import QtQuick.tooling 1.2 // This file describes the plugin-supplied types contained in the library. // It is used for QML tooling purposes only. // // This file was auto-generated by: // 'qmlplugindump -nonrelocatable QtQml.Models 2.3' Module { dependencies: ["QtQuick 2.8"] Component { name: "QItemSelectionModel" prototype: "QObject" exports: ["QtQml.Models/ItemSelectionModel 2.2"] exportMetaObjectRevisions: [0] Enum { name: "SelectionFlags" values: { "NoUpdate": 0, "Clear": 1, "Select": 2, "Deselect": 4, "Toggle": 8, "Current": 16, "Rows": 32, "Columns": 64, "SelectCurrent": 18, "ToggleCurrent": 24, "ClearAndSelect": 3 } } Property { name: "model"; type: "QAbstractItemModel"; isPointer: true } Property { name: "hasSelection"; type: "bool"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "currentIndex"; type: "QModelIndex"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "selection"; type: "QItemSelection"; isReadonly: true } Property { name: "selectedIndexes"; type: "QModelIndexList"; isReadonly: true } Signal { name: "selectionChanged" Parameter { name: "selected"; type: "QItemSelection" } Parameter { name: "deselected"; type: "QItemSelection" } } Signal { name: "currentChanged" Parameter { name: "current"; type: "QModelIndex" } Parameter { name: "previous"; type: "QModelIndex" } } Signal { name: "currentRowChanged" Parameter { name: "current"; type: "QModelIndex" } Parameter { name: "previous"; type: "QModelIndex" } } Signal { name: "currentColumnChanged" Parameter { name: "current"; type: "QModelIndex" } Parameter { name: "previous"; type: "QModelIndex" } } Signal { name: "modelChanged" Parameter { name: "model"; type: "QAbstractItemModel"; isPointer: true } } Method { name: "setCurrentIndex" Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" } Parameter { name: "command"; type: "QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags" } } Method { name: "select" Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" } Parameter { name: "command"; type: "QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags" } } Method { name: "select" Parameter { name: "selection"; type: "QItemSelection" } Parameter { name: "command"; type: "QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlags" } } Method { name: "clear" } Method { name: "reset" } Method { name: "clearSelection" } Method { name: "clearCurrentIndex" } Method { name: "isSelected" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "index"; type: "QModelIndex" } } Method { name: "isRowSelected" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" } } Method { name: "isColumnSelected" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" } } Method { name: "rowIntersectsSelection" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" } } Method { name: "columnIntersectsSelection" type: "bool" Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" } Parameter { name: "parent"; type: "QModelIndex" } } Method { name: "selectedRows" type: "QModelIndexList" Parameter { name: "column"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "selectedRows"; type: "QModelIndexList" } Method { name: "selectedColumns" type: "QModelIndexList" Parameter { name: "row"; type: "int" } } Method { name: "selectedColumns"; type: "QModelIndexList" } } }