import QtQuick.tooling 1.2 Module { dependencies: [] Component { name: "void" accessSemantics: "none" } Component { name: "QVariant" accessSemantics: "value" exports: ["QML/var 1.0", "QML/variant 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256, 256] } Component { name: "QJSValue" accessSemantics: "value" } Component { // QQmlV4Function is the name for varargs. If such parameter is declared // we can invoke the method with any number of QJSValue parameters. // Access semantics are not "value" because the actual QQmlV4Function object // is passed as a pointer. name: "QQmlV4Function" } Component { name: "QObject" accessSemantics: "reference" exports: ["QML/QtObject 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] Method { name: "toString" type: "QString" } Method { name: "destroy" } Method { name: "destroy" Parameter { name: "delay" type: "int" } } } Component { name: "QQmlComponent" accessSemantics: "reference" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["QML/Component 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] Enum { name: "Status" values: ["Null", "Ready", "Loading", "Error"] } Property { name: "status" type: "Status" isReadonly: true } Signal { name: "statusChanged" Parameter { type: "QQmlComponent::Status" } } Method { name: "errorString" type: "QString" } } Component { name: "number" accessSemantics: "value" } Component { name: "int" prototype: "number" exports: ["QML/int 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] accessSemantics: "value" } Component { name: "float" prototype: "number" accessSemantics: "value" } Component { name: "double" prototype: "number" exports: ["QML/real 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] accessSemantics: "value" } Component { name: "QString" exports: ["QML/string 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] accessSemantics: "value" } Component { name: "bool" exports: ["QML/bool 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] accessSemantics: "value" } Component { name: "QDateTime" exports: ["QML/date 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] accessSemantics: "value" } Component { name: "QUrl" exports: ["QML/url 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] accessSemantics: "value" } }