// Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause //![qjs-engine-example] QJSEngine engine; // We create an object with a read-only property whose getter throws an exception auto val = engine.evaluate("let o = { get f() {throw 42;} }; o"); val.property("f"); qDebug() << engine.hasError(); // prints false // This time, we construct a QJSManagedValue before accessing the property val = engine.evaluate("let o = { get f() {throw 42;} }; o"); QJSManagedValue managed(std::move(val), &engine); managed.property("f"); qDebug() << engine.hasError(); // prints true QJSValue error = engine.catchError(); Q_ASSERT(error.toInt(), 42); //![qjs-engine-example]