/* * Copyright (C) 2009, 2010-2012, 2014, 2016 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once #include "ConcurrentJSLock.h" #include "YarrPattern.h" namespace WTF { class BumpPointerAllocator; } using WTF::BumpPointerAllocator; namespace JSC { namespace Yarr { class ByteDisjunction; struct ByteTerm { enum Type { TypeBodyAlternativeBegin, TypeBodyAlternativeDisjunction, TypeBodyAlternativeEnd, TypeAlternativeBegin, TypeAlternativeDisjunction, TypeAlternativeEnd, TypeSubpatternBegin, TypeSubpatternEnd, TypeAssertionBOL, TypeAssertionEOL, TypeAssertionWordBoundary, TypePatternCharacterOnce, TypePatternCharacterFixed, TypePatternCharacterGreedy, TypePatternCharacterNonGreedy, TypePatternCasedCharacterOnce, TypePatternCasedCharacterFixed, TypePatternCasedCharacterGreedy, TypePatternCasedCharacterNonGreedy, TypeCharacterClass, TypeBackReference, TypeParenthesesSubpattern, TypeParenthesesSubpatternOnceBegin, TypeParenthesesSubpatternOnceEnd, TypeParenthesesSubpatternTerminalBegin, TypeParenthesesSubpatternTerminalEnd, TypeParentheticalAssertionBegin, TypeParentheticalAssertionEnd, TypeCheckInput, TypeUncheckInput, TypeDotStarEnclosure, } type; union { struct { union { UChar32 patternCharacter; struct { UChar32 lo; UChar32 hi; } casedCharacter; CharacterClass* characterClass; unsigned subpatternId; }; union { ByteDisjunction* parenthesesDisjunction; unsigned parenthesesWidth; }; QuantifierType quantityType; unsigned quantityMinCount; unsigned quantityMaxCount; } atom; struct { int next; int end; bool onceThrough; } alternative; struct { bool m_bol : 1; bool m_eol : 1; } anchors; unsigned checkInputCount; }; unsigned frameLocation; bool m_capture : 1; bool m_invert : 1; unsigned inputPosition; ByteTerm(UChar32 ch, unsigned inputPos, unsigned frameLocation, Checked quantityCount, QuantifierType quantityType) : frameLocation(frameLocation) , m_capture(false) , m_invert(false) { atom.patternCharacter = ch; atom.quantityType = quantityType; atom.quantityMinCount = quantityCount.unsafeGet(); atom.quantityMaxCount = quantityCount.unsafeGet(); inputPosition = inputPos; switch (quantityType) { case QuantifierFixedCount: type = (quantityCount == 1) ? ByteTerm::TypePatternCharacterOnce : ByteTerm::TypePatternCharacterFixed; break; case QuantifierGreedy: type = ByteTerm::TypePatternCharacterGreedy; break; case QuantifierNonGreedy: type = ByteTerm::TypePatternCharacterNonGreedy; break; } } ByteTerm(UChar32 lo, UChar32 hi, unsigned inputPos, unsigned frameLocation, Checked quantityCount, QuantifierType quantityType) : frameLocation(frameLocation) , m_capture(false) , m_invert(false) { switch (quantityType) { case QuantifierFixedCount: type = (quantityCount == 1) ? ByteTerm::TypePatternCasedCharacterOnce : ByteTerm::TypePatternCasedCharacterFixed; break; case QuantifierGreedy: type = ByteTerm::TypePatternCasedCharacterGreedy; break; case QuantifierNonGreedy: type = ByteTerm::TypePatternCasedCharacterNonGreedy; break; } atom.casedCharacter.lo = lo; atom.casedCharacter.hi = hi; atom.quantityType = quantityType; atom.quantityMinCount = quantityCount.unsafeGet(); atom.quantityMaxCount = quantityCount.unsafeGet(); inputPosition = inputPos; } ByteTerm(CharacterClass* characterClass, bool invert, unsigned inputPos) : type(ByteTerm::TypeCharacterClass) , m_capture(false) , m_invert(invert) { atom.characterClass = characterClass; atom.quantityType = QuantifierFixedCount; atom.quantityMinCount = 1; atom.quantityMaxCount = 1; inputPosition = inputPos; } ByteTerm(Type type, unsigned subpatternId, ByteDisjunction* parenthesesInfo, bool capture, unsigned inputPos) : type(type) , m_capture(capture) , m_invert(false) { atom.subpatternId = subpatternId; atom.parenthesesDisjunction = parenthesesInfo; atom.quantityType = QuantifierFixedCount; atom.quantityMinCount = 1; atom.quantityMaxCount = 1; inputPosition = inputPos; } ByteTerm(Type type, bool invert = false) : type(type) , m_capture(false) , m_invert(invert) { atom.quantityType = QuantifierFixedCount; atom.quantityMinCount = 1; atom.quantityMaxCount = 1; } ByteTerm(Type type, unsigned subpatternId, bool capture, bool invert, unsigned inputPos) : type(type) , m_capture(capture) , m_invert(invert) { atom.subpatternId = subpatternId; atom.quantityType = QuantifierFixedCount; atom.quantityMinCount = 1; atom.quantityMaxCount = 1; inputPosition = inputPos; } static ByteTerm BOL(unsigned inputPos) { ByteTerm term(TypeAssertionBOL); term.inputPosition = inputPos; return term; } static ByteTerm CheckInput(Checked count) { ByteTerm term(TypeCheckInput); term.checkInputCount = count.unsafeGet(); return term; } static ByteTerm UncheckInput(Checked count) { ByteTerm term(TypeUncheckInput); term.checkInputCount = count.unsafeGet(); return term; } static ByteTerm EOL(unsigned inputPos) { ByteTerm term(TypeAssertionEOL); term.inputPosition = inputPos; return term; } static ByteTerm WordBoundary(bool invert, unsigned inputPos) { ByteTerm term(TypeAssertionWordBoundary, invert); term.inputPosition = inputPos; return term; } static ByteTerm BackReference(unsigned subpatternId, unsigned inputPos) { return ByteTerm(TypeBackReference, subpatternId, false, false, inputPos); } static ByteTerm BodyAlternativeBegin(bool onceThrough) { ByteTerm term(TypeBodyAlternativeBegin); term.alternative.next = 0; term.alternative.end = 0; term.alternative.onceThrough = onceThrough; return term; } static ByteTerm BodyAlternativeDisjunction(bool onceThrough) { ByteTerm term(TypeBodyAlternativeDisjunction); term.alternative.next = 0; term.alternative.end = 0; term.alternative.onceThrough = onceThrough; return term; } static ByteTerm BodyAlternativeEnd() { ByteTerm term(TypeBodyAlternativeEnd); term.alternative.next = 0; term.alternative.end = 0; term.alternative.onceThrough = false; return term; } static ByteTerm AlternativeBegin() { ByteTerm term(TypeAlternativeBegin); term.alternative.next = 0; term.alternative.end = 0; term.alternative.onceThrough = false; return term; } static ByteTerm AlternativeDisjunction() { ByteTerm term(TypeAlternativeDisjunction); term.alternative.next = 0; term.alternative.end = 0; term.alternative.onceThrough = false; return term; } static ByteTerm AlternativeEnd() { ByteTerm term(TypeAlternativeEnd); term.alternative.next = 0; term.alternative.end = 0; term.alternative.onceThrough = false; return term; } static ByteTerm SubpatternBegin() { return ByteTerm(TypeSubpatternBegin); } static ByteTerm SubpatternEnd() { return ByteTerm(TypeSubpatternEnd); } static ByteTerm DotStarEnclosure(bool bolAnchor, bool eolAnchor) { ByteTerm term(TypeDotStarEnclosure); term.anchors.m_bol = bolAnchor; term.anchors.m_eol = eolAnchor; return term; } bool invert() { return m_invert; } bool capture() { return m_capture; } }; class ByteDisjunction { WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; public: ByteDisjunction(unsigned numSubpatterns, unsigned frameSize) : m_numSubpatterns(numSubpatterns) , m_frameSize(frameSize) { } size_t estimatedSizeInBytes() const { return terms.capacity() * sizeof(ByteTerm); } Vector terms; unsigned m_numSubpatterns; unsigned m_frameSize; }; struct BytecodePattern { WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; public: BytecodePattern(std::unique_ptr body, Vector>& parenthesesInfoToAdopt, YarrPattern& pattern, BumpPointerAllocator* allocator, ConcurrentJSLock* lock) : m_body(WTFMove(body)) , m_flags(pattern.m_flags) , m_allocator(allocator) , m_lock(lock) { m_body->terms.shrinkToFit(); newlineCharacterClass = pattern.newlineCharacterClass(); if (unicode() && ignoreCase()) wordcharCharacterClass = pattern.wordUnicodeIgnoreCaseCharCharacterClass(); else wordcharCharacterClass = pattern.wordcharCharacterClass(); m_allParenthesesInfo.swap(parenthesesInfoToAdopt); m_allParenthesesInfo.shrinkToFit(); m_userCharacterClasses.swap(pattern.m_userCharacterClasses); m_userCharacterClasses.shrinkToFit(); } size_t estimatedSizeInBytes() const { return m_body->estimatedSizeInBytes(); } bool ignoreCase() const { return m_flags & FlagIgnoreCase; } bool multiline() const { return m_flags & FlagMultiline; } bool sticky() const { return m_flags & FlagSticky; } bool unicode() const { return m_flags & FlagUnicode; } bool dotAll() const { return m_flags & FlagDotAll; } std::unique_ptr m_body; RegExpFlags m_flags; // Each BytecodePattern is associated with a RegExp, each RegExp is associated // with a VM. Cache a pointer to out VM's m_regExpAllocator. BumpPointerAllocator* m_allocator; ConcurrentJSLock* m_lock; CharacterClass* newlineCharacterClass; CharacterClass* wordcharCharacterClass; private: Vector> m_allParenthesesInfo; Vector> m_userCharacterClasses; }; JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE std::unique_ptr byteCompile(YarrPattern&, BumpPointerAllocator*, ConcurrentJSLock* = nullptr); JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE unsigned interpret(BytecodePattern*, const String& input, unsigned start, unsigned* output); unsigned interpret(BytecodePattern*, const LChar* input, unsigned length, unsigned start, unsigned* output); unsigned interpret(BytecodePattern*, const UChar* input, unsigned length, unsigned start, unsigned* output); } } // namespace JSC::Yarr