// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause import QtQuick import QtQuick.Particles Rectangle { id: root color: "black" width: 640 height: 480 ParticleSystem { id: sys } ImageParticle { system: sys source: "qrc:///particleresources/glowdot.png" color: "white" colorVariation: 1.0 alpha: 0.1 entryEffect: ImageParticle.None } Emitter { id: emitter system: sys width: parent.width/2 velocity: PointDirection {y: 72; yVariation: 24} lifeSpan: 10000 emitRate: 1000 enabled: false size: 32 } //! [fake] Item { id: fakeEmitter function burst(number) { while (number > 0) { var item = fakeParticle.createObject(root); item.lifeSpan = Math.random() * 5000 + 5000; item.x = Math.random() * (root.width/2) + (root.width/2); item.y = 0; number--; } } Component { id: fakeParticle Image { id: container property int lifeSpan: 10000 width: 32 height: 32 source: "qrc:///particleresources/glowdot.png" y: 0 PropertyAnimation on y {from: -16; to: root.height-16; duration: container.lifeSpan; running: true} SequentialAnimation on opacity { running: true NumberAnimation { from:0; to: 1; duration: 500} PauseAnimation { duration: container.lifeSpan - 1000} NumberAnimation { from:1; to: 0; duration: 500} ScriptAction { script: container.destroy(); } } } } } //! [fake] //Hooked to a timer, but click for extra bursts that really stress performance Timer { interval: 10000 triggeredOnStart: true repeat: true running: true onTriggered: { emitter.burst(1000); fakeEmitter.burst(1000); } } Text { anchors.left: parent.left anchors.bottom: parent.bottom text: "1000 particles" color: "white" MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: emitter.burst(1000); } } Text { anchors.right: parent.right anchors.bottom: parent.bottom text: "1000 items" color: "white" MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: fakeEmitter.burst(1000); } } }