addExample("Rounded rectangle", "Draws a rounded rectangle with lines and arcs", Qt.resolvedUrl("roundedrect/roundedrect.qml")); addExample("Smile face", "Draws a smile face with complex paths", Qt.resolvedUrl("smile/smile.qml")); addExample("Clip", "Shows the canvas clip feature", Qt.resolvedUrl("clip/clip.qml")); addExample("Tiger", "Draw a tiger with a collection of SVG paths", Qt.resolvedUrl("tiger/tiger.qml")); } } }