/* * Copyright (C) 2009, 2013-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (C) 2010 Peter Varga (pvarga@inf.u-szeged.hu), University of Szeged * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #pragma once #include "RegExpKey.h" #include "YarrErrorCode.h" #include "YarrUnicodeProperties.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace JSC { namespace Yarr { struct YarrPattern; struct PatternDisjunction; struct CharacterRange { UChar32 begin { 0 }; UChar32 end { 0x10ffff }; CharacterRange(UChar32 begin, UChar32 end) : begin(begin) , end(end) { } }; struct CharacterClass { WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; public: // All CharacterClass instances have to have the full set of matches and ranges, // they may have an optional m_table for faster lookups (which must match the // specified matches and ranges) CharacterClass() : m_table(0) , m_hasNonBMPCharacters(false) , m_anyCharacter(false) { } CharacterClass(const char* table, bool inverted) : m_table(table) , m_tableInverted(inverted) , m_hasNonBMPCharacters(false) , m_anyCharacter(false) { } CharacterClass(std::initializer_list matches, std::initializer_list ranges, std::initializer_list matchesUnicode, std::initializer_list rangesUnicode) : m_matches(matches) , m_ranges(ranges) , m_matchesUnicode(matchesUnicode) , m_rangesUnicode(rangesUnicode) , m_table(0) , m_tableInverted(false) , m_hasNonBMPCharacters(false) , m_anyCharacter(false) { } Vector m_matches; Vector m_ranges; Vector m_matchesUnicode; Vector m_rangesUnicode; const char* m_table; bool m_tableInverted : 1; bool m_hasNonBMPCharacters : 1; bool m_anyCharacter : 1; }; enum QuantifierType { QuantifierFixedCount, QuantifierGreedy, QuantifierNonGreedy, }; struct PatternTerm { enum Type { TypeAssertionBOL, TypeAssertionEOL, TypeAssertionWordBoundary, TypePatternCharacter, TypeCharacterClass, TypeBackReference, TypeForwardReference, TypeParenthesesSubpattern, TypeParentheticalAssertion, TypeDotStarEnclosure, } type; bool m_capture :1; bool m_invert :1; union { UChar32 patternCharacter; CharacterClass* characterClass; unsigned backReferenceSubpatternId; struct { PatternDisjunction* disjunction; unsigned subpatternId; unsigned lastSubpatternId; bool isCopy; bool isTerminal; } parentheses; struct { bool bolAnchor : 1; bool eolAnchor : 1; } anchors; }; QuantifierType quantityType; Checked quantityMinCount; Checked quantityMaxCount; unsigned inputPosition; unsigned frameLocation; PatternTerm(UChar32 ch) : type(PatternTerm::TypePatternCharacter) , m_capture(false) , m_invert(false) { patternCharacter = ch; quantityType = QuantifierFixedCount; quantityMinCount = quantityMaxCount = 1; } PatternTerm(CharacterClass* charClass, bool invert) : type(PatternTerm::TypeCharacterClass) , m_capture(false) , m_invert(invert) { characterClass = charClass; quantityType = QuantifierFixedCount; quantityMinCount = quantityMaxCount = 1; } PatternTerm(Type type, unsigned subpatternId, PatternDisjunction* disjunction, bool capture = false, bool invert = false) : type(type) , m_capture(capture) , m_invert(invert) { parentheses.disjunction = disjunction; parentheses.subpatternId = subpatternId; parentheses.isCopy = false; parentheses.isTerminal = false; quantityType = QuantifierFixedCount; quantityMinCount = quantityMaxCount = 1; } PatternTerm(Type type, bool invert = false) : type(type) , m_capture(false) , m_invert(invert) { quantityType = QuantifierFixedCount; quantityMinCount = quantityMaxCount = 1; } PatternTerm(unsigned spatternId) : type(TypeBackReference) , m_capture(false) , m_invert(false) { backReferenceSubpatternId = spatternId; quantityType = QuantifierFixedCount; quantityMinCount = quantityMaxCount = 1; } PatternTerm(bool bolAnchor, bool eolAnchor) : type(TypeDotStarEnclosure) , m_capture(false) , m_invert(false) { anchors.bolAnchor = bolAnchor; anchors.eolAnchor = eolAnchor; quantityType = QuantifierFixedCount; quantityMinCount = quantityMaxCount = 1; } static PatternTerm ForwardReference() { return PatternTerm(TypeForwardReference); } static PatternTerm BOL() { return PatternTerm(TypeAssertionBOL); } static PatternTerm EOL() { return PatternTerm(TypeAssertionEOL); } static PatternTerm WordBoundary(bool invert) { return PatternTerm(TypeAssertionWordBoundary, invert); } bool invert() { return m_invert; } bool capture() { return m_capture; } bool containsAnyCaptures() { ASSERT(this->type == TypeParenthesesSubpattern); return parentheses.lastSubpatternId >= parentheses.subpatternId; } void quantify(unsigned count, QuantifierType type) { quantityMinCount = 0; quantityMaxCount = count; quantityType = type; } void quantify(unsigned minCount, unsigned maxCount, QuantifierType type) { // Currently only Parentheses can specify a non-zero min with a different max. ASSERT(this->type == TypeParenthesesSubpattern || !minCount || minCount == maxCount); ASSERT(minCount <= maxCount); quantityMinCount = minCount; quantityMaxCount = maxCount; quantityType = type; } void dumpQuantifier(PrintStream&); void dump(PrintStream&, YarrPattern*, unsigned); }; struct PatternAlternative { WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; public: PatternAlternative(PatternDisjunction* disjunction) : m_parent(disjunction) , m_onceThrough(false) , m_hasFixedSize(false) , m_startsWithBOL(false) , m_containsBOL(false) { } PatternTerm& lastTerm() { ASSERT(m_terms.size()); return m_terms[m_terms.size() - 1]; } void removeLastTerm() { ASSERT(m_terms.size()); m_terms.shrink(m_terms.size() - 1); } void setOnceThrough() { m_onceThrough = true; } bool onceThrough() { return m_onceThrough; } void dump(PrintStream&, YarrPattern*, unsigned); Vector m_terms; PatternDisjunction* m_parent; unsigned m_minimumSize; bool m_onceThrough : 1; bool m_hasFixedSize : 1; bool m_startsWithBOL : 1; bool m_containsBOL : 1; }; struct PatternDisjunction { WTF_MAKE_FAST_ALLOCATED; public: PatternDisjunction(PatternAlternative* parent = 0) : m_parent(parent) , m_hasFixedSize(false) { } PatternAlternative* addNewAlternative() { m_alternatives.append(std::make_unique(this)); return static_cast(m_alternatives.last().get()); } void dump(PrintStream&, YarrPattern*, unsigned); Vector> m_alternatives; PatternAlternative* m_parent; unsigned m_minimumSize; unsigned m_callFrameSize; bool m_hasFixedSize; }; // You probably don't want to be calling these functions directly // (please to be calling newlineCharacterClass() et al on your // friendly neighborhood YarrPattern instance to get nicely // cached copies). std::unique_ptr anycharCreate(); std::unique_ptr newlineCreate(); std::unique_ptr digitsCreate(); std::unique_ptr spacesCreate(); std::unique_ptr wordcharCreate(); std::unique_ptr wordUnicodeIgnoreCaseCharCreate(); std::unique_ptr nondigitsCreate(); std::unique_ptr nonspacesCreate(); std::unique_ptr nonwordcharCreate(); std::unique_ptr nonwordUnicodeIgnoreCaseCharCreate(); struct TermChain { TermChain(PatternTerm term) : term(term) {} PatternTerm term; Vector hotTerms; }; struct YarrPattern { JS_EXPORT_PRIVATE YarrPattern(const String& pattern, RegExpFlags, ErrorCode&, void* stackLimit = nullptr); void resetForReparsing() { m_numSubpatterns = 0; m_maxBackReference = 0; m_initialStartValueFrameLocation = 0; m_containsBackreferences = false; m_containsBOL = false; m_containsUnsignedLengthPattern = false; m_hasCopiedParenSubexpressions = false; m_saveInitialStartValue = false; anycharCached = nullptr; newlineCached = nullptr; digitsCached = nullptr; spacesCached = nullptr; wordcharCached = nullptr; wordUnicodeIgnoreCaseCharCached = nullptr; nondigitsCached = nullptr; nonspacesCached = nullptr; nonwordcharCached = nullptr; nonwordUnicodeIgnoreCasecharCached = nullptr; unicodePropertiesCached.clear(); m_disjunctions.clear(); m_userCharacterClasses.clear(); m_captureGroupNames.shrink(0); m_namedForwardReferences.shrink(0); } bool containsIllegalBackReference() { return m_maxBackReference > m_numSubpatterns; } bool containsIllegalNamedForwardReferences() { if (m_namedForwardReferences.isEmpty()) return false; for (auto& entry : m_namedForwardReferences) { if (m_captureGroupNames.contains(entry)) return true; } return false; } bool containsUnsignedLengthPattern() { return m_containsUnsignedLengthPattern; } CharacterClass* anyCharacterClass() { if (!anycharCached) { m_userCharacterClasses.append(anycharCreate()); anycharCached = m_userCharacterClasses.last().get(); } return anycharCached; } CharacterClass* newlineCharacterClass() { if (!newlineCached) { m_userCharacterClasses.append(newlineCreate()); newlineCached = m_userCharacterClasses.last().get(); } return newlineCached; } CharacterClass* digitsCharacterClass() { if (!digitsCached) { m_userCharacterClasses.append(digitsCreate()); digitsCached = m_userCharacterClasses.last().get(); } return digitsCached; } CharacterClass* spacesCharacterClass() { if (!spacesCached) { m_userCharacterClasses.append(spacesCreate()); spacesCached = m_userCharacterClasses.last().get(); } return spacesCached; } CharacterClass* wordcharCharacterClass() { if (!wordcharCached) { m_userCharacterClasses.append(wordcharCreate()); wordcharCached = m_userCharacterClasses.last().get(); } return wordcharCached; } CharacterClass* wordUnicodeIgnoreCaseCharCharacterClass() { if (!wordUnicodeIgnoreCaseCharCached) { m_userCharacterClasses.append(wordUnicodeIgnoreCaseCharCreate()); wordUnicodeIgnoreCaseCharCached = m_userCharacterClasses.last().get(); } return wordUnicodeIgnoreCaseCharCached; } CharacterClass* nondigitsCharacterClass() { if (!nondigitsCached) { m_userCharacterClasses.append(nondigitsCreate()); nondigitsCached = m_userCharacterClasses.last().get(); } return nondigitsCached; } CharacterClass* nonspacesCharacterClass() { if (!nonspacesCached) { m_userCharacterClasses.append(nonspacesCreate()); nonspacesCached = m_userCharacterClasses.last().get(); } return nonspacesCached; } CharacterClass* nonwordcharCharacterClass() { if (!nonwordcharCached) { m_userCharacterClasses.append(nonwordcharCreate()); nonwordcharCached = m_userCharacterClasses.last().get(); } return nonwordcharCached; } CharacterClass* nonwordUnicodeIgnoreCaseCharCharacterClass() { if (!nonwordUnicodeIgnoreCasecharCached) { m_userCharacterClasses.append(nonwordUnicodeIgnoreCaseCharCreate()); nonwordUnicodeIgnoreCasecharCached = m_userCharacterClasses.last().get(); } return nonwordUnicodeIgnoreCasecharCached; } CharacterClass* unicodeCharacterClassFor(BuiltInCharacterClassID unicodeClassID) { ASSERT(unicodeClassID >= BuiltInCharacterClassID::BaseUnicodePropertyID); unsigned classID = static_cast(unicodeClassID); if (unicodePropertiesCached.find(classID) == unicodePropertiesCached.end()) { m_userCharacterClasses.append(createUnicodeCharacterClassFor(unicodeClassID)); CharacterClass* result = m_userCharacterClasses.last().get(); unicodePropertiesCached.add(classID, result); return result; } return unicodePropertiesCached.get(classID); } void dumpPatternString(PrintStream& out, const String& patternString); void dumpPattern(const String& pattern); void dumpPattern(PrintStream& out, const String& pattern); bool global() const { return m_flags & FlagGlobal; } bool ignoreCase() const { return m_flags & FlagIgnoreCase; } bool multiline() const { return m_flags & FlagMultiline; } bool sticky() const { return m_flags & FlagSticky; } bool unicode() const { return m_flags & FlagUnicode; } bool dotAll() const { return m_flags & FlagDotAll; } bool m_containsBackreferences : 1; bool m_containsBOL : 1; bool m_containsUnsignedLengthPattern : 1; bool m_hasCopiedParenSubexpressions : 1; bool m_saveInitialStartValue : 1; RegExpFlags m_flags; unsigned m_numSubpatterns { 0 }; unsigned m_maxBackReference { 0 }; unsigned m_initialStartValueFrameLocation { 0 }; PatternDisjunction* m_body; Vector, 4> m_disjunctions; Vector> m_userCharacterClasses; Vector m_captureGroupNames; Vector m_namedForwardReferences; HashMap m_namedGroupToParenIndex; private: ErrorCode compile(const String& patternString, void* stackLimit); CharacterClass* anycharCached { nullptr }; CharacterClass* newlineCached { nullptr }; CharacterClass* digitsCached { nullptr }; CharacterClass* spacesCached { nullptr }; CharacterClass* wordcharCached { nullptr }; CharacterClass* wordUnicodeIgnoreCaseCharCached { nullptr }; CharacterClass* nondigitsCached { nullptr }; CharacterClass* nonspacesCached { nullptr }; CharacterClass* nonwordcharCached { nullptr }; CharacterClass* nonwordUnicodeIgnoreCasecharCached { nullptr }; HashMap unicodePropertiesCached; }; void indentForNestingLevel(PrintStream&, unsigned); void dumpUChar32(PrintStream&, UChar32); void dumpCharacterClass(PrintStream&, YarrPattern*, CharacterClass*); struct BackTrackInfoPatternCharacter { uintptr_t begin; // Only needed for unicode patterns uintptr_t matchAmount; static unsigned beginIndex() { return offsetof(BackTrackInfoPatternCharacter, begin) / sizeof(uintptr_t); } static unsigned matchAmountIndex() { return offsetof(BackTrackInfoPatternCharacter, matchAmount) / sizeof(uintptr_t); } }; struct BackTrackInfoCharacterClass { uintptr_t begin; // Only needed for unicode patterns uintptr_t matchAmount; static unsigned beginIndex() { return offsetof(BackTrackInfoCharacterClass, begin) / sizeof(uintptr_t); } static unsigned matchAmountIndex() { return offsetof(BackTrackInfoCharacterClass, matchAmount) / sizeof(uintptr_t); } }; struct BackTrackInfoBackReference { uintptr_t begin; // Not really needed for greedy quantifiers. uintptr_t matchAmount; // Not really needed for fixed quantifiers. static unsigned beginIndex() { return offsetof(BackTrackInfoBackReference, begin) / sizeof(uintptr_t); } static unsigned matchAmountIndex() { return offsetof(BackTrackInfoBackReference, matchAmount) / sizeof(uintptr_t); } }; struct BackTrackInfoAlternative { union { uintptr_t offset; }; }; struct BackTrackInfoParentheticalAssertion { uintptr_t begin; static unsigned beginIndex() { return offsetof(BackTrackInfoParentheticalAssertion, begin) / sizeof(uintptr_t); } }; struct BackTrackInfoParenthesesOnce { uintptr_t begin; uintptr_t returnAddress; static unsigned beginIndex() { return offsetof(BackTrackInfoParenthesesOnce, begin) / sizeof(uintptr_t); } static unsigned returnAddressIndex() { return offsetof(BackTrackInfoParenthesesOnce, returnAddress) / sizeof(uintptr_t); } }; struct BackTrackInfoParenthesesTerminal { uintptr_t begin; static unsigned beginIndex() { return offsetof(BackTrackInfoParenthesesTerminal, begin) / sizeof(uintptr_t); } }; struct BackTrackInfoParentheses { uintptr_t begin; uintptr_t returnAddress; uintptr_t matchAmount; uintptr_t parenContextHead; static unsigned beginIndex() { return offsetof(BackTrackInfoParentheses, begin) / sizeof(uintptr_t); } static unsigned returnAddressIndex() { return offsetof(BackTrackInfoParentheses, returnAddress) / sizeof(uintptr_t); } static unsigned matchAmountIndex() { return offsetof(BackTrackInfoParentheses, matchAmount) / sizeof(uintptr_t); } static unsigned parenContextHeadIndex() { return offsetof(BackTrackInfoParentheses, parenContextHead) / sizeof(uintptr_t); } }; } } // namespace JSC::Yarr