// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Layouts import QtQuick.LocalStorage import "Database.js" as JS Item { id: root required property ListView listView signal statusMessage(string msg) width: Screen.width / 2 height: Screen.height / 7 enabled: false function insertrec() { const rowid = parseInt(JS.dbInsert(dateInput.text, descInput.text, distInput.text), 10) if (rowid) { listView.model.setProperty(listView.currentIndex, "id", rowid) listView.forceLayout() } return rowid; } function editrec(Pdate, Pdesc, Pdistance, Prowid) { dateInput.text = Pdate descInput.text = Pdesc distInput.text = Pdistance } function initrec_new() { dateInput.clear() descInput.clear() distInput.clear() listView.model.insert(0, { date: "", trip_desc: "", distance: 0 }) listView.currentIndex = 0 dateInput.forceActiveFocus() } function initrec() { dateInput.clear() descInput.clear() distInput.clear() } function setlistview() { listView.model.setProperty(listView.currentIndex, "date", dateInput.text) listView.model.setProperty(listView.currentIndex, "trip_desc", descInput.text) listView.model.setProperty(listView.currentIndex, "distance", parseInt(distInput.text,10)) } Rectangle { id: rootrect border.width: 10 color: "#161616" ColumnLayout { id: mainLayout anchors.fill: parent Rectangle { id: gridBox Layout.fillWidth: true GridLayout { id: gridLayout rows: 3 flow: GridLayout.TopToBottom anchors.fill: parent Label { text: qsTr("Date") font.pixelSize: 22 rightPadding: 10 } Label { text: qsTr("Description") font.pixelSize: 22 rightPadding: 10 } Label { text: qsTr("Distance") font.pixelSize: 22 } TextField { id: dateInput font.pixelSize: 22 activeFocusOnPress: true activeFocusOnTab: true ToolTip { x: parent.width + 3 y: (parent.height - height) / 2 text: qsTr("Date format = 'YYYY-MM-DD'") visible: dateInput.enabled && dateInput.hovered delay: 1000 } validator: RegularExpressionValidator { regularExpression: /\d{4}[,.:/-]\d\d?[,.:/-]\d\d?/ } onFocusChanged: function() { if (!dateInput.focus && !acceptableInput && root.enabled) root.statusMessage(qsTr("Please fill in the date")); } onEditingFinished: function() { const regex = /(\d+)[,.:/-](\d+)[,.:/-](\d+)/ if (dateInput.text.match(regex)) dateInput.text = dateInput.text.replace(regex, '$1-$2-$3') } } TextField { id: descInput property string oldString font.pixelSize: 22 activeFocusOnPress: true activeFocusOnTab: true onFocusChanged: if (focus) oldString = descInput.text onEditingFinished: function() { if (descInput.text.length < 8 && descInput.text !== descInput.oldString && root.enabled) root.statusMessage(qsTr("Enter a description of minimum 8 characters")) } } TextField { id: distInput property string oldString font.pixelSize: 22 activeFocusOnPress: true activeFocusOnTab: true validator: RegularExpressionValidator { regularExpression: /\d{1,3}/ } onFocusChanged: if (focus) oldString = distInput.text onEditingFinished: function() { if (distInput.text === "" && distInput.text !== distInput.oldString && root.enabled) root.statusMessage(qsTr("Please fill in the distance")) } } } } } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: dateInput.forceActiveFocus() } }