/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:BSD$ ** You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: ** ** "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ** met: ** * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ** the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ** distribution. ** * Neither the name of The Qt Company Ltd nor the names of its ** contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived ** from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ** "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ** A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ** OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ** SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT ** LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE ** OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE." ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ import QtQuick 2.1 import QtTest 1.1 Item { id: top ListView { id: emptylist height: 20 width: 50 } ListView { id: singleElementList height: 20 width: 50 model: 1 property real heightForDelegate: 100 property real contentHeightOnDelegateResize delegate: Rectangle { height: singleElementList.heightForDelegate onHeightChanged: { singleElementList.forceLayout(); singleElementList.contentHeightOnDelegateResize = singleElementList.contentHeight; } } } ListView { id: viewmanyitems model: manyitems delegate: Text { text: model.name } } ListView { id: modelchange model: firstmodel delegate: Text { text: model.name } } ListView { id: modelalter model: altermodel delegate: Text { text: model.name } } ListView { id: asyncLoaderCurrentIndexListView width: 360 height: 360 model: asyncLoaderCurrentIndexListModel currentIndex: 0 delegate: Loader { width: asyncLoaderCurrentIndexListView.width height: asyncLoaderCurrentIndexListView.height source: component asynchronous: true } } ListView { id: asyncListViewLoaderView width: 360 height: 360 model: asyncListViewLoaderModel currentIndex: 0 delegate: Loader { width: asyncListViewLoaderView.width height: asyncListViewLoaderView.height source: component asynchronous: true } } ListView { id: listViewDelegateModelAfterCreate anchors.fill: parent property int createdDelegates: 0 } ListView { id: listInteractiveCurrentIndexEnforce width: 600 height: 600 snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem orientation: ListView.Horizontal interactive: !currentItem.moving highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange model: 4 focus: true Keys.onPressed: if (event.key == Qt.Key_K) currentIndex = currentIndex + 1; delegate: Flickable { width: 600 height: 600 contentWidth: 600 contentHeight: 1200 MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent } Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent; color: index == 0 ? "red" : index == 1 ? "green" : index == 2 ? "blue" : "white" } } } Component { id: delegateModelAfterCreateComponent Rectangle { width: 140 height: 140 border.color: "black" color: "red" Component.onCompleted: listViewDelegateModelAfterCreate.createdDelegates++; } } ListModel { id: emptymodel } ListModel { id: manyitems } ListModel { id: firstmodel; ListElement { name: "FirstModelElement0" } } ListModel { id: secondmodel; ListElement { name: "SecondModelElement0" } ListElement { name: "SecondModelElement1" } } ListModel { id: altermodel; ListElement { name: "AlterModelElement0" } ListElement { name: "AlterModelElement1" } } ListModel { id: asyncLoaderCurrentIndexListModel ListElement { component: "data/asyncloadercurrentindex.qml" } ListElement { component: "data/asyncloadercurrentindex.qml" } ListElement { component: "data/asyncloadercurrentindex.qml" } ListElement { component: "data/asyncloadercurrentindex.qml" } ListElement { component: "data/asyncloadercurrentindex.qml" } ListElement { component: "data/asyncloadercurrentindex.qml" } } ListModel { id: asyncListViewLoaderModel ListElement { component: "data/asynclistviewloader.qml" } ListElement { component: "data/asynclistviewloader.qml" } ListElement { component: "data/asynclistviewloader.qml" } ListElement { component: "data/asynclistviewloader.qml" } ListElement { component: "data/asynclistviewloader.qml" } } TestCase { name: "ListView" when: windowShown function test_empty() { compare(emptylist.count, 0) emptylist.model = emptymodel; compare(emptylist.count, 0) } function test_multipleitems_data() { return [ { tag: "10items", numitems: 10 }, { tag: "100items", numitems: 100 }, { tag: "10000items", numitems: 10000 } ] } function test_multipleitems(row) { var i; manyitems.clear(); compare(manyitems.count, 0) for (i = 0; i < row.numitems; ++i) { manyitems.append({"name":"Item"+i}) } compare(manyitems.count, row.numitems) tryCompare(viewmanyitems, 'count', row.numitems) } function test_modelchange() { tryCompare(modelchange, 'count', 1) modelchange.currentIndex = 0; compare(modelchange.currentItem.text, "FirstModelElement0") modelchange.model = secondmodel; tryCompare(modelchange, 'count', 2) modelchange.currentIndex = 0; compare(modelchange.currentItem.text, "SecondModelElement0") modelchange.currentIndex = 1; compare(modelchange.currentItem.text, "SecondModelElement1") } function test_modelaltered() { tryCompare(modelalter, 'count', 2) modelalter.currentIndex = 0; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement0") modelalter.currentIndex = 1; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement1") altermodel.append({"name":"AlterModelElement2"}) tryCompare(modelalter, 'count', 3) modelalter.currentIndex = 0; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement0") modelalter.currentIndex = 1; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement1") modelalter.currentIndex = 2; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement2") altermodel.insert(2,{"name":"AlterModelElement1.5"}) tryCompare(modelalter, 'count', 4) modelalter.currentIndex = 0; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement0") modelalter.currentIndex = 1; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement1") modelalter.currentIndex = 2; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement1.5") modelalter.currentIndex = 3; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement2") altermodel.move(2,1,1); tryCompare(modelalter, 'count', 4) modelalter.currentIndex = 0; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement0") modelalter.currentIndex = 1; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement1.5") modelalter.currentIndex = 2; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement1") modelalter.currentIndex = 3; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement2") altermodel.remove(1,2) tryCompare(modelalter, 'count', 2) modelalter.currentIndex = 0; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement0") modelalter.currentIndex = 1; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement2") altermodel.set(1,{"name":"AlterModelElement1"}) modelalter.currentIndex = 0; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement0") modelalter.currentIndex = 1; compare(modelalter.currentItem.text, "AlterModelElement1") altermodel.clear() modelalter.forceLayout() tryCompare(modelalter, 'count', 0) compare(modelalter.currentItem, null) } function test_asyncLoaderCurrentIndexChange() { skip("more details in QTBUG-53780") for (var i = 0; i < 500; i++) { asyncLoaderCurrentIndexListView.currentIndex = 0; asyncLoaderCurrentIndexListView.currentIndex = 1; asyncLoaderCurrentIndexListView.currentIndex = 2; asyncLoaderCurrentIndexListView.currentIndex = 3; asyncLoaderCurrentIndexListView.currentIndex = 4; asyncLoaderCurrentIndexListView.currentIndex = 5; } wait(1000) } function test_asyncListViewLoader() { skip("more details in QTBUG-53780") for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) { wait(10); asyncListViewLoaderView.currentIndex = 0; asyncListViewLoaderView.currentIndex = 1; asyncListViewLoaderView.currentIndex = 2; asyncListViewLoaderView.currentIndex = 3; asyncListViewLoaderView.currentIndex = 4; } } function test_set_delegate_model_after_list_creation() { listViewDelegateModelAfterCreate.delegate = delegateModelAfterCreateComponent; listViewDelegateModelAfterCreate.model = 40; verify(listViewDelegateModelAfterCreate.createdDelegates > 0); } function test_listInteractiveCurrentIndexEnforce() { mousePress(listInteractiveCurrentIndexEnforce, 10, 50); wait(1); // because Flickable pays attention to velocity, we need some time between movements mouseMove(listInteractiveCurrentIndexEnforce, 10, 40); wait(1); mouseMove(listInteractiveCurrentIndexEnforce, 10, 30); wait(1); mouseMove(listInteractiveCurrentIndexEnforce, 10, 20); wait(1); mouseMove(listInteractiveCurrentIndexEnforce, 10, 10); compare(listInteractiveCurrentIndexEnforce.interactive, false); mouseRelease(listInteractiveCurrentIndexEnforce, 10, 10); tryCompare(listInteractiveCurrentIndexEnforce, "interactive", true); keyClick("k"); compare(listInteractiveCurrentIndexEnforce.currentIndex, 1); tryCompare(listInteractiveCurrentIndexEnforce, "contentX", listInteractiveCurrentIndexEnforce.width); } function test_forceLayoutForContentHeight() { singleElementList.heightForDelegate = 200; compare(singleElementList.contentHeightOnDelegateResize, 200); } } }