#!/usr/bin/env python # # See CommandLineProcessor.print_usage() below. # # TODO: Consider checking "@non_strict_only". import datetime import fnmatch import getopt import os import platform import resource import subprocess import threading import sys ### Settings & Command Line Processing ######################################## class Settings: interpreter = 'v4' interpreter_timeout = 60 # in s modes = ['jit', 'interpret'] printers = ['txt', 'html'] verbose = False input_dir = 'test262' # List of patterns with unix shell-style wildcards, see also # http://docs.python.org/2/library/fnmatch.html # Example: # blacklist_patterns = [ # "test262/console/harness/cth*" # ] blacklist_patterns = [] class CommandLineProcessor: """ Process command line arguments and overwrite values in Settings.""" def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self.valid_modes = ['aot', 'compile', 'jit', 'interpret', 'llvm-jit'] self.valid_printers = ['txt', 'html'] def print_usage(self): sys.stdout.write("""\ Usage: %s [-v] [-i interpreter] [-t timeout] [-d input_dir] [-p printers] [-m mode_list] Run an interpreter with different modes (mode_list) on all *.js files in input_dir and generate test reports based on the exit code and the output of the interpreter. Test reports are generated in TXT and HTML format. Paths to generated reports are printed upon a finished run. Options: -i, --interpreter Use the specified interpreter (default: '%s'). -t, --timeout Timeout in seconds for the interpreter to process a single file (default: '%s'). -d, --input-dir *.js files will be searched in input_dir. (default: '%s'). -m, --modes Run the interpreter with specified modes. mode_list is a comma separated list (valid: '%s', default: '%s'). -p, --printers Print results by specified printers. printers is a comma separated list (valid: '%s', default: '%s'). -v, --verbose Print some more information, e.g. files are being processed (default: not enabled). """ % ( sys.argv[0], Settings.interpreter, Settings.interpreter_timeout, Settings.input_dir, ",".join(self.valid_modes), ",".join(Settings.modes), ",".join(self.valid_printers), ",".join(Settings.printers), )) def run(self): try: options, arguments = getopt.getopt(self.args, "hvm:i:d:p:t:", ["help", "verbose", "modes=", "interpreter=", "input-dir=", "printers=", "timeout="]) except getopt.error, msg: sys.stdout.write("For help use -h, --help.") sys.exit(2) for option, argument in options: if option in ("-h", "--help"): self.print_usage() sys.exit(0) elif option in ("-m", "--modes"): modes = filter(None, argument.split(',')) if not modes: sys.stdout.write("No modes provided.") sys.stdout.write("For help use -h, --help.") sys.exit(2) for mode in modes: if not mode in self.valid_modes: sys.stdout.write("Mode '%s' is invalid." %(mode)) sys.stdout.write("For help use -h, --help.") sys.exit(2) Settings.modes = modes elif option in ("-p", "--printers"): printers = filter(None, argument.split(',')) if not printers: sys.stdout.write("No printers provided.") sys.stdout.write("For help use -h, --help.") sys.exit(2) for printer in printers: if not printer in self.valid_printers: sys.stdout.write("Printer '%s' is invalid." %(printer)) sys.stdout.write("For help use -h, --help.") sys.exit(2) Settings.printers = printers elif option in ("-i", "--interpreter"): Settings.interpreter = argument elif option in ("-d", "--input-dir"): Settings.input_dir = argument elif option in ("-t", "--interpreter-timeout"): Settings.interpreter_timeout = int(argument) elif option in ("-v", "--verbose"): Settings.verbose = True else: sys.stdout.write("Unknown option '%s'." %(option)) sys.stdout.write("For help use -h, --help.") sys.exit(2) ### Utils ##################################################################### def check_candidates(candidates): """ Return files passing the black list Settings.blacklist_patterns. """ input_files = [] for candidate in candidates: is_blacklisted = False for p in Settings.blacklist_patterns: if fnmatch.fnmatch(candidate, p): if Settings.verbose: sys.stdout.write("Will ignore '%s' since it matches black list filter '%s'.\n" %(candidate, p)) is_blacklisted = True break if not is_blacklisted: input_files.append(candidate) return input_files def generic_footer(time_started, time_finished, total_pass, total_passn, total_fail, total_gout, total_time): totals_processed = total_pass + total_passn + total_fail + total_gout return """ Key: PASS: Exit code is zero and _no_ output generated. PASSN: Exit code is non zero and *.js contains "@negative". GOUT: Exit code is zero and output generated. FAIL: Exit code is non zero. TIME: Interpreter does not return within timeout of %d seconds. Totals: %d processed - %d passed, %d passn'ed, %d failed, %d gout'ed, %d timeout'ed. Started: %s Finished: %s""" %( Settings.interpreter_timeout, totals_processed, total_pass, total_passn, total_fail, total_gout, total_time, time_started.strftime("%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p"), time_finished.strftime("%A, %d. %B %Y %I:%M%p") ) class Command(object): def __init__(self, cmd): self.cmd = cmd self.process = None self.finished_within_timeout = False self.exit_code = None self.stdout = None self.stderr = None def run(self, timeout): def target(): my_env = os.environ.copy() my_env['IN_TEST_HARNESS'] = '1' self.process = subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn=self.__set_limits, env=my_env) (self.stdout, self.stderr) = self.process.communicate() thread = threading.Thread(target=target) thread.start() thread.join(timeout) if thread.is_alive(): self.process.terminate() thread.join() else: self.finished_within_timeout = True self.exit_code = self.process.returncode def __set_limits(self): if platform.system() in ('Linux', 'Darwin'): one_gigabyte = 1024*1024*1024 resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, (one_gigabyte, one_gigabyte)) resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE, (0, 0)) class InterpreterRunnerInfo: def __init__(self, info): self.info = info class InterpreterResult: def __init__(self, file_path, finished_within_timeout, code, output_stdout, output_stderr): self.file_path = file_path self.finished_within_timeout = finished_within_timeout self.code = code self.output_stdout= output_stdout self.output_stderr = output_stderr class InterpreterRunner: def __init__(self, input_files, label, extra_args, printers): self.input_files = input_files self.label = label self.extra_args = extra_args self.printers = printers self.runner_info = InterpreterRunnerInfo(Settings.interpreter + ' ' + " ".join(self.extra_args)) def __printers_begin(self): for printer in self.printers: printer.reset() printer.set_output_file("testresults_%s.%s" %(os.path.basename(Settings.interpreter), self.label)) printer.set_runner_info(self.runner_info) printer.print_header(datetime.datetime.now()) def __printers_end(self): for printer in self.printers: printer.print_footer(datetime.datetime.now()) def __printers_do(self, result): for printer in self.printers: printer.print_print(result) def run(self): sys.stdout.write("Running interpreter '%s %s' for each test file.\n" %(Settings.interpreter, " ".join(self.extra_args))) self.__printers_begin() for input_file in self.input_files: if not os.path.exists(input_file): sys.stderr.write("Warning: File '%s' does not exist anymore for interpreter '%s'.\n" %(input_file, self.runner_info.info)) break if Settings.verbose: sys.stdout.write(" %s\n" %(input_file)) command = ['./' + Settings.interpreter] + self.extra_args + [input_file] process = Command(command) process.run(timeout=Settings.interpreter_timeout) if not process.finished_within_timeout: sys.stderr.write("Warning: Interpreter '%s' did not finish within %d seconds processing file '%s'.\n" %(self.runner_info.info, Settings.interpreter_timeout, input_file)) result = InterpreterResult( input_file, process.finished_within_timeout, process.exit_code, process.stdout, process.stderr ) self.__printers_do(result) self.__printers_end() ### Printers ################################################################## class AbstractInterpreterPrinter: def __init__(self, file_suffix): self.file_suffix = file_suffix self.reset() def reset(self): self.count_pass = 0 self.count_passn = 0 self.count_fail = 0 self.count_gout = 0 self.count_time = 0 def set_output_file(self, file_path): self.output_file = open(file_path + self.file_suffix, 'w') def set_runner_info(self, runner_info): self.runner_info = runner_info def print_header(self, time_started): """Must be called by derived method to ensure correct totals.""" self.reset() self.time_started = time_started def print_print(self, result): """ Returns result marker and update totals. Must be called by derived method to ensure correct totals. """ if result.finished_within_timeout: if result.code != 0: if '@negative' in open(result.file_path, 'r').read(1024): result_marker = "PASSN" self.count_passn = self.count_passn + 1 else: result_marker = "FAIL" self.count_fail = self.count_fail + 1 else: if result.output_stdout or result.output_stderr: result_marker = "GOUT" self.count_gout = self.count_gout + 1 else: result_marker = "PASS" self.count_pass = self.count_pass + 1 else: result_marker = "TIME" self.count_time = self.count_time + 1 return result_marker def print_footer(self, time_finished): raise NotImplementedError, "Implement me" def generic_footer(self): return generic_footer(self.time_started, self.time_finished, self.count_pass, self.count_passn, self.count_fail, self.count_gout, self.count_time) class InterpreterTextPrinter(AbstractInterpreterPrinter): def __init__(self): AbstractInterpreterPrinter.__init__(self, '.txt') def print_header(self, time_started): AbstractInterpreterPrinter.print_header(self, time_started) self.output_file.write("********* Start testing of '%s' *********\n" %(Settings.interpreter)) self.output_file.write("Config: %s\n" %(self.runner_info.info)) self.output_file.flush() def print_print(self, result): result_marker = AbstractInterpreterPrinter.print_print(self, result) self.output_file.write("%-5s %-26s %s\n" %(result_marker, os.path.basename(result.file_path), result.file_path)) self.output_file.flush() def print_footer(self, time_finished): self.time_finished = time_finished self.output_file.write("********* Finished testing of '%s' *********\n" %(Settings.interpreter)) self.output_file.write(AbstractInterpreterPrinter.generic_footer(self)) self.output_file.flush() sys.stdout.write("Generated '%s'.\n" %(self.output_file.name)) class InterpreterHtmlPrinter(AbstractInterpreterPrinter): def __init__(self): AbstractInterpreterPrinter.__init__(self, '.html') def print_header(self, time_started): AbstractInterpreterPrinter.print_header(self, time_started) preamble = ("""\ Test results for '%s'

Test results for '%s'

""" %( self.runner_info.info, self.runner_info.info )) self.output_file.write(preamble) self.output_file.flush() def print_print(self, result): result_marker = AbstractInterpreterPrinter.print_print(self, result) has_output = result.output_stdout or result.output_stderr output = result.output_stdout + " " + result.output_stderr + "" if not has_output: output = "" row = ("""\ """ %( result_marker.lower(), result_marker, os.path.basename(result.file_path), output, result.file_path )) self.output_file.write(row) self.output_file.flush() def print_footer(self, time_finished): self.time_finished = time_finished footer = ("""\
Result Test File Interpreter Output (stdout stderr) Full Test File Path
%s %s %s %s
""" % (AbstractInterpreterPrinter.generic_footer(self))) self.output_file.write(footer) sys.stdout.write("Generated '%s'.\n" %(self.output_file.name)) ### Main ###################################################################### def main(): # Handle command line options cmdline_processor = CommandLineProcessor(sys.argv[1:]) cmdline_processor.run() # Sanity checks if not os.path.exists(Settings.interpreter): sys.stderr.write("Error: Interpreter '%s' not found.\n" %(Settings.interpreter)) sys.exit(3) if not os.path.exists(Settings.input_dir): sys.stderr.write("Error: Directory with test data '%s' not found.\n" %(Settings.input_dir)) sys.exit(3) # Collect files candidates = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(Settings.input_dir): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.js'): candidates.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) candidates.sort() input_files = check_candidates(candidates) if not input_files: sys.stderr.write("Error: No relevant test files found in '%s'.\n" %(Settings.input_dir)) sys.exit(3) if Settings.verbose: sys.stdout.write("Will process %s files for each interpreter mode.\n" %(len(input_files))) # Run interpreter printers = [] for printer in Settings.printers: if printer == "txt": printers.append( InterpreterTextPrinter() ) elif printer == "html": printers.append( InterpreterHtmlPrinter() ) for mode in Settings.modes: runner = InterpreterRunner(input_files, mode, ["--" + mode], printers) runner.run() if __name__ == "__main__": main()