# # Q6QmlMacros # # # Create a Qml Module. Arguments: # # URI: Declares the module identifier of the module. The module identifier is # the (dotted URI notation) identifier for the module, which must match the # module's install path. (REQUIRED) # # VERSION: The module's version. (REQUIRED) # # TARGET_PATH: Overwrite the generated target path. By default the target path # is generated from the URI by replacing the '.' with a '/'. However, under # certain circumstance this may not be enough. Use this argument to provide # a replacement. (OPTIONAL) # # RESOURCE_PREFIX: Resource Prefix to be used when generating a static library. # When building a static library, the qmldir file is embedded into the library # using rcc. It is is also used by the Qt Quick Compiler to embed compiled # Qml files into a shared or static library. If none is supplied we will # generate the following prefix: /org.qt-project/imports/${target_path}. # (OPTIONAL) # # OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: If the module is not to be build under # ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}. This ensures the qmldir file is copied to the # right location. (OPTIONAL) # # INSTALL_LOCATION: Intended installation directory for this module. If no # value is supplied, the default installation path will be ${INSTALL_QMLDIR}. # (OPTIONAL). # # DO_NOT_INSTALL_METADATA: When present, will not install the supporting files. # # INSTALL_QML_FILES: When present, will install the qml files along side the # plugin. # # SOURCES: List of C++ sources. (OPTIONAL) # # DEPENDENCIES: List of QML Module dependencies and their versions. The module # and its version must be separated via a slash(/). E.g. QtQuick/2.0 # # QML_FILES: List of Qml files. See qt6_target_qml_files for more information # on how to specify additional properties on qml files. (OPTIONAL) # # CLASSNAME: Provides the class name of the C++ plugin used by the module. This # information is required for all the QML modules that depend on a C++ plugin # for additional functionality. Qt Quick applications built with static # linking cannot resolve the module imports without this information. # (REQUIRED for static targets) # # DESIGNER_SUPPORTED: Specify this argument if the plugin is supported by Qt # Quick Designer. By default, the plugin will not be supported. (OPTIONAL) # # TYPEINFO: Path to a file which declares a type description file for the module # that can be read by QML tools such as Qt Creator to access information about # the types defined by the module's plugins. (OPTIONAL) # # IMPORTS: List of other Qml Modules that this module imports. (OPTIONAL) # # RESOURCE_EXPORT: In static builds, when Qml files are processed via the Qt # Quick Compiler generate a separate static library that will be linked in # as an Interface. Supply an output variable to perform any custom actions # on these extra generated targets. # # SKIP_TYPE_REGISTRATION: When present will cause the generated qmldir file # to not list any qml types. These are expected to be registered by the # c++ plugin code instead. # function(qt6_add_qml_module target) set(args_optional GENERATE_QMLTYPES DESIGNER_SUPPORTED DO_NOT_INSTALL_METADATA SKIP_TYPE_REGISTRATION INSTALL_QML_FILES ) if (QT_BUILDING_QT) list(APPEND args_optional DO_NOT_CREATE_TARGET) endif() set(args_single RESOURCE_PREFIX URI TARGET_PATH VERSION OUTPUT_DIRECTORY INSTALL_LOCATION CLASSNAME TYPEINFO RESOURCE_EXPORT ) set(args_multi SOURCES QML_FILES IMPORTS DEPENDENCIES ) cmake_parse_arguments(arg "${args_optional}" "${args_single}" "${args_multi}" ${ARGN} ) if (NOT arg_URI) message(FATAL_ERROR "qt6_add_qml_module called without a module URI. Please specify one using the URI argument.") endif() if (NOT arg_VERSION) message(FATAL_ERROR "qt6_add_qml_module called without a module version. Please specify one using the VERSION argument.") endif() if (NOT "${arg_VERSION}" MATCHES "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+") message(FATAL_ERROR "qt6_add_qml_module called with an invalid version argument: '${arg_VERSION}'. Expected version style: VersionMajor.VersionMinor.") endif() if (NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS AND NOT arg_CLASSNAME) message(FATAL_ERROR "qt6_add_qml_module Static builds of Qml modules require a class name, none was provided. Please specify one using the CLASSNAME argument.") endif() if (arg_DO_NOT_CREATE_TARGET AND NOT TARGET ${target}) message(FATAL_ERROR "qt6_add_qml_module called with DO_NOT_CREATE_TARGET, but the given target '${target}' is not a cmake target") endif() if (arg_DO_NOT_CREATE_TARGET) get_target_property(target_type ${target} TYPE) if (target_type STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY") set(is_static TRUE) elseif(target_type STREQUAL "MODULE_LIBRARY") set(is_static FALSE) else() message(FATAL_ERROR "qt6_add_qml_module called with DO_NOT_CREATE_TARGET, but target '${target}' is neither a static or a module library.") endif() else() if(NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) add_library(${target} STATIC) set(is_static TRUE) else() add_library(${target} MODULE) set(is_static FALSE) endif() endif() if (NOT arg_TARGET_PATH) string(REPLACE "." "/" arg_TARGET_PATH ${arg_URI}) endif() if (NOT arg_RESOURCE_PREFIX) set(arg_RESOURCE_PREFIX "/org.qt-project/imports") endif() if (NOT arg_INSTALL_LOCATION) set(arg_INSTALL_LOCATION "${INSTALL_QMLDIR}/${arg_TARGET_PATH}") endif() set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES QT_QML_MODULE_TARGET_PATH ${arg_TARGET_PATH} QT_QML_MODULE_URI ${arg_URI} QT_RESOURCE_PREFIX ${arg_RESOURCE_PREFIX}/${arg_TARGET_PATH} QT_QML_MODULE_VERSION ${arg_VERSION} QT_QML_MODULE_INSTALL_DIR ${arg_INSTALL_LOCATION} QT_QML_MODULE_RESOURCE_EXPORT "${arg_RESOURCE_EXPORT}" ) if (arg_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY AND NOT DO_NOT_CREATE_TARGET) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${arg_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${arg_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY} ) endif() if (arg_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) set(target_output_dir ${arg_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}) else() if(is_static) get_target_property(target_output_dir ${target} ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) else() get_target_property(target_output_dir ${target} LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) endif() endif() if (arg_INSTALL_QML_FILES) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES QT_QML_MODULE_INSTALL_QML_FILES TRUE) endif() if (arg_SKIP_TYPE_REGISTRATION) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES QT_QML_MODULE_SKIP_TYPE_REGISTRATION TRUE) endif() if (arg_SOURCES) target_sources(${target} PRIVATE ${arg_SOURCES}) endif() # Tracker so we can generate unique resource names for multiple # target_qml_files() calls. set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES QT6_QML_MODULE_ADD_QML_FILES_COUNT 1) # Generate qmldir file set(qmldir_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/qmldir") set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES QT_QML_MODULE_QMLDIR_FILE ${qmldir_file}) set(qmldir_file_contents "module ${arg_URI}\n") string(APPEND qmldir_file_contents "plugin ${target}\n") if (arg_CLASSNAME) string(APPEND qmldir_file_contents "classname ${arg_CLASSNAME}\n") endif() if (arg_DESIGNER_SUPPORTED) string(APPEND qmldir_file_contents "designersupported\n") endif() if (arg_TYPEINFO) string(APPEND qmldir_file_contents "typeinfo ${arg_TYPEINFO}\n") else() # This always need to be written out since at the moment we have cases # where qmltyperegistrar is not run with the plugin but on a module # e.g: src/qml generates the qmltypes for src/imports/qtqml. # When this has been fixed/standardized we should move this to # qt6_qml_type_registration() so that it is written out when the # plugins.qmltypes is actually generated. string(APPEND qmldir_file_contents "typeinfo plugins.qmltypes\n") endif() foreach(import IN LISTS arg_IMPORTS) string(APPEND qmldir_file_contents "import ${import}\n") endforeach() foreach(dependency IN LISTS arg_DEPENDENCIES) string(FIND ${dependency} "/" slash_position REVERSE) if (slash_position EQUAL -1) message(FATAL_ERROR "Dependencies should follow the format 'ModuleName/VersionMajor.VersionMinor'") endif() string(SUBSTRING ${dependency} 0 ${slash_position} dep_module) math(EXPR slash_position "${slash_position} + 1") string(SUBSTRING ${dependency} ${slash_position} -1 dep_version) if (NOT dep_version MATCHES "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+") message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid module dependency version number. Expected VersionMajor.VersionMinor.") endif() string(APPEND qmldir_file_contents "depends ${dep_module} ${dep_version}\n") endforeach() file(WRITE ${qmldir_file} ${qmldir_file_contents}) # Process qml files if (arg_QML_FILES) qt6_target_qml_files(${target} FILES ${arg_QML_FILES}) endif() # Embed qmldir in static builds if (is_static) string(REPLACE "/" "_" qmldir_resource_name ${arg_TARGET_PATH}) string(APPEND qmldir_resource_name "_qmldir") set_source_files_properties("${qmldir_file}" PROPERTIES QT_RESOURCE_ALIAS "qmldir" ) set(resource_target "Foo") QT6_ADD_RESOURCES(${target} ${qmldir_resource_name} PREFIX ${target_resource_prefix} FILES "${qmldir_file}" OUTPUT_TARGETS resource_targets ) if (resource_targets AND arg_RESOURCE_EXPORT) install(TARGETS ${resource_targets} EXPORT "${arg_RESOURCE_EXPORT}" DESTINATION ${arg_INSTALL_LOCATION} ) endif() else() # Copy QMLDIR file to build directory add_custom_command(TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${qmldir_file} ${target_output_dir} ) # Install QMLDIR file if (NOT DO_NOT_INSTALL_METADATA) install(FILES ${qmldir_file} DESTINATION ${arg_INSTALL_LOCATION} ) endif() endif() # Install and Copy plugin.qmltypes if exists set(target_plugin_qmltypes "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/plugins.qmltypes") if (EXISTS ${target_plugin_qmltypes}) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES QT_QML_MODULE_PLUGIN_TYPES_FILE "${target_plugin_qmltypes}" ) file(APPEND ${qmldir_file} "typeinfo plugins.qmltypes\n") if (NOT arg_DO_NOT_INSTALL_METADATA) install(FILES ${target_plugin_qmltypes} DESTINATION ${arg_INSTALL_LOCATION} ) endif() add_custom_command(TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${target_plugin_qmltypes} ${target_output_dir} ) endif() # Copy/Install type info file if (EXISTS ${arg_TYPEINFO}) if (NOT arg_DO_NOT_INSTALL_METADATA) install(FILES ${arg_TYPEINFO} DESTINATION ${arg_INSTALL_LOCATION} ) endif() add_custom_command(TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${arg_TYPEINFO} ${target_output_dir} ) endif() # Generate meta types data if (arg_GENERATE_QMLTYPES) qt6_qml_type_registration(${target}) endif() endfunction() # # Add Qml files (.qml,.js,.mjs) to a Qml module. This will also append the # qml files to the qmldir file of the module. Two source file properties can # be used to control the generated qmldir entry. # # QT_QML_SOURCE_VERSION: Version for this qml file. If not present the module # version will be used. # QT_QML_SOURCE_TYPENAME: Override the file's type name. If not present the # type name will be deduced using the file's basename. # QT_QML_SINGLETON_TYPE: Set to true if this qml file contains a singleton # type. # QT_QML_INTERNAL_TYPE: When set to true, the type specified by # QT_QML_SOURCE_TYPENAME will not be available to users of this module. # # e.g.: # set_source_files_properties(my_qml_file.qml # PROPERTIES # QT_QML_SOURCE_VERSION 2.0 # QT_QML_SOURCE_TYPENAME MyQmlFile # # qt6_target_qml_files(my_qml_module # FILES # my_qml_file.qml # ) # # Will produce the following entry in the qmldir file # # MyQmlFile 2.0 my_qml_file.qml # # function(qt6_target_qml_files target) cmake_parse_arguments(arg "" "" "FILES" ${ARGN}) get_target_property(resource_count ${target} QT6_QML_MODULE_ADD_QML_FILES_COUNT) get_target_property(qmldir_file ${target} QT_QML_MODULE_QMLDIR_FILE) get_target_property(install_qml_files ${target} QT_QML_MODULE_INSTALL_QML_FILES) if (NOT qmldir_file) message(FATAL_ERROR "qt6_target_qml_file: ${target} is not a Qml module") endif() if (NOT arg_FILES) return() endif() math(EXPR new_count "${resource_count} + 1") set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES QT6_QML_MODULE_ADD_QML_FILES_COUNT ${new_count}) qt6_add_resources(${target} "qml_files${new_count}" FILES ${arg_FILES} OUTPUT_TARGETS resource_targets ) get_target_property(skip_type_registration ${target} QT_QML_MODULE_SKIP_TYPE_REGISTRATION) get_target_property(target_resource_export ${target} QT_QML_MODULE_RESOURCE_EXPORT) get_target_property(qml_module_install_dir ${target} QT_QML_MODULE_INSTALL_DIR) if (resource_targets) install(TARGETS ${resource_targets} EXPORT "${target_resource_export}" DESTINATION ${qm_module_install_dir} ) endif() set(file_contents "") foreach(qml_file IN LISTS arg_FILES) if (install_qml_files) if (NOT QT_WILL_INSTALL) file(COPY "${qml_file}" DESTINATION "${qml_module_install_dir}") else() install(FILES "${qml_file}" DESTINATION "${qml_module_install_dir}") endif() endif() if (skip_type_registration AND qml_file MATCHES "\\.qml$") continue() endif() get_source_file_property(qml_file_version ${qml_file} QT_QML_SOURCE_VERSION) get_source_file_property(qml_file_typename ${qml_file} QT_QML_SOURCE_TYPENAME) get_source_file_property(qml_file_singleton ${qml_file} QT_QML_SINGLETON_TYPE) get_source_file_property(qml_file_internal ${qml_file} QT_QML_INTERNAL_TYPE) get_target_property(qml_module_version ${target} QT_QML_MODULE_VERSION) if (NOT qml_file_version) set(qml_file_version ${qml_module_version}) endif() if (NOT qml_file_typename) get_filename_component(qml_file_typename ${qml_file} NAME_WLE) endif() if (qml_file_singleton) string(APPEND file_contents "[singleton] ") endif() string(APPEND file_contents "${qml_file_typename} ${qml_file_version} ${qml_file}\n") if (qml_file_internal) string(APPEND file_contents "internal ${qml_file_typename} ${qml_file}\n") endif() endforeach() file(APPEND ${qmldir_file} ${file_contents}) endfunction() function(qt6_qml_type_registration target) get_target_property(import_name ${target} QT_QML_MODULE_URI) if (NOT import_name) message(FATAL_ERROR "Target ${target} is not a QML module") endif() cmake_parse_arguments(args "COPY_OVER_INSTALL" "INSTALL_DIR" "" ${ARGN}) set(meta_types_args) if (QT_BUILDING_QT AND NOT QT_WILL_INSTALL) set(arg_COPY_OVER_INSTALL TRUE) endif() if (arg_INSTALL_DIR) list(APPEND meta_types_args INSTALL_DIR "${arg_INSTALL_DIR}") endif() if (arg_COPY_OVER_INSTALL) list(APPEND meta_types_args COPY_OVER_INSTALL) endif() qt6_generate_meta_types_json_file(${target} ${meta_types_args}) get_target_property(import_version ${target} QT_QML_MODULE_VERSION) get_target_property(target_source_dir ${target} SOURCE_DIR) get_target_property(target_binary_dir ${target} BINARY_DIR) get_target_property(target_metatypes_file ${target} INTERFACE_QT_META_TYPES_BUILD_FILE) if (NOT target_metatypes_file) message(FATAL_ERROR "Target ${target} does not have a meta types file") endif() # Extract major and minor version if (NOT import_version MATCHES "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+") message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid module dependency version number. Expected VersionMajor.VersionMinor.") endif() string(FIND "${import_version}" "." dot_location) string(SUBSTRING ${import_version} 0 ${dot_location} major_version) math(EXPR dot_location "${dot_location}+1") string(SUBSTRING ${import_version} ${dot_location} -1 minor_version) # check if plugins.qmltypes is already defined get_target_property(target_plugin_qmltypes ${target} QT_QML_MODULE_PLUGIN_TYPES_FILE) if (target_plugin_qmltypes) message(FATAL_ERROR "Target ${target} already has a plugins.qmltypes set.") endif() set(cmd_args) set(plugin_types_file ${target_binary_dir}/plugins.qmltypes) set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES QT_QML_MODULE_PLUGIN_TYPES_FILE ${plugin_types_file} ) list(APPEND cmd_args --generate-qmltypes=${plugin_types_file} --import-name=${import_name} --major-version=${major_version} --minor-version=${minor_version} ) # Run a script to recursively evaluate all the metatypes.json files in order # to collect all foreign types. string(TOLOWER "${target}_qmltyperegistrations.cpp" type_registration_cpp_file_name) set(foreign_types_file "${target_binary_dir}/qmltypes/foreign_types.txt") set(type_registration_cpp_file "${target_binary_dir}/${type_registration_cpp_file_name}") set(dependency_file_cpp "${target_binary_dir}/qmltypes/${type_registration_cpp_file_name}.d") file(RELATIVE_PATH cpp_file_name "${${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}_BINARY_DIR}" "${type_registration_cpp_file}") set (use_dep_files FALSE) if (CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL "Ninja" OR CMAKE_GENERATOR STREQUAL "Ninja Multi-Config") set(use_dep_files TRUE) endif() # Enable evaluation of metatypes.json source interfaces set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES QT_CONSUMES_METATYPES TRUE) set(genex_list "$,INCLUDE,metatypes.json$>>") set(genex_main "$>") file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${foreign_types_file}" CONTENT "$,--foreign-types=${genex_main},\n>" ) list(APPEND cmd_args "@${foreign_types_file}" ) set(dependencies_json_file "${target_source_dir}/dependencies.json") if (EXISTS ${dependencies_json_file}) list(APPEND cmd_args --dependencies=${dependencies_json_file}) endif() if (TARGET ${target}Private) list(APPEND cmd_args --private-includes) endif() get_target_property(target_metatypes_json_file ${target} INTERFACE_QT_META_TYPES_BUILD_FILE) if (NOT target_metatypes_json_file) message(FATAL_ERROR "Need target metatypes.json file") endif() set(registration_cpp_file_dep_args) if (use_dep_files) set(registration_cpp_file_dep_args DEPFILE ${dependency_file_cpp}) file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${dependency_file_cpp}" CONTENT "${cpp_file_name}: $,\\\n$, \\\n>" ) endif() set(extra_env_command) if (WIN32) file(TO_NATIVE_PATH "${${PROJECT_NAME}_BINARY_DIR}/bin$${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${INSTALL_BINDIR}$%PATH%" env_path_native) set(extra_env_command COMMAND set PATH=${env_path_native}) endif() add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${type_registration_cpp_file} DEPENDS ${foreign_types_file} ${target_metatypes_json_file} ${QT_CMAKE_EXPORT_NAMESPACE}::qmltyperegistrar ${extra_env_command} COMMAND $ ${cmd_args} -o ${type_registration_cpp_file} ${target_metatypes_json_file} ${registration_cpp_file_dep_args} COMMENT "Automatic QML type registration for target ${target}" ) target_sources(${target} PRIVATE ${type_registration_cpp_file}) set_source_files_properties(${type_registration_cpp_file} PROPERTIES SKIP_AUTOGEN ON ) # Only install qml types if necessary get_target_property(install_qmltypes ${target} QT_QML_MODULE_INSTALL_QMLTYPES) if (install_qmltypes) get_target_property(qml_install_dir ${target} QT_QML_MODULE_INSTALL_DIR) if(NOT arg_COPY_OVER_INSTALL) install(FILES ${plugin_types_file} DESTINATION ${qml_install_dir}) else() add_custom_command(TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "${plugin_types_file}" "${qml_install_dir}/plugins.qmltypes" COMMENT "Copying ${plugin_types_file} to ${qml_install_dir}" ) endif() endif() target_include_directories(${target} PRIVATE $ ) endfunction()