// Copyright (C) 2017 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GFDL-1.3-no-invariants-only /*! \qmlmodule QtQuick.Templates \title Qt Quick Templates 2 QML Types \ingroup qmlmodules \brief Provides QML types for templates (Qt Quick Templates). The \l {Qt Quick Templates 2} module provides a set of non-visual templates that can be used to build user interface controls in QML using \l {Qt Quick}. The QML types can be imported using the following import statement in your \c .qml file: \qml import QtQuick.Templates as T \endqml For the sake of clarity, there is a one-to-one mapping between the types provided by the \c QtQuick.Templates and \c QtQuick.Controls imports. For every type available in the \c QtQuick.Controls import, a non-visual template type by the same name exists in the \c QtQuick.Templates import. \note It is recommended to use a namespace for the templates import to avoid overlap with the types provided by the \c QtQuick.Controls import. \section1 QML Types \generatelist {qmltypesbymodule QtQuick.Controls} \section1 Related Information \list \li \l {Qt Quick Controls QML Types} \li \l {Using Qt Quick Controls types in property declarations} \endlist \noautolist */