import Qt.test 1.0 import QtQuick 2.0 QtObject { id: root property int count: 0 signal testSignal onTestSignal: count++ property int funcCount: 0 function testFunction() { funcCount++; } //should increment count function testSignalCall() { testSignal() } //should NOT increment count, and should throw an exception property string errorString function testSignalHandlerCall() { try { onTestSignal() } catch (error) { errorString = error.toString(); } } //should increment funcCount once function testSignalConnection() { testSignal.connect(testFunction) testSignal(); testSignal.disconnect(testFunction) testSignal(); } //should increment funcCount once function testSignalHandlerConnection() { onTestSignal.connect(testFunction) testSignal(); onTestSignal.disconnect(testFunction) testSignal(); } //should be defined property bool definedResult: false function testSignalDefined() { if (testSignal !== undefined) definedResult = true; } //should be defined property bool definedHandlerResult: false function testSignalHandlerDefined() { if (onTestSignal !== undefined) definedHandlerResult = true; } }