import QtQuick // this file performs two tests: first, using a signal with a inline component from another file // and second, calling the signal from another file using an inline component from another file Item { signal canYouFeelIt(arg1:SignalInlineComponentArg.Abc) property SignalInlineComponentArg.Abc someAbc: SignalInlineComponentArg.Abc { success: "Own signal was called with component from another file" } property SignalInlineComponentArg fromAnotherFile: SignalInlineComponentArg {} // success of own signal call with parameter from another file property string successFromOwnSignal: "Signal not called yet" // makes it easier to test property string successFromSignalFromFile: fromAnotherFile.success Component.onCompleted: { canYouFeelIt(someAbc); fromAnotherFile.someAbc.success = "Signal was called from another file" fromAnotherFile.canYouFeelIt(fromAnotherFile.someAbc) } onCanYouFeelIt: (arg) => { successFromOwnSignal = arg.success } }