// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause /* Disclaimer: This file is an "as is" copy of the C++ header generated for the accompanying HelloWorld.qml. Its pieces are used to: * verify that the generated code is similar to what is contained in this file * provide documentation snippets for the qmltc docs Note: all the stuff below MAGIC_QMLTC_TEST_DELIMITER_LINE comment participates in the aforementioned activities. Prefer to put arbitrary stuff before that comment. */ // MAGIC_QMLTC_TEST_DELIMITER_LINE //! [qmltc-hello-world-generated] class HelloWorld : public QObject { Q_OBJECT QML_ELEMENT Q_PROPERTY(QString hello WRITE setHello READ hello BINDABLE bindableHello) public: HelloWorld(QQmlEngine* engine, QObject* parent = nullptr); Q_SIGNALS: void created(); public: void setHello(const QString& hello_); QString hello(); QBindable bindableHello(); Q_INVOKABLE void printHello(QString prefix, QString suffix); // ... }; //! [qmltc-hello-world-generated]