TARGET = QtQml QT = core-private qtConfig(qml-network): \ QT += network DEFINES += QT_NO_URL_CAST_FROM_STRING QT_NO_INTEGER_EVENT_COORDINATES msvc:equals(QT_ARCH, i386): QMAKE_LFLAGS += /BASE:0x66000000 win32-msvc*:DEFINES *= _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS win32:!winrt:LIBS += -lshell32 solaris-cc*:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE -= -O2 # Ensure this gcc optimization is switched off for mips platforms to avoid trouble with JIT. gcc:isEqual(QT_ARCH, "mips"): QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fno-reorder-blocks DEFINES += QT_NO_FOREACH !build_pass { # Create a header containing a hash that describes this library. For a # released version of Qt, we'll use the .tag file that is updated by git # archive with the commit hash. For unreleased versions, we'll ask git # describe. Note that it won't update unless qmake is run again, even if # the commit change also changed something in this library. tagFile = $$PWD/../../.tag tag = exists($$tagFile) { tag = $$cat($$tagFile, singleline) QMAKE_INTERNAL_INCLUDED_FILES += $$tagFile } !equals(tag, "$${LITERAL_DOLLAR}Format:%H$${LITERAL_DOLLAR}") { QML_COMPILE_HASH = $$tag } else:exists($$PWD/../../.git) { commit = $$system(git describe --tags --always --long --dirty) QML_COMPILE_HASH = $$commit } compile_hash_contents = \ "// Generated file, DO NOT EDIT" \ "$${LITERAL_HASH}define QML_COMPILE_HASH \"$$QML_COMPILE_HASH\"" write_file("$$OUT_PWD/qml_compile_hash_p.h", compile_hash_contents)|error() } exists("qqml_enable_gcov") { QMAKE_CXXFLAGS = -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -fno-elide-constructors LIBS_PRIVATE += -lgcov } # QTBUG-55238, disable new optimizer for MSVC 2015/Update 3. release:win32-msvc*:equals(QT_CL_MAJOR_VERSION, 19):equals(QT_CL_MINOR_VERSION, 00): \ greaterThan(QT_CL_PATCH_VERSION, 24212):QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -d2SSAOptimizer- QMAKE_DOCS = $$PWD/doc/qtqml.qdocconf # 2415: variable "xx" of static storage duration was declared but never referenced intel_icc: WERROR += -ww2415 # unused variable 'xx' [-Werror,-Wunused-const-variable] greaterThan(QT_CLANG_MAJOR_VERSION, 3)|greaterThan(QT_CLANG_MINOR_VERSION, 3)| \ greaterThan(QT_APPLE_CLANG_MAJOR_VERSION, 5)| \ if(equals(QT_APPLE_CLANG_MAJOR_VERSION, 5):greaterThan(QT_APPLE_CLANG_MINOR_VERSION, 0)): \ WERROR += -Wno-error=unused-const-variable HEADERS += qtqmlglobal.h \ qtqmlglobal_p.h #modules include(util/util.pri) include(memory/memory.pri) include(parser/parser.pri) include(compiler/compiler.pri) include(jsapi/jsapi.pri) include(jsruntime/jsruntime.pri) include(jit/jit.pri) include(qml/qml.pri) include(debugger/debugger.pri) qtConfig(animation) { include(animations/animations.pri) } include(types/types.pri) include(../3rdparty/masm/masm-defs.pri) include(../3rdparty/masm/masm.pri) MODULE_PLUGIN_TYPES = \ qmltooling load(qt_module)