// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause import QtQuick import shared Item { height: 480 width: 320 LauncherList { id: ll anchors.fill: parent Component.onCompleted: { addExample("Velocity from Motion", "Particle motion just by moving emitters", Qt.resolvedUrl("velocityfrommotion.qml")); addExample("Burst and Pulse", "Emit imperatively", Qt.resolvedUrl("burstandpulse.qml")); addExample("Custom Emitter", "Custom starting state", Qt.resolvedUrl("customemitter.qml")); addExample("Emit Mask", "Emit arbitrary shapes", Qt.resolvedUrl("emitmask.qml")); addExample("Maximum Emitted", "Put a limit on emissions", Qt.resolvedUrl("maximumemitted.qml")); addExample("Shape and Direction", "Creates a portal effect", Qt.resolvedUrl("shapeanddirection.qml")); addExample("TrailEmitter", "Emit from other particles", Qt.resolvedUrl("trailemitter.qml")); } } }