import Test 1.0 MyTypeObject { property real s_width: sizef.width property real s_height: sizef.height property variant copy: sizef property string tostring: sizef.toString() // compare to string property bool equalsString: (sizef == tostring) // compare sizefs to various value types property bool equalsColor: (sizef == Qt.rgba(0.2, 0.88, 0.6, 0.34)) // false property bool equalsVector3d: (sizef == Qt.vector3d(1, 2, 3)) // false property bool equalsSize: (sizef == Qt.size(0.1, 100923.2)) // true property bool equalsPoint: (sizef == Qt.point(10, 4)) // false property bool equalsRect: (sizef == Qt.rect(2, 3, 109, 102)) // false property bool equalsSelf: (sizef == sizef) // true property bool equalsOther: (size == Qt.size(3.1, 923.2)) // false property bool sizefEqualsSize: (sizefsize == size) // true }