// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qqmlnetworkaccessmanagerfactory.h" QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE #if QT_CONFIG(qml_network) /*! \class QQmlNetworkAccessManagerFactory \since 5.0 \inmodule QtQml \brief The QQmlNetworkAccessManagerFactory class creates QNetworkAccessManager instances for a QML engine. A QML engine uses QNetworkAccessManager for all network access. By implementing a factory, it is possible to provide the QML engine with custom QNetworkAccessManager instances with specialized caching, proxy and cookies support. \list \li The QNetworkDiskCache can be used as a request cache with \l {QNetworkDiskCache}. \li Using \l {QNetworkProxy}, traffic sent by the QNetworkAccessManager can be tunnelled through a proxy. \li Cookies can be saved for future requests by adding a \l {QNetworkCookieJar}. \endlist To implement a factory, subclass QQmlNetworkAccessManagerFactory and implement the virtual create() method, then assign it to the relevant QML engine using QQmlEngine::setNetworkAccessManagerFactory(). For instance, the QNetworkAccessManager objects created by the following snippet will cache requests. \snippet code/src_network_access_qnetworkaccessmanager.cpp 0 The factory can then be passed to the QML engine so it can instantiate the QNetworkAccessManager with the custom behavior. \snippet code/src_network_access_qnetworkaccessmanager.cpp 1 Note the QML engine may create QNetworkAccessManager instances from multiple threads. Because of this, the implementation of the create() method must be \l{Reentrancy and Thread-Safety}{reentrant}. In addition, the developer should be careful if the signals of the object to be returned from create() are connected to the slots of an object that may be created in a different thread: \list \li The QML engine internally handles all requests, and cleans up any QNetworkReply objects it creates. Receiving the QNetworkAccessManager::finished() signal in another thread may not provide the receiver with a valid reply object if it has already been deleted. \li Authentication details provided to QNetworkAccessManager::authenticationRequired() must be provided immediately, so this signal cannot be connected as a Qt::QueuedConnection (or as the default Qt::AutoConnection from another thread). \endlist For more information about signals and threads, see \l {Threads and QObjects} and \l {Signals and Slots Across Threads}. \sa QNetworkDiskCache */ /*! Destroys the factory. The default implementation does nothing. */ QQmlNetworkAccessManagerFactory::~QQmlNetworkAccessManagerFactory() { } /*! \fn QNetworkAccessManager *QQmlNetworkAccessManagerFactory::create(QObject *parent) Creates and returns a network access manager with the specified \a parent. This method must return a new QNetworkAccessManager instance each time it is called. Note: this method may be called by multiple threads, so ensure the implementation of this method is reentrant. */ #endif // qml_network QT_END_NAMESPACE