load(qt_module) TARGET = QtQuick1 QPRO_PWD = $$PWD CONFIG += module CONFIG += dll warn_on MODULE_PRI += ../../modules/qt_qtquick1.pri QT += testlib-private declarative testlib declarative-private core-private gui-private network widgets-private load(qt_module_config) # Install qtquick1.prf into the Qt mkspecs so that "CONFIG += qtquick1" # can be used in customer applications to build against QtQuick 1. feature.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_DATA]/mkspecs/features feature.files = $$PWD/features/qtquick1.prf INSTALLS += feature symbian { DEFINES += QT_MAKEDLL CONFIG += epocallowdlldata contains(QT_EDITION, OpenSource) { TARGET.CAPABILITY = LocalServices NetworkServices ReadUserData UserEnvironment WriteUserData } else { TARGET.CAPABILITY = All -Tcb } } #INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/QtQuick1 #INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD include(util/util.pri) include(graphicsitems/graphicsitems.pri) HEADERS += qtquick1_p.h SOURCES += qtquick1.cpp DEFINES += QT_NO_OPENTYPE INCLUDEPATH += $$QT_SOURCE_TREE/src/3rdparty/harfbuzz/src