// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause import QtQuick import shared Item { height: 480 width: 320 LauncherList { id: ll anchors.fill: parent Component.onCompleted: { addExample("Age", "Kills off particles that enter the affector", Qt.resolvedUrl("age.qml")); addExample("Attractor", "Simulates a small black hole", Qt.resolvedUrl("attractor.qml")); addExample("Custom Affector", "Custom falling leaves", Qt.resolvedUrl("customaffector.qml")); addExample("Friction", "Leaves that slow down as they fall", Qt.resolvedUrl("friction.qml")); addExample("Gravity", "Leaves that fall towards the earth as you move it", Qt.resolvedUrl("gravity.qml")); addExample("GroupGoal", "Balls that can be set on fire various ways", Qt.resolvedUrl("groupgoal.qml")); addExample("Move", "Some effects you can get by altering trajectory midway", Qt.resolvedUrl("move.qml")); addExample("SpriteGoal", "A ship that makes asteroids explode", Qt.resolvedUrl("spritegoal.qml")); addExample("Turbulence", "A candle with faint wind", Qt.resolvedUrl("turbulence.qml")); addExample("Wander", "Drifting snow flakes", Qt.resolvedUrl("wander.qml")); } } }