import QtQuick 2.0 import Qt.test.qobjectApi 1.0 as QObjectApi Item { property bool success: true property variant testProp: null // first we create an object and reference it via a dynamic variant property function createReference() { var c = Qt.createComponent("HRMDPComponent.qml"); testProp = c.createObject(null); // QML ownership. } // after a gc, it should not have been collected. function ensureReference() { if (testProp == null) success = false; // should not have triggered delete notify / zeroed testProp value if (testProp.variantCanary != 5) success = false; // should not have deleted vmemo of object referenced by testProp if (testProp.varCanary != 12) success = false; // should not have collected vmemo vmeProperties if (QObjectApi.QObject.qobjectTestWritableProperty != 42) success = false; // should not have been set to 43. } // then we remove the reference. function removeReference() { testProp = null; // allow original object to be released. } // after a gc (and deferred deletion process) the object should be gone function ensureDeletion() { if (QObjectApi.QObject.qobjectTestWritableProperty != 43) success = false; // should have been set to 43. } }