// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace QV4; int Value::toUInt16() const { if (integerCompatible()) return (ushort)(uint)integerValue(); double number = toNumber(); double D16 = 65536.0; if ((number >= 0 && number < D16)) return static_cast(number); if (!std::isfinite(number)) return +0; double d = ::floor(::fabs(number)); if (std::signbit(number)) d = -d; number = ::fmod(d , D16); if (number < 0) number += D16; return (unsigned short)number; } bool Value::toBooleanImpl(Value val) { if (val.isManagedOrUndefined()) { Heap::Base *b = val.m(); if (!b) return false; if (b->internalClass->vtable->isString) return static_cast(b)->length() > 0; return true; } // double double d = val.doubleValue(); return d && !std::isnan(d); } double Value::toNumberImpl(Value val) { switch (val.type()) { case QV4::Value::Undefined_Type: return std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); case QV4::Value::Managed_Type: if (String *s = val.stringValue()) return RuntimeHelpers::stringToNumber(s->toQString()); if (val.isSymbol()) { Managed &m = static_cast(val); m.engine()->throwTypeError(); return 0; } { Q_ASSERT(val.isObject()); Scope scope(val.objectValue()->engine()); ScopedValue protectThis(scope, val); ScopedValue prim(scope, RuntimeHelpers::toPrimitive(val, NUMBER_HINT)); if (scope.hasException()) return 0; return prim->toNumber(); } case QV4::Value::Null_Type: case QV4::Value::Boolean_Type: case QV4::Value::Integer_Type: return val.int_32(); default: // double Q_UNREACHABLE(); } } static QString primitiveToQString(const Value *value) { switch (value->type()) { case Value::Empty_Type: Q_ASSERT(!"empty Value encountered"); Q_UNREACHABLE_RETURN(QString()); case Value::Undefined_Type: return QStringLiteral("undefined"); case Value::Null_Type: return QStringLiteral("null"); case Value::Boolean_Type: if (value->booleanValue()) return QStringLiteral("true"); else return QStringLiteral("false"); case Value::Managed_Type: Q_UNREACHABLE_RETURN(QString()); case Value::Integer_Type: { QString str; RuntimeHelpers::numberToString(&str, (double)value->int_32(), 10); return str; } case Value::Double_Type: { QString str; RuntimeHelpers::numberToString(&str, value->doubleValue(), 10); return str; } } // switch Q_UNREACHABLE_RETURN(QString()); } QString Value::toQStringNoThrow() const { if (isManaged()) { if (String *s = stringValue()) return s->toQString(); if (Symbol *s = symbolValue()) return s->descriptiveString(); Q_ASSERT(isObject()); Scope scope(objectValue()->engine()); ScopedValue ex(scope); bool caughtException = false; ScopedValue prim(scope, RuntimeHelpers::toPrimitive(*this, STRING_HINT)); if (scope.hasException()) { ex = scope.engine->catchException(); caughtException = true; } else if (prim->isPrimitive()) { return prim->toQStringNoThrow(); } // Can't nest try/catch due to CXX ABI limitations for foreign exception nesting. if (caughtException) { ScopedValue prim(scope, RuntimeHelpers::toPrimitive(ex, STRING_HINT)); if (scope.hasException()) { ex = scope.engine->catchException(); } else if (prim->isPrimitive()) { return prim->toQStringNoThrow(); } } return QString(); } return primitiveToQString(this); } QString Value::toQString() const { if (isManaged()) { if (String *s = stringValue()) return s->toQString(); if (isSymbol()) { static_cast(this)->engine()->throwTypeError(); return QString(); } Q_ASSERT(isObject()); Scope scope(objectValue()->engine()); ScopedValue prim(scope, RuntimeHelpers::toPrimitive(*this, STRING_HINT)); return prim->toQString(); } return primitiveToQString(this); } QString Value::toQString(bool *ok) const { if (isManaged()) { if (String *s = stringValue()) { *ok = true; return s->toQString(); } if (isSymbol()) { static_cast(this)->engine()->throwTypeError(); *ok = false; return QString(); } Q_ASSERT(isObject()); Scope scope(objectValue()->engine()); ScopedValue prim(scope, RuntimeHelpers::toPrimitive(*this, STRING_HINT)); if (scope.hasException()) { *ok = false; return QString(); } return prim->toQString(ok); } return primitiveToQString(this); } QV4::PropertyKey Value::toPropertyKey(ExecutionEngine *e) const { if (isInteger() && int_32() >= 0) return PropertyKey::fromArrayIndex(static_cast(int_32())); if (isStringOrSymbol()) { Scope scope(e); ScopedStringOrSymbol s(scope, this); return s->toPropertyKey(); } Scope scope(e); ScopedValue v(scope, RuntimeHelpers::toPrimitive(*this, STRING_HINT)); if (!v->isStringOrSymbol()) v = v->toString(e); if (e->hasException) return PropertyKey::invalid(); ScopedStringOrSymbol s(scope, v); return s->toPropertyKey(); } bool Value::sameValue(Value other) const { if (_val == other._val) return true; String *s = stringValue(); String *os = other.stringValue(); if (s && os) return s->isEqualTo(os); if (isInteger() && other.isDouble()) return int_32() ? (double(int_32()) == other.doubleValue()) : (other.doubleValue() == 0 && !std::signbit(other.doubleValue())); if (isDouble() && other.isInteger()) return other.int_32() ? (doubleValue() == double(other.int_32())) : (doubleValue() == 0 && !std::signbit(doubleValue())); if (isManaged()) return other.isManaged() && cast()->isEqualTo(other.cast()); return false; } bool Value::sameValueZero(Value other) const { if (_val == other._val) return true; String *s = stringValue(); String *os = other.stringValue(); if (s && os) return s->isEqualTo(os); if (isInteger() && other.isDouble()) return double(int_32()) == other.doubleValue(); if (isDouble() && other.isInteger()) return other.int_32() == doubleValue(); if (isDouble() && other.isDouble()) { if (doubleValue() == 0 && other.doubleValue() == 0) { return true; } } if (isManaged()) return other.isManaged() && cast()->isEqualTo(other.cast()); return false; } Heap::String *Value::toString(ExecutionEngine *e, Value val) { return RuntimeHelpers::convertToString(e, val); } Heap::Object *Value::toObject(ExecutionEngine *e, Value val) { return RuntimeHelpers::convertToObject(e, val); } uint Value::asArrayLength(bool *ok) const { *ok = true; if (isInteger()) { if (int_32() >= 0) { return (uint)int_32(); } else { *ok = false; return UINT_MAX; } } if (isNumber()) { double d = doubleValue(); uint idx = (uint)d; if (idx != d) { *ok = false; return UINT_MAX; } return idx; } if (String *s = stringValue()) return s->toUInt(ok); uint idx = toUInt32(); double d = toNumber(); if (d != idx) { *ok = false; return UINT_MAX; } return idx; }