// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #ifndef QQMLCOMPONENT_H #define QQMLCOMPONENT_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QByteArray; class QQmlEngine; class QQmlComponent; class QQmlIncubator; class QQmlComponentPrivate; class QQmlComponentAttached; namespace QV4 { class ExecutableCompilationUnit; } class Q_QML_EXPORT QQmlComponent : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE(QQmlComponent) Q_PROPERTY(qreal progress READ progress NOTIFY progressChanged) Q_PROPERTY(Status status READ status NOTIFY statusChanged) Q_PROPERTY(QUrl url READ url CONSTANT) public: enum CompilationMode { PreferSynchronous, Asynchronous }; Q_ENUM(CompilationMode) QQmlComponent(QObject *parent = nullptr); QQmlComponent(QQmlEngine *, QObject *parent = nullptr); QQmlComponent(QQmlEngine *, const QString &fileName, QObject *parent = nullptr); QQmlComponent(QQmlEngine *, const QString &fileName, CompilationMode mode, QObject *parent = nullptr); QQmlComponent(QQmlEngine *, const QUrl &url, QObject *parent = nullptr); QQmlComponent(QQmlEngine *, const QUrl &url, CompilationMode mode, QObject *parent = nullptr); explicit QQmlComponent(QQmlEngine *engine, QAnyStringView uri, QAnyStringView typeName, QObject *parent = nullptr); explicit QQmlComponent(QQmlEngine *engine, QAnyStringView uri, QAnyStringView typeName, CompilationMode mode, QObject *parent = nullptr); ~QQmlComponent() override; enum Status { Null, Ready, Loading, Error }; Q_ENUM(Status) Status status() const; bool isNull() const; bool isReady() const; bool isError() const; bool isLoading() const; bool isBound() const; QList errors() const; Q_INVOKABLE QString errorString() const; qreal progress() const; QUrl url() const; virtual QObject *create(QQmlContext *context = nullptr); QObject *createWithInitialProperties(const QVariantMap& initialProperties, QQmlContext *context = nullptr); void setInitialProperties(QObject *component, const QVariantMap &properties); virtual QObject *beginCreate(QQmlContext *); virtual void completeCreate(); void create(QQmlIncubator &, QQmlContext *context = nullptr, QQmlContext *forContext = nullptr); QQmlContext *creationContext() const; QQmlEngine *engine() const; static QQmlComponentAttached *qmlAttachedProperties(QObject *); public Q_SLOTS: void loadUrl(const QUrl &url); void loadUrl(const QUrl &url, CompilationMode mode); void loadFromModule(QAnyStringView uri, QAnyStringView typeName, QQmlComponent::CompilationMode mode = PreferSynchronous); void setData(const QByteArray &, const QUrl &baseUrl); Q_SIGNALS: void statusChanged(QQmlComponent::Status); void progressChanged(qreal); protected: QQmlComponent(QQmlComponentPrivate &dd, QObject* parent); #if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(6, 3) QT_DEPRECATED_X("Use the overload with proper arguments") Q_INVOKABLE void createObject(QQmlV4FunctionPtr); #endif Q_INVOKABLE QObject *createObject( QObject *parent = nullptr, const QVariantMap &properties = {}); Q_INVOKABLE void incubateObject(QQmlV4FunctionPtr); private: QQmlComponent(QQmlEngine *, QV4::ExecutableCompilationUnit *compilationUnit, int, QObject *parent); Q_DISABLE_COPY(QQmlComponent) friend class QQmlTypeData; friend class QQmlObjectCreator; }; // Don't do this at home. namespace QQmlPrivate { // Generally you cannot use QQmlComponentAttached as attached properties object in derived classes. // It is private. template struct OverridableAttachedType { using Type = void; }; // QQmlComponent itself is allowed to use QQmlComponentAttached, though. template<> struct OverridableAttachedType { using Type = QQmlComponentAttached; }; } // namespace QQmlPrivate QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif // QQMLCOMPONENT_H