// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qqmlpropertyvalidator_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE static bool isPrimitiveType(QMetaType metaType) { switch (metaType.id()) { #define HANDLE_PRIMITIVE(Type, id, T) \ case QMetaType::Type: QT_FOR_EACH_STATIC_PRIMITIVE_TYPE(HANDLE_PRIMITIVE); #undef HANDLE_PRIMITIVE return true; default: return false; } } QQmlPropertyValidator::QQmlPropertyValidator( QQmlEnginePrivate *enginePrivate, const QQmlImports *imports, const QQmlRefPointer &compilationUnit) : enginePrivate(enginePrivate) , compilationUnit(compilationUnit) , imports(imports) , qmlUnit(compilationUnit->unitData()) , propertyCaches(compilationUnit->propertyCaches) , bindingPropertyDataPerObject(&compilationUnit->bindingPropertyDataPerObject) { bindingPropertyDataPerObject->resize(compilationUnit->objectCount()); } QVector QQmlPropertyValidator::validate() { return validateObject(/*root object*/0, /*instantiatingBinding*/nullptr); } typedef QVarLengthArray GroupPropertyVector; struct BindingFinder { bool operator()(quint32 name, const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *binding) const { return name < binding->propertyNameIndex; } bool operator()(const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *binding, quint32 name) const { return binding->propertyNameIndex < name; } bool operator()(const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *lhs, const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *rhs) const { return lhs->propertyNameIndex < rhs->propertyNameIndex; } }; QVector QQmlPropertyValidator::validateObject( int objectIndex, const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *instantiatingBinding, bool populatingValueTypeGroupProperty) const { const QV4::CompiledData::Object *obj = compilationUnit->objectAt(objectIndex); for (auto it = obj->inlineComponentsBegin(); it != obj->inlineComponentsEnd(); ++it) { const auto errors = validateObject(it->objectIndex, /* instantiatingBinding*/ nullptr); if (!errors.isEmpty()) return errors; } if (obj->hasFlag(QV4::CompiledData::Object::IsComponent) && !obj->hasFlag(QV4::CompiledData::Object::IsInlineComponentRoot)) { Q_ASSERT(obj->nBindings == 1); const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *componentBinding = obj->bindingTable(); Q_ASSERT(componentBinding->type() == QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Object); return validateObject(componentBinding->value.objectIndex, componentBinding); } QQmlPropertyCache::ConstPtr propertyCache = propertyCaches.at(objectIndex); if (!propertyCache) return QVector(); QQmlCustomParser *customParser = nullptr; if (auto typeRef = resolvedType(obj->inheritedTypeNameIndex)) { const auto type = typeRef->type(); if (type.isValid()) customParser = type.customParser(); } QList customBindings; // Collect group properties first for sanity checking // vector values are sorted by property name string index. GroupPropertyVector groupProperties; const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *binding = obj->bindingTable(); for (quint32 i = 0; i < obj->nBindings; ++i, ++binding) { if (!binding->isGroupProperty()) continue; if (binding->hasFlag(QV4::CompiledData::Binding::IsOnAssignment)) continue; if (populatingValueTypeGroupProperty) { return recordError(binding->location, tr("Property assignment expected")); } GroupPropertyVector::const_iterator pos = std::lower_bound(groupProperties.constBegin(), groupProperties.constEnd(), binding->propertyNameIndex, BindingFinder()); groupProperties.insert(pos, binding); } QQmlPropertyResolver propertyResolver(propertyCache); QString defaultPropertyName; const QQmlPropertyData *defaultProperty = nullptr; if (obj->indexOfDefaultPropertyOrAlias != -1) { const QQmlPropertyCache *cache = propertyCache->parent().data(); defaultPropertyName = cache->defaultPropertyName(); defaultProperty = cache->defaultProperty(); } else { defaultPropertyName = propertyCache->defaultPropertyName(); defaultProperty = propertyCache->defaultProperty(); } QV4::BindingPropertyData collectedBindingPropertyData(obj->nBindings); binding = obj->bindingTable(); for (quint32 i = 0; i < obj->nBindings; ++i, ++binding) { QString name = stringAt(binding->propertyNameIndex); const QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type bindingType = binding->type(); const QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Flags bindingFlags = binding->flags(); if (customParser) { if (bindingType == QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_AttachedProperty) { if (customParser->flags() & QQmlCustomParser::AcceptsAttachedProperties) { customBindings << binding; continue; } } else if (QmlIR::IRBuilder::isSignalPropertyName(name) && !(customParser->flags() & QQmlCustomParser::AcceptsSignalHandlers)) { customBindings << binding; continue; } } bool bindingToDefaultProperty = false; bool isGroupProperty = instantiatingBinding && instantiatingBinding->type() == QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_GroupProperty; bool notInRevision = false; const QQmlPropertyData *pd = nullptr; if (!name.isEmpty()) { if (bindingFlags & QV4::CompiledData::Binding::IsSignalHandlerExpression || bindingFlags & QV4::CompiledData::Binding::IsSignalHandlerObject) { pd = propertyResolver.signal(name, ¬InRevision); } else { pd = propertyResolver.property(name, ¬InRevision, QQmlPropertyResolver::CheckRevision); } if (notInRevision) { QString typeName = stringAt(obj->inheritedTypeNameIndex); if (auto *objectType = resolvedType(obj->inheritedTypeNameIndex)) { const auto type = objectType->type(); if (type.isValid()) { const auto version = objectType->version(); return recordError(binding->location, tr("\"%1.%2\" is not available in %3 %4.%5.") .arg(typeName).arg(name).arg(type.module()) .arg(version.majorVersion()) .arg(version.minorVersion())); } } else { return recordError(binding->location, tr("\"%1.%2\" is not available due to component versioning.").arg(typeName).arg(name)); } } } else { if (isGroupProperty) return recordError(binding->location, tr("Cannot assign a value directly to a grouped property")); pd = defaultProperty; name = defaultPropertyName; bindingToDefaultProperty = true; } if (pd) collectedBindingPropertyData[i] = pd; if (name.constData()->isUpper() && !binding->isAttachedProperty()) { QQmlType type; QQmlImportNamespace *typeNamespace = nullptr; imports->resolveType( stringAt(binding->propertyNameIndex), &type, nullptr, &typeNamespace); if (typeNamespace) return recordError(binding->location, tr("Invalid use of namespace")); return recordError(binding->location, tr("Invalid attached object assignment")); } if (bindingType >= QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Object && (pd || binding->isAttachedProperty() || binding->isGroupProperty())) { const bool populatingValueTypeGroupProperty = pd && QQmlMetaType::metaObjectForValueType(pd->propType()) && !binding->hasFlag(QV4::CompiledData::Binding::IsOnAssignment); const QVector subObjectValidatorErrors = validateObject(binding->value.objectIndex, binding, populatingValueTypeGroupProperty); if (!subObjectValidatorErrors.isEmpty()) return subObjectValidatorErrors; } // Signal handlers were resolved and checked earlier in the signal handler conversion pass. if (binding->flags() & (QV4::CompiledData::Binding::IsSignalHandlerExpression | QV4::CompiledData::Binding::IsSignalHandlerObject | QV4::CompiledData::Binding::IsPropertyObserver)) { continue; } if ((pd && bindingType == QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_AttachedProperty) || (!pd && bindingType == QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_GroupProperty)) { if (instantiatingBinding && (instantiatingBinding->isAttachedProperty() || instantiatingBinding->isGroupProperty())) { return recordError( binding->location, tr("%1 properties cannot be used here") .arg(bindingType == QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_AttachedProperty ? QStringLiteral("Attached") : QStringLiteral("Group"))); } continue; } else if (bindingType == QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_AttachedProperty) { continue; } if (pd) { GroupPropertyVector::const_iterator assignedGroupProperty = std::lower_bound(groupProperties.constBegin(), groupProperties.constEnd(), binding->propertyNameIndex, BindingFinder()); const bool assigningToGroupProperty = assignedGroupProperty != groupProperties.constEnd() && !(binding->propertyNameIndex < (*assignedGroupProperty)->propertyNameIndex); if (!pd->isWritable() && !pd->isQList() && !binding->isGroupProperty() && !(bindingFlags & QV4::CompiledData::Binding::InitializerForReadOnlyDeclaration) ) { if (assigningToGroupProperty && bindingType < QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Object) return recordError(binding->valueLocation, tr("Cannot assign a value directly to a grouped property")); return recordError(binding->valueLocation, tr("Invalid property assignment: \"%1\" is a read-only property").arg(name)); } if (!pd->isQList() && (bindingFlags & QV4::CompiledData::Binding::IsListItem)) { QString error; if (pd->propType() == QMetaType::fromType()) error = tr( "Cannot assign multiple values to a script property"); else error = tr( "Cannot assign multiple values to a singular property"); return recordError(binding->valueLocation, error); } if (!bindingToDefaultProperty && !binding->isGroupProperty() && !(bindingFlags & QV4::CompiledData::Binding::IsOnAssignment) && assigningToGroupProperty) { QV4::CompiledData::Location loc = binding->valueLocation; if (loc < (*assignedGroupProperty)->valueLocation) loc = (*assignedGroupProperty)->valueLocation; if (pd && QQmlMetaType::isValueType(pd->propType())) return recordError(loc, tr("Property has already been assigned a value")); return recordError(loc, tr("Cannot assign a value directly to a grouped property")); } if (bindingType < QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Script) { QQmlError bindingError = validateLiteralBinding(propertyCache, pd, binding); if (bindingError.isValid()) return recordError(bindingError); } else if (bindingType == QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Object) { QQmlError bindingError = validateObjectBinding(pd, name, binding); if (bindingError.isValid()) return recordError(bindingError); } else if (binding->isGroupProperty()) { if (QQmlMetaType::isValueType(pd->propType())) { if (QQmlMetaType::metaObjectForValueType(pd->propType())) { if (!pd->isWritable()) { return recordError(binding->location, tr("Invalid property assignment: \"%1\" is a read-only property").arg(name)); } } else { return recordError(binding->location, tr("Invalid grouped property access")); } } else { const QMetaType type = pd->propType(); if (isPrimitiveType(type)) { return recordError( binding->location, tr("Invalid grouped property access: Property \"%1\" with primitive type \"%2\".") .arg(name) .arg(QString::fromUtf8(type.name())) ); } if (!QQmlMetaType::propertyCacheForType(type)) { return recordError(binding->location, tr("Invalid grouped property access: Property \"%1\" with type \"%2\", which is not a value type") .arg(name) .arg(QString::fromUtf8(type.name())) ); } } } } else { if (customParser) { customBindings << binding; continue; } if (bindingToDefaultProperty) { return recordError(binding->location, tr("Cannot assign to non-existent default property")); } else { return recordError(binding->location, tr("Cannot assign to non-existent property \"%1\"").arg(name)); } } } if (obj->idNameIndex) { if (populatingValueTypeGroupProperty) return recordError(obj->locationOfIdProperty, tr("Invalid use of id property with a value type")); bool notInRevision = false; collectedBindingPropertyData << propertyResolver.property(QStringLiteral("id"), ¬InRevision); } if (customParser && !customBindings.isEmpty()) { customParser->clearErrors(); customParser->validator = this; customParser->engine = enginePrivate; customParser->imports = imports; customParser->verifyBindings(compilationUnit, customBindings); customParser->validator = nullptr; customParser->engine = nullptr; customParser->imports = (QQmlImports*)nullptr; QVector parserErrors = customParser->errors(); if (!parserErrors.isEmpty()) return parserErrors; } (*bindingPropertyDataPerObject)[objectIndex] = collectedBindingPropertyData; QVector noError; return noError; } QQmlError QQmlPropertyValidator::validateLiteralBinding( const QQmlPropertyCache::ConstPtr &propertyCache, const QQmlPropertyData *property, const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *binding) const { if (property->isQList()) { return qQmlCompileError(binding->valueLocation, tr("Cannot assign primitives to lists")); } QQmlError noError; if (property->isEnum()) { if (binding->hasFlag(QV4::CompiledData::Binding::IsResolvedEnum)) return noError; QString value = compilationUnit->bindingValueAsString(binding); QMetaProperty p = propertyCache->firstCppMetaObject()->property(property->coreIndex()); bool ok; if (p.isFlagType()) { p.enumerator().keysToValue(value.toUtf8().constData(), &ok); } else p.enumerator().keyToValue(value.toUtf8().constData(), &ok); if (!ok) { return qQmlCompileError(binding->valueLocation, tr("Invalid property assignment: unknown enumeration")); } return noError; } auto warnOrError = [&](const QString &error) { if (binding->type() == QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Null) { QQmlError warning; warning.setUrl(compilationUnit->url()); warning.setLine(qmlConvertSourceCoordinate( binding->valueLocation.line())); warning.setColumn(qmlConvertSourceCoordinate( binding->valueLocation.column())); warning.setDescription(error + tr(" - Assigning null to incompatible properties in QML " "is deprecated. This will become a compile error in " "future versions of Qt.")); enginePrivate->warning(warning); return noError; } return qQmlCompileError(binding->valueLocation, error); }; const QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type bindingType = binding->type(); const auto isStringBinding = [&]() -> bool { // validateLiteralBinding is not supposed to be used on scripts Q_ASSERT(bindingType != QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Script); return bindingType == QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_String; }; switch (property->propType().id()) { case QMetaType::QVariant: break; case QMetaType::QString: { if (!binding->evaluatesToString()) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: string expected")); } } break; case QMetaType::QStringList: { if (!binding->evaluatesToString()) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: string or string list expected")); } } break; case QMetaType::QByteArray: { if (bindingType != QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_String) return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: byte array expected")); } break; case QMetaType::QUrl: { if (bindingType != QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_String) return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: url expected")); } break; case QMetaType::UInt: { if (bindingType == QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Number) { double d = compilationUnit->bindingValueAsNumber(binding); if (double(uint(d)) == d) return noError; } return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: unsigned int expected")); } break; case QMetaType::Int: { if (bindingType == QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Number) { double d = compilationUnit->bindingValueAsNumber(binding); if (double(int(d)) == d) return noError; } return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: int expected")); } break; case QMetaType::Float: { if (bindingType != QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Number) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: number expected")); } } break; case QMetaType::Double: { if (bindingType != QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Number) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: number expected")); } } break; case QMetaType::QColor: { bool ok = false; if (isStringBinding()) QQmlStringConverters::rgbaFromString(compilationUnit->bindingValueAsString(binding), &ok); if (!ok) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: color expected")); } } break; #if QT_CONFIG(datestring) case QMetaType::QDate: { bool ok = false; if (isStringBinding()) QQmlStringConverters::dateFromString(compilationUnit->bindingValueAsString(binding), &ok); if (!ok) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: date expected")); } } break; case QMetaType::QTime: { bool ok = false; if (isStringBinding()) QQmlStringConverters::timeFromString(compilationUnit->bindingValueAsString(binding), &ok); if (!ok) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: time expected")); } } break; case QMetaType::QDateTime: { bool ok = false; if (isStringBinding()) QQmlStringConverters::dateTimeFromString(compilationUnit->bindingValueAsString(binding), &ok); if (!ok) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: datetime expected")); } } break; #endif // datestring case QMetaType::QPoint: { bool ok = false; if (isStringBinding()) QQmlStringConverters::pointFFromString(compilationUnit->bindingValueAsString(binding), &ok); if (!ok) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: point expected")); } } break; case QMetaType::QPointF: { bool ok = false; if (isStringBinding()) QQmlStringConverters::pointFFromString(compilationUnit->bindingValueAsString(binding), &ok); if (!ok) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: point expected")); } } break; case QMetaType::QSize: { bool ok = false; if (isStringBinding()) QQmlStringConverters::sizeFFromString(compilationUnit->bindingValueAsString(binding), &ok); if (!ok) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: size expected")); } } break; case QMetaType::QSizeF: { bool ok = false; if (isStringBinding()) QQmlStringConverters::sizeFFromString(compilationUnit->bindingValueAsString(binding), &ok); if (!ok) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: size expected")); } } break; case QMetaType::QRect: { bool ok = false; if (isStringBinding()) QQmlStringConverters::rectFFromString(compilationUnit->bindingValueAsString(binding), &ok); if (!ok) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: rect expected")); } } break; case QMetaType::QRectF: { bool ok = false; if (isStringBinding()) QQmlStringConverters::rectFFromString(compilationUnit->bindingValueAsString(binding), &ok); if (!ok) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: point expected")); } } break; case QMetaType::Bool: { if (bindingType != QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Boolean) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: boolean expected")); } } break; case QMetaType::QVector2D: case QMetaType::QVector3D: case QMetaType::QVector4D: case QMetaType::QQuaternion: { auto typeName = [&]() { switch (property->propType().id()) { case QMetaType::QVector2D: return QStringLiteral("2D vector"); case QMetaType::QVector3D: return QStringLiteral("3D vector"); case QMetaType::QVector4D: return QStringLiteral("4D vector"); case QMetaType::QQuaternion: return QStringLiteral("quaternion"); default: return QString(); } }; QVariant result(property->propType()); if (!QQmlValueTypeProvider::createValueType( compilationUnit->bindingValueAsString(binding), result.metaType(), result.data())) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: %1 expected") .arg(typeName())); } } break; case QMetaType::QRegularExpression: return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: regular expression expected; use /pattern/ syntax")); default: { // generate single literal value assignment to a list property if required if (property->propType() == QMetaType::fromType >()) { if (bindingType != QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Number) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: number or array of numbers expected")); } break; } else if (property->propType() == QMetaType::fromType >()) { bool ok = (bindingType == QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Number); if (ok) { double n = compilationUnit->bindingValueAsNumber(binding); if (double(int(n)) != n) ok = false; } if (!ok) return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: int or array of ints expected")); break; } else if (property->propType() == QMetaType::fromType >()) { if (bindingType != QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Boolean) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: bool or array of bools expected")); } break; } else if (property->propType() == QMetaType::fromType >()) { if (bindingType != QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_String) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: url or array of urls expected")); } break; } else if (property->propType() == QMetaType::fromType >()) { if (!binding->evaluatesToString()) { return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: string or array of strings expected")); } break; } else if (property->propType() == QMetaType::fromType()) { break; } else if (property->propType() == QMetaType::fromType()) { break; } else if (property->isQObject() && bindingType == QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Null) { break; } else if (QQmlMetaType::qmlType(property->propType()).canConstructValueType()) { break; } return warnOrError(tr("Invalid property assignment: unsupported type \"%1\"").arg(QString::fromLatin1(property->propType().name()))); } break; } return noError; } /*! Returns true if from can be assigned to a (QObject) property of type to. */ bool QQmlPropertyValidator::canCoerce(QMetaType to, QQmlPropertyCache::ConstPtr fromMo) const { QQmlPropertyCache::ConstPtr toMo = QQmlMetaType::rawPropertyCacheForType(to); if (toMo.isNull()) { // if we have an inline component from the current file, // it is not properly registered at this point, as registration // only occurs after the whole file has been validated // Therefore we need to check the ICs here for (const auto& icDatum : compilationUnit->inlineComponentData) { if (icDatum.typeIds.id == to) { toMo = compilationUnit->propertyCaches.at(icDatum.objectIndex); break; } } } while (fromMo) { if (fromMo == toMo) return true; fromMo = fromMo->parent(); } return false; } QVector QQmlPropertyValidator::recordError(const QV4::CompiledData::Location &location, const QString &description) const { QVector errors; errors.append(qQmlCompileError(location, description)); return errors; } QVector QQmlPropertyValidator::recordError(const QQmlError &error) const { QVector errors; errors.append(error); return errors; } QQmlError QQmlPropertyValidator::validateObjectBinding(const QQmlPropertyData *property, const QString &propertyName, const QV4::CompiledData::Binding *binding) const { QQmlError noError; if (binding->hasFlag(QV4::CompiledData::Binding::IsOnAssignment)) { Q_ASSERT(binding->type() == QV4::CompiledData::Binding::Type_Object); bool isValueSource = false; bool isPropertyInterceptor = false; const QV4::CompiledData::Object *targetObject = compilationUnit->objectAt(binding->value.objectIndex); if (auto *typeRef = resolvedType(targetObject->inheritedTypeNameIndex)) { QQmlPropertyCache::ConstPtr cache = typeRef->createPropertyCache(); const QMetaObject *mo = cache->firstCppMetaObject(); QQmlType qmlType; while (mo && !qmlType.isValid()) { qmlType = QQmlMetaType::qmlType(mo); mo = mo->superClass(); } Q_ASSERT(qmlType.isValid()); isValueSource = qmlType.propertyValueSourceCast() != -1; isPropertyInterceptor = qmlType.propertyValueInterceptorCast() != -1; } if (!isValueSource && !isPropertyInterceptor) { return qQmlCompileError(binding->valueLocation, tr("\"%1\" cannot operate on \"%2\"").arg(stringAt(targetObject->inheritedTypeNameIndex)).arg(propertyName)); } return noError; } const QMetaType propType = property->propType(); const auto rhsType = [&]() { return stringAt(compilationUnit->objectAt(binding->value.objectIndex) ->inheritedTypeNameIndex); }; if (QQmlMetaType::isInterface(propType)) { // Can only check at instantiation time if the created sub-object successfully casts to the // target interface. return noError; } else if (propType == QMetaType::fromType() || propType == QMetaType::fromType()) { // We can convert everything to QVariant :) return noError; } else if (property->isQList()) { const QMetaType listType = QQmlMetaType::listValueType(property->propType()); if (!QQmlMetaType::isInterface(listType)) { QQmlPropertyCache::ConstPtr source = propertyCaches.at(binding->value.objectIndex); if (!canCoerce(listType, source)) { return qQmlCompileError(binding->valueLocation, tr("Cannot assign object to list property \"%1\"").arg(propertyName)); } } return noError; } else if (binding->hasFlag(QV4::CompiledData::Binding::IsSignalHandlerObject) && property->isFunction()) { return noError; } else if (isPrimitiveType(propType)) { auto typeName = QString::fromUtf8(QMetaType(propType).name()); return qQmlCompileError(binding->location, tr("Cannot assign value of type \"%1\" to property \"%2\", expecting \"%3\"") .arg(rhsType()) .arg(propertyName) .arg(typeName)); } else if (propType == QMetaType::fromType()) { return qQmlCompileError(binding->valueLocation, tr("Invalid property assignment: script expected")); } else if (QQmlMetaType::isValueType(property->propType())) { return qQmlCompileError(binding->location, tr("Cannot assign value of type \"%1\" to property \"%2\", expecting an object") .arg(rhsType()).arg(propertyName)); } else { // We want to use the raw metaObject here as the raw metaobject is the // actual property type before we applied any extensions that might // effect the properties on the type, but don't effect assignability // Not passing a version ensures that we get the raw metaObject. QQmlPropertyCache::ConstPtr propertyMetaObject = QQmlMetaType::rawPropertyCacheForType(propType); if (!propertyMetaObject) { // if we have an inline component from the current file, // it is not properly registered at this point, as registration // only occurs after the whole file has been validated // Therefore we need to check the ICs here for (const auto& icDatum: compilationUnit->inlineComponentData) { if (icDatum.typeIds.id == property->propType()) { propertyMetaObject = compilationUnit->propertyCaches.at(icDatum.objectIndex); break; } } } if (propertyMetaObject) { // Will be true if the assigned type inherits propertyMetaObject // Determine isAssignable value bool isAssignable = false; QQmlPropertyCache::ConstPtr c = propertyCaches.at(binding->value.objectIndex); while (c && !isAssignable) { isAssignable |= c == propertyMetaObject; c = c->parent(); } if (!isAssignable) { return qQmlCompileError(binding->valueLocation, tr("Cannot assign object of type \"%1\" to property of type \"%2\" as the former is neither the same as the latter nor a sub-class of it.") .arg(rhsType()).arg(QLatin1String(property->propType().name()))); } } else { return qQmlCompileError(binding->valueLocation, tr("Cannot assign to property of unknown type \"%1\".") .arg(QLatin1String(property->propType().name()))); } } return noError; } QT_END_NAMESPACE