// Copyright (C) 2023 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \group qtqml-tooling \title Qt Qml Tooling \brief List of Qt Qml Tools and Utilities The Qt Qml module provides a range of tools and utilities that enhance the developer and designer experience and includes some internal tools used by Qt. The following sections offer a concise overview of these tools and utilities, along with links to additional information about each of them. \section1 Developer Tools A set of tools provided by the Qt Qml module that aim to facilitate a QML developer's life during various phases of development. These tools are: \list \li \l {qmllint Reference}{qmllint} \li \l {qmlformat} \li \l {\QMLLS Reference}{qmlls} \li \l {qmlprofiler} \endlist \section1 Designer Tools The Qt Qml module also provides user facing tools which can increase the productivity of designers by helping them with fast prototyping. These tools are: \list \li \l{qml} \li \l{qmlpreview} \endlist \section1 Internal Tools Certain utility tools are not intended for direct user interaction. Instead, they are all meant to be invoked by the build system, augmenting its functionality and capabilities. \list \li \l {QML type compiler} \li \l {QML script compiler} \li \l {qmltyperegistrar} \li \l {qmlimportscanner} \endlist */