import QtQuick 1.0 /* This test starts with a red rectangle at 0,0. It should animate moving 50 pixels right, then immediately change blue, and then animate moving 50 pixels down. */ Rectangle { width: 100; height: 100 Rectangle { id: myRect width: 50; height: 50 color: "red" } MouseArea { id: clickable anchors.fill: parent } states: State { name: "state1" when: clickable.pressed PropertyChanges { target: myRect x: 50; y: 50 } StateChangeScript { name: "setColor" script: myRect.color = "blue" } } transitions: Transition { SequentialAnimation { NumberAnimation { properties: "x"; easing.type: "InOutQuad" } ScriptAction { scriptName: "setColor" } NumberAnimation { properties: "y"; easing.type: "InOutQuad" } } } }