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It is recommended to browse this list of UI controls before creating your own custom UI control. Besides these basic UI controls offered by Qt Quick itself, a rich set of UI controls are also available with Qt Quick Controls 2. They cater to the most common use cases without any change, and offer a lot more possibilities with their customization options. In particular, Qt Quick Controls 2 provides styling options that align with the latest UI design trends. If these UI controls do not satisfy your application's needs, only then it is recommended to create a custom control. \section2 Related Information \list \li \l{Qt Quick Controls 2} \li \l{Qt Quick} \endlist \section1 Keep it Short and Simple or "KiSS" QML being a declarative language, a lot of the details are worked out by the underlying engine. So it is important for any QML application, especially one with a larger codebase, to have its code organized in smaller and simpler \c .qml files. \omit need a few snippet or example applications that showcase this. \endomit \section2 Related Information \list \li \l{QML Coding Conventions} \endlist \section1 Bundle Application Resources Most applications depend on resources such as images and icons to provide a rich user experience. It can often be a challenge to make these resources available to the application regardless of the target OS. Most popular OS-es employ stricter security policies that restrict access to the file system, making it harder to load these resources. As an alternative, Qt offers its own \l {The Qt Resource System}{resource system} that is built into the application binary, enabling access to the application's resources regardless of the target OS. For example, consider the following project directory structure: \badcode project ├── images │ ├── image1.png │ └── image2.png ├── project.pro └── qml └── main.qml \endcode The following entry in \c project.pro ensures that the resources are built into the application binary, making them available when needed: \badcode RESOURCES += \ qml/main.qml \ images/image1.png \ images/image2.png \endcode A more convenient approach is to use the \l {files(pattern[, recursive=false])}{wildcard syntax} to select several files at once: \badcode RESOURCES += \ $$files(qml/*.qml) \ $$files(images/*.png) \endcode This approach is convenient for applications that depend on a limited number of resources. However, whenever a new file is added to \c RESOURCES using this approach, it causes \e all of the other files in \c RESOURCES to be recompiled as well. This can be inefficient, especially for large sets of files. In this case, a better approach is to separate each type of resource into its own \l {Resource Collection Files (.qrc)}{.qrc} file. For example, the snippet above could be changed to the following: \badcode qml.files = $$files(*.qml) qml.prefix = /qml RESOURCES += qml images.files = $$files(*.png) images.prefix = /images RESOURCES += images \endcode Now, whenever a QML file is changed, only the QML files have to be recompiled. Sometimes it can be necessary to have more control over the path for a specific file managed by the resource system. For example, if we wanted to give \c image2.png an alias, we would need to switch to an explicit \c .qrc file. \l {Creating Resource Files} explains how to do this in detail. \section2 Related Information \list \li \l{The Qt Resource System} \endlist \section1 Separate UI from Logic One of the key goals that most application developers want to achieve is to create a maintainable application. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to separate the user interface from the business logic. The following are a few reasons why an application's UI should be written in QML: \list \li Declarative languages are strongly suited for defining UIs. \li QML code is simpler to write, as it is less verbose than C++, and is not strongly typed. This also results in it being an excellent language to prototype in, a quality that is vital when collaborating with designers, for example. \li JavaScript can easily be used in QML to respond to events. \endlist Being a strongly typed language, C++ is best suited for an application's logic. Typically, such code performs tasks such as complex calculations or data processing, which are faster in C++ than QML. Qt offers various approaches to integrate QML and C++ code in an application. A typical use case is displaying a list of data in a user interface. If the data set is static, simple, and/or small, a model written in QML can be sufficient. The following snippet demonstrates examples of models written in QML: \qml model: ListModel { ListElement { name: "Item 1" } ListElement { name: "Item 2" } ListElement { name: "Item 3" } } model: [ "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3" ] model: 10 \endqml Use \l {QAbstractItemModel Subclass}{C++} for dynamic data sets that are large or frequently modified. \section2 Interacting with QML from C++ Although Qt enables you to manipulate QML from C++, it is not recommended to do so. To explain why, let's take a look at a simplified example. Suppose we were writing the UI for a settings page: \qml import QtQuick 2.11 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 Page { Button { text: qsTr("Restore default settings") } } \endqml We want the button to do something in C++ when it is clicked. We know objects in QML can emit change signals just like they can in C++, so we give the button an \l [QML]{QtObject::}{objectName} so that we can find it from C++: \qml Button { objectName: "restoreDefaultsButton" text: qsTr("Restore default settings") } \endqml Then, in C++, we find that object and connect to its change signal: \code #include #include #include class Backend : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: Backend() {} public slots: void restoreDefaults() { settings.setValue("loadLastProject", QVariant(false)); } private: QSettings settings; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); QQmlApplicationEngine engine; engine.load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main.qml"))); if (engine.rootObjects().isEmpty()) return -1; Backend backend; QObject *rootObject = engine.rootObjects().first(); QObject *restoreDefaultsButton = rootObject->findChild("restoreDefaultsButton"); QObject::connect(restoreDefaultsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), &backend, SLOT(restoreDefaults())); return app.exec(); } #include "main.moc" \endcode The problem with this approach is that the C++ logic layer depends on the QML presentation layer. If we were to refactor the QML in such a way that the \c objectName changes, or some other change breaks the ability for the C++ to find the QML object, our workflow becomes much more complicated and tedious. Refactoring QML is a lot easier than refactoring C++, so in order to make maintenance pain-free, we should strive to keep C++ types unaware of QML as much as possible. This can be achieved by exposing the C++ types to QML: \code int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); Backend backend; QQmlApplicationEngine engine; engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("backend", &backend); engine.load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main.qml"))); if (engine.rootObjects().isEmpty()) return -1; return app.exec(); } \endcode The QML then calls the C++ slot directly: \qml import QtQuick 2.11 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4 Page { Button { text: qsTr("Restore default settings") onClicked: backend.restoreDefaults() } } \endqml With this approach, the C++ remains unchanged in the event that the QML needs to be refactored in the future. \section2 Related Information \list \li \l{Integrating QML and C++} \li \l{Qt Quick Controls 2 - Chat Tutorial}{Chat application tutorial} \endlist \section1 Qt Quick Layouts Qt offers Qt Quick Layouts to arrange Qt Quick items visually in a layout. Unlike its alternative, the item positioners, the Qt Quick Layouts can also resize its children on window resize. Although Qt Quick Layouts are often the desired choice for most use cases, the following \e dos and \e{don'ts} must be considered while using them: \section2 Dos \list \li Use anchors or the item's width and height properties to specify the size of the layout against its parent. \li Use the \l Layout attached property to set the size and alignment attributes of the layout's immediate children. \endlist \section2 Don'ts \list \li Do not rely on anchors to specify the preferred size of an item in a layout. Instead, use \c Layout.preferredWidth and \c Layout.preferredHeight. \li Do not define preferred sizes for items that provide implicitWidth and implicitHeight, unless their implicit sizes are not satisfactory. \li Do not mix anchors and layouts in ways that cause conflicts. For example, do not apply anchor constraints to a layout's immediate children. \snippet qml/windowconstraints.qml rowlayout \endlist \note Layouts and anchors are both types of objects that take more memory and instantiation time. Avoid using them (especially in list and table delegates, and styles for controls) when simple bindings to x, y, width, and height properties are enough. \section2 Related Information \list \li \l{Item Positioners} \li \l{Qt Quick Layouts Overview} \endlist \section1 Performance For information on performance in QML and Qt Quick, see \l {Performance Considerations And Suggestions}. \section1 Tools and Utilities For information on useful tools and utilies that make working with QML and Qt Quick easier, see \l {Qt Quick Tools and Utilities}. \section1 Scene Graph For information on Qt Quick's scene graph, see \l {Qt Quick Scene Graph}. \section1 Scalable User Interfaces As display resolutions improve, a scalable application UI becomes more and more important. One of the approaches to achieve this is to maintain several copies of the UI for different screen resolutions, and load the appropriate one depending on the available resolution. Although this works pretty well, it adds to the maintenance overhead. Qt offers a better solution to this problem and recommends the application developers to follow these tips: \list \li Use anchors or the Qt Quick Layouts module to lay out the visual items. \li Do not specify explicit width and height for a visual item. \li Provide UI resources such as images and icons for each display resolution that your application supports. The Qt Quick Controls 2 gallery example demonstrates this well by providing the \c qt-logo.png for \c @2x, \c @3x, and \c @4x resolutions, enabling the application to cater to high resolution displays. Qt automatically chooses the appropriate image that is suitable for the given display, provided the high DPI scaling feature is explicitly enabled. \li Use SVG images for small icons. While larger SVGs can be slow to render, small ones work well. Vector images avoid the need to provide several versions of an image, as is necessary with bitmap images. \li Use font-based icons, such as Font Awesome. These scale to any display resolution, and also allow colorization. The Qt Quick Controls 2 Text Editor example demonstrates this well. \endlist With this in place, your application's UI should scale depending on the display resolution on offer. \image qtquickcontrols2-gallery-welcome.png \section2 Related Information \list \li \l{Qt Quick Controls2 - Gallery Example}{Gallery example} \li \l{Qt Quick Controls 2 - Text Editor}{Text Editor example} \li \l{Font Awesome} \li \l{Scalability} \li \l{High DPI Displays} \endlist */