// Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #ifndef QQMLPROPERTYDATA_P_H #define QQMLPROPERTYDATA_P_H // // W A R N I N G // ------------- // // This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an // implementation detail. This header file may change from version to // version without notice, or even be removed. // // We mean it. // #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE class QQmlPropertyCacheMethodArguments; class QQmlPropertyData { public: enum WriteFlag { BypassInterceptor = 0x01, DontRemoveBinding = 0x02, RemoveBindingOnAliasWrite = 0x04, HasInternalIndex = 0x8, }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(WriteFlags, WriteFlag) typedef QObjectPrivate::StaticMetaCallFunction StaticMetaCallFunction; struct Flags { friend class QQmlPropertyData; enum Type { OtherType = 0, FunctionType = 1, // Is an invokable QObjectDerivedType = 2, // Property type is a QObject* derived type EnumType = 3, // Property type is an enum QListType = 4, // Property type is a QML list VarPropertyType = 5, // Property type is a "var" property of VMEMO QVariantType = 6, // Property is a QVariant // One spot left for an extra type in the 3 bits used to store this. }; private: // The _otherBits (which "pad" the Flags struct to align it nicely) are used // to store the relative property index. It will only get used when said index fits. See // trySetStaticMetaCallFunction for details. // (Note: this padding is done here, because certain compilers have surprising behavior // when an enum is declared in-between two bit fields.) enum { BitsLeftInFlags = 16 }; unsigned otherBits : BitsLeftInFlags; // align to 32 bits // Members of the form aORb can only be a when type is not FunctionType, and only be // b when type equals FunctionType. For that reason, the semantic meaning of the bit is // overloaded, and the accessor functions are used to get the correct value // // Moreover, isSignalHandler, isOverridableSignal and isCloned make only sense // for functions, too (and could at a later point be reused for flags that only make sense // for non-functions) // // Lastly, isDirect and isOverridden apply to both functions and non-functions unsigned isConst : 1; // Property: has CONST flag/Method: is const unsigned isVMEFunction : 1; // Function was added by QML unsigned isWritableORhasArguments : 1; // Has WRITE function OR Function takes arguments unsigned isResettableORisSignal : 1; // Has RESET function OR Function is a signal unsigned isAliasORisVMESignal : 1; // Is a QML alias to another property OR Signal was added by QML unsigned isFinalORisV4Function : 1; // Has FINAL flag OR Function takes QQmlV4FunctionPtr args unsigned isSignalHandler : 1; // Function is a signal handler // TODO: Remove this once we can. Signals should not be overridable. unsigned isOverridableSignal : 1; // Function is an overridable signal unsigned isRequiredORisCloned : 1; // Has REQUIRED flag OR The function was marked as cloned unsigned isConstructorORisBindable : 1; // The function was marked is a constructor OR property is backed by QProperty unsigned isOverridden : 1; // Is overridden by a extension property unsigned hasMetaObject : 1; unsigned type : 3; // stores an entry of Types // Internal QQmlPropertyCache flags unsigned overrideIndexIsProperty : 1; public: inline Flags(); inline bool operator==(const Flags &other) const; inline void copyPropertyTypeFlags(Flags from); void setIsConstant(bool b) { isConst = b; } void setIsWritable(bool b) { Q_ASSERT(type != FunctionType); isWritableORhasArguments = b; } void setIsResettable(bool b) { Q_ASSERT(type != FunctionType); isResettableORisSignal = b; } void setIsAlias(bool b) { Q_ASSERT(type != FunctionType); isAliasORisVMESignal = b; } void setIsFinal(bool b) { Q_ASSERT(type != FunctionType); isFinalORisV4Function = b; } void setIsOverridden(bool b) { isOverridden = b; } void setIsBindable(bool b) { Q_ASSERT(type != FunctionType); isConstructorORisBindable = b; } void setIsRequired(bool b) { Q_ASSERT(type != FunctionType); isRequiredORisCloned = b; } void setIsVMEFunction(bool b) { Q_ASSERT(type == FunctionType); isVMEFunction = b; } void setHasArguments(bool b) { Q_ASSERT(type == FunctionType); isWritableORhasArguments = b; } void setIsSignal(bool b) { Q_ASSERT(type == FunctionType); isResettableORisSignal = b; } void setIsVMESignal(bool b) { Q_ASSERT(type == FunctionType); isAliasORisVMESignal = b; } void setIsV4Function(bool b) { Q_ASSERT(type == FunctionType); isFinalORisV4Function = b; } void setIsSignalHandler(bool b) { Q_ASSERT(type == FunctionType); isSignalHandler = b; } // TODO: Remove this once we can. Signals should not be overridable. void setIsOverridableSignal(bool b) { Q_ASSERT(type == FunctionType); Q_ASSERT(isResettableORisSignal); isOverridableSignal = b; } void setIsCloned(bool b) { Q_ASSERT(type == FunctionType); isRequiredORisCloned = b; } void setIsConstructor(bool b) { Q_ASSERT(type == FunctionType); isConstructorORisBindable = b; } void setHasMetaObject(bool b) { hasMetaObject = b; } void setType(Type newType) { type = newType; } }; inline bool operator==(const QQmlPropertyData &) const; Flags flags() const { return m_flags; } void setFlags(Flags f) { unsigned otherBits = m_flags.otherBits; m_flags = f; m_flags.otherBits = otherBits; } bool isValid() const { return coreIndex() != -1; } bool isConstant() const { return m_flags.isConst; } bool isWritable() const { return !isFunction() && m_flags.isWritableORhasArguments; } void setWritable(bool onoff) { Q_ASSERT(!isFunction()); m_flags.isWritableORhasArguments = onoff; } bool isResettable() const { return !isFunction() && m_flags.isResettableORisSignal; } bool isAlias() const { return !isFunction() && m_flags.isAliasORisVMESignal; } bool isFinal() const { return !isFunction() && m_flags.isFinalORisV4Function; } bool isOverridden() const { return m_flags.isOverridden; } bool isRequired() const { return !isFunction() && m_flags.isRequiredORisCloned; } bool hasStaticMetaCallFunction() const { return staticMetaCallFunction() != nullptr; } bool isFunction() const { return m_flags.type == Flags::FunctionType; } bool isQObject() const { return m_flags.type == Flags::QObjectDerivedType; } bool isEnum() const { return m_flags.type == Flags::EnumType; } bool isQList() const { return m_flags.type == Flags::QListType; } bool isVarProperty() const { return m_flags.type == Flags::VarPropertyType; } bool isQVariant() const { return m_flags.type == Flags::QVariantType; } bool isVMEFunction() const { return isFunction() && m_flags.isVMEFunction; } bool hasArguments() const { return isFunction() && m_flags.isWritableORhasArguments; } bool isSignal() const { return isFunction() && m_flags.isResettableORisSignal; } bool isVMESignal() const { return isFunction() && m_flags.isAliasORisVMESignal; } bool isV4Function() const { return isFunction() && m_flags.isFinalORisV4Function; } bool isSignalHandler() const { return m_flags.isSignalHandler; } bool hasMetaObject() const { return m_flags.hasMetaObject; } // TODO: Remove this once we can. Signals should not be overridable. bool isOverridableSignal() const { return m_flags.isOverridableSignal; } bool isCloned() const { return isFunction() && m_flags.isRequiredORisCloned; } bool isConstructor() const { return isFunction() && m_flags.isConstructorORisBindable; } bool isBindable() const { return !isFunction() && m_flags.isConstructorORisBindable; } bool hasOverride() const { return overrideIndex() >= 0; } bool hasRevision() const { return revision() != QTypeRevision::zero(); } QMetaType propType() const { return m_propType; } void setPropType(QMetaType pt) { m_propType = pt; } int notifyIndex() const { return m_notifyIndex; } void setNotifyIndex(int idx) { Q_ASSERT(idx >= std::numeric_limits::min()); Q_ASSERT(idx <= std::numeric_limits::max()); m_notifyIndex = qint16(idx); } bool overrideIndexIsProperty() const { return m_flags.overrideIndexIsProperty; } void setOverrideIndexIsProperty(bool onoff) { m_flags.overrideIndexIsProperty = onoff; } int overrideIndex() const { return m_overrideIndex; } void setOverrideIndex(int idx) { Q_ASSERT(idx >= std::numeric_limits::min()); Q_ASSERT(idx <= std::numeric_limits::max()); m_overrideIndex = qint16(idx); } int coreIndex() const { return m_coreIndex; } void setCoreIndex(int idx) { Q_ASSERT(idx >= std::numeric_limits::min()); Q_ASSERT(idx <= std::numeric_limits::max()); m_coreIndex = qint16(idx); } QTypeRevision revision() const { return m_revision; } void setRevision(QTypeRevision revision) { m_revision = revision; } /* If a property is a C++ type, then we store the minor * version of this type. * This is required to resolve property or signal revisions * if this property is used as a grouped property. * * Test.qml * property TextEdit someTextEdit: TextEdit {} * * Test { * someTextEdit.preeditText: "test" //revision 7 * someTextEdit.onEditingFinished: console.log("test") //revision 6 * } * * To determine if these properties with revisions are available we need * the minor version of TextEdit as imported in Test.qml. * */ QTypeRevision typeVersion() const { return m_typeVersion; } void setTypeVersion(QTypeRevision typeVersion) { m_typeVersion = typeVersion; } QQmlPropertyCacheMethodArguments *arguments() const { Q_ASSERT(!hasMetaObject()); return m_arguments; } void setArguments(QQmlPropertyCacheMethodArguments *args) { Q_ASSERT(!hasMetaObject()); m_arguments = args; } const QMetaObject *metaObject() const { Q_ASSERT(hasMetaObject()); return m_metaObject; } void setMetaObject(const QMetaObject *metaObject) { Q_ASSERT(!hasArguments() || !m_arguments); m_flags.setHasMetaObject(true); m_metaObject = metaObject; } QMetaMethod metaMethod() const { Q_ASSERT(hasMetaObject()); Q_ASSERT(isFunction()); return m_metaObject->method(m_coreIndex); } int metaObjectOffset() const { return m_metaObjectOffset; } void setMetaObjectOffset(int off) { Q_ASSERT(off >= std::numeric_limits::min()); Q_ASSERT(off <= std::numeric_limits::max()); m_metaObjectOffset = qint16(off); } StaticMetaCallFunction staticMetaCallFunction() const { Q_ASSERT(!isFunction()); return m_staticMetaCallFunction; } void trySetStaticMetaCallFunction(StaticMetaCallFunction f, unsigned relativePropertyIndex) { Q_ASSERT(!isFunction()); if (relativePropertyIndex < (1 << Flags::BitsLeftInFlags) - 1) { m_flags.otherBits = relativePropertyIndex; m_staticMetaCallFunction = f; } } quint16 relativePropertyIndex() const { Q_ASSERT(hasStaticMetaCallFunction()); return m_flags.otherBits; } static Flags flagsForProperty(const QMetaProperty &); void load(const QMetaProperty &); void load(const QMetaMethod &); QString name(QObject *) const; QString name(const QMetaObject *) const; bool markAsOverrideOf(QQmlPropertyData *predecessor); inline void readProperty(QObject *target, void *property) const { void *args[] = { property, nullptr }; readPropertyWithArgs(target, args); } // This is the same as QMetaObject::metacall(), but inlined here to avoid a function call. // And we ignore the return value. template void doMetacall(QObject *object, int idx, void **argv) const { if (QDynamicMetaObjectData *dynamicMetaObject = QObjectPrivate::get(object)->metaObject) dynamicMetaObject->metaCall(object, call, idx, argv); else object->qt_metacall(call, idx, argv); } void readPropertyWithArgs(QObject *target, void *args[]) const { if (hasStaticMetaCallFunction()) staticMetaCallFunction()(target, QMetaObject::ReadProperty, relativePropertyIndex(), args); else doMetacall(target, coreIndex(), args); } bool writeProperty(QObject *target, void *value, WriteFlags flags) const { int status = -1; void *argv[] = { value, nullptr, &status, &flags }; if (flags.testFlag(BypassInterceptor) && hasStaticMetaCallFunction()) staticMetaCallFunction()(target, QMetaObject::WriteProperty, relativePropertyIndex(), argv); else doMetacall(target, coreIndex(), argv); return true; } bool resetProperty(QObject *target, WriteFlags flags) const { if (flags.testFlag(BypassInterceptor) && hasStaticMetaCallFunction()) staticMetaCallFunction()(target, QMetaObject::ResetProperty, relativePropertyIndex(), nullptr); else doMetacall(target, coreIndex(), nullptr); return true; } static Flags defaultSignalFlags() { Flags f; f.setType(Flags::FunctionType); f.setIsSignal(true); f.setIsVMESignal(true); return f; } static Flags defaultSlotFlags() { Flags f; f.setType(Flags::FunctionType); f.setIsVMEFunction(true); return f; } private: friend class QQmlPropertyCache; Flags m_flags; qint16 m_coreIndex = -1; // The notify index is in the range returned by QObjectPrivate::signalIndex(). // This is different from QMetaMethod::methodIndex(). qint16 m_notifyIndex = -1; qint16 m_overrideIndex = -1; qint16 m_metaObjectOffset = -1; QTypeRevision m_revision = QTypeRevision::zero(); QTypeRevision m_typeVersion = QTypeRevision::zero(); QMetaType m_propType = {}; union { QQmlPropertyCacheMethodArguments *m_arguments = nullptr; StaticMetaCallFunction m_staticMetaCallFunction; const QMetaObject *m_metaObject; }; }; #if QT_POINTER_SIZE == 4 Q_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(QQmlPropertyData) == 24); #else // QT_POINTER_SIZE == 8 Q_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(QQmlPropertyData) == 32); #endif static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable::value); bool QQmlPropertyData::operator==(const QQmlPropertyData &other) const { return flags() == other.flags() && propType() == other.propType() && coreIndex() == other.coreIndex() && notifyIndex() == other.notifyIndex() && revision() == other.revision(); } QQmlPropertyData::Flags::Flags() : otherBits(0) , isConst(false) , isVMEFunction(false) , isWritableORhasArguments(false) , isResettableORisSignal(false) , isAliasORisVMESignal(false) , isFinalORisV4Function(false) , isSignalHandler(false) , isOverridableSignal(false) , isRequiredORisCloned(false) , isConstructorORisBindable(false) , isOverridden(false) , hasMetaObject(false) , type(OtherType) , overrideIndexIsProperty(false) { } bool QQmlPropertyData::Flags::operator==(const QQmlPropertyData::Flags &other) const { return isConst == other.isConst && isVMEFunction == other.isVMEFunction && isWritableORhasArguments == other.isWritableORhasArguments && isResettableORisSignal == other.isResettableORisSignal && isAliasORisVMESignal == other.isAliasORisVMESignal && isFinalORisV4Function == other.isFinalORisV4Function && isOverridden == other.isOverridden && isSignalHandler == other.isSignalHandler && isRequiredORisCloned == other.isRequiredORisCloned && hasMetaObject == other.hasMetaObject && type == other.type && isConstructorORisBindable == other.isConstructorORisBindable && overrideIndexIsProperty == other.overrideIndexIsProperty; } void QQmlPropertyData::Flags::copyPropertyTypeFlags(QQmlPropertyData::Flags from) { switch (from.type) { case QObjectDerivedType: case EnumType: case QListType: case QVariantType: type = from.type; } } Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(QQmlPropertyData::WriteFlags) QT_END_NAMESPACE #endif // QQMLPROPERTYDATA_P_H