// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #ifndef QQMLIMPORT_P_H #define QQMLIMPORT_P_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // // W A R N I N G // ------------- // // This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an // implementation detail. This header file may change from version to // version without notice, or even be removed. // // We mean it. // QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QQmlTypeNameCache; class QQmlEngine; class QDir; class QQmlImportNamespace; class QQmlImportDatabase; class QQmlTypeLoader; class QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent; const QLoggingCategory &lcQmlImport(); namespace QQmlImport { enum RecursionRestriction { PreventRecursion, AllowRecursion }; } struct QQmlImportInstance { enum Precedence { Lowest = std::numeric_limits::max(), Implicit = Lowest / 2, Highest = 0, }; QString uri; // e.g. QtQuick QString url; // the base path of the import QQmlType containingType; // points to the containing type for inline components QTypeRevision version; // the version imported bool isLibrary; // true means that this is not a file import // not covered by precedence. You can set a component as implicitly imported after the fact. bool implicitlyImported = false; bool isInlineComponent = false; quint8 precedence = 0; QQmlDirComponents qmlDirComponents; // a copy of the components listed in the qmldir QQmlDirScripts qmlDirScripts; // a copy of the scripts in the qmldir bool setQmldirContent(const QString &resolvedUrl, const QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent &qmldir, QQmlImportNamespace *nameSpace, QList *errors); static QQmlDirScripts getVersionedScripts(const QQmlDirScripts &qmldirscripts, QTypeRevision version); bool resolveType(QQmlTypeLoader *typeLoader, const QHashedStringRef &type, QTypeRevision *version_return, QQmlType* type_return, const QString *base = nullptr, bool *typeRecursionDetected = nullptr, QQmlType::RegistrationType = QQmlType::AnyRegistrationType, QQmlImport::RecursionRestriction recursionRestriction = QQmlImport::PreventRecursion, QList *errors = nullptr) const; }; class QQmlImportNamespace { public: QQmlImportNamespace() : nextNamespace(nullptr) {} ~QQmlImportNamespace() { qDeleteAll(imports); } QList imports; QQmlImportInstance *findImport(const QString &uri) const; bool resolveType(QQmlTypeLoader *typeLoader, const QHashedStringRef& type, QTypeRevision *version_return, QQmlType* type_return, const QString *base = nullptr, QList *errors = nullptr, QQmlType::RegistrationType registrationType = QQmlType::AnyRegistrationType, bool *typeRecursionDeteced = nullptr); // Prefix when used as a qualified import. Otherwise empty. QHashedString prefix; // Used by QQmlImports::m_qualifiedSets // set to this in unqualifiedSet to indicate that the lists of imports needs // to be sorted when an inline component import was added // We can't use flag pointer, as that does not work with QFieldList QQmlImportNamespace *nextNamespace = nullptr; bool needsSorting() const { return nextNamespace == this; } void setNeedsSorting(bool needsSorting) { Q_ASSERT(nextNamespace == this || nextNamespace == nullptr); nextNamespace = needsSorting ? this : nullptr; } }; class Q_QML_PRIVATE_EXPORT QQmlImports : public QQmlRefCount { Q_DISABLE_COPY_MOVE(QQmlImports) public: enum ImportVersion { FullyVersioned, PartiallyVersioned, Unversioned }; enum ImportFlag : quint8 { ImportNoFlag = 0x0, ImportIncomplete = 0x1, }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ImportFlags, ImportFlag) QQmlImports(QQmlTypeLoader *loader) : m_typeLoader(loader) {} ~QQmlImports() { while (QQmlImportNamespace *ns = m_qualifiedSets.takeFirst()) delete ns; } void setBaseUrl(const QUrl &url, const QString &urlString = QString()); QUrl baseUrl() const { return m_baseUrl; } bool resolveType( const QHashedStringRef &type, QQmlType *type_return, QTypeRevision *version_return, QQmlImportNamespace **ns_return, QList *errors = nullptr, QQmlType::RegistrationType registrationType = QQmlType::AnyRegistrationType, bool *typeRecursionDetected = nullptr) const; QTypeRevision addImplicitImport( QQmlImportDatabase *importDb, QString *localQmldir, QList *errors) { Q_ASSERT(errors); qCDebug(lcQmlImport) << "addImplicitImport:" << qPrintable(baseUrl().toString()); const ImportFlags flags = ImportFlags(!isLocal(baseUrl()) ? ImportIncomplete : ImportNoFlag); return addFileImport( importDb, QLatin1String("."), QString(), QTypeRevision(), flags, QQmlImportInstance::Implicit, localQmldir, errors); } bool addInlineComponentImport( QQmlImportInstance *const importInstance, const QString &name, const QUrl importUrl, QQmlType containingType); QTypeRevision addFileImport( QQmlImportDatabase *importDb, const QString &uri, const QString &prefix, QTypeRevision version, ImportFlags flags, quint16 precedence, QString *localQmldir, QList *errors); QTypeRevision addLibraryImport( QQmlImportDatabase *importDb, const QString &uri, const QString &prefix, QTypeRevision version, const QString &qmldirIdentifier, const QString &qmldirUrl, ImportFlags flags, quint16 precedence, QList *errors); QTypeRevision updateQmldirContent( QQmlImportDatabase *importDb, const QString &uri, const QString &prefix, const QString &qmldirIdentifier, const QString &qmldirUrl, QList *errors); void populateCache(QQmlTypeNameCache *cache) const; struct ScriptReference { QString nameSpace; QString qualifier; QUrl location; }; QList resolvedScripts() const; struct CompositeSingletonReference { QString typeName; QString prefix; QTypeRevision version; }; QList resolvedCompositeSingletons() const; static QStringList completeQmldirPaths( const QString &uri, const QStringList &basePaths, QTypeRevision version); static QString versionString(QTypeRevision version, ImportVersion importVersion); static bool isLocal(const QString &url) { return !QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(url).isEmpty(); } static bool isLocal(const QUrl &url) { return !QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(url).isEmpty(); } static QUrl urlFromLocalFileOrQrcOrUrl(const QString &); static void setDesignerSupportRequired(bool b); private: friend class QQmlImportDatabase; QQmlImportNamespace *importNamespace(const QString &prefix); bool resolveType( const QHashedStringRef &type, QTypeRevision *version_return, QQmlType *type_return, QList *errors, QQmlType::RegistrationType registrationType, bool *typeRecursionDetected = nullptr) const; QQmlImportNamespace *findQualifiedNamespace(const QHashedStringRef &) const; static QTypeRevision matchingQmldirVersion( const QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent &qmldir, const QString &uri, QTypeRevision version, QList *errors); QTypeRevision importExtension( const QString &uri, QTypeRevision version, QQmlImportDatabase *database, const QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent *qmldir, QList *errors); bool getQmldirContent( const QString &qmldirIdentifier, const QString &uri, QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent *qmldir, QList *errors); QString resolvedUri(const QString &dir_arg, QQmlImportDatabase *database); QQmlImportInstance *addImportToNamespace( QQmlImportNamespace *nameSpace, const QString &uri, const QString &url, QTypeRevision version, QV4::CompiledData::Import::ImportType type, QList *errors, quint16 precedence); QUrl m_baseUrl; QString m_base; // storage of data related to imports without a namespace // TODO: This needs to be mutable because QQmlImportNamespace likes to sort itself on // resolveType(). Therefore, QQmlImportNamespace::resolveType() is not const. // There should be a better way to do this. mutable QQmlImportNamespace m_unqualifiedset; // storage of data related to imports with a namespace QFieldList m_qualifiedSets; QQmlTypeLoader *m_typeLoader = nullptr; }; Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(QQmlImports::ImportFlags) class Q_QML_PRIVATE_EXPORT QQmlImportDatabase { Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS(QQmlImportDatabase) public: enum PathType { Local, Remote, LocalOrRemote }; enum LocalQmldirSearchLocation { QmldirFileAndCache, QmldirCacheOnly, }; enum LocalQmldirResult { QmldirFound, QmldirNotFound, QmldirInterceptedToRemote, QmldirRejected }; QQmlImportDatabase(QQmlEngine *); ~QQmlImportDatabase() { clearDirCache(); } bool removeDynamicPlugin(const QString &pluginId); QStringList dynamicPlugins() const; QStringList importPathList(PathType type = LocalOrRemote) const; void setImportPathList(const QStringList &paths); void addImportPath(const QString& dir); QStringList pluginPathList() const { return filePluginPath; } void setPluginPathList(const QStringList &paths); void addPluginPath(const QString& path); template LocalQmldirResult locateLocalQmldir( const QString &uri, QTypeRevision version, LocalQmldirSearchLocation location, const Callback &callback); static QTypeRevision lockModule(const QString &uri, const QString &typeNamespace, QTypeRevision version, QList *errors); private: friend class QQmlImports; friend class QQmlPluginImporter; QString absoluteFilePath(const QString &path) const; void clearDirCache(); struct QmldirCache { QTypeRevision version; QString qmldirFilePath; QString qmldirPathUrl; QmldirCache *next; }; // Maps from an import to a linked list of qmldir info. // Used in QQmlImports::locateQmldir() QStringHash qmldirCache; // XXX thread QStringList filePluginPath; QStringList fileImportPath; QSet modulesForWhichPluginsHaveBeenLoaded; QSet initializedPlugins; QQmlEngine *engine; }; template QQmlImportDatabase::LocalQmldirResult QQmlImportDatabase::locateLocalQmldir( const QString &uri, QTypeRevision version, QQmlImportDatabase::LocalQmldirSearchLocation location, const Callback &callback) { // Check cache first LocalQmldirResult result = QmldirNotFound; QmldirCache *cacheTail = nullptr; QmldirCache **cachePtr = qmldirCache.value(uri); QmldirCache *cacheHead = cachePtr ? *cachePtr : nullptr; if (cacheHead) { cacheTail = cacheHead; do { if (cacheTail->version == version) { if (cacheTail->qmldirFilePath.isEmpty()) { return cacheTail->qmldirPathUrl.isEmpty() ? QmldirNotFound : QmldirInterceptedToRemote; } if (callback(cacheTail->qmldirFilePath, cacheTail->qmldirPathUrl)) return QmldirFound; result = QmldirRejected; } } while (cacheTail->next && (cacheTail = cacheTail->next)); } // Do not try to construct the cache if it already had any entries for the URI. // Otherwise we might duplicate cache entries. if (location == QmldirCacheOnly || result != QmldirNotFound) return result; const bool hasInterceptors = !engine->urlInterceptors().isEmpty(); // Interceptor might redirect remote files to local ones. QStringList localImportPaths = importPathList(hasInterceptors ? LocalOrRemote : Local); // Search local import paths for a matching version const QStringList qmlDirPaths = QQmlImports::completeQmldirPaths( uri, localImportPaths, version); QString qmldirAbsoluteFilePath; for (QString qmldirPath : qmlDirPaths) { if (hasInterceptors) { const QUrl intercepted = engine->interceptUrl( QQmlImports::urlFromLocalFileOrQrcOrUrl(qmldirPath), QQmlAbstractUrlInterceptor::QmldirFile); qmldirPath = QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(intercepted); if (result != QmldirInterceptedToRemote && qmldirPath.isEmpty() && !QQmlFile::isLocalFile(intercepted)) { result = QmldirInterceptedToRemote; } } qmldirAbsoluteFilePath = absoluteFilePath(qmldirPath); if (!qmldirAbsoluteFilePath.isEmpty()) { QString url; const QString absolutePath = qmldirAbsoluteFilePath.left( qmldirAbsoluteFilePath.lastIndexOf(u'/') + 1); if (absolutePath.at(0) == u':') { url = QStringLiteral("qrc") + absolutePath; } else { url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(absolutePath).toString(); // This handles the UNC path case as when the path is retrieved from the QUrl it // will convert the host name from upper case to lower case. So the absoluteFilePath // is changed at this point to make sure it will match later on in that case. if (qmldirAbsoluteFilePath.startsWith(QStringLiteral("//"))) { qmldirAbsoluteFilePath = QUrl::fromLocalFile(qmldirAbsoluteFilePath) .toString(QUrl::RemoveScheme); } } QmldirCache *cache = new QmldirCache; cache->version = version; cache->qmldirFilePath = qmldirAbsoluteFilePath; cache->qmldirPathUrl = url; cache->next = nullptr; if (cacheTail) cacheTail->next = cache; else qmldirCache.insert(uri, cache); cacheTail = cache; if (result != QmldirFound) result = callback(qmldirAbsoluteFilePath, url) ? QmldirFound : QmldirRejected; // Do not return here. Rather, construct the complete cache for this URI. } } // Nothing found? Add an empty cache entry to signal that for further requests. if (result == QmldirNotFound || result == QmldirInterceptedToRemote) { QmldirCache *cache = new QmldirCache; cache->version = version; cache->next = cacheHead; if (result == QmldirInterceptedToRemote) { // The actual value doesn't matter as long as it's not empty. // We only use it to discern QmldirInterceptedToRemote from QmldirNotFound above. cache->qmldirPathUrl = QStringLiteral("intercepted"); } qmldirCache.insert(uri, cache); if (result == QmldirNotFound) { qCDebug(lcQmlImport) << "locateLocalQmldir:" << qPrintable(uri) << "module's qmldir file not found"; } } else { qCDebug(lcQmlImport) << "locateLocalQmldir:" << qPrintable(uri) << "module's qmldir found at" << qmldirAbsoluteFilePath; } return result; } void qmlClearEnginePlugins();// For internal use by qmlClearRegisteredProperties QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif // QQMLIMPORT_P_H