/* This file is licensed under the not a license license 1. You may not comply 2. Goodbye */ // Importing this is very important import QtQuick 5.15 // Muddling the waters! import QtQuick.Models 3.14 as muddle // Importing that is important too import Z import That import This // THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! import Y import X.Z import X.Y import A.LLOHA import A.B.B.A // This comment is related to Item Item { // This to id // Also id. (line 2) // This is the third id // fourth id comment id: foo x: 3 // Very cool // This to enum enum Foo { A = 3, // This is A B, // This is B C = 4, // This is C D // This is D } // This one to aFunc() function aFunc() { var x = 3; return x; } property bool some_bool: false // This comment is related to the property animation PropertyAnimation on x { id: foo2 x: 3 y: x + 3 } // Orphan comment // Another orphan // More orphans property variant some_array_literal: [30, 20, Math["PI"], [4, 3, 2], "foo", 0.3] property bool something_computed: function (x) { const PI = 3, DAYS_PER_YEAR = 365.25; var x = 3 + 2; x["bla"] = 50; // This is an orphan inside something_computed // Are these getting duplicated? // This one to var few! var few = new WhatEver(); x += Math.sin(3); x--; --x; x++; ++x; for (var x = 0; x < 100; x++) { x++; console.log("Foo"); } for (var x in [3, 2, 1]) { y++; console.log("Bar"); } while (true) { console.log("Wee"); } with (foo) { bar; x += 5; } // This is related to with! x3: do { console.log("Hello"); } while (3 == 0) try { dangerous(); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } finally { console.log("What else?"); } switch (x) { case 0: x = 1; break; case 1: x = 5; break; case 4: x = 100; break; } if (x == 50) { console.log("true"); } else if (x == 50) { console.log("other thing"); } else { console.log("false"); } if (x == 50) { console.log("true"); } else if (x == 50) { console.log("other thing"); x--; } else { console.log("false"); } // Another orphan inside something_computed return "foobar"; }() default property bool some_default_bool: 500 % 5 !== 0 // some_default_bool myFavouriteThings: [ // This is an orphan // This is a cool text Text { }, // This is a cool rectangle Rectangle { } ] // some_read_only_bool readonly property bool some_read_only_bool: Math.sin(3) && (aFunc()[30] + 5) | 2 != 0 signal say(string name, bool caps) Text { text: "Bla" signal boo(int count, int times, real duration) required property string batman } Component.onCompleted: console.log("Foo!") }