// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only #include "qquickstate_p_p.h" #include "qquickstate_p.h" #include "qquickstategroup_p.h" #include "qquickstatechangescript_p.h" #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcStates, "qt.qml.states") QQuickStateAction::QQuickStateAction() : restore(true), actionDone(false), reverseEvent(false), deletableToBinding(false), fromBinding(nullptr), event(nullptr), specifiedObject(nullptr) { } QQuickStateAction::QQuickStateAction(QObject *target, const QString &propertyName, const QVariant &value) : restore(true), actionDone(false), reverseEvent(false), deletableToBinding(false), property(target, propertyName, qmlEngine(target)), toValue(value), fromBinding(nullptr), event(nullptr), specifiedObject(target), specifiedProperty(propertyName) { if (property.isValid()) fromValue = property.read(); } QQuickStateAction::QQuickStateAction(QObject *target, const QQmlProperty &property, const QString &propertyName, const QVariant &value) : restore(true), actionDone(false), reverseEvent(false), deletableToBinding(false), property(property), toValue(value), fromBinding(nullptr), event(nullptr), specifiedObject(target), specifiedProperty(propertyName) { if (property.isValid()) fromValue = property.read(); } QQuickStateActionEvent::~QQuickStateActionEvent() { } void QQuickStateActionEvent::execute() { } bool QQuickStateActionEvent::isReversable() { return false; } void QQuickStateActionEvent::reverse() { } bool QQuickStateActionEvent::changesBindings() { return false; } void QQuickStateActionEvent::clearBindings() { } bool QQuickStateActionEvent::mayOverride(QQuickStateActionEvent *other) { Q_UNUSED(other); return false; } QQuickStateOperation::QQuickStateOperation(QObjectPrivate &dd, QObject *parent) : QObject(dd, parent) { } /*! \qmltype State \instantiates QQuickState \inqmlmodule QtQuick \ingroup qtquick-states \brief Defines configurations of objects and properties. A \e state is a set of batched changes from the default configuration. All items have a default state that defines the default configuration of objects and property values. New states can be defined by adding State items to the \l {Item::states}{states} property to allow items to switch between different configurations. These configurations can, for example, be used to apply different sets of property values or execute different scripts. The following example displays a single \l Rectangle. In the default state, the rectangle is colored black. In the "clicked" state, a PropertyChanges object changes the rectangle's color to red. Clicking within the MouseArea toggles the rectangle's state between the default state and the "clicked" state, thus toggling the color of the rectangle between black and red. \snippet qml/state.qml 0 Notice the default state is referred to using an empty string (""). States are commonly used together with \l{Animation and Transitions in Qt Quick}{Transitions} to provide animations when state changes occur. \note Setting the state of an object from within another state of the same object is not allowed. \sa {Qt Quick Examples - Animation#States}{States example}, {Qt Quick States}, {Animation and Transitions in Qt Quick}{Transitions}, {Qt QML} */ QQuickState::QQuickState(QObject *parent) : QObject(*(new QQuickStatePrivate), parent) { Q_D(QQuickState); d->transitionManager.setState(this); } QQuickState::~QQuickState() { Q_D(QQuickState); if (d->group) d->group->removeState(this); } /*! \qmlproperty string QtQuick::State::name This property holds the name of the state. Each state should have a unique name within its item. */ QString QQuickState::name() const { Q_D(const QQuickState); return d->name; } void QQuickState::setName(const QString &n) { Q_D(QQuickState); d->name = n; d->named = true; } bool QQuickState::isNamed() const { Q_D(const QQuickState); return d->named; } bool QQuickState::isWhenKnown() const { Q_D(const QQuickState); return d->whenKnown; } /*! \qmlproperty bool QtQuick::State::when This property holds when the state should be applied. This should be set to an expression that evaluates to \c true when you want the state to be applied. For example, the following \l Rectangle changes in and out of the "hidden" state when the \l MouseArea is pressed: \snippet qml/state-when.qml 0 If multiple states in a group have \c when clauses that evaluate to \c true at the same time, the first matching state will be applied. For example, in the following snippet \c state1 will always be selected rather than \c state2 when sharedCondition becomes \c true. \qml Item { states: [ State { name: "state1"; when: sharedCondition }, State { name: "state2"; when: sharedCondition } ] // ... } \endqml */ bool QQuickState::when() const { Q_D(const QQuickState); return d->when; } void QQuickState::setWhen(bool when) { Q_D(QQuickState); d->whenKnown = true; d->when = when; if (d->group) d->group->updateAutoState(); } /*! \qmlproperty string QtQuick::State::extend This property holds the state that this state extends. When a state extends another state, it inherits all the changes of that state. The state being extended is treated as the base state in regards to the changes specified by the extending state. */ QString QQuickState::extends() const { Q_D(const QQuickState); return d->extends; } void QQuickState::setExtends(const QString &extends) { Q_D(QQuickState); d->extends = extends; } /*! \qmlproperty list QtQuick::State::changes This property holds the changes to apply for this state \qmldefault By default these changes are applied against the default state. If the state extends another state, then the changes are applied against the state being extended. */ QQmlListProperty QQuickState::changes() { Q_D(QQuickState); return QQmlListProperty(this, &d->operations, QQuickStatePrivate::operations_append, QQuickStatePrivate::operations_count, QQuickStatePrivate::operations_at, QQuickStatePrivate::operations_clear, QQuickStatePrivate::operations_replace, QQuickStatePrivate::operations_removeLast); } int QQuickState::operationCount() const { Q_D(const QQuickState); return d->operations.size(); } QQuickStateOperation *QQuickState::operationAt(int index) const { Q_D(const QQuickState); return d->operations.at(index); } QQuickState &QQuickState::operator<<(QQuickStateOperation *op) { Q_D(QQuickState); d->operations.append(QQuickStatePrivate::OperationGuard(op, &d->operations)); return *this; } void QQuickStatePrivate::complete() { Q_Q(QQuickState); for (int ii = 0; ii < reverting.size(); ++ii) { for (int jj = 0; jj < revertList.size(); ++jj) { const QQuickRevertAction &revert = reverting.at(ii); const QQuickSimpleAction &simple = revertList.at(jj); if ((revert.event && simple.event() == revert.event) || simple.property() == revert.property) { revertList.removeAt(jj); break; } } } reverting.clear(); if (group) group->stateAboutToComplete(); emit q->completed(); } // Generate a list of actions for this state. This includes coelescing state // actions that this state "extends" QQuickStateOperation::ActionList QQuickStatePrivate::generateActionList() const { QQuickStateOperation::ActionList applyList; if (inState) return applyList; // Prevent "extends" recursion inState = true; if (!extends.isEmpty()) { QList states = group ? group->states() : QList(); for (int ii = 0; ii < states.size(); ++ii) if (states.at(ii)->name() == extends) { qmlExecuteDeferred(states.at(ii)); applyList = static_cast(states.at(ii)->d_func())->generateActionList(); } } for (QQuickStateOperation *op : operations) applyList << op->actions(); inState = false; return applyList; } QQuickStateGroup *QQuickState::stateGroup() const { Q_D(const QQuickState); return d->group; } void QQuickState::setStateGroup(QQuickStateGroup *group) { Q_D(QQuickState); d->group = group; } void QQuickState::cancel() { Q_D(QQuickState); d->transitionManager.cancel(); } void QQuickStateAction::deleteFromBinding() { if (fromBinding) { if (fromBinding.isAbstractPropertyBinding()) { QQmlPropertyPrivate::removeBinding(property); fromBinding = nullptr; } } } bool QQuickState::containsPropertyInRevertList(QObject *target, const QString &name) const { Q_D(const QQuickState); if (isStateActive()) { for (const QQuickSimpleAction &simpleAction : d->revertList) { if (simpleAction.specifiedObject() == target && simpleAction.specifiedProperty() == name) return true; } } return false; } bool QQuickState::changeValueInRevertList(QObject *target, const QString &name, const QVariant &revertValue) { Q_D(QQuickState); if (isStateActive()) { for (QQuickSimpleAction &simpleAction : d->revertList) { if (simpleAction.specifiedObject() == target && simpleAction.specifiedProperty() == name) { simpleAction.setValue(revertValue); return true; } } } return false; } bool QQuickState::changeBindingInRevertList(QObject *target, const QString &name, QQmlAnyBinding binding) { Q_D(QQuickState); if (isStateActive()) { for (QQuickSimpleAction &simpleAction : d->revertList) { if (simpleAction.specifiedObject() == target && simpleAction.specifiedProperty() == name) { simpleAction.setBinding(binding); return true; } } } return false; } bool QQuickState::removeEntryFromRevertList(QObject *target, const QString &name) { Q_D(QQuickState); if (isStateActive()) { for (auto it = d->revertList.begin(), end = d->revertList.end(); it != end; ++it) { QQuickSimpleAction &simpleAction = *it; if (simpleAction.property().object() == target && simpleAction.property().name() == name) { QQmlPropertyPrivate::removeBinding(simpleAction.property()); simpleAction.property().write(simpleAction.value()); if (auto binding = simpleAction.binding(); binding) { QQmlProperty prop = simpleAction.property(); binding.installOn(prop); } d->revertList.erase(it); return true; } } } return false; } void QQuickState::addEntryToRevertList(const QQuickStateAction &action) { Q_D(QQuickState); QQuickSimpleAction simpleAction(action); d->revertList.append(simpleAction); } void QQuickState::removeAllEntriesFromRevertList(QObject *target) { Q_D(QQuickState); if (isStateActive()) { const auto actionMatchesTarget = [target](QQuickSimpleAction &simpleAction) { if (simpleAction.property().object() == target) { QQmlPropertyPrivate::removeBinding(simpleAction.property()); simpleAction.property().write(simpleAction.value()); if (auto binding = simpleAction.binding()) { QQmlProperty prop = simpleAction.property(); binding.installOn(prop); } return true; } return false; }; d->revertList.erase(std::remove_if(d->revertList.begin(), d->revertList.end(), actionMatchesTarget), d->revertList.end()); } } void QQuickState::addEntriesToRevertList(const QList &actionList) { Q_D(QQuickState); if (isStateActive()) { QList simpleActionList; simpleActionList.reserve(actionList.size()); for (const QQuickStateAction &action : actionList) { QQuickSimpleAction simpleAction(action); action.property.write(action.toValue); if (auto binding = action.toBinding; binding) binding.installOn(action.property); simpleActionList.append(simpleAction); } d->revertList.append(simpleActionList); } } QVariant QQuickState::valueInRevertList(QObject *target, const QString &name) const { Q_D(const QQuickState); if (isStateActive()) { for (const QQuickSimpleAction &simpleAction : d->revertList) { if (simpleAction.specifiedObject() == target && simpleAction.specifiedProperty() == name) return simpleAction.value(); } } return QVariant(); } QQmlAnyBinding QQuickState::bindingInRevertList(QObject *target, const QString &name) const { Q_D(const QQuickState); if (isStateActive()) { for (const QQuickSimpleAction &simpleAction : d->revertList) { if (simpleAction.specifiedObject() == target && simpleAction.specifiedProperty() == name) return simpleAction.binding(); } } return nullptr; } bool QQuickState::isStateActive() const { return stateGroup() && stateGroup()->state() == name(); } void QQuickState::apply(QQuickTransition *trans, QQuickState *revert) { Q_D(QQuickState); qmlExecuteDeferred(this); cancel(); if (revert) revert->cancel(); d->revertList.clear(); d->reverting.clear(); if (revert) { QQuickStatePrivate *revertPrivate = static_cast(revert->d_func()); d->revertList = revertPrivate->revertList; revertPrivate->revertList.clear(); } // List of actions caused by this state QQuickStateOperation::ActionList applyList = d->generateActionList(); // List of actions that need to be reverted to roll back (just) this state QQuickStatePrivate::SimpleActionList additionalReverts; // First add the reverse of all the applyList actions for (int ii = 0; ii < applyList.size(); ++ii) { QQuickStateAction &action = applyList[ii]; if (action.event) { if (!action.event->isReversable()) continue; bool found = false; for (int jj = 0; jj < d->revertList.size(); ++jj) { QQuickStateActionEvent *event = d->revertList.at(jj).event(); if (event && event->type() == action.event->type()) { if (action.event->mayOverride(event)) { found = true; if (action.event != d->revertList.at(jj).event() && action.event->needsCopy()) { action.event->copyOriginals(d->revertList.at(jj).event()); QQuickSimpleAction r(action); additionalReverts << r; d->revertList.removeAt(jj); --jj; } else if (action.event->isRewindable()) //###why needed? action.event->saveCurrentValues(); break; } } } if (!found) { action.event->saveOriginals(); // Only need to revert the applyList action if the previous // state doesn't have a higher priority revert already QQuickSimpleAction r(action); additionalReverts << r; } } else { bool found = false; action.fromBinding = QQmlAnyBinding::ofProperty(action.property); for (int jj = 0; jj < d->revertList.size(); ++jj) { if (d->revertList.at(jj).property() == action.property) { found = true; if (d->revertList.at(jj).binding() != action.fromBinding) { action.deleteFromBinding(); } break; } } if (!found) { if (!action.restore) { action.deleteFromBinding();; } else { // Only need to revert the applyList action if the previous // state doesn't have a higher priority revert already QQuickSimpleAction r(action); additionalReverts << r; } } } } // Any reverts from a previous state that aren't carried forth // into this state need to be translated into apply actions for (int ii = 0; ii < d->revertList.size(); ++ii) { bool found = false; if (d->revertList.at(ii).event()) { QQuickStateActionEvent *event = d->revertList.at(ii).event(); if (!event->isReversable()) continue; for (int jj = 0; !found && jj < applyList.size(); ++jj) { const QQuickStateAction &action = applyList.at(jj); if (action.event && action.event->type() == event->type()) { if (action.event->mayOverride(event)) found = true; } } } else { for (int jj = 0; !found && jj < applyList.size(); ++jj) { const QQuickStateAction &action = applyList.at(jj); if (action.property == d->revertList.at(ii).property()) found = true; } } if (!found) { // If revert list contains bindings assigned to deleted objects, we need to // prevent reverting properties of those objects. if (d->revertList.at(ii).binding() && !d->revertList.at(ii).property().object()) { continue; } QVariant cur = d->revertList.at(ii).property().read(); QQmlProperty prop = d->revertList.at(ii).property(); QQmlAnyBinding::removeBindingFrom(prop); QQuickStateAction a; a.property = d->revertList.at(ii).property(); a.fromValue = cur; a.toValue = d->revertList.at(ii).value(); a.toBinding = d->revertList.at(ii).binding(); a.specifiedObject = d->revertList.at(ii).specifiedObject(); a.specifiedProperty = d->revertList.at(ii).specifiedProperty(); a.event = d->revertList.at(ii).event(); a.reverseEvent = d->revertList.at(ii).reverseEvent(); if (a.event && a.event->isRewindable()) a.event->saveCurrentValues(); applyList << a; // Store these special reverts in the reverting list if (a.event) d->reverting << a.event; else d->reverting << a.property; } } // All the local reverts now become part of the ongoing revertList d->revertList << additionalReverts; if (lcStates().isDebugEnabled()) { for (const QQuickStateAction &action : std::as_const(applyList)) { if (action.event) qCDebug(lcStates) << "QQuickStateAction event:" << action.event->type(); else qCDebug(lcStates) << "QQuickStateAction on" << action.property.object() << action.property.name() << "from:" << action.fromValue << "to:" << action.toValue; } } d->transitionManager.transition(applyList, trans); } QQuickStateOperation::ActionList QQuickStateOperation::actions() { return ActionList(); } QQuickState *QQuickStateOperation::state() const { Q_D(const QQuickStateOperation); return d->m_state; } void QQuickStateOperation::setState(QQuickState *state) { Q_D(QQuickStateOperation); d->m_state = state; } QT_END_NAMESPACE #include "moc_qquickstate_p.cpp"