{ "module": "qml", "depends": [ "core-private", "network-private" ], "commandline": { "options": { "qml-network": "boolean", "qml-debug": "boolean" } }, "features": { "qml-network": { "label": "QML network support", "purpose": "Provides network transparency.", "section": "QML", "condition": "features.network", "output": [ "publicFeature" ] }, "qml-debug": { "label": "QML debugging and profiling support", "purpose": "Provides infrastructure and plugins for debugging and profiling.", "section": "QML", "output": [ "publicFeature" ] }, "qml-profiler": { "label": "Command line QML Profiler", "purpose": "Supports retrieving QML tracing data from an application.", "section": "QML", "condition": [ "features.commandlineparser", "features.qml-debug", "features.qml-network && features.localserver", "features.xmlstreamwriter" ], "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "qml-preview": { "label": "Command line QML Preview tool", "purpose": "Updates QML documents in your application live as you change them on disk", "section": "QML", "condition": [ "features.commandlineparser", "features.filesystemwatcher", "features.qml-network && features.localserver", "features.process", "features.qml-debug" ], "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "qml-devtools": { "label": "QML Development Tools", "purpose": "Provides the QmlDevtools library and various utilities.", "section": "QML", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "qml-sequence-object": { "label": "QML sequence object", "purpose": "Supports mapping sequence types into QML.", "section": "QML", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "qml-list-model": { "label": "QML list model", "purpose": "Provides the ListModel QML type.", "section": "QML", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "qml-xml-http-request": { "label": "QML XML http request", "purpose": "Provides support for sending XML http requests.", "section": "QML", "condition": [ "features.xmlstreamreader", "features.qml-network" ], "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "qml-locale": { "label": "QML Locale", "purpose": "Provides support for locales in QML.", "section": "QML", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "qml-animation": { "label": "QML Animations", "purpose": "Provides support for animations and timers in QML.", "section": "QML", "condition": "features.animation", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "qml-delegate-model": { "label": "QML delegate model", "purpose": "Provides the DelegateModel QML type.", "section": "QML", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] }, "qml-worker-script": { "label": "QML WorkerScript", "purpose": "Enables the use of threads in QML.", "section": "QML", "condition": "features.thread", "output": [ "privateFeature" ] } }, "summary": [ { "section": "Qt QML", "entries": [ "qml-network", "qml-debug", "qml-sequence-object", "qml-list-model", "qml-xml-http-request", "qml-locale", "qml-delegate-model" ] } ] }