// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \example texteditor \keyword Qt Quick Controls - Text Editor \title Qt Quick Controls - Text Editor \keyword Qt Quick Controls 2 - Text Editor \ingroup qtquickcontrols2-examples \brief A QML app using Qt Quick Controls and a C++ class to provide a fully-functional rich-text editor application. The \e {Text Editor Example} presents a sample HTML file using the TextArea control, preserving the HTML formatting. The application comes with two user interfaces; one for traditional desktop platforms with a mouse pointer, and another simpler, touch-oriented version. \section1 Desktop User Interface \image qtquickcontrols2-texteditor-desktop.jpg The desktop version is a complete text editor with capabilities for formatting text, and opening and saving HTML and plain text files. It demonstrates the native-looking dialogs and menus using the \l{Qt Labs Platform} module. These types are mostly suitable for desktop platforms with support for multiple top-level windows, a mouse pointer, and moderate screen size. The desktop UI uses FileDialog for opening and saving files: \quotefromfile texteditor/qml/texteditor.qml \skipto FileDialog \printuntil /\bsaveAs\b/ \printline } It uses FontDialog and ColorDialog for choosing fonts and colors: \skipto FontDialog \printuntil /.*colorDialog$/ \printuntil /^\s{4}\}$/ It also uses \l[QML QtLabsPlatform]{Menu} and \l[QML QtLabsPlatform]{MenuItem} that provide a context menu to format text within: \skipto /\bMenu\b/ \printuntil /^\s{4}\}$/ \note There is also a standard menubar with more options than the context menu. \section1 Touch User Interface \image qtquickcontrols2-texteditor-touch.jpg The touch user interface is a simplified version of the text editor. It is suitable for touch devices with limited screen size. The example uses \l{Using File Selectors with Qt Quick Controls}{file selectors} to load the appropriate user interface automatically. Unlike the desktop version, which uses top-level dialogs, the touch version uses the QML \l Dialog type, which is not a top-level window. This type of dialog is fully supported on mobile and embedded platforms that do not support multiple top-level windows. \quotefromfile texteditor/qml/+touch/texteditor.qml \skipto /\bDialog\b/ \printuntil /^\s{4}\}$/ \section1 C++ Backend Both user interfaces use the same C++ backend, which supports opening, formatting, and editing a document. The C++ class, \c DocumentHandler, extends QObject and is registered as a QML type under the namespace \c {io.qt.examples.texteditor 1.0}. The following snippets show how the type is registered under a namespace and later imported and instantiated by \e main.qml. For more information about registering C++ classes as QML types, see \l {Defining QML Types from C++}. QML type registration: \code #include ... qmlRegisterType("io.qt.examples.texteditor", 1, 0, "DocumentHandler"); ... \endcode QML namespace import: \code import io.qt.examples.texteditor 1.0 \endcode QML instance: \quotefromfile texteditor/qml/texteditor.qml \skipto DocumentHandler \printuntil /^\s{4}\}$/ \include examples-run.qdocinc */