// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #define DATABLOB_DEBUG #ifdef DATABLOB_DEBUG #define ASSERT_LOADTHREAD() do { if (!m_thread->isThisThread()) qFatal("QQmlTypeLoader: Caller not in load thread"); } while (false) #else #define ASSERT_LOADTHREAD() #endif QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace { template struct LockHolder { LockType& lock; LockHolder(LockType *l) : lock(*l) { lock.lock(); } ~LockHolder() { lock.unlock(); } }; } /*! \class QQmlTypeLoader \brief The QQmlTypeLoader class abstracts loading files and their dependencies over the network. \internal The QQmlTypeLoader class is provided for the exclusive use of the QQmlTypeLoader class. Clients create QQmlDataBlob instances and submit them to the QQmlTypeLoader class through the QQmlTypeLoader::load() or QQmlTypeLoader::loadWithStaticData() methods. The loader then fetches the data over the network or from the local file system in an efficient way. QQmlDataBlob is an abstract class, so should always be specialized. Once data is received, the QQmlDataBlob::dataReceived() method is invoked on the blob. The derived class should use this callback to process the received data. Processing of the data can result in an error being set (QQmlDataBlob::setError()), or one or more dependencies being created (QQmlDataBlob::addDependency()). Dependencies are other QQmlDataBlob's that are required before processing can fully complete. To complete processing, the QQmlDataBlob::done() callback is invoked. done() is called when one of these three preconditions are met. \list 1 \li The QQmlDataBlob has no dependencies. \li The QQmlDataBlob has an error set. \li All the QQmlDataBlob's dependencies are themselves "done()". \endlist Thus QQmlDataBlob::done() will always eventually be called, even if the blob has an error set. */ void QQmlTypeLoader::invalidate() { if (m_thread) { shutdownThread(); delete m_thread; m_thread = nullptr; } #if QT_CONFIG(qml_network) // Need to delete the network replies after // the loader thread is shutdown as it could be // getting new replies while we clear them m_networkReplies.clear(); #endif // qml_network } #if QT_CONFIG(qml_debug) void QQmlTypeLoader::setProfiler(QQmlProfiler *profiler) { Q_ASSERT(!m_profiler); m_profiler.reset(profiler); } #endif struct PlainLoader { void loadThread(QQmlTypeLoader *loader, QQmlDataBlob *blob) const { loader->loadThread(blob); } void load(QQmlTypeLoader *loader, QQmlDataBlob *blob) const { loader->m_thread->load(blob); } void loadAsync(QQmlTypeLoader *loader, QQmlDataBlob *blob) const { loader->m_thread->loadAsync(blob); } }; struct StaticLoader { const QByteArray &data; StaticLoader(const QByteArray &data) : data(data) {} void loadThread(QQmlTypeLoader *loader, QQmlDataBlob *blob) const { loader->loadWithStaticDataThread(blob, data); } void load(QQmlTypeLoader *loader, QQmlDataBlob *blob) const { loader->m_thread->loadWithStaticData(blob, data); } void loadAsync(QQmlTypeLoader *loader, QQmlDataBlob *blob) const { loader->m_thread->loadWithStaticDataAsync(blob, data); } }; struct CachedLoader { const QQmlPrivate::CachedQmlUnit *unit; CachedLoader(const QQmlPrivate::CachedQmlUnit *unit) : unit(unit) {} void loadThread(QQmlTypeLoader *loader, QQmlDataBlob *blob) const { loader->loadWithCachedUnitThread(blob, unit); } void load(QQmlTypeLoader *loader, QQmlDataBlob *blob) const { loader->m_thread->loadWithCachedUnit(blob, unit); } void loadAsync(QQmlTypeLoader *loader, QQmlDataBlob *blob) const { loader->m_thread->loadWithCachedUnitAsync(blob, unit); } }; template void QQmlTypeLoader::doLoad(const Loader &loader, QQmlDataBlob *blob, Mode mode) { #ifdef DATABLOB_DEBUG qWarning("QQmlTypeLoader::doLoad(%s): %s thread", qPrintable(blob->urlString()), m_thread->isThisThread()?"Compile":"Engine"); #endif blob->startLoading(); if (m_thread->isThisThread()) { unlock(); loader.loadThread(this, blob); lock(); } else if (mode == Asynchronous) { blob->m_data.setIsAsync(true); unlock(); loader.loadAsync(this, blob); lock(); } else { unlock(); loader.load(this, blob); lock(); if (mode == PreferSynchronous) { if (!blob->isCompleteOrError()) blob->m_data.setIsAsync(true); } else { Q_ASSERT(mode == Synchronous); while (!blob->isCompleteOrError()) { m_thread->waitForNextMessage(); } } } } /*! Load the provided \a blob from the network or filesystem. The loader must be locked. */ void QQmlTypeLoader::load(QQmlDataBlob *blob, Mode mode) { doLoad(PlainLoader(), blob, mode); } /*! Load the provided \a blob with \a data. The blob's URL is not used by the data loader in this case. The loader must be locked. */ void QQmlTypeLoader::loadWithStaticData(QQmlDataBlob *blob, const QByteArray &data, Mode mode) { doLoad(StaticLoader(data), blob, mode); } void QQmlTypeLoader::loadWithCachedUnit(QQmlDataBlob *blob, const QQmlPrivate::CachedQmlUnit *unit, Mode mode) { doLoad(CachedLoader(unit), blob, mode); } void QQmlTypeLoader::loadWithStaticDataThread(const QQmlDataBlob::Ptr &blob, const QByteArray &data) { ASSERT_LOADTHREAD(); setData(blob, data); } void QQmlTypeLoader::loadWithCachedUnitThread(const QQmlDataBlob::Ptr &blob, const QQmlPrivate::CachedQmlUnit *unit) { ASSERT_LOADTHREAD(); setCachedUnit(blob, unit); } void QQmlTypeLoader::loadThread(const QQmlDataBlob::Ptr &blob) { ASSERT_LOADTHREAD(); // Don't continue loading if we've been shutdown if (m_thread->isShutdown()) { QQmlError error; error.setDescription(QLatin1String("Interrupted by shutdown")); blob->setError(error); return; } if (blob->m_url.isEmpty()) { QQmlError error; error.setDescription(QLatin1String("Invalid null URL")); blob->setError(error); return; } if (QQmlFile::isSynchronous(blob->m_url)) { const QString fileName = QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(blob->m_url); if (!QQml_isFileCaseCorrect(fileName)) { blob->setError(QLatin1String("File name case mismatch")); return; } blob->m_data.setProgress(1.f); if (blob->m_data.isAsync()) m_thread->callDownloadProgressChanged(blob, 1.); setData(blob, fileName); } else { #if QT_CONFIG(qml_network) QNetworkReply *reply = m_thread->networkAccessManager()->get(QNetworkRequest(blob->m_url)); QQmlTypeLoaderNetworkReplyProxy *nrp = m_thread->networkReplyProxy(); m_networkReplies.insert(reply, blob); if (reply->isFinished()) { nrp->manualFinished(reply); } else { QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64,qint64)), nrp, SLOT(downloadProgress(qint64,qint64))); QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), nrp, SLOT(finished())); } #ifdef DATABLOB_DEBUG qWarning("QQmlDataBlob: requested %s", qPrintable(blob->urlString())); #endif // DATABLOB_DEBUG #endif // qml_network } } #define DATALOADER_MAXIMUM_REDIRECT_RECURSION 16 #ifndef TYPELOADER_MINIMUM_TRIM_THRESHOLD #define TYPELOADER_MINIMUM_TRIM_THRESHOLD 64 #endif #if QT_CONFIG(qml_network) void QQmlTypeLoader::networkReplyFinished(QNetworkReply *reply) { Q_ASSERT(m_thread->isThisThread()); reply->deleteLater(); QQmlRefPointer blob = m_networkReplies.take(reply); Q_ASSERT(blob); blob->m_redirectCount++; if (blob->m_redirectCount < DATALOADER_MAXIMUM_REDIRECT_RECURSION) { QVariant redirect = reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::RedirectionTargetAttribute); if (redirect.isValid()) { QUrl url = reply->url().resolved(redirect.toUrl()); blob->m_finalUrl = url; blob->m_finalUrlString.clear(); QNetworkReply *reply = m_thread->networkAccessManager()->get(QNetworkRequest(url)); QObject *nrp = m_thread->networkReplyProxy(); QObject::connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), nrp, SLOT(finished())); m_networkReplies.insert(reply, std::move(blob)); #ifdef DATABLOB_DEBUG qWarning("QQmlDataBlob: redirected to %s", qPrintable(blob->finalUrlString())); #endif return; } } if (reply->error()) { blob->networkError(reply->error()); } else { QByteArray data = reply->readAll(); setData(blob, data); } } void QQmlTypeLoader::networkReplyProgress(QNetworkReply *reply, qint64 bytesReceived, qint64 bytesTotal) { Q_ASSERT(m_thread->isThisThread()); const QQmlRefPointer blob = m_networkReplies.value(reply); Q_ASSERT(blob); if (bytesTotal != 0) { qreal progress = (qreal(bytesReceived) / qreal(bytesTotal)); blob->m_data.setProgress(progress); if (blob->m_data.isAsync()) m_thread->callDownloadProgressChanged(blob, blob->m_data.progress()); } } #endif // qml_network /*! Return the QQmlEngine associated with this loader */ QQmlEngine *QQmlTypeLoader::engine() const { return m_engine; } /*! \internal Call the initializeEngine() method on \a iface. Used by QQmlImportDatabase to ensure it gets called in the correct thread. */ template void doInitializeEngine(Interface *iface, QQmlTypeLoaderThread *thread, QQmlEngine *engine, const char *uri) { Q_ASSERT(thread->isThisThread() || engine->thread() == QThread::currentThread()); if (thread->isThisThread()) { thread->initializeEngine(iface, uri); } else { Q_ASSERT(engine->thread() == QThread::currentThread()); iface->initializeEngine(engine, uri); } } void QQmlTypeLoader::initializeEngine(QQmlEngineExtensionInterface *iface, const char *uri) { doInitializeEngine(iface, m_thread, engine(), uri); } void QQmlTypeLoader::initializeEngine(QQmlExtensionInterface *iface, const char *uri) { doInitializeEngine(iface, m_thread, engine(), uri); } void QQmlTypeLoader::setData(const QQmlDataBlob::Ptr &blob, const QByteArray &data) { QQmlDataBlob::SourceCodeData d; d.inlineSourceCode = QString::fromUtf8(data); d.hasInlineSourceCode = true; setData(blob, d); } void QQmlTypeLoader::setData(const QQmlDataBlob::Ptr &blob, const QString &fileName) { QQmlDataBlob::SourceCodeData d; d.fileInfo = QFileInfo(fileName); setData(blob, d); } void QQmlTypeLoader::setData(const QQmlDataBlob::Ptr &blob, const QQmlDataBlob::SourceCodeData &d) { Q_TRACE_SCOPE(QQmlCompiling, blob->url()); QQmlCompilingProfiler prof(profiler(), blob.data()); blob->m_inCallback = true; blob->dataReceived(d); if (!blob->isError() && !blob->isWaiting()) blob->allDependenciesDone(); if (blob->status() != QQmlDataBlob::Error) blob->m_data.setStatus(QQmlDataBlob::WaitingForDependencies); blob->m_inCallback = false; blob->tryDone(); } void QQmlTypeLoader::setCachedUnit(const QQmlDataBlob::Ptr &blob, const QQmlPrivate::CachedQmlUnit *unit) { Q_TRACE_SCOPE(QQmlCompiling, blob->url()); QQmlCompilingProfiler prof(profiler(), blob.data()); blob->m_inCallback = true; blob->initializeFromCachedUnit(unit); if (!blob->isError() && !blob->isWaiting()) blob->allDependenciesDone(); if (blob->status() != QQmlDataBlob::Error) blob->m_data.setStatus(QQmlDataBlob::WaitingForDependencies); blob->m_inCallback = false; blob->tryDone(); } void QQmlTypeLoader::shutdownThread() { if (m_thread && !m_thread->isShutdown()) m_thread->shutdown(); } QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::PendingImport::PendingImport( QQmlTypeLoader::Blob *blob, const QV4::CompiledData::Import *import, QQmlImports::ImportFlags flags) : uri(blob->stringAt(import->uriIndex)) , qualifier(blob->stringAt(import->qualifierIndex)) , type(static_cast(quint32(import->type))) , location(import->location) , flags(flags) , version(import->version) { } QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::Blob(const QUrl &url, QQmlDataBlob::Type type, QQmlTypeLoader *loader) : QQmlDataBlob(url, type, loader) , m_importCache(new QQmlImports(loader), QQmlRefPointer::Adopt) { } QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::~Blob() { } bool QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::fetchQmldir(const QUrl &url, PendingImportPtr import, int priority, QList *errors) { QQmlRefPointer data = typeLoader()->getQmldir(url); data->setPriority(this, std::move(import), priority); if (data->status() == Error) { // This qmldir must not exist - which is not an error return true; } else if (data->status() == Complete) { // This data is already available return qmldirDataAvailable(data, errors); } // Wait for this data to become available addDependency(data.data()); return true; } /*! * \internal * Import any qualified scripts of for \a import as listed in \a qmldir. * Precondition is that \a import is actually qualified. */ void QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::importQmldirScripts( const QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::PendingImportPtr &import, const QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent &qmldir, const QUrl &qmldirUrl) { const auto qmldirScripts = qmldir.scripts(); for (const QQmlDirParser::Script &script : qmldirScripts) { const QUrl scriptUrl = qmldirUrl.resolved(QUrl(script.fileName)); QQmlRefPointer blob = typeLoader()->getScript(scriptUrl); addDependency(blob.data()); scriptImported(blob, import->location, script.nameSpace, import->qualifier); } } template void postProcessQmldir( QQmlTypeLoader::Blob *self, const QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::PendingImportPtr &import, const QString &qmldirFilePath, const URL &qmldirUrl) { const QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent qmldir = self->typeLoader()->qmldirContent(qmldirFilePath); if (!import->qualifier.isEmpty()) self->importQmldirScripts(import, qmldir, QUrl(qmldirUrl)); if (qmldir.plugins().isEmpty()) { // If the qmldir does not register a plugin, we might still have declaratively // registered types (if we are dealing with an application instead of a library) // We should use module name given in the qmldir rather than the one given by the // import since the import may be a directory import. auto module = QQmlMetaType::typeModule(qmldir.typeNamespace(), import->version); if (!module) QQmlMetaType::qmlRegisterModuleTypes(qmldir.typeNamespace()); // else: If the module already exists, the types must have been already registered } } bool QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::updateQmldir(const QQmlRefPointer &data, const QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::PendingImportPtr &import, QList *errors) { QString qmldirIdentifier = data->urlString(); QString qmldirUrl = qmldirIdentifier.left(qmldirIdentifier.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/')) + 1); typeLoader()->setQmldirContent(qmldirIdentifier, data->content()); const QTypeRevision version = m_importCache->updateQmldirContent( typeLoader()->importDatabase(), import->uri, import->qualifier, qmldirIdentifier, qmldirUrl, errors); if (!version.isValid()) return false; // Use more specific version for dependencies if possible if (version.hasMajorVersion()) import->version = version; if (!loadImportDependencies(import, qmldirIdentifier, import->flags, errors)) return false; import->priority = 0; // Release this reference at destruction m_qmldirs << data; postProcessQmldir(this, import, qmldirIdentifier, qmldirUrl); return true; } bool QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::addScriptImport(const QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::PendingImportPtr &import) { const QUrl url(import->uri); const auto module = m_typeLoader->engine()->handle()->moduleForUrl(url); QQmlRefPointer blob; if (module.native) { blob.adopt(new QQmlScriptBlob(url, m_typeLoader)); blob->initializeFromNative(*module.native); blob->tryDone(); } else { blob = typeLoader()->getScript(finalUrl().resolved(url)); } addDependency(blob.data()); scriptImported(blob, import->location, import->qualifier, QString()); return true; } bool QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::addFileImport(const QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::PendingImportPtr &import, QList *errors) { QQmlImportDatabase *importDatabase = typeLoader()->importDatabase(); QQmlImports::ImportFlags flags; QUrl importUrl(import->uri); QString path = importUrl.path(); path.append(QLatin1String(path.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/')) ? "qmldir" : "/qmldir")); importUrl.setPath(path); QUrl qmldirUrl = finalUrl().resolved(importUrl); if (!QQmlImports::isLocal(qmldirUrl)) { // This is a remote file; the import is currently incomplete flags = QQmlImports::ImportIncomplete; } const QTypeRevision version = m_importCache->addFileImport( importDatabase, import->uri, import->qualifier, import->version, flags, import->precedence, nullptr, errors); if (!version.isValid()) return false; // Use more specific version for the qmldir if possible if (version.hasMajorVersion()) import->version = version; if (flags & QQmlImports::ImportIncomplete) { if (!fetchQmldir(qmldirUrl, import, 1, errors)) return false; } else { const QString qmldirFilePath = QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(qmldirUrl); if (!loadImportDependencies(import, qmldirFilePath, import->flags, errors)) return false; postProcessQmldir(this, import, qmldirFilePath, qmldirUrl); } return true; } bool QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::addLibraryImport(const QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::PendingImportPtr &import, QList *errors) { QQmlImportDatabase *importDatabase = typeLoader()->importDatabase(); const QQmlImportDatabase::LocalQmldirSearchLocation searchMode = QQmlMetaType::isStronglyLockedModule(import->uri, import->version) ? QQmlImportDatabase::QmldirCacheOnly : QQmlImportDatabase::QmldirFileAndCache; const QQmlImportDatabase::LocalQmldirResult qmldirResult = importDatabase->locateLocalQmldir( import->uri, import->version, searchMode, [&](const QString &qmldirFilePath, const QString &qmldirUrl) { // This is a local library import const QTypeRevision actualVersion = m_importCache->addLibraryImport( importDatabase, import->uri, import->qualifier, import->version, qmldirFilePath, qmldirUrl, import->flags, import->precedence, errors); if (!actualVersion.isValid()) return false; // Use more specific version for dependencies if possible if (actualVersion.hasMajorVersion()) import->version = actualVersion; if (!loadImportDependencies(import, qmldirFilePath, import->flags, errors)) { QQmlError error; if (import->version.hasMajorVersion()) { error.setDescription(QQmlImportDatabase::tr( "module \"%1\" version %2.%3 cannot be imported because\n%4") .arg(import->uri).arg(import->version.majorVersion()) .arg(import->version.hasMinorVersion() ? QString::number(import->version.minorVersion()) : QLatin1String("x")) .arg(errors->front().description())); } else { error.setDescription(QQmlImportDatabase::tr("module \"%1\" cannot be imported because\n%2") .arg(import->uri, errors->front().description())); } errors->prepend(error); return false; } postProcessQmldir(this, import, qmldirFilePath, qmldirUrl); return true; }); switch (qmldirResult) { case QQmlImportDatabase::QmldirFound: return true; case QQmlImportDatabase::QmldirNotFound: case QQmlImportDatabase::QmldirInterceptedToRemote: break; case QQmlImportDatabase::QmldirRejected: return false; } // If there is a qmldir we cannot see, yet, then we have to wait. // The qmldir might contain import directives. if (qmldirResult != QQmlImportDatabase::QmldirInterceptedToRemote && ( // Major version of module already registered: // We believe that the registration is complete. QQmlMetaType::typeModule(import->uri, import->version) // Otherwise, try to register further module types. || QQmlMetaType::qmlRegisterModuleTypes(import->uri) // Otherwise, there is no way to register any further types. // Try with any module of that name. || QQmlMetaType::latestModuleVersion(import->uri).isValid())) { if (!m_importCache->addLibraryImport( importDatabase, import->uri, import->qualifier, import->version, QString(), QString(), import->flags, import->precedence, errors).isValid()) { return false; } } else { // We haven't yet resolved this import m_unresolvedImports << import; const QQmlEngine *engine = typeLoader()->engine(); const bool hasInterceptors = !(QQmlEnginePrivate::get(engine)->urlInterceptors.isEmpty()); // Query any network import paths for this library. // Interceptor might redirect local paths. QStringList remotePathList = importDatabase->importPathList( hasInterceptors ? QQmlImportDatabase::LocalOrRemote : QQmlImportDatabase::Remote); if (!remotePathList.isEmpty()) { // Add this library and request the possible locations for it const QTypeRevision version = m_importCache->addLibraryImport( importDatabase, import->uri, import->qualifier, import->version, QString(), QString(), import->flags | QQmlImports::ImportIncomplete, import->precedence, errors); if (!version.isValid()) return false; // Use more specific version for finding the qmldir if possible if (version.hasMajorVersion()) import->version = version; // Probe for all possible locations int priority = 0; const QStringList qmlDirPaths = QQmlImports::completeQmldirPaths( import->uri, remotePathList, import->version); for (const QString &qmldirPath : qmlDirPaths) { if (hasInterceptors) { QUrl url = engine->interceptUrl( QQmlImports::urlFromLocalFileOrQrcOrUrl(qmldirPath), QQmlAbstractUrlInterceptor::QmldirFile); if (!QQmlFile::isLocalFile(url) && !fetchQmldir(url, import, ++priority, errors)) { return false; } } else if (!fetchQmldir(QUrl(qmldirPath), import, ++priority, errors)) { return false; } } } } return true; } bool QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::addImport(const QV4::CompiledData::Import *import, QQmlImports::ImportFlags flags, QList *errors) { return addImport(std::make_shared(this, import, flags), errors); } bool QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::addImport( QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::PendingImportPtr import, QList *errors) { Q_ASSERT(errors); switch (import->type) { case QV4::CompiledData::Import::ImportLibrary: return addLibraryImport(import, errors); case QV4::CompiledData::Import::ImportFile: return addFileImport(import ,errors); case QV4::CompiledData::Import::ImportScript: return addScriptImport(import); case QV4::CompiledData::Import::ImportInlineComponent: Q_UNREACHABLE_RETURN(false); // addImport is never called with an inline component import } Q_UNREACHABLE_RETURN(false); } void QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::dependencyComplete(QQmlDataBlob *blob) { if (blob->type() == QQmlDataBlob::QmldirFile) { QQmlQmldirData *data = static_cast(blob); QList errors; if (!qmldirDataAvailable(data, &errors)) { Q_ASSERT(errors.size()); QQmlError error(errors.takeFirst()); error.setUrl(m_importCache->baseUrl()); const QV4::CompiledData::Location importLocation = data->importLocation(this); error.setLine(qmlConvertSourceCoordinate(importLocation.line())); error.setColumn(qmlConvertSourceCoordinate(importLocation.column())); errors.prepend(error); // put it back on the list after filling out information. setError(errors); } } } bool QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::loadDependentImports( const QList &imports, const QString &qualifier, QTypeRevision version, quint16 precedence, QQmlImports::ImportFlags flags, QList *errors) { for (const auto &import : imports) { if (import.flags & QQmlDirParser::Import::Optional) continue; auto dependencyImport = std::make_shared(); dependencyImport->uri = import.module; dependencyImport->qualifier = qualifier; dependencyImport->version = (import.flags & QQmlDirParser::Import::Auto) ? version : import.version; dependencyImport->flags = flags; dependencyImport->precedence = precedence; qCDebug(lcQmlImport) << "loading dependent import" << dependencyImport->uri << "version" << dependencyImport->version << "as" << dependencyImport->qualifier; if (!addImport(dependencyImport, errors)) { QQmlError error; error.setDescription( QString::fromLatin1( "Failed to load dependent import \"%1\" version %2.%3") .arg(dependencyImport->uri) .arg(dependencyImport->version.majorVersion()) .arg(dependencyImport->version.minorVersion())); errors->append(error); return false; } } return true; } bool QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::loadImportDependencies( const QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::PendingImportPtr ¤tImport, const QString &qmldirUri, QQmlImports::ImportFlags flags, QList *errors) { const QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent qmldir = typeLoader()->qmldirContent(qmldirUri); const QList implicitImports = QQmlMetaType::moduleImports(currentImport->uri, currentImport->version) + qmldir.imports(); // Prevent overflow from one category of import into the other. switch (currentImport->precedence) { case QQmlImportInstance::Implicit - 1: case QQmlImportInstance::Lowest: { QQmlError error; error.setDescription( QString::fromLatin1("Too many dependent imports") .arg(currentImport->uri) .arg(currentImport->version.majorVersion()) .arg(currentImport->version.minorVersion())); errors->append(error); return false; } default: break; } if (!loadDependentImports( implicitImports, currentImport->qualifier, currentImport->version, currentImport->precedence + 1, flags, errors)) { QQmlError error; error.setDescription( QString::fromLatin1( "Failed to load dependencies for module \"%1\" version %2.%3") .arg(currentImport->uri) .arg(currentImport->version.majorVersion()) .arg(currentImport->version.minorVersion())); errors->append(error); return false; } return true; } bool QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::isDebugging() const { return typeLoader()->engine()->handle()->debugger() != nullptr; } bool QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::readCacheFile() const { return typeLoader()->engine()->handle()->diskCacheOptions() & QV4::ExecutionEngine::DiskCache::QmlcRead; } bool QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::writeCacheFile() const { return typeLoader()->engine()->handle()->diskCacheOptions() & QV4::ExecutionEngine::DiskCache::QmlcWrite; } QQmlMetaType::CacheMode QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::aotCacheMode() const { const QV4::ExecutionEngine::DiskCacheOptions options = typeLoader()->engine()->handle()->diskCacheOptions(); if (!(options & QV4::ExecutionEngine::DiskCache::Aot)) return QQmlMetaType::RejectAll; if (options & QV4::ExecutionEngine::DiskCache::AotByteCode) return QQmlMetaType::AcceptUntyped; return QQmlMetaType::RequireFullyTyped; } bool QQmlTypeLoader::Blob::qmldirDataAvailable(const QQmlRefPointer &data, QList *errors) { return data->processImports(this, [&](PendingImportPtr import) { return updateQmldir(data, import, errors); }); } /*! Constructs a new type loader that uses the given \a engine. */ QQmlTypeLoader::QQmlTypeLoader(QQmlEngine *engine) : m_engine(engine) , m_thread(new QQmlTypeLoaderThread(this)) , m_mutex(m_thread->mutex()) , m_typeCacheTrimThreshold(TYPELOADER_MINIMUM_TRIM_THRESHOLD) { } /*! Destroys the type loader, first clearing the cache of any information about loaded files. */ QQmlTypeLoader::~QQmlTypeLoader() { // Stop the loader thread before releasing resources shutdownThread(); clearCache(); invalidate(); } QQmlImportDatabase *QQmlTypeLoader::importDatabase() const { return &QQmlEnginePrivate::get(engine())->importDatabase; } QUrl QQmlTypeLoader::normalize(const QUrl &unNormalizedUrl) { QUrl normalized(unNormalizedUrl); if (normalized.scheme() == QLatin1String("qrc")) normalized.setHost(QString()); // map qrc:///a.qml to qrc:/a.qml return normalized; } /*! Returns a QQmlTypeData for the specified \a url. The QQmlTypeData may be cached. */ QQmlRefPointer QQmlTypeLoader::getType(const QUrl &unNormalizedUrl, Mode mode) { Q_ASSERT(!unNormalizedUrl.isRelative() && (QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(unNormalizedUrl).isEmpty() || !QDir::isRelativePath(QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(unNormalizedUrl)))); const QUrl url = normalize(unNormalizedUrl); LockHolder holder(this); QQmlTypeData *typeData = m_typeCache.value(url); if (!typeData) { // Trim before adding the new type, so that we don't immediately trim it away if (m_typeCache.size() >= m_typeCacheTrimThreshold) trimCache(); typeData = new QQmlTypeData(url, this); // TODO: if (compiledData == 0), is it safe to omit this insertion? m_typeCache.insert(url, typeData); QQmlMetaType::CachedUnitLookupError error = QQmlMetaType::CachedUnitLookupError::NoError; const QQmlMetaType::CacheMode cacheMode = typeData->aotCacheMode(); if (const QQmlPrivate::CachedQmlUnit *cachedUnit = (cacheMode != QQmlMetaType::RejectAll) ? QQmlMetaType::findCachedCompilationUnit(typeData->url(), cacheMode, &error) : nullptr) { QQmlTypeLoader::loadWithCachedUnit(typeData, cachedUnit, mode); } else { typeData->setCachedUnitStatus(error); QQmlTypeLoader::load(typeData, mode); } } else if ((mode == PreferSynchronous || mode == Synchronous) && QQmlFile::isSynchronous(url)) { // this was started Asynchronous, but we need to force Synchronous // completion now (if at all possible with this type of URL). if (!m_thread->isThisThread()) { // this only works when called directly from the UI thread, but not // when recursively called on the QML thread via resolveTypes() while (!typeData->isCompleteOrError()) { m_thread->waitForNextMessage(); } } } return typeData; } /*! Returns a QQmlTypeData for the given \a data with the provided base \a url. The QQmlTypeData will not be cached. */ QQmlRefPointer QQmlTypeLoader::getType(const QByteArray &data, const QUrl &url, Mode mode) { LockHolder holder(this); QQmlTypeData *typeData = new QQmlTypeData(url, this); QQmlTypeLoader::loadWithStaticData(typeData, data, mode); return QQmlRefPointer(typeData, QQmlRefPointer::Adopt); } /*! Return a QQmlScriptBlob for \a url. The QQmlScriptData may be cached. */ QQmlRefPointer QQmlTypeLoader::getScript(const QUrl &unNormalizedUrl) { Q_ASSERT(!unNormalizedUrl.isRelative() && (QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(unNormalizedUrl).isEmpty() || !QDir::isRelativePath(QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(unNormalizedUrl)))); const QUrl url = normalize(unNormalizedUrl); LockHolder holder(this); QQmlScriptBlob *scriptBlob = m_scriptCache.value(url); if (!scriptBlob) { scriptBlob = new QQmlScriptBlob(url, this); m_scriptCache.insert(url, scriptBlob); QQmlMetaType::CachedUnitLookupError error = QQmlMetaType::CachedUnitLookupError::NoError; const QQmlMetaType::CacheMode cacheMode = scriptBlob->aotCacheMode(); if (const QQmlPrivate::CachedQmlUnit *cachedUnit = (cacheMode != QQmlMetaType::RejectAll) ? QQmlMetaType::findCachedCompilationUnit(scriptBlob->url(), cacheMode, &error) : nullptr) { QQmlTypeLoader::loadWithCachedUnit(scriptBlob, cachedUnit); } else { scriptBlob->setCachedUnitStatus(error); QQmlTypeLoader::load(scriptBlob); } } return scriptBlob; } /*! Returns a QQmlQmldirData for \a url. The QQmlQmldirData may be cached. */ QQmlRefPointer QQmlTypeLoader::getQmldir(const QUrl &url) { Q_ASSERT(!url.isRelative() && (QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(url).isEmpty() || !QDir::isRelativePath(QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(url)))); LockHolder holder(this); QQmlQmldirData *qmldirData = m_qmldirCache.value(url); if (!qmldirData) { qmldirData = new QQmlQmldirData(url, this); m_qmldirCache.insert(url, qmldirData); QQmlTypeLoader::load(qmldirData); } return qmldirData; } /*! Returns the absolute filename of path via a directory cache. Returns a empty string if the path does not exist. Why a directory cache? QML checks for files in many paths with invalid directories. By caching whether a directory exists we avoid many stats. We also cache the files' existence in the directory, for the same reason. */ QString QQmlTypeLoader::absoluteFilePath(const QString &path) { if (path.isEmpty()) return QString(); if (path.at(0) == QLatin1Char(':')) { // qrc resource QFileInfo fileInfo(path); return fileInfo.isFile() ? fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() : QString(); } else if (path.size() > 3 && path.at(3) == QLatin1Char(':') && path.startsWith(QLatin1String("qrc"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { // qrc resource url QFileInfo fileInfo(QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(path)); return fileInfo.isFile() ? fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() : QString(); } #if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) else if (path.size() > 7 && path.at(6) == QLatin1Char(':') && path.at(7) == QLatin1Char('/') && path.startsWith(QLatin1String("assets"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { // assets resource url QFileInfo fileInfo(QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(path)); return fileInfo.isFile() ? fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() : QString(); } else if (path.size() > 8 && path.at(7) == QLatin1Char(':') && path.at(8) == QLatin1Char('/') && path.startsWith(QLatin1String("content"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { // content url QFileInfo fileInfo(QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(path)); return fileInfo.isFile() ? fileInfo.absoluteFilePath() : QString(); } #endif int lastSlash = path.lastIndexOf(QLatin1Char('/')); QString dirPath(path.left(lastSlash)); LockHolder holder(this); if (!m_importDirCache.contains(dirPath)) { bool exists = QDir(dirPath).exists(); QCache *entry = exists ? new QCache : nullptr; m_importDirCache.insert(dirPath, entry); } QCache *fileSet = m_importDirCache.object(dirPath); if (!fileSet) return QString(); QString absoluteFilePath; QString fileName(path.mid(lastSlash+1, path.size()-lastSlash-1)); bool *value = fileSet->object(fileName); if (value) { if (*value) absoluteFilePath = path; } else { bool exists = QFile::exists(path); fileSet->insert(fileName, new bool(exists)); if (exists) absoluteFilePath = path; } if (absoluteFilePath.size() > 2 && absoluteFilePath.at(0) != QLatin1Char('/') && absoluteFilePath.at(1) != QLatin1Char(':')) absoluteFilePath = QFileInfo(absoluteFilePath).absoluteFilePath(); return absoluteFilePath; } bool QQmlTypeLoader::fileExists(const QString &path, const QString &file) { const QChar nullChar(QChar::Null); if (path.isEmpty() || path.contains(nullChar) || file.isEmpty() || file.contains(nullChar)) return false; Q_ASSERT(path.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))); LockHolder holder(this); QCache *fileSet = m_importDirCache.object(path); if (fileSet) { if (bool *value = fileSet->object(file)) return *value; } else if (m_importDirCache.contains(path)) { // explicit nullptr in cache return false; } auto addToCache = [&](const QFileInfo &fileInfo) { if (!fileSet) { fileSet = fileInfo.dir().exists() ? new QCache : nullptr; m_importDirCache.insert(path, fileSet); if (!fileSet) return false; } const bool exists = fileInfo.exists(); fileSet->insert(file, new bool(exists)); return exists; }; if (path.at(0) == QLatin1Char(':')) { // qrc resource return addToCache(QFileInfo(path + file)); } if (path.size() > 3 && path.at(3) == QLatin1Char(':') && path.startsWith(QLatin1String("qrc"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { // qrc resource url return addToCache(QFileInfo(QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(path + file))); } #if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) if (path.size() > 7 && path.at(6) == QLatin1Char(':') && path.at(7) == QLatin1Char('/') && path.startsWith(QLatin1String("assets"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { // assets resource url return addToCache(QFileInfo(QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(path + file))); } if (path.size() > 8 && path.at(7) == QLatin1Char(':') && path.at(8) == QLatin1Char('/') && path.startsWith(QLatin1String("content"), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { // content url return addToCache(QFileInfo(QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(path + file))); } #endif return addToCache(QFileInfo(path + file)); } /*! Returns true if the path is a directory via a directory cache. Cache is shared with absoluteFilePath(). */ bool QQmlTypeLoader::directoryExists(const QString &path) { if (path.isEmpty()) return false; bool isResource = path.at(0) == QLatin1Char(':'); #if defined(Q_OS_ANDROID) isResource = isResource || path.startsWith(QLatin1String("assets:/")) || path.startsWith(QLatin1String("content:/")); #endif if (isResource) { // qrc resource QFileInfo fileInfo(path); return fileInfo.exists() && fileInfo.isDir(); } int length = path.size(); if (path.endsWith(QLatin1Char('/'))) --length; QString dirPath(path.left(length)); LockHolder holder(this); if (!m_importDirCache.contains(dirPath)) { bool exists = QDir(dirPath).exists(); QCache *files = exists ? new QCache : nullptr; m_importDirCache.insert(dirPath, files); } QCache *fileSet = m_importDirCache.object(dirPath); return fileSet != nullptr; } /*! Return a QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent for absoluteFilePath. The QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent may be cached. \a filePath is a local file path. It can also be a remote path for a remote directory import, but it will have been cached by now in this case. */ const QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent QQmlTypeLoader::qmldirContent(const QString &filePathIn) { LockHolder holder(this); QString filePath; // Try to guess if filePathIn is already a URL. This is necessarily fragile, because // - paths can contain ':', which might make them appear as URLs with schemes. // - windows drive letters appear as schemes (thus "< 2" below). // - a "file:" URL is equivalent to the respective file, but will be treated differently. // Yet, this heuristic is the best we can do until we pass more structured information here, // for example a QUrl also for local files. QUrl url(filePathIn); if (url.scheme().size() < 2) { filePath = filePathIn; } else { filePath = QQmlFile::urlToLocalFileOrQrc(url); if (filePath.isEmpty()) { // Can't load the remote here, but should be cached if (auto entry = m_importQmlDirCache.value(filePathIn)) return **entry; else return QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent(); } } QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent **val = m_importQmlDirCache.value(filePath); if (val) return **val; QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent *qmldir = new QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent; #define ERROR(description) { QQmlError e; e.setDescription(description); qmldir->setError(e); } #define NOT_READABLE_ERROR QString(QLatin1String("module \"$$URI$$\" definition \"%1\" not readable")) #define CASE_MISMATCH_ERROR QString(QLatin1String("cannot load module \"$$URI$$\": File name case mismatch for \"%1\"")) QFile file(filePath); if (!QQml_isFileCaseCorrect(filePath)) { ERROR(CASE_MISMATCH_ERROR.arg(filePath)); } else if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray data = file.readAll(); qmldir->setContent(filePath, QString::fromUtf8(data)); } else { ERROR(NOT_READABLE_ERROR.arg(filePath)); } #undef ERROR #undef NOT_READABLE_ERROR #undef CASE_MISMATCH_ERROR m_importQmlDirCache.insert(filePath, qmldir); return *qmldir; } void QQmlTypeLoader::setQmldirContent(const QString &url, const QString &content) { QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent *qmldir; QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent **val = m_importQmlDirCache.value(url); if (val) { qmldir = *val; } else { qmldir = new QQmlTypeLoaderQmldirContent; m_importQmlDirCache.insert(url, qmldir); } if (!qmldir->hasContent()) qmldir->setContent(url, content); } /*! Clears cached information about loaded files, including any type data, scripts and qmldir information. */ void QQmlTypeLoader::clearCache() { for (TypeCache::Iterator iter = m_typeCache.begin(), end = m_typeCache.end(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->release(); for (ScriptCache::Iterator iter = m_scriptCache.begin(), end = m_scriptCache.end(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->release(); for (QmldirCache::Iterator iter = m_qmldirCache.begin(), end = m_qmldirCache.end(); iter != end; ++iter) (*iter)->release(); qDeleteAll(m_importQmlDirCache); m_typeCache.clear(); m_typeCacheTrimThreshold = TYPELOADER_MINIMUM_TRIM_THRESHOLD; m_scriptCache.clear(); m_qmldirCache.clear(); m_importDirCache.clear(); m_importQmlDirCache.clear(); m_checksumCache.clear(); QQmlMetaType::freeUnusedTypesAndCaches(); } void QQmlTypeLoader::updateTypeCacheTrimThreshold() { int size = m_typeCache.size(); if (size > m_typeCacheTrimThreshold) m_typeCacheTrimThreshold = size * 2; if (size < m_typeCacheTrimThreshold / 2) m_typeCacheTrimThreshold = qMax(size * 2, TYPELOADER_MINIMUM_TRIM_THRESHOLD); } void QQmlTypeLoader::trimCache() { while (true) { bool deletedOneType = false; for (TypeCache::Iterator iter = m_typeCache.begin(), end = m_typeCache.end(); iter != end;) { QQmlTypeData *typeData = iter.value(); // typeData->m_compiledData may be set early on in the proccess of loading a file, so // it's important to check the general loading status of the typeData before making any // other decisions. if (typeData->count() == 1 && (typeData->isError() || typeData->isComplete()) && (!typeData->m_compiledData || typeData->m_compiledData->count() == 1)) { // There are no live objects of this type iter.value()->release(); iter = m_typeCache.erase(iter); deletedOneType = true; } else { ++iter; } } if (!deletedOneType) break; } updateTypeCacheTrimThreshold(); QQmlMetaType::freeUnusedTypesAndCaches(); // TODO: release any scripts which are no longer referenced by any types } bool QQmlTypeLoader::isTypeLoaded(const QUrl &url) const { LockHolder holder(const_cast(this)); return m_typeCache.contains(url); } bool QQmlTypeLoader::isScriptLoaded(const QUrl &url) const { LockHolder holder(const_cast(this)); return m_scriptCache.contains(url); } QT_END_NAMESPACE