// Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR LGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only import Qt.labs.folderlistmodel import QtQuick import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Controls.impl import QtQuick.Controls.Fusion import QtQuick.Controls.Fusion.impl import QtQuick.Dialogs import QtQuick.Dialogs.quickimpl import QtQuick.Layouts import QtQuick.Templates as T import "." as DialogsImpl FileDialogImpl { id: control implicitWidth: Math.max(implicitBackgroundWidth + leftInset + rightInset, contentWidth + leftPadding + rightPadding, implicitHeaderWidth, implicitFooterWidth) implicitHeight: Math.max(implicitBackgroundHeight + topInset + bottomInset, contentHeight + topPadding + bottomPadding + (implicitHeaderHeight > 0 ? implicitHeaderHeight + spacing : 0) + (implicitFooterHeight > 0 ? implicitFooterHeight + spacing : 0)) padding: 6 horizontalPadding: 12 standardButtons: T.Dialog.Open | T.Dialog.Cancel Dialog { id: overwriteConfirmationDialog objectName: "confirmationDialog" anchors.centerIn: parent closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutsideParent dim: true modal: true title: qsTr("“%1” already exists. Do you want to replace it?").arg(control.fileName) Label { text: qsTr("A file with the same name already exists in %1.\nReplacing it will overwrite its current contents.").arg(control.currentFolderName) } footer: DialogButtonBox { alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter standardButtons: DialogButtonBox.Yes | DialogButtonBox.No } Overlay.modal: Rectangle { color: Fusion.darkShade } } /* We use attached properties because we want to handle logic in C++, and: - We can't assume the footer only contains a DialogButtonBox (which would allow us to connect up to it in QQuickFileDialogImpl); it also needs to hold a ComboBox and therefore the root footer item will be e.g. a layout item instead. - We don't want to create our own "FileDialogButtonBox" (in order to be able to handle the logic in C++) because we'd need to copy (and hence duplicate code in) DialogButtonBox.qml. */ FileDialogImpl.buttonBox: buttonBox FileDialogImpl.nameFiltersComboBox: nameFiltersComboBox FileDialogImpl.fileDialogListView: fileDialogListView FileDialogImpl.breadcrumbBar: breadcrumbBar FileDialogImpl.fileNameLabel: fileNameLabel FileDialogImpl.fileNameTextField: fileNameTextField FileDialogImpl.overwriteConfirmationDialog: overwriteConfirmationDialog background: Rectangle { implicitWidth: 600 implicitHeight: 400 color: control.palette.window border.color: control.palette.mid radius: 2 Rectangle { z: -1 x: 1 y: 1 width: parent.width height: parent.height color: control.palette.shadow opacity: 0.2 radius: 2 } } header: ColumnLayout { spacing: 0 Label { objectName: "dialogTitleBarLabel" text: control.title horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignHCenter elide: Label.ElideRight font.bold: true padding: 6 Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.leftMargin: 12 Layout.rightMargin: 12 Layout.topMargin: control.title.length > 0 ? 0 : 12 Layout.preferredHeight: control.title.length > 0 ? implicitHeight : 0 } DialogsImpl.FolderBreadcrumbBar { id: breadcrumbBar dialog: control Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.leftMargin: 12 Layout.rightMargin: 12 KeyNavigation.tab: fileDialogListView } } contentItem: Frame { padding: 0 verticalPadding: 1 ListView { id: fileDialogListView objectName: "fileDialogListView" anchors.fill: parent clip: true focus: true boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {} model: FolderListModel { folder: control.currentFolder nameFilters: control.selectedNameFilter.globs showDirsFirst: PlatformTheme.themeHint(PlatformTheme.ShowDirectoriesFirst) sortCaseSensitive: false } delegate: DialogsImpl.FileDialogDelegate { objectName: "fileDialogDelegate" + index x: 1 width: ListView.view.width - 2 highlighted: ListView.isCurrentItem dialog: control fileDetailRowWidth: nameFiltersComboBox.width KeyNavigation.backtab: breadcrumbBar KeyNavigation.tab: fileNameTextField.visible ? fileNameTextField : nameFiltersComboBox } } } footer: GridLayout { columnSpacing: 12 columns: 3 Label { id: fileNameLabel text: qsTr("File name") Layout.leftMargin: 12 visible: false } TextField { id: fileNameTextField objectName: "fileNameTextField" visible: false Layout.fillWidth: true } Label { text: qsTr("Filter") Layout.column: 0 Layout.row: 1 Layout.leftMargin: 12 Layout.bottomMargin: 12 } ComboBox { // OK to use IDs here, since users shouldn't be overriding this stuff. id: nameFiltersComboBox model: control.nameFilters Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.bottomMargin: 12 } DialogButtonBox { id: buttonBox standardButtons: control.standardButtons spacing: 6 horizontalPadding: 0 verticalPadding: 0 background: null // TODO: make the orientation vertical Layout.row: 1 Layout.column: 2 Layout.columnSpan: 1 Layout.rightMargin: 12 Layout.bottomMargin: 12 } } T.Overlay.modal: Rectangle { color: Fusion.topShadow } T.Overlay.modeless: Rectangle { color: Fusion.topShadow } }