import QtQuick 2.0 import Qt.test 1.0 Item { id: root objectName: "root" MySequenceConversionObject { id: msco objectName: "msco" } property bool success: true property variant intList property variant qrealList property variant boolList property variant stringList property variant urlList property variant qstringList // this test ensures that the "copy resource" codepaths work function testCopySequences() { success = true; // create "copy resource" sequences var jsIntList = msco.generateIntSequence(); var jsQrealList = msco.generateQrealSequence(); var jsBoolList = msco.generateBoolSequence(); var jsStringList = msco.generateStringSequence(); var jsUrlList = msco.generateUrlSequence(); var jsQStringList = msco.generateQStringSequence(); if (jsIntList.toString() != [1, 2, 3].toString()) success = false; if (jsQrealList.toString() != [1.1, 2.2, 3.3].toString()) success = false; if (jsBoolList.toString() != [true, false, true].toString()) success = false; if (jsStringList.toString() != ["one", "two", "three"].toString()) success = false; if (jsUrlList.toString() != ["", "", ""].toString()) success = false; if (jsQStringList.toString() != ["one", "two", "three"].toString()) success = false; // copy the sequence; should result in a new copy intList = jsIntList; qrealList = jsQrealList; boolList = jsBoolList; stringList = jsStringList; urlList = jsUrlList; qstringList = jsQStringList; // these operations shouldn't modify either variables - because // we don't handle writing to the intermediate variant at list[index] // for variant properties. intList[1] = 8; qrealList[1] = 8.8; boolList[1] = true; stringList[1] = "eight"; urlList[1] = ""; qstringList[1] = "eight"; if (jsIntList[1] == 8) success = false; if (jsQrealList[1] == 8.8) success = false; if (jsBoolList[1] == true) success = false; if (jsStringList[1] == "eight") success = false; if (jsUrlList[1] == "") success = false; if (jsQStringList[1] == "eight") success = false; // assign a "copy resource" sequence to a QObject Q_PROPERTY msco.intListProperty = intList; msco.qrealListProperty = qrealList; msco.boolListProperty = boolList; msco.stringListProperty = stringList; msco.urlListProperty = urlList; msco.qstringListProperty = qstringList; if (msco.intListProperty.toString() != [1, 2, 3].toString()) success = false; if (msco.qrealListProperty.toString() != [1.1, 2.2, 3.3].toString()) success = false; if (msco.boolListProperty.toString() != [true, false, true].toString()) success = false; if (msco.stringListProperty.toString() != ["one", "two", "three"].toString()) success = false; if (msco.urlListProperty.toString() != ["", "", ""].toString()) success = false; if (msco.qstringListProperty.toString() != ["one", "two", "three"].toString()) success = false; // now modify the QObject Q_PROPERTY (reference resource) sequences - shouldn't modify the copy resource sequences. msco.intListProperty[2] = 9; msco.qrealListProperty[2] = 9.9; msco.boolListProperty[2] = false; msco.stringListProperty[2] = "nine"; msco.urlListProperty[2] = ""; msco.qstringListProperty[2] = "nine"; if (intList[2] == 9) success = false; if (qrealList[2] == 9.9) success = false; if (boolList[2] == false) success = false; if (stringList[2] == "nine") success = false; if (urlList[2] == "") success = false; if (qstringList[2] == "nine") success = false; } property int intVal property real qrealVal property bool boolVal property string stringVal // this test ensures that indexed access works for copy resource sequences. function readSequenceCopyElements() { success = true; var jsIntList = msco.generateIntSequence(); var jsQrealList = msco.generateQrealSequence(); var jsBoolList = msco.generateBoolSequence(); var jsStringList = msco.generateStringSequence(); intVal = jsIntList[1]; qrealVal = jsQrealList[1]; boolVal = jsBoolList[1]; stringVal = jsStringList[1]; if (intVal != 2) success = false; if (qrealVal != 2.2) success = false; if (boolVal != false) success = false; if (stringVal != "two") success = false; } // this test ensures that equality works for copy resource sequences. function testEqualitySemantics() { success = true; var jsIntList = msco.generateIntSequence(); var jsIntList2 = msco.generateIntSequence(); if (jsIntList == jsIntList2) success = false; if (jsIntList != jsIntList) success = false; } // this test ensures that copy resource sequences can be passed as parameters function testCopyParameters() { success = false; var jsIntList = msco.generateIntSequence(); success = msco.parameterEqualsGeneratedIntSequence(jsIntList); if (success == false) return; // here we construct something which should be converted to a copy sequence automatically. success = msco.parameterEqualsGeneratedIntSequence([1,2,3]); } // this test ensures that reference resource sequences are converted // to copy resource sequences when passed as parameters. function testReferenceParameters() { success = false; msco.intListProperty = msco.generateIntSequence(); var jsIntList = msco.intListProperty success = msco.parameterEqualsGeneratedIntSequence(jsIntList); if (success == false) return; } }