import QtQuick.tooling 1.2 Module { dependencies: [] Component { name: "undefined" exports: ["QML/undefined 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] } Component { name: "QVariant" accessSemantics: "value" exports: ["QML/var 1.0", "QML/variant 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] } Component { name: "QJSValue" accessSemantics: "value" } Component { // QQmlV4Function is the name for varargs. If such parameter is declared // we can invoke the method with any number of QJSValue parameters. // Access semantics are not "value" because the actual QQmlV4Function object // is passed as a pointer. name: "QQmlV4Function" } Component { name: "QObject" accessSemantics: "reference" exports: ["QML/QtObject 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] Method { name: "toString" type: "QString" } Method { name: "destroy" } Method { name: "destroy" Parameter { name: "delay" type: "int" } } } Component { name: "QQmlComponent" accessSemantics: "reference" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["QML/Component 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] Enum { name: "Status" values: ["Null", "Ready", "Loading", "Error"] } Property { name: "status" type: "Status" isReadonly: true } Signal { name: "statusChanged" Parameter { type: "QQmlComponent::Status" } } Method { name: "errorString" type: "QString" } } Component { name: "Number" // is a singleton, but its constructor can construct NumberPrototype objects... isSingleton: true prototype: "NumberPrototype" Property { name: "EPSILON" type: "NumberPrototype" isReadonly: true } Method { name: "isFinite" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "number" type: "NumberPrototype" } } Method { name: "isInteger" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "number" type: "NumberPrototype" } } Method { name: "isNaN" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "number" type: "NumberPrototype" } } Method { name: "isSafeInteger" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "number" type: "NumberPrototype" } } Property { name: "MAX_SAFE_INTEGER" type: "NumberPrototype" isReadonly: true } Property { name: "MAX_VALUE" type: "NumberPrototype" isReadonly: true } Property { name: "MIN_SAFE_INTEGER" type: "NumberPrototype" isReadonly: true } Property { name: "MIN_VALUE" type: "NumberPrototype" isReadonly: true } Property { name: "NaN" type: "NumberPrototype" isReadonly: true } Property { name: "NEGATIVE_INFINITY" type: "NumberPrototype" isReadonly: true } Method { name: "parseFloat" type: "double" Parameter { name: "string" type: "QString" } } Method { name: "parseInt" type: "int" Parameter { name: "string" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "radix" type: "int" } } Property { name: "POSITIVE_INFINITY" type: "NumberPrototype" isReadonly: true } } Component { name: "NumberPrototype" accessSemantics: "value" Method { name: "toExponential" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "fractionDigits" type: "int" } } Method { name: "toFixed" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "fractionDigits" type: "int" } } Method { name: "toLocaleString" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "locales" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "options" type: "object" } } Method { name: "toPrecision" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "precision" type: "int" } } Method { name: "toString" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "base" type: "int" } } Method { name: "valueOf" type: "NumberPrototype" } } Component { name: "Math" Property { name: "E" type: "double" isReadonly: true } Property { name: "LN10" type: "double" isReadonly: true } Property { name: "LN2" type: "double" isReadonly: true } Property { name: "LOG10E" type: "double" isReadonly: true } Property { name: "LOG2E" type: "double" isReadonly: true } Property { name: "PI" type: "double" isReadonly: true } Property { name: "SQRT1_2" type: "double" isReadonly: true } Property { name: "SQRT2" type: "double" isReadonly: true } Method { name: "abs" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "acos" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "acosh" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "asin" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "asinh" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "atan" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "atanh" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "atan2" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "acbrt" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "ceil" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "clz32" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "cos" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "cosh" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "exp" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "expm1" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "floor" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "fround" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "hypot" type: "double" Parameter { name: "arguments" type: "QQmlV4Function" } } Method { name: "cosh" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "imul" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "log" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "log1p" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "log10" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "log2" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "max" type: "NumberPrototype" Parameter { name: "arguments" type: "QQmlV4Function" } } Method { name: "min" type: "NumberPrototype" Parameter { name: "arguments" type: "QQmlV4Function" } } Method { name: "pow" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } Parameter { name: "y" type: "double" } } Method { name: "random" type: "double" } Method { name: "round" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "sign" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "sin" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "sinh" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "sqrt" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "tanh" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } Method { name: "trunc" type: "double" Parameter { name: "x" type: "double" } } } Component { name: "int" exports: ["QML/int 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] prototype: "NumberPrototype" accessSemantics: "value" } Component { name: "float" prototype: "NumberPrototype" accessSemantics: "value" } Component { name: "double" exports: ["QML/real 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] prototype: "NumberPrototype" accessSemantics: "value" } Component { name: "JSON" Method { name: "parse" type: "QJSValue" Parameter { name: "text" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "reviver" type: "QJSValue" } } Method { name: "stringify" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "value" type: "QJSValue" } Parameter { name: "replacer" type: "QJSValue" } Parameter { name: "space" type: "int" } } } Component { name: "String" prototype: "StringPrototype" Method { name: "fromCharCode" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "arguments" type: "QQmlV4Function" } } Method { name: "fromCodePoint" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "arguments" type: "QQmlV4Function" } } Method { name: "raw" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "template" type: "QJSValue" } Parameter { name: "substitutions" type: "QQmlV4Function" } } } Component { name: "StringPrototype" Method { name: "charAt" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "pos" type: "int" } } Method { name: "codePointAt" type: "int" Parameter { name: "pos" type: "int" } } Method { name: "charCodeAt" type: "int" Parameter { name: "pos" type: "int" } } Method { name: "concat" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "arguments" type: "QQmlV4Function" } } Method { name: "endsWith" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "searchString" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "endPosition" type: "int" } } Method { name: "includes" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "searchString" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "position" type: "int" } } Method { name: "indexOf" type: "int" Parameter { name: "searchString" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "position" type: "int" } } Method { name: "lastIndexOf" type: "int" Parameter { name: "searchString" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "position" type: "int" } } Method { name: "localeCompare" type: "int" Parameter { name: "that" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "locale" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "options" type: "int" } } Method { name: "match" type: "QJSValue" Parameter { name: "that" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "locale" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "options" type: "int" } } Method { name: "normalize" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "form" type: "QString" } } Method { name: "repeat" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "count" type: "int" } } Method { name: "replace" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "searchValue" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "replaceValue" type: "QString" } } Method { name: "search" type: "QJSValue" Parameter { name: "regexp" type: "QJSValue" } } Method { name: "slice" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "start" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "end" type: "int" } } Method { name: "split" type: "list" Parameter { name: "separator" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "limit" type: "int" } } Method { name: "startsWith" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "searchString" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "position" type: "int" } } Method { name: "substring" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "start" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "end" type: "int" } } Method { name: "toLocaleLowerCase" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "locale" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "options" type: "QJSValue" } } Method { name: "toLowerCase" type: "QString" } Method { name: "toUpperCase" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "locale" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "options" type: "QJSValue" } } Method { name: "toUpperCase" type: "QString" } Method { name: "trim" type: "QString" } Method { name: "valueOf" type: "QString" } Property { name: "length" type: "int" } } Component { name: "QString" prototype: "StringPrototype" exports: ["QML/string 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] accessSemantics: "value" } Component { name: "Boolean" isSingleton: true prototype: "BooleanPrototype" } Component { name: "BooleanPrototype" Method { name: "toString" type: "QString" } Method { name: "valueOf" type: "bool" } } Component { name: "bool" prototype: "BooleanPrototype" exports: ["QML/bool 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] accessSemantics: "value" } Component { name: "Date" isSingleton: true prototype: "DatePrototype" // Date ( year, month [, date [ , hours [ , minutes [ , seconds [ , ms ] ] ] ] ] ) Method { name: "now" type: "DatePrototype" } Method { name: "parse" type: "DatePrototype" Parameter { name: "string" type: "QString" } } Method { name: "UTC" type: "DatePrototype" Parameter { name: "year" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "month" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "date" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "hours" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "minutes" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "seconds" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "ms" type: "int" } } } Component { name: "DatePrototype" Method { name: "getDate" type: "int" } Method { name: "getDay" type: "int" } Method { name: "getFullYear" type: "int" } Method { name: "getHours" type: "int" } Method { name: "getMilliseconds" type: "int" } Method { name: "getMinutes" type: "int" } Method { name: "getMonth" type: "int" } Method { name: "getSeconds" type: "int" } Method { name: "getTime" type: "double" } Method { name: "getTimeZoneOffset" type: "double" } Method { name: "getUTCDate" type: "int" } Method { name: "getUTCDay" type: "int" } Method { name: "getUTCFullYear" type: "int" } Method { name: "getUTCHours" type: "int" } Method { name: "getUTCMilliseconds" type: "int" } Method { name: "getUTCMinutes" type: "int" } Method { name: "getUTCMonth" type: "int" } Method { name: "getUTCSeconds" type: "int" } Method { name: "setDate" type: "Date" Parameter { name: "date" type: "DatePrototype" } } Method { name: "setFullYear" type: "Date" Parameter { name: "year" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "month" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "date" type: "int" } } Method { name: "setHours" type: "Date" Parameter { name: "hour" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "min" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "sec" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "ms" type: "int" } } Method { name: "setMilliseconds" type: "Date" Parameter { name: "ms" type: "int" } } Method { name: "setMinutes" type: "Date" Parameter { name: "min" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "sec" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "ms" type: "int" } } Method { name: "setMonth" type: "Date" Parameter { name: "month" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "date" type: "int" } } Method { name: "setSeconds" type: "Date" Parameter { name: "seconds" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "ms" type: "int" } } Method { name: "setTime" type: "Date" Parameter { name: "time" type: "int" } } Method { name: "setUTCDate" type: "Date" Parameter { name: "date" type: "DatePrototype" } } Method { name: "setUTCFullYear" type: "Date" Parameter { name: "year" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "month" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "date" type: "int" } } Method { name: "setUTCHours" type: "Date" Parameter { name: "hour" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "min" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "sec" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "ms" type: "int" } } Method { name: "setUTCMilliseconds" type: "Date" Parameter { name: "ms" type: "int" } } Method { name: "setUTCMinutes" type: "Date" Parameter { name: "min" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "sec" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "ms" type: "int" } } Method { name: "setUTCMonth" type: "Date" Parameter { name: "month" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "date" type: "int" } } Method { name: "setUTCSeconds" type: "Date" Parameter { name: "seconds" type: "int" } Parameter { name: "ms" type: "int" } } Method { name: "toDateString" type: "QString" } Method { name: "toISOString" type: "QString" } Method { name: "toJSON" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "key" type: "QJSValue" // ignored } } Method { name: "toLocaleDateString" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "locale" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "options" type: "QJSValue" } } Method { name: "toLocaleDateDateString" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "locale" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "options" type: "QJSValue" } } Method { name: "toLocaleDateTimeString" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "locale" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "options" type: "QJSValue" } } Method { name: "toLocaleString" type: "QString" Parameter { name: "locale" type: "QString" } Parameter { name: "options" type: "QJSValue" } } Method { name: "toString" type: "QString" } Method { name: "toTimeString" type: "QString" } Method { name: "toUTCString" type: "QString" } Method { name: "valueOf" type: "Date" } } Component { name: "Date" prototype: "DatePrototype" } Component { name: "QDateTime" exports: ["QML/date 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] accessSemantics: "value" } Component { name: "QUrl" exports: ["QML/url 1.0"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [256] accessSemantics: "value" } }